Optmizing The Nickel-Zinc Process For Hot Dip Galvanizing
Optmizing The Nickel-Zinc Process For Hot Dip Galvanizing
Optmizing The Nickel-Zinc Process For Hot Dip Galvanizing
Cominco Ltd.
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Ni levels ranging from 0.05 to 0.14% have been used, but the tendency in recent years
has been towards the lower end of the range. [6] High nickel levels have been found to
have a number of disadvantages, particularly high dross losses, rough surfaces and
problems with inadequate coating thicknesses on low silicon steels.
Recent research has increased the available knowledge of the Fe-Ni-Zn system and
helped clarify the factors influencing the NiZn galvanizing process. There have also been
new developments in techniques for alloying and controlling the NiZn bath. This new
information, together with data and experience previously reported, provides a basis for
optimizing the NiZn process in hot dip galvanizing plants.
3.0 Factors Affecting Efficiency and Cost
3.1 Bath Ni Content vs Control of Coating Thickness
In the interest of process efficiency and economics, it is desirable to determine the
optimal nickel level needed to ensure the desired reactivity control. It is of interest,
therefore, to examine available information on the effectiveness of lower Ni levels in
controlling the coating thickness.
Notowidjojo et al. [4] found that as little as 0.02 % Ni in the bath can partially suppress
the reactive coating tendency in steels with Si levels below 0.2%, while 0.1 % Ni can
completely suppress it (see Figure 1). Stroud [1] reported that while bath Ni contents in
the range 0.07 to 0.12% have been commonly used by galvanizers, a level of 0.05 % are
now being used in Australia. In these latter instances, however, a major aim has
apparently been just the improvement in surface finish.
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Earlier Cominco work showed that most of the reactivity suppression effect can actually
be obtained with a Ni level as low as 0.06%, as shown in Figure 2. [5, 6] For example,
the results with a reactive steel containing 0.17% Si indicated that a 0.064% Ni bath
effected more than 80% of the coating weight reduction achieved by 0.095 and 0.13% Ni
baths. Thus, in this case, a doubling of the Ni level in the bath resulted in less than 20%
further reduction in the coating thickness. As shown later, this increase in bath nickel
level results in significantly increased dross losses and reduced Ni efficiency.
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From the phase diagrams developed, and confirmed by observation, it has been
established that when the Ni content of the bath is below 0.06 % (at 450C), the zeta
phase is the intermetallic phase formed. When the Ni content exceeds 0.06% a ternary
Zn-Ni-Fe phase, gamma 2, is formed. The zeta phase contains less than 1% Ni, while
the gamma 2 phase contains Ni in the range 2 to 3% depending on the bath nickel level.
Thus, the improved understanding of the phase diagram indicates factors important in
affecting the Ni use efficiency. The gamma 2 phase intermetallic, which forms when the
Ni is >0.06%, contains a higher level of nickel and adds to the loss of nickel in the
bottom dross. Furthermore, if the Ni level is much above 0.06%, the higher level of
gamma 2 phase formed can result in intermetallic particles being trapped in the coating,
resulting in the surface roughness and excessive coating thickness sometimes
3.3 Nickel Deportment in the Bath
Plants using the NiZn process have reported typically that about half (40 - 60%) of the
nickel added reports to the bottom dross. [1] A small proportion goes to the ash, while
the remainder reports to the coating.
The effect of bath Ni level on the loss of Ni from the bath is illustrated in Figure 4. [10]
This figure shows a plot of Ni content of two different operating galvanizing baths as a
function of time. For Bath No.1, the nickel consumption was 45 ppm per day for a bath
Ni above 0.06%, and 11 ppm per day for bath Ni below 0.06%. For Bath No.2, the nickel
consumption was 48 ppm per day for bath Ni contents above 0.05 % and 12 ppm per
day for bath Ni contents below 0.05%. The reduced rate of Ni loss when the Ni content
dropped below about 0.06% is believed to be due to the change in the intermetallic
dross particles forming in the bath and the degree of Ni enrichment in the coating. As
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noted above, below the 0.06% level the only intermetallic formed would be zeta phase,
which has significantly lower Ni content than the ternary gamma 2 phase.
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Allen, C.J. and Kolisnyk, P.S.: "Nickel Zinc Direct Alloying Technology",
Proceedings 2nd Asian-Pacific General Galvanizing Conference, Kobe, Japan,
October 18-12, 1994, Japan Galvanizers Association, 1994, pp.269-175.
Chen, Z.W., Kennon, N.F., See, J.B. and Barter, M.A.: "Technigalva and Other
Developments in Batch Hot-Dip Galvanizing", JOM, Vol.44, No.1, 1992, pp.22-16.
Notowidjojo, B.D., Wingrove, A.L. and Kennon, N.F.: "Possible Source of Dross
Formation in Zinc-0.1% Nickel Galvanizing Process", Materials Forum, Vol.13,
1989, pp.73-75.
Battiston, L. and Adams, G.R.: "New NiZn Galvanizing Alloy for Plant Trial", Project
No.84-5-4110, Report No.1, Cominco Product Technology Centre, Mississauga,
ON, October 18, 1985.
Allen, C.J., Battiston, L. and Mills, R.J.: "Galvanizing Plant Trial Using the NickelZinc Process", CIM Bulletin, Vol.80, No.902, 1987, pp.109-114.
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Chen, Z.W. and See, J.B.: "Dross Phases Formed in Galvanizing Baths Containing
(0-0.1)wt% Nickel at 450C", ISIJ International, Vol.33, No.2, 1993, pp.307-312.
10. Qiang, N., Tang, N.Y. and Adams, G.R.: "A Study of the Zn Corner of the Fe-Ni-Zn
System", Project No.641-027, Report No.2, Cominco Product Technology Centre,
Mississauga, ON, July 21, 1995.
11. Skenazi, A.F. and Rollez, D.: "Hot Dip Galvanizing of Semi-Killed Steels with the
Zinc-Nickel Bath", Proceedings 15th International Galvanizing Conference, Rome,
Italy, June 5-10, 1988, Zinc Development Association, London, 1988, pp.GE2/1GE2/5.
12. Krepski, R.P.: "The Influence of Lead in After-Fabrication Hot Dip Galvanizing",
Proceedings 14th International Galvanizing Conference, Munich, Germany, June 914, 1985, Zinc Development Association, London, 1986, pp.6/6-6/12.
13. Allen, C.J. and Anderson, G.N.: "Where's Your Zinc Go?", Tech Forum'95,
Sacramento, CA, October 11-14, 1995, American Galvanizers Association, Aurora,
CO, 1995.
14. Hansel, G.: "Effect of Bath Composition on the Galvanizing of Silicon-Killed Steels",
Erzmetall, Vol.40, No.11, 1987, pp.587-593.
Authors Biography
G. (Gerry) P. Lewis is a Professional Engineer who provides consulting services to
Cominco. Gerry, a retired Cominco employee, was the Manager of Cominco's Product
Technology Centre for 12 years.
J. (Jim) Pedersen is the Manager of Technology Sales at Cominco's Product Technology
Cominco Ltd.
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