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GE Oil & Gas

A state-of-the-art
heavy duty
Gas Turbine

Gas Turbine


C e nt r i fu g a l Co mp resso r

The MS5002E is the latest addition to the GE Oil & Gas family of gas turbines.
This machine was developed in response to customer demand for a gas
turbine in the 32 MW range with high efficiency, availability and reliability,
and low environmental impact.In order to guarantee high reliability and
availability, the MS5002E has a conservative firing temperature with respect
to the state-of-the-art.
High efficiency was achieved through the use of advanced design tools to
optimize airfoils, clearances, leakages and the distribution of cooling flows.
The MS5002E offers NOx emission levels down to 15 ppm through the
use of a dry low emission combustion system derived from the GE DLN2
combustion technology.
The design of the MS5002E was validated through an extensive test program
that included a full scale test of the axial compressor, full scale rotordynamic
testing, and full testing of the gas turbine system in both mechanical and
generator drive configurations.


are horizontally split for on-site

maintenance. The air inlet casing
supports Bearing #1, a combined
tilting-pad journal and thrust
bearing. The casing materials are
cast iron for the inlet case, nodular
cast iron for the intermediate
case, and cast steel for the
compressor discharge case.

The compressor is an 11-stage,

high pressure ratio (17:1), axial
flow design scaled-up directly
from the GE10 gas turbine. The
GE 10 fleet list contains over 80
installed units and over 700,000
operating hours. During this
time, the axial compressor has
demonstrated its robustness and
high performance.
At the nominal operating speed of
7455 rpm, the airflow is 101 Kg/
sec. The inlet guide vanes (IGV)
and the first and second stage
stator blades have electrically
actuated variable vanes. There are
two bleed ports located along the
flow-path: the 4th stage bleed is
used for LP turbine wheel cooling
and bearing sealing, and the 7th
stage bleed is used for cooling
and for surge control during
start-up/shut-down. As in the
GE10, the compressor rotor has
a forward stub shaft, six discs
and five spacers, and an aft stub
shaft, all locked together with 26
tie bolts. The compressor casings

Combustion system
The combustion system is a multican, reverse flow type, with six cans
mounted on the compressor
discharge case. It is derived from
the GE DLN2 combustor design
installed on F Class machines
with an installed fleet of over 700
units and more than 11,000,000
operating hours.
The combustor architecture and
materials are the same as for F
Class machines (e.g., 6FA, 7FA, 9FA)
but the firing temperature of the
MS5002E was intentionally kept
100C lower to maximize parts life
and maintenance intervals.
Current operation is with gaseous

Combustors and emission results


15 ppm

NOx ppmvd

NOX15 november 07
NOX may 08
NOX15 february 10
NOX15 november 10










Load (MW)

(@ ISO conditions)




SC Efficiency (%)
Pressure Ratio
Heat Rate (kJ/kWh)
NOx (ppm)
Exh. Gas Flow (kg/s)
Exh. Gas Temp. (C)
Load Rated Speed (rpm)

31100 kWe
(both geared)

32000 kW

fuel but features are built in for

liquid fuel capability. There are
fuel nozzles in each combustion
can. The fuel nozzles contain a
premixing tube where fuel gas
and air mix together before the
primary burning zone, and a
central body with a diffusion
fuel gas circuit. The combustor
operates in diffusion mode at
low loads (less than 50%), and
in premixed mode at higher
loads with a 15 ppm NOx level.
The fuel gas delivery system is
provided with multiple gas control
valves to distribute the fuel to the
different gas circuits. An accurate
split is maintained during premix
operation to ensure both low
emissions and low combustion
dynamics. Field measurements
on the first installed unit reported
emissions below 15 ppm NOx, and
single digit (9 ppm NOx) was even
recorded at partial load.
Measured data (not for guarantee)
are shown in the attached
graph, and are encouraging for
the ultimate capabilities of the
MS5002E combustion system.

HP turbine
The axial flow, two-stage reaction
type HP turbine was designed to
deliver high efficiency over a broad
power range. It consists of two
turbine wheels, first and second
stage turbine nozzle assemblies, and
turbine casings. Both stages of HPT
nozzles are air cooled by compressor
discharge air flowing through each
vane. Both stages of HPT buckets
are cooled by compressor air
flowing through the dovetail and
shanks into the buckets.

LP turbine
The power turbine uses the same
general arrangement, materials
and major components found on
the PGT25+ whose installed fleet
consists of over 160 units and more
than 2.5 million operating hours.
The flow-path profile and airfoils
were redesigned to allow 20%
higher airflow than the PGT25+.

The MS5002E package design is
similar to that used in other mature

GE Oil & Gas gas turbines.

As with the MS5002D, two separate
structural steel frames make up the
base supports of the gas turbine (one
for the engine and one for the
auxiliaries). In addition, a new design
was recently developed to combine
the two base plates into a single one.
This solution reduces the installation
time and the overall footprint
(reduction in length of 3.4 meters)
and will reduce the overall weight
(reduction of 17tons).
The gas turbine is mounted on its
base plate by means of two forward
supports, (flexible in the axial direction),
and two rear support legs. The engine
base plate has approximately the
same footprint as that of the MS5002D
and contains both inlet and exhaust
plenums. These plenums are suitable
for both vertical and lateral orientation.
The auxiliary base plate contains the
lube oil system and reservoir, starting
system with rotor turning device,
and the fuel gas skid. This modular
design permits different installation
configurations for optimization of
the plant layout to meet customer
requirements. The MS5002E is
equipped with a Speedtronic Mark
VIe control system currently used
on all GE gas turbine models. The

control system ia available both in

simplex or triple modular redundant

The MS5002E was designed for
maintainability with special
consideration given to:
Planned maintenance
Handling and lifting of gas
turbine components and
main auxiliaries
Special maintenance tools
Location of boroscope ports
Enclosure access doors and
The horizontally split gas generator
casings and the removable
enclosure roof allow on-site
maintenance. The power turbine is
mounted on a special frame that
permits it to be moved axially on
the base plate. The module can be
either disassembled directly on the
base, or can be removed for off-base
maintenance. Combustors can be
disassembled without removal of
the compressor discharge case,
and bearings 1, 3 and 4 are easily
accessible for inspection. The
latest version of the package is
now available with provisions for
modular replacement embedded
in the design. With this option, the
engine can be dismantled, lifted
onto temporary rails alongside the
skid, slid away and replaced with
another engine. This reduces the
time for a Major Inspection from 18
days to just 3 days. Once removed,
the engine can be reconditioned
off-line and reserved as a spare.

HP turbine

New Package Single lift

for MS5002E
Dimensions and weights
13.6 m length
4 m width
4.05 m height
93 tons total weight
LP turbine

Modular replacement of a MS5002E engine

Testing and validation

Mechanical drive test
Extensive testing and validation
of the MS5002E was previously
carried out by GE Oil & Gas in its
facilities in Massa (Italy) including
a complete prototype test and
validation of the overall system
(engine and auxiliaries). The test
plan covered all critical operating
phases (pre-start, crank, idle,
diffusion full load, premixed full
load, DLN tuning, LP turbine
mapping, etc.) to cover all aspects
necessary for validation of the
Generator drive test
Following the first test campaign
aimed at validating the machine
under demanding mechanical drive
requirements, a second campaign
was conducted at the GE Oil & Gas
facility in Massa (Italy), to prove
the machine capabilities in power
generation applications. The test
stand arrangement included an
MS5002E coupled with a 40 MW

electric generator through a

speed reduction gearbox. The
electrical power output was
absorbed by a resistor bank.
Twenty-four successful full load
rejections, twenty-nine successful
partial load rejections, and
thirty one successful step load
acceptances were conducted.
The test results proved that the
MS5002E is capable of stable
operation at Full-Speed-No-Load,
achieves full load rejections
(32+ MW) with deceleration to
flamed idle without trips, and
can exceed 5 MW load steps
(up or down) from any initial
load with frequency recovery in
compliance with international
Final test runs were completed
in January 2006 and proved the
power generation capability
of the MS5002E for both grid
connected conditions and
operation in an island mode. A
post-test engine disassembly was
also conducted and no machine
integrity issues were found.

The first commercial order for the
MS5002E was awarded by the Yara
Sluiskil Company for a fertilizer plant
in The Netherlands. The unit was
put into operation in October 2007,
in a 24/7 power generation duty
cycle, with full customer satisfaction.
The YARA site results confirm the
robustness of the design, with power
and efficiency above guarantees and
emissions always below 15 ppm NOx
(single digit at partial load). A special
preventative maintenance inspection
plan was initiated to extend the
maintenance intervals leveraging
the robustness of the design, and it
is anticipated that the first CI will be
extended to 24k operating hours in
the near future.
In January 2011, the first MS5002E
in mechanical drive application
completed commissioning in the
Vavozhskaya Gazprom compression
station (Russian Federation). Two
other units are being installed and
commissioning is expected in early
The MS5002E was also selected
to equip four stations in the
Bovanenkovo-Ukhta pipeline in the
Russian Arctic region, leveraging our
partnership with REP Holding. The
MS5002E was specially designed
for the extreme conditions specified
for this project, such as operating
temperatures down to -50C and
a shipping configuration designed
specifically for railway transportation.
By 2012, all 16 units will be delivered.
In July 2011, an additional MS5002E
for power generation and steam
production will be shipped to a
fertilizer plant belonging to the Matix
Group in the West Bengal region of
India. Site operation is scheduled for
early 2012.

Yara Sluiskil plant

Assembly of enclosure on gas turbine

Special shipping configuration for railway


Vavozhskaya pipeline station

GE Oil &Gas
Via Felice Matteucci, 2
50127 Florence - Italy
T +39 055 423211
F +39 055 4232800
Nuovo Pignone S.p.A.

GE imagination at work

COMK/MARK 839/II - Designed by: Studio Tre Fasi

Printed by: Sagraf -01-2011
2011 General Electric All Rights Reserved

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