Article Bioeconomics Health Technology Assessment in The Balkans: Opportunities For A Balanced Drug Assessment System

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Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 2014

Vol. 28, No. 6, 1181 1189,

Health technology assessment in the Balkans: opportunities for a balanced
drug assessment system
David Dank
oa* and Guenka Petrovab
Institute of Management, Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest, Hungary; bDepartment of Social Pharmacy,
Faculty of Pharmacy, Medical University of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria

(Received 9 January 2014; accepted 16 October 2014)

Countries in the Balkan region use pharmaco-economic data for decisions about the inclusion of new pharmaceuticals into
their positive drug lists, but no predefined frameworks are used and resources for health technology assessment (HTA) are
limited. The goal of this analysis is to investigate into possible development directions for the HTA system in the region,
and provide some practical recommendations for a sustainable model. For this purpose, the main factors currently
influencing HTA in Balkan countries are briefly presented, and possible development strategies are compared. A resourcesaving balanced assessment approach is proposed. It is aligned with available resources and capabilities, and helps access
to new pharmaceuticals while ensuring the transparency of decision-making processes and the stability of the
pharmaceutical budget.
Keywords: reimbursement of medicines; pricing of medicines; HTA; Balkan region

Although not a precisely defined and universally accepted
geopolitical term, the Balkans is commonly used to refer
to countries in southern Central Europe which share several historical, cultural, political and economic characteristics. Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Romania and Slovenia
are member states of the European Union (EU), while
Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro (Crna Gora) and Serbia do not have membership yet.
Most Balkan states are middle-income countries which, at
the same time, show large differences in economic development. Common characteristics are, however, small
national economies, which are highly exposed to economic cycles in the Eurozone, dependence on imports of
highly processed products, as well as unemployment and
the resulting large numbers of emigrant workforce. Purchasing power adjusted per capita gross domestic product
(GDP) values range from 28,600 USD (Slovenia) to
18,100 USD (Croatia) and 8000 USD (Albania). Many
economies of the region have recently shrunk as a consequence of the economic crisis.[1]
Health systems in most Balkan countries are characterized by mandatory national health insurance. Most
health care institutions are publicly owned. The health
insurance system is managed by national health insurance
funds. Public health care expenditures amount to
2.6% 6.9% of total GDP (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia have

higher values; Albania, Bulgaria, Macedonia and Romania have lower values), whereas public pharmaceutical
expenditures (PPE) reach only 0.6% 0.9% of the total
GDP.[2] Within the EU, this puts Bulgaria and Romania
at the bottom of the scale in terms of public pharmaceutical spending, together with Poland and Hungary. Factors
underlying low PPE are limited financial resources, relatively high co-payments, widespread use of over-thecounter medications, as well as the delayed arrival of
innovative pharmaceutical products to the countries.
In an average Balkan country, pharmaceuticals are
reimbursed either from the outpatient pharma budget (prescription budget), or from the hospital budget. Central tenders apply in some markets for more expensive
pharmaceuticals. In order to be listed in reimbursement
formularies, pharmaceuticals normally need their prices
to be registered or authorized and their reimbursement
rate to be defined, typically by the Ministry of Health.
Decision-makers currently require only basic pharmacoeconomic (PE) data for pricing and listing decisions. Drug
assessment generally covers the evaluation of efficacy and
therapeutic effectiveness, safety as well as PE considerations. As of 2013, few explicit decision guidelines (e.g.
health technology assessment (HTA) guidelines, threshold
values, scoring systems) are used.[3]
The goal of this work is to present an analysis of the
commonalities and differences influencing the pricing and
reimbursement of medicines in the Balkan countries and

*Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]

2014 The Author(s). Published by Taylor & Francis.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The moral rights of the named author(s) have been asserted.


D. Dank
o and G. Petrova

to propose a theoretical balanced model for organizing

both processes.

Materials and methods

This study is based on a theoretical, observational process
analysis of the established HTA models in the world and
the pricing and reimbursement practice in the field of
medicines in the Balkan countries. On the basis of this
analysis, a balanced model for the assessment of innovative medicines is proposed that could be customized in
line with local country specificities. The underlying conceptual framework of balanced assessment for middleincome countries is previously discussed in [4].

Results and discussion

Current context and shortcomings of HTA
The current shortcomings of HTA in the Balkans are typical for middle-income countries [4] and are mostly related
to the lack of use of clear HTA methodologies and rules,
the quality of local epidemiology and health statistics
During the pricing and listing process, few explicit HTA
frameworks and guidelines are used. Decision-making is
based on expert opinion and regulatory requirements. In
most countries, key requirements have not been set for
cost-effectiveness analysis and, in some cases, for budget
impact calculations, yet. Consequently, there are large
variations in the PE data submitted by manufacturers, and
the robustness of the subsequent assessment is dependent
upon the quality of the dossier.
Local data availability
Local epidemiology data are either missing or incomprehensive, or they may be inconsistent or significantly distorted by biases. Epidemiology data are not collected for
certain therapeutic areas. In addition, patient pathways are
often undefined, making it very complicated to assess the
performance of health care subsystems. Limited availability of reliable local data and undefined patient pathways
also result in international PE models prepared for new
medicines being very difficult to adapt.

although basic PEs education is available for pharmacy

students at the main medical universities in the region,
particularly Zagreb, Belgrade, Sofia, Varna and Bucharest. As a result, there is a small number of HTA experts
working as consultants for the authorities and with pharmaceutical companies.

Possible HTA models for the Balkan region (conceptual

In one possible definition,[6] HTA is the systematic evaluation of medical technologies regarding their effectiveness, appropriateness, efficiency as well as social and
ethical aspects and implications. In another definition,[7]
healthcare technology is defined as prevention and rehabilitation, vaccines, pharmaceuticals and devices, medical
and surgical procedures, and the systems within which
health is protected and maintained. Technology assessment in health care is a multidisciplinary field of policy
analysis. It studies the medical, social, ethical and economic implications of development, diffusion and use of
health technology. Thus, HTA has a decision-support
role helping in reimbursement policy-making and in taking higher level political decisions in health care by providing timely, accurate and sound information on medical
technologies for decision-makers. HTA is both linked to
pricing and listing decisions and subsequent reimbursement reviews.
As mentioned above, HTA generally covers pharmaceuticals, medical devices as well as all clinical procedures,
including surgical interventions and diagnostics. In most
countries, HTA focuses on pharmaceuticals and medical
devices, because these are the most standardized
technologies, they pose a high burden on
social insurance systems, and their social impact and
visibility are high.
In the pharmaceutical domain, the key question to
which HTA should provide an answer is
Is it worth spending public money on a medicine?
If yes, how much, and for which patients?

Over the years, three main HTA paradigms (archetypes) have evolved across major health care markets [8]
(Figure 1, described in detail in,[4]) and it has also
become apparent that paradigms are not equally applicable in counties with different levels of development.
Economic evaluation

Experts and capabilities

The number of trained HTA experts is relatively limited in
some of the larger countries of the region (Greece, Serbia,
Croatia, Bulgaria) and very low in other countries (Romania, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia),[5]

In this paradigm, the assessment of pharmaceuticals is

quantitative and heavily reliant on statistical methods. It
is commonly focused on cost-effectiveness and budget
impact. For the Balkan states, which can be classified as
middle-income countries, economic evaluation can

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Figure 1. Three paradigms (archetypes) of health technology assessment.[4,8] Country abbreviations are according to ISO 3166-1 standard. Note: Countries are indicated at the paradigm they are closest to, but cannot be regarded as archetypes themselves as they show
very important individual variations even within a paradigm.

actually prove to be a significant barrier in patient access

to new medicines for the reasons highlighted in [4,9 11].
Qualitative assessment
The nature of this paradigm is more similar to the regulatory assessment approach prior to marketing authorization. Assessment of pharmaceuticals is focused around
therapeutic benefit but other criteria may also be used,
e.g. cost-effectiveness itself, side-effect profiles or convenience of use. Sometimes assessment is complemented by
a scoring system and a categorization of pharmaceuticals.
In a setting of severe budget constraints, such as that
found in middle-income Balkan countries, qualitative
assessment is considered insufficient because it tends to
underplay financial aspects.[4]

Balanced assessment
Balanced assessment is a multi-criteria approach, which
aims at integrating the strengths of economic evaluation
and qualitative assessment while eliminating their conceptual and methodological shortcomings. In general, balanced assessment can take into account costeffectiveness, budget impact, therapeutic value added and
alignment with local health policy (and social) priorities.

Balanced assessment system in the Balkans:

framework and process
Based on the characteristics described in [4], it may be
appropriate in the Balkan states to opt for a balanced
assessment system (BAS), which should be a sustainable
and implementable compromise combining financial and
non-financial aspects in a way aligned with local resources and capabilities (Figure 2). A BAS for reimbursement
decision-making requires an appropriate combination of
methodology and evaluation process (Figure 3). The
methodology should be mostly based on secondary
analyses and should also be easy to use both by persons
responsible for evaluation and by decision-makers. The
assessment process must be transparent, i.e. traceable
decisions, understandable considerations and participants
held accountable for their decisions (for more details
see [4]).
Regarding the methodology, Balkan states may consider a balanced evaluation grid based on multiple criteria,
which is aligned with the specific characteristics of middle-income countries. An example of the evaluation grid
is shown in Table 1. The grid subsumes five critically relevant aspects of a pricing and listing decision under two
categories (Figure 4): simplified economic evaluation
(indicators of cost-effectiveness, budget impact, accessibility with public funding in peer countries) and


D. Dank
o and G. Petrova

Figure 2. Reasoning behind a balanced assessment system (BAS) in middle-income countries.[4]

assessment of value for patients and society (therapeutic

value/benefit added, ethical and health policy
The following specifics are relevant for better understanding of this evaluation grid:
Cost-effectiveness is acknowledged either directly or
indirectly (i.e. based on prior assessments by international
HTA agencies). Whenever prior assessments can be found
in comparable markets, these should be considered.
Besides European recommendations, guidance from nonEuropean countries can also be taken into account, resources permitting. Based on the considerations above, pricing
and reimbursement bodies should not link reimbursability
to the submission of health economics models but have
the right to assess models if these are available.
As regards accessibility with public funding in peer
countries, it is better to avoid randomly, or arbitrarily,
selected baskets of reference countries. Instead, in the
Balkan region, which is part of Europe, the number of EU
member states where the assessed medicine is already
available with public funding could be taken into

Figure 3. Appropriate methodology and a properly designed

process together lead to effective support and transparency.[4]

consideration. This would help overcome biases resulting

from any arbitrary basket of reference countries.
Budget impact should be evaluated across all subbudgets of national health insurance funds (including
pharma budget(s), hospitals, primary care, sick leaves
etc.).[4] This can be done either parallel to the assessment
of cost effectiveness and accessibility with public funding
or, alternatively, at a later stage of the decision-making
process (see below). In the latter case, the budget impact
assessment can be carried out in conjunction with negotiations between the decision-makers and the manufacturer
about cost/risk-sharing modalities.
The components of therapeutic value/benefit added, in a
BAS, should be explicitly analysed and assessed (rather
than being condensed into a high-level indicator such as
quality-adjusted life-years [QALY]). At least the following
components of therapeutic value/benefit added should be
recognized: superior clinical outcome (higher efficacy),
side-effect profile, ease-of-use (convenience) and, eventually, evidence on real-life therapeutic effectiveness. These
components are likely to be included with different weights.
Ethical and health policy considerations must be covered via a set of country-specific, relevant criteria.
The design of the example evaluation grid in Table 1
is based on the assumption that public payers generally
tend to prefer two categories of medicines: (1) those
with considerable therapeutic value added, which are
normally sold at a premium price; and (2) such that are
non-inferior to an already reimbursed comparator but
save resources either in the pharma budget itself, or
more generally in health insurance funds.[4] Table 1 is
an exemplary grid which can serve as the basis for balanced evaluation in the Balkan countries; there are several possible modifications. In the grid, each of the

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Table 1. Example of a BAS evaluation grid for a hypothetical country in the Balkan region (developed on the basis of [4]).
Simplified economic evaluation
(1) Indicators of costeffectiveness

1.1. The medicinal product has been found

to be cost-effective by one or more
leading international assessment bodies
in the indication submitted for
reimbursement, or
the medicinal product has been found to
be cost-effective by a local study for the
national health care system in the
indication submitted for reimbursement.
1.2. The medicinal product has been found
to be cost-effective by one or more
leading international assessment bodies
in part of the indication submitted for
reimbursement, or
the medicinal product has been found to
be cost-effective by a local study for the
national health care system in part of the
indication submitted for reimbursement.
(2) Accessibility with public
2.1. The medicinal product is reimbursed
funding in peer countries
through public funds in at least five
European countries.
2.2. The medicinal product is reimbursed
through public funds in less than five
European countries.
(3) Budget impact
3.1. Local budget impact analysis has
found the medicine to reduce direct
health care expenditures (considering all
relevant budgets).
3.2. Local budget impact analysis has
found the medicine to reduce indirect
health care expenditures.
Assessment of the value for patients and society
(4) Therapeutic value added
4.1. The medicinal product has been found
to offer significant therapeutic benefit
by one or more leading international
assessment bodies, or
the medicinal product offers significant
improvement over the comparator
therapy/ies in the primary endpoint as
evidenced by at least one phase III
randomized clinical trial.
4.2. The medicinal product has been found
to offer modest or medium therapeutic
benefit by one or more leading
international assessment bodies, or
the medicinal product offers modest or
medium improvement over the
comparator therapy/ies in the primary
endpoint, or substantial improvement in
a secondary endpoint, as evidenced by
at least one phase III randomized
clinical trial.
4.3. The medicinal product has a
significantly more favourable sideeffect profile than the comparator
therapy/ies, considering frequency,
severity and health burden of side

High weight

Mutually exclusive with 1.2.

Medium weight

Mutually exclusive with 1.1

and has lower value.

Medium weight

Mutually exclusive with 2.2.

Low weight

Mutually exclusive with 2.1

and has lower value.

High weight

Mutually exclusive with 3.2.

Medium weight

Mutually exclusive with 3.1

and has lower value.

High weight

Mutually exclusive with 4.2.

Medium weight

Mutually exclusive with 4.1

and has lower value.

Medium weight

Mutually exclusive with 4.3.



D. Dank
o and G. Petrova

Table 1. (Continued )
Simplified economic evaluation
4.4. The medicinal product has a somewhat
more favourable side-effect profile that
the comparator therapy/ies, considering
frequency, severity and health burden of
side effects.
4.5. The manufacturer has been able to
substantiate superior real-life
therapeutic effectiveness for the
medicinal product in comparison to the
real-life effectiveness of comparator
therapy/ies, in international studies or
data analyses covering sufficient patient
4.6. The manufacturer has been able to
substantiate that the medicinal product
improves ease-of-use (convenience) for
patients in comparison to comparator
4.7. The active substance has been in
established use internationally for at
least 15 years in the same
pharmaceutical form and dose strength.
(5) Ethical considerations and
health policy priorities

5.1. The reimbursement application is

submitted in an indication which has
previously been declared a primary
public health priority by state
5.2. The medicinal product has been
registered for the treatment of an orphan
disease or paediatric indication.
5.3. No new active substance has been
admitted into reimbursement in the
relevant therapy area for the last 24

aspects (criteria) above is represented through statements and each statement is complemented by an individual score allocated to it. If the medicinal product
meets the criteria formulated in the aspect statement, it
will receive the individual score linked to that aspect;

Low weight

Mutually exclusive with 4.4

and has lower value

Low weight

Low weight

Medium weight

Low weight

Low weight

Medium weight

otherwise it will receive an individual score of zero for

that aspect. Individual scores are then aggregated into a
total score and the listing decision will strongly correlate with the total score. Possible decision rules are
shown in Table 2: in this example, there is

Figure 4. Balanced assessment system (BAS) in middle-income countries.[4]

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Table 2. Example for decision-rules in a BAS evaluation.[4]
Total score (calculated as the simple sum of individual scores)
Score < first cut-off point
First cut-off point < score < second cut-off point
Score > second cut-off point

differentiation between unconditional reimbursement,

conditional reimbursement and no reimbursement.
The example grid does not contain numerical scores
these have to be agreed on in each market. It is crucial,
however, that relative importance of aspect statements
should keep the recommendations presented in Table 1. It
is also essential that the final version of the evaluation
grid should be based on the broadest available consensus.
While applying, the grid must be itself cost-effective

Decision rule
Not reimbursable
Conditional reimbursement with programmed reimbursement review
within 18 24 months or
reimbursement with outcome guarantee by the manufacturer
Unconditional reimbursement

(i.e. usable with low resources), any simplifications and

generalizations that may lead to inappropriate pricing and
reimbursement decisions should be avoided. Therefore,
the final version of the grid should be elaborated through
a series of expert discussions among ministries, health
insurance funds, medical and pharmacy unions, trade
associations and patient associations.
Regarding the evaluation and listing process, we
recommend the framework illustrated in Figure 5, as

Figure 5. Possible simplified scheme for the evaluation and listing process in a Balkan country (modified from [4]). Notes: (1) The process only applies to pharmaceutical reimbursement decisions. Price-only applications may be managed in their current form. In the long
run, administrative price setting for non-reimbursed drugs may even be abolished. (2) Numbers in circles show deadlines in calendar
days. (3) Abbreviations: PRB pricing and reimbursement body, HTAG health technology assessment group (associated with PRB).


D. Dank
o and G. Petrova

discussed in detail in [4]. The deadlines along the process (in calendar days) are proposed as manageable
timeframes for authorities, which do not compromise
on the quality of assessment and decision-making. We
point out that there may be more than one hearing
(consultation) with the manufacturer but a decision
must be taken after no more than three hearings. If the
budget impact has not been assessed in the process yet
(as part of simplified economic evaluation), it must be
assessed at the stage of public hearings in a way that
confidential price information remains respected and
Practical recommendations for pricing and
reimbursement bodies in the Balkan region
Within the framework of a BAS, countries in the Balkan
region will have latitude for customized system developments. At the same time, there are some critical factors
for success
Stepwise system implementation
BAS can be
applied not only for pharmaceuticals but for several
other health technologies, including medical devices
and diagnostics. However, excessive broadening of the
scope would entail the possibility of losing focus, which
is a huge risk to the social and political acceptance of
the system. Therefore, a stepwise approach is strongly
recommended. First, only innovative medicines applying for public funding should be subject to BAS. In a
couple of years, when sufficient experience and knowhow has already been accumulated, BAS can be
extended to cover reimbursed non-customized (off-theshelf) medical devices. This will require the adaptation
of the evaluation grid whereby different versions will
be necessary for disposable devices, devices for shortterm use and devices for long-term use. In a third step,
other standardized interventions can be covered. It is
generally not recommended to incorporate non-standardized technologies or technologies without clear
Management of generic products drug assessment is
generally not required for bioequivalent generic products
provided that a reimbursement threshold (generic price
ceiling) is used, which is the case in some Balkan countries (e.g. Romania, Croatia). For non-bioequivalent
generics and/or generic and biosimilar products which do
not comply with the price ceiling, BAS may be a prerequisite for reimbursement.
Reimbursement reviews BAS may not be applicable
for reimbursement reviews in the same form as for new
applications, as the relevant criteria may be very different.
For reimbursement reviews, different aspects may be
developed, taking into account that there is already an ontreatment population and thus, any de-listing or reimbursement restriction will have an impact on already

initiated therapies. Furthermore, it needs to be understood

that initially there may not be enough resources and capabilities to cover reimbursement reviews.
Skill development it may help the acceptance and
uptake of the new system if skill development trainings
are delivered for stakeholders participating in the decision-making process. Trainings should be differentiated
based on stakeholders role in decision-making.
Public communication
BAS can be expected to
impact positively on patients, physicians and the broader
society as it can facilitate access to value-added therapies
while ensuring elements of financial control. In order to
make this clear to the public, the purpose and the logic of
the new system should be communicated to physicians,
pharmacists as well as the general public.

Countries in the Balkan region currently use PE evidence
for pharmaceutical reimbursement decisions mostly in an
unstructured way but there are clear trends to implement
more formal HTA systems.
In view of the limited pharmaceutical budget and the
partial lack of HTA capabilities, newly implemented formal HTA systems should ensure higher process transparency as well as access to value-added and/or cost-saving
new medicines in a way that no resource-intensive assessments are necessary. For this purpose, a BAS may be a
viable compromise between decision-makers needs and
methodological reliability.
BAS models should follow a pragmatic model
whereby secondary assessments are used whenever this
is available, and drug assessors reach back to benchmarkable prior international evaluations as well as carefully designed expert checklists to reach decisions. The
BAS system, which covers cost-effectiveness, accessibility with public funding in peer countries, budget
impact, therapeutic value/benefit added as well as ethical/health policy priorities, should be embedded in a
transparent and streamlined pricing and listing process.
The key roles in this process will be fulfilled by pricing
and reimbursement bodies and their assessment satellites, which are health technology assessment groups
Initially, HTA systems in the Balkan region should be
focused on new innovative pharmaceuticals seeking reimbursement. In the later stages, systems can be extended to
cover certain medical devices and other standardized technologies. We envisage that a BAS implemented in such a
stepwise approach can significantly contribute to the efficiency and equity of reimbursement decision-making in
the region. Also, the introduction of such a system can
improve transparency and lead to a sustainable health care
budgets and access to medicines.

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