Elastopipe - Brochure

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34121 8s A4 + omslag



Side 13

OneStop reklamebyr 08.02


the future of safe fire water systems

34121 8s A4 + omslag



Side 2

C o n t e n t s

Unique piping system for fire water

No corrosion
Less engineering work
Jet fire resistance
Impact resistance
Minimised water hammer
No hot work
The complete Elastopipe system
Heat tracing
Quality control
Elastopipe chosen by leading operators
The development of Elastopipe
The company

34121 8s A4 + omslag



Side 3

U n i q u e
p i p i n g
f o r
f i r e
w a t e r

s y s t e m

The Elastopipe system is a patented piping

system designed for deluge and sprinkler
systems in harsh environments. Elastopipe is
made of synthetic rubber and it replaces todays
rigid steel, titanium, copper nickel and fiberglass piping.

The unique features of Elastopipe make it ideal

in deluge and sprinkler systems on offshore oil
and gas installations and ships and in industrial
plants, mines and other hazardous environments. It can be used to partly or fully replace
old systems.
Elastopipe is ideal for use in temporary deluge
systems when high safety levels need to be
maintained during modifications. Its flexibility
enables it to be moved and reused.

34121 8s A4 + omslag



N o

Side 4

c o r r o s i o n
Metal corrosion can cause blocking of pipes
and nozzles, leading to production shut downs
or reduction in capacity. The new OLF recommendations are based on the Scandpower
report: Water-based fire fighting systems
guidelines for test, maintenance and design,
and Elastopipe is recommended for use in fire
water systems because the synthetic rubber
from which it is made is non-corroding.

L e s s

e n g i n e e r i n g

Elastopipe is an innovative piping system. The

design of optimal routing when using flexible
Elastopipe differs to that used for traditional
rigid pipes.
It is possible to achieve a substantial reduction
in the number of construction drawings and
accurate measurements needed, as well as the
amount of engineering work required. No
prefabrication is necessary and installations may
be modified spontaneously on site.

w o r k

34121 8s A4 + omslag



Side 5

J e t

f i r e

r e s i s t a n c e

The functional abilities of fire water systems

can also be threatened by fire, fragments from
explosions and other types of impact.
Elastopipe is fire resistant, and can even withstand jet fires with a heat flux of 390 kW/m2,
temperatures above 1250 C and flame speeds
which exceed the speed of sound for one hour,
with no water in the pipe for the first five
minutes (OTI 95634).

I m p a c t

r e s i s t a n c e

Elastopipes resistance to explosions is

unrivalled and is only limited by the choice of
support system used. Its impact resistance is
demonstrated by there being no reduction in
burst pressure following an impact of 800 J.
The durability of Elastopipe ensures safe
transportation and installation.

34121 8s A4 + omslag



Side 6

M i n i m i s e d

w a t e r

h a m m e r

Elastopipes smooth inner surface (HazenWilliams factor of c=155) that last throughout
the products life and its flexible bends, ensure
high water flow speeds (limited by legislation
to a maximum of 10 m/s). A complete
evaluation of hydraulic properties has been
made by Kvrner (TV 89108-001).
The flexible material of the Elastopipe serves
to dramatically reduce dynamic pressure

effects, e.g. water hammer. Based on real

measurements, Fantoft Process have simulated
the dynamic pressure effects. The reported
reduction in water hammer of up to 60 %, is
clearly demonstrated during the
commissioning tests of deluge systems.
The reduction in noise and vibration is
remarkable. Compared to the flow noise in
traditional pipes, the Elastopipe Spray System
on KV Svalbard is almost quiet.

34121 8s A4 + omslag



N o

Side 7

h o t

w o r k

Full Elastopipe installation details are provided

in User Manual TV89104-004. Installation
can be completed without the use of adhesives,
welding or hot work, while the production
and processing of oil and gas can continue
Elastopipe can be cut with a hand-held pipe
cutter without the risk of sparks occurring,
and the pipes are joined mechanically using

airoperated hand tools. Since Elastopipe is

flexible it can easily be bent to a radius equal
to five times its own diameter.
Installation is therefore simpler, faster and
cheaper than with rigid pipes, and installation
time can be reduced by up to 50 % compared
to steel systems.

34121 8s A4 + omslag



Side 8

T h e
c o m p l e t e
E l a s t o p i p e
s y s t e m
The supply of an Elastopipe system includes all
the necessary components, from the skid to the
nozzles. The basic component is the Elastopipe,
manufactured in 1 8 ID pipe sizes and
supplied in reels of up to 40 meters in length.

All fittings for connections, branching and the

mounting of nozzles are made of titanium
materials in accordance with NORSOK

standard MDS-T01, minimum schedule

S-40S. Branching and nozzles can easily be
mounted on existing installations by using the
half shell clamps supplied.
The choice of support system is essential for a
straightforward and cost-effective installation
without sagging. The most common support
used include clamps, traditional channels, bars
and angles. Elastopipe can also be supported
by cable trays and flexible supports, or be laid
directly on the structure or in the supports of
old pipes.

34121 8s A4 + omslag



Side 9

H e a t

t r a c i n g

The operating temperature of Elastopipe

ranges from -30 C to +70 C, and heat tracing
may be necessary in order to prevent pipes and
nozzles from becoming blocked by ice plugs. Its
15-17 mm elastomeric wall acts as a good
thermal insulator (thermal conductivity of
k = 0.4 W/mK). An optional heat tracing
system with internal cables reduces energy
consumption and protects from external

damage. The flexibility of Elastopipe allows

water to repeatedly freeze and melt in the pipe
without any damage occurring.

Q u a l i t y

c o n t r o l

All pipe fittings are labelled, thus ensuring that

every component can be traced and subjected
to quality control. All personnel are provided
with essential training and certification prior
to each installation.

34121 8s A4 + omslag



Side 10

E l a s t o p i p e
b y
l e a d i n g

c h o s e n
o p e r a t o r s

Since the first pilot installation in 1998,

installations on BPs Valhall and Ula, Statoils
Gullfaks, Heidrun and Statfjord, Norsk
Hydros Heimdal, Troll and Oseberg and
Phillips Ekofisk and Eldfisk platforms have
been added to the reference list. It has also
been installed on the Royal Norwegian Navys
MTBs and the coast guard ship KV Svalbard.


A p p r o v a l s
The documentation and results are summarised in Test Specification TV 89101-003. DNV
has verified that the results are in accordance
with the specified requirements TV 89101001. The System Manual TV 89104-004 outlines the engineering work, installation and
quality control and is an important part of the
In accordance with EU directive 97/23/EC
PED, the normal use of Elastopipe in a 150#
deluge or sprinkler system requires no CE

34121 8s A4 + omslag



Side 11

T h e
d e v e l o p m e n t
o f
E l a s t o p i p e
The ELASTOPIPE project commenced in
1996. It combines Trelleborg Vikings
expertise in manufacturing heavy-duty pipes
and hoses with our long experience of protecting systems from corrosion, heat and fire.
The project was initiated in cooperation with
Phillips Petroleum, Norsk Hydro, BP Amoco,

Statoil, SFK (Royal Norwegian Navy Material

Command), the SND (the Norwegian
Regional and Industrial Development Fund)
and Statsbygg; their active technical and
financial participation helped to secure this
new fire safety technology.

34121 8s A4 + omslag



Side 12

OneStop reklamebyr 08.02

T h e

c o m p a n y

Trelleborg Viking AS was established in 1896 and is the largest producer

of rubber products in Norway. Our rubber products have served the
offshore industry for more than 30 years.We are certified in accordance
with ISO 9001 for the Design, Manufacture and Sale of Technical
Rubber and Plastic Products, and environmental standard ISO 14001.
Trelleborg is a global industrial group with annual sales amounting to
SEK 19 billion and approximately 15,500 employees in 40 countries.

Trelleborg Viking AS, P.O. Box A, N-3051 Mjndalen, Norway. Tel. +47 32 23 21 00, Fax + 47 32 23 22 00, e-mail: [email protected]

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