Mall Project - Where Are The Right-Wing Writers
Mall Project - Where Are The Right-Wing Writers
Mall Project - Where Are The Right-Wing Writers[10-04-2015 23:10:13][10-04-2015 23:10:13][10-04-2015 23:10:13][10-04-2015 23:10:13][10-04-2015 23:10:13]
101. Keith Waterhouse - the author of Billy Liar was a Daily Mail
columnist for decades until his death
102. Evelyn Waugh - satirist of the British upper classes and author of
Brideshead Revisited, a right-wing Catholic
103. AN Wilson - British novelist, biographer, and newspaper columnist
for the right-wing press, of firmly Conservative views
104. PG Wodehouse - although he satirised British fascism in the 1930s,
he did broadcasts from Nazi Germany in World War Two, and has
been condemned as a collaborator; certainly a small-c conservative
105. Tom Wolfe - satirist, journalist, and winner of the Literary Review's
Bad Sex in Fiction Prize, an admirer of George W Bush and longtime Republican
106. William Wordsworth - a radical in his youth, he became more
conservative as he got older, repudiating his initial support for the
French Revolution and eventually becoming a member of the
107. WB Yeats - Irish nationalist and mystic, a Nobel laureate for his
poetry, who became increasingly conservative and eccentric and even
flirted with fascism
Some suggestions from: Sans Everything, Ranker, WP, Bookslut, Iain Dale, BBC,
ChuckerCanuck, Daily Mail, LibraryThing.
Others you could have had - Radclyfe Hall (despite her lesbianism
scandalising the establishment, a Tory and a Mussolini sympathiser)
John Braine (with Amis and Osborne, another "angry young man"
who turned sharply Right) and Samuel Coleridge (went Right with
his friend Worsworth.)
Note also, how a good few of the renegade writers:- Kingsley Amis,
Saul Bellow wrote their best work before the Right-turn.
Reply[10-04-2015 23:10:13]
Jean Anouilh
Giuseppe Gioachino Belli
Gottfried Benn
Georges Bernanos
Jorge Luis Borges
Elizabeth Bowen
John Braine
Basil Bunting
Anthony Burgess
Lewis Carroll
Camilo Jos Cela
G.K. Chesterton
John Clare
Paul Claudel
Jean Cocteau
Joseph Conrad
E.E. Cummings
Gabriele D'Annunzio
Guy Davenport
Grazia Deledda
Miguel Delibes
Thomas De Quincey
Joan Didion
Daphne du Maurier
Lawrence Durrell
Stefan George
Jean Giraudoux
George Gissing
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Nikolai Gogol
Ivan Goncharov
Jeremias Gotthelf
Henry Green
Knut Hamsun
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Geoffrey Hill
Hugo von Hofmannsthal
Gerard Manley Hopkins
Zora Neale Hurston
Eugene Ionesco
Robinson Jeffers
Heinrich von Kleist
Karl Kraus
Giuseppe di Lampedusa
Alphonse de Lamartine
Francois Mauriac
Cormac McCarthy
Eduard Mrike
Flann O'Brien
John O'Hara
Katherine Anne Porter
Joseph Roth
Charles Peguy
Walker Percy
Fernando Pessoa
Simon Raven
Robert Louis Stevenson
Sigrid Undset
Guiseppe Ungaretti
Giovanni Verga
Alfred de Vigny
Edith Wharton[10-04-2015 23:10:13]
Reply[10-04-2015 23:10:13]
Giovanni Guareschi
Fitz-Greene Halleck
Carl Gustaf Verner von Heidenstam (the swedish D'Annunzio)
Mary Higgins Clark
Vintila Horia
A. E. Housman
T. E. Hulme
Henrik Ibsen
Washington Irving
and more...
Reply[10-04-2015 23:10:13]
Larry Niven
Giacomo Noventa
Patrick O'Brian
Barna Occhini
Alfredo Oriani
Jacob Paludan (danish novelist)
Alfredo Panzini
Giovanni Papini
Jos Maria Peman
Jacques Perret
Henrik Pontoppidan (danish novelist; Nobel prize in 1917)
Jerry Pournelle
Sully Proudhomme
and more...
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Reply[10-04-2015 23:10:13][10-04-2015 23:10:13][10-04-2015 23:10:13][10-04-2015 23:10:13]
Nazism during the 1930s. He had his home raided by Allied troops
after WWII because it was believed Hitler had escaped and was
hiding there.
Reply[10-04-2015 23:10:13][10-04-2015 23:10:13][10-04-2015 23:10:13][10-04-2015 23:10:13][10-04-2015 23:10:13][10-04-2015 23:10:13]
You may as well include entire art and literature fashions and
movements as well, e.g the Parnassians, Symbolists, decadents and
dandies. Then there's the Futurists, Wyndham-Lewis's Vorticists, the
best of the British Movement Poets. Also many late-Romantic
composers of the 19th. century were ethnic-nationalists.
Reply[10-04-2015 23:10:13]
is a
Reply[10-04-2015 23:10:13][10-04-2015 23:10:13]
Karlheinz Weimann
Carlo Costamagna
Eugenio Montes
Gonzalo Fernndez de la Mora
Nikolai Karamzin
Reply[10-04-2015 23:10:13]
Raymond Abellio
Reply[10-04-2015 23:10:13]
Konstantin Pobedonostsev
Reply[10-04-2015 23:10:13]
Ioan Slavici
Reply[10-04-2015 23:10:13]
Great effort, but let down by conforming with the nonsense that the
NSDAP or Italian fascists were of the right. They had socialist
programmes, were formed by socialists, described themselves by
socialists, implemented progressive obsessions of the preceding
decades and were actively supported by western socialists (as
opposed to the lesser of two evil support they got from some
conservatives as a bulwark against bolshevism).
Meanwhile, they were anti-conservative, anti-capitalist, anticlerical, anti-individual and pro collectivism. They fought sectarian
wars with other leftists for the same audience (Hitler explicitly says
as much).
These movements used race and nation rather than class as the
means for establishing the them and us dynamic upon which applied
socialism always depends - that is their only novelty and departure.
Finally, today's democratic left wing programme owes far more to
Mussolini than Lenin (say).
Reply[10-04-2015 23:10:13]
Raymond Abellio
Guillaume Apollinaire
Philippe Aris
Marc Augier
Marcel Aym
Jacques Bainville
Pierre-Simon Ballanche
Honor de Balzac
Jules Barbey d'Aurevilly
Maurice Bardche
Maurice Barrs
Charles Baudelaire
Ren Benjamin
Alain de Benoist
Jacques Benoist-Mchin
Henri Braud
Georges Bernanos
Antoine Blanc de Saint-Bonnet
Antoine Blondin
Lon Bloy
Louis de Bonald
Abel Bonnard
Paul Bourget
Pierre Boutang
Robert Brasillach[10-04-2015 23:10:13]
Renaud Camus
Jean Cau
Louis-Ferdinand Cline
Jacques Chardonne
Franois-Ren de Chateaubriand
Alphonse de Chteaubriant
Paul Claudel
Jean Cocteau
Lon Daudet
Marcel De Corte
Michel Don
Paul Droulde
Louis Dimier
Pierre Drieu La Rochelle
Georges Dumzil
Jean de Fabrgues
Andr Fraigneau
Julien Freund
Denis Fustel de Coulanges
Pierre Gaxotte
Jean Giono
Raoul Girardet
Jean Giraudoux
Arthur de Gobineau
Pierre Gripari
Ren Gunon
Klber Haedens
Daniel Halvy
Ernest Hello
Michel Houellebecq
Joris-Karl Huysmans
Max Jacob
Marcel Jouhandeau
Bertrand de Jouvenel
mile Keller
Jacques de Lacretelle
Pierre Lasserre
Ren de La Tour du Pin
Jacques Laurent
Jean de La Varende
Gustave Le Bon
Jules Lematre
Frdric Le Play
Jean Mabire
Joseph de Maistre
Flicien Marceau
Jacques Maritain
Henri Massis
Thierry Maulnier
Franois Mauriac
Charles Maurras
Jean-Pierre Maxence
Michel-Georges Micberth
Frdric Mistral
Jules Monnerot
Henry de Montherlant
Paul Morand
Michel Mourlet
Albert de Mun
Roger Nimier
Charles Nodier
Franois Nourissier
Jean d'Ormesson
Jean Parvulesco
Louis Pauwels[10-04-2015 23:10:13]
Charles Pguy
Jacques Perret
Franois Perroux
Robert Poulet
Jean Raspail
Lucien Rebatet
Hugues Rebell
Ernest Renan
Franois Richard
Antoine de Rivarol
Louis Rougier
Dominique de Roux
Louis Salleron
Paul Srant
Jean Svillia
Alain-Grard Slama
Hippolyte Taine
Gustave Thibon
Denis Tillinac
Alexis de Tocqueville
Georges Vacher de Lapouge
Paul Valry
Jean des Vallires
Georges Valois
Pol Vandromme
Dominique Venner
Jules Verne
Louis Veuillot
Alfred de Vigny
Auguste Villiers de L'Isle-Adam
Vladimir Volkoff
Brooks Adams
Henry Adams
Max Beerbohm
Hilaire Belloc
Peter L. Berger
John Betjeman
Elizabeth Bowen
Orestes Brownson
Anthony Burgess
Edmund Burke
Thomas Carlyle
Lewis Carroll
Raymond Chandler
John Clare
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Joseph Conrad
Noel Coward
E. E. Cummings
Guy Davenport
Robertson Davies
Benjamin Disraeli
Lawrence Durrell
T. S. Eliot
Ford Madox Ford
Robert Frost
George Gissing
Henry Green
Geoffrey Hill
Gerard Manley Hopkins
A. E. Housman
T. E. Hulme[10-04-2015 23:10:13]
Henry James
David Jones
Rudyard Kipling
Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn
Philip Larkin
D. H. Lawrence
Saunders Lewis
Wyndham Lewis
Anthony Ludovici
W. H. Mallock
Marshall McLuhan
H. L. Mencken
Thomas Molnar
V. S. Naipaul
John Henry Newman
Robert Nisbet
Albert Jay Nock
Michael Oakeshott
Flannery O'Connor
John O'Hara
Edgar Allan Poe
Ezra Pound
Anthony Powell
Thomas de Quincey
John Crowe Ransom
Simon Raven
Philip Rieff
John Ruskin
George Santayana
Sir Walter Scott
Roger Scruton
Gertrude Stein
Wallace Stevens
Robert Louis Stevenson
Tom Stoppard
Allen Tate
Evelyn Waugh
Edith Wharton
W. B. Yeats
Reply[10-04-2015 23:10:13]
Stefan George
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Jeremias Gotthelf
Franz Grillparzer
Karl Ludwig von Haller
Martin Heidegger
Friedrich Hielscher
Hugo von Hofmannsthal
C. G. Jung
Edgar Julius Jung
Ernst Jnger
Friedrich Georg Jnger
Gerd-Klaus Kaltenbrunner
Ludwig Klages
Gertrud von Le Fort
Paul Lensch
Alexander Lernet-Holenia
Detlev von Liliencron
Gnter Maschke
Robert Michels
Arthur Moeller van den Bruck
Armin Mohler
Eduard Mrike
Martin Mosebach
Justus Mser
Adam Mller
Gerhard Nebel
Ernst Niekisch
Friedrich Nietzsche
Georg Quabbe
Josef Pieper
Leopold von Ranke
Hermann Rauschning
August Wilhelm Rehberg
Rainer Maria Rilke
Gnter Rohrmoser
Joseph Roth
Ernst von Salomon
Friedrich Carl von Savigny
Max Scheler
Helmut Schelsky
Friedrich von Schlegel
Carl Schmitt
Arthur Schopenhauer
Werner Sombart
Martin Spahn
Othmar Spann
Oswald Spengler
Friedrich Julius Stahl
Christoph Steding
Adalbert Stifter
Botho Strau
Heinrich von Treitschke
Karl Freiherr von Vogelsang
Josef Weinheber
Karlheinz Weimann
Ernst Wiechert
August Winnig
Hans Zehrer
Nimio de Anquin
Antonio Aparisi Guijarro[10-04-2015 23:10:13]
Jaime Balmes
Gustavo Adolfo Bcquer
Jacinto Benavente
Jorge Luis Borges
Antonio Burgos
Ramn de Campoamor
Leonardo Castellani
Camilo Jos Cela
lvaro Cunqueiro
Miguel Delibes
Gerardo Diego
Juan Donoso Corts
Joan Estelrich
Gonzalo Fernndez de la Mora
Agustn de Fox
Manuel Glvez
ngel Ganivet
Enrique Gil y Robles
Ernesto Gimnez Caballero
Nicols Gmez Dvila
Ramn Gmez de la Serna
Carlos Ibarguren
Rodolfo Irazusta
Pedro Lan Entralgo
Ramiro Ledesma Ramos
Ricardo Len y Romn
Leopoldo Lugones
Manuel Machado
Ramiro de Maeztu
Joan Maragall
Jos Antonio Maravall
Marcelino Menndez y Pelayo
Eugenio Montes
Francisco Navarro Villoslada
Eugenio d'Ors
Jos Ortega y Gasset
Leopoldo Panero
Jos Mara Pemn
Jos Mara de Pereda
Josep Pla
Onsimo Redondo
Dionisio Ridruejo
Vicente Risco
Luis Rosales
Pedro Sainz Rodrguez
Rafael Snchez Mazas
Manuel Tamayo y Baus
Gonzalo Torrente Ballester
Antonio Tovar
Miguel de Unamuno
Guillermo Valencia
Mario Vargas Llosa
Juan Vzquez de Mella
Lorenzo Villalonga
Hugo Wast
Jos Zorrilla
Giovanni Boine
Massimo Bontempelli
Giuseppe Bottai
Pietrangelo Buttafuoco
Luigi Capuana[10-04-2015 23:10:13]
Giosu Carducci
Enrico Corradini
Carlo Costamagna
Benedetto Croce
Gabriele D'Annunzio
Augusto Del Noce
Salvatore Di Giacomo
Andrea Emo
Julius Evola
Giovanni Gentile
Balbino Giuliano
Tommaso Landolfi
Agostino Lanzillo
Curzio Malaparte
Filippo Tommaso Marinetti
Mario Morasso
Gaetano Mosca
A. O. Olivetti
Alfredo Oriani
Giovanni Papini
Sergio Panunzio
Vilfredo Pareto
Camillo Pellizzi
Luigi Pirandello
Giuseppe Prezzolini
Berto Ricci
Alfredo Rocco
Ardengo Soffici
Ugo Spirito
Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa
Federigo Tozzi
Guiseppe Ungaretti
Giovanni Verga
Gioacchino Volpe
Stefano Zecchi
Lcio Cardoso
Octavio de Faria
Alberto Monsaraz
Fernando Pessoa
Nelson Rodrigues
Ivan Aksakov
Nikolai Berdyaev
Mikhail Bulgakov
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Nikolai Gogol
Ivan Goncharov
Apollon Grigoriev
Nikolai Gumilev
Ivan Ilyin
Nikolai Karamzin
Konstantin Leontiev
Dmitry Merezhkovsky
Konstantin Pobedonostsev
Vasily Rozanov
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Nikolai Strahkov
Lev Tikhomirov
Fyodor Tyutchev[10-04-2015 23:10:13]
Ion Luca Caragiale
Mateiu Caragiale
Petre P. Carp
Panait Cerna
Emil M. Cioran
George Cobuc
Ion Creang
Mircea Eliade
Mihai Eminescu
Ioan C. Filitti
Radu Gyr
Vintil Horia
Nae Ionescu
Nicolae Iorga
Eugen Lovinescu
Titu Maiorescu
Constantin Noica
Vasile Pogor
Ioan Slavici
Petre Tuea
George Usctescu
Alexandru Vlahu
Mircea Vulcnescu
Alexandru D. Xenopol
Duiliu Zamfirescu
Knut Hamsun
Verner von Heidenstam
Rolf Jacobsen
Sren Kierkegaard
Sigrid Undset
Reply[10-04-2015 23:10:13][10-04-2015 23:10:13][10-04-2015 23:10:13][10-04-2015 23:10:13][10-04-2015 23:10:13]