Maa WP Gctomaa 134568
Maa WP Gctomaa 134568
Maa WP Gctomaa 134568
Oracle Best Practices For High Availability
Oracle White Paper Using Grid Control to Implement or Extend High Availability with Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Data Guard
Introduction ..................................................................................................... 1
MAA Project Background ................................................................................ 1
Grid Control Overview ..................................................................................... 3
Grid Control Components ........................................................................... 3
Provisioning and Deployment Procedures ................................................. 3
Overview of the Process Flow ........................................................................ 5
Prepare the Grid Control Environment............................................................ 7
Install and Set Up Grid Control ................................................................... 7
Module 1: Create a Physical Standby Database ............................................ 9
Task 1: Prepare the Primary Single-Instance Database for Data Guard . 10
Task 2: Provision an Oracle Home on the New Server ............................ 10
Task 3: Create a Physical Standby Database .......................................... 11
Task 4: Perform a Switchover (Optional).................................................. 14
Module 2: Convert a Single-Instance Physical Standby to Oracle RAC ....... 15
Task 1: Provision Oracle Clusterware, ASM, and Oracle RAC ................ 16
Task 2: Create a Single-Instance Physical Standby on the New Cluster. 22
Task 3: Prepare the Environment Prior to Conversion ............................. 23
Task 4: Convert the Physical Standby Database to an Oracle RAC Database 27
Task 5: Perform a Switchover and Enable Additional Threads ................ 29
Appendix A: Create Components and Customize Deployment Procedures 33
Task 1: Install Software and Upload Components ................................... 33
Task 2: Create Copies of Deployment Procedures .................................. 36
Appendix B: Converting a Primary Database to Oracle RAC ....................... 40
Appendix C: Extend an Oracle RAC Primary Database to Add RAC Nodes43
Task 1: Prerequisites ................................................................................ 44
Task 2: Use the One Click Extend Cluster Database Deployment Procedure
Appendix D: Provision a Single-Instance Database Home........................... 46
References .................................................................................................... 50
Oracle White Paper Using Grid Control to Implement or Extend High Availability with Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Data Guard
This white paper provides a step-by-step walkthrough of the tasks and processes
involved in using Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control Release to configure a
complete Oracle Maximum Availability Architecture (MAA) implementation on Oracle
Database 11g release
The procedures in this paper chronicle how to use Grid Control release
automated processes to take a single-instance Oracle Database and configure an MAA
environment, incurring minimal downtime. The ending MAA configuration included Oracle
Database 11g release 1 (, Oracle Data Guard, Oracle Clusterware, Oracle Real
Application Clusters (Oracle RAC), Automatic Storage Management (ASM), and other
Oracle high availability features. The MAA team used Grid Control provisioning and
Deployment Procedures to automate each stage of configuration, and monitored and
managed the complete Oracle IT infrastructure from a single Grid Control console.
Oracle Maximum Availability Architecture (MAA) is the Oracle best practices blueprint
based on proven Oracle high availability technologies and recommendations. The goal of
MAA is to achieve the optimal high availability architecture at the lowest cost and
complexity. More white papers are published on the Oracle Technology Network (OTN)
at Also, for more detailed information about specific
Oracle products and features, see the documents listed in the References section.
Oracle White Paper Using Grid Control to Implement or Extend High Availability with Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Data Guard
an automated fashion within the Grid Control environment. Moreover, this solution provides
the flexibility to transition your configuration to MAA in phases, giving you the option of
migrating components within the bounds of your organizations maintenance and budget
requirements. Grid Control can be added to an existing environment at any phase of MAA
migration to continue the process in this automated fashion.
This MAA white paper documents the tasks involved in migrating to an MAA configuration and
the functionality available in Grid Control to perform the tasks. The point-and-click nature of
Grid Control allows administrators to complete these tasks reliably and efficiently. The process is
reentrant, allowing you to take an existing configuration that is at any stage of MAA
implementation and use Grid Control to complete the work to extend its availability. The process
enables you to:
Create and extend an MAA environment while incurring minimal downtime, with the
capabilities and benefits described in the following table:
switching over.
Oracle White Paper Using Grid Control to Implement or Extend High Availability with Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Data Guard
Internally, the OMS orchestrates with Management Agents to discover targets (a logical entity in
Grid Control that represents an object such as a database or listener), monitor and manage them,
and store the collected information in the Management Repository for future reference and
analysis. The OMS also renders the user interface for the Grid Control console, on which the
health of the monitored targets is displayed.
Oracle White Paper Using Grid Control to Implement or Extend High Availability with Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Data Guard
The methodology outlined in this paper uses Grid Control Deployment Procedures 1 that provide
an extremely flexible framework for automating tasks. The Deployment Procedures allow you
the flexibility to:
Take into account shop security (for example, using the sudo command for privileged users or
the software owner).
Set an Error Handling Mode for each step of the procedure, controlling whether the procedure
should continue to run if that particular step fails.
See Also: Oracle Enterprise Manager Advanced Configuration [6] for complete information
about using provisioning and Deployment Procedures
One of the building blocks of the Deployment Procedures is the Grid Control Components 2
element that is used by Deployment Procedures to mass deploy software and applications onto
target servers. These elements allow you to use previously installed software that is configured to
your environment as a source for future installations. Once the software is installed and
configured to your liking, you upload the software into a software library (managed by the Grid
Control OMS) and use it as a "gold" image with which you can deploy the software onto other
servers. Configuring Components can entail applying patch sets or individual patches. The initial
installation of each version and each software type must be performed manually.
Tip: Saving the source software as a gold image is best suited for when you have a copy
of stable, well-tested, and patched software installed in your environment to upload to
the Software Library. The gold image allows for easier propagation of patched and
tested software throughout your data center.
Deployment procedures are licensed under the Provisioning and Patch Automation Pack.
A component can represent operating system software, Oracle software, or any third-party software
and applications. Software components are individually maintained in the Oracle Software Library.
Versions, states, and maturity levels can be associated with each component. See the Oracle Enterprise
Manager Concepts [7] documentation for more provisioning concepts.
Oracle White Paper Using Grid Control to Implement or Extend High Availability with Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Data Guard
Module 1
Module 1
Module 2
Module 2
Module 2
Module 1
Module 2
Module 2
Module 2
Module 1
Module 2
Module 2
Module 2
Module 1
Module 2
Module 2
Database with ASM
Database with a
Standby Database
Oracle RAC
Oracle RAC
Database with a
As shown in Table 1, your specific situation determines which modules you must complete. The
rest of this document is divided into the Grid Control preparation section and three modules,
Oracle White Paper Using Grid Control to Implement or Extend High Availability with Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Data Guard
with each module describing a different configuration scenario. A brief overview of each one
Specify the newly installed Oracle RAC database home when converting the standby
database to an Oracle RAC database.
The Oracle RAC database home must be installed on the same server where the physical
standby database is located.
See Also: Chapter 4, High Availability Architecture and Solutions in Oracle Database
High Availability Overview 11g Release 1[11]
Oracle White Paper Using Grid Control to Implement or Extend High Availability with Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Data Guard
Install a database running Oracle Database 11g Release 1 to act as the Grid Control
Repository 1. Ensure your Oracle Database is running Oracle Database 11g Release 1, including
the latest patch set release. See My Oracle Support (formerly OracleMetalink) note 756388.1
for information about the latest patchset and recommended patches.
The best practice is to use Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) to perform the initial installation of
the Oracle Database 11g Release 1 software. Also, be sure to patch the installation with the
latest patch set release and merge and patch bundles.
Install the full release of Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control 10g Release on the
Oracle Database 11g Release 1 ( server and patch it with the latest patch set release.
See Note 872352.1 in My Oracle Support (formerly OracleMetalink) for the latest support and
required patch information related to this process.
See Also: Installing and Configuring the Full Release, and then Patching in Oracle
Enterprise Manager Grid Control Installation Guide [5].
Download and install a Management Agent on each server that is to be managed with the Grid
Control console.
You can download Oracle Management Agent either using the Download Agent Software
application in the Grid Control console or from My Oracle Support (formerly OracleMetalink)
by means of the Grid Control console. For the latter option, you must set up My Oracle
Support (formerly OracleMetalink) credentials and proxies in Grid Control.
To achieve full functionality, you must apply the relevant merge and bundle patches to the Oracle
Database environment and the Grid Control environment.
Oracle White Paper Using Grid Control to Implement or Extend High Availability with Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Data Guard
See Also: Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control Installation Guide [5] and Chapters 3 and 4
in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Advanced Configuration [6] for these topics:
Create Components
Once the environment is ready, you can use the Grid Control Console to create components,
directives, or images for deployment onto the target servers, as described in the Install
Software and Upload Components section.
Oracle White Paper Using Grid Control to Implement or Extend High Availability with Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Data Guard
Single-instance database
Single-Instance database
Single-instance database
Oracle White Paper Using Grid Control to Implement or Extend High Availability with Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Data Guard
Follow the steps in the Provisioning a Single-Instance Database Home section to create an
Oracle database home on the server where the physical standby database will reside.
Oracle White Paper Using Grid Control to Implement or Extend High Availability with Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Data Guard
Optionally, you should provision an ASM home if you plan to migrate from file system
storage to ASM shared storage and have not previously created an ASM instance.
You must provision a separate single instance database home for ASM using the same
customized copy of the provisioning Deployment Procedure used to provision the singleinstance database home (See the Create Copies of Deployment Procedures section to create a
customized copy), and then manually create and start the ASM instance. After creation, you
must configure ASM as a Grid Control target and provide ASM login credentials. Although the
target is discovered during the execution of the deployment procedure, you must you provide the
ASM credentials on the Management Agent page to make ASM a managed target in the
Enterprise Manager console.
On the Databases page, select the database that is to be used as the primary database and
click the database name hyperlink. In the MAA example, the primary database is gcprim.
On the Database Instance page, click the Availability tab underneath the Data Guard
heading and select Add Standby Database to invoke the Add Standby Database wizard.
On the first page of the wizard, select Create a new physical standby database.
In the MAA example, the new standby database is gcsby.
b. On the Add Standby Database: Backup Type page, select the method you want to
use to create the standby, and choose to either perform a new backup (online or
using a staging area) or use an existing backup. Then, click Next.
Oracle White Paper Using Grid Control to Implement or Extend High Availability with Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Data Guard
If you specified to use a staging area for the backup, on the Add Standby
Database: Backup Options page, specify the staging area location on the primary
site where RMAN will store the primary database backup files and the deletion or
retention policy for this database backup.
On this page, you can also specify the primary host credentials and whether
you want to use Oracle Managed Files for the standby redo log files that are
required by Data Guard. Click Next.
d. On the Add Standby Database: Database Location page, do the following:
Specify the standby database SID name and storage type on the Standby
Database Attributes section. You can specify a different Database Storage type
for the standby database from what is being used on the primary database.
See Also: Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts for more information about how
Enterprise Manager uses ASM.
Click the torch icon next to the Host field to bring up a list of discovered
Oracle homes on the standby database. Select the destination Host and Oracle
home where you want the standby database to be created. Click Select.
Click Next.
If you chose to configure ASM storage, then on the next page log into the ASM
instance and click Login. This connects to the ASM instance. In the Add Standby
Database: File Locations page, do the following:
In the Standby Host Backup File Access section, specify how the primary
database backup files should be accessed on the standby database host.
For ASM storage, click the torch icon next to the Configuration File
Location field to search for the listener configuration file in the ASM
Oracle White Paper Using Grid Control to Implement or Extend High Availability with Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Data Guard
Note: The best practice is to run the listener from the ASM Oracle Home
when ASM is used.
In the Standby Database File Locations section, select to use OFA or retain the
primary database file names and locations for the standby database file
Click the torch icon next to Configuration File Location field to specify the
path where network configuration file information will be stored for the
standby database.
Click Next.
On the Review page, click Finish to start the job to create the physical standby
database. The creation process runs as an Enterprise Manager job. The amount of
execution time required for the job depends on the size of the primary database and
the type of backup used to create the standby database.
The standby database is created in the background, but you can monitor the progress on
the Grid Control Job Activity Page by clicking Job Activity Page on the Grid Control
Jobs tab and selecting the job name.
h. After the physical standby database creation job has completed, it is recommended
to run Verify Configuration from the Data Guard page.
Oracle White Paper Using Grid Control to Implement or Extend High Availability with Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Data Guard
In Grid Control, click Targets and then click the All Targets subtab.
On the Data Guard page, select the Oracle physical standby database that you want to
switch to the primary database role, and click Switchover.
See Also: Oracle Data Guard Broker 11g Release 1 Chapter 6 for more information about
performing switchovers with Enterprise Manager.
After the switchover completes, the Data Guard page shows the database roles have been
switched. If, as part of this process, you had created the physical standby database on ASM,
your primary database will now be on ASM. Note that you could perform another
switchover to return the databases to their original roles. In addition, you could now also
migrate the original primary to ASM to provide resilient storage throughout your
Oracle White Paper Using Grid Control to Implement or Extend High Availability with Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Data Guard
Single-instance database
Single-Instance database
Single-Instance database
single-instance database
Single-instance database
Oracle White Paper Using Grid Control to Implement or Extend High Availability with Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Data Guard
On the Deployments page, in the Deployment Procedure Manager section, click RAC
Provisioning Procedures.
On the Deployment Procedure Manager page, in the Procedure subtab, select to run the
Deployment Procedure for Oracle Clusterware and Oracle RAC that you created previously
in the Install Software and Upload Components section.
Note: Ensure the customized copy of the Deployment Procedure uses the appropriate
commands (for example, sudo) for step execution.
Click Schedule Deployment.
Enterprise Manager Grid Control displays the Select Source page of the Deployment
Oracle White Paper Using Grid Control to Implement or Extend High Availability with Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Data Guard
b. In the Source for Clusterware section, click the torch icon and select the Component
that has the gold image of Oracle Clusterware. For example:
In the Source for RAC section, click the torch icon and select the Component that has
the gold image of Oracle RAC. For example:
d. In the Source for ASM section, choose whether or not you want to deploy ASM. The
MAA team chose to deploy ASM using the same component for the ASM Oracle home
as was used for the Oracle RAC Oracle home. For example:
Note: Ensure that you select only Components that are in "Active" status. Once
you select the component name, the application automatically displays the
component location.
In the Hosts to Include in Cluster section, click Add and select the target hosts that
should form the cluster.
By default, the Show Suitable Hosts option is selected and the table lists only those
hosts that are best suited for provisioning. If you do not find the host you want to add,
then select Show All Hosts to view a complete list of hosts.
Oracle White Paper Using Grid Control to Implement or Extend High Availability with Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Data Guard
By default, the procedure automatically pre-fills the Private Host Name and Virtual Host
Name fields with values. Ensure the correct Virtual Host Name for the VIP is used. If
necessary, edit them to specify values that match your environment. Optionally, you can
also specify IP addresses. For example:
b. In the Hosts to Include in Cluster section, configure the private and public network
interfaces by clicking Select Interfaces. By default, the interfaces that have the same
name and subnet for the selected target hosts are displayed. You can also choose Show
Interface List to view all the interfaces for the selected target hosts. Select one of the
existing interfaces or specify a completely new one. Click OK.
In the Network Interface Configuration section, review the details of the private and
public interfaces.
Click Next.
In the Hosts section, specify the Host Credentials (username and password that will
be used to access the server during installation) to be used for the target.
You can opt to retain the default selection (Preferred) so that the preferred
credentials stored in the Management Repository are used, or override the preferred
credentials to explicitly specify the host credentials.
Click Next.
In the Cluster Name and Location section, review the default name and location
details provided for Oracle Clusterware, Oracle RAC Database, and ASM and edit
them if necessary. For example:
Oracle White Paper Using Grid Control to Implement or Extend High Availability with Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Data Guard
In this example, the default cluster name is based on the host cluster name you
provided in the Agent Deploy application in Enterprise Manager Grid Control,
while deploying Management Agents on a cluster. The scratch location is a
temporary location on the target host where temporary files are placed before
provisioning and configuring Oracle RAC.
For security purposes, the clusterware configuration sets the ownership of
Oracle Clusterware home and all its parent directories to be owned by root.
Hence, Oracle recommends that you install Oracle Clusterware outside the
Oracle base of the Oracle RAC home.
b. In the Database Details section, by default, a starter database is created.
However, because this environment will be used to create a standby database, no
starter database is needed. Deselect the Create Starter Database checkbox.
In the ASM Instance Details section (that appears only if you had selected to
deploy ASM), provide the password for the SYS user and the ASM disk string.
For example:
Click Next.
Oracle White Paper Using Grid Control to Implement or Extend High Availability with Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Data Guard
On the Shared Storage Configuration section, specify locations in the partition name
and the mount location fields for the Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR), voting disks, and
data files. Also, select the mount format and a storage device for storing data. While
partition name is the path to the location where the device is installed, mount location is
the mount point that represents the partition location. For example:
If you are using raw devices, you can select the Clear raw devices checkbox under the
table to clear the devices as a part of the installation. Doing so ensures the installation
does not fail due to information remaining on the devices from previous installations.
b. In the Advanced Options section, select a checkbox for ASM redundancy: None,
Normal, or High.
Click Next.
b. In the Sysctl File Configuration section, select Configure Sysctl file if you want to
configure the sysctl.conf file. Specify the mode of editing the system
configuration file and the location of the reference system configuration file used for
modifying the kernel parameters. For more information about the individual settings,
click Help in the Enterprise Manager console.
10. On the Configure Oracle Home page, you can optionally choose to install and initiate the
configuration manager to receive security updates:
If the host where the database is being provisioned has a direct connection to the
Internet, then specify an e-mail address and My Oracle Support password to install and
initiate the configuration manager. An e-mail address is required so that security updates
and install updates can be sent from My Oracle Support.
Oracle White Paper Using Grid Control to Implement or Extend High Availability with Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Data Guard
If the host where the database is being provisioned has an indirect connection to the
Internet through a proxy server, then specify an e-mail address and My Oracle Support
password, and then in the Connection Details section, specify the proxy server details.
Click Next.
11. On the Review page, review the details you have provided for provisioning Oracle RAC and
click Finish to submit the job to Enterprise Manager.
After the Deployment Procedure ends successfully you can verify the cluster configuration on
the Target tab. In the following MAA example you can verify the clusterware home and the hosts
included in the cluster:
Oracle White Paper Using Grid Control to Implement or Extend High Availability with Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Data Guard
Oracle White Paper Using Grid Control to Implement or Extend High Availability with Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Data Guard
Manually create a second undo tablespace on the primary database to support the new
database instance being created. The following SQL statement is an example:
create undo tablespace undotbs2 datafile
'/u01/app/oracle/oradata/gcprim/undotbs02.dbf' size 500M autoextend on
retention guarantee;
Oracle White Paper Using Grid Control to Implement or Extend High Availability with Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Data Guard
Note: This step is required only if there are not enough undo tablespaces already created to
support the new Oracle RAC database. You must create an undo tablespace for each new
database instance to be added. The Convert to Cluster wizard (executed in Task 4) will
display an error if there are not enough undo tablespaces created.
Remove the standby database to be converted from the Data Guard broker configuration.
Note: It is necessary to temporarily remove the new standby database from broker
management in order to update the broker configuration file initialization
parameters. The next step describes how to change the parameters to re-create the
broker configuration files on ASM shared storage (instead of the current location
on file system storage).
Perform the following steps to prepare the standby database for conversion to an Oracle RAC
standby database. In the following examples, the standby database to be converted is called
In Grid Control, click the Targets tab, and then click the Databases subtab.
On the Databases page, select the primary database (gcprim) from the table.
On the gcprim database home page, click Primary in the High Availability section.
For example:
On the Data Guard page for gcprim, select the standby database that is to be
converted (this is the racsby database in the MAA examples), and click Remove. For
Oracle White Paper Using Grid Control to Implement or Extend High Availability with Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Data Guard
You should click the check box to Preserve the destination corresponding to this
standby to continue shipping redo data to the standby.
The Remove Standby Database wizard asks you to confirm the removal and then
proceeds to remove the racsby standby database from the broker configuration.
Note: Removing the standby database from the broker configuration only removes the
entries from the broker configuration files. The removal does not delete the database from
the Data Guard configuration. In fact, the current state of the physical standby database
does not change.
Modify the following broker initialization parameters for the racsby standby database by
using Initialization Parameters option on the Server tab:
The broker configuration files must be on shared storage when used in conjunction with a
parameter values to set them to a location on ASM shared storage. The recommended
ASM location is in the same diskgroup as the datafiles for the database. Note this
directory must exist prior to adding the standby database back into the broker
Set the DG_BROKER_START initialization parameter to FALSE to disable the broker. This is
necessary for the parameter changes for the broker configuration file locations to take
Click Save to File.
Add the racsby standby database back into the broker configuration. This step completes
the action of relocating the broker configuration files into the new ASM shared storage
Oracle White Paper Using Grid Control to Implement or Extend High Availability with Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Data Guard
b. On the Databases page, select the primary database (gcprim in this example).
On the Database Instance page for the primary database, click Primary in the list under
the High Availability section of the page.
d. On the Data Guard page for the primary database, click Add Standby Database to
invoke the Add Standby Database wizard.
Note: The following steps automatically re-enable the broker management of
the racsby standby database.
The following sequence of steps is similar to the process described in Module 1: Create
a Physical Standby Database except you will be enabling broker management only for an
existing standby database rather than creating a new standby. Respond to the wizard
dialog as follows:
On the Add Standby Database page, select Manage an existing standby database
and click Continue.
On the Select Existing Standby Database page, select the standby database from the
table. In this example, this is the racsby database. Click Next.
On the Configuration page, click Next.
On the Review page, review the configuration settings and click Finish to add the
standby database back into the broker configuration. The following screenshot shows
the broker configuration running with the gcprim primary database and the two
physical standby databases: gcsby and racsby.
Oracle White Paper Using Grid Control to Implement or Extend High Availability with Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Data Guard
Oracle White Paper Using Grid Control to Implement or Extend High Availability with Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Data Guard
Perform the following steps to convert the racsby standby database to Oracle RAC:
On the Databases page, select the standby database (racsby in our example) from the
table and then on the standby database home page, click the Server subtab.
On the Server page in the Change Database section, click Convert to Cluster. The
Convert to Cluster Database wizard starts.
On the Cluster Credentials page, specify the credentials for the Oracle RAC and
ASM homes. For example:
Note: In the Information section of the page, you can see the wizard
recognizes that the racsby database is a standby database for the gcprim
primary database.
On this page, only login credentials were needed to be supplied because the
database was already configured to use Oracle RAC and ASM homes.
Click Next.
b. On the Hosts page, select the hosts from the table on which you want to run the
converted Oracle RAC database. Note: The current host for the standby database
is always selected.
Click Next.
Oracle White Paper Using Grid Control to Implement or Extend High Availability with Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Data Guard
On the Options page, select to use either an existing listener or create a new
listener, and specify a prefix to be used to name the cluster database instance
d. On the Shared Storage page, specify the data file and FLASH_RECOVERY_AREA
storage locations. If the database is to be converted to Oracle RAC in-place (that is,
the files are already located on shared storage), then you can use the existing
locations. Otherwise specify the target disk groups for the data files and the
Review the settings and click Submit to run the Convert Cluster Database job in
Enterprise Manager.
After the Convert Cluster Database job has completed successfully, remove the original
(non Oracle RAC) standby database definition (racsby) from Grid Control.
Warning: When you remove the old database from Grid Control, all the
monitoring history is deleted. Remove a database only when this data is no longer
b. On the Databases page, notice that there are two entries for same standby database:
one is for the original single-instance standby database and the other is for the new
clustered standby database. Select the single-instance standby database definition
from the table and click Remove. For example:
Oracle White Paper Using Grid Control to Implement or Extend High Availability with Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Data Guard
ASM. After the switchover, racsby is the Oracle RAC primary database, and gcprim is a
single-instance physical standby database.
Perform a Switchover
Perform the following steps to switchover the newly converted Oracle RAC standby database
(racsby) to run in the primary database role.
In Grid Control, click Targets and then click the All Targets subtab.
On the Data Guard page, select the Oracle RAC physical standby database that you
want to switch to the primary database role, and click Switchover.
After the switchover completes, the Data Guard page shows the roles have been switched
between racsby (now an Oracle RAC primary database), and gcprim (now a single-instance
physical standby database).
Enable Additional Threads
Manually enable additional threads on the Oracle RAC primary database to make this a two-node
Oracle RAC database. For example:
Database altered.
Oracle White Paper Using Grid Control to Implement or Extend High Availability with Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Data Guard
At this point, you can optionally remove the additional physical standby database. Figure 6 shows
the ending configuration containing an Oracle RAC primary database and one single-instance
physical standby database.
Oracle White Paper Using Grid Control to Implement or Extend High Availability with Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Data Guard
Figure 6: Ending State for Module 2 after Removing One Standby Database
Oracle White Paper Using Grid Control to Implement or Extend High Availability with Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Data Guard
Use the OUI and OPatch to install, patch, and configure the software that you intend to deploy
in your environment (such as a single-instance Oracle database home, Oracle Clusterware home,
and Oracle RAC home). You will use these installations later as the source for future installations
performed by Deployment Procedures. Note that configuring the Oracle software components
will include applying any relevant patch sets or individual patches.
Create a Component for Each Type of Software
Upload each software installation as a Component into the Grid Control software library. The
example used in the following steps shows how to create a component for an Oracle RAC
database home.
Note: The components and configurations described in this white paper are provided as
examples only. The actual Grid Control configurations that you deploy in your own environment
will vary depending upon the needs of your organization.
In Grid Control, click Deployments and select Provisioning on the menu bar.
In the Components tab, select the folder under which you want to create the component
and click Create Component. For example, select Components and Oracle
Oracle White Paper Using Grid Control to Implement or Extend High Availability with Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Data Guard
In the Create Component: Describe page, describe the component you are creating:
Select the type of component you are creating from the list (Required)
For example:
Click Next.
The dialog in the next steps of the Create Component wizard may vary depending on
the type of component you have selected to create. Ensure that you associate the correct
version of the component type when creating the component.
Oracle White Paper Using Grid Control to Implement or Extend High Availability with Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Data Guard
In the Create Component: Configure page, configure the Source for the Component.
The source software must be installed on a host on which the Management Agent is
already running. In our example to create a database software clone, the wizard asks you
Select the Host where the software is currently installed and click OK.
Note: Once you have selected the source Oracle home, the remaining fields are
completed automatically by the wizard.
b. Select the Home Location directory where the software is currently installed.
In the Create Component: Review page, review all the information you have provided
and click Finish to submit the component creation job.
Optionally, in the Confirmation page, click the Job Execution Id if you want to
monitor the job. Note that the component has already been added to the Components
list in the Software Library even though the job has not completed.
Go to the directory in the Software Library where you saved the component and verify
that the Component has been created.
Click Activate.
Oracle White Paper Using Grid Control to Implement or Extend High Availability with Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Data Guard
The component can now be used as a source in Deployment Procedures to provision other
Note: Repeat the steps in this section for each type of software installation that you want to
deploy with Grid Control.
On the Deployments page, from the Deployment Procedure Manager section, click
Deployment Procedures.
On the Deployment Procedure Manager page, select the Deployment Procedure you
want to customize, and click Create Like.
Oracle White Paper Using Grid Control to Implement or Extend High Availability with Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Data Guard
On the Create Like Procedure page, edit the procedure to customize it according to your
b. All steps are enabled by default. You are allowed to Disable, Delete or
Edit each step. You can Enable a step if it has previously been disabled.
You can also Insert your own steps into the Deployment Procedure.
Each step has a Run Privilege associated with it to determine how the step
will execute.
i. A Run Privilege of Normal will run under the USERID provided
in the Credentials when scheduling/submitting the procedure.
You would use Normal when the credentials you specify are for
those of the software owner.
ii. sudo, PAM, and Privilege Delegation are used for steps to be
executed by a different or privileged user, for example when a step
needs to be executed by the root user.
Each step requiring Run Privileges must be modified individually.
For example, if your software owner is a locked account and you
have implemented sudo in your environment , every step would
need to be modified to use the Run Privilege of sudo and the Run
Oracle White Paper Using Grid Control to Implement or Extend High Availability with Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Data Guard
Oracle White Paper Using Grid Control to Implement or Extend High Availability with Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Data Guard
b. On the Deployment Procedure Manager page, in the Procedures tab, from the
table, select the Deployment Procedure for which you want to view details, and
click View.
Grid Control displays the View Procedure page that shows the default configuration
settings and steps involved in the selected Deployment Procedure.
Oracle White Paper Using Grid Control to Implement or Extend High Availability with Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Data Guard
Single-instance database
The Convert to Cluster wizard allows the conversion to be performed only onto the same
hardware. In other words, the server on which the database currently resides must have Oracle
Clusterware, Oracle RAC, and ASM shared storage available, as described in Module 2 Task 1:
Provision Oracle Clusterware, ASM, and Oracle RAC.
To convert a primary database to Oracle RAC, perform the following steps:
On the Databases page, select the primary database to be converted (gcprim in our
example) from the table and then on the primary database home page, click the Server
On the Server page in the Change Database section, click Convert to Cluster. The Convert
to Cluster Database wizard starts.
On the Cluster Credentials page, modify the Oracle home field to point to the Oracle
RAC home, and supply the host credentials and ASM instance credentials. For example:
Oracle White Paper Using Grid Control to Implement or Extend High Availability with Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Data Guard
Note: In the Information section of the Cluster Credentials page, the message
indicates the wizard recognizes that it is converting a single-instance database
to Oracle RAC, not a standby database.
b. On the Hosts page, select the host from the table on which you want to run the
converted Oracle RAC database. Note: The list will contain all servers in the cluster and
the current host is selected by default.
Click Next.
On the Options page, select to use either an existing listener or create a new listener, and
specify a prefix to be used to name the cluster database instance (ORACLE_SID).
Click Next.
d. On the Shared Storage page, specify the data file and FLASH_RECOVERY_AREA
storage locations. If the database is to be converted to Oracle RAC in-place (that is, the
files are already located on shared storage), then you can use the existing locations.
Otherwise specify the target disk groups for the data files and the
FLASH_RECOVERY_AREA (to move to shared storage).
Click Next.
On the Review page, review the settings and click Submit to run the Convert Cluster
Database job in Enterprise Manager.
The following screenshot shows the results of the MAA teams successful conversion.
Oracle White Paper Using Grid Control to Implement or Extend High Availability with Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Data Guard
Upon successful completion of these steps, remove the original database target definition from
Grid Control.
Warning: When you remove the old database target definition, all log and metric data
stored in OMS is deleted. Remove a database only when the data is no longer needed.
Oracle White Paper Using Grid Control to Implement or Extend High Availability with Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Data Guard
Oracle White Paper Using Grid Control to Implement or Extend High Availability with Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Data Guard
Task 1: Prerequisites
Ensure your environment meets the following prerequisites:
Ensure that the credentials being used to run this operation along with the group ID are the
same on all nodes of the selected cluster.
Ensure that you use an operating system user that has the privileges to run the Deployment
Procedure and its commands on the target hosts.
Ensure that the shared storage (used by the existing cluster nodes) is accessible to the nodes
you want to add.
Task 2: Use the One Click Extend Cluster Database Deployment Procedure
This section shows how to extend an already existing cluster database. The provisioning process
uses deployment procedures to complete the steps in this task with no downtime to the source
database. It will copy, deploy, and configure everything necessary to deploy software and extend
the cluster database on the new node.
To extend an existing Oracle RAC, perform the following steps:
On the Deployments page, in the Deployment Procedure Manager section, click RAC
Provisioning Procedures.
On the Deployment Procedure Manager page, in the Procedures subtab, from the table,
select your customized copy of the One Click Extend Cluster Database Deployment
Procedure (as described in the Create Copies of Deployment Procedures section).
Click Schedule Deployment.
Enterprise Manager Grid Control displays the Extend Real Application Clusters page.
In the Select Real Application Clusters (RAC) section, select the Oracle RAC database
you want to extend and specify the host credentials for the Oracle homes to install. Once
you select a source cluster database, Grid Control determines what has been installed and
deploys it across the cluster. All you need to do is provide host credentials for the source
and target systems. The associated clusterware and ASM are also extended if they do not
already exist on the cluster to which you are extending the Oracle RAC database. In the
MAA example, gcprim is a single-node RAC database that we want to extend to a
second node.
Oracle White Paper Using Grid Control to Implement or Extend High Availability with Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Data Guard
Tip: You can use the Search section to search for a particular Oracle RAC. From the
Search list, select the target type based on which you want to search, and click Go. You
can use wildcards such as % and *.
b. In the Select New Nodes section, click Add to add the nodes to which you want to
extend the Oracle RAC configuration. After adding the node or nodes, specify the virtual
node name for each new node and verify the values displayed by default.
In the User Credentials section, specify the credentials for the Oracle Clusterware, Oracle
RAC, and ASM. You can opt to retain the default selection (Preferred) so that the
preferred credentials stored in the Management Repository are used, or override the
preferred credentials to explicitly specify the host credentials.
Oracle White Paper Using Grid Control to Implement or Extend High Availability with Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Data Guard
On the Deployment Procedures Manager page, in the Procedures subtab, select your
copy of the Oracle Database Provisioning deployment procedure from the list in the
table. Then click Schedule Deployment.
Enterprise Manager Grid Control displays the Select Source and Destination page.
On the Oracle Database Provisioning: Select Source and Destination page, select
Software Library in the Select Source section. Then click the torch icon next to the
Component field and select the generic component that has the gold image. Ensure
that you select only components that are in "Active" status.
Oracle White Paper Using Grid Control to Implement or Extend High Availability with Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Data Guard
On the Oracle Database Provisioning: Select Source and Destination page, do the
In the Specify Destination Host Settings section, click Add and select the target
host on which you want to install the gold image of Oracle Database.
By default, Oracle Base, Oracle Home, and Working Directory are pre-filled with
sample values. Edit them to specify values that match your environment. If you
specify directories that do not exist, then the Deployment Procedure creates them.
From the Credentials list, you can opt to retain the default selection (Preferred) so
that the preferred credentials stored in the Management Repository are used, or
Override preferred credentials to explicitly specify the host credentials.
Click Next.
In the Create Database section at the bottom of the page, select the check box to
create the database as a step during provisioning. Alternatively, you can create the
database later using Oracle Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA. In our test, we
chose to manually create the database using DBCA later. Thus, the steps associated
with the database creation will be skipped during the Deployment Procedure
Tip: Installing the database using DBCA is recommended to make sure that you
inherit all Oracle installation best practices.
Click Next.
Oracle White Paper Using Grid Control to Implement or Extend High Availability with Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Data Guard
On the Configure Oracle Home page, you can optionally choose to install and initiate
the configuration manager to receive security updates:
If the host where the database is being provisioned has a direct connection to the
Internet, then specify an e-mail address and My Oracle Support password to install
and initiate the configuration manager. An e-mail address is required so that security
updates and install updates can be sent from My Oracle Support.
If the host where the database is being provisioned has an indirect connection to the
Internet through a proxy server, then specify an e-mail address and My Oracle
Support password, and then in the Connection Details section, specify the proxy
server details.
Click Next.
On the Review page, review the details you have provided for provisioning a standalone
Oracle Database, and click Finish. The Deployment Procedure starts running.
Optionally, you can monitor the Deployment Procedure while it is running, as shown in
the following screenshot.
Oracle White Paper Using Grid Control to Implement or Extend High Availability with Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Data Guard
In the example screenshot, note that a step in the procedure has failed although the
Deployment Procedure continues to run:
The step that failed checks prerequisites for the software installation, such as kernel
settings, user limits, and permissions. If all prerequisites had been satisfied, the step
would have completed with a Succeeded step status.
Note: Every step in a Deployment Procedure is preconfigured with an error handling
mode that indicates how the Deployment Procedure will behave when the phase or
step encounters an error. In the far right-hand column for the failed step, the Continue
On Error error handler allows processing to continue even if an error is encountered.
The three steps after the failed step determine if changes should be made. If so, then
the procedure will make the changes and ensure the changes complete successfully
and confirm that the system is now ready for the installation.
Also, in this example, note that because the MAA team did not elect to create a
database, the steps associated with the database creation were skipped.
If you did not create the database as a step in the Deployment Procedure, then create it
now using DBCA.
Oracle White Paper Using Grid Control to Implement or Extend High Availability with Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Data Guard
Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control Installation Guide 10g Release 5 (
Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrators Guide for Software and Server Provisioning and Patching 10g
Release 5 (
11. Oracle Database High Availability Overview 11g Release 1 (Part# B28281-03) at
12. Oracle Data Guard Concepts and Administration 11g Release 1 (Part# B28294-03) at
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