What Matters To Millennials

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An Edelman perspective on making meaningful employee

connections that deepen engagement, build trust
and accelerate business performance

June 2015


Five ways to engage and motivate Millennial employees

By Pia Singh, Account Supervisor, Employee Engagement
Diplomas in hand, another class of graduates is heading out into the working world, leading employers to ask: Whats
special about Millennials? What motivates them? And how do we engage this growing generation of employees?
Just like every generation, Millennials are products of the environments they grew up in. As such, perceptions vary
greatly depending on which generation you ask.
Heres a great example: My sister a fellow Millennial
works for a startup that is recruiting recent MBA

Millennials belong to the generation born

graduates. I asked her what makes this generation

between 1980 and 2000. Sometimes referred

unique and she responded: Millennials can work

to as Gen Y, they are the children of Baby

effectively with multiple generations. They value a strong

work ethic from watching their parents and thus can
relate to Gen X and Baby Boomers. Plus, they grew up





socioeconomic shifts and adapt well to changing,

Boomers and Gen Xers. Many of the nearly

80 million Millennials in the U.S. are just now
starting their careers, but by 2030 will
comprise 75% of the workforce.

ambiguous environments, which helps them relate to

the even younger Generation Z.

For example, a desire for meaningful work does not

Compare that to the opinion of a friends Baby Boomer

mean every Millennial is a budding entrepreneur.

father, who tells me how challenging it is to manage

Someone who prefers a flat organization and a high

you young kids who are viewed as disloyal, entitled

degree of independence may be a natural fit for a

and self-centered by older generations.

startup culture, while a Millennial who values stability

A study conducted when I worked in-house confirmed

these stereotypes but, more importantly, highlighted that

may be well-suited to a more traditional corporation in a

role that has a true impact on the larger organization.

Millennials are simply motivated by different factors than

When it comes to your own employees, it can be helpful

previous generations. Baby Boomers value being with

to simply ask them directly what matters to them.

one company for life, for example, while Millennials want


broad experience and may seek that out from multiple

Millennials value about work and how employers and

employers throughout their career.

managers can engage them:


1.) Developing skills beyond their current role.

By 2030, 75% of the U.S. workforce will be Millennials, so


its no surprise that employers are trying to better

meetings with their manager to better understand the

understand how to attract retain and motivate this

decision-making process. Consider job rotations to give

generation. Naturally, Millennials share some broad

employees exposure to other functions and teams.

commonalities, but they are still individuals with distinct

Support continuous learning by encouraging employees

personalities and goals.

to attend conferences, workshops or internal training.

2015 Edelman












2.) Being globally connected.


Look for opportunities for employees to work abroad,

Edelman Employee Engagement helps organizations

use a foreign language on the job, or connect with

accelerate business performance, delivered by highly

colleagues across the globe.

engaged and trusted employees. We do this by making

meaningful, trust-building connections connecting

3.) Real-time feedback.

Give feedback on the spot, especially if employees are
not meeting expectations so they can course-correct
immediately. Reinforce a job well done with prompt
recognition and thanks.

employees with the company, with each other and with

the outside world.






specialists develop engagement strategy; deploy the

tools and processes to deliver it; create the multimedia

4.) Their managers trust.

Consider flexible scheduling or allowing employees to
work from home. Give Millennials ownership of projects
(or components of a larger effort) with minimal
supervision. When appropriate, send employees to
meetings in their managers place.

channels and content that support it; and design the

insight mechanisms to measure it.
For more information, visit us at ee.edelman.com,
follow us on Twitter at @EdelmanEE or email us at
[email protected].

5.) Having a voice.

Give employees a way to provide meaningful feedback
and input, and acknowledge those thoughts even if a
different direction is chosen. Ask for volunteers to lead
committees, test new products or pilot new technology.


Being a Millennial is as much a mindset as it is an age or
a birth date. Moreover, some of the things that motivate
Millennials are important to many employees regardless
of generation. Thus its important to keep a pulse on your
organization and ask employees for regular feedback
on their ambitions, goals and overall engagement.

How to Engage Millennials in Your Corporate Culture
How Millennial Are You? Quiz Pew Research Center
Talent Matters: Why You Should Be Nice to Your Baby
Boomers Washington Post
Millennials will soon rule the world: but how will they lead?
The Millennial Impact Report The Millennial Impact Project

2015 Edelman. For more information, contact us at [email protected].

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