Management Insights: Learning Tree

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JULY 2009

Learning Tree

Management Insights
Expert Advice from Todays Top Professionals
Positive Persuasion: Influence
Factors That Create a
Win-Win Scenario
Because so many of todays organizational initiatives
involve melding the agendas of several individuals within a
company into one solid plan for success, the art of building
consensus has become increasingly critical. To achieve this
end, persuasion and influenceoften seen as tools used
to create divisivenesscan be applied positively to bring
individuals together for a common purpose that transcends
their own immediate needs and/or goals. This approach
also encourages information-sharing between different
operational areas, thus providing a better understanding
of how interdependent everyone is and promoting more
effective and efficient communication and collaboration.
Heres a scenario where persuasion and the right influence
factors could be applied to bring diverse factions together
to achieve an organizational goal: Due to a downturn in
business, a manufacturing firm tasked six of its managers
with creating a plan to help the company restore its
productivity and, more importantly, its profitability.
Respectively, the managers were in charge of materials, QC,
scheduling, product development, shipping and inventory
control. Unfortunately, within the existing organizational
structure, the managers had no idea what happened in
other departments, so they had no deep sense of their
colleagues responsibilities or day-to-day concerns.

Furthermore, in this environment, getting things done

simply meant directing each other to do something
and complying with each others requests in order to
accomplish the task. Commitment towards anything larger
than meeting those individual needs simply didnt enter
into the process. In this scenario, the directives they
received from one another fell outside the standard
request/comply process they were used to. As a result,
they began engaging in turf wars, pulling in six different
directions with each member trying to win out over the
othersa strategy that was ultimately going to result in a
loss for their company.
Recognizing the dilemma, senior management staged a
coaching intervention that resulted in the group coalescing
as a team. Together, they learnedand applieda formula
for success that identified Five Critical Influence Factors
which would enable them to move beyond settling for
compliance and on to something better: commitment.

Jean V. Corson

For this installment of Management Insights, Jean V. Corson provides

managers with actionable advice on how to overcome internal conflict
between team members using persuasion techniques that bring everyone together, thus benefiting the whole enterprise while satisfying
individual needs.

0800 282 353


Productivity through Education

July 2009

Learning Tree

Management Insights

Expert Advice from Todays Top Professionals

Positive Persuasion: Influence Factors That Create Win-Win Scenarios
The Five Critical Influence Factors used by the management
team can be explained using the following formula: To gain
commitment for any endeavor, individuals need to see that
the Value + Capability + Realization of Value is greater than
the Cost + Risk. Or, in short, (V + Ca + RoV) > (Co + Ri).
The three factors represented on the left hand side of
the equation that must add up in order to influence an
individual towards commitment are:

Our actions are motivated by what is important to us. Furthermore, the list of motivators that are based on personal
values alone can be quite extensive and include such drivers as recognition, power, professional challenges, career
advancement and more. The assumption that others value
the same things you do is the most common mistake. To
influence and gain commitment from another individual,
you must meet their values, not yours. When the other
person can see Whats In It For Them (WIIFT) in terms
that take into account their own needs, they take ownership. You can often tell whats important to an individual by
simply observing them in action and then communicating
with them openly to build a stronger working relationship.
However, you should always monitor whether youre substituting your values for theirs in the formula.

If you find that someone isnt doing what needs to be done,
it could be because they dont feel capable of doing it.
Although you may not agree, you must take their perception into account. Address the issue by asking them whether
they feel they have the training, experience and confidence
to do the job. Also, ask yourself if you have clearly communicated your expectations and are certain the individual
understands them. Most importantly, respect their concerns
and dont dismiss them.

Realization of Value
Once you determine the core values that motivate another
person, you then need to create an environment that will
enable that individual to achieve them. By making sure
they realize the values that are important to them, you also
ensure their commitment.
Again, the preceding three factors must be greater than
the sum of the two factors on the right hand side of the
equation which represent obstacles in the way of gaining
commitment. These factors are:

For any employee, commitment has a perceived cost in
terms of time, effort and/or resources. These costs can also
change over time. For example, someone might hesitate to
accept a task because of their workload at that moment,
not because they dont want to do the work. In another
example, a team member may want to commit to you but
their team leader may not be able to afford giving them up.
By taking the time early on to understand the factors an
individual will need to weigh when making their decision to
commit, you will be in a stronger position to influence them
when negotiating work distribution, prioritizing tasks and
accessing resources.

Individuals have different tolerances for what they believe
is risky. As before, its the other persons perception of risk
that matters, not yours. For some, making a minor mistake
or working on a project that uses a technology out of their
comfort zone may hold a level of risk.
Consider what you can do to reduce the perceived risk. Perhaps you can break a complex project into phases to increase
the other persons feeling of safety by limiting the scope of
the activity. Other strategies include sharing the risk or formulating an exit option for them.
The most important thing to remember is that these factors are based on the other persons perspective. One of the
greatest challenges is learning how to suspend your judgment
and opinions in order to see another point of view. Making the
effort is well worth the time because it is the key to successful
Ultimately, by using the formula outlined, each manager was
given the blueprint to develop a successful win-win influence
strategy that considered the values and perceptions of their
team members. In short, by figuring out others WIIFT, each
manager was able to influence the others to want to do what
they needed to do to turn the company around while at the
same time creating an opportunity for buy-in, collaboration
and commitment.

About the Author

Jean V. Corson is a workplace behavior consultant focusing on leadership
development, executive coaching and improving team performance. Her
specialty is helping technical and nontechnical people work together. She is
also an instructor for several Learning Tree management courses, including
Course 294, Influence Skills, Course 292, Communication Skills,
Course 904, Responding to Conflict, Course 244, Assertiveness Skills,
and Course 224, Coaching Employees to their Potential.; [email protected]

0800 282 353


Productivity through Education

0907UK Mgmt Insights July

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