Operator Identities 2
Operator Identities 2
Operator Identities 2
3 h
A, [A, B] i
A, A, [A, B] + .
As I have already indicated, Hadamards lemma is the starting point for the derivation of a large number of operator identities and relations.
3. Another useful operator relation that is closely related to Hadamards
lemma is as follows. Let A and B be two operators that do not commute with each
other, in general. Define the operator Bt by
Bt = eiAt B eiAt ,
where t is a parameter. (A and B do not depend on t.) Verify that Bt is a solution
of the integral equation
Z t
Bt = B + i A ,
dt 0 Bt 0 .
12 [A, B]
6 A , [A, B] + 3 B , [A, B]
A , A , [A, B] 81 A , B , [A, B] 18 B , B , [A, B]
This is the Zassenhaus formula. The subsequent terms in the product involve higherorder multiple commutators that can be determined by a systematic but quite tedious iterative procedure.
The Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff (BCH) formula is the complement of the
Zassenhaus formula, in the sense that it expresses the product of exponentials,
eA eB , in terms of the exponential of an infinite sum of operators involving multiple
commutators. Setting [A, B] = C, the formula is
[A , C] 12
[B , C] 24
B , [A , C] + ,
(exp A) (exp B) = exp A+B + 12 C + 12
where in the exponent on the right-hand side stands for an infinite sum of
higher-order multiple commutators. As in the case of the Zassenhaus formula, the
successive terms in the sum can be found by a recursive procedure.
4. In specific cases, if more information is available about the multiple commutators
that appear in the Zassenhaus and BCH formulas, these formulas may be simplified
somewhat. The simplest of these special cases, and the most important one, obtains
when both A and B commute with their commutator C = [A, B]. (Sometimes this
happens because C is just a constant multiple of the unit operator, but this is not
necessary for the validity of the results that follow below.) The Zassenhaus and
BCH formulas can then be derived in a fairly simple manner.
(a) Show that, if [A, C] = 0 = [B, C], then
eA+B = eA eB e 2 [A,B] .
You can derive this formula this by obtaining and solving a first-order differential equation for the operator F () defined as
F () = e(A+B) ,
where is a scalar (not an operator). Use the obvious boundary condition
F (0) = I. Keep track of the fact that A and B do not commute with each
(b) Similarly show that, if [A, C] = 0 = [B, C], then
eA eB = eA+B+ 2 [A,B] .
(c) Apply the result to the important case A = iax , B = ibp where a and b are
real scalars and x, p are the canonical position and momentum operators in
one dimension, to find the commutator [eiax , eibp ]. This is called the Weyl
form of the canonical commutation relation.
5. Here is a related but slightly different way of arriving at the Zassenhaus formula
when the commutator of two operators is the unit operator. Let A and B be two
operators such that [A, B] = I, the unit operator. Consider the linear combination
L = A + B, where and are arbitrary complex scalars (not operators).
(a) Show that
= nALn1 12 n(n 1)Ln2 .
= A 12 eL .
e a
= e a e
a 21 ||2
The operator on the left-hand side is called the displacement operator. It generates coherent states, as we will see a little later.