Mineral Processing A Das
Mineral Processing A Das
Mineral Processing A Das
Dr. A. DAS
The minerals and the metals are integrally associated with the
development of human culture and growth of the society. Minerals are
essential component of Nation's material and economic base. They contribute
to industrialization and form an important infrastructure for the development
of the country. However, conservation of these non-renewable assets is
absolutely essential in view of the rapid industrialization and consumption
of minerals. Attempts should be aimed to use the resources wisely and
efficiently for complete utilization of the components with no waste. Ignoring
the awareness in respect of mineral resources, environmental issues have
come into prominence and the aspect of conservation and safe guarding the
environment can be managed by making proper use of the mined materials,
wasting the least, reclamation, restoration, afforestation and creation of better
environment for better habitat.
Resource wise, India is well endowed with large variety of rich mineral
resources amounting 120 million tonnes in 2002. India produced as many as
64 minerals, constititing 4 fuel minerals, 10 metallic minerals and 50 nonmetallic (industrial minerals) in 2003-04. India's ranking in 2002-03 in world
production was 2nd in barytes, chromite and talc/steatite/pyrophyllite, 3rd
in coal & lignite, 4th in iron ore and kyanite/sillimanite/andalusite, 6th in
bauxite and 7th in manganese ore. However, with rapid expansion of mineral
based industries, high grade ores are preferentially being consumed resulting
with fast depletion of the same and the country is gradually leading to depend
upon low grade and complex ores.
Mineral beneficiation is a process to separate the economic minerals
from the waste rock gangue. The difference of properties between the value
minerals and the undesired minerals determine the method of separation.
This aspect of separation of minerals and upgrading the useful values suitable
for down stream processing, assume greater significance in the context of
low grade and complex ore deposits. Recovery of metal values from these
resources of low tenor is associated with generation of more and more
quantities of waste and greater load on efficient management of these wastes
and protection of environment. The mineral engineers are thus confronted
with the work of finding efficient, innovative and cost effective process and
equipment for solving these problems faced by mineral industries.
Ore minerals
Martite, Hematite Fe203,
magnetite Fe304
goethite Fe203.1-120
Gangue minerals
Quartz, jasper,
kaoline, gibbsite, shale
Gibbsite, diaspore,
Goethite, kaoline,
Ilmenite, zircon, anatase
(i) Sedimentary
(ii) Metamorphic
Psilomelane, pyrolusite,
cryptomelane, manganite,wad
Beach sand
and porphyry type
[chalcopyrite CuFeS2,
chalcocite Cu2S, covellite
Cu Bornite CusFeS4jOxides
[cuprite, Cu20jCarbonate
[malachite Cu2CO3(OH)2,
Azurite Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2)1
Trace: U, Mo, Au
Minerals in phyllite,
schist, quartz schist,
garnet-chlorite schist,
chlorite, biotite, dolomite,
shale, chert,
quartz, feldspar
Chromitite FeCr204,
Trace: Ni
cVirldataY1412CF1 Dale :7
White clay in
weathered fragment
Passing Size
8, , 60
2 so
Size (microns)
Where dp* and a are characteristic parameters of the size distribution.
The process of size reduction is known as comminution. In mineral
processing parlance, comminution in coarse range is known as crushing and
in fine range it is called grinding.
Generally, crushing is carried out in two stages, namely, primary and
secondary crushing. Jaw and Gyratory type crushers are used mostly for
primary crushing. They are characterized by wide input side (known as gape)
and narrow discharge. They can handle large tonnage of material. Jaw crushers
produce a reduction ratio of 4:1 to 9:1 while gyratory crushers produce a
somewhat larger range of 3:1 to 10:1. The reduction ratio is defined as the
representative feed size by representative product size.
Once the run-of-mine (ROM) ore is crushed to smaller pieces by the
primary crushing units, the secondary crushers are employed to achieve further
reduction in size. Examples of secondary crushers are cone crusher, impact
crusher and roll crusher. Cone crushers produce reduction ratios in the range
5:1 to 8:1. Very high reduction ratios, 20:1 to 40:1, can be achieved using
hammer type impact crushers. However, roll crushers do not offer high
reduction ratios. They can attain ratios only in the range 2:1 to 4:1. Roll
crushers also have the limitation on feed size. Very large size particles can
not be gripped by the rollers and the angle of nip is the key parameter in this
regard. Rotary breakers are also used for comminution in coarse size range
particularly in coal preparation.
Comminution is a very energy intensive operation. Generally speaking,
the more energy that is absorbed by the particle, the finer the average size of
the product population. If dp is a representative size of a distribution (usually
d80), the relationship between comminution energy absorbed per unit mass
and the representative size is defined by a differential equation:
dE/dd p
where, E is the energy absorbed and n is an exponent whose various
values have been suggested by different workers.
The above equation can be solved with the initial condition that E=0
when dp=dp, (product size = parent size) to get (for n # 1):
n 1 cl"'
1 ,
E= ,
d" 2
,r 1 ---j
E. icL
d p d p,
The later two equations are generally used to estimate the energy
consumption for comminution. The work index of a material is calculated
using Equation (5), that indicates the ease or difficulty of comminution in
terms of energy requirement.
Grinding machines in the mineral industry are of tumbling mill type.
These mills exist in a variety of kinds such as ball, rod, pebble, autogeneous,
semi-autogeneous, etc. Grinding action is induced by relative motion between
the particles of media - the rods, balls or pebbles and the particles themselves.
High compression roll mill and fluid energy mills are recent developments
in comminution technology.
There are two different types of motion of media particles in the mill,
namely, cascading and cataracting generating from the tumbling motion of
the mill. When the particles move along the inner surface of the mill shell,
lifted up, loses contact with the surface and travel downward in a trajectory
through the empty space inside the mill resulting in an impact on contact
with the inner surface again, the motion is called cataracting. This motion
produces less amount of fines.
When the media particles move up and then roll down along a parabolic
path while remaining within the bulk itself, the motion is called cascading.
This motion generates fines and to be minimised to the extent possible. Clearly,
at lower rpm of the mill cascading is predominant and higher speed is
necessary for cataracting motion. However, this is restricted by the critical
speed, a very crucial parameter, of the mill.
C = [D.
This is the critical speed of the mill beyond which the media particles
will remain centrifuged at the wall resulting in no impact or grinding action.
Thus, the mill must be operated below the critical speed.
In industrial practice, most comminution operations are closed circuit
except primary crushing. A comminution circuit is said to be closed when it
operates in series with a size classifier and the coarose fraction of the classifier
is re-circulated back into the comminution unit. A secondary crusher with a
vibrating screen and a ball mill/rod mill with a hydrocyclone are most common
closed circuit comminution operations in mineral processing plant practice.
Most industrial grinding circuits are operated under wet conditions.
This circuit ensures a steady output of desired sized particles with a suitable
distribution. The mass flow rate of the output of this circuit must remain
reasonably constant with a pre-set value of the representative size (d80).
Deviation from this target will result in under-utilization or choking of
downstream processing stages. There are several variables that can be
monitored and controlled to achieve this target. Mill charge, feed rate, pulp
density, classifier feed pressure, etc., can be measured and adjusted to the
required value to ensure smooth operation and obtain output of required
Classification is a method of separating of minerals into two or more
products on the basis of size. In coarse size range this may be achieved
under dry conditions. However, starting from grinding most operations are
generally performed under wet conditions in mineral processing. When a.
solid particle falls in fluid (water) medium there is resistance to this movement
and the value increases with velocity. When equilibrium is attained between
the gravitational and fluid resistances forces, the body reaches its terminal
velocity and thereafter falls at a uniform rate. This terminal velocity is function
of the particle size and density.
Classifiers consist essentially of sorting column in which a fluid is rising
at a uniform rate. Particles introduced into the sorting column either sink or
rise according to whether their terminal velocities are greater or less than the
upward velocity of the fluid. The sorting column therefore separates the feed
into two products - an overflow consisting of particles with terminal velocities
less than the velocity of the fluid and an underflow of particles with terminal
velocities greater than the rising velocity.
Classifiers are divided mainly into two broad classes depending on the
direction of flow of the carrying current. Horizontal current classifiers such
as mechanical classifiers, spiral classifiers, rake classifier are essentially of
the free settling type. Vertical current or hydraulic classifiers such as
elutriators, hydrocyclones, hydrosizers are usually of hindered settling types.
Sieve bends are also commonly used for classification.
Hydrocyclones (Figure 6) are continuously operating classifying devices
that utilise centrifugal forces to accelerate the settling rate of particles. It is
one of the most important devices used in the mineral industry. Hydrocyclones
operate under pressure. The feed, a mixture of water and solids, enters the
hydrocyclone tangentially through the inlet, which forces the mixture to spin
inside the cyclone. This spinning motion generates centrifugal forces, which
cause the air to disengage quickly and exit through the vortex fmder.
The liquid passes down into the conical section where the reduction in
diameter accelerates the fluid thus generating centrifugal forces strong enough
to cause the solids to separate from the liquid. The larger particles are forced
towards the wall because of greater mass and then travel down the length of
the conical section of the hydrocyclone in a spiral pattern towards the solids
outlet, termed the underflow. The liquids migrate towards the center of the
hydrocyclone where the flow reverses and moves upwards towards the
overflow through the vortex finder. The finer particles do not get centriguged
Vortex Finder
underflow 50
d so
Size ( p\m)
towards the peripheri due to their smaller mass and hence accompany the
liquid to the overflow. Thus a separation of larger size particles from smaller
size ones are achieved.
The commonest method of representing cyclone efficiency is by a
performance curve or partition curve as shown in the Figure 7. ThiS relates
the weight fraction or percentage of material in each size in the feed that
reports to the apex or underflow to the particle size. The cut point or separation
size of the cyclone is often defined as that point on the partition curve for
which 50% of particles in the feed of that size reports to the underflow.
Particles of this size have an equal chance of going either with the overflow
or underflow. This point is usually referred as the d50.. The sharpness of the
cut depends on the slope of the central section of the partition curve; the
closer to vertical is the slope, the higher is the efficiency. The slope of the
curve can be expressed by taking the points at which 75% and 25% of the
feed particles report to the underflow. These are the d75 and d25 sizes,
respectively. The efficiency of separation or the so called imperfection I, is
then given by
I = (d75 d25 ) / 2d50
Several factors affect the performance of a hydrocyclone. The effects
of changing operating and design parameters are given below in the Table 3.
Table 3 : Factors affecting hydrocyclone performance
Decrease Efficiency
Pressure Drop
Increase Efficiency
Apex diameter
Prevents Overload,
Causes flushing of
particles and fluid
And in the extreme
case decreases efficiency
Increase Efficiency
Increase G forces
Vortex Finder
Decrease Efficiency
Cyclone dia.
Decrease Efficiency
Decrease G forces
Cyclone Length
Increase Efficiency
Residence time
Particle size
Increase Efficiency
Vortex Finder
Flow.rate increases,
Increase in G forces
(du 4)
(dL dF )
value of the quotient the efficiency of the separation decreases and below
1.25 generally, gravity concentration is not feasible.
As mentioned above, besides the specific gravity, the motion of a particle
in fluid also depends on its size. The efficiency of gravity concentration
increases with an increase in particle size. The particle movement should be
governed by the Newton's Law, Eq. 12
[3gd(D, D
susceptibility .
(104 elkg)
-0.3 to -1.4 0
-0.5 to -D6
10 to 760
46 to 80,000
-0.5 to -2.0
20,000 to110,000
120 to 290
-1 to-41
Illite, Montmorillonite
5 to 13
0 to 1200
5 to 52
110 to 630
26 to 280
10 to 15
0.6 to 10
1 to 100
(104 m3lIts)
Quartz, Feldspar, Magnesit
They are attracted along the lines of magnetic force to points of greater field
intensity. Paramagnetic minerals can be concentrated in high intensity
magnetic separators.
Ferromagnetism: Ferromagnetism is a special case of paramagnetism,
involving very high forces. In a few minerals, notably Fe, Ni, Co, Mn, Cr,
Ce, Ti and Pt group metals, the interaction between the spins cause spins on
adjacent atoms in the minerals to become aligned parallel to each other. This
suggests that all unpaired spins may become parallel and that a permanent
magnetization may exist even in the absence of external magnetic field
(remanence). They can be separated in a low intensity magnetic separator.
Fundamentals of magnetic concentration
Concentration is achieved by simultaneously applying to all particles
in an ore a magnetic force that acts on magnetic particles and a second force
or combination of forces which acts in a different direction and affects both
magnetic and non-magnetic particles. The most commonly applied
nonmagnetic forces are gravitational, centrifugal and fluid drag. Other forces
that usually enter in an incidental manner are frictional, electrostatic, Van
Der Waals, and capillary. A magnetic separator is generally classified as low
intensity if its maximum field intensity is less than about 2000 gauss (II= 1.6
x 105 Atm, B=0.20 T). Low intensity magnetic separators (LIMS) are used
to treat ferromagnetic and highly paramagnetic minerals such as iron and
magnetite. High intensity magnetic separators (RIMS) generally have field
strengths of 10 to 20 kilogauss. These separators are used to treat weakly
magnetic minerals, such as hematite.
Magnetic separators are commonly classified into two broad groups,
namely, wet and dry based on their usage. A more definitive classification
within these two basic groups is made based on the relative magnetic field
strength of the individual units, i.e. wet low intensity magnetic separators,
wet high intensity magnetic separators etc. Table-5 shows the basic groupings
of the most commonly used magnetic separators.
Table 5 : Basic Groupings of Common Magnetic Separator
Dry magnetic separators
Drum separators
Bowl traps
Magnetizing coils and blocks
Demagnetizing coils
Electrification Process
The separation by this process can be achieved by selective charging
of the particles which is known as electrification. Different electrification
processes are utilised in practice. They are Tribo-electrification, Corona
electrification and Induction electrification.
Electrostatic separation Equipment
Generally two types of equipment are used for separation. These are as
1. Drum type electrostatic separation unit
This equipment consists of a rotating drum made of mild steel or some
other conducting material, which is earthed through its support bearings as
shown below in the Figure 8. An electrode assembly, comprising of a brass
tube in front of which is supported a length of fine wire, spans the complete
length of the roll, and is supplied with a filly rectified DC supply of up to 50
kV, usually of negative polarity. The voltage supplied to the assembly should
be such that ionisation of the air takes place. This can often be seen as a
visible corona discharge. Arcing between the electrode and the roll must be
avoided as it destroys the ionisation. When ionisation occurs, the minerals
receive a spray discharge of electricity, which gives the poor conductors a
high surface charge, causing them to be attracted to and pinned to the rotor
surface. The particles of relatively high conductivity do not become charged
as rapidly since the charge rapidly dissipates through the particles to the
earthed rotor. These particles of higher conductivity follow a path, when
leaving the rotor, approximating to the one, which they would assume if
there were no charging effect at all.
and in the reverse flotation the gangue is separated into the float fraction
leaving the concentrate in the pulp.
In flotation, the minerals can be classified as hydrophobic, i.e., having
no affinity towards water and hydrophilic, i.e., having strong affmity towards
water. Very few minerals are naturally hydrophobic and the hydrophobic
conditions could be achieved by using chemical reagents. Diamonds are
naturally hydrophobic and this property is made use of in grease tabling to
recover diamonds.
The tensile forces acting on the surface of the particles are responsible
for the development of an angle between the mineral surface and bubble
surface and this angle is known as contact angle. The flotability of mineral
increases with the contact angle. Surfaces with greater contact angles are
said to be hydrophobic or aerophilic. Most of the minerals are not water
repellent in their natural state and flotation reagents must be added to the
pulp to attain selective hydrophobicity of the surfaces. The most important
reagents in this regard are collectors. Various other reagents are also used in
flotation and are briefly discussed below.
Reagents for flotation process
The reagents employed in flotation are generally interfacial surface
tension modifiers, surface chemistry modifiers, and/or flocculants. Usually
these are classified as collectors, frothers and modulating agents.
Collectors are reagents that are absorbed on the mineral surfaces to
render water repellent property of the surface. The collectors are mainly
classified as ionising and non-ionising. The ionising collectors may be divided
into anionic and cationic types. Anionic collectors are characterised by an
organic-acid group and are the most important type. The cationic collectors
are characterised by the cation. Usually, very small quantities of collectors
are used in flotation ranging from 0.2 to about 1.0 kg per ton of material
Frothers are another group of reagents used to obtain the stability of
the froth. Frothers are similar to ioninc collectors. Generally, they are
heteropolar, surface-active organic reagents capable of being adsorbed on
the air-water interface and reduce the surface tension to form a stable airbubble. Chemically, the frothers may contain any of the groups such as
hydroxyl, carboxyl, carbonyl, amino group and sulpho group. The alcohols
containing hydroxyl group are most common. Pine oil, cresylic acid, MIBC
are widely used frothers.
Modulating agents are chemical additives that modify the environment
of the flotation and may be classified into activators, depressants, pH
regulators and flocculants.
The stator may be attached to the air pipe or to the cell walls.
Manufacturers of mechanical flotation cells in the industry include Denver
equipment, Galigher, Wemco, Outokumpu and Sala. Denver type flotation
machines are also being manufactured indigenously in India.
In a pneumatic cell, suspension of solid particles in water is achieved
by the compressed air being suitably dispersed throughout the volume of the
cell. It employs a perforated grid (or pipes) arranged in an appropriate position
near the top of the cell. This arrangement allows a thick bed of froth to be
formed. The flotation pulp, appropriately prepared and ready for separation,
is fed with a minimum of agitation on top of this bed of froth.
A cyclone cell, into which the feed is delivered (together with air)
through a cyclone feeder, under pressure. These are known as air-sparged
hydrocyclones. Very few of this type are presently in use.
Operating guidelines in flotation machine
Oleo flotation and oil agglomeration are also prevalent in coal industry.
Electro-flotation is a recent development in the recovery of ultra fines. Scope
of electro-flotation has also been extended to the field of effluent treatment.
The removal of water from solid, either partially or completely, comes
under the unit operation, 'Solid-Liquid Separation' which forms an integral
part of several mineral processing and hydro-metallurgical processes. In recent
years the importance of solid-liquid separation techniques have gained
considerable importance in order to reduce the load on thermal dryers which
are highly energy intensive and also for environmental protection. The
economics of coal utilisation, large scale mineral processing and water
treatment operations are critically dependent on the solid-liquid separation
technology since any improvement in product moisture reduction techniques
can result in significant cost saving.
U = *OP)/(fit *
AP is the pressure difference across the filter cake having thickness L
K = permeability of the (cake) bed
= the fluid viscosity
The conventionally available de-watering techniques are not
sufficient for treating very fine particles (-325 mesh size) due to associated
problems. Hence there is an increasing need to develop improved dewatering techniques. Use of flocculants and surfactants in the de-watering
process has been successful in achieving this end to a considerable extent
in recent years.
Filtration of fine particles has always been a difficult area of mineral
beneficiation as well as coal preparation and has attracted much of R & D
effort throughout the world. Traditionally de-watering of fine particles has
been carried out using rotary vacuum filters, usually drum or disk filters.
During recent years a variety of pressure filters such as (a) air blown filter
press and (b) tube press have been developed. Extensive field trials have
shown that pressure filter can reduce free moisture down to very low level.
However, the widespread adoption of this equipment has been slow because
of relatively high capital costs involved. Current R & D is focused on the
development of a potentially low cost system, based on the use of an ultrahigh speed centrifuge.
R & D effort has been made towards the use of (a) flocculants - chemical
(organic) based and more recently bacteria based, and (b) surfactants as dewatering aids. Flocculants are usually linear, long chain, water-soluble
polymers based on polyacrylamide. These increase the yield of filtered solid
and produce a permeable filter cake amenable to rapid de-watering. In this
case, the long chain polymers bridge between individual particles, to produce
multi-particle aggregates. Surfactants typically consist of hydrophilic and
hydrophobic grouping. Although surfactant enhanced de-watering is of
technical and economic importance, the fundamental surface chemical
phenomena which decide their mode of action are not fully understood.
It is generally believed that these allow filter cake capillaries to drain
more rapidly by reducing the surface tension, and thus reduces moisture
content of the cake.
Often concentrates are produced from mineral processing plants in fine
particulate form and as such those can not be utilized for metal extraction
unless they are bound into some compacted or lumpy form called
'agglomerates' suitable for handling and feeding into furnaces. The process
of 'agglomeration' can be classified mainly into the following groups, namely,
Briquetting, Nodulizing (rotary kiln sintering), Vacuum extrusion, Sintering
and Pelletizing.
Briquetting : This is a very simple process, in which fine grained
materials are pressed into briquettes with the addition of moisture and/or
another binder under high mechanical pressure. The briquettes may undergo
(F, tph)
(a, %)
For the overall circuit the following mass balance may be written:
F 1 = F4 + F7
for the total mass conservation and
Fl x al = F4 x a4 + F7 x a7 for the valuable mass conservation
With the data from the Table, the above two equations may be solved
to obtain the mass flow rate and assay of the waste product stream (F7=74.18
tph and a7 = 1.9%). Thus, overall plant performance may be computed as:
Yield = (mass flow rate of valuable stream)/(mass flow rate of feed stream) = 25.82%
Recovery = (valuable flow rate in valuable stream)/(valuable flow rate in feed stream)
= (F4 x a4)/(F1 x al) = 82.81%
Similarly, mass balance around process C gives:
F2 xa2=F4 xa4 +F5 xa5
F2 = F4 + F5
Solving the above two one gets F2 = 56.94 tph and F5 = 31.12 tph.
So, process C has the following performance indicators:
Yield = 45.35% and Recovery = 70.57%.
Mass balance around process S:
F3 = F7 + F6
F3 x a3 = F7 x a7 + F6 x a6
Solving them for F3 and F6 one gets F3 = 104.21 tph and F6 = 30.03 tph.
Yield = 28.82% and Recovery = 62.44%.
Now, the values around process R are known and its performance may be computed:
Yield = (56.94)/(100 + 30.03 + 31.12) = 35.33%
Recovery = (16.9 x 56.94)/(8.2 x 100 + 30.03 x 7.8 + 31.12 x 9.1) = 71.95%
Thus, the evaluation of individual unit operations and overall plant
performance may be done through mass balance techniques.
Modeling Concepts:
The operations in mineral processing can be broadly divided into three
categories, namely, transformation, separation and de-watering. The units
that change the characteristics of the material are known as transformation
units. For example, the crushing and grinding operations change the particle
size of the material. The separation units are those that separate the minerals
making use of the differences in their properties. For example, flotation unit
separates on the basis of hydrophobicity of the mineral surfaces and heavy
media cyclones separate the heavy minerals from the lighter ones. Filters
and dryers separate the water from the solids. Even thickeners and fine screens
are often considered de-watering units for one of the product streams is
predominantly water.
This simple classification of operations is effectively exploited in
modeling the unit operations and thereby simulating the plant performance.
The model of a transformation unit should be able to compute the product
characteristics given the details of the feed material along with machine
parameters. It may be noted that all transformation units must have only one
feed stream and one product stream. Thus in generic form the model of such
units may be represented in the vector-matrix form:
Where, P and F are vectors describing the product and the feed
characteristics and T is a transformation matrix that defines how the
characteristics of the feed are converted into that of the product stream. The
determination of this matrix, however, is quite involved and requires in-depth
analysis of the mechanisms of the process.
The separation units on the other hand must have a minimum of two
product streams. The model of these units should be able to describe the
various product streams from the given description of the feed stream. This
is achieved by making use of efficiency vectors. The efficiency of transfer of
material of certain type to a particular product stream may be expressed in a
similar vector-matrix form:
PI = El F
P2 = E2 F
..etc., where, P1, P2 ... are vectors describing different product streams, F is
the vector describing feed stream and El, E2 are efficiency matrices signifying
transfer to a specific stream. It may be noted that the efficiency matrices are
all diagonal matrices and they must add up to 100% (Identity matrix). Thus,
for a two-product separation process El = I - E2. Again, the estimation of
these efficiency matrices depends on the science of the process. The approach
for the estimation of these matrices varies widely with each process and may
be deeply involved task. However, such a description of the calculated product
streams are then passed to a simulation tool as feed to a subsequent operation
in the plant flowsheet. A complete simulation of the entire flowsheet could
thus be made possible.
1. Wills, B. A. (1985), Mineral Processing Technology (3Td Edition),
Pergamon Press.
2. Kelley, E.G. and Spottiswood, D.J. (1982), Introduction to Mineral
Processing, John Wiley & Sons.
3. Prasher, C. L. (1987), Crushing and Grinding Process Handbook, John
Wiley and Sons.
4. Tarjan, G. (1982), Mineral Processing, Vol. I & II, Akademiai Kiado,
5. Taggart, A. F. (1951), Elements of Ore Dressing, John Wiley and Sons.