BioScience 2005 Allan 1041 51
BioScience 2005 Allan 1041 51
BioScience 2005 Allan 1041 51
Keywords: overfishing, fishing down, freshwater biodiversity, ecosystem function, fish harvest
J. David Allan (e-mail: [email protected]) works at the School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.
Robin Abell is with the Conservation Science Program, World Wildlife Fund,
Washington, DC 20037. Zeb Hogan works at the Center for Limnology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706. Carmen Revenga is with the Global
Priorities Group, The Nature Conservancy, Arlington, VA 22203. Brad W.
Taylor is affiliated with the Department of Zoology and Physiology at the
University of Wyoming in Laramie and the Department of Biological Sciences,
Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 03755. Robin L. Welcomme works at Long
Barn, Stoke by Clare, Suffolk CO10 8HJ, United Kingdom. Kirk Winemiller
is with the Interdisciplinary Program in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and
the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences, Texas A&M University,
College Station, TX 77843. 2005 American Institute of Biological Sciences.
Inland waters have received only slight consideration in recent discussions of the global fisheries crisis, even though inland fisheries provide
much-needed protein, jobs, and income, especially in poor rural communities of developing countries. Systematic overfishing of fresh waters is largely
unrecognized because of weak reporting and because fishery declines take place within a complex of other pressures. Moreover, the ecosystem
consequences of changes to the species, size, and trophic composition of fish assemblages are poorly understood. These complexities underlie the
paradox that overexploitation of a fishery may not be marked by declines in total yield, even when individual species and long-term sustainability
are highly threatened. Indeed, one of the symptoms of intense fishing in inland waters is the collapse of particular stocks even as overall fish
production risesa biodiversity crisis more than a fisheries crisis.
importance of other anthropogenic stressors in relation to fishing may appear greater for inland waters than for the seas, the
contributions of pollution, species introductions, and other
human impacts in the collapse of coastal ecosystems should
not be underestimated (Boesch et al. 2001). As Jackson and
colleagues (2001) document in the context of marine fisheries,
overfishing commonly was the first disturbance in the historical progression, followed by other factors including pollution and eutrophication, mechanical habitat destruction,
introduced species, and climate change. Fish stocks are unable to recover from historical overfishing because of a host
of current pressures, and in their altered state may be more
vulnerable to disturbances, including species invasions and
outbreaks of disease. A recent assessment of inland fisheries
(FAO 1999) concluded that most inland capture fisheries
that rely on natural stock reproduction were overfished or being fished at their biological limit, and that the principal factors threatening inland capture fisheries were habitat loss
and environmental degradation. Overfishing, then, may not
always be the sole or even the primary threat, but in conjunction with other stresses it can be a serious one.
ery is based mainly on very young fish, and that it is at risk
(Welcomme 1979).
Evidence of overfishing
Despite the challenge of evaluating the effects of fishing owing to complex system responses and the presence of other
pressures, there is ample evidence that overfishing is a significant factor in the decline of numerous species and fisheries, and is of global importance as a threat to inland water
biodiversity. We identify two main types of overfishing and
illustrate each type with case studies. In the first type of overfishing, intensive fishing of a targeted species leads to marked
declines in catch per unit effort and size of individuals captured. Such overfishing most likely was primarily responsible for the decline of a number of fish species prior to the
contributions of dams, habitat alteration, and pollution. In
the second type, known as assemblage or ecosystem overfishing (Murawski 2000), overfishing of an assemblage is
demonstrated when catches proceed beyond the asymptotic
maximum of a plateau-type curve or decline below the asymptotic or plateau level. Symptoms include sequential declines of species and depletion of individuals and species of
large size, especially piscivores; declines in the mean trophic
level of the assemblage; and changes in the responsiveness of
populations to environmental fluctuations (such as shorter
time lags). The associated decrease in size of the fish caught
is unacceptable in some parts of the world, such as Latin
America, but the preference for small fish in many African
cuisines and the use of fish pastes and sauces in Asia encourage harvest of extremely small species, thereby allowing
the entire assemblage to become depleted.
Assemblage overfishing
Overfishing of an entire assemblage may be most common
in tropical regions, where fish diversity and the reliance of
local people on fish harvests both are high. However, it clearly
occurs in temperate latitudes as well, including in the Laurentian Great Lakes, where a number of valued species were
overharvested in succession.
Laurentian Great Lakes. The fish assemblage of the Laurentian Great Lakes has undergone continual change since the
earliest records, brought about by fishing, nutrient enrichment,
and myriad invasive species. However, major changes after the
late 1800s and continuing into the first half of the 20th century reflect an intensive and selective fishery targeting a succession of species and resulting in a succession of collapses
(Smith 1968). The lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) was intentionally overfished because this large fish frequently damaged gear intended for more valuable species, and by the late
1920s it was so reduced that restrictions were imposed. The
cisco (Coregonus artedi) experienced a collapse in the mid1920s attributed to overfishing, and while occasional strong
year classes occurred subsequently, their extreme rarity since
the mid-20th century is most likely due to the additional
pressure of increasingly unfavorable environmental conditions.
A trap net introduced in 1928 was a very effective new gear
for lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis), and its use
expanded rapidly through the US (but not the Canadian)
waters of the Great Lakes. Although specific areas were rapidly
depleted, overall catch increased until the 1930s, when declines
in catch led to gear restrictions. Thus, several Great Lakes stocks
1046 BioScience December 2005 / Vol. 55 No. 12
Table 1. Conservation status of the worlds largest freshwater fish species.
Pangasianodon gigas
Critically endangered
Harvest, habitat
Giant barb
Isok barb
Freshwater whipray
Catlocarpio siamensis
Probarbus jullieni
Himantura chaophraya
Not evaluated
Giant pangasius
Sutchi catfish
Data deficient
Not evaluated
Largetooth sawfish
Pangasius sanitwongsei
Bagarius yarrelli
Pristis microdon
200 cm
650 cm
Not evaluated
Piraba or valentn
(giant catfish)
Pirarucu (bonytongue)
Arapaima gigas
Hucho hucho
Not evaluated
Hucho taimen
Not evaluated
Chinese paddlefish
Psephurus gladius
Yangtze sturgeon
Acipenser dabryanus
250 cm
Critically endangered
Murray cod
Maccullochella peelii
Critically endangered
Nile perch
Lates niloticus
Wels catfish
Silurus glanis
Colorado pikeminnow
Alligator gar
Lake sturgeon
Ptychocheilus lucius
Atractosteus spatula
Acipenser fulvescens
200 cm
305 cm, 137 kg
274 cm, 125 kg
Barbus esocinus
Data deficient
Critically endangered
Harvest, habitat
Harvest, habitat
Harvest, habitat
Harvest, habitat
Harvest, habitat
Not evaluated
Not evaluated
Not evaluated
Habitat loss
Harvest, habitat
Not evaluated
Harvest, habitat
Figure 6. Large fish species of the Mekong River: (a) Mekong giant catfish, Pangasianodon gigas;
(b) Sutchi catfish, Pangasianodon hypophthalmus; (c) freshwater whipray, Himantura chaophraya;
(d) giant barb, Catlocarpio siamensis. Photographs: Zeb Hogan.
Future directions
Overfishing threatens both the biodiversity of inland waters
and the ecosystem goods and services on which people rely.
However, its importance as a threat is underappreciated, because intensive fishing frequently acts synergistically with
other pressures, and its consequences for inland fisheries
and ecosystems are poorly understood and documented.
The development community is beginning to appreciate the
need to promote sustainable catches instead of increased
production (World Bank 2003), but individual countries,
municipalities, villages, and even some fisheries managers may
not be as farsighted.
Overfishing is being driven by overcapacity and excess effort, which in turn are due to the generally open access
regimes of many inland fisheries and to the effective use of
fisheries as an occupation of last resort in developing
economies. Managing fisheries today is not limited just to satisfying the commercial fishing industry, but must accommodate the wide array of economic and social benefits that
people derive from freshwater ecosystems, including food
security and economic growth. The practical effect of this is
a widening of the group of stakeholders that have legitimate
interests in how fisheries are managed. Setting up appropriate institutional structures and legal frameworks that will
We thank those who provided us with case studies and documentation, including Stuart Rowland, Jean Jackson, Alistair
Richardson, and Ronald Bjorkland. Helpful comments on earlier drafts of the manuscript were provided by Brian Allan,
Jim Diana, Peter Esselman, Ben Halpern, Ed Houde, Michael
Nussman, Margaret Palmer, and three anonymous reviewers.
J. D. A. thanks the David H. Smith Program of The Nature
Conservancy for support during the initial development of
this manuscript.
December 2005 / Vol. 55 No. 12 BioScience 1049
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