Jackknife: (I) Introduction

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The essay outlines the jackknife estimation method and places it in the context of other resampling techniques like the bootstrap and permutation tests. It also discusses how the jackknife provides a linear approximation to the bootstrap.

The bootstrap and permutation tests are described as other resampling methods. The bootstrap samples from the original data with replacement to estimate sampling distributions, while permutation testing involves permuting elements of one vector to get a test statistic distribution.

To perform the bootstrap, B samples are generated from the original data by sampling with replacement, with each sample being the same size as the original. The statistic of interest is then computed for each bootstrap sample. These are used to estimate the variance of the statistic by taking the variance of the bootstrap estimates.

Avery I.

The Jackknife Estimation Method
(I) Introduction:
Statistical resampling methods have become feasible for parametric estimation,
hypothesis testing, and model validation now that the computer is a ubiquitous tool for
statisticians. This essay focuses on the resampling technique for parametric estimation
known as the Jackknife procedure. To outline the usefulness of the method and its place
in the general class of statistical resampling techniques, I will quickly delineate two
similar resampling methods: the bootstrap and the permutation test.
(I.I) Other Sampling Methods: The Bootstrap
The bootstrap is a broad class of usually non-parametric resampling methods for
estimating the sampling distribution of an estimator. The method was described in 1979
by Bradley Efron, and was inspired by the previous success of the Jackknife procedure.1
Imagine that a sample of n independent, identically distributed observations from an
unknown distribution have been gathered, and a mean of the sample, , has been
calculated. To make inferences about the population mean we need to know the
variability of the sample mean, which we know from basic statistical theory is V[] =
V[Y]/n. Here, since the distribution is unknown, we do not know the value of V[Y] = 2.
The central limit theorem (CLT) states that the standardized sample mean converges in
distribution to a standard normal Z as the sample size grows largeand we can invoke
Slutskys theorem to demonstrate that the sample standard deviation is an adequate
estimator for standard deviation when the distribution is unknown. However, for other
statistics of interest that do not admit the CLT, and for small sample sizes, the bootstrap
is a viable alternative.
Briefly, the bootstrap method specifies that B samples be generated from the data by
sampling with replacement from the original sample, with each sample set being of
identical size as the original sample (here, n). The larger B is, the closer the set of
samples will be to the ideal exact bootstrap sample, which is of the order of an ndimensional simplex: |Cn| = (2n-1)C(n). The computation of this number, never mind the
actual sample, is generally unfeasible for all but the smallest sample sizes (for example a
sample size of 12 has about 1.3 million with-replacement subsamples). Furthermore, the
bootstrap follows a multinomial distribution, and the most likely sample is in fact the
original sample, hence it is almost certain that there will be random bootstrap samples
that are replicates of the original sample. This means that the computation of the exact
bootstrap is all but impossible in practice. However, Efron and Tibshirani have argued
that in some instances, as few as 25 bootstrap samples can be large enough to form a
reliable estimate.2
The next step in the process is to perform the action that derived the initial statistichere
the mean: so we sum each bootstrap sample and divide the total by n, and use those
quantities to generate an estimate of the variance of as follows:

Avery I. McIntosh
()! =



The empirical distribution function (EDF) used to generate the bootstrap samples can be
shown to be a consistent, unbiased estimator for the actual cumulative distribution
function (CDF) from which the samples were drawn, F. In fact, the bootstrap performs
well because it has a faster rate of convergence than the CLT: O(1/n) vs. O(1/n), as the
bootstrap relies on the strong law of large numbers (SLLN), a more robust condition than
the CLT.
(I.II) Other Sampling Methods: Permutation
Permutation testing is done in many arenas, and a classical example is that of permuted
ys in a pair of random vectors (X, Y) to get a correlation coefficient p-value. For an
observed sample z = {(X1, , Xn),(Y1, , Yn)}, the elements of (only) the Y vector are
permuted B times. Then for permutation function (), we have that an individual
permutation sample zb is:
! = {(! , , ! ), (! ! , , ! ! )}
The next step is to compute the number of times that the original correlation statistic is in
absolute value greater than the chosen percentile threshold (say, 0.025 and 0.975 for an
empirical level of 0.05), divided by B. This value is the empirical p-value. If B = n!
then the test is called exact; if all of the permutations are not performed, then there is an
inflated Type I error rate, as we are less likely to sample those values in the tails of the
null distribution, and hence we are less likely to say that there are values greater in
absolute value than our original statistic. This method is entirely non-parametric, and is
usually approximated by Monte Carlo methods for large sample sizes where the
permutation generation is computationally impractical. Now we proceed to the Jackknife.
(II) The Jackknife: Introduction and Basic Properties
The Jackknife was proposed by M.H. Quenouille in 1949 and later refined and given its
current name by John Tukey in 1956. Quenouille originally developed the method as a
procedure for correcting bias. Later, Tukey described its use in constructing confidence
limits for a large class of estimators. It is similar to the bootstrap in that it involves
resampling, but instead of sampling with replacement, the method samples without
Many situations arise where it is impractical or even impossible to calculate good
estimators or find those estimators standard errors. The situation may be one where there
is no theoretical basis to fall back on, or it may be that in estimating the variance of a
difficult function of a statistic, say g() for some function with no closed-form integral,
making use of the usual route of estimationthe delta method theoremis impossible.

Avery I. McIntosh
In these situations the Jackknife method can be used to derive an estimate of bias and
standard error. Keith Knight has noted, in his book Mathematical Statistics, that the
Jackknife estimate of the standard error is roughly equivalent to the delta method for
large samples.3
Definition: The delete-1 Jackknife Samples are selected by taking the original data
vector and deleting one observation from the set. Thus, there are n unique Jackknife
samples, and the ith Jackknife sample vector is defined as:

[!] = {! , ! , , !!! , !!! , , !!! , ! }

This procedure is generalizable to k deletions, which is discussed further below.
The ith Jackknife Replicate is defined as the value of the estimator s() evaluated at the
ith Jackknife sample.

! ( ! )
The Jackknife Standard Error is defined






Where is the empirical average of the Jackknife replicates:



The (n - 1)/n factor in the formula above looks similar to the formula for the standard
error of the sample mean, except that there is a quantity (n - 1) included in the numerator.
As motivation for this estimator, I consider the case that does not actually need any
resampling methods: that of the sample mean. Here, the Jackknife estimator above is an
unbiased estimator of the variance of the sample mean.
To demonstrate this claim, I need to show that


( 1)


I note that here the Jackknife replicates in the inner squared term on the left simplify as

Avery I. McIntosh

! 1

! =


Once the term is squared, the equation is complete, and is identically equal to the right
hand term above. Thus, in the case of the sample mean, the Jackknife estimate of the
standard error reduces to the regular, unbiased estimator commonly used. The standard
error estimate is somewhat ad hoc, but it is also intuitive. A more formal derivation was
provided by Tukey and involves pseudovalues, which are discussed briefly below. It has
been shown, however, that the Jackknife estimate of variance is slightly biased upward,4
and does not work in all situations, for example, as an estimator of the median (see
Knight, ibid.). In instances such as quantile estimation, it has been shown that the deleted Jackknife, where n < d < (n - 1), is a consistent estimator.5 The delete-d variance
estimator has similar form as the delete-1 estimator, with a different normalizing

()!!!"#$ =



The Jackknife Bias is defined as

!"#$ = ( 1)( )
where is the estimator taking the entire sample as argument. Jackknife Bias is just the
average of the deviations of the replicates, which are sometimes called Jackknife
Influence Values, multiplied by a factor (n - 1). The bias of the sample mean is 0, so I
cannot take the function s() = to get an idea of what the multiplier should be, as I did
previously for the Jackknife SE. Instead, I consider as an estimator the uncorrected
variance of the sample:

(! )!

If I take as my estimator the (biased) sample variance, I have that its bias, that is,
E[ ], is equal to -2/n. If I use the Jackknife bias as an estimate for the bias of my
estimator, and I have that my estimator is equal to the uncorrected sample variance,
then the Jackknife bias formula reduces to -S2/n, where S2 is now the regular, corrected,
unbiased estimator of sample variance. Thus, the bias here is constructed from a heuristic
notion to emulate the bias of the uncorrected sample variance.
The above synopsis gave a rationale based on familiar sample-based estimators. Here is
another justification: Assume that for any fixed n the expected value of an estimator is

Avery I. McIntosh
the parameter estimand plus some bias term, call it b1()/n. Then, as the average of the
Jackknife replicates has (n - 1) terms, the expected value of the average is


[ ! ] = +

! ()

From this observation it follows that the bias of the Jackknife replicates estimator is

! ()
! ()
! ()

1 ( 1)

Hence if we multiply this difference above by (n - 1), we get an unbiased estimator of the
bias of our original estimator.
With the estimate of bias in hand, an obvious extension is to define a Jackknife estimate
of the parameter of interest as
!"#$ = = ( 1)( ) = ( 1)
The estimator is made clear if we remember than the Jackknife bias of the original
estimator is ( 1)( ), and hence the bias of the new estimator !"#$ is 0. In
practice, it is not always exactly 0, as the above treatment is really just a first-order
Taylor series approximation, but the bias of biased estimators is often reduced by this
method. If we imagine that the situation described in the explanation of the Jackknife bias
where the bias is a linear combination of the estimand and a bias term were expanded so
that the bias term is now an infinite series of terms, b1()/n + b2()/n2 + b3()/n3 + , and
the expected value of the original estimator was that summation plus the estimand, then
we have that
! ()
! ()
! ()
[ ! ] = +

1 ( 1)
( 1)!


!"#$ = 1

(2 1)! () (3! 3 + 1)! ()

! ( 1)
! ( 1)

and finally that the expected value of the Jackknife estimator is

2 1 !

! 1 !

!"#$ = [ ( 1) ] =

The above formulation shows that, as there is no first-order term n in the denominators of
the infinite sum terms (i.e. the first term in the Taylor expansion has cancelled out), the

Avery I. McIntosh
Jackknife bias is asymptotically smaller than the bias of any given biased estimator.
Another construction sometimes used in Jackknife estimation is the pseudovalue, and
can be seen as a bias-corrected version of the estimator. The scheme is to treat the
jackknife pseudovalues as if they were independent random variables.
Definition: The ith Pseudovalue of estimator n(X) for sample vector X is defined as
! = ! (n 1)! ([!] )
The pseudovalues can also be written as
! = ! + (n 1)(! !!! !
These constructs can be used in place of the replicate terms in the Jackknife SE to give
confidence intervals from the t distribution. However, the method is criticized by Efron
and Tibshirani, who write This interval does not work very well: in particular, it is not
significantly better than cruder intervals based on normal theory (ibid. 2, p. 145).
Nevertheless, it can easily be shown that pseudovalues can be used to construct a normal
test of hypotheses. Since each pseudovalue is iid, it follows that their average conforms to
a normal distribution as the sample size grows large. The average of the pseudovalues is
just !"#$ , and the expected value of that average, owing by construction to the
unbiasedness of the estimator, is the parameter under investigation, . Thus, we have that


n 1 ! ! ) )


where is the sample variance of the pseudovalue compared against !"#$ , divided by the
sample size minus 1.

The Jackknife can be used in many situations. However, while there are generally no
assumptions on the distribution from which the sample was drawn, there is one major
exception: time-series data. The method assumes independence between the random
variables (and identically distributed data points), and if that assumption is violated, the
results will be of no use. Another condition of note is that the Jackknife estimate is
composed of a linear function (subtraction) and hence will only work properly for linear
functions of the data and/or parameters, and on functions that are smooth enough to be
modeled as continuous without much of a problem.

Avery I. McIntosh
(III) Examples
Imagine that we know that we are sampling from a uniform distribution on interval [0, ],
> 0, and we are interested in estimating . A simple, intuitive estimator is the sample
maximum, but is this biased? The expectation of the maximum, Y = max({Xn}), is



This estimate is clearly biased. Since the maximum of a given fixed sample drawn from a
continuous CDF is the same element for (n - 1) out of the n Jackknife samples, and is the
second-largest term in the single Jackknife sample subset that excludes the largest
element of the original sample, it is clear that the average of the Jackknife replicates is

(!) + (!!!)

and so the Jackknife estimate of the maximum is

!"#$ = (!) +
((!) !!! )

By the results above, we have that the bias of this estimator will be smaller than that of
the sample maximum, but if we had wanted to we could have just corrected the sample
maximum by the constant (n + 1)/n to yield a totally unbiased estimator. However, the
Jackknife estimator is generalizable to any distribution that has an upper bound that we
would like to estimate, regardless of whether the random variable is distributed uniformly
or not. This property is extremely useful when the distribution is unknown, or when it is
unclear how to correct for the bias of the sample maximum.
To show empirically that the Jackknife bias is smaller than the maximum for X ~ U(0, ),
I wrote an R script that sampled from a uniform distribution on the interval [0, 5], and
recorded the average number of times that the absolute bias between the Jackknife
estimate and 5 was less than the absolute bias between the sample maximum and 5. I ran
100,000 simulations for sample sizes 10, 30, and 100. The R code and results follow:
for (i in 1:100000){
samp<-runif(100, min = 0, max = 5)
numvec[i]<-ifelse(abs(5-jack)<abs(max(samp)-5), 1,0)

Avery I. McIntosh

100K Samples
% JN bias<Max bias
Average Bias Jack
Average Bias Max

N = 10

N = 30

N = 100

For each sample size N the Jackknife bias was smaller than the bias of the sample
maximum about 68% of the time. Of course, simply multiplying the maximum by a
constant would be ideal in this case, but again, the method is generalizable to more
complicated situations.
(IV) Applications
One interesting application I came upon in a course on Microarray analysis is the
genomic software application EASE (Expression Analysis Systematic Explorer). 6 In
experiments and analyses that use gene expression data, researchers often finalize their
study with an annotated list of genes found to be differentially expressed between
biological conditions. For example gene X may be expressed more in cancerous cells
than in normal cells. Researchers often annotate a list of candidate genes one-by-one by
looking up relevant information on the genes from an online database, or automating the
process for a large gene set. The results of such a search are often difficult to interpret,
especially for those not versed in the finer elements of biochemistry and cell biology. The
gene set annotation will not inform nonspecialists as to whether the group of genes
discovered in the analysis stage of the study is related to a plausible biological function
category that has already been investigated previously: for example, genes known to
regulate hemoglobin characteristics in a study to discover genes associated with sickle
cell anemia.
The EASE software queries publicly available databases with the option of adding userdefined ontology categories. The program initially gives a Fisher exact (hypergeometric)
test for each known class. As an example, researchers discover gene set A is found to be
associated with some phenotype of interest. They compare gene set A against annotation
ontology set X, which lists all known genes related to some biological function, say,
apoptosis (programmed cell death) to see if gene set A is overrepresented in this
biological theme more than would be expected by chance. If so, this knowledge can be
used to confirm a hypothesis, or suggest a new avenue of research. Each gene in set A
either is or is not in gene set X, hence, we can give an exact p-value to the probability of
observing at least as many genes in discovery set A as in the known ontology gene set X.
The software also computes an EASE score, which is a Jackknifed score for the exact
test. The goal of this test is to construct a conservative score that is similar to the score
given to most ontology sets, but which penalizes those known gene sets that have very
few members. The program takes the discovery set A, and in calculating the
hypergeometric test for each ontology gene set it removes a single gene from the

Avery I. McIntosh
discovery set and computes Fisher p-values anew for every subset of genes in the
discovery set having one gene excluded.
As an example, if there is only a single gene in some ontology category X, and that gene
happens to appear in discovery set A which contains 206 genes, then the p-value for that
gene set X is 0.0152. However a different ontology gene set Y would be only slightly less
significant if it had 787 genes, with 20 of our discovery set being members of that class.
This is obviously a problem in commensurability. The authors of the paper write:
From the perspective of global biological themes, a theme based on the presence
of a single gene is neither global nor stable and is rarely interesting. If the single
[discovery] gene happens to be a false positive, then the significance of the
dependent [ontology] theme is entirely false. However, the EASE score for these
two situations is p = 1 for category X and p < 0.0274 for category Y, and thus the
EASE score eliminates the significance of the 'unstable' category X while only
slightly penalizing the significance of the more global theme Y.

(V) Differences Between Jackknife and other Resampling Methods

That the Jackknife is asymptotically equivalent to the bootstrap is inventively shown by
Efron and Tibshirani in their monograph (ibid.). They discuss the process of sampling
from blocks of data as equivalent to defining a multinomial distribution on the sample ntuple with equal probabilities for each sample point. In the case of n = 3, the list of
possible points is described as a triangle where each point can be selected from the set of
all possible resamples of the three elements, and is graphically represented as points
along the three edges of the triangle. The graphic below is reproduced from the Efron and
Tibshirani paper presented in 1986.7

Avery I. McIntosh
It shows the domain of the sample functional, where the ideal bootstrap sample represents
the surface attained by the domain points on the simplex. Then the jackknife sample is an
approximating hyperplane to the bootstrap surface.
I now present the theorem given by Efron and Tibshirani (cf. 2, p. 287-288).
Define P0 = (1/n, , 1/n)T, and U = (U1, U2, , Un)T such that the elements of U sum to
0. Then T(P0) is the original sample statistic, and T(P(i)) is the jackknife replicate for
sample point i: P(i) = (1/(n-1), , 0, 1/(n-1))T.
A linear statistic T(P*), where T is the functional of the vector of all probabilities such
that each element is in [0, 1] and the sum of the elements is 1, has the following form:
T(P*) = c0 + (P* - P0)T U.
The linear statistic defines a hyperplane over simplex Sn. The following result states that
for any statistic the jackknife estimate of the variance of T(P*) is almost the same as the
bootstrap estimate for a certain linear approximation to T(P*).
Theorem: Let TLIN be the unique hyperplane passing through the Jackknife points
(P(i),T(P(i))), i = 1, 2, , n. Then var*TLIN = (n - 1)/n varjack, where var* is the variance
under the multinomial distribution of all probability vectors. In the case n = 3, it would
just be the addition of the possible samples weighted by their probabilities; varjack is the
usual formula given above, and reprinted here for clarity:


Thus, the Jackknife estimate of the variance for our estimator of interest is n/(n - 1)
times the bootstrap estimate of variance for the linear approximation to the surface
described by the bootstrap simplex.
Proof: By solving n linear equations of the form ! = TLIN(P(i)) for c0 and the
components of the U vector, we find that c0 = ! and Ui = (n - 1)( ! ). Using the
fact that P* is distributed as a multiple of the multinomial distribution with mean and
covariance matrix (P0, [I/n2 - P0 P0 T/n]), and that the Ui terms sum to 0 we have that

var*TLIN(P*) = UT(var* P*)U = 1/n2UTU = (n - 1)/n{


}. QED.

Thus, the accuracy of the Jackknife as a linear approximation to the bootstrap depends on
how well the hyperplane TLIN approximates T(P*).


Avery I. McIntosh

Efron B. Bootstrap methods: Another Look at the Jackknife (1979). Ann. Statist. 7 1-26.
Efron, B., Tibshirani, R. An Introduction to the Bootstrap (1993). Chapman & Hall,
3 Knight, K. Mathematical Statistics (2000). Chapman & Hall/CRC. Pg. 218.
Efron, B., Stein, C. The Jackknife Estimate of Variance (1981). Annals of Statistics.
9(3) 586-596.
Shao, J., Wu, CFJ. A General Theory for Jackknife Variance Estimation (1989). Ann.
Statist. 17 (3), 1176-1197.
Hosak, D., et al. Identifying Biological Themes with EASE (2003). Genome Biology.
7 Efron, B., Tibshirani, R. Bootstrap Methods for Standard Errors, Confidence Intervals,
and other Measures of Statistical Accuracy (1986). Statistical Science. 1(1) 54-77.


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