The - Potential From Bethe-Salpeter Amplitudes On Lattice: Yoichi Ikeda
The - Potential From Bethe-Salpeter Amplitudes On Lattice: Yoichi Ikeda
The - Potential From Bethe-Salpeter Amplitudes On Lattice: Yoichi Ikeda
The q-q
potential from Bethe-Salpeter amplitudes on
Yoichi Ikeda
RIKEN Nishina Center, Wako, Saitama 351-0198, Japan
E-mail: [email protected]
Hideaki Iida
RIKEN Nishina Center, Wako, Saitama 351-0198, Japan
E-mail: [email protected]
Potentials of quarkanti-quark pairs are studied from the q-q
Nambu-Bethe-Salpeter (NBS) wave
functions in quenched lattice QCD. With the use of a method which has been recently developed
in the derivation of nuclear forces from QCD, we derive the q-q
potentials with finite quark masses
from the NBS wave functions. We calculate the q-q
NBS wave functions in pseudo-scalar and
vector channels for several quark masses. The derived potentials in both channels reveal linear
confinement plus Coulomb potentials. We also discuss the quark-mass and channel dependence
of the q-q
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The q-q
potential from Bethe-Salpeter amplitudes on lattice
Yoichi Ikeda
1. Introduction
An inter-quark potential is the fundamental interaction in strongly interacting quark-gluon
systems, which is governed by the complex dynamics of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). It is
still difficult to analyze such low-energy phenomena of QCD in analytic ways, because the coupling
constant becomes large at low energies and therefore the perturbation theory is not applicable.
Experimentally, the linear behavior of inter-quark potentials is suggested by Regge slope [1], which
shows the relation, J M 2 with the spin J and the mass M of hadrons. A naive estimation for the
relation between M and J is J = M 2 /4 with the string tension , and the value of is about 1.3
GeV/fm from the Regge slope. The Coulomb force of inter-quark potentials is suggested by the
analogy between quarkonium and positronium. In fact, Coulomb plus linear confinement behavior
of inter-quark potentials reproduces the quarkonium spectrum well in quark models. However,
until now, there is no regolous proof of the emergence of the linear confinement potential.
Lattice QCD simulation is the powerful tool for a numerical investigation with strong coupling
regime of strong interaction. The inter-quark potential is one of subjects which is most actively
studied on lattices. From the analyses of Wilson loops, the potential for an infinitely heavy quark
potential) can be obtained. The Q-Q
potential from lattice QCD simulations
and an anti-quark (Q-Q
reveals the form of V (r) = r A/r with = 0.89GeV/fm and A = 0.26 [2], and one can take
into account corrections coming from finite quark masses order by order with the use of the heavy
quark effective field theory such as potential nonrelativistic QCD (pNRQCD) [2, 3, 4, 5].
We study potentials between light quarks and anti-quarks (q-q
potentials) in pseudo-scalar and
vector channels from lattice QCD simulations. In order to explore the q-q
potentials, we apply
the systematic method which utilize the equal-time Nambu-Bethe-Salpeter (NBS) amplitudes to
extract hadronic potentials [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13] to systems containing relatively light quarks
and anti-quarks. Due to the absence of the asymptotic fields of quarks, the reduction formula cannot
be applied directly. Therefore, we assume that the equal-time NBS amplitudes for the q-q
satisfy the Bethe-Salpeter (BS) equation with constant quark masses which could be considered as
the constituent quark masses. By using the derivation of the relativistic three-dimensional formalism from the BS equation developed by Lvy, Klein and Macke (LKM formalism) [14, 15], we
shall obtain the q-q
potentials without the expansion in terms of quark masses.
The paper is organized as follows. In Sec 2, we briefly present our method to extract the
potentials, together with the lattice QCD setup. We then show our results in Sec 3. The q-q
The q-q
potential from Bethe-Salpeter amplitudes on lattice
Yoichi Ikeda
rived by using the reduction formula [7]. Due to the absence of the asymptotic fields for confined
quarks, we suppose that the q-q
systems satisfy the BS equation with their constant quark masses.
In this study, constant quark masses mq are determined by half of vector meson masses mV , i.e.,
mq = mV /2. Then, one finds Eq. (2.1) by applying LKM method to the BS equation.
The non-local potential U (~r,~r ) can be expanded in powers of the relative velocity ~v = / of
systems at low energies,
U (~r,~r ) = V (~r,~v) (~r ~r )
= (VLO (~r) +VNLO (~r) + ) (~r ~r ),
where the N n LO term is of order O(~vn ). At the leading order, one finds
V (~r) VLO (~r) =
1 2 (~r)
+ E.
2 (~r)
An = hn| J qq
(t0 ; J ) |0i .
(~r,t t0 ; J ) =
The q-q
potential from Bethe-Salpeter amplitudes on lattice
Yoichi Ikeda
and vector (V) meson masses mV =1.04, 1.35, 1.81, 2.55GeV, respectively. The number of configurations is 100 for each quark mass. For the source operator of mesons, we use wall source. We
fix the gauge, because q and q operators are spatially separated at the time slice of source and sink,
and we adopt Coulomb gauge in the calculation.
The q-q
potential from Bethe-Salpeter amplitudes on lattice
Yoichi Ikeda
Figure 2: Plots of 2 (r)/ (r) = 2 (V (r) E) in PS channel (a) and V channel (b) for each quark mass.
The potential form shows Coulomb + linear behavior.
Figure 3: Plots of the potential with arbitrary constatnt energy shift V (r) E = 2 (r)/(2 (r)) in PS
channel (a) and V channel (b) for each quark mass.
in Table 1, we find that the string tension moderately increases as quark mass increases in both
channels. Quark mass dependence of the string tension in PS channel is larger than that in V
channel. The string tension at the heaviest quark mass, mPS = 2.53GeV, is 950 (1011) MeV/fm in
PS (V) channel. These values are roughly consistent with the value in heavy quark limit predicted
from Wilson loop. On the other hand, Coulomb coefficient has significantly large quark-mass
dependence in both channels and is larger in PS channel than that in V channel.
The q-q
potential from Bethe-Salpeter amplitudes on lattice
mPS (GeV)
(MeV/fm) A (MeV fm)
mV (GeV)
Yoichi Ikeda
A (MeV fm)
Table 1: The Fitting results of the potentials in Fig. 3. The data is fitted by the fit function V (r) = A/r +
r + C.
potential obtained from Wilson loop. By fitting the results, we have obtained the string tension
and Coulomb coefficient, and found the quark mass dependence of these coefficients. We have
found that the string tension moderately depends on the quark mass. On the other hand, Coulomb
coefficient decreases as quark mass increases. We have also checked the volume and the cutoff
dependence of the NBS wave functions and the q-q
potentials. Then, we have found that the result
shown here does not change quantitatively, although we do not show these checks here.
This is the first step to study the q-q
potentials from the NBS wave functions, and the main
purpose of the present study to show that the method is applicable to the q-q
potentials. We find
that the obtained q-q
potential has basic property of that obtained from Wilson loop. Therefore, the
method can be used for the study of the q-q
potentials with finite quark masses. Since the efficiency
of this method is confirmed, there are many extensions by using this method such as the dynamical
calculations of the q-q
potentials, the q-q
potentials at finite temperature, the 3q potential with
finite quark masses, color non-singlet q-q potentials, and so on. The results of these extensions
inter-quark potentials will be reported elsewhere.
5. Acknowledgment
The aouthors thank S. Aoki, T.Doi, T. Hatsuda, T. Inoue, N. Ishii, K. Murano, H. Nemura,
K. Sasaki and S. Sasaki for the fruitful discussion. Y.I. also thanks N. Kaiser, A. Laschka and
W. Weise for the useful discussion. The calculations were performed mainly by using the NECSX9 and SX8R at Osaka University, and partly by RIKEN Integrated Cluster of Clusters (RICC)
facility. This work is supported by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid
for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (No. 2004: 20105001, 20105003).
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The q-q
potential from Bethe-Salpeter amplitudes on lattice
Yoichi Ikeda
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