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Maya Hotkeys 2

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Useful HotKeys for Maya:

('w', 'e', 'r') keys select the manipulator tools (Translate, Rotate, Scale)
+ and - resize your manipulators for translate,rotate,etc.
Hold any of these keys while clicking and holding RMB for tool options:
ex: hold 'w' + left-click to change between local and world translate

ctrl+space to show/hide all gui elements (Expert Mode)

alt-b toggles your background thru gray, dark gray, black
handy for previewing particles with color accumulation
Animation Helpers:
Hold 'k' left-click drag to scrub anim
Hold 'k' middle-click drag moves frame counter w/o updating the
position of objects
shift-w sets key translate only
shift-e sets key rotate only, etc.
alt-v playback on/off
comma and period prev/next key (I like to think of this as < and > keys)
alt-comma, and alt-period forward/back 1 frame
'[' and ']' prev/next view for selected camera

Non uniform Scale:

ctrl-click on axis to scale in the other 2
ctrl-click on translate axis to only translate in the other 2 axes
notice how the yellow box in the center of translate manip changes shape
ctrl-click center to go back to translate along view plane

ctrl-rightclick for extra marking menu with fancy selection options

Split Polygon Tool:

When using cut polygon tool, right-click (RMB) (right mouse button) to
finish and start another cut (rather than return, then 'g')

Hold 'j' for rotate snapping in 15deg increments (also works for translate
and scale)
hold shift-J for relative snapping - 15deg more than current rotations

Virtual sliders:
Highlight a channel name, and middle-click drag in your main window
for a 'virtual slider'
hold ctrl for slower, shift for faster

Highlight multiple channel values and type into all at once

ex: scale in all axis to exactly 4.5
Type '*=4' into channel box to multiply the current value (handy math)
ex: your object.scaleX is 21.37, type /=2 into the channelbox to get

Virtual sliders in attribute editor:

Select a numeric value in the attribute editor,
ctrl+left-click drag on the field to change (virtual slider)
ctrl+left-click drag = slow, ctrl+middle-click drag = med, ctrl+rightclick drag = fast

Tear off menus:

ctrl-shift while picking a menu to add to the shelf
middle-drag any mel commands to shelf to make a button
middle-drag a button to the script editor to see the commands
in script editor: highlight cmds before running so they don't go away.

Snapping Basics:
With translate tool hold 'x' and middle-click drag on a grid point to snap
to it
Use 'c' to snap to curve/edge, 'v' to snap to vert
Snap in one axis: select a translate axis (such as Y), then snap like
This is great to align verts, move a pivot to the exact bottom of an
object, etc.
When aligning verts, you want 'retain component spacing' off in the
translate options
A good use is: When you are working far from the origin and create a
new primitive,
use curve/vert snap to move the new object in to your view. Don't go get

Artisan and Paint Tools:

Hold 'b' and left-click drag to change brush radius
Hold shift-b left-click drag to change lower radius (not as useful)
Hold '/' left-click for eyedropper to grab color/value
Hold m left-click drag to change max displacement
alt-f to flood

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