Determination of Refractive Index of Polymers

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meter deflections showed only two maxima and two minima.

Thus the sensitivity can be increased by lengthening the sound
tube. All the calibration curves were determined on a 37.8-em.
tube except curve 5 in Figure 6. An 85-em. tube was used for
curve 5; all other settings remained the same as formerly used in
determining curve 4 in Figure 6 . The increased sensitivity was
accompanied by an increase in the random fluctuations of the
vacuum tube voltmeter, due to slight variations of the oscillator.
The meter fluctuated about one to two divisions in an hour, but
remained steady within a scale division long enough to run a gas
mixture through t,he tube after calibration.
When the frequency vias increased above 3000 cycles per
second, the nodal points were not so sharp, probably because of
transverse waves. A decrease in the tube would allow a
further increase in the frequency. However, increased frequency
would necessitate a greater stability in the oscillator. Thus in
the present work, curve 5 represents the practical limit of sensitivity that can be obtained with the oscillator used. The key to
greater sensit,ivity lies in a more stable oscillator. The sensit,ivity
can then be achieved by increasing the tube length, increasing the
amplification of the signal from the microphone, and increasing
the frequency within the limits of complication of the sound
pattern by transverse waves.
At frequencies below 1500 cycles per second methane-air mistures did not give a sufficiently large change to yield satisfactory
accuracy. However, satisfactory results were obtained a t a frequency of 2650 cycles per second, as shown in Figure 7. The
met>hane-airmixtures were analyzed by the method of Kobe and
Barnet (9) using plat,inized silica gel. The curve shown in Figure
7 was dctermined without the balancing voltage and measuring

the r.m.s. voltage. The instrument settings were identical to.

those of curve 3 in Figure 5.

The authors wish to express their appreciation to the G.

Frederick Smith Chemical Company for a small grant for the
purchase of electrical testing equipment.

(1) Dixon, H. B., arid Greenwood, G., Proc. R o y . Soc. Lomion,

109-A, 561 (1925).
(2) Griffiths, E., Proc. Phys. SOC.L o n d o n , 39, 300 (1927).
(3j Gunn, Ross, Proc. I n s f . Radio Engrs., 18, 1560 (1930).
(4) Haber, F., Chem.-Ztg., 27, 1329 (1913).
( 5 ) Hardy, E., Compt. rend., 121, 1116 (1895).
(6) Hurwitz, E. yon, Z. tech. Physik, 6 , 113 (1925).
(7) Kaye, G. W,C., and Sherratt, G. G., Proc. Roy. Soc. Londnrr,
141-A, 123 (1933).
(Sj Kobe, K. A., and Arveson, E. J., IND.
5 , 110 (1933).
(9j Kobe, K. d.,
and Barnet, W,I., Ibid., 10, 139 (1938).
( l o ) Llewellyn, F. B., Proc. Inst. R a d i o Engrs., 19, 2063 (1931).
( l l j Middel, H. D., paper presented before .kin.Soc. Mech. Engrs..
Pittsburgh, P a . , September 1946.
(12) Mikelson, Walter (to General Elect,ric Co.), U
i 5 0 (bray 19,1942).
(13) Pierce, G. W., Proc. A m . S c a d . Arts Sei., 63,1 (1928).
(14) Pierce, G. TIr.,Proc. Inst. R a d i o Engrs.. 17, 42 (1929).
(15) Sherratt, G. G., and Awbery, 3. H.. Proc. P h g s . Soc. L o n d o n , 43
242 (1931).
April 2 6 , 1947.

Presented bafore the Division of Analytical and

hficro Chemistry st the Fifteenth Regional Meeting, A.MERICAN CHEMICAL
SOCIETY.Kansas City, Mo., June 23 to 2.5, 1947.

Determination of Refractive Index of Polymers

Unicersity of K o r t h Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C .
A review has shown that the Abbe refractometer has been used most extensively
for the determination of refractive indexes of both opaque and transparent polymers. The determination requires the use of a specimen with polished surfaces
or a film of the polymer, solvent, or melt cast on the prism of the instrument or
on a glass form. Transmitted or totally reflected light or the grazing incidence
technique is used. Immersion methods have also been developed. Other
methods for determining the refractive index of polymers have been used. This
discussion summarizes and correlates the salient features of the various procedures and the preferred techniques used for specific polymer types.

EFRACTIVE index data for polymers are of interest in

several ways. The value is characteristic and can be used
for identification purposes (9). With density data, molecular or
unit refractivities can be observed and the values thus obtained
agree with values calculated for the polymer unit ( I S , 14, 41, 44).
The knowledge of refractive index is necessary in optical applications of transparent polymers. The refractive index-temperature
data show the second-order phase transition and can be used to
locate the transition temperature ( 4 4 2 ) . These and other (2,10,
24, 26, 68) uses for refractive index data of polymers suggested.
the advisability of compiling the available information on the
methods of determination of the index and this'study was therefore undertaken.
Most polymers are amorphous and are, therefore, isotropic.
Their refractive indexes are the same for any direction which the
path of light may take through the solid. 3Iethods for determining the refractive indexes of amorphous polymers have been
described carefully in the literature and this discussion is con-

cerned primarily with these methods. A few polymers are, however, markedly crystalline and are birefringent. Polyethylene,
polyvinylidene chloride, polyamides, cellulose and some of i t s
derivatives, and polytetrafluoroethylene are crystalline under
ordinary conditions. Rubber is crystalline under some conditions (SO, 31). Polyethylene has been observed t o be birefringent and the values of the two indexes as a function of temperature have been reported ('7, 12). The technique used in the
determination of the birefringence of polyethylene was not detailed. Rubber is birefringent when cooled or stretched and an
immersion technique for determining the values of the two refractive indexes has been carefully described (SO, 31).
I n determining the refractive index of amorphous polymers use
is usually made of critical angle instruments, immersion Oechniques, and measurement of apparent thickness. Spectrometers
( I f , 15), interferometers (20, S'i'), or specially designed refractometers (1, 5, 11, 15, 20, 25) have not been extensively used.
The use of an interferometer to measure the change in density of

V O L U M E 20, NO. 6, J U N E 1 9 4 8
rubber with change in temperature has been reported (45). A
spectrometric method using rubber prisms has been described
144) and Jelley (16) has successfully used the Leitz-Jelley microrefractometer by evaporating a toluene solution of polystyrene in
the bevel of the instrument. Both the spectrometer and interferometer have been used to determine the refractive index of
solids with a high degree of accuracy and can conceivably be
adapted to determination of the refractive index of polymers.
Such high precision methods are of limited usefulness with
polymers because extreme purity of sample is often difficult to

The Abbe refractometer is a critical angle instrument. The

theory for the construction of such an instrument is presented in
various discussions ( 5 , 6, 27, 36, 37, 38). The constructional factors determining the accuracy of critical angle instruments (34)
and errors introduced in use of the Abbe refractometer (35) have
been discussed.
The improved Abbe refractometer may be used in one of three
ways, classified by the light paths (40).
( 1 ) The method of total reflection is used for opaque solids and
liquids. The shield covering the front side of the refracting
(upper or fixed) prism is swung open. Light passes through the
refracting prism, is refracted and reflected by the specimen, and
passes back through the refracting prism to the view telescope.
(2) The method of transmission is used for liquids or thin sheets of
transparent polymers. Light is reflected by the mirror through
the illuminating (lower or movable) prism, and passes through
the specimen, where it is refracted into the refracting prism and
into the view telescope. (3) The method of grazing incidence is
used for transparent solids of appreciable thickness. The illuminating prism is swung aside and the light is refracted by the
specimen into the refracting prism and passes on to the view
telescope. The first method does not give so strong a contrast as
the latter two.

Transparent polymers are examined by means of the transmitted light or light a t grazing incidence. In either case the
principal problem in determining the refractive index of the polymer is in mounting the specimen. Several methods have been devised. The A.S.T.M. method ( 3 ) employs a specimen about
1 X 2 X 0.5 cm. Kith the 1 X 2 cm. surface polished flat and one
end surface polished perpendicular to the first. The edge of intersection must not be beveled. The large, flat surface is attached
t o the refracting prism with a contacting liquid inert to the
specimen and of higher refractive index than the specimen. The
illumination is then by grazing incidence The remainder of the
observation is made according to the usual procedures with
liquids. Temperature control is maintained and dispersion
For many polymers, suitable inert contact liquids are not available. The A.S.T.M. directions suggest the use of a-bromonaphthalene or other organic liquids. These often attack the polymers, as can be seen in a changing value for the refractive index
during the first few minutes. In such cases the use of potassium
mercuric iodide is suggested but it should be used carefully because experience has shown that this liquid readily attacks the
glass prisms (16). The use of cadmium borotungstate, n?$'
1.636 for a saturated solution, has been found not to attack the
glass uithin reasonable contact time and is less poisonous ( 1 6 ) .
Values reproducible to 1 3 in the fifth place have been obtained
by using polished moldings of polystyrene, poly-a-methylstyrene,
and poly-p-chlorostyrene ( 3 2 ) . A Bausch & Lomb horizontal
Abbe refractometer was used Tvith a potassium iodide-mercuric
iodide solution containing a little glycerol as contact liquid.
Various methods have been devised for mounting the specimen
to be viewed by transmitted light.
Kest (40) suggests pouring molten material onto the prism,
u i t h or without closing the back prism, and making readings after

solidification. Use of the prisni ill this rnariner t,ies up the iiist,rument and may damage the prism. To obviate these drawbacks
the polymer is mounted on a glass flat, having a refractive index
higher than the polymer under test'. Microscope slide glass is satisfactory for materials of refractive index below 1.51, and flint
glass with a value of 1.G3 is also used. The uncoated side of the
flat is then held to the upper prism with a contact liquid. Instead
of melting the specimen, a technique not often useful with polymers, the polymer may be dissolved in a volat'ile solvent and evaporated on the forms or on the prism (41). However, traces of solvent
in a solvent cast film can materially alber the refractive index, especially below the second-order transition temperature (4.9).
Care must be taken t o avoid scrakhing the prisms if films are
cast directly on them. Illumination of transparent samples by
polarized light using the tot,al reflection technique (35) has been
reported to give very good results (16).
Perhaps the most direct method of mount,ing a specimen for
the determination was used by McPherson (18, 19, 91). A thin
film of the polymer is clamped securely between the prisms and
the observation made with transmitt,ed light as with liquids. By
warming the prisms intimate contact is obtained and sharp fields
result. This method is useful with soft mat'erials such as well
milled rubber but must be used with caution because the stresses
put on the prisms by tight clamping may displace or loosen the
prisms and thereby impair the accuracy of the instrument or
measurement and because the finite thickness of the film introduces an error into the measurement. Compressing a thick film
sufficiently to alter its density will also introduce an error in the
measurement. Extreme caution must be exercised to avoid
scratching the very soft glass of the prism (16) and to avoid loosening the prism cement by excessive heating.
More or less opaque substances are studied by the total reflection method (22). The contrast is not so great as in the transmission or the grazing incidence methods, especially when the
more opaque specimens are being tested. According to West (@),
with thin films the film-air boundary gives reflections that may
weaken the contrast. The bright part of the field is due to
totally reflected light-light that enters the specimen a t the
crit,ical angle or greater. The darker portion of the field is due to
ordinarily reflected light; part of the light' passes through the
specimen and is lost as far as the field is concerned. The contrast
is sufficient for thick specimens, but not for thin films. JTrest
presents three methods for increasing contrast.
(1) The area of illuminat,ion and the angle a t which the light
strikes the refracting prism are varied. (2) The int.erna1reflection
a t the film-air boundary is suppressed by increasing the film
thickness or by adding a drop of inert liquid of higher refractive
index than the film and closing the illuminating prism, thus reducing stray light. Stray light increases the weak part of the
field, decreasing contrast. This method is not always possible or
convenient. (3) Polarized light is used to illuminate the sample.

The Pulfrich refractometer has been used to determine the

refractive index of rubber (91). Reports describing the use of
other critical angle instruments with polymers have not been

Refractive index can be determined by immersion methods

( 7 , 9, IS, 17, 25, 27, 29, SO, S1, SS), which are particularly useful
when only small samples of the polymer are available or when the
material is to be conserved. The refractive index of the sample is
matched with that of an inert liquid. The sample is immersed in
a series of inert liquids of varying refractive index and observed
microscopically. The two principal methods of comparing the
refractive index of the sample with that of the liquid in which it is
immersed are the Becke line method and the oblique illumination
method; the former is the more accurate of the two (29). In
order to reduce the number of liquid standards necessary for a
given sample several methods have been devised (17). Among
these may be mentioned: changing the temperature of the immersion liquid, varying the wave length of the light used for
observation, and mixing two liquids of different refractive indexes
and measuring the refractive index of the mixed liquids after a
match has been obtained.


Table I.

Methods of Determining Refractive Index

Condensation types
Silicone (low mol. wt.)
Natural types
Cellulose ethers

Addition types
Butadiene copolymer.
Polyvinyl acetate and
Polvvinvl chlorideacetate

Method Used


Film P
I n solution
Film S, P
Film S , P






I nimerqion
Film P
Film S , P
Solution cast
Polished block
Polished block
Polished block
Film P
Film S, P
Film P




Third (1)
Polyethy1 acrylate
F oii r t 11
Styrene-maleic anhydride copolymer
u F solvent cast.
P , pressed.
b Results reported t o third place or fourth place as indicated. Accuracy
usually refers t o sharpness with which reading can be made: not to deviation
among samples except for rubber (81, 2 8 ) , polyyinyl acetate (48).and polyImiiiersion
rilm P
Film P
Film P
Polished block

styrene ( 3 2 ) .

Polymer examined as liquid.

many polyniers for which there is no published discussion of the

method used in determining the values cited. Those determinations that have been described are listed in Table I along with an
approximate statement as to the accuracy achieved. This information is rather meager in view of the many possible types of
polymers and, furthermorr, undoubtedly needs some revising.
For the many types for which no information is available, the
following generalization- ran he followed in selecting a method to
he tried.

If the polymer is soft or becomes soft on heating to 70 C. or

helow, a film of the polymer can be mounted directly or on a flat.
It soluble, cast films can be prepared on the prism or preferably
on flats to be attached to the prism. If hard and brittle, a polished
block can be prepared for grazing incidence observation. If of
the infusible type, it is necessary to prepare a machined or
molded (in manufacture) piece for examination by total reflection
or grazing incidence. If opaque, only total reflection can be used
hut is not always operablc.
Of the types of illumination in critical angle measurements,
ease of observation usually decreases in the order: transmitted,
grazing incidence, and reflected light. Polymers that are soluble
and lo~vsoftening require special contact liquids and often none is
known. Such polymers are, for that same reason, not usually
examined by immersion. Conversely, polymers that are insoluble or infusible are often best examined by immersion. -4
specific recommendation as to the best method for a given
polymer type is not aln ays possible because variations in molecular weight and cross-linking alter fusibility and solubility so as to
limit thr choicae of niethorls.

Herinans et al. (15) have used an immersion method in determining the refractive indexes of viscose fibers. The fiber is inimersed in a mixture of butyl stearate and t,ricresyl phosphate of
suitable refractive index and observed with a polarizing microscope according to the Becke method. The determinatiori of the
two refractive indexes of birefringent rubber has been mentioned
(30, 31). Billmeyer ( 7 ) has recently described an immersion
method for polyethylene, nylon, and polytetrafluoroethylene.
Disadvantages of the immersion methods include the necessity
of having liquid standards available which are inert towards the
polymers being tested and whose refractive index does not change
on exposure to air over an appreciable period of time. Controlof
temperature is difficult unless special heating devices are affixed
to the microscope stage. The degree of accuracy obtained is
usually not, so great as t,hat obtainrd h y the use of critical angle

imethod of determining the apparent thicknes; is dcscribed
by the ilnierican Society for Testing Materials 13).

-4 microscope with a magnifying poFT-er of a t least 200 diameters is used. The specimen, 0.25 inch thick with two parallel
surfaces, is placed with the bett,er polished surface nearer the
objective. The microscope is focused through the specimen on
the bottom surface and the longitudinal displacement of the lens
tube is recorded. Without moving the specimen, t,he microscope
is refocused on the top of the specimen and this displacement of
t,he lens tube is recorded. Both displacements are read to within
0.001 inch. The difference in the readings is the apparent, thickness of the specimen. The index of refraction is found by dividing
the actual thickness by the apparent thickness. It is often not
possible to make the readings wit,h t,he designated accuracy
(0.001 inch) because severe spherical aberration, requiring that
t,he cone of illumination be cut down, is encountered. Cndei
these eircumstancesthe accuracy may fall to *0.04. ( 1 6 ) .

Several tables of values of refractive indexes of polyniers have

been prepared (5, 10, 23, 24, 56, 41); they include values for

The authors are indebted to E. E. Jelley and R. S. Spencer,

who generously provided information not othern-ise available,
and t o John A. Finn of this laboratory, who assisted in searching
the litc3rnturr and pwparing the manuscript.

1 ) a%lber,H. K., and Bryant, J. T., 1x1,ENG.CHP~M.,

dN.4L. ED.,12.

305 (1940).
(2) Alexander, A. E., I d . EWJ. Chem., S e w s Ed., 13, 330 (1935).
(3) Am. SOC. Testing Materials, Philadelphia, Standards, Part 111,
p. 397,1942.
(4) ..irmstrong, S.H., Budka, M.J. E., Morrison, K . C., and Hasson, M . , J . Bm. Chem. SOC.,69, 1747 (194i).
( 5 ) Rauer, N. M., and Fajans, K., in Keissberger, A , Physical
,Methods of Organic Chemistry, Vol. 1, p. 653, Ken. Yolk.
Interscience Publishers, 1945.
(ti) Bausch & Lonib Optical Co., New York, Bausch & I m n h
Refractometers, Catalog D202 (1945).
(7) Billmeyer, F. V., J . Applied Phys., 18, 431 (1947).
(8) Boyer, R. F., and Spencer, R . S., Advances in Colloid Cheiiiist r y , Vol. 11,p. 1, K e w York, Interscience Publishers, 1046.
(9) Bradley, T. F., ISD.ESG. CHEM.,i l x ; a ~ED.,
3, 304 (1931).
(10) Ellis, C., Chemistry of Synthetic Resins, Vol. I, p . 1258. X e w
York, Reinhold Publishing Corp., 1935.
(11) Frediani, H. A , IKD.ENG.CHEM.,AXAL.ED., 14, 439 (1942).
(12) Hahn, F. C., Macht, 51. L., and Fletcher, D. A, Ind. Eng.
Chem., 37, 526 (1945).
(13) Hermans, P. H., Herman-, J. J., and Vermaas, D., .I. Polwmw
Sci., 1, 156 (1946).
(14) Horner, L., J.makromol. Chem., 1, 234 (1943).
(15) Jelley, E. E., J . R o y . Microscop. Soc., 54, 234 (1934).
(16) Jelley, E. E., personal communication.
(17) Jelley, E. E., in Weissberger, A, Physical Method- of Oigniiic
Chemistry, Vol. I, p. 489, New York, Interarience Pithlisheis, 1945.
(18) Jones, H. C., Ind. Eng. Chem., 32, 331 (1940).
(19) Kirchhof, F., Rubber Chem Technol., 6,92 (1933).
(20) Lowe, F., Optische Messungen, 4th ed., p. 146, D ~ e - d e n .
Theodor Steirikopff. 1943.
(21) RlcPherson, A. T., J . Research S a t l Bur. Standards, 8 , i 5 6
( 2 2 ) McPheraon, 9.
T., and Cummings, A , D., Zbid., 14, 553 (18353.
(23) Moore. H.. Chemistry R. I n d u s t r y , 58, 1027 (1939).
(24) Morrell, R. S.,ed., Synthetic Resins and Allied Plastiras, 2nd
ed,, p. 505, Oxford I 7 n i v r ~ e i t yPress, 1943.

V O L U M E 2 0 , N O . 6, J U N E 1 9 4 8

hfuller, R.H., IKP EXG.CHEY.,- ~ L L ED.,

13, 718 (1941).
Novak, J., and Check, V., I n d . Eng. Chem., 24, 1275 (1932).
Rochow, T. G., I K D .EKG.CHEM.,ANAL.ED.,11, 629 (1939).
S a w , R.O., J . Am. Chem. S O L ,68, 954 (1946).
Saylor, c. p., 1.Research AVutl.Bur. Standards, 15, 277 (1935).
Smith, W.H., and Saylor, C . P.,Ibid., 13, 453 (1934): RllbbLr

Chem. Technol.. 8 , 214 (1935).

(31) Smith, W.H., Saylor, C. P., and Wing, H. J., J . RGsearch,\rail.
B U T . Standards, 10, 479 (1933); Rubher C h e m , Technol,, 6 , 351

( 3 2 ) Spencer, R. S., personal communication.

(33) Btafford, R. W., IXD.

ENG.CHEY.,-&SAL. ED.,14, 696 (1942).
(34) Straat. H. W., and Forrest, J. JV., J . ~ ~ tsot.f A~ ~ ~,29,
, l240
(351 rilton, L.\T., Ibid., 32, 371 (1942).

(36) Vieweg, K., Kunststoffe, 27, 213 (1937).
(37) Wagner, A. F.. Experimental Optics, New York, John miley
and Sons, 1929.
(38) Wahlstrom, E. E., Optical Crystallography, p. 37, New York,
John Wile>-and Sons, 1943.
(39) Warrick, E. L., J . Am. Chem. sot., 68, 2455 (1946).
(40) West,, C. D., IND.EXG.CHEM.,,4r;a~.ED., 10,627 (1938).
(41) Wile>-,R. H., I n d . En!=?.Chem., 38, 959 (1946).
(42) WileY, R. H., -7.
Polymer sei., 2, 10 (1947).
(43) V p y , R . H., and co-workers, unpublished observations.
(44) Wood, L. A., J . Oplical Physics, 12, 119 (1941); Rubber Chem.
Technol., 15,23 (1942).
(45) Wood, L. A., Bekkedahl, N.,and Peters, C. G., J.
N u t l . B u r . Sfandards, 23, 571 (1939).
September 5 , 1947.

Measurement of Adherence of Organic Coatings

to Metal Surfaces
H E N R Y G R E E N A ~ TDH E R E S A P. LAM4TTINA, Znterchemical Corporation, ,Yew York,



This paper describes an instrument and a method of measuring the adherence

of organic coatings to metal surfaces. The property of adherence, as used here,
is not synonymous with the term adhesion. Adherence is derived from a number of factors, of w-hich adhesion is but one. The other factors include plastic
resistance to flow, tear resistance, and mechanical entrapment of the coating
in the rouphness nf the metal surface.

HE iiirasurement of hdherenct! (usually called adhesion)

has never been easy. Rork and Leigh (3)
the methods of adherence measurements into five categories: (1) tensile
methods, ( 2 ) scratching or gouging tests, (3) base deformation
tests, (4) impact tests, and ( 5 ) miscellaneous
tests The history and development of these
methods have been reviewed by others (4). I t is
the authors desire to describe their own development of one method that, they feel has possibilities for ready application to plant and
laboratory work. That method is a scratch
test, but because the scratch is madc with a
knife edge 4 mm. wide the result is a band and
ncrt a narrow groove such as would be made with
a needle point. Koenig ( I ) , Koole ( Z ) , and
Rossmann (6) investigated the possibilities o f
the knife-edge scratch tester; each approarhed
thc subject from a viewpoint differing somen-hat

from the others. The present authors development, while basically the same as the others.
differs substantially in many essential details.


The tester consists of a plate, E (Figures 1 and 2), on Ll-hich is

fastened the metal base plate, V, containing the coating to be
sested. By means of the motor, A , the plate moves in the direction of the arrow, pulling the base plate under a weighted knifeedge, G, which is connected by means of the beam, P , and the
wire, &, to the pendulum, L. E is supported by the carriage, F ,
which is moved forward by means of the n-orm screw, C, and the
threaded supports, D , D .
P is supported by the device, X, which rotates about the axis, I .
.Is G moves forward with the base plate containing the coating,
the pendulum weight, M , is raised. This procedure produces a
backward pull on G. At the moment t,he backward pull equals the
forward thrust exerted by the coating, the knife begins to remove
t,he coating. From here on G and M remain stationary while E



cvntmues to advance. When this happens a reading is taken on

a n hmes scale, K , which has a sliding arm, Tt, resting on and
activated by an eccentric, X. The scale reading is a function of the
distance through TvhichM has been raised.
As the knife is on a beam pivoted at S,and swings freelv on this


t f

Figure 1.

idherence Tester

pivot, a pressure weight, H , is necessary to keep the kiiift:-edge

down in contact with the base plate. This produces friction,
which must he subtracted from the original reading. To do this
a blank is run. The base plate is, therefore, returned to its
original position and a run is made on the base metal strip-that
area previously occupied by the coating. Both readings are converted t o dynes and the second reading is subtracted from the
first. The difference is the stripping force, SF.
In order to convert llmes reading to dynes, it is necessary to
know the position of the center of gravity, CG of the pendulum,
t,he pendulum weight, and t,he horizontal distance, H D , between
CG and the vertical, 5. The pendulum is composed of a bar and a
number of weights that can be fastened to it in various combinations. The equation that gives the distance, D , from the lower
end of the bar to the center of gravity is (densities of the bar and
weight are assumed equal)
D =


- dlef

+ def)


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