4q09 Supplementary Information
4q09 Supplementary Information
4q09 Supplementary Information
Q4 Supplementary
Information 2009
for investors and analysts (preliminary and unaudited)
Group Chief Executive
Rune Bjerke
DnB NOR ASA, N-0021 Oslo
Visiting address: Stranden 21 (Bryggetorget), Aker Brygge, Oslo
Fourth quarter 2009
Statements regarding DnB NOR's relative market positions are, unless otherwise specified, based
on internal DnB NOR analyses.
Section 1
1. DnB NOR - an overview Fourth quarter 2009
Financial highlights
Fourth quarter 2009 1. DnB NOR - an overview
Customer base
• Serving 2.3 million private individuals throughout Norway, of whom 1.6 million use
one of the Group's Internet banks and 1.2 million use the Internet in active communication
(e-dialogue customers)
• More than 200 000 corporate customers in Norway
• Some 1 000 000 individuals insured in Norway
• Approximately 580 000 mutual fund customers in Norway and 268 institutional asset
management clients in Norway and Sweden
Market shares
See Section 3 for market shares.
Distribution network
• 163 domestic DnB NOR branches • Online equities trading in 16 markets
• 16 Nordlandsbanken branches • Online mutual fund trading
• 9 international branches • About 210 post office counters 1)
• 4 international representative offices • About 1 200 in-store postal outlets 1)
• 39 Postbanken sales outlets • About 1 800 rural postmen 1)
• 163 DnB NORD branches • About 900 in-store banking outlets 2)
• 9 DnB NOR Monchebank branches • 89 DnB NOR Eiendom sales offices
• DnB NOR Luxembourg (subsidiary) • 28 Postbanken Eiendom sales offices
• Internet banking • 213 Svensk Fastighetsförmedling
• Mobile bank and SMS services sales offices
• Telephone banking • 14 Vital sales offices
• 57 Vital agent companies
1) Provided by Norway Post (the Norwegian postal system).
2) Provided by NorgesGruppen.
1. DnB NOR - an overview Fourth quarter 2009
Business idea
Fourth quarter 2009 1. DnB NOR - an overview
Legal structure
In accordance with the requirements of the Norwegian regulatory authorities, the banking, asset
management and life insurance activities of the DnB NOR Group are organised in separate limited
companies under the holding company DnB NOR ASA. Banking activities are organised in
DnB NOR Bank ASA and its subsidiaries. All asset management activities are organised under a
common holding company, DnB NOR Kapitalforvaltning Holding AS. Vital Forsikring ASA offers
life insurance and pension saving products, both products with guaranteed returns and products
with a choice of investment profile. DnB NOR Skadeforsikring AS offers non-life insurance
products as part of a total product package for retail customers and small and medium-sized
companies. From 1 January 2009 non-life insurance has been offered by DnB NOR
Skadeforsikring, and the insurance policies have been transferred from Vital Skade in accordance
with policy-renewals during 2009. Vital Skade was merged into DnB NOR Skadeforsikring in
December 2009.
The chart below shows the legal structure of the DnB NOR Group.
Vital DnB NOR
DnB NOR Kapital-
Forsikring Skadefor-
Bank ASA 1) forvaltning
ASA sikring AS
Holding AS
Post- Svensk
DnB NOR banken DnB NOR Fastig- Salus-
lands- Nærings- Megler- Bolig- Nærings- Luxem- DnB NOR DnB
Finans Eiendom Eiendom hetsför- Ansvar
banken megling service kreditt kreditt bourg Monche- NORD AS
AS AS AS medling AB
ASA AS AS AS AS S.A. bank (51%)
1) Major subsidiaries only. Ownership 100 per cent unless otherwise indicated.
1. DnB NOR - an overview Fourth quarter 2009
The activities in DnB NOR are thus organised in the business areas Retail Banking, Large
Corporates and International, DnB NOR Markets and Life and Asset Management. The business
areas operate as independent profit centres and have responsibility for serving all of the Group's
customers and for the total range of products. DnB NORD is regarded as a separate profit centre.
Operational tasks and group services are carried out by the Group's staff and support units,
which provide infrastructure and cost efficient services to the business areas. In addition, they
perform functions for governing bodies and group management. The business areas have the
opportunity to influence staff and support units in the Group by changing their demand patterns
and levels of ambition.
The operational structure of DnB NOR deviates from its legal structure as activities in subsidiaries
fall within the business area relevant to the company's primary operations.
DnB NOR Group - organisation chart at end-December 2009
Marketing and
Corporate Centre
1) Reporting structure.
2) Renamed Insurance and Asset Management as from February 2010. The new business area comprises the activities of the former Life and Asset
Management as well as the non-life insurance company DnB NOR Skadeforsikring.
Fourth quarter 2009 1. DnB NOR - an overview
Equity-related data
Key figures
2009 2008 2007 2006 2005
Number of shares at end of period (1 000) 1 628 799 1 332 654 1 332 654 1 334 089 1 336 875
Average number of shares (1 000) 1 335 838 1 332 654 1 333 402 1 335 449 1 334 474
Earnings per share (NOK) 6.43 6.91 11.08 8.74 7.59
Return on equity, annualised (%) 10.6 12.4 22.0 19.5 18.8
RARORAC (%) 17.2 13.6 21.6 22.0 24.1
RORAC (%) 12.6 15.3 31.9 28.4 30.9
Share price at end of period (NOK) 62.75 27.00 83.00 88.50 72.00
Diluted share price at end of period,
adjusted for rights issue (NOK) 62.75 25.64 78.82 84.04 68.37
Price/earnings ratio 9.85 3.91 7.49 10.13 9.49
Price/book value 1.20 0.47 1.51 1.84 1.68
Dividend per share (NOK) 1.75 0.00 4.50 4.00 3.50
Dividend yield (%) 2.79 0.00 5.42 4.52 4.86
Equity per share including allocated
dividend at end of period (NOK) 52.34 57.83 55.01 48.13 42.94
1) Including the effect of the 9 736 376 shares issued on 31 March 2005 in connection with the subscription rights programme for employees in the
former DnB Group.
2) RARORAC (Risk-Adjusted Return On Risk-Adjusted Capital) is defined as risk-adjusted profits relative to the risk-adjusted capital requirement. Risk-
adjusted profits indicate the level of profits in a normalised situation.
3) RORAC (Return On Risk-Adjusted Capital) is defined as profits for the period relative to the risk-adjusted capital requirement. Profits for the period
exclude profits attributable to minority interests and are adjusted for the period’s change in fair value recognised directly in equity and for the
difference between recorded interest on average equity and interest on risk-adjusted capital.
4) Closing price at end of period relative to earnings per share.
5) Closing price at end of period relative to recorded equity at end of period.
OSEBX (rebased)
01.01.09 01.02.09 01.03.09 01.04.09 01.05.09 01.06.09 01.07.09 01.08.09 01.09.09 01.10.09 01.11.09 01.12.09 01.01.10
1. DnB NOR - an overview Fourth quarter 2009
Rights issue
In the fourth quarter of 2009, DnB NOR completed an equity issue of NOK 14 billion. Existing
shareholders were given preferential subscription rights and were granted two new shares for
every nine shares held. The subscription price was NOK 47.30 per share, and a total of 99.4 per
cent of the subscription rights were used. A total of 296 million new shares were offered, and the
issue was oversubscribed by 40 per cent.
The capital increase was implemented to strengthen capital to a level which is certain to meet
future requirements from the regulatory authorities. Strong emphasis was also placed on
ensuring that DnB NOR will have the required capital strength to proactively meet its customers'
needs and the financial flexibility to implement the Group's strategy. A swift return to normalised
dividend payments was also an important consideration.
DnB NOR has more than 40 000 shareholders. Extensive efforts were made to reach all of these
through road shows, brochures and advertisements, text messages via mobile phones and
telephone calls. A total of 23 000 shareholders were contacted in person. It was thus gratifying
to note that so many shareholders used their subscription rights and that the ownership interests
of existing shareholders were safeguarded.
The final step in the rights issue was the payment of the new equity in late December 2009.
Consequently, the Group's share capital now totals NOK 16 288 million divided into
1 628 798 861 shares with a nominal value of NOK 10. At year-end 2009, the Group had total
recorded equity of NOK 101 billion and a market capitalisation of NOK 102 billion.
Fourth quarter 2009 1. DnB NOR - an overview
Major shareholders
Shares in 1 000 Ownership in %
Norwegian Government/Ministry of Trade and Industry 553 792 34.00
Sparebankstiftelsen DnB NOR (Savings Bank Foundation) 163 369 10.03
Folketrygdfondet 62 512 3.84
Capital Research/Capital International 40 831 2.51
Fidelity Investments 36 532 2.24
Jupiter Asset Management 31 682 1.95
People's Bank of China 18 649 1.14
DnB NOR Funds 16 853 1.03
Blackrock Investments 15 305 0.94
Nordea Funds 14 251 0.87
Standard Life 13 575 0.83
State of New Jersey Com Pension Fund 12 611 0.77
Schroder Investment Managment 9 721 0.60
Vanguard 9 441 0.58
L&G Legal and General 7 756 0.48
Storebrand Funds 7 569 0.46
Deutsche Bank/DWS 7 438 0.46
Bessemer 7 041 0.43
DFA Dimentional Fund Advisors 7 019 0.43
State Street Global Advisors 6 639 0.41
Total largest shareholders 1 042 585 64.01
Other 586 214 35.99
Total 1 628 799 100.00
Other international
Norwegian government/
Luxembourg and Germany Ministry of Trade and
4% Industry
1. DnB NOR - an overview Fourth quarter 2009
The results of the impairment tests depend on estimated required rates of return. The discount
rate is based on an assessment of the market's required rate of return for the type of activity
performed in the cash-generating unit. This required rate of return reflects the risk of operations.
Fourth quarter 2009 1. DnB NOR - an overview
1. DnB NOR - an overview Fourth quarter 2009
Section 2
Financial results
DnB NOR Group
2. Financial results DnB NOR Group Fourth quarter 2009
Financial results
Income statement – condensed 1)
Full year
Amounts in NOK million 4Q09 3Q09 2Q09 1Q09 4Q08 2009 2008
Net interest income 5 606 5 740 5 654 5 633 6 179 22 633 21 910
Net other operating income 3 160 3 951 2 694 5 190 4 615 14 994 12 438
Total ordinary operating expenses 4 319 4 548 4 600 4 714 4 559 18 180 17 662
Impairment losses for goodwill 338 100 291 0 1 058 730 1 058
Pre-tax operating profit before write-downs 4 109 5 043 3 457 6 109 5 176 18 717 15 627
Net gains on fixed and intangible assets 19 (4) 7 4 5 26 52
Write-downs on loans and guarantees 1 517 2 277 2 318 1 598 2 314 7 710 3 509
Pre-tax operating profit 2 610 2 762 1 146 4 514 2 868 11 032 12 170
Taxes 1 001 1 002 503 1 580 1 240 4 086 3 252
Profit from operations and non-current assets held
for sale, after taxes 80 0 0 0 0 80 0
Profit for the period 1 689 1 760 643 2 934 1 629 7 026 8 918
Profit attributable to shareholders 2 122 2 167 1 200 3 095 2 030 8 585 9 211
Profit attributable to minority interests (433) (408) (558) (161) (402) (1 559) (293)
Fair value of credit margins on own debt and other special IFRS
effects and non-recurring items
Full year
Amounts in NOK million 4Q09 3Q09 2Q09 1Q09 4Q08 2009 2008
Net other operating income 61 (140) (1 093) 941 1 632 (230) 489
Impairment losses for goodwill 338 100 291 0 1 058 730 1 058
Pre-tax operating profit before write-downs (277) (240) (1 384) 941 574 (960) (570)
Cash and lending to/deposits with credit institutions 94.2 100.2 122.3 134.2 110.9 74.2
Lending to customers 1 114.9 1 132.8 1 164.3 1 173.5 1 191.6 970.5
Commercial paper and bonds 405.2 402.3 325.7 275.4 280.7 220.8
Shareholdings 60.7 51.0 40.3 38.9 39.4 66.6
Fixed and intangible assets 46.8 47.6 45.8 45.6 46.6 44.5
Financial assets, customers bearing the risk 21.3 20.0 18.0 16.4 16.5 19.9
Other assets 80.3 95.0 99.0 125.1 146.0 77.5
Total assets 1 823.5 1 849.0 1 815.4 1 809.2 1 831.7 1 473.9
Loans and deposits from credit institutions 302.7 297.1 233.7 230.3 178.8 144.2
Deposits from customers 590.7 594.5 611.4 595.2 597.2 538.2
Debt securities issued 493.7 520.9 527.0 548.9 606.2 371.8
Insurance liabilities, customers bearing the risk 21.3 20.0 18.0 16.4 16.5 19.9
Liabilities to life insurance policyholders 193.6 191.4 189.0 188.0 184.8 191.6
Other liabilities and provisions 81.0 98.9 107.6 104.4 121.7 99.1
Primary capital 140.5 126.2 128.6 126.1 126.5 109.2
Total liabilities and equity 1 823.5 1 849.0 1 815.4 1 809.2 1 831.7 1 473.9
Fourth quarter 2009 2. Financial results DnB NOR Group
Financial highlights
Full year
4Q09 3Q09 2Q09 1Q09 4Q08 2009 2008
Cost/income ratio (%) 49.3 46.9 55.1 43.6 42.2 48.3 51.4
Return on equity, annualised (%) 10.1 10.6 6.0 15.8 10.7 10.6 12.4
Earnings per share (NOK) 1.58 1.63 0.90 2.32 1.52 6.43 6.91
Total combined assets at end of period (NOK billion) 2 076 2 094 2 104 2 092 2 141 2 076 2 141
Core capital ratio at end of period (%) 2) 9.3 7.6 7.3 7.0 6.7 9.3 6.7
Norwegian units
Per cent 4Q09 3Q09 4Q08
Share of group income 82.3 82.9 83.0
Cost/income ratio 46.0 44.9 39.9
Share of net Group lending to customers 80.58 79.12 75.70
Non-performing and impaired commitments relative to total commitments 0.98 1.03 0.73
Write-down ratio 38.78 40.54 37.21
Individual write-downs in basis points, annualised 0.13 0.29 0.25
Per cent 4Q09 3Q09 4Q08
Share of group income 6.3 5.5 7.1
Cost/income ratio 72.9 82.0 53.7
Share of net Group lending to customers 6.06 6.89 8.26
Non-performing and impaired commitments relative to total commitments 11.80 8.81 3.92
Write-down ratio 38.78 38.78 37.93
Individual write-downs in basis points, annualised 4.04 4.63 4.14
1) Write-down ratio includes individual and collective write-downs as a percentage of gross non-performing and impaired
commitments subject to individual write-downs.
2) Excluding impairment losses for goodwill.
2. Financial results DnB NOR Group Fourth quarter 2009
International units
Per cent
2 9 9 ,6
2 9 8 ,7
2 9 7 ,8
2 9 6 ,9
2 9 6 ,0
2 9 5 ,1
2 9 4 ,2
2 9 3 ,3
2 9 2 ,4
2 2 9 9 1 0 ,5
2 8 9 ,7
2 8 8 ,8
2 8 7 ,9
2 8 7 ,0
2 8 6 ,1
2 8 5 ,2
2 8 4 ,3
2 8 3 ,4
2 8 1
2 ,5
2 8 0 ,7
2 7 9 ,8
2 7 8 ,9
2 7 8 ,0
2 7 7 ,1
2 7 6 ,2
2 7 5 ,3
2 7 4 ,4
2 7 3 ,5
2 7 1
2 ,6
2 7 0 ,8
2 6 9 ,9
2 6 9 ,0
2 6 8 ,1
2 6 7 ,2
2 6 6 ,3
2 6 5 ,4
2 6 4 ,5
2 6 2
3 ,7
2 6 1 ,8
2 6 0 ,9
2 6 0 ,0
2 5 9 ,1
2 5 8 ,2
2 5 7 ,3
2 5 6 ,4
2 5 5 ,5
2 5 4 ,6
2 5 2
3 ,78
2 5 1 ,9
2 5 1 ,0
2 5 0 ,1
2 4 9 ,2
2 4 8 ,3
2 4 7 ,4
2 4 6 ,5
2 4 5 ,6
2 4 3
4 ,78
2 4 2 ,9
2 4 2 ,0
2 4 1 ,1
2 4 0 ,2
2 3 9 ,3
2 3 8 ,4
2 3 7 ,5
2 3 6 ,6
2 3 5 ,7
2 3 3
4 ,89
2 3 3 ,0
2 3 2 ,1
2 3 1 ,2
2 3 0 ,3
2 2 9 ,4
2 2 8 ,5
2 2 7 ,6
2 2 6 ,7
2 2 4
5 ,89
2 2 4 ,0
2 2 3 ,1
2 2 2 ,2
2 2 1 ,3
2 2 0 ,4
2 1 9 ,5
2 1 8 ,6
2 1 7 ,7
2 1 6 ,8
2 2 1 1 5 5 ,9 ,0
2 1 4 ,1
2 1 3 ,2
2 1 2 ,3
2 1 1 ,4
2 1 0 ,5
18.2 Share of
2 0 9 ,6
2 0 8 ,7
2 0 7 ,8
2 2 0 6
0 6 ,9 ,0
2 0 5 ,1
2 0 4 ,2
2 0 3 ,3
2 0 2 ,4
2 0 1 ,5
2 0 0 ,6
1 9 9 ,7
1 9 8 ,8
1 9 7 ,9
1 1 9 9 6 7 ,1 ,0
1 9 5 ,2
1 9 4 ,3
1 9 3 ,4
1 9 2 ,5
1 9 1 ,6
group income
1 9 0 ,7
1 8 9 ,8
1 8 8 ,9
1 1 8 8 7 8 ,1 ,0
1 8 6 ,2
1 8 5 ,3
1 8 4 ,4
1 8 3 ,5
1 8 2 ,6
1 8 1 ,7
1 8 0 ,8
1 7 9 ,9
1 7 9 ,0
1 7 7
8 ,12
1 7 6 ,3
1 7 5 ,4
1 7 4 ,5
1 7 3 ,6
1 7 2 ,7
1 7 1 ,8
1 7 0 ,9
1 7 0 ,0
1 6 8
9 ,12
1 6 7 ,3
1 6 6 ,4
1 6 5 ,5
1 6 4 ,6
1 6 3 ,7
1 6 2 ,8
1 6 1 ,9
1 6 1 ,0
1 6 0 ,1
1 5 8
9 ,23
1 5 7 ,4
1 5 6 ,5
1 5 5 ,6
1 5 4 ,7
1 5 3 ,8
1 5 2 ,9
1 5 2 ,0
1 5 1 ,1
1 1 4 5 9 0 ,23
1 4 8 ,4
1 4 7 ,5
1 4 6 ,6
1 4 5 ,7
1 4 4 ,8
1 4 3 ,9
1 4 3 ,0
1 4 2 ,1
1 1 4 4 1 0 ,23
1 3 9 ,4
1 3 8 ,5
1 3 7 ,6
1 3 6 ,7
1 3 5 ,8
1 3 4 ,9
1 3 4 ,0
1 3 3 ,1
1 3 2 ,2
1 1 3 3 1 0 ,34
1 2 9 ,5
1 2 8 ,6
1 2 7 ,7
1 2 6 ,8
1 2 5 ,9
1 2 5 ,0
1 2 4 ,1
1 2 3 ,2
1 2 1
2 ,34
1 2 0 ,5
1 1 9 ,6
1 1 8 ,7
1 1 7 ,8
1 1 6 ,9
1 1 6 ,0
1 1 5 ,1
1 1 0 ,6
1 0 9 ,7
1 0 8 ,8
1 0 7 ,9
1 0 7 ,0
1 0 6 ,1
1 0 5 ,2
1 0 4 ,3
1 0 2
3 ,45
1 0 1 ,6
1 0 0 ,7
9 9 ,8
9 8 ,9
9 8 ,0
9 7 ,1
9 6 ,2
before write-downs
7 6 ,4
7 5 ,5
7 3
4 ,6 7
7 2 ,8
7 1 ,9
7 1 ,0
7 0 ,1
6 9 ,2
6 8 ,3
6 7 ,4
6 6 ,5
6 4
5 ,6 7
6 3 ,8
6 2 ,9
6 2 ,0
6 1 ,1
6 0 ,2
5 9 ,3
5 8 ,4
5 7 ,5
5 6 ,6
5 4
5 ,7 8
5 3 ,9
5 3 ,0
5 2 ,1
5 1 ,2
5 0 ,3
4 9 ,4
4 8 ,5
4 7 ,6
4 5
6 ,7 8
4 4 ,9
4 4 ,0
4 3 ,1
4 2 ,2
4 1 ,3
4 0 ,4
3 9 ,5
3 8 ,6
3 7 ,7
3 5
6 ,8 9
3 5 ,0
3 4 ,1
3 3 ,2
3 2 ,3
3 1 ,4
3 0 ,5
2 9 ,6
2 8 ,7
2 6
7 ,8 9
2 6 ,0
2 5 ,1
2 4 ,2
2 3 ,3
2 2 ,4
2 1 ,5
2 0 ,6
1 9 ,7
1 8 ,8
1 1 7 7 ,9 ,0
1 6 ,1
1 5 ,2
1 4 ,3
1 3 ,4
1 2 ,5
1 1 ,6
1 0 ,7
9 ,8
8 8 ,9 ,0
7 ,1
6 ,2
5 ,3
4 ,4
3 ,5
2 ,6
1 ,7
0 ,8
-0 ,1
-1 -1 ,9 ,0
-2 ,8
-3 ,7
-4 ,6
-5 ,5
-6 ,4
-7 ,3
-8 ,2
-9 ,1
-1 -1 0 ,90 ,0
-1 1 ,8
-1 2 ,7
-1 3 ,6
-1 4 ,5
-1 5 ,4
-1 6 ,3
-1 7 ,2
-1 8 ,1
-1 1 - 9 9 ,9 ,0
-2 0 ,8
-2 1 ,7
-2 2 ,6
-2 3 ,5
-2 4 ,4
-2 5 ,3
-2 6 ,2
-2 7 ,1
-2 8 ,0
-2 9
8 ,9 8
-3 0 ,7
-3 1 ,6
-3 2 ,5
-3 3 ,4
-3 4 ,3
-3 5 ,2
-3 6 ,1
-3 7 ,0
-3 8
7 ,8 9
-3 9 ,7
-4 0 ,6
-4 1 ,5
-4 2 ,4
-4 3 ,3
-4 4 ,2
-4 5 ,1
-4 6 ,0
-4 6 ,9
-4 8
7 ,8 7
-4 9 ,6
-5 0 ,5
-5 1 ,4
-5 2 ,3
-5 3 ,2
-5 4 ,1
-5 5 ,0
-5 5 ,9
-5 7
6 ,8 7
-5 8 ,6
-5 9 ,5
-6 0 ,4
-6 1 ,3
-6 2 ,2
-6 3 ,1
-6 4 ,0
-6 4 ,9
-6 5 ,8
-6 7
6 ,7 6
-6 8 ,5
-6 9 ,4
-7 0 ,3
-7 1 ,2
-7 2 ,1
-7 3 ,0
-7 3 ,9
-7 4 ,8
-7 6
5 ,7 6
-7 7 ,5
-7 8 ,4
-7 9 ,3
-8 0 ,2
-8 1 ,1
-8 2 ,0
-8 2 ,9
-8 3 ,8
-8 4 ,7
-8 6
5 ,6 5
-8 7 ,4
-8 8 ,3
-8 9 ,2
-9 0 ,1
-9 1 ,0
-9 1 ,9
-9 2 ,8
-9 3 ,7
-9 5
4 ,6 5
-9 6 ,4
-9 7 ,3
-9 8 ,2
-9 9 ,1
-1 0 0 ,0
Fourth quarter 2009 2. Financial results DnB NOR Group
16 (106)
6 179 (576)
5 606
5 740
5 606
3Q09 Interbank funding Lending and Exchange rate Lending and Other interest 4Q09
and interest rate deposit spreads movements deposit volumes income
2. Financial results DnB NOR Group Fourth quarter 2009
Net interest income
Average volumes Spreads in per cent Net interest income
Amounts in NOK million 4Q09 3Q09 4Q08 4Q09 3Q09 4Q08 4Q09 3Q09 4Q08
Lending 1 111 916 1 138 898 1 142 318 1.61 1.63 1.34 4 523 4 689 3 849
Deposits 600 364 613 145 587 052 0.23 0.29 0.68 351 455 1 004
Equity and non-interest bearing items 69 880 66 639 61 236 2.00 2.00 6.01 352 336 926
1) Excluding lending to and deposits from credit institutions and impaired loans.
2) Including exchange rate movements.
Segmental interest rate spreads
Full year
Per cent 4Q09 3Q09 2Q09 1Q09 4Q08 2009 2008
Retail Banking 1.80 1.85 1.85 1.86 1.51 1.83 1.01
Large Corporates and International 1.32 1.38 1.24 1.19 1.05 1.28 0.97
DnB NORD 1.06 1.12 0.90 1.00 1.06 1.02 1.14
Total 1.61 1.63 1.60 1.58 1.34 1.61 1.01
Retail Banking 0.30 0.30 0.28 0.29 0.81 0.27 1.39
Large Corporates and International 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.17 0.20 0.15 0.28
DnB NORD 1.57 1.94 2.26 2.37 2.98 2.04 2.58
Total 0.23 0.29 0.30 0.33 0.68 0.29 1.08
*) of which housing loan portfolio 1.15 1.23 1.20 1.31 1.09 1.22 0.53
1) Excluding lending to and deposits from credit institutions and impaired loans. Margins are calculated based on money market
rates and do not include additional funding costs related to liquidity measures.
Fourth quarter 2009 2. Financial results DnB NOR Group
6.40 6.60
5.80 5.96 5.91
2.46 3-month NIBOR
1.89 2.05
1.86 1.85 1.85 1.80 Lending spread
1.48 1.53 1.48 1.51
1.32 1.31 1.32 1.29
1.28 1.14 1.27 Combined spread
1.08 1.10
- weighted total average
1.17 0.81
0.88 0.95
0.29 0.28 0.30 0.30
Deposit spread
Per cent
6.40 6.60
5.80 5.96 5.91
2.46 2.46 2.46 3-month NIBOR
1) Excluding lending to and deposits from credit institutions and impaired loans
2. Financial results DnB NOR Group Fourth quarter 2009
Developments in average volumes – lending and deposits
NOK billion
Total lending
1 163 1 162 1 150 currency adjusted
1 162 1 151 1 139
1 142
1 112 Total lending
1 070
1 026
1) Average volumes in the period excluding lending to and deposits from credit institutions and impaired loans
Quarterly developments in interest rate spreads
Per cent
6.40 6.60
5.80 5.96 5.91
1.89 2.05 3-month NIBOR
0.97 0.68
0.80 0.81
0.33 0.30 0.29
0.23 Deposit spread
1) Excluding lending to and deposits from credit institutions and impaired loans
Fourth quarter 2009 2. Financial results DnB NOR Group
Developments in average volumes - lending
NOK billion
Total lending
(decrease 4Q08-4Q09: 2.7%)
1 142 1 162 1 151
1 139
1 112
1 070
1 026
Large Corporates
371 380 365
349 and International
316 324
294 (decrease 4Q08-4Q09: 12.7%)
Developments in average volumes - deposits
NOK billion
Total deposits
(growth 4Q08-4Q09: 2.3%)
592 598 600
535 542 537
Large Corporates
204 207 209 211 202 and International
177 175 168 179 (decrease 4Q08-4Q09: 1.3%)
2. Financial results DnB NOR Group Fourth quarter 2009
As a percentage of total income 36.0 40.8 32.3 48.0 42.8 39.8 36.2
*) Of which:
Net gains on assets in Vital 4 114 4 487 3 607 1 257 2 288 13 464 (813)
Guaranteed returns and allocations to
policyholders in Vital 3 798 4 295 3 418 1 201 1 641 12 712 (1 027)
Premium income etc. included in the risk result in Vital 1 169 1 187 1 169 1 180 1 177 4 705 4 543
Insurance claims etc. included in the risk result in Vital 1 240 1 177 1 101 1 096 1 312 4 613 4 407
Net financial and risk result in Vital 246 202 256 139 513 844 350
Net financial and risk result from Vital 238 227 228 148 545 841 462
**) Of which:
1) Wider credit margins caused sizeable unrealised gains on funding in Eksportfinans in the fourth quarter of 2008.
Fourth quarter 2009 2. Financial results DnB NOR Group
Net other operating income, operational reporting
Full year
Amounts in NOK million 4Q09 3Q09 2Q09 1Q09 4Q08 2009 2008
1. Net stock market related income including
financial instruments 720 587 474 382 (109) 2 163 783
2. Net financial and risk result from Vital 238 227 228 148 545 841 462
3. Net other commissions and fees including guarantees 1 330 1 399 1 355 1 299 1 235 5 383 5 396
4. Net gains on FX and interest rate instruments
excluding guarantee commissions 633 1 726 899 2 137 1 487 5 396 4 054
Real estate broking 198 203 205 167 122 774 658
Other income 40 (192) (467) 1 056 1 336 438 1 085
Net other operating income 3 160 3 951 2 694 5 190 4 615 14 994 12 438
Asset management services 254 251 236 221 227 962 1 001
Custodial services 52 38 44 36 56 169 248
Securities trading 47 49 59 52 58 207 283
Corporate finance etc. 48 110 93 61 78 312 377
Net stock market related commissions and fees (I) 401 447 432 370 419 1 650 1 910
Net gains on equity investments including dividends 319 140 42 12 (528) 513 (1 126)
1. Net stock market related income including
financial instruments 720 587 474 382 (109) 2 163 783
Net financial result from Vital 309 216 160 64 680 749 326
2. Net financial and risk result from Vital 238 227 228 148 545 841 462
Money transfer and interbank transactions 507 529 471 463 456 1 969 1 881
Credit broking 52 78 94 92 86 315 288
Sale of insurance products 586 591 585 575 542 2 336 2 381
Other income from banking services 71 137 87 90 50 385 435
Net other commissions and fees (II) 1 215 1 334 1 237 1 219 1 134 5 006 4 984
Net gains on financial instruments - guarantee commissions 115 65 118 80 100 377 411
3. Net other commissions and fees including guarantees 1 330 1 399 1 355 1 299 1 235 5 383 5 396
Net commissions and fees (I + II) 1 616 1 782 1 668 1 589 1 554 6 655 6 894
Net gains on financial instruments - guarantee commissions 115 65 118 80 100 377 411
4. Net gains on FX and interest rate instruments
excluding guarantee commissions 633 1 726 899 2 137 1 487 5 396 4 054
1) In this table items are classified according to main operational areas. Thus, net guarantee commissions, which according to
IFRS are classified as "Net gains on financial instruments at fair value" in the income statement, are classified as "Commissions
and fees". Stock market related commissions and fees are classified as "Stock market related income".
2. Financial results DnB NOR Group Fourth quarter 2009
77 50 (307)
4 615
(1 250)
3 160
1) Excluding guarantees.
Fourth quarter 2009 2. Financial results DnB NOR Group
Operating expenses
Full year
Amounts in NOK million 4Q09 3Q09 2Q09 1Q09 4Q08 2009 2008
Employer's national insurance contributions 280 261 255 286 270 1 082 1 018
Other personnel expenses 224 110 107 146 101 587 421
Total salaries and other personnel expenses 2 493 2 454 2 417 2 553 2 416 9 917 9 463
Fees 69 344 393 349 518 1 155 1 462
EDP expenses 446 412 414 468 260 1 741 1 559
Marketing and public relations 118 140 155 158 168 572 725
Training expenses 20 11 16 26 21 73 89
Operating expenses on properties and premises 324 324 324 334 305 1 306 1 233
Operating expenses on machinery, vehicles and
office equipment 32 36 35 42 40 145 147
Other operating expenses 198 196 247 206 204 846 807
Impairment losses for goodwill 338 100 291 0 1 058 730 1 058
Other depreciations and write-downs of fixed
and intangible assets 380 422 341 338 341 1 479 1 159
Total depreciations and write-downs of fixed
and intangible assets 718 522 632 338 1 400 2 210 2 217
Total operating expenses 4 657 4 648 4 891 4 714 5 618 18 911 18 721
Of which DnB NORD 768 439 965 417 543 2 589 1 704
1) Fees include system development fees and must be viewed relative to EDP expenses.
2. Financial results DnB NOR Group Fourth quarter 2009
Cost/income ratio,
international units
60.2 60.4
53.5 55.1
51.9 Cost/income ratio,
49.0 50.6 DnB NOR Group
53.9 49.3
47.8 43.6 Cost/income ratio,
45.7 42.2 46.0 Norwegian units
1) 2) 2) 2) 2)
4Q07 1Q08 2Q08 3Q08 4Q08 1Q09 2Q09 3Q09 4Q09
1) Excluding allocations to employees
2) Excluding impairment losses for goodwill
Fourth quarter 2009 2. Financial results DnB NOR Group
1) As of 1 July 2009, operations were restructured, whereby retail customers and small and medium-sized companies in Norway
are now organised under the same business area, Retail Banking, while the largest corporate clients are served by the business
area Large Corporates and International. Figures for previous periods have been restated.
2) Due to changes in the agreement with Norway Post, 162.6 full-time positions were transferred from Norway Post on 1 May
2009. Costs and corresponding head-count figures were included with effect from the first quarter of 2009. Includes 68 full-
time positions in the Norwegian operations of SkandiaBanken Bilfinans, which were acquired on 31 January 2008, and 52 full-
time positions in the company's Swedish operations, which were acquired on 29 February 2008.
3) The increase in staff numbers in the fourth quarter 2009 mainly reflects the transfer of some 200 full-time positions to the IT
unit from other units in the Group in connection with the centralisation of IT functions.
IT expenses
Full year
Amounts in NOK million 4Q09 3Q09 2Q09 1Q09 4Q08 2009 2008
IT operating expenses 437 474 483 494 404 1 888 1 731
Systems development expenses 165 376 362 357 369 1 261 1 297
IT expenses in Vital, after eliminations 101 133 119 129 120 482 463
Total IT expenses 2) 702 983 964 980 893 3 630 3 491
1) Including write-downs on IT investments in DnB NORD of NOK 66 million in third quarter of 2009.
2) Including salaries and indirect costs.
2. Financial results DnB NOR Group Fourth quarter 2009
Cost programme
2 000
1 700
1 400
954 900
Retail Banking
NOK 100-150 million
- restructuring of Norwegian banking operations
One IT
NOK 400-600 million
- coordination and consolidation
Fourth quarter 2009 2. Financial results DnB NOR Group
1 200
1 140
1 100
Actual reduction in full-time positions under the cost programme (at end of period)
Target for reduction in full-time positions under the cost programme (at end of period)
Quarterly effects of recorded cost savings
NOK million
34 from:
21 21 3Q09
129 2Q09
27 27 27
13 1Q09
93 3Q08
47 47 47 47
24 2Q08
59 1Q08
19 19 19 19 19 4Q07
16 16 16 16 16 16
28 28 28 28 28 28 28
3 14
3 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
4Q07 1Q08 2Q08 3Q08 4Q08 1Q09 2Q09 3Q09 4Q09
1) Annual effect/4
2. Financial results DnB NOR Group Fourth quarter 2009
The DnB NOR Group's total tax charge for 2009 was NOK 4 086 million, a rise of NOK 834 million
from 2008. Relative to pre-tax operating profits, the tax charge increased from 26.7 to 37.0 per
cent from 2008 to 2009. Impairment losses for goodwill, which give no tax deduction, have
resulted in a higher relative tax charge. Adjusted for this factor, the tax charge was 24.6 per cent
and 34.7 per cent in 2008 and 2009, respectively. The tax charge in 2009 was particularly high
due to developments in DnB NORD, exchange rates and interest levels.
Fourth quarter 2009 2. Financial results DnB NOR Group
1) 2)
Net lending to principal sectors
Building and
2.7% (1.3%)
Transportation and
2.3% (2.5%)
Trade International
3.3% (4.0%)
11.0% (11.6%)
Services and
8.5% (7.4%)
Manufacturing Real estate
4.1% (7.6%) 14.1% (15.2%)
Comparable figures as at
31 December 2008 in parentheses
2. Financial results DnB NOR Group Fourth quarter 2009
Risk classification of portfolio
NOK billion
395 416
12 19
1) Based on DnB NOR's risk classification system. The volume represents the expected outstanding amount in the event of default
in Corporate Banking and Payment Services, Retail Banking and DnB NORD.
PD = probability of default.
DnB NOR's risk classification
Probability of default
External rating
(per cent)
1) DnB NOR's risk classification system, where 1 represents the lowest risk and 10 the highest risk.
Fourth quarter 2009 2. Financial results DnB NOR Group
1) Of which Norwegian units 413 1 080 602 931 1 014 3 038 1 760
Full year
Amounts in NOK million 4Q09 3Q09 2Q09 1Q09 4Q08 2009 2008
Individual write-downs
Retail Banking:
- Private individuals 109 44 99 152 95 405 414
- Small and medium-sized enterprises 61 313 57 202 325 633 489
- DnB NOR Finans 158 91 105 102 208 456 330
- Nordlandsbanken 16 28 31 20 15 94 34
Large Corporates and International:
- Nordic and International Corporates 133 28 196 244 77 601 160
- Shipping, Offshore and Logistics 55 243 201 (23) 3 476 (1)
- Special and Structured Finance 2 0 0 0 0 2 0
- Northern Europe 0 9 15 24 51 48 57
Other units 0 5 0 21 5 18
DnB NOR excl. DnB NORD 534 756 709 721 792 2 719 1 501
DnB NORD 768 948 1 143 487 907 3 346 1 178
Total individual write-downs 1 301 1 704 1 852 1 208 1 699 6 065 2 679
Collective write-downs
DnB NOR excl. DnB NORD 139 480 156 286 469 1 062 620
DnB NORD 77 92 310 104 146 583 210
Total collective write-downs on loans 216 572 466 390 615 1 645 830
Write-downs on loans and guarantees 1 517 2 277 2 318 1 598 2 314 7 710 3 509
1) Of which Norwegian units 413 1 080 602 931 1 014 3 038 1 760
2. Financial results DnB NOR Group Fourth quarter 2009
Write-downs on loans and guarantees for principal sectors
Full year
Amounts in NOK million 4Q09 3Q09 2Q09 1Q09 4Q08 2009 2008
Private individuals 283 144 335 300 200 1 061 635
International shipping 70 240 209 0 5 520 7
Real estate 100 224 447 199 723 970 926
Manufacturing 192 299 203 70 212 765 283
Services and management 109 81 210 174 281 574 368
Trade 192 105 229 352 63 878 113
Oil and gas 0 0 (9) 8 46 (0) 126
Transportation and communication 35 185 52 65 36 337 56
Building and construction 265 210 89 73 30 637 52
Power and water supply (2) 2 1 0 1 1 1
Fishing 0 4 2 (17) 19 (10) 25
Hotels and restaurants 53 15 21 4 22 92 26
Agriculture and forestry 0 42 27 (7) 7 62 31
Other sectors 9 147 41 (13) 44 184 23
Total customers 1 308 1 698 1 859 1 208 1 689 6 073 2 672
Credit institutions (7) 7 (7) 0 10 (8) 7
Change in collective write-downs on loans 216 572 466 390 615 1 645 830
Write-downs on loans and guarantees 1 517 2 277 2 318 1 598 2 314 7 710 3 509
1) The breakdown into principal sectors is based on standardised sector and industry categories set up by Statistics Norway. With
effect from the second quarter of 2009, a new standard for industry codes has been introduced which corresponds to the new
EU standard, NACE Rev. 2. Customers are classified according to their main line of business.
Fourth quarter 2009 2. Financial results DnB NOR Group
Net non-performing and impaired commitments
Per cent
1.68 1.71
1.50 1.56
1.04 0.99 19.2 19.1
NOK billion 0.70
0.45 0.42 0.43 0.44 14.0
4.9 4.4 4.8
3.8 4.2
DnB NOR Group excl. DnB NORD
As a percentage of net lending
1) Pro forma figures prior to 2005
2) Adjusted for updated figures regarding DnB NORD Latvia
1) Write-down ratio includes individual and collective write-downs as a percentage of gross non-performing and impaired
commitments subject to individual write-downs.
2. Financial results DnB NOR Group Fourth quarter 2009
Specification of net non-performing and impaired commitments
Poland Denmark
Building and individuals (15%)
7% (17%) 3%
construction 3% 5%
5% (37%)
(3%) 3%
5% 31%
(2%) 38%
51% (31%)
Services and 10%
(8%) 15% shipping
(0%) Lithuania
Manu- (34%)
facturing Real estate
(20%) (16%)
See page 96 for more details on lending and write-downs in DnB NORD.
Fourth quarter 2009 2. Financial results DnB NOR Group
Net non-performing and impaired commitments
Development in net non-performing and impaired commitments
Private Corporate Private Corporate Private Corporate Private Corporate Private Corporate
Amounts in NOK million individuals customers individuals customers individuals customers individuals customers individuals customers
2. Financial results DnB NOR Group Fourth quarter 2009
Net impaired commitments
Per cent
0.54 12.9
0.36 0.35 12.4 12.1
NOK billion
31 Dec. 31 March 30 June 30 Sept. 31 Dec. 31 March 30 June 30 Sept. 31 Dec.
2007 2008 2009
DnB NOR Group excl. DnB NORD
As a percentage of net lending
1) Includes loans and guarantees on which individual write-downs have been recorded
2) Adjusted for updated figures regarding DnB NORD Latvia
Write-down ratio – net impaired commitments
1) Write-down ratio includes individual and collective write-downs as a percentage of gross impaired commitments subject to
individual write-downs.
Fourth quarter 2009 2. Financial results DnB NOR Group
Capital adequacy
The DnB NOR Group follows the Basel II regulations for capital adequacy calculations. Valuation
rules used in the statutory accounts form the basis for the consolidation, which is subject to
special consolidation rules governed by the Consolidation Regulations.
Primary capital DnB NOR Bank DnB NOR Bank Group DnB NOR Group
31 Dec. 31 Dec. 31 Dec. 31 Dec. 31 Dec. 31 Dec.
Amounts in NOK million 2009 2008 2009 2008 2009 2008
Share capital 17 514 17 514 17 514 17 514 16 231 13 327
Other equity 54 948 51 702 65 800 59 969 85 172 67 949
Total equity 72 462 69 217 83 314 77 483 101 403 81 275
Pension funds above pension commitments 0 0 (3) (1) (119) (152)
Goodwill (1 650) (1 657) (3 853) (4 737) (5 653) (6 854)
Deferred tax assets (1 153) (10) (295) (306) (300) (316)
Other intangible assets (912) (516) (1 980) (1 584) (2 270) (1 842)
Dividends payable etc. 0 0 (3 750) 0 (2 850) 0
Unrealised gains on fixed assets 0 0 (30) (30) (30) (30)
50 per cent of investments in other financial institutions (1 033) (1 070) (1 033) (1 070) (2) 0
50 per cent of expected losses exceeding actual losses,
IRB portfolios (101) (288) (222) (339) (222) (339)
Adjustments for unrealised losses/(gains) on liabilites
recorded at fair value 182 (323) (404) (2 284) (404) (2 284)
Portion of unrecognised actuarial gains/losses, pension costs - 555 - 594 - 608
Equity Tier 1 capital 67 796 65 908 71 745 67 726 89 553 70 066
2) 3)
Perpetual subordinated loan capital securities 8 468 9 742 8 655 9 945 8 655 9 945
Tier 1 capital 76 264 75 649 80 400 77 671 98 208 80 010
Perpetual subordinated loan capital 6 830 8 007 6 830 8 007 6 830 8 007
Term subordinated loan capital 21 111 23 843 23 003 26 083 23 003 26 083
50 per cent of investments in other financial institutions (1 033) (1 070) (1 033) (1 070) (2) 0
50 per cent of expected losses exceeding actual losses,
IRB portfolios (101) (288) (222) (339) (222) (339)
45 per cent of unrealised gains on fixed assets 0 0 18 18 18 18
Tier 2 capital 26 807 30 492 28 597 32 700 29 628 33 770
Total eligible primary capital 103 071 106 141 108 997 110 371 127 836 113 780
Risk-weighted volume 831 885 965 059 960 208 1 120 428 1 052 566 1 200 590
Minimum capital requirement 66 551 77 205 76 817 89 634 84 205 96 047
Equity Tier 1 capital ratio (%) 8.1 6.8 7.5 6.0 8.5 5.8
Tier 1 capital ratio (%) 9.2 7.8 8.4 6.9 9.3 6.7
Capital ratio (%) 12.4 11.0 11.4 9.9 12.1 9.5
1) Upon implementation of NRS 6A (IAS 19) in 2005, unrecognised actuarial gains/losses for pension commitments were charged
to equity in the accounts. The Ministry of Finance established a transitional rule for the years 2005 to 2008 meant to reduce
the negative effect when calculating capital adequacy.
2) Perpetual subordinated loan capital securities can represent up to 15 per cent of core capital. The excess will qualify as
perpetual supplementary capital.
3) As at 31 December 2009, calculations of capital adequacy included a total of NOK 735 million in subordinated loan capital in
associated companies, in addition to subordinated loan capital in the balance sheets of the banking group and the DnB NOR
4) Primary capital and nominal amounts used in calculating risk-weighted volume deviate from figures in the DnB NOR Group's
accounts, as associated companies which are assessed according to the equity method in the accounts, are assessed according
to the gross method in capital adequacy calculations.
Due to transitional rules, the minimum capital adequacy requirements for 2008 and 2009 cannot
be reduced below 90 and 80 per cent respectively relative to the Basel I requirements. Risk-
weighted volume for the Group at the end of 2009 represented 89.1 per cent of the corre-
sponding volume based on the Basel I rules.
2. Financial results DnB NOR Group Fourth quarter 2009
9.6 9.8
8.7 8.5
7.3 7.6
6.7 6.8
- mortgage loans, DnB NOR Bank and
1) 1) 1)
DnB NOR Boligkreditt IRB IRB IRB
1) 1)
- qualifying revolving retail exposure, DnB NOR Kort Standardised IRB IRB
1) 1)
- mortgage loans, Nordlandsbanken Standardised IRB IRB
- loans in Norway, DnB NOR Finans excluding the portfolio from
1) 1)
SkandiaBanken Bilfinans Standardised IRB IRB
- remaining portfolios, DnB NOR Finans Standardised Standardised IRB
- small and medium-sized corporates,
DnB NOR Bank Advanced IRB Advanced IRB Advanced IRB
- large corporate clients, DnB NOR Bank Standardised Advanced IRB Advanced IRB
- corporate clients, Nordlandsbanken Standardised Advanced IRB Advanced IRB
- leasing and loans in Norway, DnB NOR Finans
excluding the portfolio from SkandiaBanken Bilfinans Standardised Advanced IRB Advanced IRB
- remaining portfolios, DnB NOR Finans Standardised Standardised Advanced IRB
- corporate clients, DnB NOR Næringskreditt Standardised Advanced IRB Advanced IRB
- banks and financial institutions Standardised Standardised Advanced IRB
- approved exceptions: government and
municipalities, equity positions, commercial paper Standardised Standardised Standardised
- temporary exceptions: DnB NORD, DnB NOR Luxembourg,
Monchebank and various other portfolios Standardised Standardised Standardised
1) For mortgage loans, no distinction is made between the foundation and the advanced IRB approach.
Fourth quarter 2009 2. Financial results DnB NOR Group
Financial results
Income statement Full year
Amounts in NOK million 4Q09 3Q09 2Q09 1Q09 4Q08 2009 2008
Total interest income 12 667 13 317 14 692 17 687 22 675 58 363 81 953
Total interest expenses 7 061 7 577 9 038 12 054 16 496 35 730 60 044
Net interest income 5 606 5 740 5 654 5 633 6 179 22 633 21 910
Commissions and fees receivable etc. 2 137 2 312 2 217 2 058 2 151 8 724 9 207
Commissions and fees payable etc. 521 530 549 469 597 2 069 2 313
Net gains on financial instruments at fair value 1 066 1 931 1 059 2 229 1 059 6 286 3 339
Net gains on assets in Vital 4 107 4 511 3 578 1 266 2 320 13 462 (701)
Guaranteed returns and allocations to
policyholders in Vital 3 798 4 295 3 418 1 201 1 641 12 712 (1 027)
Premium income etc. included in the risk result in Vital 1 169 1 187 1 169 1 180 1 177 4 705 4 543
Insurance claims etc. included in the risk result in Vital 1 240 1 177 1 101 1 096 1 312 4 613 4 407
Premium income non-life insurance 221 134 149 89 - 593 -
Insurance claims etc. non-life insurance 201 125 135 78 - 538 -
Profit from companies accounted for by
the equity method (49) (284) (471) 897 1 201 93 632
Other income 268 286 195 315 257 1 063 1 111
Net other operating income 3 160 3 951 2 694 5 190 4 615 14 994 12 438
Total income 8 766 9 691 8 347 10 823 10 794 37 627 34 347
Salaries and other personnel expenses 2 493 2 454 2 417 2 553 2 416 9 917 9 463
Other expenses 1 446 1 672 1 843 1 823 1 802 6 784 7 040
Depreciation and write-downs of fixed and
intangible assets 718 522 632 338 1 400 2 210 2 217
Total operating expenses 4 657 4 648 4 891 4 714 5 618 18 911 18 721
Pre-tax operating profit before write-downs 4 109 5 043 3 457 6 109 5 176 18 717 15 627
Net gains on fixed and intangible assets 19 (4) 7 4 5 26 52
Write-downs on loans and guarantees 1 517 2 277 2 318 1 598 2 314 7 710 3 509
Pre-tax operating profit 2 610 2 762 1 146 4 514 2 868 11 032 12 170
Taxes 1 001 1 002 503 1 580 1 240 4 086 3 252
Profit from operations and non-current assets held for sale, after taxes 80 0 0 0 0 80 0
Profit for the period 1 689 1 760 643 2 934 1 629 7 026 8 918
Profit attributable to shareholders 2 122 2 167 1 200 3 095 2 030 8 585 9 211
Profit attributable to minority interests (433) (408) (558) (161) (402) (1 559) (293)
Earnings/diluted earnings per share (NOK) 1.58 1.63 0.90 2.32 1.52 6.43 6.91
Earnings per share excluding operations held for sale (NOK) 1.52 1.63 0.90 2.32 1.52 6.37 6.91
2. Financial results DnB NOR Group Fourth quarter 2009
Key figures
Full year
4Q09 3Q09 2Q09 1Q09 4Q08 2009 2008
Rate of return/profitability
4 Net other operating income, per cent of total income 36.0 40.8 32.3 48.0 42.8 39.8 36.2
5 Cost/income ratio (%) 49.3 46.9 55.1 43.6 42.2 48.3 51.4
6 Return on equity, annualised (%) 10.1 10.6 6.0 15.8 10.7 10.6 12.4
7 RARORAC, annualised (%) 15.5 18.8 11.6 22.9 24.5 17.2 13.6
8 RORAC, annualised (%) 12.9 12.9 6.7 18.1 11.7 12.6 15.3
9 Average equity including allocated dividend (NOK million) 84 110 81 986 80 410 78 437 76 048 81 236 74 044
10 Return on average risk-weighted volume, annualised (%) 0.63 0.64 0.22 1.00 0.58 0.83 0.79
Financial strength
11 Core (Tier 1) capital ratio at end of period (%) 9.3 7.3 7.1 6.8 6.7 9.3 6.7
12 Core (Tier 1) capital ratio incl. 50% of profit
for the period (%) - 7.6 7.3 7.0 - - -
13 Capital adequacy ratio at end of period (%) 12.1 10.1 10.1 9.6 9.5 12.1 9.5
14 Capital adequacy ratio incl. 50% of profit
for the period (%) - 10.3 10.2 9.7 - - -
15 Core capital at end of period (NOK million) 98 208 80 010 80 231 78 613 80 010 98 208 80 010
16 Risk-weighted volume at end of period (NOK million) 1 052 566 1 093 934 1 122 620 1 147 791 1 200 590 1 052 566 1 200 590
21 Ratio of customer deposits to net lending to
customers at end of period (%) 53.0 52.5 52.5 50.7 50.1 53.0 50.1
26 Number of full-time positions at end of period 13 317 13 524 13 711 13 928 14 057 13 317 14 057
Fourth quarter 2009 2. Financial results DnB NOR Group
1, 2, 3 Based on nominal values excluding lending to and deposits with credit institutions and impaired loans,
measured against the 3-month money market rate.
5 Total operating expenses relative to total income. Expenses exclude allocations to employees and
impairment losses for goodwill.
6 Profit for the period, excluding profit attributable to minority interests, adjusted for the period’s change in
fair value recognised in equity. Average equity is calculated on the basis of recorded equity excluding
minority interests.
7 RARORAC (Risk-Adjusted Return On Risk-Adjusted Capital) is defined as risk-adjusted profits relative to
the risk-adjusted capital requirement. Risk-adjusted profits indicate the level of profits in a normalised
situation. The risk-adjusted capital requirement is described in further detail in the chapter "Management
in DnB NOR" in the DnB NOR Group's annual report for 2008.
8 RORAC (Return On Risk-Adjusted Capital) is defined as profits for the period relative to the risk-adjusted
capital requirement. Profits for the period exclude profits attributable to minority interests and are
adjusted for the period’s change in fair value recognised directly in equity and for the difference between
recorded interest on average equity and interest on risk-adjusted capital.
10 Profit for the period relative to average risk-weighted volume.
22 Total assets under management for customers in Life and Asset Management.
23 Total assets and customer assets under management.
25 Total deposits from customers, assets under management and equity-linked bonds.
29 Excluding profits attributable to minority interests. Holdings of own shares are not included in calculations
of the number of shares.
30 Excluding operations held for sale and profits attributable to minority interests. Holdings of own shares are
not included in calculations of the number of shares.
32 Closing price at end of period less closing price at beginning of period, including dividends reinvested in
DnB NOR shares on the dividend payment date, relative to closing price at beginning of period.
34 Equity at end of period excluding minority interests relative to number of shares at end of period.
37 Closing price at end of period relative to annualised earnings per share.
38 Closing price at end of period relative to recorded equity at end of period.
39 Number of shares multiplied by the closing share price at end of period.
2. Financial results DnB NOR Group Fourth quarter 2009
Section 3
With effect from 1 July 2009 the business structure has been changed.
Figures prior to the third quarter of 2009 have been restated accordingly.
Group Finance
Retail Corporates DnB NOR Life and Asset Operations HR IT and Risk
Banking and Markets Management
3. DnB NOR Group – business areas Fourth quarter 2009
DnB NOR's business areas; Retail Banking, Large Corporates and International, DnB NOR
Markets and Life and Asset Management are independent profit centres carrying responsibility for
customer segments served by the Group and the products offered. In addition, DnB NORD is
reported as a separate profit centre.
The income statement and balance sheet for the business areas have been prepared on the basis
of internal financial reporting for the functional organisation of the DnB NOR Group into business
areas. Figures for the business areas are based on DnB NOR's management model and the
Group's accounting principles. The figures have been restated in accordance with the new
organisational structure and the Group's current principles for allocating costs and capital
between business areas. The figures for business areas are based on a number of assumptions,
estimates and discretionary distributions. Internal transfer rates used between the business
areas are determined based on observable market rates, e.g. NIBOR. Additional costs relating to
the Group's long-term funding are charged to the business areas. According to the Group's
liquidity management policy, 90 per cent of lending is financed through stable deposits and long-
term funding. The additional costs thus arising were charged to the business areas. In the
management accounts, Retail Banking and Large Corporates and International are measured
based on the business areas' ordinary operations. Volatile IFRS effects are not allocated to the
business areas.
Return on capital for the business areas are presented in the descriptions of each area in this
section. Return on capital is measured as the business area's profits after taxes relative to
average allocated capital. Capital is allocated to the business areas as part of the Group's
financial planning process and corresponds to the areas' risk-adjusted capital requirement based
on the risk involved in operations. The capital requirement is measured in accordance with
DnB NOR's total risk model.
Internal pricing
DnB NOR's financial management model and operational organisation entail the sale of products
and services between the business areas in the Group. The pricing of such intra-group
transactions is regulated by internal agreements based on market terms.
Certain customers and transactions of major importance require extensive cooperation within
the Group. To stimulate such cooperation, net income relating to some of these customers and
transactions is recorded in the accounts of all relevant business areas. This refers primarily to
income from customer trading in DnB NOR Markets. In the fourth quarter of 2009, such income
totalled NOK 292 million. Double entries are eliminated in the group accounts.
Services provided by staff and support units will as far as possible be scaled and priced according
to use. Joint expenses incurred by group staff units and other group expenditures that cannot be
debited according to use, are charged to the business areas' accounts on the basis of special
distribution formulas. Costs relating to the Group's equity transactions, including strategic
investments, and direct shareholder-related expenses and costs concerning the Group's
governing bodies are not charged to the business areas.
Fourth quarter 2009 3. DnB NOR Group – business areas
1) Impairment losses for goodwill totalled NOK 1 058 million in the fourth quarter of 2008.
3. DnB NOR Group – business areas Fourth quarter 2009
Large Other
Retail DnB NOR Life and Asset DnB NOR
Corporates and DnB NORD operations/
Banking Markets Management 1) Group
International eliminations
Amounts in NOK million 4Q09 4Q08 4Q09 4Q08 4Q09 4Q08 4Q09 4Q08 4Q09 4Q08 4Q09 4Q08 4Q09 4Q08
Net interest income - ordinary operations 3 515 3 371 1 271 1 394 288 289 (46) (136) 354 394 223 867 5 606 6 179
Interest on allocated capital 100 303 153 472 28 109 46 128 14 86 (341) (1 097)
Net interest income 3 615 3 674 1 425 1 866 315 398 0 (9) 369 479 (118) (230) 5 606 6 179
Net other operating income 963 806 586 687 943 2 127 923 1 127 182 276 (438) (407) 3 160 4 615
Total income 4 578 4 480 2 011 2 553 1 259 2 525 923 1 118 551 755 (556) (637) 8 766 10 794
Operating expenses 2 496 2 557 405 534 459 527 558 445 768 543 (29) 1 012 4 657 5 618
Pre-tax operating profit before write-downs 2 082 1 923 1 606 2 018 800 1 998 365 673 (217) 213 (527) (1 650) 4 109 5 176
Write-downs on loans and guarantees 344 643 189 127 0 1 0 0 845 1 053 139 491 1 517 2 314
Pre-tax operating profit 1 738 1 279 1 417 1 892 800 1 997 365 673 (1 078) (837) (632) (2 136) 2 610 2 868
1) Other operations/eliminations:
Eliminations of double
Other eliminations Group Centre Total
Amounts in NOK million 4Q09 4Q08 4Q09 4Q08 4Q09 4Q08 4Q09 4Q08
Net interest income - ordinary operations 0 0 (3) (30) 227 898 223 867
Net other operating income (292) (625) (160) (111) 14 329 (438) (407)
Total income (292) (625) (164) (142) (101) 130 (556) (637)
Pre-tax operating profit before write-downs (292) (625) 0 (9) (236) (1 017) (527) (1 650)
The eliminations refer mainly to internal services from support units to business areas and between business areas. Further, intra-group transactions
and gains and losses on transactions between companies in the Group are eliminated. The elimination of double entries primarily concerns net profits
on customer business carried out in cooperation between DnB NOR Markets and other business areas and taken to income in both areas.
The Group Centre includes Operations, HR (Human Resources), IT, Group Finance and Risk Management, Marketing and Communications, Corporate
Centre, the partially owned company Eksportfinans, investments in IT infrastructure and shareholder-related. In addition, the Group Centre includes
that part of the Group’s equity that is not allocated to the business areas.
2) The interest is calculated on the basis of internal measurement of risk-adjusted capital. Figures for previous periods have been restated.
Fourth quarter 2009 3. DnB NOR Group – business areas
Large Other
Retail DnB NOR Life and Asset DnB NOR
Corporates and DnB NORD operations/
Banking Markets Management Group
International eliminations
Amounts in NOK billion 4Q09 4Q08 4Q09 4Q08 4Q09 4Q08 4Q09 4Q08 4Q09 4Q08 4Q09 4Q08 4Q09 4Q08
Net lending to customers 723.8 682.9 341.3 388.0 6.4 7.2 2.8 2.5 75.9 87.8 (19.9) (6.8) 1 130.3 1 161.6
Deposits from customers 370.6 360.6 219.5 222.1 28.0 21.3 20.0 23.1 (18.0) (18.6) 620.0 608.5
Assets under management 0.1 480.0 531.7 (0.1) 480.0 531.7
Key figures
Retail DnB NOR Life and Asset Other DnB NOR
Corporates and DnB NORD
Banking Markets Management operations Group
Per cent 4Q09 4Q08 4Q09 4Q08 4Q09 4Q08 4Q09 4Q08 4Q09 4Q08 4Q09 4Q08 4Q09 4Q08
Cost/income ratio 52.3 54.8 20.2 20.9 36.5 20.9 60.4 39.8 72.6 54.2 49.3 42.2
1) 4)
Ratio of deposits to lending 51.2 52.8 64.3 57.2 26.4 26.4 54.9 52.4
Return on allocated capital,
annualised 25.3 18.3 13.3 17.4 41.5 80.3 49.3 10.4 (28.9) (28.4) 12.9 11.7
Full-time positions as at 31 Dec. 5 090 5 241 1 061 1 115 647 655 961 1 169 3 174 3 597 2 385 2 280 13 317 14 057
1) Based on nominal values and includes lending to and deposits from credit institutions.
2) The figures include total assets in Vital and was NOK 232.5 billion as at 31 December 2009 and NOK 224.1 billion as at 31 December 2008..
3) Total operating expenses relative to total income. Expenses exclude impairment losses for goodwill.
4) Deposits from customers relative to net lending to customers.
5) The return is calculated on the basis of internal measurement of risk-adjusted capital.
6) Due to changes in the agreement with Norway Post, 162.6 full-time positions were transferred from Norway Post on 1 May 2009. Costs and
corresponding head-count figures relating to these positions were included with effect from the first quarter of 2009. In 2009, some 200 full-time
positions were transferred to the IT unit from other units in the Group in connection with the centralisation of IT functions.
Large Other
Retail DnB NOR Life and Asset DnB NOR
Corporates and DnB NORD operations/
Banking Markets Management Group
International eliminations
Amounts in NOK million 2009 2008 2009 2008 2009 2008 2009 2008 2009 2008 2009 2008 2009 2008
Net interest income - ordinary operations 14 495 12 347 5 273 4 492 1 100 708 (251) (588) 1 462 1 411 554 3 539 22 633 21 910
Interest on allocated capital 503 1 224 793 1 606 144 305 231 502 96 303 (1 767) (3 939)
Net interest income 14 998 13 571 6 066 6 097 1 244 1 014 (20) (86) 1 559 1 714 (1 213) (400) 22 633 21 910
Net other operating income 3 756 3 717 2 525 2 334 5 999 4 671 3 582 2 988 684 754 (1 552) (2 027) 14 994 12 438
Total income 18 753 17 288 8 591 8 431 7 243 5 685 3 562 2 902 2 242 2 468 (2 765) (2 427) 37 627 34 347
Operating expenses 10 185 9 620 1 806 2 021 1 913 1 749 2 211 2 153 2 589 1 704 207 1 473 18 911 18 721
Pre-tax operating profit before write-downs 8 569 7 669 6 785 6 410 5 331 3 936 1 351 748 (347) 764 (2 972) (3 900) 18 717 15 627
Write-downs on loans and guarantees 1 586 1 267 1 128 212 0 1 0 0 3 929 1 388 1 067 641 7 710 3 509
Pre-tax operating profit 6 984 6 402 5 657 6 216 5 331 3 935 1 351 748 (4 289) (605) (4 001) (4 525) 11 032 12 170
1) The interest is calculated on the basis of internal measurement of risk-adjusted capital. Figures for previous periods have been restated accordingly.
3. DnB NOR Group – business areas Fourth quarter 2009
1) 2)
Corporate customers
31 Dec. 30 Sept. 30 June 31 March 31 Dec.
Per cent 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008
Of total lending to corporate clients 14.0 14.5 14.9 14.4 15.2
Of deposits from corporate clients 35.5 36.1 35.7 37.1 36.6
Fourth quarter 2009 3. DnB NOR Group – business areas
Retail Banking
Retail Banking aims to maintain its leading market position and stand out as the customers' best
financial partner. Karin Bing Orgland, group executive vice president, heads the business area.
• Serving 2.3 million private customers and 101 000 corporate customers, of which 535 000
customers have loans
• 1 367 000 customers subscribe to DnB NOR loyalty programmes and Postbanken Leve
• 1.2 million customers have agreed to receive notifications from the bank, such as account
statements, via e-mail
• 64 million payment transactions were carried out through the Internet banks in 2009
• 6.0 million payment transactions were carried out through in-store postal and banking outlets
• 29.6 million SMS messages were received in 2009
• Brand names
DnB NOR Skadeforsikring
Postbanken and Norway Post have established joint service solutions provided through in-store
postal outlets where customers can carry out everyday banking transactions in their local
supermarkets. The distribution of standard banking services through in-store banking outlets is
based on an agreement between DnB NOR and NorgesGruppen.
3. DnB NOR Group – business areas Fourth quarter 2009
At end-December 2009, the business area had a staff of 5 090 full-time positions, with 4 660
positions in Norway, including 1 289 in Norwegian subsidiaries, and 430 in international units.
Streamlining measures in the Group's cost programme resulted in staff reductions in Norwegian
operations compared with 2008.
Financial performance
Full year
Amounts in NOK million 4Q09 3Q09 2Q09 1Q09 4Q08 2009 2008
Net interest income - ordinary operations 3 515 3 783 3 720 3 477 3 371 14 495 12 347
Interest on allocated capital 100 100 129 174 303 503 1 224
Net interest income 3 615 3 883 3 849 3 651 3 674 14 998 13 571
Net other operating income 963 990 932 870 806 3 756 3 717
Total income 4 578 4 872 4 782 4 522 4 480 18 753 17 288
Operating expenses 2 496 2 619 2 483 2 586 2 557 10 185 9 620
Pre-tax operating profit before write-downs 2 082 2 253 2 299 1 935 1 923 8 569 7 669
Net gains on fixed and intangible assets 0 0 0 1 (1) 1 0
Write-downs on loans and guarantees 344 475 290 476 643 1 586 1 267
Pre-tax operating profit 1 738 1 778 2 008 1 460 1 279 6 984 6 402
Net lending to customers (NOK billion) 723.8 719.2 710.0 700.2 682.9 713.3 664.1
Deposits from customers (NOK billion) 370.6 372.0 364.1 364.4 360.6 367.7 352.5
Cost/income ratio (%) 52.3 51.7 51.9 57.2 54.8 53.2 55.1
Ratio of deposits to lending (%) 51.2 51.7 51.3 52.0 52.8 51.6 53.1
Return on allocated capital, annualised (%) 25.3 26.2 30.4 22.6 18.3 26.1 23.6
1) In connection with the restructuring of Retail Banking and Large Corporates and International, figures for previous periods have been restated after
the release of the third quarter results for 2009.
2) The interest is calculated on the basis of internal measurement of risk-adjusted capital. Figures for previous periods have been restated accordingly.
3) Average balances. Based on nominal values.
Allocated capital 19 653 19 381 20 023 2.00 2.00 6.01 100 100 303
Fourth quarter 2009 3. DnB NOR Group – business areas
Developments in average volumes and interest spreads
NOK billion
712 718
687 693 702
Residential mortgages
NOK billion
377 383
370 364 372
67 71 73 73
14 17 19 20 21
31 Dec. 2008 31 March 2009 30 June 2009 30 Sept. 2009 31 Dec. 2009
3. DnB NOR Group – business areas Fourth quarter 2009
1.20% 1.23%
1.09% 1.15%
3% 2% 86
Fishing and 44
fish farming 26
2 3
Fourth quarter 2009 3. DnB NOR Group – business areas
After the acquisition of Svensk Fastighetsförmedling DnB NOR became the largest provider of
real estate brokerage services in the Nordic region Svensk Fastighetsförmedling had 213 outlets
in Sweden at end-December.
In addition to fee income, real estate broking operations generate business in the form of
residential mortgages and savings.
5 306
5 025
4 525
4 096
Properties sold and market shares
Full year
Properties sold 4Q09 3Q09 2Q09 1Q09 4Q08 2009 2008
DnB NOR Eiendom 3 702 4 361 4 085 3 265 2 286 15 413 13 347
Postbanken Eiendom 823 945 940 831 588 3 539 3 024
Total properties sold 4 525 5 306 5 025 4 096 2 874 18 952 16 371
Market shares, per cent 19 % 18 %
3. DnB NOR Group – business areas Fourth quarter 2009
Consumer finance
Average volumes
Full year
Amounts in NOK billion 4Q09 3Q09 2Q09 1Q09 4Q08 2009 2008
Net lending to customers 14 14 14 13 13 14 12
Business profile
• DnB NOR's card-based services and consumer finance activities are coordinated in DnB NOR
Kort, an entity within DnB NOR Bank ASA.
• Consumer finance activities generated healthy profits in the fourth quarter of 2009.
• DnB NOR Kort is Norway's leading card issuer in terms of number of cards issued and lending
volume. As at 31 December 2009, the entity had issued more than 1.7 million credit and
charge cards
Average volumes
Full year
Amounts in NOK billion 4Q09 3Q09 2Q09 1Q09 4Q08 2009 2008
Net lending to customers 46 46 46 47 47 46 44
• There was an 11.4 per cent decrease in new leasing and lending contracts in 2009 compared
to 2008.
• The value of processed factoring invoices was down 5 per cent in 2009 relative to 2008.
Business profile
DnB NOR Finans is Norway’s leading finance company. The company provides administrative,
financial and risk-reducing services related to investments and operations. In its operations,
DnB NOR Finans focuses mainly on leasing, leasing concepts for information and communication
technology, factoring, motor vehicle financing and Auto lease (DnB NOR Finans’ product concept
for long-term leasing and management of company cars and service vehicles).
DnB NOR Finans has a strong local presence in Norway through 14 branches, most of which
are co-located with branches of DnB NOR Bank. In addition, DnB NOR Finans has local
representation in Denmark, where it offers Auto lease services, and in Sweden, where it offers
Auto lease services, car finance, equipment finance and information and communication
technology finance.
Average volumes
Full year
Amounts in NOK billion 4Q09 3Q09 2Q09 1Q09 4Q08 2009 2008
Net lending to customers 34 33 33 33 31 33 30
Customer deposits 13 13 12 13 12 13 12
Business profile
Nordlandsbanken is a wholly owned subsidiary of DnB NOR ASA. Nordlandsbanken serves private
customers, businesses and the public sector through 16 branches in Nordland county.
Nordlandsbanken aim to be the leading bank in Nordland county for customers who seek local
Fourth quarter 2009 3. DnB NOR Group – business areas
Non-life insurance
DnB NOR Skadeforsikring AS was established in the autumn of 2008, offering non-life insurance
products, mainly to private individuals (home, car, travel etc.). The company is insurer for the
portfolio established by the agent company Vital Skade AS, and the portfolio was transferred in
accordance with policy-renewals during 2009.
DnB NOR Skadeforsikring AS provides non-life insurance products within the Group's distribution
network and customer base, with products accommodated to the bank assurance concept. High
level of service in claims handling and advisory, are significant components in creating customer
loyalty. Furthermore, the company aims to achieve sufficient profitability with a long-term
combined ratio below 100 per cent.
Written premium generated in DnB NOR Skadeforsikring AS in the fourth quarter of 2009,
amounted NOK 972 million.
From February 2010 the responsibility for DnB NOR Skadeforsikring was transferred to the
business area Insurance and Asset Management. DnB NOR Skadeforsikring will continue as a
separate company, and non-life insurance will be sold through Retail Banking's distribution
3. DnB NOR Group – business areas Fourth quarter 2009
Large Corporates and International (LCI) aims to offer good solutions to the customers in a
challenging market situation, and maintain and build strong relations for the future. Leif Teksum,
group executive vice president, heads the business area.
DnB NOR Monchebank is a separate subsidiary in the Business Development and Cash
Management Division.
At end-December 2009, the business area had a staff of 1 061 full-time positions, with 461
positions in Norway and 601 in international units.
Financial performance
Full year
Amounts in NOK million 4Q09 3Q09 2Q09 1Q09 4Q08 2009 2008
Net interest income - ordinary operations 1 271 1 355 1 321 1 325 1 394 5 273 4 492
Interest on allocated capital 2) 153 154 205 280 472 793 1 606
Net interest income 1 425 1 509 1 526 1 606 1 866 6 066 6 097
Net other operating income 586 516 809 614 687 2 525 2 334
Total income 2 011 2 025 2 335 2 220 2 553 8 591 8 431
Operating expenses 405 446 464 490 534 1 806 2 021
Pre-tax operating profit before write-downs 1 606 1 579 1 871 1 730 2 018 6 785 6 410
Net gains on fixed and intangible assets 0 0 0 0 0 0 17
Write-downs on loans and guarantees 189 281 413 246 127 1 128 212
Pre-tax operating profit 1 417 1 298 1 457 1 485 1 892 5 657 6 216
Net lending to customers (NOK billion) 3) 341.3 367.3 382.5 396.7 388.0 371.8 329.2
Deposits from customers (NOK billion) 219.5 232.4 230.3 227.5 222.1 227.4 196.3
Cost/income ratio (%) 20.2 22.0 19.9 22.1 20.9 21.0 24.0
Ratio of deposits to lending (%) 64.3 63.3 60.2 57.3 57.2 61.2 59.6
Return on allocated capital, annualised (%) 13.3 12.2 13.9 14.3 17.4 13.4 17.4
1) In connection with the restructuring of Retail Banking and Large Corporates and International, figures for previous periods have been restated after
the release of the third quarter results for 2009.
2) The interest is calculated on the basis of internal measurement of risk-adjusted capital. Figures for previous periods have been restated accordingly.
3) Average balances. Based on nominal values.
Fourth quarter 2009 3. DnB NOR Group – business areas
Allocated capital 30 345 30 345 31 222 2.00 2.00 6.01 153 154 472
1) Based on nominal values excluding lending to and deposits from credit institutions and impaired loans.
3. DnB NOR Group – business areas Fourth quarter 2009
Developments in average volumes and interest spreads
NOK billion
371 380
1.38% 1.32%
1.19% 1.24%
Risk classification of portfolio
NOK billion
31 Dec. 2008
31 Dec. 2009
2 4
Fourth quarter 2009 3. DnB NOR Group – business areas
Risk classification of international portfolio
NOK billion
31 Dec. 2008
31 Dec. 2009
1) Based on DnB NOR's risk classification system. The volume represents the expected outstanding amount in the event of default.
PD = probability of default
The international portfolio comprises customers with an address outside Norway
Risk classification of commercial property
NOK billion
31 Dec. 2008
31 Dec. 2009
1) Based on DnB NOR's risk classification system. The volume represents the expected outstanding amount in the event of default.
PD = probability of default
3. DnB NOR Group – business areas Fourth quarter 2009
building loans 1.3%
Sweden 5.6%
Central/Northern Norway
Oslo/Akershus 47.2%
Western Norway 14.8%
Fourth quarter 2009 3. DnB NOR Group – business areas
• The NC Division serves the bank's largest Norwegian and Nordic corporate clients within the
retail and service industries, commercial real estate and contractors, financial institutions, the
public sector and non-government organisations. The NC Division also serves international
clients in the same segments.
• DnB NOR is the market leader in these segments in Norway. The majority of Norway's largest
corporations use DnB NOR as their lead banker. In addition, DnB NOR has extensive
interaction with most other institutions in these segments.
• Commercial real estate broking services are offered through the subsidiary DnB NOR
Næringsmegling AS.
Average volumes
Full year
Amounts in NOK billion 4Q09 3Q09 2Q09 1Q09 4Q08 2009 2008
Net lending to customers 84 88 90 88 92 87 90
- Adjusted for exchange rate movements 84 88 89 87 92 87 91
Guarantees 14 14 14 14 16 14 15
Customer deposits 75 76 76 76 77 76 75
1) 2)
Exposure at default according to sector Risk classification of portfolio
Public sector NOK billion
(4%) Services
(4%) Other
Manu- corporate 31 Dec. 2008
facturing 2%5% 31 Dec. 2009
3% (14%)
6% Finance
(14%) 106
55% 62
Real estate 13
and 2
(53%) PD 0.01% - 0.75% PD 0.75% - 2.0% PD 2.0% -
3. DnB NOR Group – business areas Fourth quarter 2009
• The International Corporates and Institutions Division serves large Norwegian corporates
including international companies with business in Norway, international customers in the oil
and energy-, seafood-, telecom-, media-, technology-, healthcare-, and forest industry
sectors as well as financial institutions.
• The division serves a majority of the Norwegian companies in the defined industries as their
lead banker. In addition there is a broad interaction with a majority of the other corporates in
these segments in Norway, as well as with selected corporates within LCI's strategy
Average volumes
Full year
Amounts in NOK billion 4Q09 3Q09 2Q09 1Q09 4Q08 2009 2008
Net lending to customers 75 81 84 92 89 83 70
- Adjusted for exchange rate movements 75 80 79 84 86 83 77
Guarantees 34 38 41 45 45 40 39
Customer deposits 70 75 72 70 65 71 60
1) 2)
Exposure at default according to sector Risk classification of portfolio
Other NOK billion
Services customers (12%)
(3%) 31 Dec. 2008
31 Dec. 2009
9% (0%)
Media and
telecom 7% 2% Real estate
(8%) 1%
and 143
Fourth quarter 2009 3. DnB NOR Group – business areas
• The Shipping, Offshore and Logistics Division provides commercial and investment banking
services to high-quality Norwegian and international shipping, offshore and logistics clients.
• The division aims to achieve satisfactory growth in risk-adjusted profitability by being one of
the leading international shipping banks.
• The division aims to be the preferred strategic discussion partner for clients.
• The division focuses on competence development to further improve the quality and range of
client services.
Average volumes
Full year
Amounts in NOK billion 4Q09 3Q09 2Q09 1Q09 4Q08 2009 2008
Net lending to customers 134 147 158 165 156 151 126
- Adjusted for exchange rate movements 134 140 143 145 147 151 143
Guarantees 10 11 12 12 11 11 11
Customer deposits 66 70 70 73 73 70 57
1) 2)
Exposure at default according to sector Risk classification of portfolio
Logistics NOK billion
Gas (7%)
31 Dec. 2008
Other non- 193 31 Dec. 2009
shipping 7% Offshore
(2%) (27%)
(2%) 26%
Other 5%
C hemical 2%
4% 93
(2%) 8%
14% (9%) 58
Product 14% 47
5% 32
C ontainer/
Dry cargo
(16%) C ruise PC C
(4%) (15%)
PD 0.01% - 0.75% PD 0.75% - 2.0% PD 2.0% -
• DnB NOR has a diversified portfolio in the maritime sector, as shown above.
• Clients within the dry bulk segment are mainly well-established operators with good contract
• The container portfolio is characterised by companies that are among the major operators
and tonnage providers.
• Within the crude tanker portfolio, clients are mainly leading international tanker owners.
• Lessons are learned from previous downturns, and internal credit analysis has been based on
low rate estimates.
• DnB NOR is proactively addressing the downturn, and financial covenants are actively used in
risk management.
3. DnB NOR Group – business areas Fourth quarter 2009
Northern Europe
Beginning 1 July 2009, the Group’s corporate business units in Northern Europe have been
organised in a separate division called Northern Europe. The division has been established in
order to more effectively utilise the business potential in the Nordic/Northern European region,
which is increasingly becoming an integrated market with a growing number of corporate
customers operating cross-border. The division consists of the Group’s offices in Sweden,
Germany, Denmark and Finland, and aims to serve and cross-sell solutions to corporate
customers within the Group’s defined industry sectors in these countries. The division also aims
to be the preferred provider of financial services for DnB NORD customers doing business in
Northern European countries.
Average volumes
Full year
Amounts in NOK billion 4Q09 3Q09 2Q09 1Q09 4Q08 2009 2008
Net lending to customers 48 51 52 53 53 51 44
- Adjusted for exchange rate movements 48 50 50 50 50 51 45
Guarantees 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Customer deposits 12 11 11 8 7 10 5
1) 2)
Exposure at default according to sector Risk classification of portfolio
Inter- NOK billion
(0%) Other 31 Dec. 2008
Services 2% corporate 31 Dec. 2009
6% customers
(12%) 15%
Media and 15% 3%
telecom Finance
(13%) (9%)
Fourth quarter 2009 3. DnB NOR Group – business areas
(part of the Administration and Business Support Division)
DnB NOR Monchebank is a regional bank serving corporate and retail customers and has a firm
foothold in the Murmansk region in Russia. The bank holds a general licence for banking
operations throughout Russia. The bank will be the fundament for further development of
DnB NOR's business in the Murmansk and Arkhangelsk region.
Average volumes
Full year
Amounts in NOK billion 4Q09 3Q09 2Q09 1Q09 4Q08 2009 2008
Net lending to customers 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.4
Guarantees - - - - - - -
Customer deposits 0.9 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.8
3. DnB NOR Group – business areas Fourth quarter 2009
The Group Treasury is organised within DnB NOR Markets though profits and losses for the unit
are not recorded under this business area.
DnB NOR Markets aims to be the leading investment bank for Norwegian and Norwegian-related
customers, as well as international clients requiring services relating to Norway and the
Norwegian krone. Clients outside Norway are served through the Group's international units,
especially shipping, energy and seafood clients and Norwegian companies' international entities.
DnB NOR Markets is a full-service investment bank with leading market positions in Norway.
The business area has:
• A diversified business/revenues mix (products and customers)
• A sound mix of customer and trading activities
• Cost and capital-efficient operations
Investment bank
Customer Customer
• Facilitate transactions
• Engage in market making
• Act as customers' counterparty
Through its diversified business and products, DnB NOR Markets is well positioned to
capitalise on the Group's customer base and interest rate and currency positions.
Fourth quarter 2009 3. DnB NOR Group – business areas
DnB NOR Markets staff located in offices in Norway and abroad represents 647 full-time
Financial performance
Full year
Amounts in NOK million 4Q09 3Q09 2Q09 1Q09 4Q08 2009 2008
Net interest income - ordinary operations 288 291 282 239 289 1 100 708
Interest on allocated capital 28 28 37 51 109 144 305
Net interest income 315 319 320 290 398 1 244 1 014
Net other operating income 943 1 256 1 428 2 372 2 127 5 999 4 671
Total income 1 259 1 575 1 748 2 662 2 525 7 243 5 685
Operating expenses 459 455 470 528 527 1 913 1 749
Pre-tax operating profit before write-downs 800 1 120 1 277 2 133 1 998 5 331 3 936
Net gains on fixed and intangible assets 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Write-downs on loans and guarantees 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
Pre-tax operating profit 800 1 120 1 277 2 133 1 997 5 331 3 935
Cost/income ratio (%) 36.5 28.9 26.9 19.9 20.9 26.4 30.8
Return on allocated capital, annualised (%) 41.5 58.2 67.1 113.3 80.3 69.8 58.0
1) The interest is calculated on the basis of internal measurement of risk-adjusted capital. Figures for previous periods have been restated accordingly.
3. DnB NOR Group – business areas Fourth quarter 2009
Income distribution
NOK million
2 611
2 416
Inco me o n
custo mer
business 1 766 1 711
Inco me o n 1 547
trading /
1 301
market making 1 231
1 115
To tal revenues 997
846 832
714 715
634 597
Fourth quarter 2009 3. DnB NOR Group – business areas
Loss days 13 11 43 82
Number of days
7 8
2 3 3 2 3 2 3 2
0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
<( 60 000) (35 000) (20 000) (10 000) 0 10 000 20 000 40 000 60 000 80 000 100 000 120 000
( 40 000) ( 25 000) ( 15 000) (5 000) 5 000 15 000 30 000 50 000 70 000 90 000 110 000 >120 000
Revenues, NOK t housand
Number of days 47
17 18
8 7
6 6
4 4 5 5
2 3 3 3 2 3 2
<( 60 000) (35 000) (20 000) (10 000) 0 10 000 20 000 40 000 60 000 80 000 100 000 120 000
( 40 000) ( 25 000) ( 15 000) (5 000) 5 000 15 000 30 000 50 000 70 000 90 000 110 000 >120 000
Revenues, NOK t housand
3. DnB NOR Group – business areas Fourth quarter 2009
Total income
Risk profile
DnB NOR Markets has a moderate risk profile. Customer activities represent the main business.
Trading activities support customer activities with products and prices, with focus on Norwegian
kroner products.
Value-at-Risk 1)
Market risk arises as a consequence of open positions in foreign exchange, interest rates and
equities. The risk is linked to variations in financial results due to fluctuations in market prices or
exchange rates. Value-at-risk has decreased during 2009.
1) Value-at-Risk is the maximum loss that could be incurred on trading positions from one day to the next at a 99 per cent confidence level.
2) Diversification effects refer to currency and interest rate risk only.
Fourth quarter 2009 3. DnB NOR Group – business areas
Potential losses for DnB NOR resulting from parallel one percentage point changes in
all interest rates
3. DnB NOR Group – business areas Fourth quarter 2009
Life and Asset Management is responsible for life insurance, pension savings and asset
management operations and aspires to be the most attractive provider of these services in the
Norwegian market. An important instrument in achieving this position is to develop a customer-
oriented and cost-effective organisation with strong distribution power. Life and Asset
Management will focus on profitable growth while ensuring competitive returns for the owner and
Insurance operations in the DnB NOR Group were integrated in one business area with effect
from February 2010. DnB NOR Skadeforsikring was thus transferred from the Retail Banking
business area to the Life and Asset Management business area, which was renamed Insurance
and Asset Management. The purpose of the reorganisation is to give customers a more
coordinated insurance offering.
Financial performance
Pre-tax operating profits for Vital and DnB NOR Asset Management, respectively, are shown
below. Descriptions of the financial performance of Vital and DnB NOR Asset Management are
divided into two separate sections on the next pages.
Fourth quarter 2009 3. DnB NOR Group – business areas
Cost/income ratio (%) 60.4 60.1 64.7 63.2 39.8 62.1 74.2
Number of full-time positions at end of period 961 1 074 1 095 1 122 1 169 961 1 169
Total income 714 680 712 588 918 2 695 1 999
Operating expenses 415 363 418 365 336 1 561 1 487
Pre-tax operating profit including interest on
299 317 294 223 581 1 134 512
allocated capital
Difference between recorded equity and
(5) (3) (5) (9) (15) (23) (133)
allocated capital
Recorded pre-tax operating profit 304 320 300 232 596 1 156 644
Key figures
Assets under management (NOK billion) 232 229 227 223 224 232 224
Cost/income ratio (%) 58.1 53.4 58.6 62.1 36.7 57.9 74.4
Return on allocated capital, annualised (%) 50.8 10.3 0.8 0.4 7.9 16.0 1.2
Number of full-time positions at end of period 738 829 843 859 882 738 882
Key figures
Assets under management (NOK billion) 441 429 464 457 478 441 478
Cost/income ratio (%) 68.2 81.1 85.4 66.0 54.0 74.9 73.8
Return on allocated capital, annualised (%) 29.7 18.3 13.6 36.6 41.1 24.5 25.9
Number of full-time positions at end of period 223 244 252 262 287 223 287
1) Total income includes interest on allocated capital. The interest is calculated on the basis of internal measurement of risk-adjusted capital. Figures for
previous periods have been restated accordingly.
2) Assets at end of period.
3) The return is calculated on the basis of internal measurement of risk-adjusted capital.
3. DnB NOR Group – business areas Fourth quarter 2009
Vital comprises Vital Forsikring ASA including subsidiaries. Vital Forsikring provides both products
with guaranteed returns and products with a choice of investment profile.
Vital aims to be Norway's strongest provider of pension savings. Vital seeks continued growth
within the company's business segments and aims to deliver competitive results to its policy-
holders and owner. Devoting further efforts to improving cost efficiency, providing top-quality
advisory services, maintaining high levels of service and customer relationship management
exploiting the DnB NOR Group distribution network and customer base, and serving as an
attractive entry portal for customers into the DnB NOR Group will be instrumental in reaching
these targets.
Business model
Vitals products falls into three main categories:
• Guaranteed products without profit sharing, where the company's main source of income is
fee's charged based on guaranteed investment return and insurance risk covered
• Fee based products without interest guaratees
• Guaranteed products where total profit is spilt between policy owners and the company.
In addition the corporate portfolio (i.e. shareholders equity, subordinated loan etc) is managed in
a separate investment portfolio.
Profit sharing
Previously established individual products
NOK 49 billion in reserves
(profit sharing 35/65)
portfolio NOK 14 billion in reserves
• Group pension schemes to businesses and the public sector, the most important products
being defined-benefit and defined-contribution occupational pension schemes
• Employer's Liability Insurance to the corporate market
• Group pension schemes to businesses, adapted to customer needs for defined-benefit and
defined-contribution schemes. In addition, Vital offers Employer's Liability Insurance in the
corporate market.
• Long-term savings alternatives in the form of individual pension agreements and annuities in
the retail market.
• Products are offered with guaranteed returns or with a choice of investment profile.
• Risk products in both the corporate and individual markets.
• Savings products from other units in the DnB NOR Group, including mutual funds from
DnB NOR Asset Management and equity-linked bonds from DnB NOR Markets.
Fourth quarter 2009 3. DnB NOR Group – business areas
As part of the wind-up of operations in the Baltic States, Vital signed a sales agreement with the
German insurance company Ergo in December 2009. The portfolio will be transferred during the
first half of 2010, subject to final approval by the Norwegian and local authorities. Vital's
employees in Latvia and Lithuania will be offered jobs in Ergo.
Vital gives priority to retaining and developing a high level of expertise within insurance products,
management and other relevant areas of competence. At end-December 2009, Vital's staff
included 738 permanent full-time positions and 174 temporary employees. On 1 October 2009,
105 full-time positions were transferred to DnB NOR IT in consequence of the decision to
coordinate all of the Group's IT resources in the same organisational unit.
Financial performance
Full year
Amounts in NOK million 4Q09 3Q09 2Q09 1Q09 4Q08 2009 2008
Net result from equities 1 674 1 202 491 (587) 561 2 780 (7 348)
Net result from other asset classes 1 912 2 199 1 764 2 106 3 356 7 981 7 759
1) 2)
Value-adjusted financial result 3 587 3 401 2 255 1 519 3 917 10 762 411
Guaranteed return on policyholders' funds 1 617 1 625 1 580 1 591 1 484 6 413 6 376
Financial result after guaranteed returns 1 970 1 776 674 (72) 2 432 4 349 (5 965)
+ From securities adjustment reserve (617) (781) 92 0 0 (1 306) 3 342
Recorded interest result before the application of/
(transfers to) additional allocations 1 353 996 766 (72) 2 432 3 043 (2 623)
Application of/(transfers to) additional allocations (173) (8) (181) 189 (1 727) (173) 2 993
Recorded interest result 1 180 988 585 117 705 2 870 370
Risk result (71) 13 66 84 (135) 92 136
Profit on risk and guaranteed rate of return 112 128 118 119 116 477 437
Transferred from security reserve (12) (9) (1) (14) (61) (36) (68)
Allocations to policyholders, products with
guaranteed returns 908 789 395 47 (4) 2 138 89
Net profit in Vital 304 320 300 232 596 1 156 644
*) Of which property revaluation 5 (276) (340) (276) (1 232) (887) (2 395)
**) Of which provisions for higher life expectancy (44) (45) (44) (44) - (177) -
3. DnB NOR Group – business areas Fourth quarter 2009
Full year
Amounts in NOK million 4Q08 3Q08 2Q09 1Q09 4Q08 2009 2008
Profit on risk and guaranteed rate of return 112 128 118 119 116 477 437
Return on corporate portfolio 132 114 169 115 229 530 490
Owner's share of risk result, common portfolio (44) 12 43 29 (107) 40 50
Income based on new regulations 200 254 329 262 238 1 046 977
Inadequate additional allocations:
Previously established individual products 5 (37)
Paid-up policies 2 2 (5) (13) (48)
Common portfolio with low risk 8
Common portfolio with moderate risk 34 (12)
Common portfolio with high risk (14) (18)
Total inadequate additional allocations 0 2 2 (5) 20 0 (115)
Total negative return 0 0 0 0 416 0 (41)
Administration result, common portfolio 23 14 11 7 35 55 105
Unit linked products (20) (19) (73) (32) (86) (144) (264)
Risk products (43) (5) 10 (1) (26) (38) (53)
Other items 144 75 19 (2) 237 35
Pre-tax operating profit 304 320 300 232 596 1 156 644
Previously established individual products 1.4% 1.3% 1.2% 0.7% 36 2.2% 4.7% 1.9%
Paid-up policies 1.3% 1.1% 1.1% 0.7% 145 1.6% 4.3% 1.4%
Common portfolio with low risk 1.3% 1.0% 1.1% 0.7% 3.8% 4.2% 4.6%
Common portfolio with moderate risk 1.5% 1.4% 1.1% 0.7% 1.9% 4.8% 2.2%
Common portfolio with high risk 1.9% 1.9% 1.3% 0.7% 235 1.3% 5.8% (41) (0.2%)
1) According to new regulations, 50 per cent of the positive risk result from the common portfolio may be allocated to the risk equalisation fund. The
positive risk result for individual products and paid-up policies established previously will be allocated to the owner according to the profit sharing
model, i.e. by 35 per cent and 20 per cent respectively. A negative result will be charged to the owner.
2) According to new regulations, additional allocations have been individualised. If the return on financial assets is between zero and the guaranteed
rate of return, the owner must cover the difference if there are inadequate (or no) additional allocations in the portfolio.
3) According to new regulations, the administration result from the low, moderate and high-risk portfolios and from paid-up policies will be allocated to
the owner. If the overall result for individual products established previously show a profit, the administration result will be divided between
policyholders and the owner (65/35). A negative result will be charged to the owner.
4) Includes Employer's Liability Insurance and group life insurance.
5) Including the owner's share of the interest result from paid-up policies and previously established individual products.
Changes in property values from 2007
Full year
Amounts in NOK million 4Q09 3Q09 2Q09 1Q09 4Q08 2009 2008
1) Changes in the value of directly owned properties, Vital Eiendomsfond and properties owned through joint ventures. The total value of investment
properties was NOK 32 766 million as at 31 December 2009.
Fourth quarter 2009 3. DnB NOR Group – business areas
Tax charge in Vital after the introduction of the "exemption model"
Full year
Amounts in NOK million 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005
1) With effect from the 2004 fiscal year, new rules were introduced for the taxation of dividends and income from shares for corporate shareholders,
the so-called "exemption model". This model implies that as a rule, corporate shareholders will only be subject to a limited tax on dividends and
income from shares etc. Correspondingly, there will be no tax deduction for losses upon the realisation of shares. Non-deductible losses in 2009
mainly related to properties owned through limited companies.
1) Returns are calculated on a quarterly basis and there may be differences to the full year figures.
2) International equities include Vital's exposure in hedge funds, private equities and real estate funds.
3) Excluding changes in value of commercial paper and bonds held to maturity.
4) Including changes in unrealised gains on commercial paper and bonds held to maturity.
5) Excluding changes in unrealised gains on financial instruments.
Common portfolio
Advance pricing of
guaranteed rate of return Profit sharing
Common portfolio Common Previously
portfolio with portfolio established
Corporate Total with moderate with Paid-up individual
Per cent portfolio portfolio low risk risk high risk policies products
Recorded return on assets 4.7 4.2 4.8 5.7 4.3 4.6
Value-adjusted return on assets 5.1 5.4 4.9 5.5 6.4 5.0 5.4
Asset class breakdown:
- Equity exposure 6.6 13.5 10.3 13.9 20.4 11.7 12.8
- Money market instruments 81.3 8.5 11.7 8.1 1.6 10.3 9.2
1) The equity exposure includes financial derivatives and exposure in private equity, hedge funds and property funds.
3. DnB NOR Group – business areas Fourth quarter 2009
Premium income
Full year
Amounts in NOK million 4Q09 3Q09 2Q09 1Q09 4Q08 2009 2008
1) 2)
Total premiums due 2 614 3 960 2 731 6 785 3 640 16 090 17 232
Net premiums paid 2 093 3 960 2 736 6 737 3 005 15 526 17 364
1) Of which group pensions - defined benefit 547 2 443 1 120 4 884 1 811 8 994 10 501
2) Of which group pensions - defined contribution 646 660 580 738 718 2 625 2 385
The table below shows how lines in Vital's income statement are included in the Group's income
Full year
4Q09 3Q09 2Q09 1Q09 4Q08 2009 2008
Recorded interest result 1 180 988 585 117 705 2 870 370
Allocations to policyholders, products with
guaranteed returns 908 789 395 47 (4) 2 138 89
Risk result (71) 13 66 84 (135) 92 136
Transferred from security reserve (12) (9) (1) (14) (61) (36) (68)
+ Costs from subsidiaries which are fully consolidated
in Vital's accounts 55 55
Net financial and risk result in Vital 246 202 256 139 513 844 350
Profit on risk and guaranteed rate of return 112 128 118 119 116 477 437
Administration result 2 (9) (73) (28) (34) (108) (143)
- Costs from subsidiaries which are fully consolidated
in Vital's accounts 55 55
Administration result including profit for risk and
guaranteed rate of return 59 118 44 92 83 313 295
Fourth quarter 2009 3. DnB NOR Group – business areas
1) 2)
Balance sheets
31 Dec. 30 Sept. 30 June 31 March 31 Dec. 31 Dec.
Amounts in NOK million 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 2007
Cash and deposits with central banks
Lending to and deposits with credit institutions 4 871 4 064 4 987 3 136 6 723 12 152
Lending to customers 3 076 2 892 3 177 3 151 2 623
Commercial paper and bonds 52 673 57 127 67 514 68 940 72 841 46 620
Shareholdings 44 955 37 794 28 099 25 764 26 964 55 802
Financial assets, customers bearing the risk 21 337 20 044 18 031 16 448 16 454 19 868
Financial derivatives 2 149 3 092 3 645 4 927 5 644 1 488
Commercial paper and bonds, held to maturity 68 128 68 912 66 717 64 740 57 089 59 641
Investment property 32 766 32 719 31 632 31 473 32 392 32 908
Investments in associated companies 19 19 19 19 19 19
Intangible assets 288 278 274 260 243 184
Deferred tax assets 52 1 164
Fixed assets 43 39 42 42 45 46
Operations and non-current assets held for sale 0
Other assets 2 109 2 095 2 660 4 204 3 093 2 688
Total assets 232 465 229 075 226 796 223 103 224 129 232 579
Loans and deposits from credit institutions
Deposits from customers
Financial derivatives 1 909 2 505 4 145 3 980 7 950 1 010
Debt securities issued
Insurance liabilities, customers bearing the risk 21 337 20 044 18 031 16 448 16 454 19 868
Liabilities to life insurance policyholders 193 556 191 423 189 047 187 994 184 791 191 626
Payable taxes 654 599 191 157 28
Deferred taxes 0 584 890 667 584
Other liabilities 2 277 2 330 3 069 2 386 2 851 6 030
Provisions 227 157 157 157 157 154
Subordinated loan capital 2 489 2 491 2 543 2 559 2 575 2 500
Total liabilities 222 448 220 134 218 073 214 347 215 389 221 188
Minority interests
Share capital 1 321 1 321 1 321 1 321 1 321 1 321
Share premium reserve
Other equity 8 697 7 621 7 403 7 435 7 420 10 070
Total equity 10 018 8 942 8 723 8 756 8 740 11 391
Total liabilities and equity 232 465 229 075 226 796 223 103 224 129 232 579
*) Of which group pensions - defined contribution 8 474 7 535 6 600 5 372 5 012 3 665
**) Of which group pensions - defined benefit 138 396 135 144 132 899 132 826 129 769 127 425
1) The figures encompass Vital Forsikring ASA including subsidiaries as included in the DnB NOR Group accounts before eliminations for intra-group
transactions and balances.
2) New regulations were introduced for the life insurance industry in Norway as from 1 January 2008. The accounts for Vital for 2008 have been
adapted to the new regulations. Figures for previous periods have not been restated.
3) During 2009, Vital wrote down its property portfolio by NOK 0.9 billion.
3. DnB NOR Group – business areas Fourth quarter 2009
Financial exposure - common portfolio
1.2% 2.3%
6.7% 3.6% 2.4%
17.1% 16.6%
Other 16.7%
16.8% 16.7%
Real estate
Bonds, international
17.4% 19.8% 16.9% 4.5%
Bonds, Norw egian 2.0%
3.7% 0.9% 18.8%
7.3% 10.2%
Equities, Norw egian 2.5% 2.5% 3.3%
1.3% 1.1% 1.1% 2.1% 3.3%
31 Dec. 2008 31 Marc h 2009 30 June 2009 30 Sept. 2009 31 Dec. 2009
Source: The Norwegian Financial Services Association (FNH) and DnB NOR
Fourth quarter 2009 3. DnB NOR Group – business areas
1) 2) 3)
Solvency capital
31 Dec. 30 Sept. 30 June 31 March 31 Dec. 31 Dec.
Amounts in NOK million 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 2007
Interim profit, accumulated - 2 082 973 89 - -
Securities adjustment reserve 1 306 689 92 0 0 3 342
Additional allocations 5 550 5 426 5 445 5 112 5 341 8 632
Security reserve 143 115 108 111 97 255
Equity 10 018 8 686 8 686 8 740 8 740 8 363
Subordinated loan capital and perpetual
subordinated loan capital securities 2 489 2 491 2 543 2 559 2 575 2 500
Unrealised gains on long-term securities 865 541 (102) 124 200 (1 304)
Solvency capital 20 372 20 030 17 744 16 734 16 953 21 788
Buffer capital 9 259 7 841 7 978 8 148 8 274 13 785
1) According to prevailing regulations for the statutory accounts of life insurance companies.
2) The table shows the composition of and development in solvency capital. All these elements, with the exception of part of the security reserve, can
be used to meet the guaranteed rate of return on policyholders' funds.
3) New regulations were introduced for the life insurance industry in Norway as from 1 January 2008. The accounts for Vital for 2008 have been
adapted to the new regulations. Figures for previous periods have not been restated.
4) Buffer capital represents the sum of equity in excess of the minimum statutory capital requirement, interim profits, additional allocations and the
securities adjustment reserve.
1) 2)
Capital adequacy and solvency margin capital
Solvency margin capital
Solvency margin capital 14 247 12 975 13 022 13 167 13 202 14 958
Solvency margin capital exceeding minimum requirement 5 930 4 714 4 819 5 047 5 054 7 448
Solvency margin capital in per cent of
solvency margin capital requirement (%) 171 157 159 162 162 199
1) Prepared in accordance with prevailing regulations for life insurance companies. New regulations are expected upon the introduction of Solvency II.
2) New regulations were introduced for the life insurance industry in Norway as from 1 January 2008. The accounts for Vital for 2008 have been
adapted to the new regulations. Figures for previous periods have not been restated.
3) Capital adequacy regulations regulate the relationship between the company's primary capital and the investment exposure on the asset side of the
balance sheet. Life insurance companies are subject to a minimum capital adequacy requirement of 8 per cent.
4) Solvency margin capital is measured against the solvency margin requirement, which is linked to the company's insurance commitments on the
liabilities side of the balance sheet. The solvency margin requirements for Norwegian life insurance companies are subject to regulations on the
calculation of solvency capital requirements and solvency margin capital, as laid down by the Ministry of Finance on 19 May 1995.
3. DnB NOR Group – business areas Fourth quarter 2009
DnB NOR Asset Management provides mutual funds and discretionary portfolio management
services to Norwegian, Nordic and European corporate clients, the public sector, private pension
funds and retail clients. Torkild Varran is head of DnB NOR Asset Management.
DnB NOR Asset Management seeks to provide first-class returns on customer funds within the
preferred risk profile and investment horizon. The company aspires to be the leading asset
manager for clients in the Nordic region, providing sound long-term returns and a high level of
service based on a thorough understanding of customer needs.
• One holding company, DnB NOR Kapitalforvaltning Holding AS, with separate asset
management companies in major markets.
• Customer activity is concentrated in Norway, Sweden and Luxembourg. In order to provide
competitive global asset management, investment operations have also been established in
Hong Kong and Chennai.
• A combination of regional and sector-oriented management teams with a presence in major
financial markets.
• Asset management services are provided through channels adapted to the various markets:
Retail clients in Norway
DnB NOR's extensive network of branches and regional financial services centres
Post offices and in-store postal outlets
The Internet
External channels including brokers, investment advisers and regional and local savings
Retail clients in Sweden
Local distributors
Institutional markets in Sweden and Norway
The business area's own sales force and, in Norway, through cooperation with Retail
• Staff cuts corresponding to 24 full-time positions in the fourth quarter of 2009.
• 223 full-time positions at the end of the quarter.
Fourth quarter 2009 3. DnB NOR Group – business areas
Financial performance
Full year
Amounts in NOK million 4Q09 3Q09 2Q09 1Q09 4Q08 2009 2008
Net interest income - ordinary operations 2 (1) (8) (7) (3) (14) 6
Interest on allocated capital 3 3 4 6 10 17 41
Net interest income 6 2 (4) (1) 7 3 47
Net commission income
- from retail customers 73 76 67 53 37 269 280
- from institutional clients 131 138 140 119 143 528 553
Other income 0 1 3 65 14 68 23
Total income 209 217 207 235 200 868 903
Operating expenses 143 176 176 155 108 650 666
Pre-tax operating profit before write-downs 66 41 30 80 92 217 236
Net gains on fixed and intangible assets 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pre-tax operating profit 66 41 30 80 92 217 236
Assets under management (NOK billion)
Institutional 384 377 417 416 441 384 441
- of which Vital 188 184 175 174 169 188 169
Retail 57 52 47 41 37 57 37
Total 441 429 464 457 478 441 478
Key figures
Cost/income ratio (%) 68.2 81.1 85.4 66.0 54.0 74.9 73.8
Return on allocated capital, annualised (%) 29.7 18.3 13.6 36.6 41.1 24.5 25.9
1) The interest is calculated on the basis of internal measurement of risk-adjusted capital. Figures for previous periods have been restated accordingly.
2) Assets under management and assets under operation at end of period.
3) Managed on behalf of Vital Forsikring.
4) The return is calculated on the basis of internal measurement of risk-adjusted capital.
3. DnB NOR Group – business areas Fourth quarter 2009
NOK billion
457 464
37 43% 429 441 1)
41 47 30%
52 57
1) 1)
441 82% 77%
416 417
377 384
1) Share of total assets in the institutional and retail market respectively, invested in bonds, fixed-income funds and money market funds.
Equity and
balanced funds Equity and
Equity and Equity and
4% balanced funds
balanced funds balanced funds
17 % 21 16 20 %
Bonds and money 40
market 17
80 investments Bonds and money
Retail 88
3% market Retail
investments market
Institu- Institu-
tional 361 tional 297
clients clients
Bonds and money
market Bonds and money
investments market
76 % investments
67 %
Fourth quarter 2009 3. DnB NOR Group – business areas
Full year
Amounts in NOK million 4Q09 3Q09 2Q09 1Q091) 4Q08 20091) 20082)
Retail market 2 215 1 045 739 1 211 (2 984) 5 210 (10 937)
Institutional clients 5 549 (61 374) (16 789) (4 217) (8 774) (76 832) (30 650)
Total 7 764 (60 330) (16 050) (3 006) (11 758) (71 622) (41 588)
1) Excluding dividends of NOK 2 705 million, of which NOK 816 million refers to retail and NOK 1 889 million to institutional clients
2) Excluding dividends of NOK 2 700 million, of which NOK 872 million refers to retail and NOK 1 828 million to institutional clients.
3. DnB NOR Group – business areas Fourth quarter 2009
1 007
294 797 Commission income
(NOK million):
280 281
242 230
1) Reduced to NOK 519 billion in the beginning of January 2006 following termination of an investment mandate.
Fourth quarter 2009 3. DnB NOR Group – business areas
• DnB NOR Asset Management serves the Nordic and European savings markets, offering
domestic and international asset management services.
• Brand names:
DnB NOR Kapitalforvaltning in the Norwegian institutional and retail markets.
Carlson in the Swedish institutional and retail markets.
DnB NOR Asset Management and Carlson in the European institutional and retail markets,
• A leading position in the institutional market in both Norway and Sweden with 268
institutional clients. The largest clients are Skandia Liv and Vital Forsikring.
• The number of mutual fund clients in Norway was approximately 580 000 at the end of
December 2009. The number of active savings schemes reached 309 000.
• Market shares:
DnB NOR Kapitalforvaltning (retail mutual funds in Norway) 34.4 per cent 1)
Carlson Fonder (total mutual funds in Sweden and Luxembourg) ≈ 1.8 per cent
Institutional market in Norway (mutual funds in Norway) 20.5 per cent 1)
Institutional market in Sweden > 15 per cent
3. DnB NOR Group – business areas Fourth quarter 2009
DnB NORD is owned 51 per cent by DnB NOR. The bank is headquartered in Copenhagen and is
headed by Thomas Bürkle, CEO of DnB NORD.
In the future DnB NORD has decided to focus on its Eastern European core markets Estonia,
Latvia, Lithuania and Poland, where the bank has a strong market position or a long-term growth
potential. The bank provides a broad range of products to both the retail and corporate markets
and is committed to developing a strong brand as a full-service bank.
Financial performance
Full year
Amounts in NOK million 4Q09 3Q09 2Q09 1Q09 4Q08 2009 2008
Net interest income - ordinary operations 354 359 340 409 394 1 462 1 411
Interest on allocated capital 14 17 26 39 86 96 303
Net interest income 369 376 366 448 479 1 559 1 714
Net other operating income 182 156 161 185 276 684 754
Total income 551 532 527 633 755 2 242 2 468
Operating expenses 768 439 965 417 543 2 589 1 704
Pre-tax operating profit before write-downs (217) 93 (439) 216 213 (347) 764
Net gains on fixed and intangible assets (15) (4) 6 1 3 (13) 19
Write-downs on loans and guarantees 845 1 041 1 453 590 1 053 3 929 1 388
Pre-tax operating profit (1 078) (951) (1 886) (374) (837) (4 289) (605)
Net lending to customers (NOK billion) 3) 75.9 81.9 86.0 90.7 87.8 83.6 75.1
Deposits from customers (NOK billion) 3) 20.0 21.5 21.7 22.4 23.1 21.4 22.1
Cost/income ratio (%) 72.6 82.0 75.0 65.9 54.2 73.5 63.7
Ratio of deposits to lending (%) 26.4 26.3 25.3 24.7 26.4 25.6 29.4
Return on allocated capital, annualised (%) (28.9) (38.7) (54.2) (15.6) (28.4) (34.4) (5.8)
1) Interest on allocated capital is calculated according to internal DnB NOR capital allocation rules. "Net interest income - ordinary operations" does not
include interest on equity.
2) Operating expenses include impairment losses for goodwill of NOK 570 million related to the operations in the Baltic States in the second quarter and
NOK 368 million related to the operations in the Baltic States and Poland in the fourth quarter of 2009.
3) Average balances. Based on nominal values.
4) Total operating expenses excluding impairment losses for goodwill relative to total income.
Fourth quarter 2009 3. DnB NOR Group – business areas
Net interest income
Average volumes Spreads in per cent Net interest income
Amounts in NOK million 4Q09 3Q09 4Q08 4Q09 3Q09 4Q08 4Q09 3Q09 4Q08
Lending 70 881 77 487 85 730 1.06 1.12 1.06 189 218 229
Other 89 38 (2)
1) Based on nominal values excluding lending to and deposits from credit institutions and impaired loans.
NOK billion
24 21 68
12 20 Other units
12 Poland
10 11
11 12 Latvia
30 30
27 25
27 23 23 20 19
31 Dec. 2008 31 March 2009 30 June 2009 30 Sept. 2009 31 Dec 2009
• Measured in NOK, lending volumes declined by 31.1 per cent from end-December 2008 to
end-December 2009. The decrease in other units was partly due to transferral of a portfolio
of loans in Denmark and Finland, amounting to NOK 7.6 billion, to DnB NOR at end-2009.
• Measured in euro, lending volumes declined by 18.9 per cent from end-December 2008.
3. DnB NOR Group – business areas Fourth quarter 2009
Write-down ratio
Fourth quarter 2009 3. DnB NOR Group – business areas
31 Dec. 2008
31 Dec. 2009
26 27
3. DnB NOR Group – business areas Fourth quarter 2009
Section 4
The Norwegian
4. The Norwegian economy Fourth quarter 2009
Basic information
Key macro-economic indicators, Norway
Source: Statistics Norway and DnB NOR Markets: Economic Outlook 3/2009
Fourth quarter 2009 4. The Norwegian economy
New Zealand
Czech Republic
Slovak Republic
United Kingdom
United States
4. The Norwegian economy Fourth quarter 2009
90 20
80 18
10 2
0 0
(10) (2)
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Household interest and debt burden
Debt burden: Loan debt as a percentage of disposable income adjusted for estimated reinvested
share dividends.
Interest burden: Interest expenses after tax as percentage of disposable income.
250 Per cent Per cent
Debt burden (left hand scale)
Interest burden (right hand scale)
0 0
1987 1990 1993 1996 1999 2002 2005 2008 2011
1) Forecast 1Q09-4Q12
Fourth quarter 2009 4. The Norwegian economy
Financial assets
1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008
2) 4)
Total 16.7 12.4 (2.4) 7.1
- of which commercial and savings banks 18.3 14.1 4.9 3.0
2) 4)
Total retail market 8.1 3.9 (3.6) 7.1
3) 4)
Total corporate market 23.0 17.9 (1.6) 7.1
Source: Statistics Norway
1) Commercial and savings banks, state banks, insurance companies, mortgage institutions, finance companies, bonds, commercial paper.
2) Deposits in commercial and savings banks, participation in mutual funds, funds for insurance commitments, equity-linked bonds.
3) Deposits in commercial and savings banks, participation in mutual funds, funds for insurance commitments.
4) Figures as at 30 November 2009.
4. The Norwegian economy Fourth quarter 2009
12-month percentage growth
House prices
1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010
12-month percentage growth
Domestic credit
1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Fourth quarter 2009 4. The Norwegian economy
Commercial property
Business services
Oil services
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Per cent
1) Ordinary result before tax, write-downs and depreciation as a percentage of bank debt and bonds. Non-financial firms,
mainland Norway. Group-financed firms are not included.
1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009
1) The survey is based on a sample of mainly larger enterprises. The survey focuses on the industry leaders' assessment of the
general business situation and the outlook for a fixed set of variables e.g. production, new orders etc.
Design: Gazette / Photo: GettyImages,Halfdark