ENwsltr 83
ENwsltr 83
ENwsltr 83
Secretary / Editor
Membership Secretary
Summer Program Organizer
Director at Large
Director at Large
Director at Large
Summer Events
April 30, 2010, was Save-the-Frogs-Day and was
celebrated by a ribbon-cutting ceremony to unveil the
interpretive Frog Lane Sign, donated by the Sargeant Bay
Society in partnership with the HMB Citizens Association.
This original and successful project is located on a public
right-of-way and has the status of a Regional Park under the
jurisdiction of the SCRD
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On June 30 Penny Hall saw a Virginia Rail running on the
road to the beach: a totally unnatural habitat for this
secretive marsh bird. She jumped out of her car and was
quick enough on the draw to get this unusual photo.
Grey Whale
A Grey Whale visited Sargeant Bay on July 4, 5,7,8,10,11,
27 and August 6. By way of announcements in the local
newspapers we have invited the public to email us the date,
time and location of their observations, so we could keep
track of the whales movements.
By the end of September we had received 170 sightings; 11
were of 2 whales; five were of 2 whales seen together.
The whale was first sighted at Welcome Beach on April 27
and the latest sighting to-date was at Roberts Creek on
September 11.
We welcome your comments, suggestions and
questions. As you received this newsletter by email, it is easy for you to let us have your
comments: Just click the reply button, or
[email protected].
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