VSS2011 Program

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ViewPoint EyeTracker

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Vision Sciences Society

11th Annual Meeting, May 6-11, 2011
Naples Grande Beach Resort, Naples, Florida

Meeting Program

Board, Review Committee & Staff

Board of Directors
Pascal Mamassian (2012), President
CNRS & Universit Paris Descartes, France

Miguel Eckstein (2014)

University of California, Santa Barbara

Marisa Carrasco (2013), President Elect

New York University

Zoe Kourtzi (2012)

University of Birmingham, UK

Tony Movshon (2011), Past President

New York University

Frans Verstraten (2014)

University of Utrecht, The Netherlands

Karl Gegenfurtner (2013), Treasurer

Justus-Liebig Universitt Giessen, Germany

(Year denotes end of term)

Barbara Dosher (2013)

University of California, Irvine

Executive Director
Shauney Wilson

Abstract Review Committee

David Alais
George Alvarez
Marty Banks
Irving Biederman
Geoff Boynton
Eli Brenner
Angela Brown
David Burr
Patrick Cavanagh
Marvin Chun
Colin Clifford
Jody Culham
Steve Dakin
Greg DeAngelis
Brad Duchaine
James Elder
Steve Engel

Jim Enns
Julie Harris
Mary Hayhoe
Sheng He
John Henderson
Anya Hurlbert
Alan Johnston
Phil Kellman
Daniel Kersten
Fred Kingdom
Lynne Kiorpes
Rich Krauzlis
Bart Krekelberg
Margaret Livingstone
Zhong-Lin Lu
Laurence Maloney
Ennio Mingolla


George Sperling
Jim Tanaka
Mike Tarr
Jan Theeuwes
Bosco Tjan
Run VanRullen
Preeti Verghese
William Warren
Takeo Watanabe
Michael Webster
David Whitney
Steve Yantis
Yaffa Yeshurun
Cong Yu
Qasim Zaidi


Joan Carole
Exhibits & Advertising
Shawna Lampkin
Registration Manager

Jeff Wilson
Technical Manager, Website
& Program
Cheryl Hoidal
Event Associate
Rob Lambuth
Event Associate

Cathleen Moore
Shinya Nishida
Tony Norcia
Aude Oliva
Alice OToole
Steve Palmer
Anna Roe
Brian Rogers
Ruth Rosenholtz
Bruno Rossion
Dov Sagi
Jeff Schall
Brian Scholl
David Sheinberg
Maggie Shiffrar
Daniel Simons
Josh Solomon

Vision Sciences Society

Holli Lampkin
Event Associate

Ken Nakayama
Harvard University

Lauren Lampkin
Event Associate

Tom Sanocki
University of South Florida

Jesse Jones
Event Associate

Art Credits

Renee Smith
Event Associate

Sarah Rosen
Program and Abstracts cover design

Sheri Stone
Event Associate

Sarah Rosen
T-shirt design (front)

Julie Wolfe
Event Associate

Jordan Suchow and Judy Fan

T-shirt design (back)

Contents & Featured Events

Board, Review Committee & Staff . . . . .
Contents & Featured Events . . . . . . . .
Meeting Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Poster Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Talk Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Keynote Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ARVO @ VSS Symposium . . . . . . . . .
Elsevier/VSS Young Investigator Award .
Satellite Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Elsevier/Vision Research Travel Awards .
Student Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The 2011 VSS Public Lecture . . . . . . . .
Attendee Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Exhibitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9th Annual VSS Dinner and Demo Night .
Member-Initiated Symposia . . . . . . . .
Friday Evening Posters . . . . . . . . . . .
Saturday Morning Talks . . . . . . . . . .
Saturday Morning Posters . . . . . . . . .







Saturday Afternoon Talks . .

Saturday Afternoon Posters .
Sunday Morning Talks . . . .
Sunday Morning Posters . . .
Sunday Afternoon Talks . . .
Sunday Afternoon Posters . .
Monday Morning Talks . . .
Monday Morning Posters . .
Tuesday Morning Talks . . .
Tuesday Morning Posters . .
Tuesday Afternoon Talks. . .
Tuesday Afternoon Posters .
Wednesday Morning Talks. .
Wednesday Morning Posters.
Topic Index . . . . . . . . . .
Author Index . . . . . . . . .
Hotel Floorplan . . . . . . . .
Advertisements . . . . . . . .












Special Sessions

VSS Social Events

ARVO at VSS Symposium

Opening Night Reception

Friday, May 6, 5:00 - 6:45 pm, Royal Palm 4-5

Friday, May 6, 7:30 - 9:30 pm, Sunset & Vista Decks

VSS Public Lecture

VSS Dinner and Demo Night

Saturday, May 7, 10:00 11:30 am,

Renaissance Academy of Florida Gulf Coast University
(off site)

Keynote Address
Saturday, May 7, 7:00 8:15 pm, Royal Palm 4-5

Student Career Development Workshop

Sunday, May 8, 12:45 - 1:30 pm, Acacia 4-6

Student Publishing Workshop

Sunday, May 8, 12:45 - 1:30 pm, Mangrove 1-2

VSS Awards & YIA Lecture

Sunday, May 8, 7:00 7:45 pm, Royal Palm 4-5

Business Meeting
Tuesday, May 10, 1:45 - 2:15 pm, Royal Palm 4-5



Monday, May 9, 7:00 - 10:00 pm,

Dinner: Vista Ballroom, Sunset Deck, Mangrove Pool
Demos: Royal Palm 4-5 & Acacia Meeting Rooms

Open House for Graduate Students & Postdoc Fellows

Tuesday, May 10, 9:30 10:30 pm, Acacia 4-6

Club Vision Dance Party

Tuesday, May 10, 10:00 pm 2:00 am,
Vista Ballroom, Sunset Deck

Satellite Social Events

European Visual Neuroscience Summer School
Saturday, May 7, 10:00 pm 12:00 am, Royal Palm Foyer

Sunday, May 8, 10:00 pm 1:00 am,
Vista Ballroom & Sunset Deck

7th Annual Best Illusion of the Year Contest

Monday, May 9, 5:00 7:00 pm,
Philharmonic Center for the Arts (off site)
Vision Sciences Society

Meeting Schedule
Thursday, May 5
9:00 am 6:00 pm

Satellite Workshop: Shape Perception

Orchid Ballroom 3-4

Registration Open
Symposium Session 1
Coffee Break
Symposium Session 2
Coffee Break
ARVO @ VSS Symposium
Exhibits Open
Evening Poster Session
Opening Night Reception

Royal Palm Foyer

Royal Palm 1-3, 4-5 & 6-8
Royal Palm Foyer
Royal Palm 1-3, 4-5 & 6-8
Royal Palm Foyer
Royal Palm 4-5
Orchid Foyer
Vista Ballroom, Orchid Ballroom
Sunset & Vista Decks

Registration Open
Morning Coffee
Talk Session
Poster Session
Exhibits Open
Coffee Break
VSS Public Lecture
Talk Session
Lunch Break
Talk Session
Poster Session
Coffee Break
Talk Session
Keynote Address
European Visual Neuroscience
Summer School Reunion

Royal Palm Foyer

Royal Palm Foyer, Orchid Foyer
Royal Palm 1-3 & 4-5
Royal Palm 6-8, Orchid Ballroom, Vista Ballroom
Orchid Foyer
Royal Palm Foyer, Orchid Foyer
Renaissance Academy of Florida Gulf Coast University (off site)
Royal Palm 1-3 & 4-5
Purchase a lunch at VSS Marketplace and head to the beach!*
Royal Palm 1-3 & 4-5
Royal Palm 6-8, Orchid Ballroom, Vista Ballroom
Royal Palm Foyer, Orchid Foyer
Royal Palm 1-3 & 4-5
Royal Palm 4-5
Royal Palm Foyer

Registration Open
Morning Coffee
Talk Session
Poster Session
Exhibits Open
Coffee Break
Talk Session
Lunch Break
Student Career Development Workshop
Student Publishing Workshop
Talk Session
Poster Session
Coffee Break
Talk Session
VSS Awards & YIA Lecture

Royal Palm Foyer

Royal Palm Foyer, Orchid Foyer
Royal Palm 1-3 & 4-5
Royal Palm 6-8, Orchid Ballroom, Vista Ballroom
Orchid Foyer
Royal Palm Foyer, Orchid Foyer
Royal Palm 1-3 & 4-5
Purchase a lunch at VSS Marketplace and head to the beach!*
Acacia 4-6
Mangrove 1-2
Royal Palm 1-3 & 4-5
Royal Palm 6-8, Orchid Ballroom, Vista Ballroom
Royal Palm Foyer, Orchid Foyer
Royal Palm 1-3 & 4-5
Royal Palm 4-5
Vista Ballroom & Sunset Deck

Friday, May 6
9:00 am 9:00 pm
12:00 2:00 pm
2:00 2:30 pm
2:30 4:30 pm
4:30 5:00 pm
5:00 - 6:45 pm
5:45 - 9:30 pm
6:45 - 9:30 pm
7:30 - 9:30 pm

Saturday, May 7
7:00 am 6:45 pm
7:30 8:00 am
8:00 9:45 am
8:15 am 12:15 pm
8:15 am 6:30 pm
10:00 10:30 am
10:00 11:30 am
10:45 am - 12:30 pm
12:30 - 2:30 pm
2:30 4:15 pm
2:45 6:30 pm
4:30 5:00 pm
5:15 6:45 pm
7:00 8:15 pm
10:00 pm 12:00 am

Sunday, May 8
7:00 am 6:45 pm
7:30 8:00 am
8:00 9:45 am
8:15 am 12:15 pm
8:15 am 6:30 pm
10:00 10:30 am
10:45 am - 12:30 pm
12:30 - 2:30 pm
12:45 - 1:30 pm
12:45 - 1:30 pm
2:30 4:15 pm
2:45 6:30 pm
4:30 5:00 pm
5:15 6:45 pm
7:00 7:45 pm
10:00 pm 1:00 am

Vision Sciences Society

VSS 2011 Program

Meeting Schedule

Monday, May 9
7:30 am 12:30 pm
7:30 8:00 am
8:00 9:45 am
8:15 am 12:15 pm
8:15 am 12:15 pm
10:00 10:30 am
10:45 am - 12:30 pm
12:30 - 5:00 pm
5:00 7:00 pm
7:00 9:00 pm
7:30 10:00 pm

Registration Open
Morning Coffee
Talk Session
Poster Session
Exhibits Open
Coffee Break
Talk Session
Afternoon off
7th Annual Best Illusion
of the Year Contest
Demo Night Dinner
Demo Night Demos

Royal Palm Foyer

Royal Palm Foyer, Orchid Foyer
Royal Palm 1-3 & 4-5
Royal Palm 6-8, Orchid Ballroom
Orchid Foyer
Royal Palm Foyer, Orchid Foyer
Royal Palm 1-3 & 4-5
Philharmonic Center for the Arts (off site)
Vista Ballroom, Sunset Deck, Mangrove Pool
Royal Palm 4-5 & Acacia Meeting Rooms

Tuesday, May 10
7:30 am 6:45 pm
7:30 8:00 am
8:00 9:45 am
8:15 am 12:15 pm
8:15 am 7:00 pm
10:00 10:30 am
10:45 am - 12:30 pm
12:30 - 1:45 pm
1:45 - 2:15 pm
2:30 4:30 pm
3:00 7:00 pm
4:45 5:15 pm
5:30 7:15 pm
9:30 10:30 pm
10:00 pm 2:00 am

Registration Open
Morning Coffee
Talk Session
Poster Session
Exhibits Open
Coffee Break
Talk Session
Lunch Break
Business Meeting
Talk Session
Poster Session
Coffee Break
Talk Session
Open House for Graduate Students
and Postdoctoral Fellows
Club Vision Dance Party

Royal Palm Foyer

Royal Palm Foyer, Orchid Foyer
Royal Palm 1-3 & 4-5
Royal Palm 6-8, Orchid Ballroom, Vista Ballroom
Orchid Foyer
Royal Palm Foyer, Orchid Foyer
Royal Palm 1-3 & 4-5
Purchase a lunch at VSS Marketplace and head to the beach!*
Royal Palm 4-5
Royal Palm 1-3, & 4-5
Royal Palm 6-8, Orchid Ballroom, Vista Ballroom
Royal Palm Foyer, Orchid Foyer
Royal Palm 1-3 & 4-5
Acacia 4-6

Registration Open
Morning Coffee
Talk Session
Poster Session
Coffee Break
Talk Session
Meeting Ends

Royal Palm Foyer

Royal Palm Foyer
Royal Palm 1-3 & 4-5
Royal Palm 6-8, Orchid Ballroom
Royal Palm Foyer
Royal Palm 1-3 & 4-5

Vista Ballroom, Sunset Deck

Wednesday, May 11
7:30 am 12:45 pm
7:30 8:00 am
8:00 9:45 am
8:15 am 12:15 pm
10:00 10:30 am
10:45 am 12:30 pm
12:30 pm

* Salads, sandwiches, and snacks are available for purchase at the VSS Marketplace located on the ballroom level between the Royal Palm
and Orchid Foyers.

Vision Sciences Society


VSS 2011 Program

Friday, May 6

Saturday, May 7

Sunday, May 8

7:00 am

3:00 pm

Session 2

4:00 pm

Coffee Break

5:00 pm

Evening Poster Session

9:00 pm


Exhibits Open


6:00 pm

8:00 pm

Afternoon Poster Session

Coffee Break

Infancy and


Coffee Break
and action:
Navigation and

Parts and

Keynote Address
Daniel M. Wolpert


Coffee Break


mechanisms and

Student Workshops

Lunch Break



Coffee Break

Face perception: Neural


VSS Awards & YIA Lecture

10:00 pm
European Visual
Neuroscience Summer
School Reunion

10:00 pm - 1:00 am

10:00 pm - 12:00 am

Color Key:

Royal Palm 1-3

Vision Sciences Society

Royal Palm 4-5

Royal Palm Foyer

Orchid Foyer

Vista, Royal Palm 6-8, Orchid

See Meeting Schedule

Exhibits Open

Morning Poster Session

Transfer and

Lunch Break
Registration Desk Open

2:00 pm



Registration Desk Open

Session 1

1:00 pm

Coffee Break

Afternoon Poster Session

12:00 pm

and objects

Exhibits Open

11:00 am

Color and
light: Surfaces and

Registration Desk Open

Public Lecture

10:00 am

Morning Poster Session

9:00 am

7:00 pm

Morning Coffee

Morning Coffee

8:00 am

VSS 2011 Program


Monday, May 9

Tuesday, May 10

Wednesday, May 11
7:00 am



Business Meeting


Afternoon Poster Session

7th Annual Best Illusion

of the Year Contest

Neural and


Coffee Break
and action:
Pointing, hitting, reaching,
and grasping


8:00 am

Parts and

Coffee Break
Object recognition and
scene perception: Neural


Registration Desk Open

Coffee Break

Lunch Break

Afternoon Off

Morning Poster Session

methods and

Exhibits Open

and neural



Registration Desk Open

and light:

Morning Poster Session

Coffee Break

Exhibits Open


and modulation

Morning Coffee

Registration Desk Open

Morning Poster Session

Morning Coffee

9:00 am
10:00 am
11:00 am
12:00 pm
1:00 pm
2:00 pm
3:00 pm
4:00 pm
5:00 pm


6:00 pm
7:00 pm
8:00 pm


9:00 pm
Open House for
Graduate Students
and Postdocs

10:00 pm
Club Vision
Dance Party

10:00 pm - 2:00 am

Vision Sciences Society

Poster Schedule
Poster Setup and Takedown

All poster sessions are held in the Royal Palm 6-8 and Orchid Ballroom on the Ballroom level, and Vista Ballroom on the
Lobby level. The last three digits of your poster number indicate the number of your poster board.
Posters should be put up at the beginning of a session and taken down at the end. Authors of even numbered posters are
expected to be present at their posters during the entire Even Author Presents time; and authors of odd numbered posters during the entire Odd Author Presents time. Authors may be present longer if desired.
Please be courteous and take down your poster promptly at the end of the session so that the board is empty when the
next presenter arrives to put up his or her poster.
Push pins are available for your use and are located at the Meeting Registration Desk in the Royal Palm Foyer.

Friday Afternoon, May 6

Saturday Afternoon, May 7

Setup: 5:45 6:45 pm

Session: 6:45 9:30 pm
Even Authors Present: 7:30 8:30 pm
Odd Authors Present: 8:30 9:30 pm
Room: Orchid Ballroom
Eye movements: Cognition and scenes
Object recognition: Neural mechanisms
Visual memory: Objects and features
Room: Vista Ballroom
Attention: Neural mechanisms I
Attention: Inattention and attention blindness
Color and light: Lightness and brightness
Perceptual learning: Plasticity and adaptation
Take down: 9:30 10:00 pm

Setup: 2:00 2:45 pm

Session: 2:45 6:30 pm
Even Authors Present: 3:45 4:45 pm
Odd Authors Present: 4:45 5:45 pm
Room: Royal Palm 6-8
Color and light: Adaptation and constancy
Multisensory processing: Visual, tactile and vestibular interactions
Room: Orchid Ballroom
Perceptual organization: Contours and surfaces
Attention: Endogenous and exogenous
Attention: Features and objects
Room: Vista Ballroom
Noise and uncertainty
Motion: Neural mechanisms
Spatial vision: Mechanisms
Spatial vision: Encoding and decoding
Take down: 6:30 7:00 pm

Saturday Morning, May 7

Setup: 7:30 8:15 am
Session: 8:15 am 12:15 pm
Even Authors Present: 9:15 10:15 am
Odd Authors Present: 10:15 11:15 am
Room: Royal Palm 6-8
Eye movements: Saccades and xations
Visual search: Eye movements
Room: Orchid Ballroom
Binocular vision: Binocular combination and rivalry
3D perception: Contours, shading and texture
Attention: Tracking
Visual memory: Encoding and retrieval
Room: Vista Ballroom
Motion: Biological motion
Face perception: Wholes and parts
Face perception: Disorders
Perception and action: Pointing and hitting
Take down: 12:15 12:45 pm

Vision Sciences Society

Sunday Morning, May 8

Setup: 7:30 8:15 am
Session: 8:15 am 12:15 pm
Even Authors Present: 9:15 10:15 am
Odd Authors Present: 10:15 11:15 am
Room: Royal Palm 6-8
Eye movements: Perisaccadic perception
Development: Childhood and infancy
Development: Amblyopia
Room: Orchid Ballroom
Face perception: Expression and emotion
Face perception: Experience and learning
Perception and action: Reaching and grasping
Scene perception: Memory and context
Room: Vista Ballroom
Attention: Capture
Motion: Flow, depth, and spin
3D perception: Dynamic cues
Temporal processing
Take down: 12:15 12:45 pm

VSS 2011 Program

Poster Schedule

Sunday Afternoon, May 8

Tuesday Afternoon, May 10

Setup: 2:00 2:45 pm

Session: 2:45 6:30 pm
Even Authors Present: 3:45 4:45 pm
Odd Authors Present: 4:45 5:45 pm
Room: Royal Palm 6-8
Color and light: Memory, language and synesthesia
Binocular vision: Binocular rivalry and awareness
Room: Orchid Ballroom
Perception and action: Navigation and waynding
Perception and action: Neural Mechanisms
Multisensory processing: Visual-auditory interactions
Attention: Neural mechanisms II
Attention: Models I
Room: Vista Ballroom
Perceptual learning: Models
Perceptual learning: Neural mechanisms
Eye movements: Pursuit and following
Motion: Local mechanisms and models
Take down: 6:30 7:00 pm

Setup: 2:15 3:00 pm

Session: 3:00 7:00 pm
Even Authors Present: 4:00 5:00 pm
Odd Authors Present: 5:00 6:00 pm
Room: Royal Palm 6-8
Face perception: High-level features
Development: Face perception
Room: Orchid Ballroom
Visual search: Natural scenes and practical tasks
Visual search: Neural mechanisms
3D perception: Natural and virtual scenes
Scene perception: Features and categories
Room: Vista Ballroom
Development: Disorders
Object recognition: Categories
Object recognition: Features
Attention: Divided
Take down: 7:00 7:30 pm

Monday Morning, May 9

Setup: 7:30 8:15 am
Session: 8:15 am 12:15 pm
Even Authors Present: 9:15 10:15 am
Odd Authors Present: 10:15 11:15 am
Room: Royal Palm 6-8
Perceptual organization: Shapes and objects
Attention: Temporal
Room: Orchid Ballroom
Eye movements: Methods and gaze
Binocular vision: Eye movements
Face perception: Features and conguration
Face perception: Neural mechanisms
Take down: 12:15 12:45 pm

Wednesday Morning, May 11

Setup: 7:30 8:15 am
Session: 8:15 am 12:15 pm
Even Authors Present: 9:15 10:15 am
Odd Authors Present: 10:15 11:15 am
Room: Royal Palm 6-8
Motion: Higher-order, objects, and illusions
Perceptual organization: Mechanisms and models
Room: Orchid Ballroom
Visual memory: Capacity and resolution
Attention: Emotion
Attention: Reward
Binocular vision: Stereopsis
Development: Lifespan and aging
Take down: 12:15 12:45 pm

Tuesday Morning, May 10

Setup: 7:30 8:15 am
Session: 8:15 am 12:15 pm
Even Authors Present: 9:15 10:15 am
Odd Authors Present: 10:15 11:15 am
Room: Royal Palm 6-8
Attention: Spatial selection and modulation
Room: Orchid Ballroom
Perceptual organization: Segmentation and grouping
Attention: Shifting
Visual search: Elements, cues and congurations
Perceptual learning: Transfer and specicity
Room: Vista Ballroom
Perception and action: Locomotion
Object recognition: Experience and learning
Spatial vision: Summary statistics
Spatial vision: Crowding and eccentricity
Take down: 12:15 12:45 pm

Vision Sciences Society

Talk Schedule
Saturday, May 7

Royal Palm 1-3

Royal Palm 4-5

8:00 9:45 am
10:45 am 12:30 pm
2:30 4:15 pm
5:15 6:45 pm

Color and light: Surfaces and materials

Spatial vision: Crowding
Development: Infancy and childhood
Perception and action: Navigation and locomotion

Attention: Features and objects

Perceptual learning: Transfer and specicity
Eye movements: Remapping
Object recognition: Parts and categories


Royal Palm 1-3

Royal Palm 4-5

8:00 9:45 am
10:45 am 12:30 pm
2:30 4:15 pm
5:15 6:45 pm

Motion: Encoding and aftereffects

Multisensory processing
Perceptual organization
Spatial vision: Natural images

Object recognition: Features

Attention: Neural mechanisms and reward
Visual memory
Face perception: Neural mechanisms


Royal Palm 1-3

Royal Palm 4-5

8:00 9:45 am
10:45 am 12:30 pm

Development: Disorders
Color and light: Mechanisms

Attention: Spatial selection and modulation

Perceptual learning: Models and neural mechanisms


Royal Palm 1-3

Royal Palm 4-5

8:00 9:45 am

3D perception

10:45 am 12:30 pm
2:30 4:30 pm

Binocular vision
Spatial vision: Neural and psychophysical mechanisms
Perception and action: Pointing, hitting, reaching,
and grasping

Eye movements: Mechanisms, methods and

Face perception: Cognitive factors
Attention: Temporal and capture

Sunday, May 8

Monday, May 9

Tuesday, May 10

5:30 7:15 pm

Motion: Integration

Wednesday, May 11

Royal Palm 1-3

Royal Palm 4-5

8:00 9:45 am
10:45 am 12:30 pm

Temporal processing
Object recognition and scene perception: Neural

Face perception: Parts and wholes

Visual search

Speaker Information

Please arrive at the Ballroom no less than 30 minutes before the start of your session. Presenters are welcome to test their
presentations between talk sessions. Please give priority to presenters whose talk is scheduled for the subsequent session.
The meeting rooms are equipped with a data/video projector and a projection screen. Presentations can be made from
your Mac or PC laptop. A technician will be present in each room to handle any technical problems that may arise.


Vision Sciences Society

Keynote Address
Daniel M. Wolpert
Professor of Engineering, University of Cambridge
Daniel Wolpert is Professor of Engineering at the
University of Cambridge
and a Fellow of Trinity
College. Daniels research
focuses on computational and experimental
approaches to human
sensorimotor control.
Daniel read medical
sciences at Cambridge
and clinical medicine at
Oxford. After working
as a medical doctor for a
year he completed a D.
Phil. in the Physiology
Department in Oxford.
He then worked as a postdoctoral fellow and Fulbright
Scholar at MIT, before moving to the Institute of Neurology, UCL. In 2005 he took up his current post in Cambridge. He was elected a Fellow of the Academy of Medical
Sciences in 2004 and was awarded the Royal Society Francis Crick Prize Lecture (2005) and has given the Fred Kavli
Distinguished International Scientist Lecture at the Society
for Neuroscience (2009). Further details can be found on

Probabilistic models of human

sensorimotor control
Saturday, May 7, 7:00 - 8:15 pm
Royal Palm 4-5
The effortless ease with which humans move our arms, our
eyes, even our lips when we speak masks the true complexity of the control processes involved. This is evident when
we try to build machines to perform human control tasks.
While computers can now beat grandmasters at chess, no
computer can yet control a robot to manipulate a chess
piece with the dexterity of a six-year-old child. I will review
our recent work on how the humans learn to make skilled
movements covering probabilistic models of learning,
including Bayesian and structural learning, how the brain
makes and uses motor predictions, and the interaction
between decision making and sensorimotor control.
Keynote Address is sponsored by
Cambridge Research Systems

Vision Sciences Society


ARVO @ VSS Symposium

What the retina tells us about central
visual processing

Speaker Biographies

Jonathan Demb

Friday, May 6, 5:00 - 6:45 pm, Royal Ballroom 4-5

University of Michigan

Chair: Tony Movshon

Jonathan Demb trained with David

Heeger at Stanford and with Peter
Sterling at the University of Pennsylvania before joining the faculty at
the University of Michigan, where
he is a member of the Departments
of Opthalmology and Visual Science, and of Molecular, Cellular, and
Developmental Biology. Dr. Dembs
research seeks to understand how
synaptic interactions among the 60 or so types of neurons
in the retina form functional circuits that create the signals
that supply the inputs to the visual centers of the CNS.

This symposium was designed in conjunction with David

Williams and Maarten Kamermans as part of the continuing series of exchange symposia that highlight the historical
and continued shared areas of interests of VSS and ARVO.
This year, the symposium is at VSS, intended to bring us
some of the latest advances presented at ARVO. There will
be three talks, all showcasing aspects of retinal function
that are crucial for understanding central visual processing.
The speakers are all experts and experienced speakers who
will give excellent accounts of their important work.

Explaining receptive field properties at the

level of synapses: lessons from the retina
Jonathan Demb, University of Michigan
A visual neurons receptive eld is generated by the combination of its unique pattern of synaptic inputs and intrinsic
membrane properties. These cellular mechanisms underlying the receptive eld can be studied efciently in retinal
ganglion cells, in vitro. In this talk, I will describe recent
progress in understanding the mechanisms for visual computations and adaptation in retinal circuitry.

High-resolution receptive field measurements

in primate retinal ganglion cells, and their
implications for color vision
Greg Field, Salk Institute
Identifying the connectivity of the myriad neurons within
a circuit is key to understanding its function. We developed a novel technique to map the functional connectivity
between thousands of cone photoreceptors and hundreds
of ganglion cells in the primate retina. These measurements reveal the nature of cone sampling by midget
ganglion cells, providing insight to the origins of red-green
color opponency.

The effect of genetic manipulation of the photopigments on vision and the implications for
the central processing of color
Jay Neitz, University of Washington
The processes responsible for color perception are accessible experimentally because of a wealth of genetic variations
and because some components lend themselves to genetic
manipulation. The addition of an opsin gene, as occurred
in the evolution of color vision, and has been done experimentally produces expanded capacities providing insight
into the neural circuitry.

Vision Sciences Society

Greg Field
Salk Institute

Greg Field trained with Fred Rieke

at the University of Washington,
Seattle, before moving to the the
Systems Neurobiology Laboratory
at the Salk Institute for Biological
Studies, where he studies population coding in primate retina. Dr.
Field uses parallel recording methods to study the the functional
connectivity of the retina: the inuence each input neuron has on every output, the degree to
which these inuences are plastic, and how this connectivity serves perception and behavior.

Jay Neitz
University of Washington

Jay Neitz trained with Gerald

Jacobs at UC Santa Barbara, and
held faculty positions at the Medical College of Wisconsin; he is now
Bishop Professor in the Department
of Ophthalmology at the University
of Washington. Dr. Neitz studies
the genetic basis of normal vision
and vision disorders, using molecular genetic, biochemical, imaging,
electrophysiological and behavioral approaches. He is
developing gene replacement therapy for cone photoreceptors in primates, both as a research tool for studying
fundamental mechanisms of color vision, and as a potential
therapy for forms of vision loss.

Elsevier/VSS Young Investigator Award

Alexander C. Huk
The University of Texas at Austin
Dr. Alexander C. Huk has been chosen as the 2011 winner of the Elsevier/VSS Young
Investigator Award. Dr. Huk is an Associate Professor of Neurobiology in the Center
for Perceptual Systems at the University of Texas at Austin. Dr. Huk impressed the
committee with the broad range of techniques he has brought to bear on fundamental
questions of visual processing and decision making. Studying both human and nonhuman primates with psychophysical, electrophysiological and fMRI approaches,
Dr. Huk has made signicant, inuential and ground-breaking contributions to our
understanding of the neural mechanisms involved in motion processing and the use of
sensory information as a basis for perceptual decisions. His contributions are outstanding in their breadth as well as their impact on the eld and represent the uniqueness of
the VSS community to integrate behavioral and neural approaches to vision science.

Some new perspectives in the primate motion pathway

Sunday, May 8, 7:00 pm, Royal Palm 4-5

The dorsal (where) stream of visual processing in primates stands as one of the most fruitful domains for bridging
neural activity with perception and behavior. In early stages of cortical processing, neurophysiology and psychophysics
have elucidated the transformations from dynamic patterns of light falling upon the retinae, to simple 1D motion signals in primary visual cortex, and then to the disambiguated 2D motions of complex patterns and objects in the middle
temporal area (MT). In later stages, the motion signals coming from MT have been shown to be accumulated over time in
parietal areas such as LIP, and this decision-related activity has been quantitatively linked to behavioral outputs (i.e., the
speed and accuracy of perceptual decisions). In this talk, Ill revisit this pathway and suggest new functions in both the
visual and decision stages. In the rst part, Ill describe new results revealing how 3D motion is computed in the classic
V1-MT circuit. In the second part, Ill address whether LIP responses are really a neural correlate of perceptual decisionmaking, or instead reect a more general type of sensorimotor integration. These lines of work suggest that by building
on the already well-studied primate dorsal stream, both psychophysics and physiology can investigate richer perceptual
functions and entertain more complex underlying mechanisms.

Vision Sciences Society


Satellite Events
European Visual Neuroscience Summer
School Reunion

Saturday, May 7, 10:00 pm - 12:00 am, Royal Palm Foyer

Organizers: Paola Binda, Jan Brascamp, Chris Klink, Maria

Olkkonen, Martin Rolfs, Tom Wallis
A casual meet-up over drinks for alumni of the Rauischholzhausen Visual Neuroscience summer schools. Alumni
from all years are encouraged to attend. This will be a nice
opportunity to see whos at the meeting, and for different
generations of students to meet.
For more information, contact Paola Binda.

VVRC-CVS Social at VSS

Sunday, May 8, 10:00 pm 1:00 am

Vista Ballroom and Sunset Deck

Organizers: Jeff Schall, Vanderbilt University and Duje

Tadin, University of Rochester
Continuing the long tradition of social events organized
by the Vanderbilt Vision Research Center (VVRC) and the
University of Rochesters Center for Visual Science (CVS),
we invite all VSS attendees to the VVRC-CVS social at VSS.
The event will be held on Sunday, May 8th from 10:00
pm to 1:00 am in the Vista Ballroom at the Naples Grande
Resort. First 200 guests will receive a free drink ticket.

7th Annual Best Illusion of the Year


Monday, May 9, 5:00 7:00 pm (Doors open at 4:30 pm)

Philharmonic Center for the Arts
(Less than a 10 minute walk from the Naples Grande Hotel)

Organizer: Susana Martinez-Conde, Neural Correlate

The Best Illusion of the Year Contest
is a celebration of the ingenuity and
creativity of the worlds premier
illusion creators. Contestants from
all around the world have submitted novel illusions (unpublished, or
published no earlier than 2010), and
an international panel of judges has
narrowed them to the TOP TEN. At
the Contest Gala in the Naples Philharmonic Center for the Arts, the
top ten illusionists will present their
creations and the attendees of the event (that means YOU!)
will vote to pick the TOP THREE WINNERS!
The Amaz!ng Randi, the renowned magician, escapologist,
and skeptic, will give a presentation/magic performance
during the vote counting.
Everybody is invited and families are welcome! For more
information, see http://illusioncontest.neuralcorrelate.

Club Vision Dance Party

Tuesday, May 10, 10:00 pm 2:00 am, Vista Ballroom and Sunset Deck

Club Vision, held on the last night of the meeting, is the nal social event of VSS. The dance
party will once again feature Kevin Smith, one of Floridas most talented and requested DJs.
Kevin will offer a vast selection of music and special lighting effects to entertain and entice
attendees to the dance oor. You can submit song requests in advance by lling out a Song
Request form at the Registration Desk, or just talk to Kevin during the party.
The wearing of glowing or ashing accessories is a tradition for the party and we will again
be distributing free glow-in-the-dark necklaces and bracelets. Feel free to also bring your own
creative accessories.
Youll be happy to learn that weve negotiated reduced-priced drinks at the party.
Dont miss the highlight of the VSS social calendar. Well see you at Club Vision!


Vision Sciences Society

VSS 2011 Program

Fourth International Workshop on

Shape Perception in Human and
Computer Vision
Thursday, May 5, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm, Orchid Ballroom 3-4

Shape has been one of the most important aspects of

computer vision since the eld has been established. This
is hardly surprising, considering the fact that the shape of
an object carries rich information about the objects identity
and function. However, while shape formed the backbone
of most early recognition systems, the advent of appearance models in the 1990s drew the spotlight away from
shape. Only recently is shape starting to make a comeback
in the mainstream recognition community, with contours
once again starting to play a prominent role. Many classical topics, including shape hierarchies, contour-based
representations, perceptual grouping, and shape priors are
being revisited by todays researchers, often without the
hindsight of earlier foundational work in human and/or
computer vision.
This workshop will evaluate what we know about shape
now and what should be done next. It will bring together
prominent speakers from both human and computer vision
shape perception communities to reect on their experience
and identify future research directions.
This will be the fourth such multidisciplinary workshop
devoted specically to shape perception. The rst and third
workshops were held as a part of the European Conference
on Computer Vision (ECCV 2008 and 2010):
There, students and researchers in computer vision who
attended the workshop had the opportunity to learn of the
progress made by high-prole shape perception researchers in human vision and the challenges they face. These
workshops culminated with lively panel discussions which
attempted to explore what the two communities can learn
from each other and what the common issues are. These
workshops were a major success, drawing a large audience
to hear a set of outstanding invited speakers and an engaging discussion.
The second workshop was held in August, 2009 as part of
the European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP):
There, the situation was reversed, with students and
researchers in human vision having the opportunity to
learn of the progress made by high-prole shape perception researchers in computer vision and the challenges they
face. Following the same format as the other two workshops, the second workshop was again a major success.
The fourth workshop will resemble the second one, in that
a major human vision conference will be a forum of a multidisciplinary discussion of shape.

Satellite Events

Organization and Workshop Format

The format of the one-day workshop will be 12 invited
speakers (six human vision, six computer vision). Each
talk will last 25 minutes plus 5 minutes for discussion. The
speakers have been chosen to represent a broad cross-section of shape perception research, representing the major
paradigms in both the human and computer vision communities. Speakers will be encouraged to reect on their
experience, identify critical challenges, etc., rather than
present snapshots of their latest research results.

Sven Dickinson, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
Zygmunt Pizlo, Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA

9:00 am

Corrado Caudek, University of Florence

3D shape perception and action in the peripersonal space

9:30 am

Sinisa Todorovic, Oregon State University

Recognizing Human Activities by their SpaceTime Shapes

10:00 am Richard Murray, York University

3D shape perception: priors and contextual cues
10:30 am Coffee Break
11:00 am Song-Chun Zhu, UCLA
Object Representation: Structure vs. Appearance and 3D vs. 2D - an Information Theoretical
11:30 am Michael S. Lewicki,
Case Western Reserve University
Perceptual organization of boundaries in natural
12:00 pm Bjrn Ommer, University of Heidelberg
Beyond the Sum of Parts: Voting by Grouping
Dependent Image Fragments
12:30 pm Lunch
2:00 pm

Ken Nakayama, Harvard

Subjective Contours

2:30 pm

Ben Kimia, Brown University

Perceptual Fragments: Bottom-Up and TopDown Use of Shape in Object Recognition

3:00 pm

Rudiger von der Heydt, Johns Hopkins

Contour grouping in the visual cortex

3:30 pm

Coffee Break

4:00 pm

John Tsotsos, York University

Attending to Shape

4:30 pm

Edward H. Adelson, MIT

Surfaces, materials, and shape

5:00 pm

David Jacobs, University of Maryland

Understanding Shape by Comparing Images

5:30 pm

Panel Discussion

Vision Sciences Society


Elsevier/Vision Research Travel Awards

VSS congratulates this years recipients of the 2011 Elsevier/Vision Research Travel Awards.

Guy Ben-Yosef

Claudia Lunghi

Stefania Bracci

Diego Mendoza

Johan Carlin

Aidan P. Murphy

Department of Computer Science, Ben-Gurion University,

Advisor: Ohad Ben-Shahar
Northumbria University
Advisor: Magdalena Ietswaart
Medical Research Council Cognition and Brain Sciences
Unit, Cambridge, UK
Advisors: James Rowe, Andy Calder

Joshua Cosman

University of Iowa
Advisor: Shaun Vecera

Robert Ennis

SUNY College of Optometry

Advisors: Barry Lee, Qasim Zaidi

Edward Ester

University of Oregon
Advisor: Ed Awh

Stephanie C. Goodhew

University of Florence
Advisors: David C. Burr, Maria Concetta
McGill University
Advisor: Julio C. Martinez-Trujillo
University of Birmingham
Advisor: Andrew Welchman

Michela Panichi

Institute of Neuroscience, CNR Pisa

Advisor: Stefano Baldassi

Eric A. Reavis

Dartmouth College
Advisor: Peter Tse

Sarah Rosen

New York University

Advisor: Denis Pelli

Kristian Sandberg

University of Queensland
Advisor: Paul E. Dux

Aarhus University Hospital and University College

Advisor: Morten Overgaard

Renee Karas

Inna Tsirlin

Fumi Katsuki

Sara C. Verosky

Yaroslav Konar

Hua Yang

University of Melbourne
Advisor: Allison M. McKendrick
Wake Forest University School of Medicine
Advisor: Christos Constantinidis
McMaster University
Advisors: Allison B. Sekuler, Patrick J. Bennett


Vision Sciences Society

York University
Advisors: Laurie Wilcox, Robert S. Allison
Princeton University
Advisors: Alexander Todorov, Nick Turk-Browne
Dartmouth College
Advisor: Ming Meng

Student Events
Student Career Development Workshop Open House for Graduate Students and
Sunday, May 8, 12:45 - 1:30 pm, Acacia 4-6
Postdoctoral Fellows
Chair: Andrew Welchman, Birmingham University

9:30 - 10:30 pm, Acacia 4-6

After a brief presentation by Dr. Welchman the oor will

be open for questions and discussion. Dr. Welchman will
cover topics related to making career choices during the
transition from Ph.D. student to PostDoc and how to plan
your PostDoc period. Several other senior scientists will
participate: Alex Huk, University of Texas at Austin, Anya
Hurlbert, University of Newcastle upon Tyne and Cathleen
Moore, University of Iowa.

Students and postdocs comprise more than half of the

attendees at VSS. Last year at VSS 2010, approximately 60
student and postdoc members met with members of the
VSS Board of Directors for an informal discussion. The idea
for the Student workshops came out of that meeting as did
many other suggestions, some of which are being implemented at this years meeting.

Student Publishing Workshop

We look forward to another informative exchange this

year. The Open House immediately precedes Club Vision.

Sunday, May 8, 12:45 - 1:30 pm, Mangrove 1-2

Chair: Andrew B. Watson, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of

This workshop will start with a brief overview. Andrew
Watson will present some advice on how to select the right
journal for your publication, how to visually present your
data most effectively, and how to efciently manage the
reviewing process. Several other leading scientists will be
available for questions and discussion: Marty Banks, University of California, Berkeley, Concetta Morrone, University of Pisa and Cong Yu, Beijing Normal University.

Vision Sciences Society


The 2011 VSS Public Lecture

Jeremy Wolfe
Harvard Medical School
Jeremy Wolfe became
interested in visual perception during the course of
a summer job at Bell Labs
in New Jersey after his
senior year in high school.
He graduated summa
cum laude from Princeton
in 1977 with a degree in
Psychology and went on
to obtain his PhD in 1981
from MIT, studying with
Richard Held. His PhD
thesis was entitled On
Binocular Single Vision.
Wolfe remained at MIT as a lecture, assistant professor,
and associate professor until 1991. During that period, he
published papers on binocular rivalry, visual aftereffects,
and accommodation. In the late 1980s, the focus of the lab
shifted to visual attention. Since that time, he has published
numerous articles on visual search and visual attention. He
is, perhaps, best known for the development of the Guided
Search theory of visual search. In 1991, Wolfe moved to
Brigham and Womens Hospital where he is Director of the
Visual Attention Lab and of the Radiology Departments
Center for Advanced Medical Imaging. He is Professor of
Ophthalmology and Radiology at Harvard Medical School.
At present, the Visual Attention Lab works on basic
problems in visual attention and their application to such
problems as airport security and medical screening. The lab
is funded by the US National Institutes of Health, Ofce of
Naval Research, and Department of Homeland Security.
The Center for Advanced Medical Imaging is devoted to
understanding and improving the consumption of images
in clinical radiology.
Wolfe has taught Introductory Psychology, Psychology and
Literature, and Sensation and Perception at MIT & Harvard and other universities. He is the Editor of the journal,
Attention, Perception and Psychophysics (AP&P, formerly
P&P). Wolfe is Past-President of the Eastern Psychological Association and President of Division 3 of the Ameri-


Vision Sciences Society

can Psychological Association. He is chair of the Soldier

Systems Panel of the Army Research Lab Technical Assessment Board (NRC). He won the Baker Memorial Prize for
teaching at MIT in 1989. He is a fellow of the American
Assoc. for the Advancement of Science, the American Psychological Association (Div. 3 & 6), the American Psychological Society, and a member of the Society for Experimental Psychologists. He lives in Newton, Mass. with his wife,
Julie Sandell (Professor of Neuroanatomy and Assoc. Provost at Boston U.). has three sons (Benjamin - 24, Philip - 22,
and Simon - 15), a cat, two snakes, and occasional mice.

The Salami at the Airport: Visual Search

Gets Real
Saturday, May 7, 10:00 11:30 am,
Renaissance Academy of Florida Gulf Coast University
We are built to search. Our ancestors foraged for food.
We search for pens, keys, and cars in parking lots. Some
searches are hard and important: think about the search
for cancer in x-rays or security threats in luggage. We are
remarkably good at search. How do you mange to nd the
cornstarch in the cupboard? However, we are not as good
as we would like to be. How could you miss something
(like a gun or a tumor) that is, literally, right in front of
your eyes? How might we reduce errors in socially important search tasks?

The VSS Public Lecture is jointly sponsored by VSS and the

Renaissance Academy of Florida Gulf Coast University
The annual public lecture represents the mission and commitment of the Vision Sciences Society to promote progress in understanding vision, and its relation to cognition,
action and the brain. Education is basic to our science, and
as scientists we are obliged to communicate the results of
our work, not only to our professional colleagues but to the
broader public. This lecture is part of our effort to give back
to the community that supports us.

Attendee Resources
Abstract Book

A printed Abstract book is no longer provided to each

attendee. Printed Abstract books are available for purchase
for $12 or you can download an electronic copy in PDF
format from the VSS website. See the Registration Desk.

Airport Transportation

VSS has arranged for discounted transportation from Fort

Meyers airport to the meeting hotels. Service will be provided by Naples Transportation, Tours & Event Planning
(NTT&EP) and is available beginning on Wednesday, May
4 through Thursday, May 12.
The one-way VSS fare is $30/person each way plus a 15%
driver gratuity. The airport shuttle will be available within
the hours of 9:00 am and 9:00 pm on arrival days and
within the hours of 4:00 am and 4:00 pm on departure days.
Roundtrip purchase is not required. Tickets must be purchased a minimum of three days in advance. Individuals
from VSS 2011 will be grouped together for transportation.
Transportation drop-offs (and pick-ups) will include The
Naples Grande Beach Resort, The Edgewater Beach Hotel,
the Hilton Naples, the Staybridge Hotel, the Park Shore
Resort and the Residence Inn.
To contact NTT&EP, call 239.262.3006.


An ATM is located in the main lobby of the hotel.

Baggage Check

Bags can be checked with the Bell hop in the main lobby.

Bike Rentals

In the past few years, bikes have become a popular mode of

transportation between the Naples Grande and the overow hotels. The Naples Grande has set up a special bike
parking area on the rst level of the garage for VSS bikes.
Here is information on two local bike rental companies:
Big Mommas Bicycles (www.bigmommasbicycles.com)
is conveniently located down the street from the Naples
Grande, less than a mile from the Naples Grande. Bikes can
be rented by the day or by the week - delivery & pick-up
are available. For reservations, call 239-263-0728 or after
hours call or text 239-734-7734. Amy from Big Mommas
will be glad to assist you with anything from late pickups
to a at tire!
Trek (www.trekbikesorida.com) is located a few miles
from the Naples Grande. Bikes can be rented by the day
or by the week and Trek has offered to deliver bikes to the

Naples Grande for VSS attendees. For reservations, call

866-876-4858. For online reservations, go to: www.trekbikesorida.com/products/rentals.

Business Center

The Business Center is located in the Orchid Foyer.

Child Care

The Naples Grande invites children between the ages of 4

and 12 to experience arts and crafts, sports, water activities
and fun-lled games amidst the resorts beautiful natural
setting. 1/2 day, full-day and extended day sessions are
Open to all VSS attendees. You need NOT be staying at the
Naples Grande for your children to take advantage of this
Reservations can be made by calling the Naples Grande
Kids Club at 239.597.3232, ext. 5612.
Morning Session: 8:15 am 1:00 pm
Morning session includes a trip through the winding mangrove forest for a visit to the secluded beach, a variety of
activities and lunch at the beach. Cost: $44 per child
Afternoon Session: 1:00 4:30 pm
Afternoon session includes swimming and activities at the
Mangrove Mountain Pool, arts and crafts and a tasty treat.
(bring swimsuit for afternoon session) Cost: $39 per child
Extended Afternoon: 1:00 7:00 pm
Cost: $80 per child
Full Day: 8:15 am 4:30 pm
Cost is $69 per child.
Extended Day: 8:15 am 7:00 pm
Cost: $150 per child
Kids Night Out: 6:00 9:00 pm
Kids Night Out offers a themed evening party for kids 4
- 12 including dinner, games, activities and a movie.
Cost: $49 a child
Kids Club is available on the following days:
Friday, May 6
Afternoon session, 1:00 4:30 pm
Extended Afternoon, 1:00 7:00 pm
Kids Night Out, 6:00 9:00 pm
Note: The Evening Poster Session and Reception is
6:45 - 9:30 pm

Vision Sciences Society


Attendee Resources

Saturday, May 7
Morning session, 8:15 am 1:00 pm
Afternoon session, 1:00 4:30 pm
Extended Afternoon, 1:00 7:00 pm
Full Day, 8:15 am 4:30 pm
Extended Day, 8:15 am 7:00 pm
Kids Night Out, 6:00 9:00 pm
Note: The Keynote Address is 7:00 - 8:15 pm
Sunday, May 8
Morning session, 8:15 am 1:00 pm
Afternoon session, 1:00 4:30 pm
Extended Afternoon, 1:00 7:00 pm
Full Day, 8:15 am 4:30 pm
Extended Day, 8:15 am 7:00 pm
Monday, May 9
Morning session, 8:15 am 1:00 pm
Tuesday, May 10
Morning session, 8:15 am 1:00 pm
Afternoon session, 1:00 4:30 pm
Extended Afternoon, 1:00 7:00 pm
Full Day, 8:15 am 4:30 pm
Extended Day, 8:15 am 7:00 pm
Wednesday, May 11
Morning session, 8:15 am 1:00 pm
The Naples Grande Kids Club is operated by the Naples
Grande Hotel. VSS provides information for those who are

Copying and Printing

Copying and printing can be done at the Business Center,

located in the Orchid Foyer.
The nearest FedEx Kinkos is approximately 2.5 miles away
at 890 Neapolitan Way (cross street Tamiami Trail).
A printer will be available in the Cyber Vision Internet Caf
located in the Banyan 1-2 meeting room.


Photography, audio taping, video recording, digital taping,

or any other form of duplication, is strictly prohibited in
the sessions and poster areas.

Fitness Center

The Fitness Center is open 24 hours a day and is available

to ALL VSS attendees. See the Reception desk if you are not
staying at the Naples Grande Resort and would like access
to the Fitness Center.


Vision Sciences Society

VSS 2011 Program

Food Service/Catering

Complimentary coffee and tea, and a light continental

breakfast will be available each morning in the Royal Palm
Foyer. Coffee, tea, and refreshments will also be served
each afternoon between afternoon talk sessions.
VSS provides a reception and one dinner. Opening Night
Reception is on Friday night, during the rst poster session. Each attendee is given two free drink tickets good
on this night only. Appetizers will also be served. A full
dinner is provided to all attendees on Demo Night.
The VSS schedule gives a generous two-hour lunch period
to take advantage of the beautiful surroundings and
amenities of the Naples Grande Resort. All Naples Grande
facilities are open to all VSS attendees and their guests.
Grab a lunch and walk down the path through the natural
mangrove estuary to enjoy a break at the beach.
VSS Marketplace
The VSS Marketplace, located on the ballroom level
between the Royal Palm and Orchid foyers, offers a selection of reasonably-priced breakfast, lunch and snack items.
All items are between $1 and $6.
Open Friday, 11:00 am - 3:00 pm; Saturday through Tuesday, 7:30 am 3:00 pm. Wednesday, 7:30 - noon.
Located in the resort lobby, Spressi offers a selection of hot
coffee drinks and teas, light breakfast and lunch fare to go.
Open 6:00 am 9:00 pm
Paradise Grill
Located at the beach, serving salads, sandwiches, snacks
and refreshing beverages. Open 11:00 am 5:00 pm for
food, and 11:00 am to sunset for beverages.
Palm Terrace Pool Bar & Grill
Informal poolside bar serving salads, sandwiches, hamburgers and snacks. Open 11:00 am 5:00 pm for food, and
11:00 am 6:00 pm for beverages.
Aura Restaurant
Located in the resort lobby, featuring innovative and sumptuous menus for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Open 7:00 am 12:00 pm daily for breakfast. $15 breakfast
buffet offered daily
Open 12:00 3:00 pm daily for lunch.
Open 6:00 10:00 pm daily for dinner.
Aura Bar
Bar is open 12:00 pm-12:00 am daily.

VSS 2011 Program

Attendee Resources



Guests must register at the VSS Registration Desk upon

arrival and must be accompanied by the VSS attendee.
Guests must wear a badge for entrance into the session
they attend and for social events as well.

Pool & Beach

Guests are allowed complimentary entry into one VSS session to see the poster or talk of the person they are guests

Guests are welcome at all social functions (Club Vision,

Friday Night Reception and Demo Night). Fees for guests
to eat at Demo Night: Adults $25; Youth 6-12 $10; Children
under 6 free.

Internet Access

VSS provides free wireless Internet access on the Ballroom

level. You must enter the access code 1657VSS to access the
wireless Internet. This code must be entered each day.
The Naples Grande Hotel provides wireless Internet access
on the Lobby level of the hotel (in the lobby and restaurant
areas). No access code is required.
If you did not bring your own computer, a limited number
of laptop computers with free Internet access are available
for your use in the Cyber Vision Internet Caf located in
the Banyan meeting room on the Ballroom level. A printer
is also available in the Banyan meeting room.
If you are a VSS attending staying at the Naples Grande
Hotel, then free Internet access is also available in your
guest room.

Lost and Found

Lost and found is located at the Registration Desk in the

Royal Palm Foyer.

Complimentary self-parking is available inside the garage

of the Naples Grande Resort. Turn right off of the main
entrance driveway, then look for the parking garage
entrance on your left. Overow parking is available on
Seagate Drive.
All hotel facilities accessible without a room key are available to all VSS attendees and their guests. Clam Pass beach
is a public beach available to everyone. Free electric carts
run continuously from the hotel to the beach and back.


To ship your poster or other items home from the meeting ask for the Concierge at the front desk of the Naples

VSS Trolley Shuttle

An evening trolley will run between the Naples Grande

Resort and downtown Naples (with several stops in
between). The shuttle is complimentary to VSS attendees
and guests, and will run approximately every 30 minutes
from Saturday through Tuesday. The shuttle will also run
on Monday afternoon. A schedule and map can be found in
your tote bag or you can pick up a copy at the Registration

How to Contact Us

If you need to reach VSS meeting personnel while at the

meeting, call ext. 6088 from a house phone, or from outside
the hotel, call 239-597-3232, ext. 6088.

Message Center

Messages for registrants can be left and retrieved at the

Registration Desk. A bulletin board will be available in the
Royal Palm Foyer for announcements and job postings.

Vision Sciences Society


VSS recognizes the following companies who are exhibiting
at VSS 2011. Thank you for your participation and support.

Cambridge Research Systems

Exhibit Hours

Cambridge Research Systems provides a range of novel

solutions for vision science and human brain mapping.

Friday, May 6, 5:45 9:30 pm

Saturday, May 7, 8:15 am 6:30 pm
Sunday, May 8, 8:15 am 6:30 pm
Monday, May 9, 8:15 am 12:15 pm
Tuesday, May 10, 8:15 am 7:00 pm
All exhibits are located in the Orchid Foyer.

Applied Science Laboratories

Booth 1

As one of the premier eye tracking companies, ASL has

been credited for the immense progress they have made
in eye tracking technologies, being the rst to pioneer
many innovations that are now industry standards. ASLs
innovative spirit continues to ourish, offering the broadest
and most comprehensive line of video based eye trackers
and analysis software on the market today. Due to their
broad range of products, ASL is ideal for various research
projects ranging from academic studies to market research.
ASLs manufacturing facility is located in the USA allowing
them to accommodate custom eye tracking requirements
in a timely and professional manner. In addition to their
quality eye tracking hardware and analysis software, ASL
has been recognized for their superior, long-term customer
service and technical support. www.asleyetracking.com

Arrington Research, Inc.

Booth 7

220 Hz ViewPoint EyeTracker systems from Arrington

Research are now shipping. All systems include a Software
Developers Kit (SDK), real-time Ethernet communication, built-in stimulus presentation, post-hoc data analysis
tools, a MATLAB toolbox, many other 3rd Party product
interfaces and examples. Great for both human and nonhuman primates and can be provided with Analog and
TTL communication to ensure seamless communication
with your existing equipment. ViewPoint EyeTracker
systems are the easiest and best value available and include
light-weight head mounted, HMD and head xed systems.
Arrington Research has been providing reliable affordable
eye trackersfor the research market worldwide for almost
15 years. Please visit www.ArringtonResearch.com for
more details.


Vision Sciences Society

Booth 2

We are pleased to announce our agreement with BARCO

to supply their latest Reference Monitor which we think
is ideal for present calibrated colour stimuli. The monitor
can be integrated with the new Bits#, ViSaGe MKII or your
own DVI graphics system. Ask us about what makes their
cutting edge display technology suitable for your research.
Bits# (Bits Sharp) unites trusted CRS hardware features for
high resolution calibrated stimulus display and synchronous data collection with community supported tools like
Psychtoolbox-3 and PsychoPy. If you have a ViSaGe of any
vintage, talk to us about how you can convert your device
to the Bits# platform.
BOLDscreen is our new high brightness, high contrast,
high resolution, MRI-compatible LCD monitor. The monitor is designed by CRS for scientic applications: it has a
programmable LED backlight and a lag-free light output
which is synchronous to the video input. The equipment is
portable, easy to setup right at the rear of the bore and produces no interference in 3T functional sequences. We also
provide MRI-compatible eye tracking, a range of response
devices (e.g. button boxes and joysticks), plus accessories
like MRI-compatible spectacles.
To nd out more, talk to Steve Elliott during VSS and visit
our website: www.crsltd.com

The MIT Press

Booth 3

Please come by The MIT Press booth to see our newest and
classic vision titles and receive a 30% discount on all titles

Oxford University Press

Booth 12

Visit the Oxford booth for 20% off on Adams: Social Vision;
Bar: Predictions in the Brain; Bub: Perceptual Expertise;
Breitmeyer: Blindspots; Hansen: MEG; Snowden: Basic
Vision; Oakes: Early Perceptual and Cognitive Development; and many others.

VSS 2011 Program


Sensics, Inc.

Tobii Technology

Sensics offers lightweight professional head mounted

Displays (HMDs) that combine panoramic eld of view,
high resolution and comfort. The unique Sensics technology delivers stunning image quality, unmatched immersion and realism. Commonly-used Sensics HMDs include
a single OLED based 60/70 degree Field of View (FOV)
device with 1280x1024 resolution and a 120x45 degree
FOV device with 1920x1080 resolution. Higher-end models
are also available. Sensics also offers low latency wireless
HMDs as well as Augmented Reality HMDs. The level of
immersion, eld of view and resolution offered by Sensics
products have made them the research tool of choice in
leading universities worldwide.

Tobii Technology is the world leader in hardware and

software solutions for eye tracking, enabling a computer to
tell exactly where a person is looking and thereby offering new powerful ways to understand human behavior.
Products are used in hundreds of leading research labs
worldwide, in domains such as development psychology,
human computer interaction research, industrial design
and advertising research, cognitive psychology, ophthalmology, neurophysiology and reading studies.

Booth 5

SMI Eye & Gaze Tracking

Booth 11

SMI designs advanced video eye tracking systems that

combine ease of use and exibility with advanced technology. SMI products offer the ability to measure gaze
position, saccades, xations, pupil size, torsion, etc. This
includes fully remote systems, binocular high-speed/highprecision, and fMRI/MEG compatible systems. Experiment
Center 360 continues to serve researchers, corporations
and consultants worldwide by offering a simple solution to
stimulus presentation, data acquisition and analysis.

SR Research Ltd.
Booth 6

SR Research, maker of the world leading EyeLink HighSpeed eye tracker line, have been developing advanced
eye tracking technologies and serving world class support
to our researcher user base since 1992. Now offering the
worlds rst 1000 Hz eye tracker for use in MRI and MEG
environments, this same core device can be cost effectively
congured to be used in standard lab environments as
well. Why buy multiple eye trackers when you may only
need one! Visit our both for more information and a discussion of existing installations.
Please visit http://www.sr-research.com for details on our
eye tracking hardware and software product range, including the latest Experiment Builder software, now supporting
both Windows and Mac OS X! We will also be demonstrating integration with the new cutting edge hardware made
by VPixx Technologies, including their Response Pads and
the DATAPixx real-time hardware toolbox.

Booth 8

The company is based in Stockholm, Sweden, with

branches in the US and Germany. Products are sold
directly and through resellers and partners worldwide.
Visit www.tobii.com for more information.

VPixx Technologies Inc.

Booth 13

VPixx Technologies welcomes the vision community to

VSS 2011, and is excited to demonstrate our new VIEWPixx LCD display. The VIEWPixx has been designed and
constructed according to the specications of the vision
science community, and has a unique combination of
features including high bit depth, 1920x1200 resolution,
120 Hz refresh rate, and deterministic display timing. In
addition, the VIEWPixx includes an embedded DATAPixx
data acquisition system, permitting microsecond synchronization between visual stimulation and other types of I/O
including audio stimulation, button box input, TTL trigger
output, analog acquisition, LCD stereo goggles, and more!
The VIEWPixx is supported by the PsychToolbox under
Matlab and free open-source Octave. Visit our booth to see
the VIEWPixx, the DATAPixx, and our new fMRI-compatible ber-optic response pads. VPixx Technologies will be
hosting the third annual response-time showdown during
demo night this year. The demo is a simple game in which
you must press a red or green button as fast as you can
when the button lights up and you hear a beep. Do it well,
and win a prize!

Booth 9

WorldViz is an industry leader in interactive virtual reality

solutions. The companys agship products are VIZARD,
the VR communities favored interactive 3D content
creation software, and PPT X4, the most cost effective
wide-area tracking system currently available. WorldViz
provides high quality, low-cost immersive 3D products to
researchers, educators, designers, manufacturers, and other
professionals, integrating all common VR products on the
market and delivering complete turnkey solutions.

Vision Sciences Society


9th Annual VSS Dinner and Demo Night

Monday, May 9, 7:00 10:00 pm

A New Method to Induce Phantom Limbs

Buffet Dinner: 7:00 9:00 pm

Vista Ballroom, Sunset Deck and Mangrove Pool

Elizabeth Seckel, V.S. Ramachandran, and Beatrix

Krause, UCSD; Claude Miller, UCLA

Demos: 7:30 10:00 pm

Royal Palm 4-5 and Acacia Meeting Rooms

If one is dark adapted, a brief, bright ash may bleach the

photoreceptors, allowing whatever is seen during the ash
to be imprinted on the retinas for several seconds. By
uncoupling visual feedback from proprioception, we will
give you the experience of phantom limbs!

Please join us Monday evening for the 9th Annual VSS

Demo Night, a spectacular night of imaginative demos
solicited from VSS members. The demos highlight the
important role of visual displays in vision research and
This year, Arthur Shapiro, Dejan Todorovic, and Gideon
Caplovitz are co-curators for Demo Night.
New This Year - We are pleased to announce that ViperLib
is sponsoring a best demo for ViperLib prize. Thanks in
part to the generosity of ECVP, the best demo (or two) will
be awarded the honor of being featured on ViperLib and
will receive 100 Euros or Pounds Sterling. (The winner gets
to decide on their currency of preference).
Buffet dinner is served on the Sunset Terrace, Sunset Deck
and Mangrove Pool. Demos are located upstairs on the
ballroom level in the Royal Palm 4-5 and Acacia Meeting
Be sure to visit the exhibitor area in the Orchid Foyer as
some exhibitors have also prepared special demos for
Demo Night.
Demo Night is free for all registered VSS attendees. Meal
tickets are not required, but you must wear your VSS
badge for entry to the Dinner Buffet. Guests and family
members of all ages are welcome to attend the demos but
must purchase a ticket for dinner. You can register your
guests at any time during the meeting at the VSS Registration Desk, located in the Royal Palm Foyer. A desk will also
be set up at the entrance to the dinner in the Vista Ballroom
at 6:30 pm.

Guest prices
Adults: $25
Youth (6-12 years old): $10
Children under 6: free

A Gilbert Stuart Portrait of You

Krista Ehinger, MIT; Eric Altschuler, MD, PhD, New Jersey
Medical School

Gilbert Stuart (1755-1828) painted the rst ve US Presidents who died before photography, and also President
John Quincy Adams (1767-1848) who was photographed.
We appreciated such portrait/photograph pairs as a
Rosetta Stone to the pre-photography era, and created
a model to obtain photographic representations for those
never photographed. We reverse the model to make
Gilbert Stuart portraits from photos of attendees.

Vision Sciences Society

Bend it like Beckham

Kurt Debono, Alexander C. Schtz, and Karl R. Gegenfurtner,
Justus Liebig University, Giessen, Germany

A pursued target travelling in a straight line on a moving

background appears to initially move in the direction of the
background before bending towards its veridical direction.
The illusion occurs when a peripheral marker is aligned
with background motion, and breaks down when it is
aligned with target direction.

Blink-Induced-Blindness (BIB) in MultipleObject-Tracking (MOT) shows when vision does

not extrapolate
Deborah J. Aks, Hristyian Kourtev, Harry Haladjian, and Zenon
Pylyshyn, Rutgers University; Jiye Shen, SR-Research Ltd.

Do we predict where moving objects reappear when MOT

is interrupted? Our blink-contingent demonstration suggests not. When tracking objects that stop during eyeblinks, motion-discontinuities are indistinguishable from
continuous motion. Not only do paths appear surprisingly
smooth, but tracking is easier. Thus, both percept and performance are not predicted by extrapolation.

Class A procedure for measuring visual aftereffects

Qasim Zaidi and Rob Ennis, Graduate Center for Vision
Research SUNY College of Optometry

You will see how to make objective measures of the magnitudes of aftereffects of color, brightness, motion, tilt,
spatial-frequency, size, and other visual qualities, using
identity judgments on time-varying stimuli. You will also
see how you can take this method and apply it to simultaneous adaptation along multiple qualities.

Color Rotation and Expansion/Contraction

Max R. Drsteler, University Hospital Zurich

A slowly rotating color wheel with alternating sectors

painted in isoluminant colors is perceived as standing still
in the presence of a stationary luminance mask.

VSS 2011 Program

Rings painted in isoluminant colors are alternating expanding or contracting. When shown behind a stationary luminance mask, the precept of expansion or contraction is lost.

Colorful demonstrations of perceptual

Orit Baruch, University of Haifa

Several perceptual phenomena are demonstrated in paintings. It is demonstrated that our perceptual tendencies
obscure other alternatives which may be present in the

Dichoptic Completion
Gao Meng, School of Medicine, Tsinghua University,
Beijing, China; Li Zhaoping, Department of Computer
Science, University College London
We named the illusion dichoptic completion, when two
very different images in the two eyes are seen simultaneously or complement each other, rather than rivaling
against each other, or averaging in perception.

Dyops (short for Dynamic Optotypes) as

a revolutionary new method for determining
visual acuity
Allan Hytowitz, Animated Vision Associates, LLC; John Hayes,
Yu-Chi Tai, Sung Ouk Jang, James Sheedy, Vision Performance
Institute, College of Optometry, Pacific University

A constantly rotating segmented image provides a precise

measure of acuity based upon the maximum distance for
detection of that image rotation as determined by the angular size of that image.

Exorcist 2011 - Combining the hollow-face

and hollow-torso illusions
Thomas V. Papathomas and Tom Grace, Rutgers Unversity

9th Annual VSS Dinner and Demo Night

Infinite X: Illusions of perpetual increases in

Mark W. Schurgin, Brian R. Levinthal, Alexandra List, Aleksandra Sherman, Satoru Suzuki, Marcia Grabowecky, and Steven
L. Franconeri, Northwestern University, Psychology

We present a modication of two- and four-stroke motion

that creates a sense of perpetual change in more abstract
dimensions, such as size and emotion. This experience is
highly sensitive to the timing of a blank frame or reversal
of polarity. Furthermore, pausing our animations produces
a robust after-effect.

Launching apparent motion: The Michotte gun

Sung-Ho Kim, Jacob Feldman, and Manish Singh, Rutgers

We will demonstrate that the perception of causality can

affect apparent motion. Perceived causality can resolve a
motion correspondence problem, and also bias the paths of
moving objects.

Lifestyle and its impact on your face

David Perrett, Ross Whitehead, David Hunter, Carmen LeFervre, and Dan Re, University of St Andrews

We show visitors how lifestyle affect their face own appearance. Facial fatness predicts current illnesses and early
mortality. Smoking and sun exposure hasten age-related
skin wrinkling and uneven pigmentation. Increasing fruit
and vegetables consumption and exercise benet health
and modify skin colour in ways that enhance healthy

Meet a robot that navigates and sees as we do

Yunfeng Li and Tadamasa Sawada, Purdue University; Meng Yi
and Longin Jan Latecki, Temple University; TaeKyu Kwon and
Yun Shi, Purdue University; Robert M. Steinman, University of
Maryland; Zygmunt Pizlo, Purdue University

Hollow masks appear as normal convex faces (hollowmask illusion) and move as viewers move in front of them.
We combine hollow masks and bollow (convex) torsos.
The result is a compelling illusion: torsos and masks rotate
in opposite directions; necks twist in a spectacular fashion
(Exorcist illusion).

We will demonstrate a seeing robot, who can: (i) solve the

gure-ground organization problem, (ii) navigate within a
3D scene, and (ii) recover 3D shapes of objects.

How Does the Brain Determine Size? A Size

Weight Shape Illusion

Matthias Pusch and Paul Elliott, WorldViz

Elizabeth Seckel, UCSD; Edward M Hubbard, Vanderbilt; Eric

L Altschuler, New Jersey Medical School; VS Ramachandran,

120 years ago Charpentier described a remarkable effect: a

larger object feels lighter than a smaller object of the same
scale-weight. But how does the brain determine size.
Using sets of discs and annuli attendees can experience for
themselves that the brain uses only the largest diameter to
determine size.

Minimap based navigation with high-fidelity

virtual reality.
Literally walk through high-delity virtual environments
in full scale and experience a stunning sense of immersion. With the new WorldViz minimap implementation,
you can intuitively move yourself to any location and
easily explore arbitrarily large virtual spaces, while using
only a small physical footprint. Simply don a stereoscopic
head-mounted display and youre free to walk and explore
naturally. Interact with virtual objects using the WorldViz
PPT Wand hand interaction device.

Vision Sciences Society


9th Annual VSS Dinner and Demo Night

Motion aftereffect from an image that isnt

moving, on a test image that isnt there
Mark Georgeson, Aston University, UK

You adapt briey to sine gratings whose contrast reverses

in sawtooth fashion over time. Stationary test gratings then
appear to be drifting. Then, on a completely blank screen,
you will see gratings moving in the opposite direction.
The effects reect spatial and temporal gradient lters in
motion encoding (Anstis, 1990).

New Star Trek Illusion

Li Li and Diederick Niehorster, and Joseph Cheng, Department of Psychology, The University of Hong Kong; Sieu Khuu,
School of Optometry, University of New South Wales, Australia

We will show how the perceived direction of self-motion

specied by the motion signal in a radial ow pattern (like
in Star Trek movies) can be biased toward the center of
a static radial form pattern composed of dot pairs. Furthermore, we will show how this bias can be reduced by
reducing the global form coherence of the static radial form

Spinning Ellipses
Gideon Paul Caplovitz and Kyle Killebrew, University of Nevada

Who says spinning an ellipse has to be boring?

The disembodied eye

Jordan Suchow and Maryam Vaziri-Pashkam, and Ken
Nakayama, Department of Psychology, Harvard University

When looking at an upside down face, the eyes eventually

appear to ip right-side up, giving the eery impression
that they no longer belong to the face. The same is true of a

The Emotion Mirror: A Novel Intervention for

Facial Expression Production and Perception
Training for Children with Autism
Dave Deriso and Josh Susskind, UCSD; Jim Tanaka, UV; John
Herrington and Bob Schultz, CHOP; Marian Bartlett, UCSD

We will present a novel use of machine learning and computer vision to aid in the treatment of autism. This demo
is an intervention game where cartoon characters mimic
facial expressions in real-time to improve the ability of children to produce basic emotion facial expressions.

The Flickering Wheel

Rodika Sokoliuk and Ramakrishna Chakravarthi, Centre de
Recherche Cerveau et Cognition, Toulouse

We will present a new dynamic illusion: The Flickering

Wheel, a way to visually experience your brain oscillations.
The static circular stimulus, built up of alternating black
and white sectors, elicits a ickering sensation in its center
which is caused by an interaction between eye movements
and alpha oscillations.

Vision Sciences Society

VSS 2011 Program

The Floating Light

Martin Rolfs, New York University, Department of Psychology;
Maryam Vaziri Pashkam, Harvard University, Vision Sciences

A bright object in a dim frame dramatically shifts position

when both are set in motion, breaking the law of common
fate. In a three-dimensional setup, either the stimulus set
or the observers will move. We will also illustrate disturbingly strong versions of the related Hess-, Pulfrich- and

The Incredible Shrinking Peter Illusion

Stuart Anstis, UC San Diego

Reverse phi makes an image of Pete Thompson continually shrink while SA continually expands, though neither
changes in mean size. Pete Thompson will dobtless award
this his Viperlib prize.

The Leaning Tower Illusion: a 2D illusion?

Aaron Johnson and Bruno Richard, Concordia University

The Leaning Tower Illusion occurs when an image of a

tower appears lopsided when placed next to a copy of
itself. In this demo, we show that the illusion does not exist
when real towers are placed next to each other, but does
exist when viewed on a 2D screen.

The Speed Illusion of Trains

James Lu and Anthony Chen, University High School

In this demo, we show that if you have two objects moving

at the same speed, the closer one will appear to be moving
faster than the one further away.

Transilience Induced Blindness and Selective

Filling-in of Artificial Scotoma
Seiichiro Naito, Makoto Katsumura and Ryo Shohara, Human
and Information Science, Tokai University, Japan

The large MIB target gure would disappear. We devised

the novel inducing stimuli. The MIB target has been identied as the perceptual or articial scotoma. We found that
any uniform color would ll-in, Neither simple line segments passing under the targets nor ne textures could
never ll in.

Unpredictable slopes
Elnaz Nouri, University of Southern California; Mouna Attarha,
The University of Iowa

Careful with the slopes! Here, we will show you that surfaces arranged in particular ways trick the visual system
into miscalculating the ow of water. Come over to learn

VSS 2011 Program

9th Annual VSS Dinner and Demo Night

Vectorized LITE
Kenneth Brecher, Boston University

We will show fully vectorized images we have constructed

based on visually striking art works, such as Isia Leviants
Enigma, Bridget Rileys Fall and Reginald Neals
Squares of Two where sharp, large format printing
enhances the psychophysical phenomena. The PDFs can be
found at: http://lite.bu.edu.

What do deforming shapes teach us about 3-D

Anshul Jain and Qasim Zaidi, Graduate Center for
Vision Research, SUNY College of Optometry
You will judge the aspect ratios of exing and rigid 3-D cylinders to test your ability to extract structure from motion
without rigidity assumptions. You will also see how rotating symmetric cylinders around oblique axes creates asymmetric percepts corresponding to asymmetries in the image
velocity pattern.

What right angle bias?

Lydia Maniatis, American University

The impression of pictorial depth is often attributed to a

bias for perceiving right angles and/or parallel lines. This
demo was designed to show that a gure may produce
depth effects despite the absence of both of these features
in the percept.

Vision Sciences Society


Member-Initiated Symposia
See the Abstracts book for the full symposium description
and the text of each presentation. Symposium rooms have
limited capacity and ll up quickly, so plan to arrive early.

Mechanisms of adaptation of spiking activity and local eld

potentials in macaque inferior temporal cortex

Schedule Overview

fMRI-Adaptation in Human Ventral Temporal Cortex: Regional

Differences Across Time Scales

Friday, May 7, 12:00 2:00 pm

S1 Mechanisms of adaptation in different visual cortical areas:
electrophysiology, functional imaging and computational modeling, Royal Palm 1-3
S2 Models of Perceptual Learning: Combining Psychophysics,
Computation and Neuroscience, Royal Palm 4-5
S3 Perception of Emotion from Body Expression: Neural basis
and computational mechanisms, Royal Palm 6-8

Friday, May 7, 2:30 4:30 pm

S4 Ongoing uctuation of neural activity and its relationship to
visual perception, Royal Palm 1-3
S5 Prediction in Visual Processing, Royal Palm 4-5
S6 Integrating local motion information, Royal Palm 6-8

Run Vogels, Department Neuroscience, K.U. Leuven Medical School,

Leuven, Belgium

Kalanit Grill-Spector, Dept. of Psychology & Neurosciences Institute,

Stanford University

Mechanisms of repetition suppression in models, monkeys, and

humans: A case for greater efciency through enhanced synchronization

Stephen J. Gotts, Laboratory of Brain and Cognition, NIMH/NIH, Bethesda


Models of Perceptual Learning: Combining

Psychophysics, Computation and Neuroscience
Friday, May 6, 12:00 - 2:00 pm, Royal Palm 4-5


Organizer: Alexander A. Petrov, Department of Psychology, Ohio State

Presenters: Zhong-Lin Lu, Department of Psychology, University of
Southern California; Alexander A. Petrov, Department of Psychology, Ohio
State University; Joshua Gold, Department of Neuroscience, University
of Pennsylvania; Peggy Series, Institute for Adaptive and Neural Computation, University of Edinburgh; Dov Sagi, The Weizmann Institute of
Science, Israel

Friday, May 6, 12:00 - 2:00 pm, Royal Palm 1-3

Symposium Summary

Organizer: Run Vogels, Department Neuroscience, K.U. Leuven Medical

School, Leuven, Belgium
Presenters: Adam Kohn, Department of Neuroscience, Albert Einstein
College of Medicine, New York; Run Vogels, Department Neuroscience,
K.U. Leuven Medical School, Leuven, Belgium; Kalanit Grill-Spector,
Department of Psychology & Neurosciences Institute, Stanford University;
Stephen J. Gotts, Laboratory of Brain and Cognition, NIMH/NIH, Bethesda

Perceptual learning has been a topic of growing interest over the

last two decades. This symposium presents a multidisciplinary
synthesis of current research in perceptual learning, with particular emphasis on computational and/or formal models. Each
speaker combines behavioral, computational, and neuroscientic
approaches. The symposium is designed to serve both as a tutorial
of established ideas and techniques and as a venue to introduce
new advances at the cutting edge of this active research area. Thus,
it will interest VSS attendees across disciplines and at all levels,
from students to experts.

Mechanisms of adaptation in different

visual cortical areas: electrophysiology,
functional imaging and computational

Symposium Summary
Neural responses are typically reduced when repeating a visual
stimulus. Understanding mechanisms of this adaptation or repetition suppression is essential for interpreting data obtained with the
popular fMRI-adaptation technique which is used to estimate the
stimulus selectivities of neuronal populations in the human brain.
Further, neural adaptation effects are thought to underlie behavioral phenomena such as perceptual aftereffects and the improvement in performance upon repetition. We will review current
results elucidating the neural mechanisms of adaptation in different visual regions in human and non-human primates, obtained
with different physiological measurement techniques and computational modeling.


The inuence of surround suppression on adaptation effects in

primary visual cortex
Adam Kohn, Department of Neuroscience, Albert Einstein College of
Medicine, New York


Functions and Mechanisms of Perceptual Learning

Zhong-Lin Lu, Department of Psychology, University of Southern California

A Selective-Reweighting Model of Perceptual Learning

Alexander A. Petrov, Department of Psychology, Ohio State University

A neural-coding theory of perceptual learning-related plasticity

Joshua Gold, Department of Neuroscience, University of Pennsylvania;
Ching-Ling Teng, University of Virginia, Chi-Tat Law, Stanford University

Disruption and Transfer of Perceptual Learning for Visual Hyperacuity

Peggy Series, Institute for Adaptive and Neural Computation, University of

Edinburgh; Grigorios Sotiropoulos, University of Edinburgh; Aaron Seitz,
University of California at Riverside

Perceptual learning viewed as a statistical modeling process -- Is

it all overtting?
Dov Sagi, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel; Hila Harris, The
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel


Vision Sciences Society

VSS 2011 Program


Perception of Emotion from Body

Expression: Neural basis and computational mechanisms
Friday, May 6, 12:00 - 2:00 pm, Royal Palm 6-8

Organizer: Martin A. Giese, Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research,

CIN, Tbingen, Germany
Presenters: Maggie Shiffrar, Dept. of Psychology, Rutgers University,
Newark, NJ; Beatrice de Gelder, Dept. of Psychology, University of
Tilburg, NL; Martin Giese, Hertie Inst. f. Clinical Brain Research, CIN,
Tbingen, Germany; Tamar Flash, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot,

Symposium Summary
Body postures and movements convey important social information. How such information is visually perceived has been the topic
of numerous recent studies. These experiments expoit novel methods for the mathematical modeling of body postures and movements. They help to understand which information is critical for
the perception of emotions from body expressions, and how emotion perception and expression are related.


The perception of bodily threats

Maggie Shiffrar, Dept. of Psychology, Rutgers University, Newark, NJ

Perceiving bodily expressions with or without visual awareness

Beatrice de Gelder, Dept. of Psychology, University of Tilburg, NL

Features in the perception of interactive and non-interactive

bodily movements
Martin Giese, Hertie Inst. f. Clinical Brain Research, CIN, Tbingen,

Invariants common to perception and action in bodily movements

Tamar Flash, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, IL


Member-Initiated Symposia

Tuning of the neocortex to the temporal dynamics of attended

event streams

Charles Schroeder, Nathan S. Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research,

Columbia University

Probing Perceptual Consequences of Ongoing Activity Variations

Andreas Kleinschmidt, INSERM-CEA, NeuroSpin, Gif/Yvette, France

The paradoxical negative relationship between attention-related

spontaneous neural activity and perceptual decisions
Hakwan Lau, Columbia University, Donders Institute, Netherlands;
Dobromir Rahnev, Columbia University

Oscillatory and Feedback Activity Mediate Conscious Visual

Tony Ro, City University of New York


Prediction in Visual Processing

Friday, May 6, 2:30 - 4:30 pm, Royal Palm 4-5

Organizers: Jacqueline M. Fulvio, Paul R. Schrater; University of Minnesota
Presenters: Jacqueline M. Fulvio, University of Minnesota; Antonio
Torralba, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Lars Muckli, University
of Glasgow, UK; Eileen Kowler, Rutgers University; Doug Crawford, York
University; Robert A. Jacobs, University of Rochester

Symposium Summary
Prediction is a key component of everyday activity. The symposium will focus on the importance of analyzing the predictive
components of human behavior to understand visual processing
in the brain. Speakers representing a variety of research areas will
lead a discussion under the umbrella of prediction that (i) identies
characteristics and limitations of predictive behavior; (ii) re-frames
outstanding questions in terms of predictive modeling; & (iii) outlines experimental manipulations of predictive task components
for future work, in hopes of achieving the goal of group discovery
of a common set of predictive principles used by the brain as the
discussion unfolds.

Ongoing fluctuation of neural activity and

its relationship to visual perception


Organizer: Hakwan Lau, Columbia University, Donders Institute, Netherlands

Presenters: Biyu Jade He, National Institute of Health; Charles Schroeder,
Nathan S. Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research, Columbia University;
Andreas Kleinschmidt, INSERM-CEA, NeuroSpin, Gif/Yvette, France;
Hakwan Lau, Columbia University, Donders Institute, Netherlands; Tony
Ro, City University of New York

Predicting the future

Friday, May 6, 2:30 - 4:30 pm, Royal Palm 1-3

Symposium Summary
The brain is not silent at rest. Even when our eyes are closed, there
are ongoing uctuations in neural activity in the visual system.
What does this activity reect? Does this activity reect uctuations in our attentional states? What causes these uctuations ? In
what ways do these uctuations inuence the way we see things?
Can we exploit the nature of such ongoing uctuations of activity,
such that we can design better experiments to investigate how the
visual system works? These are the questions that we will try to
answer in this symposium.


Predictive processing through occlusion

Jacqueline M. Fulvio, University of Minnesota; Paul R. Schrater, University

of Minnesota
Antonio Torralba, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Jenny Yuen,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Predictive coding contextual processing in primary visual cortex

Lars Muckli, University of Glasgow, UK; Petra Vetter, University of
Glasgow, UK; Fraser Smith, University of Glasgow, UK

Prediction in oculomotor control

Eileen Kowler, Rutgers University; Cordelia Aitkin, Rutgers University; Elio

Santos, Rutgers University; John Wilder, Rutgers University

Calculation of accurate 3-D reach commands from initial retinal

and extra-retinal conditions
Doug Crawford, York University; Gunnar Blohm, Queens University

Are People Successful at Learning Sequences of Actions on a

Perceptual Matching Task?

Robert A. Jacobs, University of Rochester; Reiko Yakushijin, Aoyama

Gakuin University

Spontaneous fMRI signals and slow cortical potentials in perception

Biyu Jade He, National Institute of Health

Vision Sciences Society


Member-Initiated Symposia

VSS 2011 Program



Friday, May 6, 2:30 - 4:30 pm, Royal Palm 6-8

Stimulus-dependent integration of motion signals via surround


Integrating local motion information

Organizer: Duje Tadin, University of Rochester, Center for Visual Science
Presenters: Xin Huang, partment of Physiology, University of Wisconsin;
Duje Tadin, University of Rochester, Center for Visual Science; David R.
Badcock, School of Psychology, The University of Western Australia;
Christopher C Pack, Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University;
Shinya Nishida, NTT Communication Science Laboratories; Alan Johnston, Cognitive, Perceptual and Brain Sciences, University College London

Symposium Summary
Recent work on global motion processing poses new questions
about how local motion estimates are integrated and segmented to
support motion perception. These question form the core theme for
this symposium that includes both psychophysical (Tadin, Nishida,
Badcock and Johnston) and neurophysiological research (Pack and
Huang). The speakers will address key current issues including:
psychophysical and neural mechanisms involved in solving the
aperture problem; the nature of motion integration over space; the
role of center-surround interactions in motion perception and coding of ambiguous motions in area MT; and the role of local-lateral
verses hierarchical interactions in global motion perception.

Xin Huang, partment of Physiology, University of Wisconsin; Thomas D.

Albright, Vision Center Laboratory, Salk Institute for Biological Studies;
Gene R. Stoner, Vision Center Laboratory, Salk Institute for Biological

Center-surround interactions in visual motion perception

Duje Tadin, University of Rochester, Center for Visual Science

The role of form cues in motion processing

David R. Badcock, School of Psychology, The University of Western

Australia; Edwin Dickinson, University of Western Australia; Allison McKendrick, University of Melbourne; Anna Ma-Wyatt, University of Adelaide;
Simon Cropper, University of Melbourne

Pattern motion selectivity in macaque visual cortex

Christopher C Pack, Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University

Intelligent motion integration across multiple stimulus dimensions

Shinya Nishida, NTT Communication Science Laboratories; Kaoru Amano,
The University of Tokyo; Kazushi Maruya, NTT; Mark Edwards, Australian
National University; David R. Badcock, University of Western Australia

Emergent global motion

Alan Johnston, Cognitive, Perceptual and Brain Sciences, University

College, London; Andrew Rider, Cognitive, Perceptual and Brain Sciences,
University College, London; Peter Scarfe, Cognitive, Perceptual and Brain
Sciences, University College, London

Abstract Numbering System

Each abstract is assigned a unique 4 to 5 digit number based on when and where it is to be presented. The format of the
abstract numbering is DT.RN (where D is the Day, T is the Time, R is the Room and N is the Presentation number).
Second Digit - Time Period
Third Digit - Room
First Digit - Day
1 Early AM talk session
1 Royal Palm 1-3
1 Friday
2 Late AM talk session
2 Royal Palm 4-5
2 Saturday
3 Sunday
3 AM poster session
3 Royal Palm 6-8
4 Monday
4 Early PM talk session
4 Orchid Ballroom
5 Tuesday
5 Late PM talk session
5 Vista Ballroom
6 Wednesday
6 PM poster session
Saturday, early AM talk in Royal Palm 1-3, 6th talk
36.513 Sunday, PM poster in Vista Ballroom, poster board 513
53.306 Tuesday, AM poster in Royal Palm 6-8, poster board 306

Fourth/Fifth Digits - Number

1, 2, 3...
For talks
01, 02, 03...
For posters

Note: Two digits after the period indicates a talk, three digits indicates a poster (and is also the number of the poster board).


Vision Sciences Society

Eye movements: Cognition and scenes

Poster Session, Orchid Ballroom
Friday, May 6, 6:45 - 9:30 pm
16.401 An oculomotor trace of cognitive engagement Yoram Bonneh,
Yael Adini, Moshe Fried, Amos Arieli
16.402 The Moving Eye is Easy to Spy: How Motion Improves Gaze
Discrimination Nicola Anderson, Evan Risko, Alan Kingstone
16.403 Stronger perception of magic without social misdirection Jie
Cui, Jorge Otero-Millan, Stephen Macknik, Mac King, Susana MartinezConde
16.404 Where Does Visual Joint Attention Come From: A Dual HeadMounted Eye Tracking Study in Child-Parent Interaction Chen Yu,
Linda Smith, Damian Fricker, Amanda Favata, Tian Xu
16.405 Dynamic Attention Shifting in Natural Human-Human
Interaction Tian Xu, Chen Yu
16.406 The effects of goal-oriented task on eye-movements during
dynamic natural scene observation Shuichiro Taya, David Windridge,
Josef Kittler, Magda Osman
16.407 Watching the world go by: Attentional prioritization of
social motion during dynamic scene viewing Tim J. Smith, Parag K.
16.408 Visuospatial attention shifts during non-visual mental tasks
Nader Noori, Laurent Itti
16.409 Learning and Decision-Making in a Visual Search Task:

Influence of Spatial Statistics on Action Planning and Sensory

Processing He Huang, Angela Yu
16.410 Examining the influence of scene manipulations and task
instruction on scanpaths and inhibition of return Michael Dodd,
Mark Mills, Stefan Van der Stigchel, Andrew Hollingworth

16.411 Selecting the targets for saccadic eye movements during a

statistical estimation task Chia-Chien Wu, Eileen Kowler
16.412 The temporal dynamics of target and distractor occurrence
in the global effect of saccades. Jayalakshmi Viswanathan, Manfred

Kvissberg, Jason Barton

16.413 Changes in oculomotor behavior induced by a simulated

central scotoma Bosco S. Tjan, MiYoung Kwon, Anirvan S. Nandy
16.414 Saccade latencies are modulated by previously learned
stimulus value Marcus Rothkirch, Florian Ostendorf, Philipp Sterzer
16.415 Dynamic scenes vs. static images: Differences in basic
gazing behaviors for natural stimulus sets Florian Roehrbein, Ruben
Coen Cagli, Odelia Schwartz

16.416 How does object structure influence saccade targeting

within an object? Michi Matsukura, Andrew Hollingworth
16.417 Perceptual and motor IOR: Components or flavours?
Matthew Hilchey, Raymond Klein
16.418 Spatial Working Memory is Necessary for Embodied Guidance of Insight Laura Thomas
16.419 Modulation of task-related electrophysiological responses
by socially relevant stimuli Stephanie M Morand, Luca Vizioli, Monika
Harvey, Marie-Helene Grosbras, Roberto Caldara

See page 30 for Abstract Numbering System

16.420 Look at the Choices too: An Examination of Looking Behaviours in a Multiple Choice Test Cho Kin Cheng, Lisa-Marie Collimore,
Dwayne E. Par, Shakinaz Desa, Steve Joordens
16.421 Investigating Selective Attentional Biases in Nutritional

Food Labels Through Eye-Tracking in the Disordered-Eating Population Kelly Hanlon, Basem Gohar, Keith Brewster
16.422 Saliency, Memory, and Attention Capture in Marketing Ang-

Yu Debra Chiang, David Berg, Laurent Itti

Object recognition: Neural mechanisms

Poster Session, Orchid Ballroom
Friday, May 6, 6:45 - 9:30 pm
16.423 Position in space defines the structure of object representations throughout the ventral visual pathway. Cibu Thomas, Dwight
Kravitz, Chris Baker
16.424 The specificity and distribution of the minds eye: visual
imagery and perception Sue-Hyun Lee, Dwight Kravitz, Chris Baker
16.425 Object ensemble coding is distinct from texture processing
in the parahippocampal place area Jonathan S. Cant, Yaoda Xu
16.426 A method to infer the retinotopy with landmark-based
cortical surface co-registration Pinglei Bao, Dimitrios Pantazis, Bosco
S. Tjan
16.427 Different physiological correlates for perceptual decisions
and confidence ratings support multi-stage theories Matthew
Davidson, Olga Felsovalyi, Amy Trongnetrpunya, Xiuyuan Wang,
Hakwan Lau, Thomas Thesen
16.428 Deriving a neural basis for ventral temporal cortex. J.
Swaroop Guntupalli, James Haxby
16.429 The visual system adapts to average orientation Jason
Haberman, Jordan Suchow, George Alvarez
16.430 Frequency-tagging object awareness Roger Koenig-Robert,
Run VanRullen
16.431 Organizing visual object knowledge by real-world size in
ventral visual cortex Talia Konkle, Aude Oliva
16.432 Object information in the anterior regions of the intraparietal sulcus Ryan E.B. Mruczek, Isabell S. von Loga, Christina S. Konen,
Sabine Kastner
16.433 Robust spatial coding of categorical selectivity in FFA and
VWFA Zhi Yang, Guifang Xu, Lifei Ma, Yi Jiang, Xuchu Weng
16.434 The contribution of Fourier phase and amplitude spectra to
image categorisation: an EEG study. Magdalena Bieniek, Guillaume


16.435 Surface construction from the onset synchronization of

border-ownership cells in V1-V2 model. Yasuhiro Hatori, Ko Sakai
16.436 Statistics of natural object structures and object recognition Meng Li, Zhiyong Yang
16.437 Visual integration in the human brain Jedediah Singer, Joseph
Madsen, Gabriel Kreiman
16.438 How does the visual system create complex shape and
motion features? Cheston Tan, Thomas Serre, Tomaso Poggio
16.439 Recurrent processing during object recognition Dean
Wyatte, Randall OReilly
Vision Sciences Society


Friday PM

Friday Evening Posters

Friday PM

Friday Evening Posters

VSS 2011 Program

16.440 Transcranial magnetic stimulation to lateral occipital

cortex disrupts object ensemble processing Caitlin Mullin, Jennifer

16.506 Binding and selective attention increase coherence

between distant sites in early visual cortex Anne Martin, Rudiger
von der Heydt

Visual memory: Objects and features

16.507 Do spatial attention and long-term memory systems

Poster Session, Orchid Ballroom

Friday, May 6, 6:45 - 9:30 pm
16.441 Task-specific saliency from sparse, hierarchical models of

visual cortex compared to eye-tracking data for object detection in

natural video sequences. Michael Ham, Steven Brumby, Zhengping Ji,

Karissa Sanbonmatsu, Garrett Kenyon, John George, Luis Bettencourt

16.442 What makes an image memorable? Phillip Isola, Jianxiong

Xiao, Antonio Torralba, Aude Oliva
16.443 A study of visual short-term memory by Concentration:

Human, spatial-memory-only and object-file simulation results Ian

van der Linde

16.445 Infants abilities to parse and enumerate orthogonal

ensembles Mariko Moher, Lisa Feigenson
16.446 Reaction-Time Assessment of Form and Color Processing in
Visual Short-Term Memories Jane Jacob, Bruno Breitmeyer
16.447 The relationship between apparent motion and object files
Oliver Roth, Darko Odic, Jonathan Flombaum
16.448 Mean vs. Range in Statistical Summary Representation C.
Holley Pitts, Melanie Palomares
16.449 Central attention is used to maintain feature bindings in
visual working memory Amanda E. van Lamsweerde, Melissa R. Beck
16.450 Are real-world objects represented as bound units?

Independent decay of object details from short-term to long-term

memory Timothy Brady, Talia Konkle, George Alvarez, Aude Oliva
16.451 Shape and color conjunction stimuli are represented as
bound objects in visual working memory. Roy Luria, Ed Vogel
16.452 Parietal representation of small and large number Daniel

Hyde, Elizabeth Spelke, Yaoda Xu

16.453 Is There a Bias Toward Global Information in Visual Working

Memory? Justin M. Ericson, Melissa R. Beck

Attention: Neural mechanisms I

Poster Session, Vista Ballroom
Friday, May 6, 6:45 - 9:30 pm
16.501 Top-down attention alters background connectivity between
retinotopic and category-specific visual areas Naseem Al-Aidroos,
Christopher P. Said, Nicholas B. Turk-Browne

overlap? Dorsal and ventral attention network engagement during

memory retrieval processes Stephanie McMains, Sabine Kastner
16.508 The effect of microstimulation of LIP during a change blindness task Fabrice Arcizet, Caroline Charpentier, James Bisley
16.509 Surprises are mistakes: An EEG source localization study of
prediction errors Abigail Noyce, Robert Sekuler
16.510 An analytic assessment of the effects of dietary iron repletion on perceptual and cognitive performance Michael Wenger,

Laura Murray-Kolb, Julie Hammons, Sudha Venkatramanan, Jere Haas

16.511 Neural responses involved in adaptation-induced blindness Kaoru Amano, Toshimasa Takahashi, Tsunehiro Takeda, Isamu

16.512 Parietal laterality effects in visual information processing

during object individuation and identification Su Keun Jeong, Yaoda
16.513 Implicit processing of features connects shape, motion,
and color brain regions Quoc C Vuong, Katja M Mayer
16.514 A combined structural MRI and tractography approach in
visuospatial neglect Monica Narcisa Toba, Raffaella Migliaccio, Michel
Thiebaut de Schotten, Pascale Pradat-Diehl, Catherine Loeper-Jeny, Paolo
16.515 Response modulation in visual cortex by task, stimulus, and
spatial attention Erik Runeson, Scott Murray, Geoffrey Boynton
16.516 Subthreshold microstimulation of the superior colliculus
induces pupil dilation Chin-An Wang, Susan Boehnke, Brian White,
Douglas Munoz
16.517 Neural activity in V1 creates the saliency map Xilin Zhang, Li
Zhaoping, Fang Fang

Attention: Inattention and attention

Poster Session, Vista Ballroom
Friday, May 6, 6:45 - 9:30 pm
16.518 Change Detection: Training and Transfer John Gaspar, Mark
Neider, Daniel Simons, Jasson McCarley, Arthur Kramer
16.519 No Gist Perception Without Attention Jason Clarke, Arien
Mack, Clarissa Slesar, Muge Erol
16.520 Unconscious pop-out: attentional capture by unseen

feature singletons only when top-down attention is available Po-

16.502 Differentiating subitizing and counting: a voxel based

correlational study Nele Demeyere, Pia Rotshtein, Glyn Humphreys

Jang Hsieh, Jaron Colas, Nancy Kanwisher

16.503 In the zone or zoning out? Tracking neural and behavioral

fluctuations in visual attentional state Michael Esterman, Sarah
Noonan, Monica Rosenberg, Joseph DeGutis

16.522 Prior perceptual decisions drive subsequent perceptual

16.504 The neural correlates of voluntary visual attention to shape,

color, and location Sebastian M. Frank , Eric A. Reavis, Peter J. Kohler,
Anton L. Beer, Peter U. Tse, Mark W. Greenlee
16.505 The bias towards a contralateral representation in parietal
activity is increased during full-field attentional tracking Jonathan
Gill, George Alvarez


Vision Sciences Society

16.521 Negative Choice in Inattentional Blindness Maria Kuvaldina

experience: Negative priming increases inattentional blindness

Steven B. Most, Maria Kuvaldina, Kyle Dobson, Briana L. Kennedy

16.523 The effects of attentional capture on the target-present

and target-absent trials in change blindness Takuma MURAKOSHI,
Yoshihisa OSADA
16.524 Temporal processing units relocate the attentional blink.
Viatcheslav Stepanov, Maria Falikman

See page 30 for Abstract Numbering System

VSS 2011 Program

Friday Evening Posters

Perceptual learning: Plasticity and


Color and light: Lightness and brightness

Poster Session, Vista Ballroom

Friday, May 6, 6:45 - 9:30 pm

Poster Session, Vista Ballroom

Friday, May 6, 6:45 - 9:30 pm

16.537 Separate mechanisms for long- and short-term contrast

adaptation. Min Bao, Stephen Engel

16.526 A low-level multiscale filtering account of stimuli often

16.538 The Eye-direction Aftereffect shows complete interocular

transfer and is not retinocentric. Lawrence Symons, Rory Weston,
Scott Olin

cited as evidence for higher-level mechanisms in brightness

perception Barbara Blakeslee, Mark E. McCourt
16.527 Brightness-related responses in V1 and V2, a computational model Bo Cao, Arash Yazdanbakhsh, Ennio Mingolla
16.528 Gamut Expansion as a Function of Articulation Stephen
Ivory, Ana Radonjic, Alan Gilchrist

16.529 Simultaneous contrast of brightness and color for flashed

stimuli Sae Kaneko, Ikuya Murakami
16.530 A fuzzy-edged region is perceived as differing in reflectance
on textured backgrounds Masataka Sawayama, Eiji Kimura
16.531 Size makes a difference: Estimating lightness and luminance contrast with real light James Schirillo, Matthew Riddle, Rumi
16.532 Dichoptic presentation of the contrast asynchrony suggests
a retinal locus for the contrast response Arthur Shapiro, Erica Dixon,
Sean Burn
16.533 Binocular Fusion Unmasks Rivalrous Suppression of the
Craik-OBrien-Cornsweet (COC) Illusion Steven Shevell, Elizabeth
Allen, Stuart Anstis
16.534 Lightness constancy in visual artists Daniel Graham, Ming

Friday PM

16.525 Implicit semantic perception in object substitution

masking Stephanie C. Goodhew, Troy A.W. Visser, Ottmar V. Lipp, Paul
E. Dux

16.539 Effect of blur adaptation on contrast discrimination in

emmetropes and myopes Humza Tahir, Jianliang Tong, Christopher
Cantor, Clifton Schor
16.540 Figural Chasers Patricia Winkler, Kyle C McDermott, Gideon
Caplovitz, Michael Webster
16.541 Examining the effects of stroboscopic vision Julia Schroeder,
L. Gregory Appelbaum, Matthew Cain, Stephen Mitroff
16.542 Improvement in Stereoacuity through Training with Correlated Cues Cristina Llerena Law, Benjamin Backus, Baptiste Caziot
16.543 Effects of meditation on consolidation of perceptual
learning Erika Scilipoti, Takeo Watanabe
16.544 Perceptual learning solely induced by feedback Hoon Choi,
Takeo Watanabe
16.545 Effects of Visual Deprivation on Regional Cerebral Blood Flow
Velocity and Neurovascular Coupling Keith Brewster, Jon Smirl, Karen
Bourns, Francisco Colino, Phil Ainslie, Gord Binsted
16.546 Two perceptual consequences of orientation discrimination
learning and their distinct time courses Nihong Chen, Fang Fang

16.535 Biological computations underlying grouping-by-similarity

in lightness perception Michael E. Rudd
16.536 Highlight disparity, surface curvature and perceived gloss.
Iona S. Kerrigan, Wendy J. Adams, Erich W. Graf, Aaron Shuai Chang

See page 30 for Abstract Numbering System

Vision Sciences Society


Saturday AM

Saturday Morning Talks

Color and light: Surfaces and materials

Attention: Features and objects

Talk Session, Royal Palm 1-3

Saturday, May 7, 8:00 - 9:45 am
Moderator: Anya Hurlbert

Talk Session, Royal Palm 4-5

Saturday, May 7, 8:00 - 9:45 am
Moderator: Miranda Scolari

8:00 am 21.11 At what level of representation is surface gloss

computed? Barton L. Anderson, Juno Kim, Phillip Marlow

8:00 am 21.21 Individual differences in object-based attention

effects in discrimination and detection tasks Karin S. Pilz, Alexa B.
Roggeveen, Sarah E. Creighton, Patrick J. Bennett, Allison B. Sekuler

8:15 am 21.12 Luminance-color interactions in surface gloss

perception Shinya Nishida, Isamu Motoyoshi, Kazushi Maruya

8:15 am 21.22 The speed of intentional control over bistable

apparent motion Julia Mossbridge, Marcia Grabowecky, Satoru Suzuki

8:30 am 21.13 Shape modulates the effect of lightfield on

perceived glossiness Maria Olkkonen, David Brainard

8:30 am 21.23 Testing the flexibility of top-down attentional gain

in early visual cortex. Miranda Scolari, John Serences

8:45 am 21.14 3D surface shape and the appearance of glow

Minjung Kim, Richard F. Murray

8:45 am 21.24 Feature-based attention enhances performance by

increasing response gain Katrin Herrmann, David J. Heeger, Marisa

9:00 am 21.15 The intrinsic colour of transparent materials Roland

Fleming, Max Wolff

9:00 am 21.25 Different attentional strategies are reflected by

modulations in the feature tuned flicker response David Bridwell,
Elizabeth Hecker, Ramesh Srinivasan

9:15 am 21.16 The effect of shape and chromatic texture diagnosticity on color discrimination of natural objects Milena Vurro, Anya

9:15 am 21.26 Feature-based enhancement of visual stimuli at

task-irrelevant locations David Painter, Susan Travis, Paul Dux, Jason

9:30 am 21.17 Material recognition is fast, but not superfast.

Edward Adelson, Lavanya Sharan, Ruth Rosenholtz

9:30 am 21.27 Understanding the Allocation of Attention when

Spatial vision: Crowding

Perceptual learning: Transfer and


Talk Session, Royal Palm 1-3

Saturday, May 7, 10:45 - 12:30 pm
Moderator: Susana Chung

Faced with Varying Perceptual Load in Partial Report: A Computational Approach Sren Kyllingsbk, Jocelyn L. Sy, Barry Giesbrecht

Talk Session, Royal Palm 4-5

Saturday, May 7, 10:45 - 12:30 pm
Moderator: Michael Herzog

10:45 am 22.11 No evidence for compulsory integration in visual

crowding Edward Ester, Daniel Klee, Edward Awh

10:45 am 22.21 Aging, perceptual learning, and perceptual efficiency in motion processing Jeffrey D. Bower, George J. Andersen

11:00 am 22.12 Changes in crowding zone at the eccentric retinal

loci of subjects with simulated central scotoma MiYoung Kwon,
Anirvan S. Nandy, Bosco S. Tjan

11:00 am 22.22 Non-retinotopic perceptual learning Michael

Herzog, Thomas Otto, Haluk gmen

11:15 am 22.13 Target and flanker perception are related in

crowded letter identification Jean-Baptiste Bernard, Daniel Coates,

11:15 am 22.23 Aging and Perceptual Learning in Orientation

Discrimination Denton J. DeLoss, George J. Andersen

11:30 am 22.14 Crowding reveals a third stage of object recognition Sarah Rosen, Ramakrishna Chakravarthi, Denis G. Pelli
11:45 am 22.15 Temporal Dynamics of the Crowding Mechanism

11:30 am 22.24 What is learned in perceptual learning of the classical texture discrimination task? Rui Wang, Lin-Juan Cong, Cong Yu

Susana Chung

Susana Chung, Saumil Patel

12:00 pm 22.16 Extraction of semantic information from unidentifiable, crowded words Su-Ling Yeh, Sheng He, Patrick Cavanagh
12:15 pm 22.17 Music-reading expertise alters visual spatial
resolution for musical notation Yetta Kwailing Wong, Isabel Gauthier


Vision Sciences Society

11:45 am 22.25 The specificity of perceptual learning of pop-out

detection depends on the difficulty during post-test rather than

training Jordan Meyer, Alexander Petrov
12:00 pm 22.26 Perceptual learning transfers to untrained retinal
locations after double training: A piggyback effect Jun-Yun Zhang,

Rui Wang, Stanley Klein, Dennis Levi, Cong Yu

12:15 pm 22.27 Training Older Adults to Improve Their Contrast

Sensitivity: A Possible or Impossible Task? Mikki Phan, Rui Ni

See page 30 for Abstract Numbering System

Saturday Morning Posters

Eye movements: Saccades and fixations
Poster Session, Royal Palm 6-8
Saturday, May 7, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm

23.302 Investigating the role of intra-collicular excitatory connec-

tions in the generation of vertical saccades: A Human behavioural

study. Soazig Casteau, Franoise Vitu
23.303 Oculomotor integration in patients with a pulvinar lesion
Stefan van der Stigchel, Isabel Arend, Martijn G. van Koningsbruggen,
Robert D. Rafal

23.304 Distinctive Features of Saccadic Intrusions and Microsaccades in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Jorge Otero-Millan,
Alessandro Serra, R. John Leigh, Xoana G. Troncoso, Stephen L. Macknik,
Susana Martinez-Conde
23.305 Topography of saccadic eye movement representations
in human superior colliculus Sucharit Katyal, Clint Greene, Manoj
Kapoor, David Ress
23.306 Deciphering the relationship between perceptual and motor
variability Dorion Liston, Leland Stone
23.307 The antisaccade task: dissociating stimulus and response
influences online saccade control Matthew Heath, Jeffrey Weiler,
Kendal Marriott, Timothy Welsh
23.308 Distinct Response Latencies do not Influence Pro- and
Antisaccade Trajectories Jeffrey Weiler, Scott Holmes, Ali Mulla,
Matthew Heath
23.309 Reliability and sensitivity of anti saccade in a block versus
mixed paradigm Alan Chauvin, Nathalie Guyader, Marie-Nathalie
Braun, Boris Quetard, Marendaz Christian
23.310 Word Processing Speed in Peripheral Vision Myriam
Chanceaux, Franoise Vitu, Luisa Bendahman, Simon Thorpe, Jonathan
23.311 Saccades to color: an ultra-fast controllable mechanism
to low-level features Adrien Brilhault, Marie A. Mathey, Nelly Jolmes,
Sbastien M. Crouzet, Simon J. Thorpe

Eye And Hand Coordination: Comparing Effects Of Age On

Performance Claudia Gonzalez, Mark Mon-Williams, Melanie Burke
23.313 Development of Coordinated Eye and Head Movements
during Gaze Shifts Sohrab Saeb, Cornelius Weber, Jochen Triesch
23.314 Eye movements during and after automatization of a
high-speed stacking task: From sensory-based to memory-based
saccadic programming Rebecca Foerster, Elena Carbone, Hendrik


Koesling, Werner Schneider

23.315 Effect of task and behavioral demands on saccadic

targeting Rachael Harms, Laura Renninger
23.316 Absence of an extraretinal signal associated with ocular
drift affects saccade accuracy Martina Poletti, Michele Rucci
23.317 Eye movements when viewing oriented noisy textures
Dagmar Wismeijer, Karl Gegenfurtner
23.318 Predicting the responses of retinal ganglion cells during
fixational eye movements Xutao Kuang, Antonino Casile, Michele Rucci
See page 30 for Abstract Numbering System

23.320 Non-uniform vision within the fovea might explain microsaccade production Chiara Listorti, Martina Poletti, Michele Rucci

Saturday AM

23.301 Interaction between Sensory- and Goal-related Neuronal

Signals on Saccade Trajectories in the Monkey Brian White, Jan
Theeuwes, Douglas Munoz

23.319 Analysis of individual variability in fixational eye movements

Claudia Cherici, Martina Poletti, Michele Rucci

Visual search: Eye movements

Poster Session, Royal Palm 6-8
Saturday, May 7, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
23.321 Guidance during Visual Search in Real-World Scenes:
Scene Context vs. Object Content Efe Pereira, Monica Castelhano
23.322 Searching for target parts Robert Alexander, Gregory Zelinsky
23.323 The odd human eye movements during oddity search are not
suboptimal Sheng Zhang, Stephen Mack, Miguel Eckstein
23.324 Examining Eye Movements in Visual Search through
Clusters of Objects in a Circular Array Carrick Williams, Alexander
Pollatsek, Erik Reichle

23.325 Coarse-to-Fine Search Strategy when Searching in Clutter

Melissa R. Beck, Maura C. Lohrenz
23.326 The effect of temporal distance on comparative visual
search Vera Bauhoff, Markus Huff, Stephan Schwan
23.327 Eye movement patterns underlying robustness against item
motion in visual search Angela H Young, Johan Hulleman
23.328 Measuring the stare-in-the-crowd effect using eye-tracking:
Effects of task demands Adam Palanica, Roxane Itier
23.329 Effective Attentional Filtering By The Union Of Two Distinct
Colors: Eye-Tracking Evidence Mark W. Becker, Reem Alzahabi, Sara

Binocular vision: Binocular combination

and rivalry
Poster Session, Orchid Ballroom
Saturday, May 7, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
23.401 Transition between stereopsis and binocular rivalry is based
on perceived, rather than physical, orientation Adrien Chopin,
Pascal Mamassian, Randolph Blake
23.402 Characterizing mixed percepts during binocular rivalry
Alexandra List, Marcia Grabowecky, Satoru Suzuki
23.403 Dichoptic completion, rather than binocular rivalry or
binocular summation Gao Meng, Xiaomeng Zhang, Li Zhaoping
23.404 Temporal Dynamics of Binocular Rivalry at the Blind Spot
Yihwa Baek, Oakyoon Cha, Sang Chul Chong
23.405 Binocular functional architecture for detection of luminance- and contrast-modulated gratings Mark Georgeson, Andrew
23.406 Adaptation to interocular differences in blur Elysse Kompaniez, Adam Dye, Lucie Sawides, Susana Marcos, Michael Webster
23.407 The time course of hemispheric asymmetries in perceptual
selection of spatial frequency information Elise Piazza, Michael
23.408 Unmixing binocular signals Sidney Lehky

Vision Sciences Society


Saturday Morning Posters

23.409 Binocular rivalry between spiral space stimuli in human

observers: Expanding stimuli dominates over contraction and rotation. Nour Malek, Julio Martinez-Trujillo
23.410 The effect of interocular delays on the perception of 3D
movies Zoltan Nadasdy, Barna Kantor
23.411 Perceptual misbinding of color and motion induced by
modulative effects of preceding stimuli on binocular rivalry Eiji

Saturday AM

Kimura, Satoru Abe, Ken Goryo

23.412 Predictive context biases perceptual selection during

binocular rivalry Rachel Denison, Elise Piazza, Michael Silver

3D perception: Contours, shading and

Poster Session, Orchid Ballroom
Saturday, May 7, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
23.413 Interpreting line drawings of smooth shapes Forrester Cole,
Fredo Durand, Bill Freeman, Edward Adelson
23.414 The perception of 3D shape from contour textures Eric J L
Egan, James T Todd, Flip Phillips
23.415 Analysis of the combination of frequency and orientation
cues in texture 3D shape perception. Corentin Massot

VSS 2011 Program

23.428 Eye-movement dynamics of object-tracking. Omar Elfanagely,
Harry Haladjian, Deborah Aks, Hristiyan Kourtev, Pylyshyn Zenon
23.429 The effect of speed on multiple object tracking: Is it due
solely to the number of close target-distractor interactions? Cary
23.430 In multiple object tracking, at high speeds one may only
be able to track a single targeteven if no crowding occurs Alex
Holcombe, Wei-Ying Chen
23.431 How the imprecision of spatial knowledge constrains
multiple object tracking Matthew Levine, Gi Yeul Bae, Jonathan
23.432 Multiple object tracking, working memory capacity, and
motivation Nathan Medeiros-Ward, Janelle Seegmiller, Jason Watson,
David Strayer
23.433 Visually guided self-motion does not impair multiple objecttracking Nicole L Jardine, Laura E Thomas, Adriane E Seiffert
23.434 Cross-attribute object trackings are much slower than
within-attribute trackings Hidetoshi Kanaya, Takao Sato
23.435 Automatic feature-based grouping during multiple object
tracking Everett Mettler, Brian Keane, Genna Erlikhman, Todd Horowitz,
Philip Kellman

23.416 Position selectivity of mechanisms underlying the perception of 3D shape from orientation flows Carole Filangieri, Andrea Li

23.436 Trained Older Observers are Equivalent to Untrained Young

Adults for 3d Multiple-object-tracking Speed Thresholds Isabelle
Legault, Remy Allard, Jocelyn Faubert

23.417 Face priors overcome shape-from-motion signals in the

rotating hollow face illusion Thomas Papathomas, Jordan Ash, James
Hughes, Brian Keane, Qasim Zaidi

23.437 Asymmetric attention foci during multiple object tracking:

Evidence from distractor displacements Hauke S. Meyerhoff, Frank
Papenmeier, Georg Jahn, Markus Huff

23.418 Classification images reveal lighting prior for shape-fromshading Giacomo Mazzilli, Andrew J Schoeld

23.438 Quantification of the self-motion load on multiple object

tracking: How many objects are you worth? Adriane E. Seiffert, Laura

23.419 Shape from contours constrains shape from shading Dejan

23.420 Grouping modulates contextual biases in 3D perception
Katinka van der Kooij, Susan te Pas
23.421 Symmetry facilitates 3D shape discrimination across
changes in viewpoint Jeffrey Saunders, Young Lee


23.439 Misrepresentation of motion direction causes prediction

errors in multiple object tracking Rebecca St. Clair, Adriane E. Seiffert
23.440 Expanding Attentional Capacity with Adaptive Training
on a Multiple Object Tracking Task Todd W. Thompson, Micheal L.
Waskom, John D. E. Gabrieli, George A. Alvarez

23.422 Recovering a 3D shape from a single 2D image of a generalized cone Yun Shi, Tadamasa Sawada, Yunfeng Li, Zygmunt Pizlo

23.441 iMOT: interactive Multiple Object Tracking Ian M. Thornton,

Todd S. Horowitz, Heinrich H. Blthoff

23.423 Neon Color Spreading to Two Dimensional Manifolds and

Three Dimensional Solids Elizabeth Seckel, Abigail E. Huang, Xintong
Li, Alice J. Hon, V.S. Ramachandran, Eric L. Altschuler

Visual memory: Encoding and retrieval

Attention: Tracking
Poster Session, Orchid Ballroom
Saturday, May 7, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm

Poster Session, Orchid Ballroom

Saturday, May 7, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
23.442 Individual Differences in Visual Cognitive Abilities Eve
Ayeroff, George Alvarez
23.443 Effects of updating visuo-spatial working memory in early
visual cortex Jaap Munneke, Artem Belopolsky, Jan Theeuwes

23.424 When vision loses its grip on tracked objects: Lessons

from studying gaze-to-item dynamics Deborah Aks, Lorilei Alley,
Veena Rathakrishnan, Hristiyan Kourtev, Harry Haladjian, Zenon

23.444 Spike count correlations between primate dorsolateral

23.425 Tracking objects and tracking our eyes during disrupted

viewing Lorilei Alley, Veena Rathakrishnan, Courtney Harman, Hristiyan
Kourtev, Allan Kuegel, Harry Haladjian, Deborah Aks, Zenon Pylyshyn

23.445 Short-term visual recall is preserved in aging Jie Huang,

Allison B. Sekuler, Patrick J. Bennett, Robert Sekuler

23.426 Close encounters of the distracting kind: Explaining the

limits of visual object tracking Gi Yeul Bae, Jonathan Flombaum
23.427 Center-looking suggests grouping rather than separate
attentional foci in multiple object tracking Christina L. Blaxton,
Hilda M. Fehd, Adriane E. Seiffert


Vision Sciences Society

prefrontal cortex neurons during a spatial working memory task

Julio Martinez-Trujillo, Matthew Leavitt, Megan Schneiderman

23.446 Training Improves Stability of VWM Representations Lisa

Blalock, Benjamin Clegg
23.447 Retrieval-induced Perceptual Suppression: Selective

retrieval of mental images can result in perceptual deterioration

of non-retrieved images. Jihyun Cha, Eunah Joo, Kyung Bo Seo, Su

Hyoun Park

See page 30 for Abstract Numbering System

VSS 2011 Program

Saturday Morning Posters

23.448 Resolution of Representations in Spatially Cued Atten-

23.511 Animated character appearance does not affect judgments

of motion trajectory Lavanya Sharan, Matthew Kaemmerer, Moshe
Mahler, Kwang Won Sok, Jessica Hodgins

Zhong-Lin Lu

23.512 Adapting to male or female faces induce gender aftereffect

in point-light walkers Xiaoying Yang, Sheng He, Yi Jiang

tion and Visual Working Memory: A Multi-Alternative Perceptual

Template Decision Model Wilson Chu, Barbara Dosher, Ryan Najima,

23.449 Efficient Detection of a Supra-threshold Change Revealed

by Pattern-backward Masking Ji-Eun Han, Joo-Seok Hyun

23.451 Visual search for a feature-absence target among to-be-

remembered items can compete for attentional resources for VWM

consolidation Dae-Gyu Kim, Joo-Seok Hyun
23.452 Visual short term memory also gates long term memory
without explicit retrieval Keisuke Fukuda, Edward K. Vogel
23.453 The capacity of encoding into visual short-term memory
Irida Mance, Mark Becker, Taosheng Liu

23.454 Electrophysiological Measures of Visual Grouping on

Working Memory Representations Andrew McCollough, Edward
23.455 Multiple Spatial Frequency Channels in Human Visual
Perceptual Memory Vanda Nemes, David Whitaker, James Heron,
Declan McKeefry
23.456 Learning statistical regularities can speed the encoding of
information into working memory Juliana Rhee, Talia Konkle, Timothy
Brady, George Alvarez
23.457 Two Object Subliminal Priming Clarissa Slesar, Arien Mack,
Jason Clarke, Muge Erol

Motion: Biological motion

Poster Session, Vista Ballroom
Saturday, May 7, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
23.501 The perception of animacy in humans and squirrel monkeys
(Saimili sciureus) Takeshi Atsumi, Yasuo Nagasaka, Yoshihisa Osada
23.502 Integration of form and motion for biological motion
displays in the monkey Jan Jastorff, Ivo Popivanov, Hauke Kolster,
Run Vogels, Wim Vanduffel, Guy Orban
23.503 How does the brain identify living things based on their
motion? Johannes Schultz, Heinrich Blthoff
23.504 A New Action Library for Localising Brain Activity Specific
to Biological Motion Frank Pollick, William Steel, Haodan Tan, Lukasz
Piwek, Frances Crabbe, Ulf Ahlstrom
23.505 Depth cues in point-light biological motion Marc HE de
Lussanet, Markus Lappe
23.506 Before, During and After You Disappear: Aspects of timing
and dynamic updating of the real-time action simulation of human
motions Jim Parkinson, Wolfgang Prinz
23.507 A test battery for assessing biological motion perception

Daniel R. Saunders, Nikolaus F. Troje

23.508 Structural Neural Correlates of Biological Motion Detection Ability Sharon Gilaie-Dotan, Ryota Kanai, Bahador Bahrami, Geraint
Rees, Ayse P. Saygin
23.509 Determining the feature sensitivity of visual areas to
biological motion using brain-based reverse correlation Steven
Thurman, Javier Garcia, Emily Grossman
23.510 Neuronal Encoding of movement kinematics during action
observation: a TMS study. Sara Agosta, Lorella Battelli, Antonino Casile
See page 30 for Abstract Numbering System

23.513 Bootstrapping a prior? Effects of experience on the facing

bias in biological motion perception Nikolaus Troje, Morgan Davis
23.514 Footstep sounds increase sensitivity to point-light walking
when visual cues are weak. James Thomas, Maggie Shiffrar
23.515 Search asymmetry in perceiving walkers: Inversion effect
and biological motion stimuli Kazuya Ono, Takao Sato, Michiteru
23.516 Listening to footsteps modulates invisible biological motion
processing Yi Jiang, Li Wang
23.517 Beat them to the punch: Rapid recognition of boxers among
walkers with a punch detector Jeroen van Boxtel, Hongjing Lu
23.518 Anticipating The Actions Of Others: Do Goalkeepers Use
Local or Distributed Information? Gabriel Diaz, Brett Fajen, Flip Phil-


Face perception: Wholes and parts

Poster Session, Vista Ballroom
Saturday, May 7, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
23.519 Identification of similar faces in the peripheral visual field
Wei Song Ong, James W Bisley
23.520 Face Recognition as a Function of Image Resolution and
Viewing Distance Ainsley Braun, Izzat Jarudi, Pawan Sinha
23.521 Recognizing Facial Slivers Sharon Gilad-Gutnick, Elia Samuel
Harmatz, Galit Yovel, Pawan Sinha
23.522 Why are face composites difficult to recognize? William
Hayward, Kate Crookes, Simone Favelle, Gillian Rhodes
23.523 It is easier to remember two faces than a single one Corrado
Caudek, Fulvio Domini
23.524 Holistic processing for own-, other- and mixed-race faces
is modulated by awareness of race category. Rachel Robbins, Dilan
23.525 Contextual grouping cues modulate holistic face perception Kim M. Curby
23.526 The Effect of Changing External Features on the Recognition of Headscarf-Wearing Faces M Umar Toseeb, David R T Keeble,
Eleanor J Bryant
23.527 The role of featural and configural information for
perceived similarity between faces Janina Esins, Isabelle Blthoff,
Johannes Schultz
23.528 Priming global and local processing of composite faces:
Revisiting the processing-bias effect on face perception Zaifeng
Gao, Anastasia Flevaris, Lynn Robertson, Shlomo Bentin
23.529 A dynamic photorealistic average avatar - separating form
and motion Harry Grifn, Peter McOwan, Alan Johnston
23.530 Relative Independence of Face and Body Posture
Processing Catherine Reed, Matthew Garber
23.531 Local Processing in the Navon Task Slows Face Gender
Discrimination James Thompson, Elisabeth Ploran, Christopher Williams
23.532 Eye Movement in Face Change Detection Task Buyun Xu,
James Tanaka
Vision Sciences Society


Saturday AM

23.450 The neural processes underlying memory encoding and

retrieval of own-race and other-race faces Grit Herzmann, Verena
Willenbockel, James T. Tanaka, Tim Curran

Saturday Morning Posters

23.533 The effect of perceptual expertise on visual short-term memory
wei zhang, William Hayward

Face perception: Disorders

Poster Session, Vista Ballroom
Saturday, May 7, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm

Saturday AM

23.534 Holistic face perception impairment in acquired prosop-

agnosia as evidenced by eye-gaze-contingency: generalization to

several cases Goedele Van Belle, Thomas Busigny, Anthony Hosein,

Boutheina Jemel, Philippe Lefvre, Bruno Rossion

23.535 Holistic processing of unfamiliar faces during social

judgments in acquired prosopagnosia Susanne Quadieg, Alexander
Todorov, Bruno Rossion
23.536 Developmental Prosopagnosia: A childhood case study
Jordan Mathison, Sherryse Corrow, Michelle Platt, Kelly King, Richard
Ziegler, Garga Chatterjee, Ken Nakayama, Albert Yonas
23.537 Abnormal adaptive coding of identity in congenital prosopagnosia Romina Palermo, Davide Rivolta, C. Ellie Wilson, Linda Jeffery
23.538 The right anterior temporal lobe variant of prosopagnosia
Raika Pancaroglu, Thomas Busigny, Samantha Johnston, Alla Sekunova,
Bradley Duchaine, Jason JS Barton
23.539 Acquired prosopagnosia with spared within-class object

VSS 2011 Program

23.547 Pointing accurately at a target doesnt require perceiving
its location accurately Vy Vo, Annie Ning, Amlan Bhattacharjee, Zhi
Li, Frank Durgin
23.548 Vision at high limb velocities: The importance of visual

feedback for online control at high limb velocities early in a movement. Andrew Kennedy, Luc Tremblay
23.549 Eye-hand coordination in rapid, goal directed movements
Anna Ma-Wyatt, Laura Renninger

23.550 Distance-to-contact and not time-to-contact determines

when a hitting movement is initiated Cristina de la Malla, Joan LpezMoliner
23.551 Preventing falls in older adults: understanding postural
instability under increasing visual-motor demands Anna Rossiter,
Elizabeth Brierley, Rebecca Lawton, Richard Wilkie, Mark Mon-Williams
23.552 Humans alter their priors by using information from their
recent past Devika Narain, Robert J. van Beers, Jeroen B.J. Smeets, Eli
23.553 Misattribution of unconscious visuo-motor conflict to
preferential decision Kazuhisa Shibata, Takeo Watanabe
23.554 When perceptual- and cognitive decisions are excellent
- mostly. Andreas Jarvstad, Simon K. Rushton, Paul A. Warren, Ulrike

recognition but impaired recognition of degraded basic-level

objects Brad Duchaine, Constantin Rezlescu, David Pitcher, Nicole


23.540 Ensemble Encoding in Congenital Prosopagnosia Allison

Yamanashi Leib, Amrita Puri, Shlomo Bentin , David Whitney, Lynn
23.541 Psychophysical and Neural Investigations of Congenital
Prosopagnosia Nathan Witthoft, Sonia Poltoratski, Mai Nguyen, Golijeh
Golarai, Alina Liberman, Kalanit Grill-Spector
23.542 An Online Investigation of Face Training in a Large Sample
of Developmental Prosopagnosics, Phase 1 Sarah Cohan, Joseph M.
DeGutis, Ken Nakayama
23.543 Holistic processing of face gender in developmental
prosopagnosia Garga Chatterjee, Joseph M. DeGutis, Rogelio Mercado,
Ken Nakayama
23.544 Eying the eyes in social scenes: Diminished importance of
social attention in simultanagnosia Kirsten Dalrymple, Alex Gray,
Brielle Perler, Elina Birmingham, Walter Bischof, Jason Barton, Alan
23.545 Posterior Cortical Atrophy: The role of Simultanagnosia in
deficits of Face Perception. Jonathan Marotta, Keri Locheed

Perception and action: Pointing and

Poster Session, Vista Ballroom
Saturday, May 7, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
23.546 Compressing Perceived Distance Through Real and Imagined Tool Use Christopher Davoli, James Brockmole, Jessica Witt


Vision Sciences Society

See page 30 for Abstract Numbering System

Saturday Afternoon Talks

Development: Infancy and childhood

Eye movements: Remapping

Talk Session, Royal Ballroom 1-3

Saturday, May 7, 2:30 - 4:15 pm
Moderator: Melanie Palomares

Talk Session, Royal Ballroom 4-5

Saturday, May 7, 2:30 - 4:15 pm
Moderator: Martin Rolfs

2:30 pm 24.11 Reciprocal structural relationship between

primary sensory and prefrontal cortices in the human brain Chen

2:30 pm 24.21 Spatiotemporal remapping during saccades

revealed by classification images analysis. Michela Panichi, Concetta

2:45 pm 24.12 Locating dorsal stream vulnerability: highdensity global motion and form coherence VEPs related to MRI in
infants born very preterm Janette Atkinson, Dee Birtles, Shirley Anker,

2:45 pm 24.22 How transient remapping of neuronal receptive

fields mediates perceptual stability David Burr, Marco Cicchini,

3:00 pm 24.13 Protracted Development of Texture-defined Figure/

Ground Segmentation: A High-Density ssVEP Study Anthony Norcia,
3:15 pm 24.14 The interaction between chunking and stimulus
complexity in infant visual statistical learning Kimberly J. MacK-

3:00 pm 24.23 Saccade target visible on landing despite removal:

Can human observers see the prediction generated by presaccadic
remapping? Camille Morvan, Heiner Deubel, Patrick Cavanagh
3:15 pm 24.24 Mapping of presaccadic receptive field profiles
in the macaque frontal eye field Marc Zirnsak, Kitty Z. Xu, Behrad

enzie, Richard N. Aslin, Jozsef Fiser

Noudoost, Tirin Moore

3:30 pm 24.15 Face- and object-selective cortical responses in 4to 6-month-old infants and adults. Faraz Farzin, Chuan Hou, Melanie

3:30 pm 24.25 Saccadic adaptation fields have a visual component anchored in spatiotopic coordinates Eckart Zimmermann,

Palomares, Bruno Rossion, Anthony Norcia

David C. Burr, M. Concetta Morrone

3:45 pm 24.16 On the development of human face-processing

3:45 pm 24.26 Visual attention in the pre-saccadic interval Sebastiaan Matht, Jan Theeuwes

Song, Dietrich Schwarzkopf, Ryota Kanai, Geraint Rees

Morrone, David Burr, Stefano Baldassi

Paola Binda, Concetta Morrone

Justin Ales, Melanie Palomares

abilities: Evidence for hyperactivation of the extended face system

in children Frank Haist, Maha Adamo, Jarnet Han, Kang Lee, Joan Stiles
4:00 pm 24.17 Development of Visual-Motor Integration: The Role
of Genetic & Environmental Factors Karin Stromswold, Michelle

4:00 pm 24.27 Saccades gradually increase the perceived contrast

of their targets Martin Rolfs, Marisa Carrasco

Rosenthal, Kruti Patel, Diane Molnar

Perception and action: Navigation and

Talk Session, Royal Ballroom 1-3
Saturday, May 7, 5:15 - 6:45 pm, Moderator: Simon Rushton

Object recognition: Parts and categories

Talk Session, Royal Ballroom 4-5
Saturday, May 7, 5:15 - 6:45 pm
Moderator: James Tanaka

5:15 pm 25.11 The relationship between perceived straight-ahead

and walking direction. Tracey A. Herlihey, Simon K. Rushton, Cyril

5:15 pm 25.21 Poselets: A distributed representation for visual

recognition Lubomir Bourdev, Subhransu Maji, Jitendra Malik

5:30 pm 25.12 Rapid recruitment of extra-visual information

supports heading control when visual feedback is unavailable

5:30 pm 25.22 View propagation in internal object memory representation Tandra Ghose, Zili Liu

5:45 pm 25.13 Visual and non-visual contributions to the perception of object motion during self-motion Brett Fajen, Jonathan Matthis

5:45 pm 25.23 Gaze Direction Representations in Human Superior

Temporal Sulcus are Invariant to Head View Johan D Carlin, Andrew J

6:00 pm 25.14 Gazing at tangent point location during curve

driving does not avoid foveal motion and leads to optokinetic
nystagmus. Colas Authi, Daniel Mestre
6:15 pm 25.15 Distinct neural networks underlie encoding of
categorical versus coordinate spatial relations during active
navigation Oliver Baumann, Edgar Chan, Jason B Mattingley
6:30 pm 25.16 A new neural framework for visuospatial processing

6:00 pm 25.24 Recognizing objects, faces, and flowers using fixations Christopher Kanan, Garrison Cottrell


Steven Cloete, Guy Wallis

Dwight Kravitz, Kadharbatcha Saleem, Chris Baker, Mortimer Mishkin

See page 30 for Abstract Numbering System

Calder, Nikolaus Kriegeskorte, Hamed Nili, James B Rowe

6:15 pm 25.25 The Number Sense Follows the Object Sense Lixia
He, Tiangang Zhou, Jun Zhang, Yan Zhuo, Lin Chen
6:30 pm 25.26 The neural correlates of self-identity: Own-face and
own-object effects in event-related potentials James Tanaka, Lara
Pierce, Lisa Scott, Tim Curran

Vision Sciences Society


Saturday PM

John Wattam-Bell, Mary Rutherford, Frances Cowan, David Edwards,

Michela Groppo, Oliver Braddick

Saturday Afternoon Posters

Color and light: Adaptation and constancy
Poster Session, Royal Palm 6-8
Saturday, May 7, 2:45 - 6:30 pm
26.301 The strength of the McCollough effect does not increase

linearly with saturation: implications for the cortical color code

Alan Robinson, Donald MacLeod

26.302 An ecologically valid description of the light field Sylvia Pont

Saturday PM

26.303 Where we look determines what we see Matteo Toscani,

Matteo Valsecchi, Karl Gegenfurtner
26.304 People can reliably detect surfaces that are unlikely to just
be reflecting light Srgio Nascimento, Eli Brenner
26.305 Co-occurrence of luminance and chromatic edges does

not always result in suppressed perception of depth from shading

Stephane Clery, Marina Bloj, Julie M. Harris

26.306 Do basic colors influence chromatic adaptation? C.

Alejandro Parraga, Jordi Roca-Vila, Maria Vanrell
26.307 Optimizing lighting spectra for naturalness and chromatic
diversity Osamu Masuda, Joo Linhares, Paulo Felgueiras, Srgio Nascimento
26.308 The neural basis of lightness and color constancy in the
visual system Peter J. Kohler, Sergey V. Fogelson, Eric A. Reavis, Peter
U. Tse
26.309 Dichoptic positive color aftereffect induced by contour
figure: a new color aftereffect Takao Sato, Yutaka Nakajima
26.310 Filling-in of an Afterimage in Depth Planes Jihyun Kim,
Gregory Francis
26.311 Effects of binocular disparity on color constancy in real 3D
scenes revealed with a synopter Kazuho Fukuda, Takahiro Fukase,
Keiji Uchikawa
26.312 The effect of Color-Luminance correlations in surrounding
stimuli on color constancy under interocular suppression Koji
Horiuchi, Ichiro Kuriki, Rumi Tokunaga, Kazumichi Matsumiya, Satoshi
26.313 Visual perception of material affordances Martin Giesel,
Qasim Zaidi
26.314 Near-optimal tuning of trichromatic vision for constant
surface identification in natural scenes David H Foster, Srgio M C
Nascimento, Kinjiro Amano, Ivn Marn-Franch
26.315 A model of induced visual fading of complex images Gregory
Francis, Jihyun Kim
26.316 Red/Green Color Naming Declines in the

Periphery. Blue/Yellow Does Not. What Happens in Visual

Search? Karen L. Gunther, Rob Dalhaus, III
26.317 Detecting animals in natural surroundings: The role of color
distributions. Michael Jansen, Martin Giesel, Qasim Zaidi
26.318 Hue perception under scotopic light levels Sarah Elliott,
Dingcai Cao

26.319 Hyperspectral one-dimensional visual stimulator and its

application of metameric test. Toshifumi Mihashi, Naoki Nakamura,
Keisuke Yoshida, Tatsuo Yamaguchi, Kazuho Fukuda, Yasuki Yamauchi,
Katsuaki Sakata, Keiji Uchikawa


Vision Sciences Society

26.320 Scotopic sensitivity regulation: noise or gain ? Adam Reeves,

Rebecca Grayhem

Multisensory processing: Visual, tactile

and vestibular interactions
Poster Session, Royal Palm 6-8
Saturday, May 7, 2:45 - 6:30 pm
26.321 A multisensory visuotactile illusion induced by monocular

occlusion with a black contact lens does not depend on touch

signals on the face: evidence from behavioural and modelling
studies. Joseph DeSouza, Aaron Kucyi, Laura Pynn, Cecilia Jobst, Paula

Di Noto, Gerry Keith, Uta Wolfe

26.322 Different tactile stimuli produce different activation

patterns in occipitotemporal cortex Tingting Liu, Sheng He, Peng
Zhang, Gordon Legge
26.323 Recognition of Tactile Pictures is Compromised by Global
Shape Acquisition Amy Kalia, Pawan Sinha
26.324 Direct and indirect haptic calibration of visual size judgments in adults and children Monica Gori, Alessandra Sciutti, David

Burr, Giulio Sandini

26.325 Curvature aftereffect and visual-haptic interactions in

simulated environments Melissa M. Kibbe, Sung-Ho Kim, Steven
Cholewiak, Kristina Denisova
26.326 Optimal visual and proprioceptive cue integration in motion
perception Bo Hu, Grayson Sipe, David Knill
26.327 Visual smooth pursuit of proprioceptive signals is enhanced
by task-irrelevant dynamic noise Kevin C. Dieter, Bo Hu, David C.
Knill, Duje Tadin
26.328 The psychophysics of phantom sensations evoked by

Ramachandrans mirror: temporal dynamics and individual differences explored using the phantom pulse effect in normal (nonamputee) observers. David Peterzell
26.329 A New Method To Induce Phantom Limbs Beatrix Krause,
Elizabeth Seckel, Claude Miller, V.S. Ramachandran

26.330 Self-produced stimulation can elicit rubber hand illusion

Kazuhiko Yokosawa, Shoko Kanaya, Takahiro Ishiwata
26.332 Perceived direction of self-motion from upward/downward
vestibular and orthogonally directed visual stimulation Kenzo
Sakurai, Toshio Kubodera, Philip Grove, Shuichi Sakamoto, Yiti Suzuki
26.333 A Model for the Enhancement and Multi-Modal Integration
of Multi-Spectral Information in Rattlesnake Vincent Billock, Brian

Perceptual organization: Contours and

Poster Session, Orchid Ballroom
Saturday, May 7, 2:45 - 6:30 pm
26.401 Functional organizations underlying illusory and kinetic

contour processing in early visual cortices V1 and V2 of macaques

Xu An, Yanxia Pan, Jiapeng Yin, Xian Zhang, Hongliang Gong, Yupeng
Yang, Wei Wang

See page 30 for Abstract Numbering System

VSS 2011 Program

Saturday Afternoon Posters

26.402 Contour complexity and contour detectability John Wilder,

Jacob Feldman, Manish Singh

26.423 Involuntary attention improves perception by resolving

competition Suk Won Han, Ren Marois

26.403 Interpretation of surfaces as revealed by object motion

behind occluders Sung-Ho Kim, Jacob Feldman, Manish Singh

26.424 Voluntary attention modulates motion-induced mislocalization Peter Tse, David Whitney, Stuart Anstis, Patrick Cavanagh

26.404 Spatiotemporal Contour Interpolation in Four Dimensions

Gennady Erlikhman, Tandra Ghose, Philip Kellman

26.425 Temporal Expectancy, Framing Effects, and the Modulation

of Inhibition of Return Janice J. Snyder, Victoria Holec

26.405 Achromatic surface color depends on filling in shape Brian

Keane, Steven Silverstein, Philip Kellman

26.426 Voluntary production of visual items modulates transient

attention twice Ken Kihara, Jun Kawahara

26.406 Selective mechanisms for relative phase demonstrated by

compound adaptation Rebecca Sharman, Jonathan W. Peirce

26.427 What Stimulus Attributes are Enhanced by Attention?

William Prinzmetal, Ariel Rokem, Michael Silver

26.407 Response priming by illusory contours Thomas Schmidt, Anna


26.428 Top-Down And Bottom-Up Modulation Of Retinotopic

Activity In Temporal And Parietal Cortex Burcu A. Urgen, Donald J.
Hagler Jr, Jon Driver, Ayse P. Saygin

26.408 Contextual Modulation of Contour Detection is Altered in

Schizophrenia Michael-Paul Schallmo, Scott Sponheim, Cheryl Olman

26.410 Closing the Gap: Sensitivity to Real and Illusory Contours in

Patients treated for Bilateral Congenital Cataracts Mohini N. Patel,
Bat-Sheva Hadad, Daphne Maurer, Terri L. Lewis

26.430 Ramped Target Presentation Increases the Magnitude of

Location-Based Inhibition of Return Benjamin A. Guenther, James M.
Brown, Aisha P. Siddiqui, Shruti Narang

26.411 Functional organizations underlying illusory and kinetic

26.431 Spatial memory increases fixations to targets and onsets in

a visual search task Matthew Peterson, Jason Wong

Yanxia Pan, Xu An, Jiapeng Yin, Xian Zhang, Hongliang Gong, Yupeng
Yang, Wei Wang

26.432 Sustaining visual attention in the face of distraction: A

novel gradual onset continuous performance task Monica Rosen-

contour processing in extrastriate visual cortex V4d of macaques

berg, Sarah Noonan, Joseph DeGutis, Michael Esterman

26.412 Probe detection reveals a border-to-interior scheme for

perceiving a grating-texture surface Teng Leng Ooi, Yong R. Su,
Zijiang J. He

Attention: Features and objects

26.413 Transilience Induced Blindness Makoto Katsumura, Ryo

Shohara, Seiichiro Naito

Poster Session, Orchid Ballroom

Saturday, May 7, 2:45 - 6:30 pm

26.414 Selectivity for contrast polarity in contour integration

revealed by a novel tilt illusion Stefano Guidi, Sergio Roncato, Oronzo

26.433 Cross Modal Object-Based Attentional Guidance Emily

Bilger, Sarah Shomstein


26.415 Neural Correlates of the Poggendorff Illusion driven by

Illusory Contour: an fMRI Study Qi Chen, Li Li, Lihui Wang
26.416 Lazy neurons for good shape - Neural energy minimization
models for perceptual curve completion Ohad Ben-Shahar, Guy
26.417 How the unseen informs us about the seen: Metacontrast
masking with texture-defined second-order stimuli Evelina Tapia,
Bruno Breitmeyer, Jane Jacob
26.418 Spatial Range of Contour Integration in Schizophrenia
Steven M Silverstein, Brian P Keane, Deanna Barch, Cameron Carter, Jim
Gold, Ilona Kovcs, Angus MacDonald III, Dan Ragland, Milton Strauss
26.419 Selective Filling-in of Large Artificial Scotoma Ryo Shohara,
Makoto Katsumura, Seiichiro Naito

Attention: Endogenous and exogenous

Poster Session, Orchid Ballroom
Saturday, May 7, 2:45 - 6:30 pm
26.420 Exogenous cue size modulates attentional effects Katherine
Burnett, Giovanni dAvossa, Ayelet Sapir
26.421 Differential effects of endogenous and exogenous attention on second-order contrast sensitivity Antoine Barbot, Michael S.
Landy, Marisa Carrasco
26.422 Exogenous cuing improves perceptual performance Michael
Druker, Britt Anderson

See page 30 for Abstract Numbering System

26.434 Feature-based Selection Differs from Spatial Selection in

Visual Working Memory Qi Li, Jun Saiki
26.435 Rapid and reflexive feature-based attention Jeffrey Lin, Bjorn
Hubert-Wallander, Scott Murray, Geoffrey Boynton
26.436 Global modulation of task-relevant and task-irrelevant
dimensions of attended objects Audrey G. Lustig, Diane M. Beck
26.437 Chroma and luminance interactions in processing of orientation saliency Alik Mokeichev, Ohad Ben-Shahar
26.438 Object-based attention: Shifting or uncertainty, reconsidered W. Trammell Neill, George Seror, Yongna Li
26.439 Object representations maintain attentional control
settings across space and time Christian Olivers, Daniel Schreij
26.440 Unitising colour and shape: The effects of stored knowledge on visual selection Sarah J. Rappaport, Glyn W. Humphreys, M.
Jane Riddoch
26.441 Object based attention effects disappear when flanking
objects are present. Brian Roller, Andrew, J. Mojica, Elizabeth Salvagio,
Mary A. Peterson
26.442 The roles of visual features in the generation of the contextual cuing effect Joseph Krummenacher, Alain Chavaillaz
26.443 Contextual effect in object-based attention when target is
integral to the object Yun Ji Kim, Jihyun Cha, Eunah Joo, Kyung Bo
Seo, Su Hyoun Park

Vision Sciences Society


Saturday PM

26.409 The contribution of colour and spatial frequency cues to

contour integration Malte Persike, Gnter Meinhardt

26.429 The time course of saccadic visual selection in patients

with parietal damage. Isabel Dombrowe, Mieke Donk, Hayley Wright,
Cristian NL Olivers, Glyn Humphreys

Saturday Afternoon Posters

26.444 The role of attentional gradients in line bisection performance of hemineglect Parampal S Grewal, Jayalakshmi Viswanathan,
Jason JS Barton
26.445 Sustained attention facilitates change detection, but only
in a brief blank duration Ryoichi Nakashima, Kazuhiko Yokosawa
26.446 Relation binding deficits during rapid spatial relationship
judgments. Heeyoung Choo, Steve Franconeri
26.447 An Investigation of the Reliability and Relationships among
Global-Local Processing Measures Gillian Dale, Karen M. Arnell
26.448 Object-based Attention and Prioritization Revealed by the
Temporal Order Judgment Method Ian Donovan, Jay Pratt, Sarah

Saliency affects feedforward more than feedback

processing in primary visual cortex. Tatiana Aloi Emmanouil, Philip

Saturday PM


Avigan, Marjan Persuh, Tony Ro

26.450 Perceptual consequences of feature-based attentional

suppression Tiffany Ho, Scott Brown, John Serences
26.451 Object-based attention: spreading or prioritization? Sien
Hu, Alissa Winkler, Chiang-shan Li, Yuan-chi Tseng
26.452 Change Detection is Better Specifically for Object Properties that Change More Frequently in the Real World Stephen
Killingsworth, Alex Franklin, Daniel Levin
26.453 The simultaneous and involuntary effect of global featurebased attention on motion sensitivity Alex White, Marisa Carrasco

Noise and uncertainty

VSS 2011 Program

26.510 An augmented BarlowLevick model detects onsets and
offsets of motion Timothy Barnes, Ennio Mingolla
26.511 Temporal integration and interaction in the mechanisms
underlying orientation- and direction-specific VEP Oliver Braddick,
Thomas Bloomeld, Oliver Wright, Janette Atkinson, John Wattam-Bell,
Jin Lee

26.512 Retinal and cortical effects of transcranial electric stimulation Kohitij Kar, Bart Krekelberg
26.513 Intermittent motion stimuli stabilize neuronal responses

in area MT: Implications for the perceptual stabilization of visual

ambiguities Chris Klink, Martin Lankheet, Richard van Wezel
26.514 Image velocity coding in the primate visual system: A
possible role for MT component neurons John A. Perrone, Richard J.

26.515 Multivariate classification of motion direction using highfield fMRI. Alex Beckett, Jonathan Peirce, Susan Francis, Denis Schluppeck
26.516 Decoding perceptual choices for motion stimuli of varying
coherence Martin N. Hebart, Tobias H. Donner, John-Dylan Haynes
26.517 Illusory centrifugal motion direction observed in stationary
stimuli: dependency on duration and eccentricity Ruyuan Zhang,
Duje Tadin
26.518 Resolving the projection of a moving stimulus on the human
cortical surface Kevin DeSimone, Keith Schneider
26.519 Visual trails : when perceptual continuity breaks down Julien
Dubois, Christof Koch, Run VanRullen

Poster Session, Vista Ballroom

Saturday, May 7, 2:45 - 6:30 pm

26.520 The critical speed for motion streak processing in early

visual cortex Zhongchao Tan, Haidong Lu

26.501 Separating Decision Noise and Encoding Noise in Perceptual Decision Making Carlos Cabrera, Zhong-Lin Lu, Barbara Dosher

Spatial vision: Mechanisms

26.502 Learning of uncertain stimuli transfers from criterion-

Poster Session, Vista Ballroom

Saturday, May 7, 2:45 - 6:30 pm

Feitong Yang, Sheng Li

26.521 The Psychometric Function: Why we should not, and need

not, estimate the lapse rate. Nicolaas Prins

based to noise-based perceptual decision, but not vice versa

26.503 Uncertainty representation of low-level visual attributes

Marjena Popovic, Dmitriy Lisitsyn, Pietro Berkes, Mt Lengyel, Jzsef

26.522 The interaction between flanker phase and position in

lateral masking Chien-Chung Chen

26.504 Internal uncertainty, rather than expected performance,

determines visual confidence Pascal Mamassian, Simon Barthelm

26.523 Spatial frequency bandwidth of surround suppression

Ignacio Serrano-Pedraza, John P. Grady, Jenny C.A. Read

26.505 Ventral lateral prefrontal areas reflect an influence of

26.524 Bandwidths of gain control pools in overlaid and centersurround masking Lynn Olzak, Patrick Hibbeler

past experiences of weak signals on perceptual decision making

Shigeaki Nishina, Dongho Kim, Kazuhisa Shibata, Ji-Won Bang, Gojko

Zaric, Jos Nez, Yuka Sasaki, Takeo Watanabe

26.506 A strong interactive link between sensory discrimination

and intelligence Michael Melnick, Duje Tadin
26.507 Action selection requires predicting future uncertainty C.
Shawn Green, Jacqueline Fulvio, Max Siegel, Daniel Kersten, Paul Schrater
26.508 Overcoming uncertainty aversion with visual lotteries.
Riccardo Pedersini

Motion: Neural mechanisms

Poster Session, Vista Ballroom
Saturday, May 7, 2:45 - 6:30 pm
26.509 The motion after-effect in the optomotor response of
zebrafish Hiroshi Ishikane


Vision Sciences Society

26.525 Efficient integration across spatial frequencies reflected in

early visual areas Rachel Millin, Bosco S. Tjan
26.526 Time-Course of Anisotropic Masking at High and Low
Spatial Frequencies Yeon Jin Kim, Andrew M. Haun, Edward A. Essock
26.527 The effect of mask contrast on spatiotemporal masking
in younger and older subjects Lindsay E. Farber, Allison B. Sekuler,
Patrick J. Bennett
26.528 Alignment judgements: Greater precision within than
between cortical maps Rachel Owens, J. Edwin Dickinson, David.R.
26.529 Temporal characteristics of monoptic and dichoptic
collinear lateral masking of contrast detection Wesley Kinerk,
Erwin Wong

See page 30 for Abstract Numbering System

VSS 2011 Program

26.530 Bisection and dissection of horizontal lines: the long and
the short of the Oppel-Kundt illusion. Kyriaki Mikellidou, Peter
26.531 When bigger is better Mauro Manassi, Bilge Sayim, Michael H.

Saturday Afternoon Posters

26.550 Psychophysical evidence for normalization in second-order
mechanisms Helena X. Wang, Michael S. Landy, David J. Heeger
26.551 A Neural Model of Figure-Ground Segregation Explains
Occlusion Without Junction Detectors Arash Yazdanbakhsh, Oliver
Layton, Ennio Mingolla

26.532 Jitter detection exceeds spatial frequency limit of the visual

system Koichiro Shinohara, Kazuho Fukuda, Keiji Uchikawa
26.533 Reduced adaptation from complex grating on component

grating is due to automatic interaction between components

independent of attention Qiujie Weng, Stephen Engel, Daniel Kersten,

Sheng He

26.534 Ecological-optics origin of the style of European and EastAsian classical painting Isamu Motoyoshi

Saturday PM

26.535 Dioptric blur affects grating acuity more than letter acuity
for contrast-modulated stimuli. Norsham Ahmad, Sarah J Waugh,
Monika A Formankiewicz

Spatial vision: Encoding and decoding

Poster Session, Vista Ballroom
Saturday, May 7, 2:45 - 6:30 pm
26.536 Segmentation mechanisms are sensitive to and can
segment by higher-order statistics in naturalistic textures Elizabeth
Arsenault, Curtis Baker
26.537 Spatial Frequency Weighting Functions for Perceived
Contrast in Complex Imagery Andrew Haun, Eli Peli
26.538 Statistics of natural scene structures and material perception Almon Ing, Zhiyong Yang
26.539 Orientation statistics of natural scenes: spatial-scale and
temporal aspects Anirvan S. Nandy, John H. Reynolds, Tatyana O.
26.540 Anisotropy in Paintings: A reflection of structural anisotropy
in natural scenes? April M. Schweinhart, Yeon Jin Kim, Edward A.
26.541 Characterizing the salience and interactions of informative
image statistics Jonathan Victor, Daniel Thengone, Mary Conte
26.542 A neural population model for pattern detection Robbe Goris,
Tom Putzeys, Johan Wagemans, Felix Wichmann
26.543 Decoding cortico-cortical receptive fields: Background

signal fluctuations in the visual system are retinotopically coordinated between different visual areas John-Dylan Haynes, Thorsten

Kahnt, Jakob Heinzle

26.544 Spatial saturation in human visual cortex Kendrick Kay,

Jonathan Winawer, Aviv Mezer, Brian Wandell
26.545 ERP correlates of orientation-specific surround suppression Michael Silver, Anna Kosovicheva, Ayelet Landau
26.546 Does the BOLD signal reflect input or output of a cortical

area? -- Laminar patterns of Gamma-band activities in Macaque

visual cortex Dajun Xing, Chun-I Yeh, Samuel Burns, Robert Shapley
26.547 How receptive field properties of V1 neurons change with
different stimulus ensembles Chun-I Yeh, Dajun Xing, Robert M

26.548 Estimating the growth of discriminative information guiding

perceptual decisions Casimir Ludwig, Rhys Davies
26.549 Contrast-response functions, Fisher information, and
contrast decoding performance Keith May, Li Zhaoping

See page 30 for Abstract Numbering System

Vision Sciences Society


Sunday Morning Talks

Motion: Encoding and aftereffects

Object recognition: Features

Talk Session, Royal Ballroom 1-3

Sunday, May 8, 8:00 - 9:45 am
Moderator: Hinze Hogenboom

Talk Session, Royal Ballroom 4-5

Sunday, May 8, 8:00 - 9:45 am
Moderator: Gabriel Kreiman

8:00 am 31.11 Large illusory displacements of spots flashed on a

moving object. Stuart Anstis, Patrick Cavanagh

8:00 am 31.21 The medial axis structures of novel objects are

8:15 am 31.12 Optimal signal integration across spatiotemporal

frequency channels accounts for perceived visual speed Matjaz
Jogan, Alan A. Stocker
8:30 am 31.13 The motion-induced position shift of a Gabor patch

Sunday AM

with a moving carrier and a moving envelope viewed with a moving

eye Rumi Hisakata, Masahiko Terao, Ikuya Murakami
8:45 am 31.14 Decoding the motion aftereffect in human visual
cortex Hinze Hogendoorn, Frans A.J. Verstraten

spontaneously perceived despite variability in the objects orientations and component part shapes Mark D Lescroart, Irving Biederman
8:15 am 31.22 What determines the canonical view of a scene?
Krista Ehinger, Aude Oliva

8:30 am 31.23 Segmenting 2D Shapes using 3D Inflation Nathaniel

R. Twarog, Edward H. Adelson, Marshall F. Tappen
8:45 am 31.24 Can configural relations be encoded by image
histograms of higher-order filters? Nicholas M. Van Horn, Alexander
A. Petrov, James T. Todd

9:00 am 31.15 A new form of motion aftereffect in transparent

motion adaptation Alan L. F. Lee, Hongjing Lu

9:00 am 31.25 Binding the features of a continuously changing

visual stimulus Para Kang, Steven Shevell

9:15 am 31.16 Motion integration across apertures generates a

global motion aftereffect in an unadapted region Zhicheng Lin,
Sheng He

9:15 am 31.26 Top-down signals are needed for object completion

in the human visual cortex Gabriel Kreiman, Calin Buia, Jed Singer,
Joseph Madsen

9:30 am 31.17 What is the spatial integration area for global

motion perception in human central vision? Timothy Ledgeway, Paul
McGraw, Anita Simmers

9:30 am 31.27 Binding of text and speech by children Katharine A.

Tillman, Matthieu Dubois, Wendy Schnebelen, Denis G. Pelli

Multisensory processing

Attention: Neural mechanisms and reward

Talk Session, Royal Ballroom 1-3

Sunday, May 8, 10:45 - 12:30 pm
Moderator: Thomas Otto

Talk Session, Royal Ballroom 4-5

Sunday, May 8, 10:45 - 12:30 pm
Moderator: Yuka Sasaki

10:45 am 32.11 Multimodal integration for estimating event rates

Paul Schrater, Anne Churchland

10:45 am 32.21 Superior colliculus inactivation impairs covert

selective attention to motion but does not alter gain modulation

of motion signals in areas MT and MST Richard Krauzlis, Alexandre

11:00 am 32.12 Interactive processing of auditory amplitudemodulation frequency and visual spatial frequency. Emmanuel
Guzman-Martinez, Laura Ortega, Marcia Grabowecky, Julia Mossbridge,
Satoru Suzuki

11:00 am 32.22 On the limits of top-down control of visual selection Jan Theeuwes, Erik van der Burg

11:15 am 32.13 Differential development of audio-visual integration for saccadic eye movements and manual responses Marko

11:15 am 32.23 Early involvement of prefrontal cortex in bottom-up

Nardini, Jennifer Bales, Samir Zughni, Denis Mareschal

visual attention: comparison of neural response times in monkey

prefrontal and posterior parietal cortex Fumi Katsuki, Christos

11:30 am 32.14 Noise and Correlations in Parallel Perceptual
Decision Making Thomas U. Otto, Pascal Mamassian

11:30 am 32.24 Detection performance is modulated at a lowtheta selection rhythm. Ayelet Landau, Pascal Fries

11:45 am 32.15 Text and speech summate perfectly, despite inefficient feature binding Matthieu Dubois, David Poeppel, Denis G. Pelli

11:45 am 32.25 Visual information processing in the absence of

pulvinar input Gopathy Purushothaman, Roan Marion, Steven Walston,
Keji Li, Dmitry Yampolsky, Yaoguang Jiang, Vivien Casagrande

12:00 pm 32.16 Striking parallel between Tonotopy in Auditory

12:00 pm 32.26 Using MVPA to dissociate the role of objectcentered and eye-centered reference frames in attention Alejandro
Vicente-Grabovetsky, Daniel, J. Mitchell, Johan D. Carlin, Rhodri Cusack

Cortex and Retinotopy in Visual Cortex: a human fMRI study at 7

Tesla Melissa Saenz, Wietske Van Der Zwaag, Jose P Marques, Richard S

Frackowiak, Stephanie Clarke, Sandra E Da Costa

12:15 pm 32.17 Decoding natural sounds in early visual cortex

Petra Vetter, Fraser W. Smith, Lars Muckli


Vision Sciences Society

12:15 pm 32.27 Reward reduces inhibitory control as shown in

retrieval-induced forgetting Hisato Imai, Dongho Kim, Yuka Sasaki,
Takeo Watanabe
See page 30 for Abstract Numbering System

Sunday Morning Posters

Eye movements: Perisaccadic perception
Poster Session, Royal Palm 6-8
Sunday, May 8, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
33.301 Peri-Saccadic Visual Sensitivity while Freely-Viewing
Natural Movies Michael Dorr, Peter Bex
33.302 Egocentric but not allocentric perceptual distortions from
saccadic adaptation Benjamin Wolfe, David Whitney
33.303 The role of surface feature information in object persistence across saccades Caglar Tas, Cathleen Moore, Andrew Hollingworth
33.304 Saccadic decisions in response to new objects in spatiotopic and retinotopic reference frames Rhys Davies, Casimir Ludwig

33.318 The development of sensitivity to the direction of motion

Lisa Betts, Daphne Maurer, Terri Lewis
33.319 Depth from motion parallax in infancy: The role of smooth
pursuit and ocular following response eye movements Elizabeth
Nawrot, Mark Nawrot, Jennifer Livingood, Jennifer Wenner
33.320 Infants ability to perceive depth produced by vertical
disparity Aki Tsuruhara, Hirohiko Kaneko, So Kanazawa, Yumiko
Otsuka, Nobu Shirai, Masami K. Yamaguchi
33.321 Developmental trends in detection threshold for looming
objects Damian Poulter, Catherine Purcell, John Wann
33.322 Six- to 12-month-old infants use emotional response, agent

identity, and motion cues in associated learning of social events

Doris Hiu-Mei Chow, Geroldene Hoi-Tung Tsui, Chia-huei Tseng

33.323 Development of visual sensitivity for topological versus

geometric properties in early infancy Sarina Hui-Lin Chien, Yun-Lan
Lin, Lin Chen

33.306 Breakdown of spatial constancy for head roll but not head
translation. Martin Szinte, Stphanie Correia, Patrick Cavanagh

Development: Amblyopia

33.307 Computational mechanisms of predictive remapping and

visual stability Fred H Hamker, Arnold Ziesche

Poster Session, Royal Palm 6-8

Sunday, May 8, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm

33.308 Fidelity of spatial memory across eye movements: Retinotopic memory is more precise than spatiotopic memory Julie
Golomb, Nancy Kanwisher

33.324 Cortical thickening of early visual areas in early monocular

enucleation Krista Kelly, Kevin DeSimone, Keith Schneider, Jennifer

33.309 Perisaccadic flash mislocalization depends on whether a

33.325 Is tonic vergence protective against strabismus during

development? Erin E. Babinsky, T. Rowan Candy

background stimulus appears or disappears around the time of

the flash Jordan Pola
33.310 How perisaccadic spatial distortion affects on crowding
effect? Zhi-Lei Zhang, Christopher Cantor, Jian-Liang Tong, Clifton

33.326 Links between acuity, crowding and binocularity in children

with and without amblyopia John Greenwood, Vijay Tailor, Anita
Simmers, John Sloper, Gary Rubin, Peter Bex, Steven Dakin

Development: Childhood and infancy

33.327 Temporal Dynamics of Binocular Rivalry in Normal and

Amblyopic Vision Chang-Bing Huang, Jiawei Zhou, Yifeng Zhou, ZhongLin Lu


Poster Session, Royal Palm 6-8

Sunday, May 8, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
33.311 Optical Development in Early Childhood: Results From
Non-Cycloplegic Autorefraction Russell J. Adams, Jesse Church, James
R Drover, Mary L. Courage
33.312 Unlike Adults, Infants Visual Preferences are Driven by
Lower-Level Visual Features Lauren Burakowski, Edward Vessel, Scott
Johnson, Lauren Krogh
33.313 Feature Processing and Illusory Conjunctions in Infants
Long-Term Memory Scott Adler, Joanna Dudek
33.314 Quick CSF in preverbal infants with forced-choice preferential looking paradigm Geroldene Hoi-Tung Tsui, Doris Hiu-Mei Chow,

33.328 The Effect of Early Visual Deprivation on Sensitivity to

Orientation in First- and Second-order Patterns Seong Taek Jeon,
Daphne Maurer, Terri Lewis
33.329 Prolonged periods of binocular stimulation can provide an
effective treatment in childhood amblyopia Anita Simmers, Pamela
Knox, Lyle Gray
33.330 Examination of Anti-Suppression Therapy for Amblyopia
Andrea K. Globa, Behzad Mansouri, Pauline M. Pearson
33.331 Quantitative measurement of interocular suppression
in children with amblyopia Sathyasri Narasimhan, Emily Harrison,
Deborah Giaschi

Chia-huei Tseng

33.332 Improving the screening of children for amblyopia Denis

Pelli, Shuang Song, Dennis Levi

33.315 Four-month-old infants exhibit lightness constancy Carl

Granrud, Sherryse Corrow, Alan Gilchrest, Jordan Mathison, Albert Yonas

Face perception: Expression and emotion

33.316 Denoising developmental FMRI data: Removal of structured

noise from a passive-viewing task differentially impacts children

and adults Maha Adamo, Jarnet Han, Frank Haist
33.317 Development of visual motion processing: Latency of direction-specific VEP in infants compared to adults Jin Lee, Dee Birtles,

Poster Session, Orchid Ballroom

Sunday, May 8, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
33.401 Aftereffects for contrast-negated faces in gender and
emotion categorization Pamela Pallett, Ming Meng

John Wattam-Bell, Janette Atkinson, Oliver Braddick

See page 30 for Abstract Numbering System

Vision Sciences Society


Sunday AM

33.305 Binding of location and color in retinotopic, not spatiotopic, coordinates Sarah Tower-Richardi, Julie Golomb, Nancy

Sunday Morning Posters

33.402 Happy or Sad? Context Does Not Influence Four-Year-Olds
Perception of Happy and Sad Facial Expressions Matt Horner, Cathy
Mondloch, Jasmine Mian
33.403 Event Related Potentials Associated With The Modulation
Of Spatial Attention By Emotional Faces. Amandine Lassalle, Roxane
33.404 Neural Coding of Facial Emotions in the Human Brain Fraser
Smith, Melvyn Goodale
33.405 Effects of attentional load and spatial location on amygdala processing of emotional stimuli Daniel Stjepanovic, Jason
Mattingley, Mark Bellgrove

33.422 Visual familiarity influences representations of faces Lucia

Garrido, Jonathan S. Cant, Yaoda Xu, Ken Nakayama
33.423 The time course of individual face processing Gladys
Barragan-Jason, Fanny Lachat, Emmanuel Barbeau
33.424 Beyond the retina: Evidence for a face inversion effect
in the environmental reference frame Stephen Flusberg, Nicolas
33.425 Identifying faces across large changes in illumination:
Human versus machine performance Alice OToole, Jonathan Phillips,
Joseph Dunlop, Xiaobo An, Samuel Weimer, Vaidehi Natu

33.406 Online interaction between conscious and non-conscious

33.426 Using avatars to explore height/pitch effects when learning

new faces Isabelle Blthoff, Sarah Shrimpton, Betty J. Mohler, Ian M.

Beatrice de Gelder

33.427 Avatars versus point-light faces: Movement matching is better

without a face. Rachel Bennetts, Rachel Robbins, Darren Burke, Kevin
Brooks, Jeesun Kim, Simon Lucey, Jason Saragih

perception of emotions in affective blindsight depends on

low spatial frequencies Marco Tamietto, Tommaso Brischetto Costa,

33.407 Redundancy Effects in the Processing of Emotional Faces

Bo-Yeong Won, Yuhong Jiang
33.408 Orientation Information in Encoding Facial Expressions
Deyue Yu, Andrea Chai, Susana Chung

Sunday AM

VSS 2011 Program

33.409 Uncovering the principles that allow a distinction of conversational facial expressions Kathrin Kaulard, Ana Lucia Fernandez
Cruz, Heinrich H. Blthoff, Johannes Schultz
33.410 A computational feed-forward model predicts categoriza-

tion of masked emotional body language for longer, but not for
shorter latencies Bernard Stienen, Konrad Schindler, Beatrice de Gelder

Face perception: Experience and learning

Poster Session, Orchid Ballroom
Sunday, May 8, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
33.411 Do face adaptation aftereffects predict face recognition?
Evidence from individual differences Hugh W. Dennett, Elinor
McKone, Mark Edwards, Tirta Susilo
33.412 Evidence opposing opponent facial coding Anjali Diamond,
Derek Arnold
33.413 Adaptation modulates the electrophysiological substrates
of perceived facial distortion: Support for opponent coding Bethany
Jurs, Alex Burkhardt, Leslie Blaha, Gillian Rhodes, Linda Jeffery, Tom
33.414 Facial age after-effects show partial identity invariance
and transfer from hands to faces. Michelle Lai, Ipek Oruc, Jason J S
33.415 Adaptation for perception of the human body: investigations of transfer across viewpoint and pose. Alla Sekunova, Michael
Black, Laura Parkinson , Jason Barton
33.416 Face adaptation: Comparing norm-based and exemplarbased models David Ross, Mickael Deroche, Thomas Palmeri
33.417 Selectivity of facial aftereffects for changes in facial
expression Megan Tillman, Michael Webster
33.418 Contrast dependence of figural aftereffects for faces
Kimberley Halen, Michael Webster
33.419 Perceptual learning induces fast processing and efficient
representation of face Fang Fang, Junzhu Su, Cheng Chen, Dongjun He
33.420 Perceptual Learning of Inverted Faces across Different
Spatial Frequency Bands Adlade de Heering, Daphne Maurer

Perception and action: Reaching and

Poster Session, Orchid Ballroom
Sunday, May 8, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm

A perception-action dissociation revealed through the

interaction with blurred stimuli. Frank Colino, John de Grosbois,


Darian Cheng, Keith Brewster, Gord Binsted

33.429 Passive tracking versus active control in motor learning

Geoffrey P. Bingham, Elizabeth Casserly, Winona Snapp-Childs
33.430 Visuomotor resolution for size is independent of conscious
perception Tzvi Ganel, Erez Freud, Eran Chazut, Daneil Algom
33.431 A Modern Version of a Classic: Combining the Cross Copy

Task with a Computerized Tablet Reveals Subtle Motoric Decits in

Hemispatial Neglect Joseph M. DeGutis, Tyler Zink, Regina McGlinchey,

William Milberg, Ken Nakayama

33.432 The role of right temporal lobe structures in off-line action:

evidence from lesion-behaviour mapping in stroke patients Monika
Harvey, Stephanie Rossit
33.433 The role of proprioception in the planning and control of
action following sensory deprivation Karen Bourns, Franciso Colino,
Keith Brewster, Gordon Binsted
33.434 Dynamic early adherence and late violation of Webers law
in goal-directed grasping. Scott Holmes, Ali Mulla, Lisa Smuskowitz,
Matthew Heath
33.435 Walking, climbing, grasping: Separate visual processing
streams for different classes of actions Rouhollah Abdollahi, Jan
Jastorff , Guy Orban
33.436 Gaze strategies during visually-guided and memory-guided
grasping Steven L. Prime, Jonathan J. Marotta
33.437 Perception and the Fittss Law Violation: Why is the last one
the fastest one? Petre Radulescu, Jos Adam, Martin Fisher, Davood
Gozli, Greg West, Jay Pratt
33.438 Spatial bias, spatial uncertainty and illusion effects in
antigrasping Urs Kleinholdermann, Volker H. Franz
33.439 Error statistics reflect movement coding and prior movement history Michael Landy, Todd Hudson

33.421 Implicit face prototype learning from geometric information

Charles C.-F. Or, Hugh R. Wilson


Vision Sciences Society

See page 30 for Abstract Numbering System

VSS 2011 Program

33.440 Cognitive feedback may cause Tool Effects: An attempted
replication of Witt (in press) Zachary Ontiveros, Neil Mejia, Peter
Liebenson, Andreas Lagos, Frank Durgin
33.441 Metric visual information about distance entails informational units Jing Samantha Pan, Rachel Coats, Geoffrey Bingham
33.442 Intrinsic scaling of reaches-to-grasp predicted by affor-

Sunday Morning Posters

Attention: Capture
Poster Session, Vista Ballroom
Sunday, May 8, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
33.501 On The Precision of Attention Sets: Effects of Distractor

Probability and Temporal Expectations on Contingent Capture

dance-based model: Testing men and women with large and small
grip spans Winona Snapp-Childs, Rachel Coats, Jing Samantha Pan,

Daniel Blakely, Timothy Wright, Walter Boot, James Brockmole

33.443 Learning to stop looking at the task in hand Robyn Johnson,

Richard Wilkie, Melanie Burke, Mark Mon-Williams

Nicolas Burra, Dirk Kerzel

Mark Mon-Williams, Geoffrey P. Bingham

33.502 Is attentional capture modulated by task difficulty? An

N2pc study with visual search of repeated and changing targets

33.503 The effect of context on oculomotor capture: Its better not

to think about it Joseph Chisholm, Alan Kingstone

33.444 The Poggendorff Illusion Fools Perceptions and Various

Actions Larence Becker

33.504 Capturing attention without onset transients Fook K Chua

Scene perception: Memory and context

33.505 Contingent attentional capture depends on stimulus properties Hsin-I Liao, Su-Ling Yeh

Poster Session, Orchid Ballroom

Sunday, May 8, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
33.445 Decoding objects undergoing contextual violations Christopher Baldassano, Marius Ctlin Iordan, Diane M. Beck, Li Fei-Fei
33.446 Scene categorization after priming/adaptation to amplitude statistics Jenny A.E. Josephs, Erich W. Graf, Wendy J. Adams

33.448 Reducing expectations: Is an extension of current boundary

extension theories needed? Aisha Siddiqui, James Brown, Ben Guenther, Shruti Narang
33.449 Event Extension: Event Based Inferences Distort Memory in
a Matter of Seconds Brent Strickland, Frank Keil
33.450 More Space Please! The effect of clutter on Boundary
Extension Carmela Gottesman
33.451 Threat is separable from stimulus negativity in visual
scenes Kestutis Kveraga, Jasmine Boshyan, Reginald Adams, Moshe Bar,
Jasmine Mote, Lisa Feldman Barrett
33.452 The Impact of Scrambling the Order of Episode Components

on Perceived Events and Recognition Memory for a Picture Story

Adam Larson, Chris Wallace, Margarita McQuade, Caitlyn Badke, Lester

33.453 The effect of consistency on scene short-term memory
Mingliang Gong, Yuming Xuan, Xiaolan Fu
33.454 Object Orientation Influences False Memory for the Shape
of a View Christopher Dickinson, David Crane, J. Chapman Munn, Reiss
Powell, Leah Stephens, Jordan Todd

33.507 Does Hand Position Affect Attentional Capture by a Salient

Distracter? Dan Vatterott, Shaun Vecera
33.508 Attentional Capture and Aging: Increased Salience Sarah
Weiss, Sarah Shomstein
33.509 The Time Course and Nature of Attentional Disengagement
Effects Walter Boot, Timothy Wright, Daniel Blakely, James Brockmole
33.510 Active suppression of attention after the completion of
perception Risa Sawaki, Joy Geng, Steven Luck
33.511 Objects approaching your avatar engage attention Daniel
Schreij, Chris Olivers
33.512 Effects of involuntary covert orienting and attentional
control settings depend on the experimental task Josef Schnhammer, Dirk Kerzel
33.513 Attentional Set Produces an Inhibitory Surround in Color
Space Erika Wells, Andrew Leber, Erin Kuta
33.514 Ignorance is bliss: The potential negative impact of knowledge on attention Adam Biggs, Ryan Kreager, Bradley Gibson
33.515 Moment-to-Moment Fluctuations in Attentional Distraction
by Motion: An fMRI Analysis Jennifer Lechak, Andrew Leber
33.516 Linguistic and Feature Cues Interact to Determine
Saccadic Latency and Direction in Visual Search Timothy Wright,
Daniel Blakely, John Jones, Walter Boot, James Brockmole

Motion: Flow, depth, and spin


Poster Session, Vista Ballroom

Sunday, May 8, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm

Besson, Mathieu Ceccaldi, Mira Didic-Hamel Cooke, Emmanuel Barbeau

33.517 Modeling perceived depth from motion parallax with the

motion/pursuit ratio Mark Nawrot, Mik Ratzlaff, Zach Leonard, Keith

Visual Long-Term Memory of Scenes is Vulnerable to

Bubbles Hengqing Chu, Eamon Caddigan, Diane M. Beck
33.456 What is the speed of visual recognition memory? Gabriel

33.457 Mental representation of compositions in paintings is

based on their perceptual similarities Woon Ju Park, Sang Chul
33.458 Integration without awareness: expanding the limits of
unconscious processing Liad Mudrik, Assaf Breska, Dominique Lamy,
Leon Deouell

See page 30 for Abstract Numbering System

33.518 How noise affects complex motion perception Nadejda

Bocheva, Ljudmil Bojilov
33.519 Global speed perception in human vision is sensitive to the
median physical speed of local image motions Francesca Rocchi,
Timothy Ledgeway, Ben S. Webb
33.520 A Bistable Counterchange Detector for the Perception of
Third-Order Motion Joseph Norman, Howard Hock, Gregor Schner

Vision Sciences Society


Sunday AM

33.447 Contextual associations facilitate long-term memory of

visual details in barely seen pictures Nurit Gronau, Meytal Shachar,
Yifat Rosenberg

33.506 Motion refresh rates determine how continuous and

starting motion captures attention Meera Mary Sunny, Adrian von

Sunday Morning Posters

33.521 Perception of bistable structure-from-motion stimulus, but
not binocular rivalry, could be stabilized by visual context Peng
Zhang, Sheng He
33.522 Isolation of binocular 3D motion cues in human visual
cortex Thaddeus B. Czuba, Alexander C. Huk, Lawrence K. Cormack
33.523 Reponses of human V6 to random motion, egomotionincompatible and egomotion-compatible optic flow Velia Cardin,
Rachael Sherrington, Lara Hemsworth, Andrew T Smith

Temporal processing
Poster Session, Vista Ballroom
Sunday, May 8, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
33.539 The Many Directions of Time William Curran, Christopher
33.540 Life motion signals lengthen perceived temporal duration Li
Wang, Yi Jiang

33.524 Cortical responses to time-varying optic flow patterns show

33.541 The Effect of Simultaneous Context on Perceived Duration

Inci Ayhan, Aurelio Bruno, Shinya Nishida, Alan Johnston

Jeremy Fesi, Amanda Thomas, Kenneth Hwang, Rick Gilmore

33.542 Apparent duration expansion at low luminance levels.

Aurelio Bruno, Inci Ayhan, Alan Johnston

differential tuning by pattern type, speed, and scalp location

33.525 Does assessment of scene-relative object movement rely

upon recovery of heading? Paul A. Warren, Simon K. Rushton, Andrew
J. Foulkes
33.526 Heading recovery from optic flow: Comparing performance
of humans and computational models Andrew J. Foulkes, Paul A.
Warren, Simon K. Rushton
33.527 A Model of MT Motion Pooling Explains Human Heading
Bias Oliver Layton, Ennio Mingolla, N. Andrew Browning
33.528 Ordinal depth from occlusion using optical flow: A neural
model Stephan Tschechne, Heiko Neumann

Sunday AM

VSS 2011 Program

33.529 Near-optimal spatial integration of optic flow information

for direction of heading judgments Laurel Issen, Krystel R. Huxlin,
David C. Knill
33.530 Color and luminance for motion-in-depth Satoshi Shioiri,
Kazumichi Matsumiya, Mitsuharu Ogiya
33.531 Motion induction or assimilation in depth in a frontoparallel moving display? The importance of depth cues Jasmin Lveill,
Emma Myers, Arash Yazdanbakhsh

3D perception: Dynamic cues

Poster Session, Vista Ballroom
Sunday, May 8, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
33.532 Perspective transformations and depth scaling in stereopsis and motion parallax Brian Rogers
33.533 Perception of slant by an active observer remains constant
when looking at a rotating but not at a static plane Carlo Fantoni,
Corrado Caudek, Fulvio Domini
33.534 Human stability perception implies sophisticated knowledge of physical dynamics Peter Battaglia, Jessica Hamrick, Josh
33.535 Classifying Dynamic 3-D Shape Deformations from Motion
Cues Qasim Zaidi, Anshul Jain
33.536 Segmentation and depth from motion parallax-induced
dynamic occlusion Ahmad Yoonessi, Curtis Baker
33.537 The peak motion/pursuit ratio and structure from motion
parallax Keith Stroyan, Mark Nawrot
33.538 A computational explanation of the stereokinetic effect
Xiaoyang Yang, Zili Liu


Vision Sciences Society

33.543 Spatial topography of saccade induced chronostasis Jonas

Knll, Frank Bremmer
33.544 The influence of retinal and head-centered motion on
perceived duration Alexander C. Schtz
33.545 Glance, Glimpse or Stare? The discrimination of gaze duration Richard Cook, Inci Ayhan, Adrienne Lai, Alan Johnston
33.546 The time-dilation aftereffect depends on orientation and
eye of origin Laura Ortega, Emmanuel Guzman-Martinez, Marcia
Grabowecky, Satoru Suzuki
33.547 Flicks and ticks: microsaccade-related compression of
perceived duration. Matteo Valsecchi, Karl Gegenfurtner
33.548 Tempo rubato: animacy speeds up time in the brain Mauro
Carrozzo, Alessandro Moscatelli, Francesco Lacquaniti
33.549 Optimal coding of interval timing in expert drummers, string
musicians and non-musical control subjects Guido Marco Cicchini,
Roberto Arrighi, Luca Cecchetti, Marco Giusti, David Burr
33.550 Asymmetry and Similarity Phenomena in Backwards
Masking Experiments Suggest Reentrant Processing. Tsvi Achler,
Mike Ham, Shawn Barr, John George, Jason McCarley, Garrett Kenyon,
Luis Bettencourt
33.551 Activation of complex stimulus-response mappings without
visual awareness Marjan Persuh, Tony Ro
33.552 Neural responses to predictably changing visual motion
patterns in macaque medial superior temporal cortex Jacob Duijnhouwer, Bart Krekelberg
33.553 The temporal order judgment task and achromatic stimuli
can reveal the color-motion asynchrony Eriko Self
33.554 It Is Not Just Guessing: Electrophysiological Evidence For
An Order-Reversal Illusion In RSVP Brad Wyble, Derek Henig, Howard
33.555 The flash-lag effect for luminance change: reduction in

terms of active control depends upon the directional consistency

between hand movement and luminance change. Makoto Ichikawa,

Yuko Masakura

33.556 Subject criterion can explain Blochs law Hector Rieiro,

Susana Martinez-Conde, Jose Luis Pardo-Vazquez, Andrew Danielson,
Stephen L. Macknik
33.557 Novel MR Safe Stimulator With Six Color Channels at
Accurate High Temporal Frequencies Hiroshi Horiguchi, Jonathan
Winawer, Brian Wandell, Robert Dougherty

See page 30 for Abstract Numbering System

Sunday Afternoon Talks

Perceptual organization

Visual memory

Talk Session, Royal Ballroom 1-3

Sunday, May 8, 2:30 - 4:15 pm
Moderator: Fred Kingdom

Talk Session, Royal Ballroom 4-5

Sunday, May 8, 2:30 - 4:15 pm
Moderator: Julio Martinez-Trujillo

2:30 pm 34.11 Tangent bundle contour completion with early vision

mechanisms Guy Ben-Yosef, Ohad Ben-Shahar
2:45 pm 34.12 The Modulation of Illusion Susceptibility by TMS
in Right SPL Demonstrates its Role in the Processing of Global,
but not Local, Contextual Information Paul Dassonville, Benjamin D.

2:30 pm 34.21 Breakdown of object-based representations in

visual working memory Daryl Fougnie, George A. Alvarez
2:45 pm 34.22 An inhibition of return (IOR) effect resulting from
directing attention within working memory Matthew Johnson, Julie

3:00 pm 34.13 Spatial properties of texture-surround suppression

of contour-shape coding Elena Gheorghiu, Frederick A. A. Kingdom
3:15 pm 34.14 Integrated Bayesian estimation of 3D shape and
figure/ground Jacob Feldman, Manish Singh, Vicky Froyen, Seha Kim,

3:00 pm 34.23 Brain imaging of the minds eye Rhodri Cusack,

Alejandro Vicente-Grabovetsky, Daniel Mitchell

Higgins, Kenneth Norman, Per Sederberg, Marcia Johnson


Sung-Ho Kim

3:30 pm 34.15 Motion attached to a new surface is easier to

detect Daniel Linares, Isamu Motoyoshi, Kazushi Maruya, Shinya

3:15 pm 34.24 Decoding retrieval of competing visual memories

from neural reactivation Brice Kuhl, Wilma Bainbridge, Marvin Chun
3:30 pm 34.25 Working memory representations of visual motion
direction are encoded in the firing patterns of neurons in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, but not in area MT Diego Mendoza, Julio

3:45 pm 34.16 Efficiencies for the statistics of size Joshua Solomon,

Michael Morgan, Charles Chubb

3:45 pm 34.26 An Ideal Observer Analysis of Visual Short-Term

Memory: Evidence for Flexible Resource Allocation Chris R. Sims,
Robert A. Jacobs, David C. Knill

4:00 pm 34.27 Grandmother Cells, Neocortical Dark Matter and

very long term visual memories Simon J. Thorpe

Spatial vision: Natural images

Face perception: Neural mechanisms

Talk Session, Royal Ballroom 1-3

Sunday, May 8, 5:15 - 6:45 pm
Moderator: Alan Stocker

Talk Session, Royal Ballroom 4-5

Sunday, May 8, 5:15 - 6:45 pm
Moderator: Galit Yovel

5:15 pm 35.11 Natural scene statistics of color and range CheChun Su, Alan Bovik, Lawrence Cormack

5:15 pm 35.21 Mirror-image confusion in human high-level visual

cortex Vadim Axelrod, Galit Yovel
5:30 pm 35.22 The role of face-selective and object-general
mechanisms in the face inversion effect: A simultaneous EEGfMRI study Boaz Sadeh, Tamar Goldberg, Chen Avni, Michel Pelleg, Galit

5:30 pm 35.12 High-order statistics for optimal point prediction in

natural images Wilson Geisler, Jeffrey Perry

Sunday PM

4:00 pm 34.17 Barrier Effects in Non-Retinotopic Feature Attribution Haluk Ogmen, Michael Herzog, Murat Aydin


5:45 pm 35.13 Image correlates of crowding in natural scenes

Thomas Wallis, Peter Bex
6:00 pm 35.14 Decoding natural signals from the peripheral retina
Brian McCann, Wilson Geisler, Mary Hayhoe

5:45 pm 35.23 Contribution of Anterior Temporal Lobe in Recognition of Face and Non-Face Objects Shahin Nasr, Roger Tootell
6:00 pm 35.24 Different neural mechanisms underlie repetition
suppression to facial identity for same-size and different-size
faces in the occipitotemporal lobe Michael Ewbank, Richard Henson,
James Rowe, Andrew Calder

6:15 pm 35.15 Shape and Albedo from Shading using Natural

Image Statistics Jonathan Barron, Jitendra Malik

6:15 pm 35.25 An investigation of the neural basis of face individuation through spatiotemporal pattern analysis Adrian Nestor, David

6:30 pm 35.16 Benefits of a Trans-Saccadic Masks: Preventing the

6:30 pm 35.26 Facial identity information is transferred asymmetrically between hemispheres Sara C. Verosky, Nicholas B. Turk-

Desensitization Effects of Amplitude Spectrum Slope Discrimination when using Physical Masks. Bruno Richard, Aaron Johnson

See page 30 for Abstract Numbering System

Plaut, Marlene Behrmann


Vision Sciences Society


Sunday PM

Sunday Afternoon Posters

Color and light: Memory, language and

Binocular vision: Binocular rivalry and


Poster Session, Royal Palm 6-8

Sunday, May 8, 2:45 - 6:30 pm

Poster Session, Royal Palm 6-8

Sunday, May 8, 2:45 - 6:30 pm

36.301 Color constancy in perception and memory for real illuminated objects Sarah R. Allred, Michael J. Wood, Anthony Gambino, Erin

36.318 Suppressed images selectively affect perceptual dominance in binocular rivalry S.M. Stuit, C.L.E. Paffen, M.J. van der Smagt,
F.A.J. Verstraten

36.302 Memory colour improves colour constancy for unknown

coloured objects. Jeroen Granzier, Karl Gegenfurtner

36.319 Fast unconscious fear conditioning David Carmel, Candace

Raio, Elizabeth A. Phelps, Marisa Carrasco

36.303 Hybrid coding of colors: how can we unify color discrimination, categorization and memory? Chihiro Imai, Satohiro Tajima,
Kazuyuki Aihara, Hideyuki Suzuki

36.320 Breaking continuous flash suppression: A measure of

unconscious processing during interocular suppression? Timo
Stein, Martin Hebart, Philipp Sterzer

36.304 Effects of familiar objects on color perception Erika Kanematsu, David H. Brainard

36.321 Binocular depth modulates high-level visual perception

without awareness Ying Wang, Yi Jiang

36.305 Colorfulness-adaptation influenced by recognition of

images Yoko Mizokami, Chie Kamesaki, Hirohisa Yaguchi

36.322 Interocular conflict attenuates change-blindness Chris

Paffen, Roy Hessels, Stefan Van der Stigchel

36.307 Inter-individual variations in color naming and the structure

of 3D color space Jordi Roca-Vila, Angela Owen, Gabriele Jordan, Yazhu
Ling, C. Alejandro Parraga, Anya Hurlbert

36.324 Fluctuations of visual awareness: Motion induced blindness

and binocular rivalry Martin Lages, Katarzyna Jaworska

36.308 Mere exposure influences male colour preference, yet

female colour preference is resistant to change. Chloe Taylor, Alexandra Clifford, Anna Franklin
36.309 Preference Asymmetries in Color Pairs: Retinal vs.
Perceived Size Karen B. Schloss, Stephen E. Palmer
36.310 Biological Components of Color Preference are not
Universal. Anna Franklin, Chloe Taylor, Abdulrahman Al-Rasheed,
Alexandra Clifford, James Alvarez
36.311 Cross-modal relations between emotional content and
preference for harmony William S. Griscom, Stephen E. Palmer
36.312 Color, Music, and Emotion Stephen E. Palmer, Thomas
Langlois, Tawny Tsang, Karen B. Schloss, Daniel J. Levitin
36.313 The effects of imagined experiences of objects on preferences for colors Eli D. Strauss, Karen B. Schloss, Stephen E. Palmer
36.314 The Interaction of Synesthetic and Print Color and the Role
of Visual Imagery Bryan Alvarez, Lynn Robertson
36.315 Color-Grapheme Associations in Non-Synesthetes: Evidence
of Emotional Mediation Christopher Lau, Karen B. Schloss, Stephen E.
36.316 Type-token distinction and response time distribution

analysis reveal the unique characteristic of binding in graphemecolor synesthesia Jun Saiki, Ayako Yoshioka, Hiroki Yamamoto
36.317 Perception of Synesthetic Colors Occurs Before Conscious
Recognition of Graphemes V.S. Ramachandran, Elizabeth Seckel

36.325 Manipulating contrast of multistable stimuli dissociates

selection and maintenance of perceptual dominance in binocular

rivalry David Bressler, Michael Silver
36.326 Attention controlled binocular suppression in non-amblyopic population Jolly, Lok-Teng Sio, Chien-Chung Chen, Ai-Hou Wang
36.327 Semantic analysis does not occur during interocular
suppression in the absence of awareness Min-Suk Kang, Randolph
Blake, Geoffrey Woodman

36.328 Linguistic Penetration of Suppressed Visual Representations Emily J. Ward, Gary Lupyan

Perception and action: Navigation and

Poster Session, Orchid Ballroom
Sunday, May 8, 2:45 - 6:30 pm
36.401 Estimating motion parallax during fixational head movements Murat Aytekin, Michele Rucci
36.402 Successful detection of a size change during self-movement Simon Rushton, Paul Warren
36.403 Investigating the role of single-viewpoint depth data in visually-guided mobility Nick Barnes, Paulette Lieby, Hugh Dennet, Janine
Walker, Chris McCarthy, Nianjun Liu, Yi Li
36.404 Mobile Robot vision navigation and obstacle avoidance
based on gist and saliency algorithms Chin-Kai Chang, Christian
Siagian, Laurent Itti
36.405 Spatial Navigation: Why is Active Exploration Better than
Passive Exploration? Elizabeth Chrastil, William Warren
36.407 Is Path Integration an Automatic Process or a Back-up
System for Landmark-based Navigation? Mintao Zhao, William


Vision Sciences Society

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VSS 2011 Program

36.408 Visual estimation of travel distance by leaky integration
along veering paths Markus Lappe, Maren Stiels, Harald Frenz, Jack

Sunday Afternoon Posters

36.426 Consistent frequency-based sound matches to natural
visual scenes Aleksandra Sherman, Marcia Grabowecky, Satoru Suzuki

36.409 An examination of navigational differences between good

and poor navigators. Punya Singh

36.427 Irregular sound rhythm magnifies the temporal sequential

effect in audiovisual temporal ventriloquism Xiaolin Zhou, Lihan Chen,
Xi Chen

36.410 Judging the approach speed of motorcycles and cars in

night-time driving conditions Mark Gould, John Wann, Damian
Poulter, Shaun Helman

36.428 Binding brightness and loudness: what attention filters can

observers achieve for dynamic audiovisual displays? Daniel Mann,
Charles Chubb

36.411 Task-dependent gaze priorities in driving Brian Sullivan,

Constantin Rothkopf, Mary Hayhoe, Dana Ballard

36.429 Synchrony and Temporal Order Judgments For Simple and

Complex Stimuli Scott Love, Adam Cheng, Karin Petrini, Frank E. Pollick

36.412 The role of decision-making in learning spatial layout:

A real-world application Elyssa Twedt, Tom Banton, E. Blair Gross,
Jonathan R. Zadra, Dennis Proftt

36.430 The way of multisensory spatial processing with audio-

Perception and action: Neural

Poster Session, Orchid Ballroom
Sunday, May 8, 2:45 - 6:30 pm
36.413 The visual P2 is attenuated for objects near the hands Greg
West, Sam Qian, Naseem Al-Aidroos, Richard Abrams, Jay Pratt

visual speech stimuli differs in single and bilateral visual presentations. Shoko Kanaya, Kazuhiko Yokosawa
36.431 Detecting synchrony in degraded audio-visual streams

Keshav Dhandhania, Jonas Wulff, Pawan Sinha

36.432 The role of prior knowledge in development of visual-auditory integration Rhiannon Thomas, Denis Mareschal, Marko Nardini
36.433 The Influence of Aging on Audio-Visual Temporal Order
Judgments Chris M. Fiacconi, Emilie C. Harvey, Allison B. Sekuler,
Patrick J. Bennett
36.434 Enhanced Audiovisual Processing in People with One Eye
Stefania S. Moro, Jennifer K. E. Steeves

Alexander Schlegel, Walter Sinnott-Armstrong, Thalia Wheatley, Adina

Roskies, Peter Tse

36.435 Effects of auditory information on the rubber hand illusion

Masakazu IDE, Yoshihisa OSADA

36.415 Motor cortical and distributed network modulation during

visuo-motor learning: a TMS-EEG study Marine Vernet, Shahid Bashir,
Edwin Robertson, Alvaro Pascual-Leone

Attention: Neural mechanisms II

and/or preparation of future movements rather than acts of will

36.416 The Flickering Wheel Illusion: when alpha rhythms make a

static wheel flicker Rodika Sokoliuk, Run VanRullen
36.417 Spatial perception deficits in optic ataxia patients Aarlenne
Khan, Laure Pisella, Denise Henriques
36.418 The Allocentric Brain in Action Lore Thaler, Melvyn A. Goodale
36.419 Active motor learning of audiovisual objects Andrew Butler,
Karin Harman James
36.420 Getting Stuck in a Rut with Decision-Making Ian Flatters,
Dr. Pete Culmer, Dr. Andrew Weightman, Dr Richard Wilkie, Prof. Mark
36.421 Decisions at a glance: The relative cost of multiple possible
actions is represented in conscious perception of spatial layout Jonathan Zadra, David Rosenbaum, Thomas Banton, Elyssa Twedt, E. Blair
Gross, Dennis Proftt

Multisensory processing: Visual-auditory

Poster Session, Orchid Ballroom
Sunday, May 8, 2:45 - 6:30 pm
36.422 Neural and Information Processing Measures of Audiovisual Integration Nicholas Altieri
36.423 Synchronized audio-visual transients drive efficient visual
search for motion-in-depth Marina Zannoli, John Cass, Pascal Mamassian, David Alais

Poster Session, Orchid Ballroom

Sunday, May 8, 2:45 - 6:30 pm
36.436 Representation of visual feature conjunctions in the superior parietal lobule Florian Baumgartner, Michael Hanke, Franziska
Geringswald, Oliver Speck, Stefan Pollmann
36.437 Attention is a state of mind: Phase of ongoing EEG oscillations predicts the timing of attentional deployment Ramakrishna
Chakravarthi, Run VanRullen
36.438 Gamma-band activity reflects differential selection-foraction before single and double saccades Daniel Baldauf
36.439 Source localization of an event-related potential indexing
covert shifts of attention in macaques Michelle Howell Young,
Richard Heitz, Braden Purcell, Jeffrey Schall, Geoff Woodman
36.440 Whos controlling the brakes? Pulsed inhibitory alpha

EEG is linked to preparatory activity in the fronto-parietal

network measured concurrently with the event-related optical
signal (EROS). Kyle E. Mathewson, Diane M. Beck, Tony Ro, Monica

Fabiani, Gabriele Gratton

36.441 Higher levels of alpha event-related desynchronization are

associated with the attentional blink Mary H. MacLean, Karen M.
36.442 Neural decoding during continuous task performance
Joyce Sato-Reinhold, Jocelyn L. Sy, Koel Das, James C. Elliott, Miguel P.
Eckstein, Barry Giesbrecht
36.443 Attentional Modulation of Chromatic and Achromatic

Visual Evoked Potentials by Task Relevant Stimuli in Separate

Hemi-fields. Eric J Roth, Chad S Duncan, Kyle C McDermott, Michael A

36.424 Modulation of multisensory processing during rapid

reaching movements Luc Tremblay, Andrew Kennedy, Arup Nath


36.425 The auditory flash-drag effect: Distortion of auditory space

by visual motion Santani Teng, David Whitney

36.444 Using Feature-based Attention to Examine the Hierarchical

Structure of Visual Processing Bobby Stojanoski, Matthias Niemeier

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Vision Sciences Society


Sunday PM

36.414 Visually-evoked readiness potentials reflect anticipation

Sunday Afternoon Posters

36.445 The combination of visuospatial cues and Transcranial

Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) on the human Frontal Eye Fields (FEF)

facilitates conscious visual detection Lorena Chanes, Ana B. Chica,

Antoni Valero-Cabr

36.446 The attentional blink impairs localization but not enumeration performance in an enumerating-by-pointing task Harry
Haladjian, Asha Grifth, Zenon Pylyshyn
36.447 Attention boosts neural population response via neural
response synchronization Yoshiyuki Kashiwase, Kazumichi
Matsumiya, Ichiro Kuriki, Satoshi Shioiri
36.448 Effects of cognitive training on attention allocation and
speed of processing in older adults: An ERP study Jennifer OBrien,
Jerri Edwards, Nathan Maxeld, Stephanie Karidas, Victoria Williams,
Jennifer Lister
36.449 Age-related differences in processing task-irrelevant
stimulus properties: a single-trial ERP study Kacper Wieczorek, Carl
Gaspar, Cyril Pernet, Guillaume Rousselet
36.450 Decoding object-based attention signals in the human
brain Youyang Hou, Taosheng Liu
36.451 Single-trial ERP modelling reveals how task constraints
modulate early visual processing Guillaume Rousselet, Carl Gaspar,
Kacper Wieczorek, Cyril Pernet

Attention: Models
Sunday PM

Poster Session, Orchid Ballroom

Sunday, May 8, 2:45 - 6:30 pm
36.452 A model of performance in whole and partial report experiments Tobias Andersen, Sren Kyllingsbk
36.453 Visual attention in spatial cuing and visual search Jongsoo
Baek, Yukai Zhao, Zhong-Lin Lu, Barbara Dosher
36.454 On a distinction between detection and discrimination:
metacognitive advantage for signal over noise Brian Maniscalco,
Hakwan Lau
36.455 Fast and slow dynamics in learning and attending to

objects: Transient Where and sustained What stream inputs explain

individual differences Nicholas C Foley, Stephen Grossberg, Ennio


36.456 Assessing models of visual saliency against explicit

saliency judgments from one hundred humans viewing eight

hundred real scenes Kathryn Koehler, Fei Guo, Sheng Zhang, Miguel


36.457 Quantifying the relative influence of photographer bias

and viewing strategy on scene viewing Ali Borji, Dicky Nauli Sihite,
Laurent Itti

Perceptual learning: Models

Poster Session, Vista Ballroom
Sunday, May 8, 2:45 - 6:30 pm
36.501 The Modelfest Perceptual Learning Initiative: A Status
Report Stanley Klein, Thom Carney, Cong Yu, Dennis Levi
36.502 Perceptual Learning without Awareness: a Motion Pattern
Gated Reinforcement Learner Stefan Ringbauer, Heiko Neumann
36.503 A Multi-Location Augmented Hebbian Reweighting Model
(m-AHRM) of Transfer in Perceptual Learning Barbara Dosher,
Pamela Jeter, Jiajuan Liu, Zhong-Lin Lu


Vision Sciences Society

VSS 2011 Program

36.504 Optimality predicts transition to specificity in perceptual
learning Jacqueline M. Fulvio, C. Shawn Green, Paul R. Schrater
36.505 Statistical summary perception interferes with statistical
learning and vice versa Jiaying Zhao, Nhi Ngo, Ryan McKendrick,
Nicholas B. Turk-Browne
36.506 Learned bias for 3-D shape perception without object
motion Anshul Jain, Benjamin T. Backus
36.507 A cascade-correlation model of bistable perception Caitlin
Mouri, Avi Chaudhuri
36.508 Cue recruitment for extrinsic signals after training with lowinformation stimuli Benjamin T. Backus, Anshul Jain, Stuart G. Fuller
36.509 Evaluative Conditioning with Mental Imagery David Lewis,
Joel Pearson
36.510 The effect of confidence hysteresis on numerical discrimination Darko Odic, Howard Hock, Justin Halberda
36.511 Contributions of visual and temporal similarity to statistical
learning Anna C. Schapiro, Lauren V. Kustner, Nicholas B. Turk-Browne
36.512 Top-down inferences affect visual sensitivity in a signal
detection task. Eyal Dechter, Jaron Colas, Po-Jang Hsieh, Vul Ed
36.513 Humans adaptively use temporal correlations in stimulus
history to estimate velocity Oh-Sang Kwon, David Knill

Perceptual learning: Neural mechanisms

Poster Session, Vista Ballroom
Sunday, May 8, 2:45 - 6:30 pm
36.514 A new role of feedback: facilitating stabilization of perceptual learning after training Jonathan Dobres, Charles Liu, Takeo
36.515 Symbol learning is faster and more fluent in young
macaque Margaret Livingstone, Krishna Srihasam
36.516 The role of contiguity and contingency in visual perceptual
learning Dongho Kim, Aaron Berard, Aaron Seitz, Takeo Watanabe
36.517 Diurnal variation of glucocorticoids appears to modulate
V1-specific perceptual learning Frank D. Nelli, Michael F. Wesner
36.518 The effects of naps on the magnitude and specificity of
perceptual learning of motion direction discrimination Ariel
Rokem, Michael Silver, Elizabeth McDevitt, Sara Mednick
36.519 Learning to Attend Induces an Increased Response to Unattended Stimuli Anna Byers, John Serences
36.520 Dynamics of feedback-driven visual learning Christopher
DLauro, Yang Xu, Rob Kass, Michael J. Tarr
36.521 Altered attentional modulation in visual cortex during
perceptual learning Marco Bartolucci, Andrew T Smith
36.522 Increases in grey matter volume induced by perceptual
learning Thomas Ditye, Ryota Kanai, Bahador Bahrami, Neil Muggleton,
Geraint Rees, Vincent Walsh
36.523 Perceptual learning and decision making in human medial
frontal cortex Marcus Grueschow, Thorsten Kahnt, Oliver Speck, JohnDylan Haynes
36.524 Association of perceptual learning to reduce spatial
crowding with shrinkage of receptive fields Tsung-Ren Huang, Takeo
36.525 Cortical reorganization in macular degeneration depends
on complete loss of foveal input: A longitudinal case study Joshua
B. Julian, Daniel D. Dilks, Eli Peli, Nancy Kanwisher
See page 30 for Abstract Numbering System

VSS 2011 Program

Sunday Afternoon Posters

36.526 Training in Contrast Detection Improves Motion Perception

in Amblyopia Fang Hou, Chang-Bing Huang, Liming Tao, Lixia Feng,
Yifeng Zhou, Zhong-lin Lu

36.542 A motion detection model based on a recurrent network

Jeroen Joukes, Bart Krekelberg

36.527 Anatomical correlates of early vs. late symbol training

Krishna Srihasam, Margaret Livingstone

ular, and dichoptic viewing: motion opponency and contrast gain

control Goro Maehara, Robert Hess, Mark Georgeson
36.544 Visual acuity with a motion detection target compared to
Landolt Rings John Hayes, Yu-Chi Tai, Sung Ouk Jang, James Sheedy
36.545 Pattern discrimination for moving random textures: richer
stimuli are more difficult to recognize Claudio Simoncini, Anna

36.528 Learning optimizes visual shape templates in the human

brain Shu-Guang Kuai, Zoe Kourtzi

Eye movements: Pursuit and following

Poster Session, Vista Ballroom
Sunday, May 8, 2:45 - 6:30 pm
36.529 Spatial summation properties of the human ocular

following response (OFR): dependence upon the spatial frequency

of the stimulus B.M. Sheliga, C. Quaia, L.M. Optican, E.J. FitzGibbon
36.530 Video-game training improves smooth pursuit precision Lily

Tsoi, Sarah Koopman, Jeremy Wilmer

36.531 Saccadic intrusions as an index of mental workload Satoru

Tokuda, Goro Obinata, Evan Palmer, Alex Chaparro
36.532 Keep your eye on the ball: watching and playing sports
linked to smooth pursuit precision Sarah Koopman, Lily Tsoi, Jeremy

36.543 Direction discrimination thresholds in binocular, monoc-

Montagnini, Laurent U. Perrinet, Pascal Mamassian, Guillaume S. Masson

36.546 Perception of ambiguous visual stimuli is flexibly modulated by associative learning Philipp Sterzer, Marie Lacroix, Katharina
36.547 Motion transparency and spatial integration size a
modeling study Florian Raudies, Ennio Mingolla, Heiko Neumann
36.548 Two forms of directional bias revealed by multistable
motion stimuli Christopher Shooner, J. Anthony Movshon
36.549 Motion Standstill in Luminance-Modulated and TextureContrast-Modulated Gratings George Sperling, Son-Hee Lyu
36.550 The motion-induced shift in the perceived location of a
grating also shifts its aftereffect Anna A. Kosovicheva, Gerrit W.

36.533 Microstimulation supports a causal role for the supplementary eye field in an oculomotor decision Stephen Heinen, Shun-nan
Yang, Joel Ford

Maus, Stuart Anstis, Patrick Cavanagh, Peter U. Tse, David Whitney

36.534 Dynamic integration of salience and value information for

smooth pursuit eye movements Karl R. Gegenfurtner, Felix Lossin,
Alexander C. Schtz

36.552 An ultra-fast motion aftereffect Mark Wexler

Krish Singh

36.536 Illusory bending of a pursuit target sheds light on early

direction estimation. Kurt Debono, Alexander Schtz, Karl Gegenfurtner
36.537 Interaction between retinal and extra retinal signals in
dynamic motion integration for smooth pursuit Amarender Bogadhi,
Anna Montagnini, Guillaume Masson

36.553 Components of the curveball illusion: Independent contributions of carrier and envelope Michael von Grnau, Samantha
Sparapani, Ruben Bastien
36.554 A flash-drag effect in random motion reveals involvement of
preattentive motion processing. Taiki Fukiage, David Whitney, Ikuya
36.555 The flash-lag effect (FLE) as a biasing factor for offside
determination in soccer Stephen R. Gabbard, Scott N.J. Watamaniuk
36.556 Perceptual segmentation and integration of spatially-overlapping moving features in humans and macaques Jennifer Gaudio,
Xin Huang

36.538 Speed discrimination during optokinetic nystagmus:

probing transsaccadic memory of visual motion Paul MacNeilage,
Bjorn Vlaskamp
36.539 Contrast dependent biases in pattern motion perception
and eye movement Romesh D. Kumbhani, Miriam Spering, J. Anthony

Motion: Local mechanisms and models

Poster Session, Vista Ballroom
Sunday, May 8, 2:45 - 6:30 pm
36.540 Sensitivity impairment for detecting color alternation along
an apparent motion trajectory Takehiro Nagai, Hiroto Kimura, Shigeki
36.541 Color contribution to motion due to early expansive nonlinearities within the luminance pathway Rmy Allard, Jocelyn Faubert

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Vision Sciences Society


Sunday PM

36.535 The perceptual and cortical consequences of adaptation to

smooth pursuit: an MEG study of the extra-retinal motion aftereffect Benjamin Dunkley, Tom Freeman, Suresh Muthukumaraswamy,

36.551 Local motion aftereffects are influenced by the global

motion adaptor direction Peter Scarfe, Alan Johnston

Monday Morning Talks

Development: Disorders

Attention: Spatial selection & modulation

Talk Session, Royal Ballroom 1-3

Monday, May 9, 8:00 - 9:45 am, Moderator: Zahra Hussain

Talk Session, Royal Ballroom 4-5

Monday, May 9, 8:00 - 9:45 am, Moderator: Preeti Verghese

8:00 am 41.11 Perceptual learning alleviates crowding in amblyopia and the normal periphery Zahra Hussain, Ben Webb, Andrew
Astle, Paul McGraw

8:00 am 41.21 Attention selects informative neural populations

Preeti Verghese, Yee-Joon Kim, Alexander Wade

8:15 am 41.12 Is there a top-down component of crowding in

peripheral and amblyopic vision? Dennis Levi, Gong-Liang Zhang,
Cong Yu

8:15 am 41.22 Importance of Spatial Cuing of Attention in High

Precision Judgments Richard S. Hetley, Barbara Anne Dosher, ZhongLin Lu

8:30 am 41.13 Changes in Cortical Functional Organization After

Initiation of Sight in the Congenitally Blind Pawan Sinha, Scott
Gorlin, Tapan Gandhi

8:30 am 41.23 Sustained selective attention warps perceived

8:45 am 41.14 Pronounced visual motion deficits in developmental

dyslexia associated with a specific genetic phenotype Maria
Concetta Morrone, Marco Cicchini, Monica Consonni, Francesca Bocca,
Sara Mascheretti, Paola Scifo, Cecilia Marino, Daniela Perani

space: Parallel and opposing effects on attended and inhibited

objects Brandon Liverence, Brian Scholl
8:45 am 41.24 Encoding a spatial relationship between two
objects requires selection of each object. Lauren E. Kahn, Steven L.

9:00 am 41.15 Color Discrimination and Preference in Autism

Spectrum Disorder Anya Hurlbert, Camilla Loveridge, Yazhu Ling,
Anastasia Kourkoulou, Sue Leekam

9:00 am 41.25 Dilution and task difficulty, but not load, affect
selective attention. Yehoshua Tsal, Hanna Benoni

9:15 am 41.16 Atypical Integration of Motion Signals in Autism

Caroline Robertson, Cibu Thomas, Dwight Kravitz, Eunice Dixon, Greg
Wallace, Alex Martin, Simon Baron-Cohen, Chris Baker

9:15 am 41.26 Inter-trial inhibition of spatial attention JeeWon

Ahn, Glyn Humphreys, Alejandro Lleras

9:30 am 41.17 No recovery of function for a specific deficit in

9:30 am 41.27 A simple feedback-based model explains the

diverse effects of attention on visual responses Thomas Miconi,
Run VanRullen

individuating faces 40 years after a lesion in the ventral occipitotemporal cortices at age five Xiaokun Xu, Mark Lescroart, Irving


Monday AM

Color and light: Mechanisms

Talk Session, Royal Ballroom 1-3
Monday, May 9, 10:45 - 12:30 pm
Moderator: Angela Brown
10:45 am 42.11 Lightness of a black room seen through a veiling
luminance Alan Gilchrist, Stephen Ivory

Perceptual learning: Models and neural

Talk Session, Royal Ballroom 4-5
Monday, May 9, 10:45 - 12:30 pm, Moderator: Alexander Petrov
10:45 am 42.21 Perceptual Learning Leads to Hemisphere-Specific
Cortical Thickening Jascha Swisher, Janneke Jehee, Sam Ling, Frank

11:00 am 42.12 Lightness perception in high-dynamic range

contexts Ana Radonji, Alan Gilchrist, Sarah Allred, David Brainard

11:00 am 42.22 White matter connectivity changes between visual

and higher-level cortical regions in association with perceptual
learning revealed by diffusion tensor tractography Dong-Wha Kang,
Charles Liu, Li-Hung Chang, Emi Takahashi, Takeo Watanabe, Yuka

11:15 am 42.13 Mechanisms of the dimming and brightening aftereffects Jenny Bosten, Donald MacLeod
11:30 am 42.14 A low-dimensional statistical model of natural
lighting Yaniv Morgenstern, Richard F. Murray, Wilson S. Geisler
11:45 am 42.15 Physiological signature of time-varying color afterimages Robert Ennis, Barry Lee, Qasim Zaidi

11:15 am 42.23 Changes in white matter in young adults associated with perceptual learning Charles Liu, Li-Hung Chang, Yina Tsai,

Dong-Wha Kang, Yuka Sasaki, Takeo Watanabe

11:30 am 42.24 Multi-location Augmented Hebbian Re-Weighting

Accounts for Transfer of Perceptual Learning following Double

Training Jiajuan Liu, Zhong-Lin Lu, Barbara Dosher
11:45 am 42.25 Dissociable Perceptual Learning Mechanisms
Revealed by Diffusion-Model Analysis Alexander A. Petrov, Nicholas
M. Van Horn, Roger Ratcliff

12:00 pm 42.16 Neural Representation of Form-Based Color

Filling-In in Early Visual Cortex Sang Wook Hong, Frank Tong

12:00 pm 42.26 Uncertainty in scene segmentation: Statistically

optimal effects on learning visual representations Jzsef Fiser,
Gerg Orbn, Mt Lengyel

12:15 pm 42.17 How many basic color terms are there in English?
Delwin Lindsey, Angela Brown

12:15 pm 42.27 Does primary visual cortex operate in the universal


Vision Sciences Society

language of modality-independent space? Insights from fMRI in

the congenitally and late blind Lora Likova, Ming Mei, Spero Nicholas

See page 30 for Abstract Numbering System

Monday Morning Posters

Perceptual organization: Shapes and
Poster Session, Royal Palm 6-8
Monday, May 9, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
43.301 A Comparison of Object Interpolation in Complex Motions
Hideyuki Unuma, Hisa Hasegawa, Philip J. Kellman
43.302 The influence of local orientation on shape discrimination
Christian Kempgens, Tim Schade, Gunter Lofer, Harry S. Orbach
43.303 The persistence of global form (Part I): Stimulus inversion
influences V1 fMRI activity Lars Strother, P.S. Mathuranath, Cheryl
Lavell, Adrian Aldcroft, Melvyn Goodale, Tutis Vilis

Attention: Temporal
Poster Session, Royal Palm 6-8
Monday, May 9, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
43.319 Distractor Suppression During the Attentional Blink: Behavioral Evidence for Flexible Selection James Elliott, Barry Giesbrecht
43.320 The attentional blink impairs saccade production Carly J.
Leonard, Steven J. Luck
43.321 Rational expectations about object transitions account for
the attentional blink and repetition blindness Edward Vul
43.322 Remembering the Time: Repetition of Temporal Position
Facilitates Selection in RSVP Amit Yashar, Dominique Lamy

43.304 The persistence of global form (Part II): Figure-specific

fMRI activity in V1 Cheryl Lavell, Lars Strother, Tutis Vilis

43.323 Updating temporal representations Amanda Tkaczyk, Cecilia

Meza, Marc Hurwitz, Britt Anderson, James Danckert

43.305 Part-whole integration of 2D shapes in the hippocampus

and the basal ganglia Anthony Cate, Xiaojian Kang, Timothy Herron,
David Woods

43.324 Temporally structured and symbolic cues operate via

43.306 Exploring figure/ground assignment using a local method

Vicky Froyen, Jacob Feldman, Manish Singh
43.307 The Influence of Axiality on Figure/Ground Assignment Seha
Kim, Manish Singh, Jacob Feldman
43.308 Differential sensitivity to natural and unnatural shape and
part transformations Kristina Denisova, Manish Singh, Jacob Feldman,
Xiaotao Su
43.309 Constant Curvature Parts-Based Representation of Contour
Shape Patrick Garrigan, Philip Kellman

43.311 Integration of local and global cues to reconstruct surface

structure Naoki Kogo, Vicky Froyen, Jacob Feldman, Manish Singh,

Johan Wagemans

Lorella Battelli, Emily D. Grossman

43.327 Effective Visual Short-Term Storage Capacity and Speed

of Encoding are Affected by Arousal Thomas Alrik Srensen, Claus
43.328 Selective attention and multisensory integration Welber
Marinovic, Paul Dux, Derek Arnold
43.329 Decoding the mismatch between expectation and sensory
input Benoit Cottereau, Justin Ales, Anthony Norcia

Eye movements: Methods and gaze

43.312 Correspondence in apparent motion: Features dont like to

travel far Elisabeth Hein, Patrick Cavanagh

Poster Session, Orchid Ballroom

Monday, May 9, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm

43.313 Object Surface Completion: Filling-Out by Incremental

Filling-In Bruno Breitmeyer, Jane Jacob

43.401 A new technique for the analysis of sequential eye movements Taylor Hayes, Per Sederberg, Alexander Petrov

43.314 The Binding Ring Illusion: Misperceived size constrains

models of size perception J. Daniel McCarthy, Gideon Caplovitz

43.402 A new method for comparing scanpaths based on vectors

and dimensions Richard Dewhurst, Jalszka Jarodzka, Kenneth
Holmqvist, Tom Foulsham, Marcus Nystrm

43.315 Reevaluating whether attention is drawn to figures Elizabeth

Salvagio, Andrew Mojica, Ruth Kimchi, Mary Peterson
43.316 Differences in the Role of Context on Polar and Translational Glass Patterns Patrick Schiller, Nicole Anderson
43.317 Object-based warping: Distribution of distortions over
an objects surface and independence of shape Timothy Vickery,
Marvin Chun
43.318 Whats the Point? Assessing the Effectiveness of Stimuli
that Indicate Direction James Pomerantz, Anna Stupina, Erin Sparck

43.403 Participants know best: influence of calibration method on

accuracy Kenneth Holmqvist, Marcus Nystrm, Richard Andersson
43.404 Assessing visual delays using pupil oscillations Jeffrey B.
43.405 Improving gaze accuracy and predicting fixation in real
time with video based eye trackers Paul Ivanov, Tim Blanche
43.406 A Simple Non-Parametric Method for Classifying Eye Fixations Matthew S Mould, David H Foster, Kinjiro Amano, John P Oakley
43.407 A human inspired gaze estimation system Jonas Wulff, Pawan
43.408 Inferring locations of objects from gaze in edited motion
pictures. Daniel Levin, Alicia Hymel, Stephen Killingsworth, Megan

See page 30 for Abstract Numbering System

Vision Sciences Society


Monday AM

43.310 On The Relative Effectiveness of Symmetry and Convexity as

Figural Cues Andrew Mojica, Mary Peterson

different mechanisms: Psychophysical and chronometric

evidence. Tim Martin
43.325 Detecting sequence disruptions within events is not automatic. Alicia Hymel, Daniel Levin
43.326 Lateralized Temporal Parietal Junction (TPJ) activity during
temporal order judgment tasks Sarah C. Tyler, Samhita Dasgupta,

Monday Morning Posters

43.409 Proactive gaze behavior: which observed action features
do influence the way we move our eyes? Alessandra Sciutti, Francesco
Nori, Marco Jacono, Giorgio Metta, Giulio Sandini, Luciano Fadiga

43.427 Strength of the adapter signal, not adapter discriminability,

produces reduced facial expression after-effect in crowding Hong
Xu, Leila Montaser-Kouhsari, Pan Liu

43.410 Reading with Normal Vision and with Age-Related Macular

Degeneration Dianne Lam, Luminita Tarita-Nistor, Michael H. Brent,
Martin J. Steinbach, Esther G. Gonzlez

43.428 Inter-Feature Transfer of Aftereffects: Evidence of Adaptation in Whole Face Representations Maryam Dosani, Raika
Pancaroglu, Ipek Oru, Jason JS Barton

43.411 Switching the response direction of pro- and antisaccades:

Effects of aging Bettina Olk, Yu Jin

Body-selective neural mechanisms prefer a whole body

over the sum of its parts Talia Brandman, Galit Yovel
43.430 Contribution of SF and Orientation to upright and inverted
face perception Valerie Goffaux, Jaap van Zon, Dietmar Hestermann,

43.412 Fixation Durations During Scene Transitions Syed Omer

Gilani, Fook Kee Chua, Shih-Cheng Yen
43.413 Gaze sensitivity on human face Daisuke Kuribayashi, Hitomi
Ikeyama, Motoyasu Honma, Yoshihisa Osada, Yasuto Tanaka
43.414 Oculo-motor patterns induced by reading in peripheral
vision. Aurelie Calabrese, Carlos Aguilar, Louis Hoffart, Geraldine Faure,
John Conrath, Eric Castet
43.415 Ocular Motor Fatigue Induced by Prolonged Visual Display
Terminal (VDT) Tasks Sheng Tong Lin, Larry Allen Abel
43.416 The stimulus to accommodation: changes in retinal
contrast matter, not the spatial frequency content. Kevin J. MacKenzie, Simon J. Watt

Binocular vision: Eye movements

Poster Session, Orchid Ballroom
Monday, May 9, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
43.417 Extra-retinal signals affect the perceived speed of 3D
motion Arthur J. Lugtigheid, Eli Brenner, Andrew E. Welchman
43.418 Assessing vergence-accommodation conflict as a source
of discomfort in stereo displays Joohwan Kim, Takashi Shibata, David
Hoffman, Martin Banks
43.419 Eye movements during vergence effort in stereoscopic

Monday AM

VSS 2011 Program

ocular pursuit task and their relations to visual fatigue and stereopsis Cyril Vienne, Laurent Blond, Didier Doyen, Pascal Mamassian
43.420 Eye movements and reaction times for detecting monocular
regions in binocularly viewed scenes Katharina M Zeiner, Manuel
Spitschan, Keith A May, Li Zhaoping, Julie M Harris

43.421 Vergence, pin interval, and the double-nail illusion Masahiro

Ishii, Rie Igarashi, Masayuki Sato
43.422 Single-trial decoding of binocular rivalry switches from
oculometric and pupil data Sbastien M. Crouzet, Torsten Stemmler,
Madison Capps, Manfred Fahle, Thomas Serre
43.423 A Comparison of Self-Reported and Measured Autoste-

reogram Skills with Clinical Indicators of Vergence Ability in

Esophores Patricia Cisarik, Erin Kindy
43.424 Is the midline dependence of Binocular Depth Contrast
based on the retinal midline or the head-and-body midline?
Wenxun Li, Todd E. Hudson, Leonard Matin

43.425 Stereoacuity of Athletes in Primary and Non-Primary Gazes

Herb Yoo, Alan Reichow, Graham Erickson


Christine Schiltz

43.431 Internal feature position in faces is coded relative to

external contour: adaptation aftereffects, neural coding models,

and 3D head rotation. Elinor McKone, Mark Edwards
43.432 High order invariance in spatial frequencies implied by
distinct latency differences of face induced N200 components Liu
Zuxiang, Wu Ruijie, Zuo Zhentao, Shi Liang

43.433 The diagnostic features used for recognizing faces under

natural conditions Grayce Selig, Dmitriy Lisitsyn, Peter Bex, Jozsef Fiser
43.434 Exploring chimpanzee face space Lisa Parr, Anthony Little,

Peter Hancock

43.435 Sibling Rivalry: Facial distinctiveness and binocular rivalry

Sean F. ONeil, Gideon P. Caplovitz, Michael Webster
43.436 The composite face illusion and its disappearance with

misaligned faces: an effect of metric distance or part separation?

Renaud Laguesse, Bruno Rossion

43.437 Face inversion with sequential restricted viewing Thomas

James, Maxim Bushmakin, Hannah Stanton, Elizabeth Danielson
43.438 The use of horizontal information underlies face identification accuracy Matthew V. Pachai, Allison B. Sekuler, Patrick J. Bennett
43.439 Dont look! Orienting to the eyes is not (entirely) under
volitional control Kaitlin Laidlaw, Evan Risko, Alan Kingstone

Face perception: Neural mechanisms

Poster Session, Orchid Ballroom
Monday, May 9, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
43.440 Defining the fundamental stimulation frequency for individual face perception Esther Alonso Prieto, Bruno Rossion
43.441 Holistic perception of faces: direct evidence from
frequency-tagging stimulation Adriano Boremanse , Bruno Rossion
43.442 Investigating the neural correlates of personally familiar

face recognition using dynamic visual stimulationan fMRI study

Meike Ramon, Joan Liu, Bruno Rossion

43.443 ERP evidence for the speed of face specificity in the human

brain: disentangling the contribution of low-level cues and highlevel face representations Bruno Rossion, Stephanie Caharel
43.444 The localization and functional connectivity of face-selective regions in the human brain Jodie Davies-Thompson, Timothy J.

Face perception: Features and configuration


Poster Session, Orchid Ballroom

Monday, May 9, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm

43.446 Sensitivity of human cortical face selective regions to face

shape and texture Heidi Baseler, Timothy Andrews, Mike Burton, Rob
Jenkins, Andrew Young

43.426 The contribution of texture and shape to face aftereffects

for identity versus age. Jason Barton, Michelle Lai, Ipek Oru


Vision Sciences Society

43.445 Image-invariant neural responses to familiar and unfamiliar

faces Timothy J Andrews, Jodies Davies-Thompson, Katherine Newling

See page 30 for Abstract Numbering System

VSS 2011 Program

Monday Morning Posters

43.447 Confounding of prototype and similarity effects in fMRI

studies of face and object representation Geoffrey K Aguirre, David
A Kahn
43.448 Face-likeness and variability drive responses in human
face-selective regions Nicolas Davidenko, David Remus, Kalanit GrillSpector
43.449 Early species sensitivity of face and eye processing: an
adaptation study Dan Nemrodov, Roxane Itier
43.450 Multi-voxel pattern analysis of face and object exemplar
discrimination in occipital cortex. Ipek Oruc, Jason Barton
43.451 Differential selectivity for dynamic versus static information in face selective regions David Pitcher, Daniel Dilks, Rebecca Saxe,
Nancy Kanwisher
43.452 Structural connectivity of face selective cortical regions
with high definition fiber tracking John A. Pyles, Timothy D.
Verstynen, Walter Schneider, Michael J. Tarr
43.453 Scrambling horizontal face structure: behavioral and elec-

trophysiogical evidence for a tuning of visual face processing to

horizontal information Corentin Jacques, Christine Schiltz, Kevin Collet,

Sanne ten Oever, Valerie Goffaux

43.454 Frontal Lobe Involvement in Face Discrimination Laura

Cacciamani, Mary A. Peterson
43.455 Optimal eye-fixation positions for face perception: A
combined ERP and eye-tracking study Younes Zerouali, Boutheina

Monday AM

See page 30 for Abstract Numbering System

Vision Sciences Society


Tuesday Morning Talks

3D perception

Tuesday AM

Talk Session, Royal Ballroom 1-3

Tuesday, May 10, 8:00 - 9:45 am
Moderator: Andrew Welchman

Eye Movements: Mechanisms, methods

and models
Talk Session, Royal Ballroom 4-5
Tuesday, May 10, 8:00 - 9:45 am
Moderator: Therese Collins

8:00 am 51.11 Spatial Interactions Enhance Stereoscopic Surface

Discrimination Christopher Tyler

8:00 am 51.21 Effects of pupil size on recorded gaze position:

a live comparison of two eyetracking systems Jan Drewes, Anna
Montagnini, Guillaume S. Masson

8:15 am 51.12 Supra-threshold luminance and range discontinuities in natural scenes Yang Liu, Lawrence Cormack, Alan Bovik

8:15 am 51.22 Superior colliculus inactivation alters the influence

of covert attention shifts on microsaccades Ziad Hafed, Lee Lovejoy,
Richard Krauzlis

8:30 am 51.13 Translating from local disparities to surface slant

in the human visual cortex Hiroshi Ban, James Blundell, Andrew E

8:30 am 51.23 The role of efference copy in saccadic adaptation

Thrse Collins, Joshua Wallman

8:45 am 51.14 Critical timing in combinations of stereo-disparity

and shading P. George Lovell, Marina Bloj, Julie Harris

8:45 am 51.24 Saccades to moving targets are not influenced by

the speed overestimation at low luminance Maryam Vaziri Pashkam,
Patrick Cavanagh

9:00 am 51.15 Perception of Physical Stability of Asymmetrical

Three-Dimensional Objects Steven A. Cholewiak, Manish Singh,
Roland Fleming

9:00 am 51.25 Reconsidering Yarbus: Pattern classification

cannot predict observers task from scan paths Michelle R Greene,
Tommy Liu, Jeremy M Wolfe

9:15 am 51.16 3D Shape perception does not depend on symmetry

Flip Phillips, James Todd, Eric Egan

9:15 am 51.26 Cue Capture: When predictive cues hinder search

performance Stephen C Mack, Sheng Zhang, Miguel P Eckstein

9:30 am 51.17 Visuo-motor recalibration alters depth perception

Robert Volcic, Carlo Fantoni, Corrado Caudek, Fulvio Domini

9:30 am 51.27 Searching the horizon for small targets Albert

Ahumada, Keith Billington, Jerry Kaiwi

Binocular vision

Face perception: Cognitive factors

Talk Session, Royal Ballroom 1-3

Tuesday, May 10, 10:45 - 12:30 pm
Moderator: Jenny Read

Talk Session, Royal Ballroom 4-5

Tuesday, May 10, 10:45 - 12:30 pm
Moderator: Jessica Taubert

10:45 am 52.11 The Spatiotemporal Limits of Stereovision Kane

David, Guan Phillip, Hoffman David, Martin Banks

10:45 am 52.21 Observer- and stimulus-specific effects in unconscious evaluation of faces on social dimensions Bahador Bahrami,
Sara Ajina, Spas Getov, Lorna Stewart, Alex Todorov, Geraint Rees

11:00 am 52.12 Optimal disparity estimation in stereo-images

of natural scenes Johannes Burge, Wilson Geisler

11:00 am 52.22 Dynamic Cultural Representations of Facial

Expressions of Emotion are not Universal Rachael Jack, Oliver Garrod,
Hui Yu, Roberto Caldara, Philippe Schyns

11:15 am 52.13 Spatial stereoresolution for depth corrugations

may be set in primary visual cortex Fredrik Allenmark, Jenny Read

11:15 am 52.23 Perception of health and facial attractiveness is

influenced by small changes to lifestyle. David Perrett, Dan Re, Ross
Whitehead, Ian Stephen, Dengke Xiao

11:30 am 52.14 Visual cortex responses to visual and electrical

11:30 am 52.24 Facial Expression Production and Training Iris

Gordon, James W. Tanaka, Matt Pierce, Marian Bartlett

stimulations recorded by voltage sensitive dye imaging in cats and

tree shrews. Christian Casanova, Azaheh Naderiyanha, Matthieu Vanni
11:45 am 52.15 Experience-dependent plasticity in adult human
visual cortex revealed by binocular rivalry Claudia Lunghi, David

11:45 am 52.25 When angry faces are just (a) cross Guy Wallis,
Steven Cloete, Carlos Coelho

Burr, Concetta Morrone

12:00 pm 52.16 Human parietal cortex structure determines individual differences in perceptual rivalry Ryota Kanai, David Carmel,
Bahador Bahrami, Geraint Rees

12:00 pm 52.26 A General Recognition Theory Study of Race

Adaptation Leslie Blaha, Noah Silbert, James Townsend

12:15 pm 52.17 Predicting the conscious experience of other

people Kristian Sandberg, Bahador Bahrami, Ryota Kanai, Gareth Barnes,
Morten Overgaard, Geraint Rees

12:15 pm 52.27 The other other-species effect: Understanding

important differences in primate face discrimination. Jessica
Taubert, Lisa Parr


Vision Sciences Society

See page 30 for Abstract Numbering System

Tuesday Morning Posters

Attention: Spatial selection and

53.320 Perceptual load effect is determined by resource demand

and data limitation Zachary J.J. Roper, Joshua D. Cosman, J. Toby
Mordkoff, Shaun P. Vecera

Poster Session, Royal Palm 6-8

Tuesday, May 10, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm

53.321 Effect of feature and response conflicts on the spatial

allocation of attention Daryl E. Wilson, Yena Bi

53.301 Attentional selection of relative SF mediates global versus

local processing: EEG evidence Anastasia Flevaris, Shlomo Bentin,
Lynn Robertson

53.322 Saliency changes appearance Dirk Kerzel, Sabine Born, Josef


53.302 Spatial attention affects perceived stimulus position Paola

Binda, M. Concetta Morrone, Geoffrey M. Boynton, Scott O. Murray

modulates performance on the manual line bisection task Derick

53.303 Independent effects of adaptation and attention on speed

perception Katharina Anton-Erxleben, Katrin Herrmann, Marisa
53.304 The attentional repulsion effect distorts space but not
objects Alessandra DiGiacomo, Davood Ghara Gozli, Greg West, Jay
53.305 Competition limits spatial selection Brian Levinthal, Sumeeth
Jonathan, Jason Scimeca, Steven Franconeri
53.306 Low level perceptual, not attentional, processes modulate

distractor interference in high perceptual Load displays: evidence

from neglect patients Carmel Mevorach, Glyn Humphreys, Yehoshua


53.307 The Distribution of Attention in the Visual Field Under

Perceptual Load Nathan Parks, Diane Beck, Arthur Kramer
53.308 Learning to Ignore Distraction: Training and Transfer
Matthew Windsor, Mark Neider, Arthur Kramer
53.309 Selective attention and contrast gain control Yee Joon Kim,
Preeti Verghese
53.310 The distribution of visuospatial attention is influenced by
illusory differences in the size of physically identical objects Lisa
N. Jefferies, Leon Gmeindl, Steven Yantis

53.323 Decreasing fidelity of peripheral visual information

Valadao, Marc Hurwitz, James Danckert

53.324 A new test of habituation as an account of inhibition of

return in spatial attention Kristie R. Dukewich, James T. Enns
53.325 Attention-Dependent Hemifield Asymmetries When Judging
Numerosity Nestor Matthews, Sarah Theobald
53.326 Conceptual Cues for Visual Attention Davood Gozli, Alison
Chasteen, Jay Pratt

53.327 Eye movements during an enumerating-by-pointing task

enhance spatial compression Courtney Harman, Harry Haladjian, Deb
Aks, Zenon Pylyshyn
53.328 Visual processing speed is modulated by prior knowledge
and alertness Anders Petersen, Signe Vangkilde
53.329 How recent visual experience modulates what we look at
first Yuan-Chi Tseng, Joshua Glaser, Eamon Caddigan, Alejandro Lleras

Perceptual organization: Segmentation

and grouping
Poster Session, Orchid Ballroom
Tuesday, May 10, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
53.401 Third Order Edge Statistics Reveal Curvature Dependency
Steven Zucker, Matthew Lawlor, Daniel Holtmann-Rice
53.402 Context integration across hemispheres in neurons of the
visual cortex Hee-kyoung Ko, Nan R. Zhang, Rdiger von der Heydt

53.312 Learning where to attend: Priming of pop-out drives target

selection Arni Kristjansson, Randolph Blake, Jan Brascamp


53.313 The modulation of spatial attention by exogenous cues in

visual line bisection: Effects of cue-line SOA, cue contrast and cue
position Yamaya Sosa, Mark E. McCourt
53.314 Detecting goal-relevant events boosts activity in primary
visual cortex Khena Swallow, Tal Makovski, Yuhong Jiang
53.315 Is there predictive remapping of visual attention across eye
movements? William Harrison, Roger Remington, Jason Mattingley
53.316 Asymmetric alpha desynchronization during the maintenance of spatial attention Akiko Ikkai, Sangita Dandekar, Clayton

53.317 The influence of target-distractor similarity on perceptual

distraction Jocelyn Sy, Barry Giesbrecht
53.318 Retinotopically defined parietal regions and their relation-

ship to parietal areas involved in object individuation and identification Katherine Bettencourt, Yaoda Xu
53.319 Does covert attention alter perceived contrast? Evidence
from gender perception. Jason Rajsic, Daryl Wilson
See page 30 for Abstract Numbering System

Influence of real and illusory contours on center-surround

masking Patrick J. Hibbeler, Lynn A. Olzak
53.404 A systematic look at the relationship between texture
segregation and center-surround masking. Jennifer Braun, Patrick

Hibbeler, Lynn Olzak

53.405 Empirical data on the configural architecture of human

scene perception and linguistic labels using natural images and

ambiguous figures Lauren Barghout, Haley Winter, Yurik Riegal
53.406 ERP signatures of Gestalt cues predict perceptual segmentation. Jennifer Corbett, Thomas Serre
53.407 A Measure of Localization of Brain Activity for the Motion
Aperture Problem using Electroencephalograms Isao Hayashi,

Hisashi Toyoshima, Takahiro Yamanoi

53.408 Region-based texture segregation and orientation-similarity grouping Kathleen Vancleef, Tom Putzeys, Elena Gheorghiu, Bart
Machilsen, Johan Wagemans
53.409 Emergent Features in two-line configurations prevent selective attention to individual lines as measured by Garner Interference. Anna Stupina, Patricia Emert, James Pomerantz

Vision Sciences Society


Tuesday AM

53.311 Conjunction search without target-specific bias: An eye

movement study Giles Anderson, Dietmar Heinke, Glyn Humphreys

Tuesday Morning Posters

53.410 Feature selection as a mechanism for color grouping Derek
Tam, Brian Levinthal, Steven Franconeri

53.430 How do we search when things keep moving? Selection and

segregation of dynamic displays in visual search Todd Horowitz,
Anina Rich

53.411 Collinearity and Containment Grouping have Different

Effects on Object Substitution Masking Alvin Raj, Ruth Rosenholtz,
Benjamin Balas

53.431 Faster is more efficient in visual search for motion David

Fencsik, Leigha Wendel, Jeremy Wolfe, Todd Horowitz

53.412 The Perception of Four-Dot Configurations Mary Portillo,

James Pomerantz, Dolapo Sokumbi, Carl Hammarsten

53.432 No Motion Filtering in Visual Search amongst Moving Items

Johan Hulleman, Erin McWilliams

53.413 After-effect of perceived regularity Marouane Ouhnana, Jason

Bell, Michael J. Morgan, Joshua A. Solomon, Frederick A. A. Kingdom

53.433 On the hunt: Global biological motion information can

guide attention efficiently in a visual search task Sandra Weber,
Ayse Saygin

53.414 The Rapid Perception of Correlation in Scatterplots Ronald

53.415 Spatial organization and configural processing strategies:
From perception to memory Amy Clements-Stephens, Amy Shelton
53.416 Perceptual grouping weakens local feature representation
Dongjun He, Fang Fang
53.418 Closure versus symmetry: rapid competition of two grouping
principles in a primed flanker paradigm Filipp Schmidt, Thomas
53.419 Long-range, pattern-dependent contextual effects in early
visual cortex Sung Jun Joo, Geoffrey Boynton, Scott Murray

Attention: Shifting
Poster Session, Orchid Ballroom
Tuesday, May 10, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
53.420 Reducing task switch cost with action video games Katherine Medford, Michael Sugarman, C. Shawn Green, E. Klobusicky,
Daphne Bavelier
53.421 The Effect of Visual Scanning in Line Bisection Katsumi
Minakata, Yamaya Sosa, Mark E. McCourt
53.422 Visual relationship judgments Stacey Parrott, Steven Franconeri
53.423 Spatial relationship judgment requires selection of each
object in turn, even when object identification does not Kaitlin
Turner, Hyejin Yang, Steven Franconeri
53.424 Tailgate masking: the obliterating effect of the unattended
pre-mask Arielle Veenemans, Patrick Cavanagh

Tuesday AM

VSS 2011 Program

53.425 Perceived biological agency in a Slithering Snake animation Tao Gao, Joshua New, Brian Scholl
53.426 Realization of an Inverse Yarbus Process via Hidden Markov
Models for Visual-Task Inference Amin Haji Abolhassani, James J.
53.427 Continuously moving RSVP task revealed neuronal activities
related to position of spatial attention: an fNIRS study Masamitsu
Harasawa, Hiroshi Ishikane
53.428 Maintaining visual attention across abrupt spatiotemporal
discontinuities: The role of feature information Markus Huff, Frank
Papenmeier, Hauke Meyerhoff, Georg Jahn

Visual search: Elements, cues and configurations

Poster Session, Orchid Ballroom
Tuesday, May 10, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm

53.434 How do people quit visual search? Justifications for a

deadline model Louis Chan, William Hayward
53.435 An optimal termination strategy for dual-target search
Kazuya Ishibashi, Shinichi Kita, Jeremy Wolfe
53.436 The efficiency of searching for Chinese character in Pseudo
characters, false characters and stroke combinations Jiane Bai,
Lan Wang, Xuchu Weng, Sheng He
53.437 The Individual and Combined Effects of Spatial Context and
Feature Cues in Visual Search Richelle Witherspoon, Daryl Wilson,
Monica Castelhano
53.438 The Implementation of an Exclusionary Attentional
Template: Direct Versus Indirect Cueing Valerie Beck, Steven Luck,
Andrew Hollingworth
53.439 Parallel learning of multiple target locations in contextual
cueing Markus Conci, Hermann J. Mller
53.440 Signal Detection Evidence for an Attentional Bottleneck
in Spatial Configuration Visual Search Evan Palmer, David Fencsik,
Todd Horowitz, Jeremy Wolfe
53.441 Interaction between depth and ocularity features in
attentional attraction during visual search Li Zhaoping, Gao Meng,
Xiaomeng Zhang
53.442 Learning to perform efficient visual search: From inefficient search to pop-out in one week Eric A. Reavis, Sebastian M.
Frank, Menghan Zhao, Mark W. Greenlee, Peter U. Tse
53.443 False Pop Out in Visual Search Kimberley Orsten, Mary C.
Portillo, James R. Pomerantz
53.444 Boundary conditions of the components of Priming of Popout Dominique Lamy, Amit Yashar
53.445 Detecting, localizing, and identifying feature singletons in

visual search: Does task set influence the speed of pre-attentive

processing? Thomas Tllner, Dragan Rangelov, Hermann J. Mller
53.446 You dont see what you expect to see: Action-effect blindness for learnt action effects in a visual search task Roland Pster,
Markus Janczyk, Alexander Heinemann, Andrea Kiesel

53.447 A Color in Working Memory Does Not Become a Search

Target, but it Does Interfere with Color Search. Michael Stroud, Elina
Kaplan, Tamaryn Menneer, Kyle Cave, Nick Donnelly
53.448 Can semantic information influence the guidance of attention by working memory? Marissa Calleja, Max Coltheart, Anina Rich
53.449 Search Asymmetry and Eye Movements in Infants and
Adults Christina Fuda, Scott Adler

53.429 Visual Search for Motion Ian Scoeld, Eriko Self


Vision Sciences Society

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VSS 2011 Program

Perceptual learning: Transfer and

Poster Session, Orchid Ballroom
Tuesday, May 10, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
53.450 Basic Information Processing Effects from Perceptual
Learning in Complex, Real-World Domains Khanh-Phuong Thai,
Philip Kellman
53.451 Triply Dissociated Learning of Context, Target Orientation
and Distractor Orientation in Visual Search Christophe Le Dantec,
Aaron Seitz, Elizabeth Melton
53.452 Distinct mechanisms for visual shape learning at different
time scales Adrian Garcia, Shu-Guang Kuai, Zoe Kourtzi
53.453 Learning to See Second Order Information in Shading
Patterns Dicle N Dovencioglu, Andrew J Schoeld, Andrew E Welchman
53.454 Specificity of learning in acquired bias for 3D rotation
Baptiste Caziot, Benjamin T. Backus
53.455 Attentional Oblique Effect When Judging Simultaneity: A
Perceptual Learning Study Jenna Kelly, Nestor Matthews
53.456 Perceptual learning effect underlying material categorization tasks Yukio Nakamura, Takehiro Nagai, Michiteru Kitazaki, Kowa
Koida, Shigeki Nakauchi
53.457 Attentional load effects on visuo-motor learning Joo-Hyun
Song, Patrick Bdard

Perception and action: Locomotion

Poster Session, Vista Ballroom
Tuesday, May 10, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
53.501 Steering and Cognition: Does attentional load impede or
facilitate steering around a bend? Georgios Kountouriotis, Natasha
Merat, Peter Gardner, Richard Wilkie
53.502 Non-visual self-motion information influences the perception of object motion while walking Melissa Parade, Jonathan S.
Matthis, Brett R. Fajen
53.503 A speed control law for pedestrian following based on visual
angle Kevin W. Rio, William H. Warren

53.505 Visual control strategies for the interception of moving

targets on foot Romann Weber, Brett Fajen

53.512 Perceiving path from optic flow Joseph Cheng, Li Li

53.513 Improved steering performance with enhanced recruitment
of the superior parietal lobe: An fMRI study. Jac Billington, Richard
Wilkie, David Field, John Wann
53.514 Does Locomotion Enhance the Visual Accessibility of Ramps
and Steps? Tiana M. Bochsler, Christopher S. Kallie, Gordon E. Legge,
Rachel Gage, Muzi Chen
53.515 Are Older Adults Actions Affected by Their Perceptions
When Walking Through Apertures? Amy Hackney, Michael Cinelli
53.516 Inconsistent Routes in Moving Obstacle Avoidance Are Due
to Sensitivity to Initial Conditions, not Attention Henry S. Harrison,

William H. Warren

53.517 Vection stimuli placed on a road modulate drivers speed

sensation in a real driving scene Yuki Kawashima, Keiji Uchikawa,
Hirohiko Kaneko, Kazuho Fukuda, Kouji Yamamoto, Kenji Kiya
53.518 Visual control of steering toward a goal Li Li, Joseph Cheng
53.519 Visual control of foot placement when walking over rough
terrain Jonathan Matthis, Brett Fajen
53.520 Age differences negotiating paths of different widths at
different speeds: does old age mean middle of the road? Richard
Wilkie, Rachael Raw, Georgios Kountouriotis, Mark Mon-Williams
53.521 Two Modes of Motion Perception: A Double-dissociation of

the effects of contrast and field of view on perception of objectmotion and self-motion D Alfred Owens, Xiaoyu Zhang, Alexander

Nalbandian, Johnny Lawrence

Object recognition: Experience and

Poster Session, Vista Ballroom
Tuesday, May 10, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
53.522 Visual benefits from auditory statistical learning: The case
of reading Laura K. Suttle, Nicholas B. Turk-Browne
53.523 The role of error-driven learning in object categorization by
primates and birds Fabian Soto, Edward Wasserman
53.524 The effect of familiarity and novelty on visual preference
across different object and scene categories Long Sha, Ming Meng

Visual category learning can be accomplished either under

ambiguous supervision or low feature saliency, but not under both
challenges Rubi Hammer, Kalanit Grill-Spector
53.526 The spontaneous appeal by nave subjects to nonaccidental
properties when distinguishing among highly similar members of
subspecies of birds generates the experts birdguide. Ori Amir,


53.506 Effects of physical acceleration in the perception of

induced self-motion by a real world display Tatsuya Yoshizawa,
Yasumasa Uruno, Tetsuo Kawahara

Xiaokun Xu, Irving Biederman

53.507 On-line and off-line control of locomotion: Steering a

slalom course Huaiyong Zhao, William Warren

53.527 Novel object learning depends on rapid eye movement

sleep. Sara C. Mednick, Elizabeth McDevitt, Mark Brady

53.508 Overestimating action capabilities for passing through

vertical and horizontal gaps under severely degraded vision David
A. Lessard, Margaret R. Tarampi, Michael N. Geuss, Sarah H. CreemRegehr, Jeanine K. Stefanucci, William B. Thompson

53.528 Linking perceptual experience with the functional architecture of the visual cortex D. Samuel Schwarzkopf, Chen Song, Geraint

53.509 Age-related differences in detection of collision events on

linear trajectories Jennifer Teves, Rui Ni
53.510 Retinal information influencing heading perception during
rotation Diederick C. Niehorster, Li Li
53.511 Age-Related Differences in Steering Control under Deteriorated Optical Flow Conditions Bobby Nguyen, Rui Ni

See page 30 for Abstract Numbering System

53.529 Effect of stimulus familiarity in visual word recognition

tasks Julia Trommershaeuser, Anna Ma-Wyatt
53.530 They must have seen it all along Hindsight bias in interpersonal cognition via visual priming Daw-An Wu, Shinsuke Shimojo,
Colin Camerer
53.531 Action Alters Object Identification: Wielding a Gun Creates
a Bias to See Guns James Brockmole, Jessica Witt
Vision Sciences Society


Tuesday AM

53.504 Corrective response reaction times and multi-motor coordination after countermanding failures Gordon Tao, Gunnar Blohm

Tuesday Morning Posters

Tuesday Morning Posters

VSS 2011 Program

53.532 The effect of holistic versus analytic processing on gender

difference in memory SooJin Park, Jaehyun Han

53.551 Can positional averaging explain crowded letter confusions? Daniel Coates, Jean-Baptiste Bernard, Susana Chung

53.533 De Bruijn cycles for neural decoding Marcelo G Mattar, Luca

Magis-Weinberg, Geoffrey K Aguirre

53.552 Response bias contributes to visual field anisotropies for

crowding in natural scenes Luis Andres Lesmes, Thomas S.A. Wallis,
Peter Bex

Spatial vision: Summary statistics

Poster Session, Vista Ballroom
Tuesday, May 10, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
53.534 The Rapid Extraction of Statistical Properties in Visual
Search John Brand, Chris Oriet

53.553 Effects of target-flanker grouping in crowding inside and

outside the critical spacing Bilge Sayim, Patrick Cavanagh
53.554 Crowding with invisible ankers Kilho Shin, Bosco S. Tjan
53.555 Spatial Frequency and Similarity Modulate Crowding in
Letter Identification Sacha Zahabi, Martin Arguin

53.535 Psychophysical evidence for a common metric underlying

number and density discrimination Marc Tibber, John Greenwood,
Steven Dakin
53.536 Density discriminations are less precise than size discriminations, but are not more noisy Michael Morgan, Steven Dakin
53.537 A summary-statistic model of the visual periphery predicts
the difficulty of visual curve tracing. Benjamin Balas, Alvin Raj, Ruth


53.538 The effect of viewing eccentricity on visual enumeration

Breana Carter, Paul Smith, Melanie Palomares
53.539 Size discrimination: On the relationship between statistical
averaging and crowding Melanie Palomares, C. Holley Pitts
53.540 Perceptual averaging by eye and ear: Computing visual
and auditory summary statistics from multimodal stimuli Alice R.
Albrecht, Brian J. Scholl, Marvin M. Chun
53.541 Distractors, sequential presentation have no effect on
simultaneous enumeration of multiple sets Sonia Poltoratski, Yaoda

Spatial vision: Crowding and eccentricity

Poster Session, Vista Ballroom
Tuesday, May 10, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
53.542 The extent of the vertical meridian asymmetry Jared Abrams,
Aaron J. Nizam, Marisa Carrasco
53.543 Contour interaction under monocular and dichoptic viewing
conditions for luminance-modulated and contrast-modulated Cs

Tuesday AM

Monika A Formankiewicz, Sarah J Waugh, Akash S Chima

53.544 Visual Boundaries Influence the Direction of Biases in

Peripheral Localization Francesca C. Fortenbaugh, Shradha Sanghvi,
Michael A. Silver, Lynn C. Robertson
53.545 Assessment of Damaged and Intact Visual Fields With a New
Kind of Perimeter Antti Raninen, Risto Nsnen
53.546 Letter-in-chaff: a response classification method for
studying letter identification Julian M. Wallace, Bosco S. Tjan
53.547 Effects of imposed Gaussian blur on contour interaction
for luminance-modulated and contrast-modulated noisy Cs Sarah J

Waugh, Monika A Formankiewicz, Julie A Polczyk-Przybyla

53.548 The Neural Correlates of Crowding-Induced Changes in

Appearance Elaine Anderson, Steven Dakin, D. Samuel Schwarzkopf,
Geraint Rees, John Greenwood
53.549 Invisible fearful face induced by crowding can capture
spatial attention Juan Chen, Yingchen He, Fang Fang
53.550 Peripheral crowding with unlimited viewing time Michael K.
Chiu, Julian Wallace, Anirvan S. Nandy, Bosco S. Tjan


Vision Sciences Society

See page 30 for Abstract Numbering System

Tuesday Afternoon Talks

Spatial vision: Neural and psychophysical

Attention: Temporal and capture

Talk Session, Royal Ballroom 1-3

Tuesday, May 10, 2:30 - 4:30 pm, Moderator: Luke Hallum

Talk Session, Royal Ballroom 4-5

Tuesday, May 10, 2:30 - 4:30 pm
Moderator: Steven Franconeri

2:30 pm 54.11 Population receptive fields in human visual cortex

measured with subdural electrodes Jonathan Winawer, Andreas M.

2:30 pm 54.21 Flexible visual processing of spatial relationships.

Steven Franconeri, Jason Scimeca, Jessica Roth, Sarah Helseth

2:45 pm 54.12 Tomographic measurement of population receptive fields in early visual cortex David Ress, Clint Greene, Serge O.

2:45 pm 54.22 Topological change triggers the attentional blink:

Evidence for the topological definition of perceptual units Wenli

Dumoulin, Ben Harvey

Qian, Ke Zhou, Lin Chen

3:00 pm 54.13 Second-order selectivity of single units in macaque

primary visual cortex (V1) and V2 Luke E. Hallum, J. Anthony

3:00 pm 54.23 Attention capture by unique color changes occurs

independent of color singletons Adrian von Muhlenen, Markus Conci

3:15 pm 54.14 Failures of inference: challenges for interpreting

localized fMRI measurements of visual features Cheryl Olman
3:30 pm 54.15 Occipital TMS facilitates and hinders visual perception via a contrast gain mechanism Francesca Perini, Luigi Cattaneo,

3:15 pm 54.24 Top-down attentional capture by associated scenes

in an object search task. Noah Sulman, Thomas Sanocki
3:30 pm 54.25 Attentional capture vs. emotional capture: Potentially separate mechanisms of perceptual disruption Lingling

Marisa Carrasco, Jens Schwarzbach

Wang, Steven Most

3:45 pm 54.16 Serial dependence in visual perception Jason Fischer,

Jennifer Shankey, David Whitney

3:45 pm 54.26 The role of perceptual load in orientation tuning

Moritz Stolte, Bahador Bahrami, Nilli Lavie

4:00 pm 54.17 The Intrinsic Uncertainty Observer: Explaining

Detection and Localization Performance in the Visual Periphery

4:00 pm 54.27 Learned control over attention capture is disrupted

following medial temporal lobe damage Joshua Cosman, Shaun

Melchi Michel, Wilson Geisler


4:15 54.18 The common perceptual metric for human discrimination of number and density Steven Dakin, Marc Tibber, John Greenwood, Frederick Kingdom, Michael Morgan

4:15 54.28 Target detection at 50 or 33 ms/picture in RSVP Mary

Potter, Brad Wyble, Emily McCourt, Daniel Stoeth

Perception and action: Pointing, hitting,

reaching, and grasping

Motion: Integration

Rauschecker, Josef Parvizi, Brian A. Wandell


Talk Session, Royal Ballroom 1-3

Tuesday, May 10, 5:30 - 7:15 pm, Moderator: Jody Culham

Talk Session, Royal Ballroom 4-5

Tuesday, May 10, 5:30 - 7:15 pm
Moderator: Ikuya Murakami
5:30 pm 55.21 Neural activity underlying the integration of trajectory information Justin Ales, Anthony Norcia

5:45 pm 55.12 Testing whether humans have an accurate model

of their own motor uncertainty in a speeded reaching task Hang
Zhang, Nathaniel Daw, Laurence T. Maloney

5:45 pm 55.22 The effects of size and speed on perceived 3D

object motion at different distances Junjun Zhang, Myron Braunstein,
George Andersen

6:00 pm 55.13 Recalibration of eye and hand reference frames in

age-related macular degeneration Laura Renninger, Anna Ma-Wyatt

6:00 pm 55.23 Motion integration and segregation modulated

by surrounding motion Hiromasa Takemura, Satohiro Tajima, Ikuya

6:15 pm 55.14 Me or Not Me: Causal Inference of Agency in goaldirected actions Tobias F Beck, Carlo Wilke, Barbara Wirxel, Dominik

6:15 pm 55.24 Combination of optic flow fields and stereoscopic

depth fields in the encoding of self-motion Andrew T Smith, Velia

6:30 pm 55.15 Temporal Aspect of Motor Performances Effect on

Perception Bruce Bridgeman, Adam Cooper, Cassidy Sterling, Michael

6:30 pm 55.25 The Perception of Body Movements: The Role of

Biological Motion and Form Ayse P. Saygin, Thierry Chaminade, Burcu

6:45 55.16 Anticipation of sabre fencing attacks Peter Possidente,

Flip Phillips, Jon Matthis, Gabriel Diaz

6:45 55.26 Seeing the direction of a crowd: Ensemble coding of

biological motion Timothy Sweeny, Steve Haroz, David Whitney
7:00 55.27 Biological motion detection does not involve an automatic perspective taking Andrea Christensen, Winfried Ilg, Martin A.

Teresa McAdam, Adam Mclean, Melvyn Goodale, Jody Culham

Endres*, Axel Lindner, Martin A Giese*

7:00 55.17 Learning to reach for invisible objects: evidence for

blindsight in normal observers. Warrick Roseboom, Derek Arnold

See page 30 for Abstract Numbering System



A. Urgen, Hiroshi Ishuguro, Jon Driver, Chris Frith


Vision Sciences Society


Tuesday PM

5:30 pm 55.11 fMRI reveals a lower visual field preference in

dorsal visual stream regions during hand actions Stephanie Rossit,

Tuesday Afternoon Posters

Face perception: High-level features

Development: Face perception

Poster Session, Royal Palm 6-8

Tuesday, May 10, 3:00 - 7:00 pm

Poster Session, Royal Palm 6-8

Tuesday, May 10, 3:00 - 7:00 pm

56.301 Face Processing Abilities Relate to Career Choice Emily

Strong, Richard Russell, Laura Germine, Jeremy Wilmer

56.317 Visual scanning behaviors of 8-month-old infants facing

expressive faces Jean-Yves Baudouin, Karine Durand, Jennifer Monnot,
Robert Soussignan, Benoist Schaal

56.302 Reading the Lie in the Eyes: The Production and Detection of Tactical Gaze Deception Joshua New, Michelle Levine, Chloe
56.303 Neural face coding is shaped by race Luca Vizioli, Fraser
Smith, Junpeng Lao, Lars Muckli, Roberto Caldara

56.319 Infants recognition of dynamic subtle facial expression

Hiroko Ichikawa, So Kanazawa, Masami K. Yamaguchi

56.304 No own-race advantage for holistic face processing in

Chinese participants Kate Crookes, William Hayward, Simone Favelle

56.320 Do infant represent the facial identity in a viewpoint-

56.305 The complete design lets you see the whole picture: Differ-

ences in holistic processing contribute to face-inversion and

other-race effects Stephenie A. Harrison, Jennifer J. Richler, Michael L.
Mack, Thomas J. Palmeri, William Hayward, Isabel Gauthier

56.306 The other-race effect is not ubiquitous Ryo Kyung Lee,

Isabelle Blthoff, Regine Armann, Christian Wallraven, Heinrich Blthoff
56.307 Training with Same-Race Faces Improves Holistic
Processing of Other-Race Faces Rogelio J. Mercado, Sarah Cohan,
Joseph M. DeGutis
56.308 Eyes like it, brain likes it: Tracking the neural tuning of
cultural diversity in eye movements for faces Junpeng Lao, Sbastien
Miellet, Luca Vizioli, Roberta Fusco, Roberto Caldara
56.309 Co-localization of human posterior STS during biological
motion, face and social perception Samhita Dasgupta, Sarah C. Tyler,
Emily D. Grossman
56.310 A region in the Posterior Superior Temporal Sulcus (pSTS)

appears to be selectively engaged in the perception of social interactions. Kami Koldewyn, Sarah Weigelt, Kilian Semmelmann, Nancy


56.311 Visual attractiveness is leaky (3): Effects of emotion,

distance and timing. Eiko Shimojo, Daniela Mier , Shinsuke Shimojo
56.312 Visual attractiveness is leaky (4): Effects of non-social
stimuli and the relationship to distance and timing Daniela Mier,
Eiko Shimojo, Shinsuke Shimojo
56.313 Visual Attractiveness is Leaky (5): Perceptual organization
matters Chihiro Saegusa, Janis Intoy, Shinsuke Shimojo

Tuesday PM

56.318 Mechanisms Underlying the Emergence of Expert Face and

Object Representations During Infancy Hillary Hadley, Lisa S. Scott

56.314 pSTS response to gaze reflects wider role in processing

ostensive signals in multiple modalities Raliza S. Stoyanova, Michael
P. Ewbank, Andy J. Calder

invariant manner? The neural adaptation study as measured by

near-infrared spectroscopy Megumi Kobayashi, Yumiko Otsuka, So

Kanazawa, Masami K. Yamaguchi, Ryusuke Kakigi

56.321 A longitudinal study on infants face perception by nearinfrared spectroscopy. Emi Nakato, Hiroko Ichikawa, So Kanazawa,
Masami.K Yamaguchi, Ryusuke Kakigi
56.322 Jen or Sue? The influence of facial expressions on identity
aftereffects in 8-year-old children Jasmine Mian, Catherine Mondloch
56.323 The attractiveness of facial avergeness: A comparison of
adults and children Larissa Vingilis-Jaremko, Daphne Maurer, David
56.324 Look me in the eye: A comparison of fine-grained sensitivity
to eye contact between 8-year-olds and adults Mark Vida, Daphne
56.325 Developmental changes in encoding and the capacity
to process face information. Rebecca J. Von Der Heide, Michael J.
Wenger, Rick O. Gilmore, Daniel B. Elbich
56.326 The effect of gaze direction on 3D face learning in infants
Wakayo Yamashita, So Kanazawa, Masami K. Yamaguchi
56.327 Six-month-old infants perceive the concave face illusion as
convex. Sherryse Corrow, Jordan Mathison, Carl Granrud, Albert Yonas
56.328 Infant and Adult Preferences for Upright Faces are Driven
More by High, Than Low, Spatial Frequencies Karen Dobkins, Vanitha
56.329 The Organization of Young Childrens Face Space: Complete

Transfer of Aftereffects from Own- to Other-Race Faces in 5-YearOlds Lindsey Short, Catherine Mondloch
56.330 Developmental Changes in the Strength of Identity-Specific
Expression Aftereffects Susan Barrett, Katrina Hermetet, Alice OToole

56.315 Faces with higher contrast look younger Aurelie Porcheron,

Emmanuelle Mauger, Frederique Morizot, Richard Russell
56.316 Top-down Visual Attention and Gender in a Focused
Listening Task John Shen, Laurent Itti


Vision Sciences Society

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VSS 2011 Program

Tuesday Afternoon Posters

Visual search: Natural scenes and

practical tasks

56.418 fMRI responses during visual search predict the magnitude

of EEG and behavioral benefits of repeated context Ryan W. Kasper,
Joyce Sato-Reinhold, Scott T. Grafton, Miguel P. Eckstein, Barry Giesbrecht

Poster Session, Orchid Ballroom

Tuesday, May 10, 3:00 - 7:00 pm

3D perception: Natural and virtual scenes

56.401 Scene-based Contextual Cueing in the Rhesus Macaque

Daniel Brooks, Ji Dai, David Sheinberg

Poster Session, Orchid Ballroom

Tuesday, May 10, 3:00 - 7:00 pm

56.402 Costs of Switching Scene Category in Real-World Visual

Search Kevin Price, Satoru Suzuki, Marcia Grabowecky

56.419 Depth Compression and Expansion in Photographs Emily A.

Cooper, Elise Piazza, Martin S. Banks

56.403 The Evolution of Clutter Effects in Visual Search Gregory

Zelinsky, Mark Neider

56.420 Measuring pictorial space in paintings: Converging operations Johan Wagemans, Andrea van Doorn, Huib de Ridder, Mieke
Leyssen, Jan Koenderink

56.404 Redundancy gains using real-world objects Alain Chavaillaz,

Gregory Zelinsky

56.421 Depth-of-field in (semi-)natural photographs Harold Nefs

56.405 Is there inter-trial priming of popout with pictures of real

stimuli? Ester Reijnen, Michael Zehetleitner, Hermann J. Mller, Joseph

56.422 A dense sampling method for calibrating non-see-through

head mounted displays Andrew Glennerster, Stuart Gilson, Andrew

56.406 Depth and Size Information Reduce Effective Set Size for
Visual Search in Real-World Scenes Ashley M. Sherman, Michelle R.
Greene, Jeremy M. Wolfe

56.423 The influence of a scaled third-person animated avatar on

perception and action in virtual environments Markus Leyrer, Sally
A. Linkenauger, Heinrich H. Blthoff, Uwe Kloos, Betty Mohler

56.407 Searching Simulated Lungs in 3D with Stereoscopic Volume

Rendering Jeffrey Doon, David Getty, Ennio Mingolla, Jeremy Wolfe

56.424 Welcome to Wonderland: The Apparent Size of the Body

Influences Perceived Extents in Virtual Environments Sally A.
Linkenauger, Betty J. Mohler, Heinrich H. Blthoff

56.408 When and why does Computer Aided Detection (CAD) interfere with visual search? Corbin Cunningham, Trafton Drew, Jeremy M.
56.409 Why dont Computer Aided Detection (CAD) algorithms help
experts as much as they should? Trafton Drew, Corbin Cunningham,
Jeremy M. Wolfe
56.410 What Events are Critical for a Lifeguard to Monitor? An

Examination of Responses by Instructors, Lifeguards, and NonLifeguards Lyndsey K. Lanagan-Leitzel

56.411 Accuracy in dual-target visual search is hindered by anticipatory anxiety Matthew S. Cain, Joseph E. Dunsmoor, Kevin S. LaBar,

Stephen R. Mitroff

Visual search: Neural mechanisms

Poster Session, Orchid Ballroom
Tuesday, May 10, 3:00 - 7:00 pm
56.412 TMS reveals attentional feedback to area V1 during serial
visual search Laura Dugu, Philippe Marque, Run VanRullen
56.413 The role of V5/MT in visual search amongst moving items:
new evidence from transcranial magnetic stimulation Gorana
Pobric, Johan Hulleman
56.414 Attentional priority of saccade goal selection during visual

Koorosh Mirpour, James W. Bisley

56.416 fMRI evidence for the neural representation of target

detection in natural scenes Fei Guo, Tim Preston, Barry Giesbrecht,
Miguel Eckstein
56.417 ERP correlates of the target representation used to guide
search Joseph Schmidt, Annmarie MacNamara, Gregory Hajcak, Gregory

See page 30 for Abstract Numbering System

release from adaptation for 2D pictures but not actual 3D objects

Jacqueline Snow, Charles Pettypiece, Teresa McAdam, Adam McLean,

Patrick Stroman, Melvyn Goodale, Jody Culham
56.426 Human recovery of the shape of a 3D scene Taekyu Kwon,
Yun Shi, Yunfeng Li, Tadamasa Sawada, Zygmunt Pizlo
56.427 3D symmetry correspondence from 2D images of objects
Yunfeng Li, Tadamasa Sawada, Meng Yi, Longin Jan Latecki, Zygmunt
56.428 On the role for binocular cues in the fast extraction
of egocentric distance Noah Cohen, Daniel Gajewski, Nazanin
Dameshghi, John Philbeck
56.429 The role of depth and frontal planes in perceiving distances
in a virtual environment. Michael Geuss, Garret Allen, Jeanine

Stefanucci, Sarah Creem-Regehr, William Thompson

56.430 Two distinct angular perceptual variables account for the

dissociation between egocentric and exocentric distance perception Frank Durgin, Zhi Li
56.431 Manipulating Embodiment in Imagined Spatial Perspective
Taking Kyle T. Gagnon, Margaret R. Tarampi, Mackenzie S. Peyton, Sarah
H. Creem-Regehr

56.432 View-based vs Cartesian: explanations for human navigation errors Lyndsey Pickup, Stuart Gilson, Andrew Glennerster
56.433 The influence of object-ground contact on perception of
distance and size under severely degraded vision Kristina Rand,
Margaret Tarampi, William Thompson, Sarah Creem-Regehr
56.434 An older view on distance perception: Age affects perception of walkable extents Mila Sugovic, Jessica Witt

Scene perception: Features and categories

Poster Session, Orchid Ballroom
Tuesday, May 10, 3:00 - 7:00 pm
56.435 Neural coding of location and facing direction on a familiar
college campus Lindsay Morgan, Geoffrey Aguirre, Russell Epstein
Vision Sciences Society


Tuesday PM

search is represented by the relative normalized responses of

lateral intraparietal neurons Koorosh Mirpour, James Bisley
56.415 Neural activity in the parietal priority map explains
saccadic reaction times. Solmaz Shariat Torbaghan, Daniel Yazdi,

56.425 Bringing the real world into the fMRI scanner: Robust

Tuesday Afternoon Posters

56.436 Diagnostic Objects Facilitate Scene Categorization Anthony
Stigliani, Sean MacEvoy, Russell Epstein
56.437 Normal scenes seem to last longer than jumbled scenes D.
Alexander Varakin
56.438 On the speed of material recognition in natural scenes
Christiane Wiebel, Matteo Valsecchi, Karl Gegenfurtner
56.439 Ordinate and Subordinate Level Categorizations of RealWorld Scenes: An Eye Movement Study George L. Malcolm, Antje
Nuthmann, Philippe G. Schyns
56.440 A new perceptual paradigm and psychophysical evidence
for hierarchical gist recognition Ilan Kadar, Ohad Ben-Shahar
56.441 Responding to the gist of unseen scenes Karla Evans, Jeremy
56.442 Natural scenes are robust to bubbling Eamon Caddigan, Li
Fei-Fei, Diane M. Beck
56.443 Varying image perspective weakens the leaning tower illusion. Aaron Johnson
56.444 Perceiving multiple scene events at the grand time scale of
seconds Thomas Sanocki, Noah Sulman
56.445 Does language influence how visual events are perceived?
Gaurav Kharkwal, Karin Stromswold
56.446 Sensitivity to the aesthetic value of scenes in the parahippocampal place area Teresa Pegors, Russell Epstein
56.447 Tuning of human occipitotemporal cortex to sensory,
semantic and emotional features during visualisation Daniel
Mitchell, Rhodri Cusack
56.448 Natural Scene Image Complexity Differentially Modulates
the N1 and P1 Components of Early VEPs Bruce C Hansen, Aaron P
Johnson, Dave Ellemberg
56.449 Dissociating object and space representations in sceneselective visual cortex Assaf Harel, Dwight Kravitz, Chris Baker
56.450 The occipital lobe in detection and categorization abilities:
an fMRI study in healthy individuals Sylvie Chokron, Cline Cavzian, Carole Peyrin, Gaelle Doucet, Olivier Coubard, Julien Savatovsky,
Francoise Heran, Olivier Gout, Cline Perez

Tuesday PM

56.451 Detection and categorization abilities following peripheral

or cerebral visual impairment Cline Cavzian, Isabelle Gaudry, Anneclaire Viret, Olivier Coubard, Carole Peyrin, Catherine Vignal, Olivier
Gout, Sylvie Chokron

VSS 2011 Program

56.504 Larger BOLD responses to visual stimulation in area V1 in
people with migraine with aura. Ritobrato Datta, John A. Detre, Geoffrey K. Aguirre, Brett L. Cucchiara
56.505 Reduced Looming Sensitivity in Primary School Children
with Developmental Co-ordination Disorder Catherine Purcell, John
Wann, Damian Poulter, Kate Wilmut
56.506 The effects of saccades on magnocellular visual function
in high and low autistic tendency David Crewther, Daniel Crewther,
Sheila Crewther
56.507 Basic mechanisms of visual attention are normal in
Aspergers syndrome Jens Christiansen, Anders Petersen, Thomas
Habekost, Lennart Pedersen, Claus Bundesen
56.508 Enhanced global integration of closed contours in individuals with high levels of autistic traits Renita Almeida, J. Edwin
Dickinson, Murray Maybery, Johanna Badcock, David Badcock
56.509 Integration of disparity and texture cues to slant in adolescents with an autism spectrum disorder. Rachael Bedford, Elizabeth
Pellicano, Katarina Begus, Denis Mareschal, Marko Nardini
56.510 Gaze and preference decision making in autism Alma
Gharib, Daniela Mier, Ralph Adolphs, Shinsuke Shimojo
56.511 Biological motion perception among persons with schizophrenia Justine M. Y. Spencer, Allison B. Sekuler, Patrick J. Bennett, Bruce
K. Christensen

Object recognition: Categories

Poster Session, Vista Ballroom
Tuesday, May 10, 3:00 - 7:00 pm
56.512 Basic-level object categorization of natural scenes in the
near-absence of focal attention Marlne Poncet, Leila Reddy, Michle
56.513 Rapid visual categorization of objects in natural scenes:
the contextual effect is strengthened by aging Laure Saint-Aubert,
Florence Rmy, Nadge Bacon-Mac, Emmanuel Barbeau, Nathalie Vayssire, Michle Fabre-Thorpe
56.514 Scanning parameters for optimal decoding in visual cortex
using a 32-channel head coil for fMRI Andrew C. Connolly, Yu-Chien

Wu, J. Swaroop Guntupalli, James V. Haxby

56.515 Visual representations of temporal context Nicholas B. TurkBrowne, Per B. Sederberg, Mason G. Simon

56.452 Evidence of a coarse-to-fine categorization of visual scenes

using movies of spatial frequency filtered scene images Benoit
Musel, Coralie Giavarini, Alan Chauvin, Nathalie Guyader, Carole Peyrin

56.516 The neural basis of rapid visual recognition: Neural

decoding and Granger causality analysis of connectivity. Ali Arslan,
Jed Singer, Maxime Cauchoix, Joseph Madsen, Gabriel Kreiman, Thomas

Development: Disorders

56.517 The Bank of Standardized Stimuli (BOSS): a new norma-

tive dataset of 480 visual stimuli to be used in visual cognition

research Mathieu Brodeur, Genevive Dion-Lessard, Mlissa Chauret,

Poster Session, Vista Ballroom

Tuesday, May 10, 3:00 - 7:00 pm

Emmanuelle Dionne-Dostie, Tina Montreuil, Martin Lepage

56.501 Computerized Progressive Attention Training (CPAT) in

adults with ADHD A randomized controlled trial Lilach Shalev, Yael
Ashkenazy, Yarden Dody, Michal Gilad, Tamar Kolodny, Moran Pharchi

56.518 Integral dimensions can be differentiated in dimensional

but not polar morphspaces Jonathan Folstein, Isabel Gauthier, Thomas

56.502 The Relationship of Global Form and Coherent Motion

Detection to Reading Fluency Julia Englund, Melanie Palomares

56.519 Self reference and familiarity in handwriting recognition

Walter Gerbino, Elisa Mattaloni

56.503 Increased Internal Noise Cannot Account for Motion Coherence Processing Deficits in Migraine Kathryn Webster, J. Edwin
Dickinson, Josephine Battista, Allison M. McKendrick, David R. Badcock

56.520 Selection of response candidates during the process of


Vision Sciences Society

object categorization is based on similarity in intrinsic part structure Mijke Hartendorp, Stefan Van der Stigchel, Albert Postma

See page 30 for Abstract Numbering System

VSS 2011 Program

56.521 A Neural Network Model for the Concurrent Perception of
Multiple Objects Cynthia M. Henderson, James L. McClelland
56.522 Left hemisphere advantage in the visual processing of
graspable objects Brad Kempster, Claudia Gonzalez
56.523 Activation of visual information by verbal versus nonverbal
cues Gary Lupyan
56.524 Unraveling ultra-rapid categorization Michael Mack, Thomas
56.525 Reentrant Visual Processing Affects Rapid Object Categorization in Natural Scenes Hsin-Mei Sun, Robert Gordon
56.526 Priming of superordinate categorization of object pictures
by spatial-frequency filtered versions Katrien Torfs, Sven Panis, Johan
56.527 The Scene Superiority Effect: Discriminating Objects and
Instances Richard Yao, Daniel Simons

Tuesday Afternoon Posters

56.542 How well do you know the back of your hand? Reaction

time to identify a rotated hand silhouette depends on whether it is

interpreted as a palm or back view. Richard Dyde, Kevin MacKenzie,

Laurence Harris

56.543 Stimulus Similarity and Dimensionality in the Processing of

Non-Face Objects David Alexander Kahn, Geoffrey Karl Aguirre
56.544 Misbinding of color and motion: Effect of color variation and
solidity of object Ashley Watson, Naul Paz, Catherine Tran, Eriko Self
56.545 Constraints on object perception influence assimilation of
objects into the body representation Silas Larsen, Thomas Carlson
56.546 Analysis of similarity matrices and its application to the

study of semantic and visual information processing in the inferior

temporal cortex Imri Sofer, Daphna Weinshall, Thomas Serre
56.547 Holistic processing of words Alan C.-N. Wong, Cindy Bukach,
W. S. Yuen, Shirley Leung, Emma Greenspon

56.528 The effect of eccentricity on working memory for different

object categories Sang-Ah Yoo, Sang Chul Chong

56.548 Spatial sampling may determine channel scaling in letter

recognition Cong Yu, Jun-Yun Zhang, Lei Liu

56.529 Higher-order image statistics is a cue for animal detection

Hayaki Banno, Jun Saiki

Attention: Divided

Object recognition: Features

Poster Session, Vista Ballroom
Tuesday, May 10, 3:00 - 7:00 pm
56.530 Micro-Valence: Nominally neutral visual objects have affective valence Sophie Lebrecht, Moshe Bar, David L. Sheinberg, Michael J.
56.531 Unraveling the visual and semantic components of object
representation Daniel Leeds, Darren Seibert, John Pyles, Michael Tarr
56.532 Viewpoint and Exemplar Generalization in Visual Prediction
Olivia Cheung, Moshe Bar
56.533 The word length effect in virtual hemianopia, real hemianopia, and alexia Claire Sheldon, Mathias Abegg, Alla Sekunova, Jason
56.534 Greater Sensitivity to Nonaccidental than Metric Differences in Relations Jiye G. Kim, Irving Biederman, Ori Amir
56.535 The Benefit of Scene-Like Interactions on Object Identifica-

tion Arises in LO Rather than Being a Consequence of Parietal

Attentional Modulation Irving Biederman, Jiye G. Kim, Chi-Hung Juan
56.536 Extrinsic reference frames modify the neural encoding of
object locations during active spatial navigation Edgar Chan, Oliver
Baumann, Mark Bellgrove, Jason B Mattingley

56.537 Different temporal dynamics of topological and projective

geometrical perceptions in primary visual cortex: a TMS study

56.538 The composition of context: assessing the contribution of

different types of scene information in visual object recognition

Elan Barenholtz, Evangelie Daskagianni

56.539 Diagnostic features are prominent in object representations Mary Bravo, Hany Farid
56.540 Attention is Directed to Distinguishing Features During
Object Recognition Orit Baruch, Ruth Kimchi, Morris Goldsmith

56.549 Divided attention impairs motion perception in older

adults. Harriet Allen, Tim Ledgeway, Natalie Kelly, Claire Hutchinson,
James Blundell
56.550 Pedestrians, Automobiles, and Cell Phones; Examining the

Effects of Divided Attention and Aging in a Realistic Virtual Reality

Street Crossing Task Mark Neider, John Gaspar, Jason McCarley, James

Crowell, Henry Kaczmarski, Arthur Kramer

56.551 Does stress enhance or impair selective attention? The

effects of stress and perceptual load on distractor interference

Jun Kawahara, Hirotsune Sato, Ippei Takenaka

56.552 Evidence for the independence of pre-saccadic attentional

shifts and voluntary attention Donatas Jonikaitis, Marc Ppper, Heiner
56.553 Psychoanatomy of visual attention: a unified account of
quadrant and hemifield effects. Thomas Carlson, Haena Cho , Jeremy
Turret, Steven Dakin
56.554 In Defense of Media Multitasking: No Increase in TaskSwitch or Dual-Task Costs Reem Alzahabi, Mark W. Becker
56.555 Object identification has fixed capacity: Evidence for serial
processing in the formation of perceptual objects Alec Scharff, John
Palmer, Cathleen M. Moore
56.556 The effects of dividing attention on target enhancement
and distractor inhibition Paige Scalf, Diane Beck
56.557 Consolidation and Maintenance Processes in Visual

Working Memory Lack an Extra Capacity for a Peripheral Pop-out

Whereas Recognition Does Not Hae-In Kang, Joo-Seok Hyun
56.558 Seated, standing, and stepping: Is the size of the useful
field of view constant? James Reed-Jones, Rebecca Reed-Jones, Mark


56.541 Dorsal stream involvement in object recognition with

temporal salience, but not when temporal salience is reduced.

Sheila Crewther, Alana Cross, Tomas Lourenco, Robin Laycock

See page 30 for Abstract Numbering System

Vision Sciences Society


Tuesday PM

Xiaoming Du, Ke Zhou, Lin Chen

Poster Session, Vista Ballroom

Tuesday, May 10, 3:00 - 7:00 pm

Wednesday Morning Talks

Temporal processing

Face perception: Parts and wholes

Talk Session, Royal Ballroom 1-3

Wednesday, May 11, 8:00 - 9:45 am, Moderator: Derek Arnold

Talk Session, Royal Ballroom 4-5

Wednesday, May 11, 8:00 - 9:45 am, Moderator: Allison Sekuler

8:00 am 61.11 VEP study of receptive field sizes and feedback in

human cortex Yury Petrov, Jeff Nador, Jiehui Qian

8:00 am 61.21 Multiple indices of holistic processing are uncorrelated with each other and with face identification Yaroslav Konar,
Patrick J. Bennett, Allison B. Sekuler

8:15 am 61.12 Time to contact does not pop out Eli Brenner, Alex

8:15 am 61.22 Dissociation between general holistic processing

8:30 am 61.13 How well can we discriminate between stimulus

onsets and offsets? Christopher R.L. Cantor, Clifton M. Schor
8:45 am 61.14 Introspecting on the timing of ones actions in a
visuo-motor synchronization task Andrei Gorea, Delphine Rider
9:00 am 61.15 A high temporal resolution and long-range mecha-

nism that identifies which motion directions occur at the same

time. Kazushi Maruya, Alex Holocombe, Shinya Nishida
9:15 am 61.16 The weight of time: implied gravitational force
enhances discrimination of visual motion duration Alessandro
Moscatelli, Francesco Lacquaniti

9:30 am 61.17 Recalibrating Time Perception Derek Arnold, Kielan

Yarrow, Szonya Durant, Warrick Roseboom

and holistic face processing: evidence from three cases of

acquired prosopagnosia Thomas Busigny, Jason Barton, Bruno Rossion
8:30 am 61.23 Face-semblance leads to faster visual search and
breaking interocular suppression Hua Yang, Jason Gors, Ming Meng
8:45 am 61.24 Fixating the Eyes is an Optimal Strategy Across
Important Face (Related) Tasks Matthew F Peterson, Miguel P

9:00 am 61.25 Local Jekyll and global Hyde: The dual identity of
face identification Sbastien Miellet, Roberto Caldara, Philippe G.
9:15 am 61.26 Kin recognition based on viewing photographs of
childrens faces is not affected by facial inversion Laurence Maloney,
Maria Dal Martello
9:30 am 61.27 The Moving Window Technique: A window into

age-related changes in childrens attention to facial expressions

of emotion Elina Birmingham, Tamara Meixner, Daniel Smilek, Grace

Iarocci, Jim Tanaka

Object recognition and scene perception:

Neural mechanisms
Talk Session, Royal Ballroom 1-3
Wednesday, May 11, 10:45 - 12:30 pm, Moderator: Li Fei-Fei

Visual search
Talk Session, Royal Ballroom 4-5
Wednesday, May 11, 10:45 - 12:30 pm
Moderator: Yaffa Yeshurun

10:45 am 62.11 Closely overlapping responses to tools and hands

in the left lateral occipitotemporal cortex. Stefania Bracci, Cristiana
Cavina-Pratesi, Magdalena Ietswaart, Alfonso Caramazza, Marius V

10:45 am 62.21 Searching for many things at the same time: Saved
by a log Jeremy Wolfe

11:00 am 62.12 STMVPA: Spatiotemporal multivariate pattern

analysis permits fine-grained visual categorization Sergey V.
Fogelson, Peter J. Kohler, Michael Hanke, Yaroslav O. Halchenko, James
V. Haxby, Richard H. Granger, Peter U. Tse

11:00 am 62.22 Neural correlates of central versus peripheral

target detection during complex visual search Sandra Utz, Glyn W
Humphreys, Joseph P McCleery

11:15 am 62.13 Feedback of visual object information to cortex

11:15 am 62.23 Modeling Combined Proximity-Similarity Effects in

Visual Search Tamar Avraham, Yaffa Yeshurun, Michael Lindenbaum

representing the preferred retinal locus, not the fovea, in individuals with macular degeneration Daniel D. Dilks, Joshua B. Julian,

Wednesday AM

Nancy Kanwisher

11:30 am 62.14 Translation Invariance of Natural Scene Categories Marius Ctlin Iordan, Christopher Baldassano, Dirk B. Walther,
Diane M. Beck, Li Fei-Fei

11:30 am 62.24 Does crowding obscure the presence of attentional guidance in contextual cueing? Steven Fiske, Thomas Sanocki

11:45 am 62.15 Early vs. late components of category selectivity in

the parahippocampal place area: A rapid acquisition fMRI study

Seth Bouvier, Russell Epstein

11:45 am 62.25 Measuring the handoff of the attentional template

from working memory to long-term memory Nancy Carlisle, Geoffrey

12:00 pm 62.16 Neural coding of the size of space and the amount
of clutter in a scene Soojin Park, Talia Konkle, Aude Oliva

12:00 pm 62.26 Search and Destroy: A new approach to understanding inhibition in visual search Jeff Moher, Howard Egeth

12:15 pm 62.17 Contextual location information relevant to visual

12:15 pm 62.27 Does repeated search in scenes need memory?

When contextual guidance fails, memory takes over. Melissa Vo,
Jeremy Wolfe

search in natural scenes is encoded in extrastriate visual cortex

and the anterior intraparietal sulcus Tim Preston, Fei Guo, Barry

Giesbrecht, Miguel Eckstein


Vision Sciences Society

See page 30 for Abstract Numbering System

Wednesday Morning Posters

Motion: Higher-order, objects, and
Poster Session, Royal Palm 6-8
Wednesday, May 11, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
63.301 The nature and the role of colour information in motion
processing Mark Edwards, Alexander Coningham, Rebecca RaeHodgson

63.319 Adaptive cue combination in a visual estimation task

Mordechai Z. Juni, Todd M. Gureckis, Laurence T. Maloney
63.320 Leftward Prism Adaptation Increases Sensitivity to Local
Cues in Healthy Individuals Scott Reed, Paul Dassonville
63.321 Perceptual Grouping Gives Rise to Object Perception:
Evidence from Psychophysical Reverse Correlation Adam S. Greenberg, Marlene Behrmann

63.302 Asymmetric Effects of Spatial Suppression on First- and

Second-Order Motion Davis M. Glasser, Duje Tadin

63.322 How much contrast information is needed for reliable fast

image recognition ? Daniele Benedetti, Federica Cello, Rachele Agostini,
Giovanni Punzi, Maria Michela Del Viva

63.303 Detection of object motion during self-motion: psychophysics and neuronal substrate Finnegan Calabro, Lucia-Maria Vaina

63.323 Image recognition is based on efficiently coded features

Maria Michela Del Viva, Daniele Benedetti, Giovanni Punzi

63.304 Deficit of Temporal Dynamics of Detection of a Moving

63.324 A Universal Retinotopic Mapping of V1 with Respect to

Anatomy Noah C Benson, Omar H Butt, Ritobrato Datta, David H
Brainard, Geoffrey K Aguirre

anno, Finnegan Calabro, Matti Hamalainen

63.325 Specific functional asymmetries of the human visual

cortex revealed by functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy. Maryse
Lassonde, Danielle Bastien, Anne Gallagher, Julie Tremblay, Phetsamone
Vannasing, Franco Lepore

Object During Egomotion in a Stroke Patient: A Psychophysical

and Meg Study Lucia-Maria Vaina, Kunjan D Rana, Ferdinando Buon-

63.305 Extrastriate cortical activity reflects segmentation of

motion into independent sources Gideon Caplovitz, Peter Tse
63.306 Perception of Motion in Natural Scenes Henry Galperin,
Dmitriy Lisitsyn, Peter Bex, Jozsef Fiser
63.307 Bistable Apparent Motion Axis Determined by Axis of
Surrounding Object Allan Dobbins, Lesley Bryant, Alexander Zotov
63.308 Making predictions from kinematics and causal intuitions:

a dissociation between judged causality and imagined locations

Florent Levillain, Luca Bonatti

63.309 Representation of stimulus identity in apparent motion

Edmund Chong, Won Mok Shim
63.310 Apparent phi-motion in sequences of Eisensteins October
Sebastian Pannasch, Daniel Selden, Boris Velichkovsky, Bruce Bridgeman
63.311 Shifting selection may control apparent motion Yangqing
Xu, Steven Franconeri
63.312 Representational Momentum Varies Across Objects Adam
Doerrfeld, Maggie Shiffrar
63.313 A novel variant of the Ouchi-Spillmann illusion Ali Najaan
Jazi, Jorge Otero-Millan, Stephen Macknik, Susana Martinez-Conde
63.314 Perception of intentions and mental states in autonomous
virtual agents Peter Pantelis, Steven Cholewiak, Paul Ringstad, Kevin
Sanik, Ari Weinstein, Chia-Chien Wu, Jacob Feldman
63.315 Which kinds of motion silence awareness of visual change?
Jordan Suchow, George Alvarez
63.316 Asymmetric spatial distortions of moving objects Gerrit
Maus, Jingna Li, David Whitney
63.317 Collisions are seen before they are heard Nicole Wurnitsch,
Gerrit Maus, Paul F. Bulakowski, David Whitney

Poster Session, Royal Palm 6-8

Wednesday, May 11, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
63.318 Visual adaptation of causality Michael Dambacher, Martin
Rolfs, Patrick Cavanagh
See page 30 for Abstract Numbering System

63.327 A time window for temporal facilitation Maria Lev, Uri Polat
63.328 Mechanism(s) for Apprehending Numerosity based on
several Visual Properties Charles Wright, Charles Chubb, Elhum
Shamshiri, Megan Wang
63.329 The integration of color information in symmetry detection
Chia-Ching Wu, Chien-Chung Chen

Visual memory: Capacity and resolution

Poster Session, Orchid Ballroom
Wednesday, May 11, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
63.401 The tradeoff between memory capacity and precision is
weaker in recall than in discrimination Viljami Salmela, Meri Lhde,
Jussi Saarinen
63.402 A Biased-Competition Account of Visual Working Memory
Performance Stephen M. Emrich, Susanne Ferber
63.403 Perceptual grouping enables multiple items to be stored
within a single slot in visual working memory David E. Anderson,
Edward Awh
63.404 Competition for working memory resources depends on the
kind of stimuli being remembered Michael A. Cohen, Ken Nakayama,
Talia Konkle, George Alvarez
63.405 Capacity & Resolution Trade Off in Iconic Memory but not in
Working Memory Weiwei Zhang, Steven Luck
63.406 Visual working-memory capacity is unbounded Ansgar
Endress, Mary Potter
63.407 Forgetting in Visual Working Memory Melonie Williams, Sang
Hong, Geoffrey Woodman
63.408 Sensory information in iconic memory can be used to
improve decision-making. Alexandra Vlassova, Joel Pearson

Vision Sciences Society


Wednesday AM

Perceptual organization: Mechanisms and


63.326 Multi-focal and phase-encoded retinotopy compared Omar

H Butt, Noah C Benson, Ritobrato Datta, David H Brainard, Geoffrey K

Wednesday Morning Posters

63.409 An Ensemble Group Functions As a Single Item for Attention
and Memory Justin Halberda
63.410 Spatial working memory load affects counting but not
subitizing in enumeration Tomonari Shimomura, Takatsune Kumada
63.411 Correspondence problems limit visual working memory
Jonathan Flombaum, Gi Yeul Bae
63.412 Visual working memory performance with contrast and

external noise: A load-dependent perceptual template model

account. Ryan Najima, Barbara Dosher, Wilson Chu, Zhong-Lin Lu
63.413 Using color cues to probe the influence of grouping in
visual working memory for spatial locations Michael D. Patterson,
WanTing Low

63.414 Individual differences in VWM capacity assessed by the

flicker task Hrag Pailian, Justin Halberda
63.415 Working memory capacity predicts individual differences
in perception of a bistable figure Elizabeth Allen, Andrew MattarellaMicke, Steven Shevell, Sian Beilock
63.416 Contralateral delay activity duiring visual working memory

reveals not only number but also precision of maintained representations Maro Machizawa, Crystal Goh, Jon Driver
63.417 Estimates of working memory capacity reflect recall precision not how many items are stored Paul Bays, Emma Wu, Masud


63.418 Neural measures reveal similar capacity limits for both

present and absent information Hiroyuki Tsubomi, Keisuke Fukuda,
Edward K. Vogel
63.419 Individual differences in the ability to restrict the breadth

of attention are correlated with visuospatial working memory

capacity Leon Gmeindl, Lisa N. Jefferies, Steven Yantis
63.420 Capacity and resolution for approximate number in perception and memory Hee Yeon Im, Weiwei Zhang, Justin Halberda
63.421 Visual Working Memory for Motion Sequences Nahid Zokaei,

Nikos Gorgoraptis, Bahador Bahrami, Paul Bays, Masud Husain

63.422 The Effect of Visual WM Capacity on Attentional Selection

Darlene Archer, Joy Geng

Attention: Emotion
Poster Session, Orchid Ballroom
Wednesday, May 11, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
63.423 Angry faces hold the eyes only to be avoided later: evidence
from inhibition of return Artem Belopolsky, Jan Theeuwes
63.424 Does the Threat Advantage Hypothesis Extend to Static
Body Postures? Ashley Blanchard, Maggie Shiffrar
63.425 On the time course of exogenous cuing by the emotional
faces Shwu-Lih Huang, Hung-Ta Chung, Yu-Chieh Chang

63.430 The Emotional Blink in Novice Meditators Marcia

Grabowecky, Laura Ortega, Chika Nwosu, Satoru Suzuki, Eric Smith,
Laiah Factor

Attention: Reward
Poster Session, Orchid Ballroom
Wednesday, May 11, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
63.431 Interactions between Reward, Feedback, and Timing
Structures on Dual-Target Search Performance Kait Clark, Matthew
S. Cain, R. Alison Adcock, Stephen R. Mitroff
63.432 Prosaccades and antisaccades under risk: penalties,
rewards, and their spatial effects. Michael Ross, Linda Lanyon, Jaya
Viswanathan, Dara Manoach , JJS Barton
63.433 Expectations alter the neural correlates of visual awareness in visual cortex Katharina Schmack, Ana Gomez, Marcus Rothkirch, John-Dylan Haynes, Philipp Sterzer
63.434 Reward probability and magnitude in saccadic decisions

under risk: measuring bias and sensitivity to expected value.

Madeleine Sharp, Jayalakshmi Viswanathan, Linda Lanyon, Jason Barton

63.435 Reward-based Influences on Attentional Orienting in
Patients with Visuo-spatial Neglect Leslie Drummond, Sarah Shomstein

Binocular vision: Stereopsis

Poster Session, Orchid Ballroom
Wednesday, May 11, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
63.436 Decoding disparity-defined surface curvature in the human
brain Aidan P Murphy, Hiroshi Ban, Andrew E Welchman
63.437 The perception of 3D shape from binocular views of
specular objects Alexander A. Muryy, Christa M. van Mierlo , Roland
W. Fleming, Andrew E. Welchman
63.438 Asymmetric transfer of perceptual learning between coarse
and fine depth discriminations Dorita H F Chang, Zoe Kourtzi,
Andrew E Welchman
63.439 fMRI responses in higher dorsal areas relate to depth
discrimination for both coarse and fine disparity tasks Matthew L
Patten, Andrew E Welchman
63.440 Cortical areas involved in processing planar stereo motion
Son-Hee Lyu, Zhong-Lin Lu, George Sperling
63.441 Decoding da Vinci : quantitative depth from monocular
occlusions Inna Tsirlin, Robert Allison, Laurie Wilcox
63.442 On the quantitative nature of depth percepts from fused
and diplopic stimuli Debi Stransky, Laurie M. Wilcox
63.443 Stereoscopic adaptation to relative perceived slant Barbara
Gillam, Phillip Marlow

63.426 Do Observers Negative Self-Evaluations of Their Own

63.444 Non-transitive Depth in Stereo Displays Bart Farell, Julian


Christina Joseph, Maggie Shiffrar

63.445 Illusory Neon Spreading of Perceived Depth Implies

63.427 Emotion-induced blindness elicits no lag-1 sparing Briana L.

Kennedy, Steven B. Most

Xintong Li, Abigail E. Huang, Eric L. Altschuler, Christopher W. Tyler

Bodies Mediate Their Visual Attention Towards Other Bodies?

Wednesday AM

VSS 2011 Program

63.428 Pick me! Pick me! How do humans forage in a visual search
task? Erica Kreindel, Jeremy M. Wolfe
63.429 The influence of aversive natural images on visual
processing and awareness Anke Haberkamp, Kathrin Niederprm,
Thomas Schmidt


Vision Sciences Society

an Anisotropic Propagation Constraint in Depth Reconstruction

63.446 Stereo improves 3D shape discrimination even when rich

monocular shape cues are available Young Lim Lee, Jeff Saunders
63.447 Solving the correspondence problem between two views
using a priori constraints Tadamasa Sawada, Yunfeng Li, Zygmunt

See page 30 for Abstract Numbering System

VSS 2011 Program

Wednesday Morning Posters

Development: Lifespan and aging

Poster Session, Orchid Ballroom
Wednesday, May 11, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
63.448 Effects of Normal Aging on Suprathreshold Contrast
Perception Lynnette Leone, Barbara Blakeslee, Mark McCourt
63.449 Increased spatial surround suppression in the elderly Renee
Karas, Allison McKendrick
63.450 The effects of aging on low and intermediate stages of form
processing Allison McKendrick, Anne Weymouth
63.451 Aging and Stereoscopic Shape Discrimination J. Farley
Norman, Jessica Holmin, Amanda Beers, Adam Frost
63.452 The correspondence problem in apparent motion perception and aging Eugenie Roudaia, Karin S. Pilz, Allison B. Sekuler, Patrick
J. Bennett
63.453 The effect of aging on directional tuning when making judgments about horizontal and vertical motion Lia E. Tsotsos, Allison B.
Sekuler, Patrick J. Bennett
63.454 Effects of development on low-level feature processing
during natural viewing of dynamic scenes Po-He Tseng, Ian Cameron,
Douglas Munoz, Laurent Itti
63.455 Age-related decline in reading abilities revealed by a positional character noise paradigm Senay V Aydin, Velitchko Manahilov,
Nadia Northway, Uma Shahani, Niall C Strang, Andrew Logan
63.456 Age related differences in the spatial extent of attention in
3D space Russell Pierce, Zheng Bian, George Andersen
63.457 Changes in perceptual-motor learning across the lifespan:
20, 60, 70, and 80 year olds Rachel Coats, Winona Snapp-Childs,

Andrew D. Wilson, Geoffrey P. Bingham

63.458 Dont look here! The relationship between eye movement

artifacts, covert attention, and visual working memory in older

adults Kristin E. Wilson, Stephen M. Emrich, Megumi Noda, Vince

Brienza, Susanne Ferber

Wednesday AM

See page 30 for Abstract Numbering System

Vision Sciences Society


Topic Index
Below is a list of talk and poster sessions by topic. Parentheses indicate the abstracts that are included in each session.
3D perception
Oral Presentation (51.11-51.17)
Tuesday, May 10, 8:00 - 9:45 am

Attention: Reward
Poster Presentation (63.431-63.435)
Wednesday, May 11, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm

3D perception: Contours, shading and

Poster Presentation (23.413-23.423)
Saturday, May 7, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm

Attention: Shifting
Poster Presentation (53.420-53.428)
Tuesday, May 10, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm

3D perception: Dynamic cues

Poster Presentation (33.532-33.538)
Sunday, May 8, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
3D perception: Natural and virtual scenes
Poster Presentation (56.419-56.434)
Tuesday, May 10, 3:00 - 7:00 pm
Attention: Capture
Poster Presentation (33.501-33.516)
Sunday, May 8, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
Attention: Divided
Poster Presentation (56.549-56.558)
Tuesday, May 10, 3:00 - 7:00 pm
Attention: Emotion
Poster Presentation (63.423-63.430)
Wednesday, May 11, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
Attention: Endogenous and exogenous
Poster Presentation (26.420-26.432)
Saturday, May 7, 2:45 - 6:30 pm
Attention: Features and objects
Oral Presentation (21.21-21.27)
Saturday, May 7, 8:00 - 9:45 am
Attention: Features and objects
Poster Presentation (26.433-26.453)
Saturday, May 7, 2:45 - 6:30 pm
Attention: Inattention and attention
Poster Presentation (16.518-16.525)
Friday, May 6, 6:45 - 9:30 pm

Attention: Spatial selection and modulation

Poster Presentation (53.301-53.329)
Tuesday, May 10, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
Attention: Spatial selection and modulation
Oral Presentation (41.21-41.27)
Monday, May 9, 8:00 - 9:45 am
Attention: Temporal
Poster Presentation (43.319-43.329)
Monday, May 9, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
Attention: Temporal and capture
Oral Presentation (54.21-54.28)
Tuesday, May 10, 2:30 - 4:30 pm
Attention: Tracking
Poster Presentation (23.424-23.441)
Saturday, May 7, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
Binocular vision
Oral Presentation (52.11-52.17)
Tuesday, May 10, 10:45 - 12:30 pm
Binocular vision: Binocular combination
and rivalry
Poster Presentation (23.401-23.412)
Saturday, May 7, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
Binocular vision: Binocular rivalry and
Poster Presentation (36.318-36.328)
Sunday, May 8, 2:45 - 6:30 pm

Color and light: Memory, language and

Poster Presentation (36.301-36.317)
Sunday, May 8, 2:45 - 6:30 pm
Color and light: Surfaces and materials
Oral Presentation (21.11-21.17)
Saturday, May 7, 8:00 - 9:45 am
Development: Amblyopia
Poster Presentation (33.324-33.332)
Sunday, May 8, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
Development: Childhood and infancy
Poster Presentation (33.311-33.323)
Sunday, May 8, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
Development: Disorders
Oral Presentation (41.11-41.17)
Monday, May 9, 8:00 - 9:45 am
Development: Disorders
Poster Presentation (56.501-56.511)
Tuesday, May 10, 3:00 - 7:00 pm
Development: Face perception
Poster Presentation (56.317-56.330)
Tuesday, May 10, 3:00 - 7:00 pm
Development: Infancy and childhood
Oral Presentation (24.11-24.17)
Saturday, May 7, 2:30 - 4:15 pm
Development: Lifespan and aging
Poster Presentation (63.448-63.458)
Wednesday, May 11, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
Eye movements: Cognition and scenes
Poster Presentation (16.401-16.422)
Friday, May 6, 6:45 - 9:30 pm

Binocular vision: Eye movements

Poster Presentation (43.417-43.425)
Monday, May 9, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm

Eye Movements: Mechanisms, methods

and models
Oral Presentation (51.21-51.27)
Tuesday, May 10, 8:00 - 9:45 am

Attention: Models
Poster Presentation (36.452-36.457)
Sunday, May 8, 2:45 - 6:30 pm

Binocular vision: Stereopsis

Poster Presentation (63.436-63.447)
Wednesday, May 11, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm

Eye movements: Methods and gaze

Poster Presentation (43.401-43.416)
Monday, May 9, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm

Attention: Neural mechanisms II

Poster Presentation (36.436-36.451)
Sunday, May 8, 2:45 - 6:30 pm

Color and light: Adaptation and constancy

Poster Presentation (26.301-26.320)
Saturday, May 7, 2:45 - 6:30 pm

Eye movements: Perisaccadic perception

Poster Presentation (33.301-33.310)
Sunday, May 8, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm

Attention: Neural mechanisms and reward

Oral Presentation (32.21-32.27)
Sunday, May 8, 10:45 - 12:30 pm

Color and light: Lightness and brightness

Poster Presentation (16.526-16.536)
Friday, May 6, 6:45 - 9:30 pm

Eye movements: Pursuit and following

Poster Presentation (36.529-36.539)
Sunday, May 8, 2:45 - 6:30 pm

Attention: Neural mechanisms I

Poster Presentation (16.501-16.517)
Friday, May 6, 6:45 - 9:30 pm

Color and light: Mechanisms

Oral Presentation (42.11-42.17)
Monday, May 9, 10:45 - 12:30 pm

Eye movements: Remapping

Oral Presentation (24.21-24.27)
Saturday, May 7, 2:30 - 4:15 pm


Vision Sciences Society

VSS 2011 Program

Topic index

Eye movements: Saccades and fixations

Poster Presentation (23.301-23.320)
Saturday, May 7, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm

Motion: Neural mechanisms

Poster Presentation (26.509-26.520)
Saturday, May 7, 2:45 - 6:30 pm

Perception and action: Pointing and hitting

Poster Presentation (23.546-23.554)
Saturday, May 7, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm

Face perception: Cognitive factors

Oral Presentation (52.21-52.27)
Tuesday, May 10, 10:45 - 12:30 pm

Multisensory processing
Oral Presentation (32.11-32.17)
Sunday, May 8, 10:45 - 12:30 pm

Face perception: Disorders

Poster Presentation (23.534-23.545)
Saturday, May 7, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm

Multisensory processing: Visual, tactile and

vestibular interactions
Poster Presentation (26.321-26.333)
Saturday, May 7, 2:45 - 6:30 pm

Perception and action: Pointing, hitting,

reaching, and grasping
Oral Presentation (55.11-55.17)
Tuesday, May 10, 5:30 - 7:15 pm

Face perception: Experience and learning

Poster Presentation (33.411-33.427)
Sunday, May 8, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
Face perception: Expression and emotion
Poster Presentation (33.401-33.410)
Sunday, May 8, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
Face perception: Features and configuration
Poster Presentation (43.426-43.439)
Monday, May 9, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
Face perception: High-level features
Poster Presentation (56.301-56.316)
Tuesday, May 10, 3:00 - 7:00 pm
Face perception: Neural mechanisms
Oral Presentation (35.21-35.26)
Sunday, May 8, 5:15 - 6:45 pm
Face perception: Neural mechanisms
Poster Presentation (43.440-43.455)
Monday, May 9, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
Face perception: Parts and wholes
Oral Presentation (61.21-61.27)
Wednesday, May 11, 8:00 - 9:45 am
Face perception: Wholes and parts
Poster Presentation (23.519-23.533)
Saturday, May 7, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
Motion: Biological motion
Poster Presentation (23.501-23.518)
Saturday, May 7, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
Motion: Encoding and aftereffects
Oral Presentation (31.11-31.17)
Sunday, May 8, 8:00 - 9:45 am
Motion: Flow, depth, and spin
Poster Presentation (33.517-33.531)
Sunday, May 8, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
Motion: Higher-order, objects, and illusions
Poster Presentation (63.301-63.317)
Wednesday, May 11, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
Motion: Integration
Oral Presentation (55.21-55.27)
Tuesday, May 10, 5:30 - 7:15 pm
Motion: Local mechanisms and models
Poster Presentation (36.540-36.556)
Sunday, May 8, 2:45 - 6:30 pm

Multisensory processing: Visual-auditory

Poster Presentation (36.422-36.435)
Sunday, May 8, 2:45 - 6:30 pm
Noise and uncertainty
Poster Presentation (26.501-26.508)
Saturday, May 7, 2:45 - 6:30 pm
Object recognition and scene perception:
Neural mechanisms
Oral Presentation (62.11-62.17)
Wednesday, May 11, 10:45 - 12:30 pm
Object recognition: Categories
Poster Presentation (56.512-56.529)
Tuesday, May 10, 3:00 - 7:00 pm
Object recognition: Experience and
Poster Presentation (53.522-53.533)
Tuesday, May 10, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
Object recognition: Features
Oral Presentation (31.21-31.27)
Sunday, May 8, 8:00 - 9:45 am
Object recognition: Features
Poster Presentation (56.530-56.548)
Tuesday, May 10, 3:00 - 7:00 pm
Object recognition: Neural mechanisms
Poster Presentation (16.423-16.440)
Friday, May 6, 6:45 - 9:30 pm
Object recognition: Parts and categories
Oral Presentation (25.21-25.26)
Saturday, May 7, 5:15 - 6:45 pm

Perception and action: Reaching and

Poster Presentation (33.428-33.444)
Sunday, May 8, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
Perceptual learning: Models
Poster Presentation (36.501-36.513)
Sunday, May 8, 2:45 - 6:30 pm
Perceptual learning: Models and neural
Oral Presentation (42.21-42.27)
Monday, May 9, 10:45 - 12:30 pm
Perceptual learning: Neural mechanisms
Poster Presentation (36.514-36.528)
Sunday, May 8, 2:45 - 6:30 pm
Perceptual learning: Plasticity and
Poster Presentation (16.537-16.546)
Friday, May 6, 6:45 - 9:30 pm
Perceptual learning: Transfer and
Oral Presentation (22.21-22.27)
Saturday, May 7, 10:45 - 12:30 pm
Perceptual learning: Transfer and
Poster Presentation (53.450-53.457)
Tuesday, May 10, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
Perceptual organization
Oral Presentation (34.11-34.17)
Sunday, May 8, 2:30 - 4:15 pm
Perceptual organization: Contours and
Poster Presentation (26.401-26.419)
Saturday, May 7, 2:45 - 6:30 pm

Perception and action: Locomotion

Poster Presentation (53.501-53.521)
Tuesday, May 10, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm

Perceptual organization: Mechanisms and

Poster Presentation (63.318-63.329)
Wednesday, May 11, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm

Perception and action: Navigation and

Oral Presentation (25.11-25.16)
Saturday, May 7, 5:15 - 6:45 pm

Perceptual organization: Segmentation and

Poster Presentation (53.401-53.419)
Tuesday, May 10, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm

Perception and action: Navigation and

Poster Presentation (36.401-36.412)
Sunday, May 8, 2:45 - 6:30 pm

Perceptual organization: Shapes and

Poster Presentation (43.301-43.318)
Monday, May 9, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm

Perception and action: Neural Mechanisms

Poster Presentation (36.413-36.421)
Sunday, May 8, 2:45 - 6:30 pm

Scene perception: Features and categories

Poster Presentation (56.435-56.452)
Tuesday, May 10, 3:00 - 7:00 pm
Vision Sciences Society


Topic index

VSS 2011 Program

Scene perception: Memory and context

Poster Presentation (33.445-33.458)
Sunday, May 8, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm

Spatial vision: Summary statistics

Poster Presentation (53.534-53.541)
Tuesday, May 10, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm

Visual search
Oral Presentation (62.21-62.27)
Wednesday, May 11, 10:45 - 12:30 pm

Spatial vision: Crowding

Oral Presentation (22.11-22.17)
Saturday, May 7, 10:45 - 12:30 pm

Temporal processing
Oral Presentation (61.11-61.17)
Wednesday, May 11, 8:00 - 9:45 am

Spatial vision: Crowding and eccentricity

Poster Presentation (53.542-53.555)
Tuesday, May 10, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm

Temporal processing
Poster Presentation (33.539-33.557)
Sunday, May 8, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm

Visual search: Elements, cues and configurations

Poster Presentation (53.429-53.449)
Tuesday, May 10, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm

Spatial vision: Encoding and decoding

Poster Presentation (26.536-26.551)
Saturday, May 7, 2:45 - 6:30 pm

Visual memory
Oral Presentation (34.21-34.27)
Sunday, May 8, 2:30 - 4:15 pm

Spatial vision: Mechanisms

Poster Presentation (26.521-26.535)
Saturday, May 7, 2:45 - 6:30 pm

Visual memory: Capacity and resolution

Poster Presentation (63.401-63.422)
Wednesday, May 11, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm

Spatial vision: Natural images

Oral Presentation (35.11-35.16)
Sunday, May 8, 5:15 - 6:45 pm

Visual memory: Encoding and retrieval

Poster Presentation (23.442-23.457)
Saturday, May 7, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm

Spatial vision: Neural and psychophysical

Oral Presentation (54.11-54.18)
Tuesday, May 10, 2:30 - 4:30 pm

Visual memory: Objects and features

Poster Presentation (16.441-16.453)
Friday, May 6, 6:45 - 9:30 pm


Vision Sciences Society

Visual search: Eye movements

Poster Presentation (23.321-23.329)
Saturday, May 7, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
Visual search: Natural scenes and practical
Poster Presentation (56.401-56.411)
Tuesday, May 10, 3:00 - 7:00 pm
Visual search: Neural mechanisms
Poster Presentation (56.412-56.418)
Tuesday, May 10, 3:00 - 7:00 pm

Author Index
Entries are indexed by abstract number, not page number; bold entries indicate rst author abstracts.
S entries indicate symposia.
Abdollahi, R - 33.435
Abe, S - 23.411
Abegg, M - 56.533
Abel, LA - 43.415
Abrams, J - 53.542
Abrams, R - 36.413
Achler, T - 33.550
Adam, J - 33.437
Adamo, M - 24.16, 33.316
Adams, R - 33.451
Adams, RJ - 33.311
Adams, WJ - 16.536, 33.446
Adcock, RA - 63.431
Adelson, E - 21.17, 23.413
Adelson, EH - 31.23
Adini, Y - 16.401
Adler, S - 33.313, 53.449
Adolphs, R - 56.510
Agosta, S - 23.510
Agostini, R - 63.322
Aguilar, C - 43.414
Aguirre, G - 56.435
Aguirre, GK - 43.447, 53.533,
56.504, 56.543, 63.324, 63.326
Ahlstrom, U - 23.504
Ahmad, N - 26.535
Ahn, J - 41.26
Ahumada, A - 51.27
Aihara, K - 36.303
Ainslie, P - 16.545
Ajina, S - 52.21
Aks, D - 23.424, 23.425, 23.428,
Al-Aidroos, N - 16.501, 36.413
Al-Rasheed, A - 36.310
Alais, D - 36.423
Albrecht, AR - 53.540
Aldcroft, A - 43.303
Ales, J - 24.13, 43.329, 55.21
Alexander, R - 23.322
Algom, D - 33.430
Allard, R - 23.436, 36.541
Allen, E - 16.533, 63.415
Allen, G - 56.429
Allen, H - 56.549
Allenmark, F - 52.13
Alley, L - 23.424, 23.425
Allison, R - 63.441
Allred, S - 42.12
Allred, SR - 36.301
Almeida, R - 56.508
Alonso Prieto, E - 43.440
Altieri, N - 36.422
Altschuler, EL - 23.423, 63.445
Alvarez, B - 36.314
Alvarez, G - 16.429, 16.450, 16.505,
23.442, 23.456, 63.315, 63.404
Alvarez, GA - 23.440, 34.21
Alvarez, J - 36.310

Alzahabi, R - 23.329, 56.554

Amano, K - 16.511, 26.314, 43.406
Amir, O - 53.526, 56.534
An, X - 26.401, 26.411, 33.425
Andersen, G - 55.22, 63.456
Andersen, GJ - 22.21, 22.23
Andersen, T - 36.452
Anderson, B - 26.422, 43.323
Anderson, BL - 21.11
Anderson, DE - 63.403
Anderson, E - 53.548
Anderson, G - 53.311
Anderson, N - 16.402, 43.316
Andersson, R - 43.403
Andrews, T - 43.446
Andrews, TJ - 43.444, 43.445
Anker, S - 24.12
Anstis, S - 16.533, 26.424, 31.11,
Anton-Erxleben, K - 53.303
Appelbaum, LG - 16.541
Archer, D - 63.422
Arcizet, F - 16.508
Arend, I - 23.303
Arguin, M - 53.555
Arieli, A - 16.401
Armann, R - 56.306
Arnell, KM - 26.447, 36.441
Arnold, D - 33.412, 43.328, 55.17,
Arrighi, R - 33.549
Arsenault, E - 26.536
Arslan, A - 56.516
Ash, J - 23.417
Ashkenazy, Y - 56.501
Aslin, RN - 24.14
Astle, A - 41.11
Atkinson, J - 24.12, 26.511, 33.317
ATSUMI, T - 23.501
Authi, C - 25.14
Avigan, P - 26.449
Avni, C - 35.22
Avraham, T - 62.23
Awh, E - 22.11, 63.403
Axelrod, V - 35.21
Aydin, M - 34.17
Aydin, SV - 63.455
Ayeroff, E - 23.442
Ayhan, I - 33.541, 33.542, 33.545
Aytekin, M - 36.401

B Mattingley, J - 56.536
Babinsky, EE - 33.325
Backus, B - 16.542
Backus, BT - 36.506, 36.508, 53.454
Bacon-Mac, N - 56.513
Bacon, M - 55.15
Badcock, D - 26.528, 56.508
Badcock, DR - 56.503

Badcock, J - 56.508
Badke, C - 33.452
Bae, GY - 23.426, 23.431, 63.411
Baek, J - 36.453
Baek, Y - 23.404
Bahrami, B - 23.508, 36.522, 52.16,
52.17, 52.21, 54.26, 63.421
Bai, J - 53.436
Bainbridge, W - 34.24
Baker, C - 16.423, 16.424, 25.16,
26.536, 33.536, 41.16, 56.449
Balas, B - 53.411, 53.537
Baldassano, C - 33.445, 62.14
Baldassi, S - 24.21
Baldauf, D - 36.438
Bales, J - 32.13
Ballard, D - 36.411
Ban, H - 51.13, 63.436
Bang, J - 26.505
Banks, M - 43.418, 52.11
Banks, MS - 56.419
Banno, H - 56.529
Banton, T - 36.412, 36.421
Bao, M - 16.537
Bao, P - 16.426
Bar, M - 33.451, 56.530, 56.532
Barbeau, E - 33.423, 33.456, 56.513
Barbot, A - 26.421
Barch, D - 26.418
Barenholtz, E - 56.538
Barghout, L - 53.405
Barnes, G - 52.17
Barnes, N - 36.403
Barnes, T - 26.510
Baron-Cohen, S - 41.16
Barr, S - 33.550
Barragan-Jason, G - 33.423
Barrett, S - 56.330
Barron, J - 35.15
Barthelm, S - 26.504
Bartlett, M - 52.24
Bartolomeo, P - 16.514
Bartolucci, M - 36.521
Barton, J - 16.412, 23.544, 33.415,
43.426, 43.450, 56.533, 61.22,
63.432, 63.434
Barton, JJ - 23.538, 26.444, 33.414,
Baruch, O - 56.540
Baseler, H - 43.446
Bashir, S - 36.415
Bastien, D - 63.325
Bastien, R - 36.553
Battaglia, P - 33.534
Battelli, L - 23.510, 43.326
Battista, J - 56.503
Baudouin, J - 56.317
Bauhoff, V - 23.326
Baumann, O - 25.15, 56.536
Baumgartner, F - 36.436
Bavelier, D - 53.420

Bays, P - 63.417, 63.421

Beck, D - 53.307, 56.556
Beck, DM - 26.436, 33.445, 33.455,
36.440, 56.442, 62.14
Beck, MR - 16.449, 16.453, 23.325
Beck, TF - 55.14
Beck, V - 53.438
Becker, L - 33.444
Becker, M - 23.453
Becker, MW - 23.329, 56.554
Beckett, A - 26.515
Bdard, P - 53.457
Bedford, R - 56.509
Beer, AL - 16.504
Beers, A - 63.451
Begus, K - 56.509
Behrmann, M - 35.25, 63.321
Beilock, S - 63.415
Bell, J - 53.413
Bellgrove, M - 33.405, 56.536
Belopolsky, A - 23.443, 63.423
Ben-Shahar, O - 26.416, 26.437,
34.11, 56.440
Ben-Yosef, G - 26.416, 34.11
Bendahman, L - 23.310
Benedetti, D - 63.322, 63.323
Bennett, PJ - 21.21, 23.445, 26.527,
36.433, 43.438, 56.511, 61.21,
63.452, 63.453
Bennetts, R - 33.427
Benoni, H - 41.25
Benson, NC - 63.324, 63.326
Bentin, S - 23.528, 23.540, 53.301
Benton, C - 33.539
Berard, A - 36.516
Berg, D - 16.422
Berkes, P - 26.503
Bernard, J - 22.13, 53.551
Besson, G - 33.456
Bettencourt, K - 53.318
Bettencourt, L - 16.441, 33.550
Betts, L - 33.318
Bex, P - 33.301, 33.326, 35.13,
43.433, 53.552, 63.306
Bhattacharjee, A - 23.547
Bi, Y - 53.321
Bian, Z - 63.456
Biederman, I - 31.21, 41.17, 53.526,
56.534, 56.535
Bieniek, M - 16.434
Biggs, A - 33.514
Bilger, E - 26.433
Billington, J - 53.513
Billington, K - 51.27
Billock, V - 26.333
Binda, P - 24.22, 53.302
Bingham, G - 33.441
Bingham, GP - 33.429, 33.442,
Binsted, G - 16.545, 33.428, 33.433
Birmingham, E - 23.544, 61.27

Vision Sciences Society


Author Index
Birtles, D - 24.12, 33.317
Bischof, W - 23.544
Bisley, J - 16.508, 56.414
Bisley, JW - 23.519, 56.415
Black, M - 33.415
Blaha, L - 33.413, 52.26
Blake, R - 23.401, 36.327, 53.312
Blakely, D - 33.501, 33.509, 33.516
Blakeslee, B - 16.526, 63.448
Blalock, L - 23.446
Blanchard, A - 63.424
Blanche, T - 43.405
Blaxton, CL - 23.427
Blohm, G - 53.504
Bloj, M - 26.305, 51.14
Blond, L - 43.419
Bloomeld, T - 26.511
Blundell, J - 51.13, 56.549
Bocca, F - 41.14
Bocheva, N - 33.518
Bochsler, TM - 53.514
Boehnke, S - 16.516
Bogadhi, A - 36.537
Bojilov, L - 33.518
Bonatti, L - 63.308
Bonneh, Y - 16.401
Boot, W - 33.501, 33.509, 33.516
Boremanse, A - 43.441
Borji, A - 36.457
Born, S - 53.322
Boshyan, J - 33.451
Bosten, J - 42.13
Bourdev, L - 25.21
Bourns, K - 16.545, 33.433
Bouvier, S - 62.15
Bovik, A - 35.11, 51.12
Bower, JD - 22.21
Bowman, H - 33.554
Boynton, G - 16.515, 26.435, 53.419
Boynton, GM - 53.302
Bracci, S - 62.11
Braddick, O - 24.12, 26.511, 33.317
Brady, M - 53.527
Brady, T - 16.450, 23.456
Brainard, D - 21.13, 42.12
Brainard, DH - 63.324, 63.326
Brand, J - 53.534
Brandman, T - 43.429
Brascamp, J - 53.312
Braun, A - 23.520
Braun, J - 53.404
Braun, M - 23.309
Braunstein, M - 55.22
Bravo, M - 56.539
Breitmeyer, B - 16.446, 26.417,
Bremmer, F - 33.543
Brenner, E - 23.552, 26.304, 43.417,
Brent, MH - 43.410
Breska, A - 33.458
Bressler, D - 36.325
Brewster, K - 16.421, 16.545, 33.428,
Bridgeman, B - 55.15, 63.310
Bridwell, D - 21.25
Brienza, V - 63.458
Brierley, E - 23.551
Brilhault, A - 23.311


Vision Sciences Society

VSS 2011 Program

Brining, E - 36.301
Brischetto Costa, T - 33.406
Brockmole, J - 23.546, 33.501,
33.509, 33.516, 53.531
Brodeur, M - 56.517
Brooks, D - 56.401
Brooks, K - 33.427
Brown, A - 42.17
Brown, J - 33.448
Brown, JM - 26.430
Brown, S - 26.450
Browning, NA - 33.527
Brumby, S - 16.441
Bruno, A - 33.541, 33.542
Bryant, EJ - 23.526
Bryant, L - 63.307
Buia, C - 31.26
Bukach, C - 56.547
Bulakowski, PF - 63.317
Blthoff, H - 23.503, 56.306
Blthoff, HH - 23.441, 33.409,
56.423, 56.424
Blthoff, I - 23.527, 33.426, 56.306
Bundesen, C - 43.327, 56.507
BUONANNO, F - 63.304
Burakowski, L - 33.312
Burge, J - 52.12
Burke, D - 33.427
Burke, M - 23.312, 33.443
Burkhardt, A - 33.413
Burn, S - 16.532
Burnett, K - 26.420
Burns, S - 26.546
Burr, D - 24.21, 24.22, 26.324,
33.549, 52.15
Burr, DC - 24.25
Burra, N - 33.502
Burton, M - 43.446
Busey, T - 33.413
Bushmakin, M - 43.437
Busigny, T - 23.534, 23.538, 61.22
Butler, A - 36.419
Butt, OH - 63.324, 63.326
Byers, A - 36.519

Cabrera, C - 26.501
Cacciamani, L - 43.454
Caddigan, E - 33.455, 53.329, 56.442
Caharel, S - 43.443
Cain, M - 16.541
Cain, MS - 56.411, 63.431
Calabrese, A - 43.414
Calabro, F - 63.303
CALABRO, F - 63.304
Caldara, R - 16.419, 52.22, 56.303,
56.308, 61.25
Calder, A - 35.24
Calder, AJ - 25.23, 56.314
Calleja, M - 53.448
Camerer, C - 53.530
Cameron, I - 63.454
Candy, TR - 33.325
Cant, JS - 16.425, 33.422
Cantor, C - 16.539, 33.310
Cantor, CR - 61.13
Cao, B - 16.527
Cao, D - 26.318

Caplovitz, G - 16.540, 43.314, 63.305

Caplovitz, GP - 43.435
Capps, M - 43.422
Caramazza, A - 62.11
Carbone, E - 23.314
Cardin, V - 33.523, 55.24
Carlin, JD - 25.23, 32.26
Carlisle, N - 62.25
Carlson, T - 56.545, 56.553
Carmel, D - 36.319, 52.16
Carney, T - 36.501
Carrasco, M - 21.24, 24.27, 26.421,
26.453, 36.319, 53.303, 53.542,
Carrozzo, M - 33.548
Carter, B - 53.538
Carter, C - 26.418
Casagrande, V - 32.25
Casanova, C - 52.14
Casile, A - 23.318, 23.510
Cass, J - 36.423
Casserly, E - 33.429
Casteau, S - 23.302
Castelhano, M - 23.321, 53.437
Castet, E - 43.414
Cate, A - 43.305
Cattaneo, L - 54.15
Cauchoix, M - 56.516
Caudek, C - 23.523, 33.533, 51.17
Cavanagh, P - 22.16, 24.23, 26.424,
31.11, 33.306, 36.550, 43.312,
51.24, 53.424, 53.553, 63.318
Cave, K - 53.447
Cavzian, C - 56.450, 56.451
Cavina-Pratesi, C - 62.11
Caziot, B - 16.542, 53.454
Ceccaldi, M - 33.456
Cecchetti, L - 33.549
Cello, F - 63.322
Cha, J - 23.447, 26.443
Cha, O - 23.404
Chai, A - 33.408
Chakravarthi, R - 22.14, 36.437
Chaminade, T - 55.25
Chan, E - 25.15, 56.536
Chan, L - 53.434
Chanceaux, M - 23.310
Chanes, L - 36.445
Chang, AS - 16.536
Chang, C - 36.404
Chang, DH - 63.438
Chang, L - 42.22, 42.23
Chang, Y - 63.425
Chaparro, A - 36.531
Charpentier, C - 16.508
Charron, C - 25.11
Chasteen, A - 53.326
Chatterjee, G - 23.536, 23.543
Chaudhuri, A - 36.507
Chauret, M - 56.517
Chauvin, A - 23.309, 56.452
Chavaillaz, A - 26.442, 56.404
Chazut, E - 33.430
Cheimets, C - 56.302
Chen, C - 26.522, 33.419, 36.326,
Chen, J - 53.549
Chen, L - 25.25, 33.323, 36.427,
54.22, 56.537

Chen, M - 53.514
Chen, N - 16.546
Chen, Q - 26.415
Chen, W - 23.430
Chen, X - 36.427
Cheng, A - 36.429
Cheng, CK - 16.420
Cheng, D - 33.428
Cheng, J - 53.512, 53.518
Cherici, C - 23.319
Cheung, O - 56.532
Chiang, AD - 16.422
Chica, AB - 36.445
Chien, SH - 33.323
Chima, AS - 53.543
Chisholm, J - 33.503
Chiu, MK - 53.550
Cho, H - 56.553
Choi, H - 16.544
Chokron, S - 56.450, 56.451
Cholewiak, S - 26.325, 63.314
Cholewiak, SA - 51.15
Chong, E - 63.309
Chong, SC - 23.404, 33.457, 56.528
Choo, H - 26.446
Chopin, A - 23.401
Chow, DH - 33.314, 33.322
Chrastil, E - 36.405
Christensen, A - 55.27
Christensen, BK - 56.511
Christian, M - 23.309
Christiansen, J - 56.507
Chu, H - 33.455
Chu, W - 23.448, 63.412
Chua, FK - 33.504, 43.412
Chubb, C - 34.16, 36.428, 63.328
Chun, M - 34.24, 43.317
Chun, MM - 53.540
Chung, H - 63.425
Chung, S - 22.13, 22.15, 33.408,
Church, J - 33.311
Churchland, A - 32.11
Cicchini, GM - 33.549
Cicchini, M - 24.22, 41.14
Cinelli, M - 53.515
Cisarik, P - 43.423
Clark, JJ - 53.426
Clark, K - 63.431
Clarke, J - 16.519, 23.457
Clarke, S - 32.16
Clegg, B - 23.446
Clements-Stephens, A - 53.415
Clery, S - 26.305
Clifford, A - 36.308, 36.310
Cloete, S - 25.12, 52.25
Coates, D - 22.13, 53.551
Coats, R - 33.441, 33.442, 63.457
Coelho, C - 52.25
Coen Cagli, R - 16.415
Cohan, S - 23.542, 56.307
Cohen, MA - 63.404
Cohen, N - 56.428
Colas, J - 16.520, 36.512
Cole, F - 23.413
Colino, F - 16.545, 33.428, 33.433
Collet, K - 43.453
Collimore, L - 16.420
Collins, T - 51.23

VSS 2011 Program

Coltheart, M - 53.448
Conci, M - 53.439, 54.23
Cong, L - 22.24
Coningham, A - 63.301
Connolly, AC - 56.514
Conrath, J - 43.414
Consonni, M - 41.14
Constantinidis, C - 32.23
Conte, M - 26.541
Cook, R - 33.545
Cooper, A - 55.15
Cooper, EA - 56.419
Corbett, J - 53.406
Cormack, L - 35.11, 51.12
Cormack, LK - 33.522
Correia, S - 33.306
Corrow, S - 23.536, 33.315, 56.327
Cosman, J - 54.27
Cosman, JD - 53.320
Cottereau, B - 43.329
Cottrell, G - 25.24
Coubard, O - 56.450, 56.451
Courage, ML - 33.311
Cowan, F - 24.12
Crabbe, F - 23.504
Crane, D - 33.454
Creem-Regehr, S - 56.429, 56.433
Creem-Regehr, SH - 53.508, 56.431
Creighton, SE - 21.21
Crewther, D - 56.506, 56.506
Crewther, S - 56.506, 56.541
Crognale, MA - 36.443
Crookes, K - 23.522, 56.304
Cross, A - 56.541
Crouzet, SM - 23.311, 43.422
Crowell, J - 56.550
Cucchiara, BL - 56.504
Cui, J - 16.403
Culham, J - 55.11, 56.425
Culmer, DP - 36.420
Cunningham, C - 56.408, 56.409
Curby, KM - 23.525
Curran, T - 23.450, 25.26
Curran, W - 33.539
Curtis, C - 53.316
Cusack, R - 32.26, 34.23, 56.447
Czuba, TB - 33.522

dAvossa, G - 26.420
DLauro, C - 36.520
Da Costa, SE - 32.16
Dai, J - 56.401
Dakin, S - 33.326, 53.535, 53.536,
53.548, 54.18, 56.553
Dal Martello, M - 61.26
Dale, G - 26.447
Dalhaus, III, R - 26.316
Dalrymple, K - 23.544
Dambacher, M - 63.318
Dameshghi, N - 56.428
Danckert, J - 43.323, 53.323
Dandekar, S - 53.316
Danielson, A - 33.556
Danielson, E - 43.437
Das, K - 36.442
Dasgupta, S - 43.326, 56.309
Daskagianni, E - 56.538

Author Index
Dassonville, P - 34.12, 63.320
Datta, R - 56.504, 63.324, 63.326
David, H - 52.11
David, K - 52.11
Davidenko, N - 33.424, 43.448
Davidson, M - 16.427
Davies-Thompson, J - 43.444,
Davies, R - 26.548, 33.304
Davis, M - 23.513
Davoli, C - 23.546
Daw, N - 55.12
de Gelder, B - 33.406, 33.410
de Grosbois, J - 33.428
de Heering, A - 33.420
de la Malla, C - 23.550
de Lussanet, MH - 23.505
de Ridder, H - 56.420
Debono, K - 36.536
Dechter, E - 36.512
DeGutis, J - 16.503, 26.432
DeGutis, JM - 23.542, 33.431, 56.307
Del Viva, MM - 63.322, 63.323
DeLoss, DJ - 22.23
Demeyere, N - 16.502
Denison, R - 23.412
Denisova, K - 26.325, 43.308
Dennet, H - 36.403
Dennett, HW - 33.411
Deouell, L - 33.458
Deroche, M - 33.416
Desa, S - 16.420
DeSimone, K - 26.518, 33.324
DeSouza, J - 26.321
Detre, JA - 56.504
Deubel, H - 24.23, 56.552
Dewhurst, R - 43.402
Dhandhania, K - 36.431
Di Noto, P - 26.321
Diamond, A - 33.412
Diaz, G - 23.518, 55.16
Dickinson, C - 33.454
Dickinson, JE - 26.528, 56.503,
Didic-Hamel Cooke, M - 33.456
Dieter, KC - 26.327
DiGiacomo, A - 53.304
Dilks, D - 43.451
Dilks, DD - 36.525, 62.13
Dion-Lessard, G - 56.517
Dionne-Dostie, E - 56.517
Ditye, T - 36.522
Dixon, E - 16.532, 41.16
Dobbins, A - 63.307
Dobkins, K - 56.328
Dobres, J - 36.514
Dobson, K - 16.522
Dodd, M - 16.410
Dody, Y - 56.501
Doerrfeld, A - 63.312
Dombrowe, I - 26.429
Domini, F - 23.523, 33.533, 51.17
Donk, M - 26.429
Donnelly, N - 53.447
Donner, TH - 26.516
Donovan, I - 26.448
Doon, J - 56.407
Dorr, M - 33.301
Dosani, M - 43.428

Dosher, B - 23.448, 26.501, 36.453,

36.503, 42.24, 63.412
Dosher, BA - 41.22
Doucet, G - 56.450
Dougherty, R - 33.557
Dovencioglu, DN - 53.453
Doyen, D - 43.419
Drew, T - 56.408, 56.409
Drewes, J - 51.21
Driver, J - 26.428, 55.25, 63.416
Drover, JR - 33.311
Druker, M - 26.422
Drummond, L - 63.435
Du, X - 56.537
Dubois, J - 26.519
Dubois, M - 31.27, 32.15
Duchaine, B - 23.538, 23.539
Dudek, J - 33.313
Dugu, L - 56.412
Duijnhouwer, J - 33.552
Dukewich, KR - 53.324
Dumoulin, SO - 54.12
Duncan, CS - 36.443
Dunkley, B - 36.535
Dunlop, J - 33.425
Dunsmoor, JE - 56.411
Durand, F - 23.413
Durand, K - 56.317
Durant, S - 61.17
Durgin, F - 23.547, 33.440, 56.430
Dux, P - 21.26, 43.328
Dux, PE - 16.525
Dyde, R - 56.542
Dye, A - 23.406

Eckstein, M - 23.323, 36.456, 56.416,
Eckstein, MP - 36.442, 51.26, 56.418,
Ed, V - 36.512
Edwards, D - 24.12
Edwards, J - 36.448
Edwards, M - 33.411, 43.431, 63.301
Egan, E - 51.16
Egan, EJ - 23.414
Egeth, H - 62.26
Ehinger, K - 31.22
Elbich, DB - 56.325
Elfanagely, O - 23.428
Ellemberg, D - 56.448
Elliott, J - 43.319
Elliott, JC - 36.442
Elliott, S - 26.318
Emert, P - 53.409
Emmanouil, TA - 26.449
Emrich, SM - 63.402, 63.458
Endres, D - 55.14
Endress, A - 63.406
Engel, S - 16.537, 26.533
Englund, J - 56.502
Ennis, R - 42.15
Enns, JT - 53.324
Epstein, R - 56.435, 56.436, 56.446,
Erickson, G - 43.425
Ericson, JM - 16.453
Erlikhman, G - 23.435, 26.404

Erol, M - 16.519, 23.457

Esins, J - 23.527
Essock, EA - 26.526, 26.540
Ester, E - 22.11
Esterman, M - 16.503, 26.432
Evans, K - 56.441
Ewbank, M - 35.24
Ewbank, MP - 56.314

Fabiani, M - 36.440
Fabre-Thorpe, M - 56.512, 56.513
Factor, L - 63.430
Fadiga, L - 43.409
Fahle, M - 43.422
Fajen, B - 23.518, 25.13, 53.505,
Fajen, BR - 53.502
Falikman, M - 16.524
Fang, F - 16.517, 16.546, 33.419,
53.416, 53.549
Fantoni, C - 33.533, 51.17
Farber, LE - 26.527
Farell, B - 63.444
Farid, H - 56.539
Farzin, F - 24.15
Faubert, J - 23.436, 36.541
Faure, G - 43.414
Favata, A - 16.404
Favelle, S - 23.522, 56.304
Fehd, HM - 23.427
Fei-Fei, L - 33.445, 56.442, 62.14
Feigenson, L - 16.445
Feinberg, D - 56.323
Feldman Barrett, L - 33.451
Feldman, J - 26.402, 26.403, 34.14,
43.306, 43.307, 43.308, 43.311,
Felgueiras, P - 26.307
Felsovalyi, O - 16.427
Fencsik, D - 53.431, 53.440
Feng, L - 36.526
Ferber, S - 63.402, 63.458
Feria, C - 23.429
Fernandez Cruz, AL - 33.409
Fernandez, J - 63.444
Fesi, J - 33.524
Fiacconi, CM - 36.433
Field, D - 53.513
Filangieri, C - 23.416
Fischer, J - 54.16
Fiser, J - 24.14, 26.503, 42.26, 43.433,
Fisher, M - 33.437
Fiske, S - 62.24
Fitzgibbon, A - 56.422
FitzGibbon, E - 36.529
Flatters, I - 36.420
Fleming, R - 21.15, 51.15
Fleming, RW - 63.437
Flevaris, A - 23.528, 53.301
Flombaum, J - 16.447, 23.426,
23.431, 63.411
Flusberg, S - 33.424
Foerster, R - 23.314
Fogelson, SV - 26.308, 62.12
Foley, NC - 36.455
Folstein, J - 56.518

Vision Sciences Society


Author Index
Ford, J - 36.533
Formankiewicz, MA - 26.535,
53.543, 53.547
Fortenbaugh, FC - 53.544
Foster, DH - 26.314, 43.406
Fougnie, D - 34.21
Foulkes, AJ - 33.525, 33.526
Foulsham, T - 43.402
Frackowiak, RS - 32.16
Francis, G - 26.310, 26.315
Francis, S - 26.515
Franconeri, S - 26.446, 53.305,
53.410, 53.422, 53.423, 54.21,
Franconeri, SL - 41.24
Frank, SM - 16.504, 53.442
Franklin, A - 26.452, 36.308, 36.310
Franz, VH - 33.438
Freeman, B - 23.413
Freeman, T - 36.535
Frenz, H - 36.408
Freud, E - 33.430
Fricker, D - 16.404
Fried, M - 16.401
Fries, P - 32.24
Frith, C - 55.25
Frost, A - 63.451
Froyen, V - 34.14, 43.306, 43.311
Fu, X - 33.453
Fuda, C - 53.449
Fukase, T - 26.311
Fukiage, T - 36.554
Fukuda, K - 23.452, 26.311, 26.319,
26.532, 53.517, 63.418
Fuller, SG - 36.508
Fulvio, J - 26.507
Fulvio, JM - 36.504
Fusco, R - 56.308

Gabbard, SR - 36.555
Gabrieli, JD - 23.440
Gage, R - 53.514
Gagnon, KT - 56.431
Gajewski, D - 56.428
Gallagher, A - 63.325
Galperin, H - 63.306
Gambino, A - 36.301
Gandhi, T - 41.13
Ganel, T - 33.430
Gao, T - 53.425
Gao, Z - 23.528
Garber, M - 23.530
Garcia, A - 53.452
Garcia, J - 23.509
Gardner, P - 53.501
Garrido, L - 33.422
Garrigan, P - 43.309
Garrod, O - 52.22
Gaspar, C - 36.449, 36.451
Gaspar, J - 16.518, 56.550
Gaudio, J - 36.556
Gaudry, I - 56.451
Gauthier, I - 22.17, 56.305, 56.518
Gegenfurtner, K - 23.317, 26.303,
33.547, 36.302, 36.536, 56.438
Gegenfurtner, KR - 36.534
Geisler, W - 35.12, 35.14, 52.12,


Vision Sciences Society

VSS 2011 Program

Geisler, WS - 42.14
Geng, J - 33.510, 63.422
George, J - 16.441, 33.550
Georgeson, M - 23.405, 36.543
Gerbino, W - 56.519
Geringswald, F - 36.436
Germine, L - 56.301
Getov, S - 52.21
Getty, D - 56.407
Geuss, M - 56.429
Geuss, MN - 53.508
Ghara Gozli, D - 53.304
Gharib, A - 56.510
Gheorghiu, E - 34.13, 53.408
Ghose, T - 25.22, 26.404
Giaschi, D - 33.331
Giavarini, C - 56.452
Gibson, B - 33.514
Giesbrecht, B - 21.27, 36.442, 43.319,
53.317, 56.416, 56.418, 62.17
Giese, MA - 55.14, 55.27
Giesel, M - 26.313, 26.317
Gilad-Gutnick, S - 23.521
Gilad, M - 56.501
Gilaie-Dotan, S - 23.508
Gilani, SO - 43.412
Gilchrest, A - 33.315
Gilchrist, A - 16.528, 42.11, 42.12
Gill, J - 16.505
Gillam, B - 63.443
Gilmore, R - 33.524
Gilmore, RO - 56.325
Gilson, S - 56.422, 56.432
Giusti, M - 33.549
Glaser, J - 53.329
Glasser, DM - 63.302
Glennerster, A - 56.422, 56.432
Globa, AK - 33.330
Gmeindl, L - 53.310, 63.419
Goffaux, V - 43.430, 43.453
Goh, C - 63.416
Gohar, B - 16.421
Golarai, G - 23.541
Gold, J - 26.418
Goldberg, T - 35.22
Goldsmith, M - 56.540
Golomb, J - 33.305, 33.308
Gomez, A - 63.433
Gong, H - 26.401, 26.411
Gong, M - 33.453
Gonzalez, C - 23.312, 56.522
Gonzlez, EG - 43.410
Goodale, M - 33.404, 43.303, 55.11,
Goodale, MA - 36.418
Goodhew, SC - 16.525
Gordon, I - 52.24
Gordon, R - 56.525
Gorea, A - 61.14
Gorgoraptis, N - 63.421
Gori, M - 26.324
Goris, R - 26.542
Gorlin, S - 41.13
Gors, J - 61.23
Goryo, K - 23.411
Gottesman, C - 33.450
Gould, M - 36.410
Gout, O - 56.450, 56.451

Gozli, D - 33.437, 53.326

Grabowecky, M - 21.22, 23.402,
32.12, 33.546, 36.426, 56.402,
Grady, JP - 26.523
Graf, EW - 16.536, 33.446
Grafton, ST - 56.418
Graham, D - 16.534
Grainger, J - 23.310
Granger, RH - 62.12
Granrud, C - 33.315, 56.327
Granzier, J - 36.302
Gratton, G - 36.440
Gray, A - 23.544
Gray, L - 33.329
Grayhem, R - 26.320
Green, CS - 26.507, 36.504, 53.420
Greenberg, AS - 63.321
Greene, C - 23.305, 54.12
Greene, MR - 51.25, 56.406
Greenlee, MW - 16.504, 53.442
Greenspon, E - 56.547
Greenwood, J - 33.326, 53.535,
53.548, 54.18
Grewal, PS - 26.444
Grifn, H - 23.529
Grifth, A - 36.446
Grill-Spector, K - 23.541, 43.448,
Griscom, WS - 36.311
Gronau, N - 33.447
Groppo, M - 24.12
Grosbras, M - 16.419
Gross, EB - 36.412, 36.421
Grossberg, S - 36.455
Grossman, E - 23.509
Grossman, ED - 43.326, 56.309
Grove, P - 26.332
Grueschow, M - 36.523
Guenther, B - 33.448
Guenther, BA - 26.430
Guidi, S - 26.414
Gunther, KL - 26.316
Guntupalli, JS - 16.428, 56.514
Guo, F - 36.456, 56.416, 62.17
Gureckis, TM - 63.319
Guyader, N - 23.309, 56.452
Guzman-Martinez, E - 32.12, 33.546

H. Brainard, D - 36.304
Haas, J - 16.510
Habekost, T - 56.507
Haberkamp, A - 63.429
Haberman, J - 16.429
Hackney, A - 53.515
Hadad, B - 26.410
Hadley, H - 56.318
Hafed, Z - 51.22
Hagler Jr, DJ - 26.428
Hahn, U - 23.554
Haist, F - 24.16, 33.316
Hajcak, G - 56.417
Haji Abolhassani, A - 53.426
Haladjian, H - 23.424, 23.425,
23.428, 36.446, 53.327
Halberda, J - 36.510, 63.409, 63.414,

Halchenko, YO - 62.12
Halen, K - 33.418
Hallum, LE - 54.13
Ham, M - 16.441, 33.550
HAMALAINEN, M - 63.304
Hamker, FH - 33.307
Hammarsten, C - 53.412
Hammer, R - 53.525
Hammons, J - 16.510
Hamrick, J - 33.534
Han, J - 23.449, 24.16, 33.316, 53.532
Han, SW - 26.423
Hancock, P - 43.434
Hanke, M - 36.436, 62.12
Hanlon, K - 16.421
Hansen, BC - 56.448
Harasawa, M - 53.427
Harel, A - 56.449
Harman James, K - 36.419
Harman, C - 23.425, 53.327
Harmatz, ES - 23.521
Harms, R - 23.315
Haroz, S - 55.26
Harris, J - 51.14
Harris, JM - 26.305, 43.420
Harris, L - 56.542
Harrison, E - 33.331
Harrison, HS - 53.516
Harrison, SA - 56.305
Harrison, W - 53.315
Hartendorp, M - 56.520
Harvey, B - 54.12
Harvey, EC - 36.433
Harvey, M - 16.419, 33.432
Hasegawa, H - 43.301
Hatori, Y - 16.435
Haun, A - 26.537
Haun, AM - 26.526
Haxby, J - 16.428
Haxby, JV - 56.514, 62.12
Hayashi, I - 53.407
Hayes, J - 36.544
Hayes, T - 43.401
Hayhoe, M - 35.14, 36.411
Haynes, J - 26.516, 26.543, 36.523,
Hayward, W - 23.522, 23.533,
53.434, 56.304, 56.305
He, D - 33.419, 53.416
He, L - 25.25
He, S - 22.16, 23.512, 26.322, 26.533,
31.16, 33.521, 53.436
He, Y - 53.549
He, ZJ - 26.412
Heath, M - 23.307, 23.308, 33.434
Hebart, M - 36.320
Hebart, MN - 26.516
Hecker, E - 21.25
Heeger, DJ - 21.24, 26.550
Hein, E - 43.312
Heinemann, A - 53.446
Heinen, S - 36.533
Heinke, D - 53.311
Heinzle, J - 26.543
Heitz, R - 36.439
Helman, S - 36.410
Helseth, S - 54.21
Hemsworth, L - 33.523
Henderson, CM - 56.521

VSS 2011 Program

Henig, D - 33.554
Henriques, D - 36.417
Henson, R - 35.24
Heran, F - 56.450
Herlihey, TA - 25.11
Hermetet, K - 56.330
Heron, J - 23.455
Herrmann, K - 21.24, 53.303
Herron, T - 43.305
Herzmann, G - 23.450
Herzog, M - 22.22, 34.17
Herzog, MH - 26.531
Hess, R - 36.543
Hessels, R - 36.322
Hestermann, D - 43.430
Hetley, RS - 41.22
Hibbeler, P - 26.524, 53.404
Hibbeler, PJ - 53.403
Higgins, J - 34.22
Hilchey, M - 16.417
Hisakata, R - 31.13
Ho, T - 26.450
Hock, H - 33.520, 36.510
Hodgins, J - 23.511
Hoffart, L - 43.414
Hoffman, D - 43.418
Hogendoorn, H - 31.14
Holcombe, A - 23.430, 61.12
Holec, V - 26.425
Hollands, M - 56.558
Hollingworth, A - 16.410, 16.416,
33.303, 53.438
Holmes, S - 23.308, 33.434
Holmin, J - 63.451
Holmqvist, K - 43.402, 43.403
Holocombe, A - 61.15
Holtmann-Rice, D - 53.401
Hon, AJ - 23.423
Hong, S - 63.407
Hong, SW - 42.16
HONMA, M - 43.413
Horiguchi, H - 33.557
Horiuchi, K - 26.312
Horner, M - 33.402
Horowitz, T - 23.435, 53.430, 53.431,
Horowitz, TS - 23.441
Hosein, A - 23.534
Hou, C - 24.15
Hou, F - 36.526
Hou, Y - 36.450
Howell Young, M - 36.439
Hsieh, P - 16.520, 36.512
Hu, B - 26.326, 26.327
Hu, S - 26.451
Huang, AE - 23.423, 63.445
Huang, C - 33.327, 36.526
Huang, H - 16.409
Huang, J - 23.445
Huang, S - 63.425
Huang, T - 36.524
Huang, X - 36.556
Hubert-Wallander, B - 26.435
Hudson, T - 33.439
Hudson, TE - 43.424
Huff, M - 23.326, 23.437, 53.428
Hughes, J - 23.417
Huk, AC - 33.522
Hulleman, J - 23.327, 53.432, 56.413

Author Index
Humphreys, G - 16.502, 26.429,
41.26, 53.306, 53.311
Humphreys, GW - 26.440, 62.22
Hurlbert, A - 21.16, 36.307, 41.15
Hurwitz, M - 43.323, 53.323
Husain, M - 63.417, 63.421
Hussain, Z - 41.11
Hutchinson, C - 56.549
Huxlin, KR - 33.529
Hwang, K - 33.524
Hyde, D - 16.452
Hymel, A - 43.325, 43.408
Hyun, J - 23.449, 23.451, 56.557

Iarocci, G - 61.27
Ichikawa, H - 56.319, 56.321
Ichikawa, M - 33.555
IDE, M - 36.435
Ietswaart, M - 62.11
Igarashi, R - 43.421
IKEYAMA, H - 43.413
Ikkai, A - 53.316
Ilg, W - 55.27
Im, HY - 63.420
Imai, C - 36.303
Imai, H - 32.27
Ing, A - 26.538
Intoy, J - 56.313
Iordan, MC - 33.445, 62.14
Ishibashi, K - 53.435
Ishii, M - 43.421
ISHIKANE, H - 26.509
Ishikane, H - 53.427
Ishiwata, T - 26.330
Ishuguro, H - 55.25
Isola, P - 16.442
Issen, L - 33.529
Itier, R - 23.328, 43.449
ITIER, R - 33.403
Itti, L - 16.408, 16.422, 36.404,
36.457, 56.316, 63.454
Ivanov, P - 43.405
Ivory, S - 16.528, 42.11

Jack, R - 52.22
Jacob, J - 16.446, 26.417, 43.313
Jacobs, RA - 34.26
Jacono, M - 43.409
Jacques, C - 43.453
Jahn, G - 23.437, 53.428
Jain, A - 33.535, 36.506, 36.508
James, T - 43.437
Janczyk, M - 53.446
Jang, SO - 36.544
Jansen, M - 26.317
Jardine, NL - 23.433
Jarodzka, J - 43.402
Jarudi, I - 23.520
Jarvstad, A - 23.554
Jastorff, J - 23.502, 33.435
Jaworska, K - 36.324
Jefferies, LN - 53.310, 63.419
Jeffery, L - 23.537, 33.413
Jehee, J - 42.21
Jelinek, S - 23.329

Jemel, B - 23.534, 43.455

Jenkins, R - 43.446
JEON, ST - 33.328
Jeong, SK - 16.512
Jeter, P - 36.503
Ji, Z - 16.441
Jiang, Y - 16.433, 23.512, 23.516,
32.25, 33.407, 33.540, 36.321,
Jin, Y - 43.411
Jobst, C - 26.321
Jogan, M - 31.12
Johnson, A - 35.16, 56.443
Johnson, AP - 56.448
Johnson, M - 34.22, 34.22
Johnson, R - 33.443
Johnson, S - 33.312
Johnston, A - 23.529, 33.541, 33.542,
33.545, 36.551
Johnston, S - 23.538
Jolmes, N - 23.311
Jonathan, S - 53.305
Jones, J - 33.516
Jonikaitis, D - 56.552
Joo, E - 23.447, 26.443
Joo, SJ - 53.419
Joordens, S - 16.420
Jordan, G - 36.307
Joseph, C - 63.426
Josephs, JA - 33.446
Joukes, J - 36.542
Juan, C - 56.535
Julian, JB - 36.525, 62.13
Juni, MZ - 63.319
Jurs, B - 33.413

K. Yamaguchi, M - 56.320
Kaczmarski, H - 56.550
Kadar, I - 56.440
Kaemmerer, M - 23.511
Kahn, DA - 43.447, 56.543
Kahn, LE - 41.24
Kahnt, T - 26.543, 36.523
Kaiwi, J - 51.27
Kakigi, R - 56.320, 56.321
Kalia, A - 26.323
Kallie, CS - 53.514
Kamesaki, C - 36.305
Kanai, R - 23.508, 24.11, 36.522,
52.16, 52.17
Kanan, C - 25.24
Kanaya, H - 23.434
Kanaya, S - 26.330, 36.430
Kanazawa, S - 33.320, 56.319,
56.320, 56.321, 56.326
Kaneko, H - 33.320, 53.517
Kaneko, S - 16.529
Kanematsu, E - 36.304
Kang, D - 42.22, 42.23
Kang, H - 56.557
Kang, M - 36.327
Kang, P - 31.25
Kang, X - 43.305
Kantor, B - 23.410
Kanwisher, N - 16.520, 33.305,
33.308, 36.525, 43.451, 56.310,

Kaplan, E - 53.447
Kapoor, M - 23.305
Kar, K - 26.512
Karas, R - 63.449
Karidas, S - 36.448
Kashiwase, Y - 36.447
Kasper, RW - 56.418
Kass, R - 36.520
Kastner, S - 16.432, 16.507
Katsuki, F - 32.23
Katsumura, M - 26.413, 26.419
Katyal, S - 23.305
Kaulard, K - 33.409
Kawahara, J - 26.426, 56.551
Kawahara, T - 53.506
Kawashima, Y - 53.517
Kay, K - 26.544
Keane, B - 23.417, 23.435, 26.405
Keane, BP - 26.418
Keeble, DR - 23.526
Keil, F - 33.449
Keith, G - 26.321
Kellman, P - 23.435, 26.404, 26.405,
43.309, 53.450
Kellman, PJ - 43.301
Kelly, J - 53.455
Kelly, K - 33.324
Kelly, N - 56.549
Kempgens, C - 43.302
Kempster, B - 56.522
Kennedy, A - 23.548, 36.424
Kennedy, BL - 16.522, 63.427
Kenyon, G - 16.441, 33.550
Kerrigan, IS - 16.536
Kersten, D - 26.507, 26.533
Kerzel, D - 33.502, 33.512, 53.322
Khan, A - 36.417
Kharkwal, G - 56.445
Kibbe, MM - 26.325
Kiesel, A - 53.446
Kihara, K - 26.426
Killingsworth, S - 26.452, 43.408
Kim, D - 23.451, 26.505, 32.27,
Kim, J - 21.11, 26.310, 26.315,
33.427, 43.418
Kim, JG - 56.534, 56.535
Kim, M - 21.14
Kim, S - 26.325, 26.403, 34.14, 34.14,
Kim, Y - 41.21
Kim, YJ - 26.443, 26.526, 26.540,
Kimchi, R - 43.315, 56.540
Kimura, E - 16.530, 23.411
Kimura, H - 36.540
Kindy, E - 43.423
Kinerk, W - 26.529
King, K - 23.536
King, M - 16.403
Kingdom, F - 54.18
Kingdom, FA - 34.13, 53.413
Kingstone, A - 16.402, 23.544,
33.503, 43.439
Kita, S - 53.435
Kitazaki, M - 23.515, 53.456
Kittler, J - 16.406
Kiya, K - 53.517
Klee, D - 22.11
Vision Sciences Society


Author Index
Klein, R - 16.417
Klein, S - 22.26, 36.501
Kleinholdermann, U - 33.438
Klink, C - 26.513
Klobusicky, E - 53.420
Kloos, U - 56.423
Knill, D - 26.326, 36.513
Knill, DC - 26.327, 33.529, 34.26
Knll, J - 33.543
Knox, P - 33.329
Ko, H - 53.402
Kobayashi, M - 56.320
Koch, C - 26.519
Koehler, K - 36.456
Koenderink, J - 56.420
Koenig-Robert, R - 16.430
Koesling, H - 23.314
Kogo, N - 43.311
Kohler, PJ - 16.504, 26.308, 62.12
Koida, K - 53.456
Koldewyn, K - 56.310
Kolodny, T - 56.501
Kolster, H - 23.502
Kompaniez, E - 23.406
Konar, Y - 61.21
Konen, CS - 16.432
Konkle, T - 16.431, 16.450, 23.456,
62.16, 63.404
Koopman, S - 36.530, 36.532
Kosovicheva, A - 26.545
Kosovicheva, AA - 36.550
Kountouriotis, G - 53.501, 53.520
Kourkoulou, A - 41.15
Kourtev, H - 23.424, 23.425, 23.428
Kourtzi, Z - 36.528, 53.452, 63.438
Kovcs, I - 26.418
Kowler, E - 16.411
Kramer, A - 16.518, 53.307, 53.308,
Krause, B - 26.329
Krauzlis, R - 32.21, 51.22
Krauzlis, RJ - 26.514
Kravitz, D - 16.423, 16.424, 25.16,
41.16, 56.449
Kreager, R - 33.514
Kreiman, G - 16.437, 31.26, 56.516
Kreindel, E - 63.428
Krekelberg, B - 26.512, 33.552,
Kriegeskorte, N - 25.23
Kristjansson, A - 53.312
Krogh, L - 33.312
Krummenacher, J - 26.442, 56.405
Kuai, S - 36.528, 53.452
Kuang, X - 23.318
Kubodera, T - 26.332
Kucyi, A - 26.321
Kuegel, A - 23.425
Kuhl, B - 34.24
Kumada, T - 63.410
Kumbhani, RD - 36.539
Kuriki, I - 26.312, 36.447
Kustner, LV - 36.511
Kuta, E - 33.513
Kuvaldina, M - 16.521, 16.522
Kveraga, K - 33.451
Kvissberg, M - 16.412
Kwon, M - 16.413, 22.12


Vision Sciences Society

VSS 2011 Program

Kwon, O - 36.513
Kwon, T - 56.426
Kyllingsbk, S - 21.27, 36.452

LaBar, KS - 56.411
Lachat, F - 33.423
Lacquaniti, F - 33.548, 61.16
Lacroix, M - 36.546
Lages, M - 36.324
Lagos, A - 33.440
Laguesse, R - 43.436
Lhde, M - 63.401
Lai, A - 33.545
Lai, M - 33.414, 43.426
Laidlaw, K - 43.439
Lam, D - 43.410
Lamy, D - 33.458, 43.322, 53.444
Lanagan-Leitzel, LK - 56.410
Landau, A - 26.545, 32.24
Landy, M - 33.439
Landy, MS - 26.421, 26.550
Langlois, T - 36.312
Lankheet, M - 26.513
Lanyon, L - 63.432, 63.434
Lao, J - 56.303, 56.308
Lappe, M - 23.505, 36.408
Larsen, S - 56.545
Larson, A - 33.452
LASSALLE, A - 33.403
Lassonde, M - 63.325
Latecki, LJ - 56.427
Lau, C - 36.315
Lau, H - 16.427, 36.454
Lavell, C - 43.303, 43.304
Lavie, N - 54.26
Lawlor, M - 53.401
Lawrence, J - 53.521
Lawton, R - 23.551
Laycock, R - 56.541
Layton, O - 26.551, 33.527
Le Dantec, C - 53.451
Leavitt, M - 23.444
Leber, A - 33.513, 33.515
Lebrecht, S - 56.530
Lechak, J - 33.515
Ledgeway, T - 31.17, 33.519, 56.549
Lee, AL - 31.15
Lee, B - 42.15
Lee, J - 26.511, 33.317
Lee, K - 24.16
Lee, RK - 56.306
Lee, S - 16.424
Lee, Y - 23.421
Lee, YL - 63.446
Leeds, D - 56.531
Leekam, S - 41.15
Lefvre, P - 23.534
Legault, I - 23.436
Legge, G - 26.322
Legge, GE - 53.514
Lehky, S - 23.408
Leigh, RJ - 23.304
Lengyel, M - 26.503, 42.26
Leonard, CJ - 43.320
Leonard, Z - 33.517
Leone, L - 63.448
Lepage, M - 56.517

Lepore, F - 63.325
Lescroart, M - 41.17
Lescroart, MD - 31.21
Lesmes, LA - 53.552
Lessard, DA - 53.508
Lester, BD - 34.12
Leung, S - 56.547
Lev, M - 63.327
Lveill, J - 33.531
Levi, D - 22.26, 33.332, 36.501, 41.12
Levillain, F - 63.308
Levin, D - 26.452, 43.325, 43.408
Levine, M - 23.431, 56.302
Levinthal, B - 53.305, 53.410
Levitin, DJ - 36.312
Lewis, D - 36.509
Lewis, T - 33.318
LEWIS, T - 33.328
Lewis, TL - 26.410
Leyrer, M - 56.423
Leyssen, M - 56.420
Li, A - 23.416
Li, C - 26.451
Li, J - 63.316
Li, K - 32.25
Li, L - 26.415, 53.510, 53.512, 53.518
Li, M - 16.436
Li, Q - 26.434
Li, S - 26.502
Li, W - 43.424
Li, X - 23.423, 63.445
Li, Y - 23.422, 26.438, 36.403, 56.426,
56.427, 63.447
Li, Z - 23.547, 56.430
Liang, S - 43.432
Liao, H - 33.505
Liberman, A - 23.541
Liebenson, P - 33.440
Lieby, P - 36.403
Likova, L - 42.27
Lin, J - 26.435
Lin, ST - 43.415
Lin, Y - 33.323
Lin, Z - 31.16
Linares, D - 34.15
Lindenbaum, M - 62.23
Lindner, A - 55.14
Lindsey, D - 42.17
Ling, S - 42.21
Ling, Y - 36.307, 41.15
Linhares, J - 26.307
Linkenauger, SA - 56.423, 56.424
Lipp, OV - 16.525
Lisitsyn, D - 26.503, 43.433, 63.306
List, A - 23.402
Lister, J - 36.448
Liston, D - 23.306
Listorti, C - 23.320
Little, A - 43.434
Liu, C - 36.514, 42.22, 42.23
Liu, J - 36.503, 42.24, 43.442
Liu, L - 56.548
Liu, N - 36.403
Liu, P - 43.427
Liu, T - 23.453, 26.322, 36.450, 51.25
Liu, Y - 51.12
Liu, Z - 25.22, 33.538
Liverence, B - 41.23
Livingood, J - 33.319

Livingstone, M - 36.515, 36.527

Lleras, A - 41.26, 53.329
Llerena Law, C - 16.542
Locheed, K - 23.545
Loeper-Jeny, C - 16.514
Lofer, G - 43.302
Logan, A - 63.455
Lohrenz, MC - 23.325
Loomis, J - 36.408
Lpez-Moliner, J - 23.550
Loschky, L - 33.452
Lossin, F - 36.534
Lourenco, T - 56.541
Love, S - 36.429
Lovejoy, L - 51.22
Lovell, PG - 51.14
Loveridge, C - 41.15
Low, W - 63.413
Lu, H - 23.517, 26.520, 31.15
Lu, Z - 23.448, 26.501, 33.327,
36.453, 36.503, 36.526, 41.22,
42.24, 63.412, 63.440
Lucey, S - 33.427
Luck, S - 33.510, 53.438, 63.405
Luck, SJ - 43.320
Ludwig, C - 26.548, 33.304
Lugtigheid, AJ - 43.417
Lunghi, C - 52.15
Lupyan, G - 36.328, 56.523
Luria, R - 16.451
Lustig, AG - 26.436
Lyu, S - 36.549, 63.440

M. DeGutis, J - 23.543
Ma-Wyatt, A - 23.549, 53.529, 55.13
Ma, L - 16.433
MacDonald III, A - 26.418
MacEvoy, S - 56.436
Machilsen, B - 53.408
Machizawa, M - 63.416
Mack, A - 16.519, 23.457
Mack, M - 56.524
Mack, ML - 56.305
Mack, S - 23.323
Mack, SC - 51.26
MacKenzie, K - 56.542
MacKenzie, KJ - 24.14, 43.416
Macknik, S - 16.403, 63.313
Macknik, SL - 23.304, 33.556
MacLean, MH - 36.441
MacLeod, D - 26.301, 42.13
MacNamara, A - 56.417
MacNeilage, P - 36.538
Madsen, J - 16.437, 31.26, 56.516
Maehara, G - 36.543
Magis-Weinberg, L - 53.533
Mahler, M - 23.511
Maji, S - 25.21
Makovski, T - 53.314
Malcolm, GL - 56.439
Malek, N - 23.409
Malik, J - 25.21, 35.15
Maloney, L - 61.26
Maloney, LT - 55.12, 63.319
Mamassian, P - 23.401, 26.504,
32.14, 36.423, 36.545, 43.419
Manahilov, V - 63.455

VSS 2011 Program

Manassi, M - 26.531
Mance, I - 23.453
Maniscalco, B - 36.454
Mann, D - 36.428
Manoach, D - 63.432
Mansouri, B - 33.330
Marcos, S - 23.406
Mareschal, D - 32.13, 36.432, 56.509
Marn-Franch, I - 26.314
Marino, C - 41.14
Marinovic, W - 43.328
Marion, R - 32.25
Marlow, P - 21.11, 63.443
Marois, R - 26.423
Marotta, J - 23.545
Marotta, JJ - 33.436
Marque, P - 56.412
Marques, JP - 32.16
Marriott, K - 23.307
Martin, A - 16.506, 41.16
Martin, T - 43.324
Martinez-Conde, S - 16.403, 23.304,
33.556, 63.313
Martinez-Trujillo, J - 23.409, 23.444,
Maruya, K - 21.12, 34.15, 61.15
Masakura, Y - 33.555
Mascheretti, S - 41.14
Masson, G - 36.537
Masson, GS - 36.545, 51.21
Massot, C - 23.415
Masuda, O - 26.307
Mathewson, KE - 36.440
Mathey, MA - 23.311
Mathison, J - 23.536, 33.315, 56.327
Matht, S - 24.26
Mathuranath, P - 43.303
Matin, L - 43.424
Matsukura, M - 16.416
Matsumiya, K - 26.312, 33.530,
Mattaloni, E - 56.519
Mattar, MG - 53.533
Mattarella-Micke, A - 63.415
Matthews, N - 53.325, 53.455
Matthis, J - 25.13, 53.519, 55.16
Matthis, JS - 53.502
Mattingley, J - 21.26, 33.405, 53.315
Mattingley, JB - 25.15
Mauger, E - 56.315
Maurer, D - 26.410, 33.318, 33.420,
56.323, 56.324
MAURER, D - 33.328
Maus, G - 63.316, 63.317
Maus, GW - 36.550
Maxeld, N - 36.448
May, K - 26.549
May, KA - 43.420
Maybery, M - 56.508
Mayer, KM - 16.513
Mazzilli, G - 23.418
McAdam, T - 55.11, 56.425
McCann, B - 35.14
McCarley, J - 16.518, 33.550, 56.550
McCarthy, C - 36.403
McCarthy, JD - 43.314
McCleery, JP - 62.22
McClelland, JL - 56.521
McCollough, A - 23.454

Author Index
McCourt, E - 54.28
McCourt, M - 63.448
McCourt, ME - 16.526, 53.313,
McDermott, KC - 16.540, 36.443
McDevitt, E - 36.518, 53.527
McGlinchey, R - 33.431
McGraw, P - 31.17, 41.11
McKeefry, D - 23.455
McKendrick, A - 63.449, 63.450
McKendrick, AM - 56.503
McKendrick, R - 36.505
McKone, E - 33.411, 43.431
Mclean, A - 55.11
McLean, A - 56.425
McMains, S - 16.507
McOwan, P - 23.529
McQuade, M - 33.452
McWilliams, E - 53.432
Medeiros-Ward, N - 23.432
Medford, K - 53.420
Mednick, S - 36.518
Mednick, SC - 53.527
Mei, M - 42.27
Meinhardt, G - 26.409
Meixner, T - 61.27
Mejia, N - 33.440
Melnick, M - 26.506
Melton, E - 53.451
Mendoza, D - 34.25
Meng, G - 23.403, 53.441
Meng, M - 16.534, 33.401, 53.524,
Menneer, T - 53.447
Merat, N - 53.501
Mercado, R - 23.543
Mercado, RJ - 56.307
Mestre, D - 25.14
Metta, G - 43.409
Mettler, E - 23.435
Mevorach, C - 53.306
Meyer, J - 22.25
Meyerhoff, H - 53.428
Meyerhoff, HS - 23.437
Meza, C - 43.323
Mezer, A - 26.544
Mian, J - 33.402, 56.322
Michel, M - 54.17
Miconi, T - 41.27
Miellet, S - 56.308, 61.25
Mier, D - 56.311, 56.312, 56.510
Migliaccio, R - 16.514
Mihashi, T - 26.319
Mikellidou, K - 26.530
Milberg, W - 33.431
Miller, C - 26.329
Millin, R - 26.525
Mills, M - 16.410
Minakata, K - 53.421
Mingolla, E - 16.527, 26.510, 26.551,
33.527, 36.455, 36.547, 56.407
Mirpour, K - 56.414, 56.415
Mishkin, M - 25.16
Mital, PK - 16.407
Mitchell, D - 34.23, 56.447
Mitchell, DJ - 32.26
Mitroff, S - 16.541
Mitroff, SR - 56.411, 63.431
Mizokami, Y - 36.305

Moher, J - 62.26
Moher, M - 16.445
Mohler, B - 56.423
Mohler, BJ - 33.426, 56.424
Mojica, A - 43.310, 43.315
Mojica, AJ - 26.441
Mokeichev, A - 26.437
Molnar, D - 24.17
Mon-Williams, M - 23.312, 23.551,
33.442, 33.443, 53.520
Mon-Williams, PM - 36.420
Mondloch, C - 33.402, 56.322,
Monnot, J - 56.317
Montagnini, A - 36.537, 36.545,
Montaser-Kouhsari, L - 43.427
Montreuil, T - 56.517
Moore, C - 33.303
Moore, CM - 56.555
Moore, T - 24.24
Morand, SM - 16.419
Mordkoff, JT - 53.320
Morgan, L - 56.435
Morgan, M - 34.16, 53.536, 54.18
Morgan, MJ - 53.413
Morgenstern, Y - 42.14
Morizot, F - 56.315
Moro, SS - 36.434
Morrone, C - 24.21, 24.22, 52.15
Morrone, MC - 24.25, 41.14, 53.302
Morvan, C - 24.23
Moscatelli, A - 33.548, 61.16
Mossbridge, J - 21.22, 32.12
Most, S - 54.25
Most, SB - 16.522, 63.427
Mote, J - 33.451
Motoyoshi, I - 16.511, 21.12, 26.534,
Mould, MS - 43.406
Mouri, C - 36.507
Movshon, JA - 36.539, 36.548, 54.13
Mruczek, RE - 16.432
Muckli, L - 32.17, 56.303
Mudrik, L - 33.458
Muggleton, N - 36.522
Mulla, A - 23.308, 33.434
Mller, HJ - 53.439, 53.445, 56.405
Mulligan, JB - 43.404
Mullin, C - 16.440
Munn, JC - 33.454
Munneke, J - 23.443
Munoz, D - 16.516, 23.301, 63.454
Murakami, I - 16.529, 31.13, 36.554,
MURAKOSHI, T - 16.523
Murphy, AP - 63.436
Murray-Kolb, L - 16.510
Murray, RF - 21.14, 42.14
Murray, S - 16.515, 26.435, 53.419
Murray, SO - 53.302
Muryy, AA - 63.437
Musel, B - 56.452
Muthukumaraswamy, S - 36.535
Myers, E - 33.531

Nadasdy, Z - 23.410

Naderiyanha, A - 52.14
Nador, J - 61.11
Nagai, T - 36.540, 53.456
NAGASAKA, Y - 23.501
Naito, S - 26.413, 26.419
Najaan Jazi, A - 63.313
Najima, R - 23.448, 63.412
Nakajima, Y - 26.309
Nakamura, N - 26.319
Nakamura, Y - 53.456
Nakashima, R - 26.445
Nakato, E - 56.321
Nakauchi, S - 36.540, 53.456
Nakayama, K - 23.536, 23.542,
23.543, 33.422, 33.431, 63.404
Nalbandian, A - 53.521
Nandy, AS - 16.413, 22.12, 26.539,
Nez, J - 26.505
Narain, D - 23.552
Narang, S - 26.430, 33.448
Narasimhan, S - 33.331
Nardini, M - 32.13, 36.432, 56.509
Nsnen, R - 53.545
Nascimento, S - 26.304, 26.307
Nascimento, SM - 26.314
Nasr, S - 35.23
Nath, A - 36.424
Natu, V - 33.425
Nawrot, E - 33.319
Nawrot, M - 33.319, 33.517, 33.537
Nefs, H - 56.421
Neider, M - 16.518, 53.308, 56.403,
Neill, WT - 26.438
Nelli, FD - 36.517
Nemes, V - 23.455
Nemrodov, D - 43.449
Nestor, A - 35.25
Neumann, H - 33.528, 36.502,
New, J - 53.425, 56.302
Newling, K - 43.445
Ngo, N - 36.505
Nguyen, B - 53.511
Nguyen, M - 23.541
Ni, R - 22.27, 53.509, 53.511
Nicholas, S - 42.27
Niederprm, K - 63.429
Niehorster, DC - 53.510
Niemeier, M - 36.444
Nili, H - 25.23
Ning, A - 23.547
Nishida, S - 21.12, 33.541, 34.15,
Nishina, S - 26.505
Nizam, AJ - 53.542
Noda, M - 63.458
Noonan, S - 16.503, 26.432
Noori, N - 16.408
Norcia, A - 24.13, 24.15, 43.329,
Nori, F - 43.409
Norman, J - 33.520
Norman, JF - 63.451
Norman, K - 34.22
Northway, N - 63.455
Noudoost, B - 24.24
Noyce, A - 16.509
Vision Sciences Society


Author Index
Nuthmann, A - 56.439
Nwosu, C - 63.430
Nystrm, M - 43.402, 43.403

OBrien, J - 36.448
ONeil, SF - 43.435
OReilly, R - 16.439
OToole, A - 33.425, 56.330
Oakley, JP - 43.406
Obinata, G - 36.531
Odic, D - 16.447, 36.510
Ogiya, M - 33.530
gmen, H - 22.22
Ogmen, H - 34.17
Olin, S - 16.538
Oliva, A - 16.431, 16.442, 16.450,
31.22, 62.16
Olivers, C - 26.439, 33.511
Olivers, CN - 26.429
Olk, B - 43.411
Olkkonen, M - 21.13
Olman, C - 26.408, 54.14
Olzak, L - 26.524, 53.404
Olzak, LA - 53.403
Ong, WS - 23.519
Ono, K - 23.515
Ontiveros, Z - 33.440
Ooi, TL - 26.412
Optican, L - 36.529
Or, CC - 33.421
Orbach, HS - 43.302
Orban, G - 23.502, 33.435
Orbn, G - 42.26
Oriet, C - 53.534
Orsten, K - 53.443
Ortega, L - 32.12, 33.546, 63.430
Oruc, I - 33.414, 43.450
Oru, I - 43.426, 43.428
OSADA, Y - 16.523, 23.501, 36.435,
Osman, M - 16.406
Ostendorf, F - 16.414
Otero-Millan, J - 16.403, 23.304,
Otsuka, Y - 33.320, 56.320
Otto, T - 22.22
Otto, TU - 32.14
Ouhnana, M - 53.413
Overgaard, M - 52.17
Owen, A - 36.307
Owens, DA - 53.521
Owens, R - 26.528

Pachai, MV - 43.438
Paffen, C - 36.318, 36.322
Pailian, H - 63.414
Painter, D - 21.26
Palanica, A - 23.328
Palermo, R - 23.537
Pallett, P - 33.401
Palmer, E - 36.531, 53.440
Palmer, J - 56.555
Palmer, SE - 36.309, 36.311, 36.312,
36.313, 36.315
Palmeri, T - 33.416, 56.518, 56.524


Vision Sciences Society

VSS 2011 Program

Palmeri, TJ - 56.305
Palomares, M - 16.448, 24.13, 24.15,
53.538, 53.539, 56.502
Pan, JS - 33.441, 33.442
Pan, Y - 26.401, 26.411
Pancaroglu, R - 23.538, 43.428
Panichi, M - 24.21
Panis, S - 56.526
Pannasch, S - 63.310
Pantazis, D - 16.426
Pantelis, P - 63.314
Papathomas, T - 23.417
Papenmeier, F - 23.437, 53.428
Ppper, M - 56.552
Parade, M - 53.502
Pardo-Vazquez, JL - 33.556
Par, DE - 16.420
Park, S - 53.532, 62.16
Park, SH - 23.447, 26.443
Park, WJ - 33.457
Parkinson, J - 23.506
Parkinson, L - 33.415
Parks, N - 53.307
Parlangeli, O - 26.414
Parr, L - 43.434, 52.27
Parraga, CA - 26.306, 36.307
Parrott, S - 53.422
Parvizi, J - 54.11
Pascual-Leone, A - 36.415
Patel, K - 24.17
Patel, MN - 26.410
Patel, S - 22.15
Patten, ML - 63.439
Patterson, MD - 63.413
Paz, N - 56.544
Pearson, J - 36.509, 63.408
Pearson, PM - 33.330
Pedersen, L - 56.507
Pedersini, R - 26.508
Peelen, MV - 62.11
Pegors, T - 56.446
Peirce, J - 26.515
Peirce, JW - 26.406
Peli, E - 26.537, 36.525
Pelleg, M - 35.22
Pelli, D - 33.332
Pelli, DG - 22.14, 31.27, 32.15
Pellicano, E - 56.509
Perani, D - 41.14
Pereira, E - 23.321
Perera, D - 23.524
Perez, C - 56.450
Perini, F - 54.15
Perler, B - 23.544
Pernet, C - 36.449, 36.451
Perrett, D - 52.23
Perrinet, LU - 36.545
Perrone, JA - 26.514
Perry, J - 35.12
Persike, M - 26.409
Persuh, M - 26.449, 33.551
Petersen, A - 53.328, 56.507
Peterson, M - 26.431, 43.310, 43.315
Peterson, MA - 26.441, 43.454
Peterson, MF - 61.24
Peterzell, D - 26.328
Petrini, K - 36.429
Petrov, A - 22.25, 43.401
Petrov, AA - 31.24, 42.25

Petrov, Y - 61.11
Pettypiece, C - 56.425
Peyrin, C - 56.450, 56.451, 56.452
Peyton, MS - 56.431
Pster, R - 53.446
Phan, M - 22.27
Pharchi, M - 56.501
Phelps, EA - 36.319
Philbeck, J - 56.428
Phillip, G - 52.11
Phillips, F - 23.414, 23.518, 51.16,
Phillips, J - 33.425
Piazza, E - 23.407, 23.412, 56.419
Pickup, L - 56.432
Pierce, L - 25.26
Pierce, M - 52.24
Pierce, R - 63.456
Pilz, KS - 21.21, 63.452
Pisella, L - 36.417
Pitcher, D - 23.539, 43.451
Pitts, CH - 16.448, 53.539
Piwek, L - 23.504
Pizlo, Z - 23.422, 56.426, 56.427,
Platt, M - 23.536
Plaut, D - 35.25
Ploran, E - 23.531
Pobric, G - 56.413
Poeppel, D - 32.15
Poggio, T - 16.438
Pola, J - 33.309
Polat, U - 63.327
Polczyk-Przybyla, JA - 53.547
Poletti, M - 23.316, 23.319, 23.320
Pollatsek, A - 23.324
Pollick, F - 23.504
Pollick, FE - 36.429
Pollmann, S - 36.436
Poltoratski, S - 23.541, 53.541
Pomerantz, J - 43.318, 53.409, 53.412
Pomerantz, JR - 53.443
Poncet, M - 56.512
Pont, S - 26.302
Popivanov, I - 23.502
Popovic, M - 26.503
Porcheron, A - 56.315
Portillo, M - 53.412
Portillo, MC - 53.443
Possidente, P - 55.16
Postma, A - 56.520
Potter, M - 54.28, 63.406
Poulter, D - 33.321, 36.410, 56.505
Powell, R - 33.454
Pradat-Diehl, P - 16.514
Pratt, J - 26.448, 33.437, 36.413,
53.304, 53.326
Preston, T - 56.416, 62.17
Price, K - 56.402
Prime, SL - 33.436
Prins, N - 26.521
Prinz, W - 23.506
Prinzmetal, W - 26.427
Proftt, D - 36.412, 36.421
Punzi, G - 63.322, 63.323
Purcell, B - 36.439
Purcell, C - 33.321, 56.505
Puri, A - 23.540
Purushothaman, G - 32.25

Putzeys, T - 26.542, 53.408

Pyles, J - 56.531
Pyles, JA - 43.452
Pylyshyn, Z - 23.424, 23.425, 36.446,
Pynn, L - 26.321

Qian, J - 61.11
Qian, S - 36.413
Qian, W - 54.22
Quadieg, S - 23.535
Quaia, C - 36.529
Quetard, B - 23.309

Radonjic, A - 16.528
Radonji, A - 42.12
Radulescu, P - 33.437
Rae-Hodgson, R - 63.301
Rafal, RD - 23.303
Ragland, D - 26.418
Raio, C - 36.319
Raj, A - 53.411, 53.537
Rajsic, J - 53.319
Ramachandran, V - 23.423, 26.329,
Ramon, M - 43.442
RANA, KD - 63.304
Rand, K - 56.433
Rangelov, D - 53.445
Raninen, A - 53.545
Rappaport, SJ - 26.440
Ratcliff, R - 42.25
Rathakrishnan, V - 23.424, 23.425
Ratzlaff, M - 33.517
Raudies, F - 36.547
Rauschecker, AM - 54.11
Raw, R - 53.520
Re, D - 52.23
Read, J - 52.13
Read, JC - 26.523
Reavis, EA - 16.504, 26.308, 53.442
Reddy, L - 56.512
Reed-Jones, J - 56.558
Reed-Jones, R - 56.558
Reed, C - 23.530
Reed, S - 63.320
Rees, G - 23.508, 24.11, 36.522,
52.16, 52.17, 52.21, 53.528,
Reeves, A - 26.320
Reichle, E - 23.324
Reichow, A - 43.425
Reijnen, E - 56.405
Remington, R - 53.315
Remus, D - 43.448
Rmy, F - 56.513
Renninger, L - 23.315, 23.549, 55.13
Rensink, R - 53.414
Ress, D - 23.305, 54.12
Reynolds, JH - 26.539
Rezlescu, C - 23.539
Rhee, J - 23.456
Rhodes, G - 23.522, 33.413
Rich, A - 53.430, 53.448
Richard, B - 35.16

VSS 2011 Program

Richler, JJ - 56.305
Riddle, M - 16.531
Riddoch, MJ - 26.440
Rider, D - 61.14
Riegal, Y - 53.405
Rieiro, H - 33.556
Ringbauer, S - 36.502
Ringstad, P - 63.314
Rio, KW - 53.503
Risko, E - 16.402, 43.439
Rivolta, D - 23.537
Ro, T - 26.449, 33.551, 36.440
Robbins, R - 23.524, 33.427
Robertson, C - 41.16
Robertson, E - 36.415
Robertson, L - 23.528, 23.540,
36.314, 53.301
Robertson, LC - 53.544
Robinson, A - 26.301
Roca-Vila, J - 26.306, 36.307
Rocchi, F - 33.519
Roehrbein, F - 16.415
Rogers, B - 33.532
Roggeveen, AB - 21.21
Rokem, A - 26.427, 36.518
Rolfs, M - 24.27, 63.318
Roller, B - 26.441
Roncato, S - 26.414
Roper, ZJ - 53.320
Roseboom, W - 55.17, 61.17
Rosen, S - 22.14
Rosenbaum, D - 36.421
Rosenberg, M - 16.503, 26.432
Rosenberg, Y - 33.447
Rosenholtz, R - 21.17, 53.411, 53.537
Rosenthal, M - 24.17
Roskies, A - 36.414
Ross, D - 33.416
Ross, M - 63.432
Rossion, B - 23.534, 23.535, 24.15,
43.436, 43.440, 43.441, 43.442,
43.443, 61.22
Rossit, S - 33.432, 55.11
Rossiter, A - 23.551
Roth, EJ - 36.443
Roth, J - 54.21
Roth, O - 16.447
Rothkirch, M - 16.414, 63.433
Rothkopf, C - 36.411
Rotshtein, P - 16.502
Roudaia, E - 63.452
Rousselet, G - 16.434, 36.449, 36.451
Rowe, J - 35.24
Rowe, JB - 25.23
Rubin, G - 33.326
Rucci, M - 23.316, 23.318, 23.319,
23.320, 36.401
Rudd, ME - 16.535
Ruijie, W - 43.432
Runeson, E - 16.515
Rushton, S - 36.402
Rushton, SK - 23.554, 25.11, 33.525,
Russell, R - 56.301, 56.315
Rutherford, M - 24.12

Saarinen, J - 63.401

Author Index
Sadeh, B - 35.22
Saeb, S - 23.313
Saegusa, C - 56.313
Saenz, M - 32.16
Said, CP - 16.501
Saiki, J - 26.434, 36.316, 56.529
Saint-Aubert, L - 56.513
Sakai, K - 16.435
Sakamoto, S - 26.332
Sakata, K - 26.319
Sakurai, K - 26.332
Saleem, K - 25.16
Salmela, V - 63.401
Salvagio, E - 26.441, 43.315
Sampath, V - 56.328
Sanbonmatsu, K - 16.441
Sandberg, K - 52.17
Sandini, G - 26.324, 43.409
Sanghvi, S - 53.544
Sanik, K - 63.314
Sanocki, T - 54.24, 56.444, 62.24
Sapir, A - 26.420
Saragih, J - 33.427
Sasaki, Y - 26.505, 32.27, 42.22,
Sato-Reinhold, J - 36.442, 56.418
Sato, H - 56.551
Sato, M - 43.421
Sato, T - 23.434, 23.515, 26.309
Saunders, DR - 23.507
Saunders, J - 23.421, 63.446
Savatovsky, J - 56.450
Sawada, T - 23.422, 56.426, 56.427,
Sawaki, R - 33.510
Sawayama, M - 16.530
Sawides, L - 23.406
Saxe, R - 43.451
Saygin, A - 53.433
Saygin, AP - 23.508, 26.428, 55.25
Sayim, B - 26.531, 53.553
Saylor, M - 43.408
Scalf, P - 56.556
Scarfe, P - 36.551
Schaal, B - 56.317
Schade, T - 43.302
Schall, J - 36.439
Schallmo, M - 26.408
Schapiro, AC - 36.511
Scharff, A - 56.555
Schiller, P - 43.316
Schiltz, C - 43.430, 43.453
Schindler, K - 33.410
Schirillo, J - 16.531
Schlegel, A - 36.414
Schloss, KB - 36.309, 36.312, 36.313,
Schluppeck, D - 26.515
Schmack, K - 36.546, 63.433
Schmidt, F - 53.418
Schmidt, J - 56.417
Schmidt, T - 26.407, 53.418, 63.429
Schnebelen, W - 31.27
Schneider, K - 26.518, 33.324
Schneider, W - 23.314, 43.452
Schneiderman, M - 23.444
Schoeld, A - 23.405
Schoeld, AJ - 23.418, 53.453
Scholl, B - 41.23, 53.425

Scholl, BJ - 53.540
Schner, G - 33.520
Schnhammer, J - 33.512, 53.322
Schor, C - 16.539, 33.310
Schor, CM - 61.13
Schrater, P - 26.507, 32.11
Schrater, PR - 36.504
Schreij, D - 26.439, 33.511
Schroeder, J - 16.541
Schultz, J - 23.503, 23.527, 33.409
Schtz, A - 36.536
Schtz, AC - 33.544, 36.534
Schwan, S - 23.326
Schwartz, O - 16.415
Schwarzbach, J - 54.15
Schwarzkopf, D - 24.11
Schwarzkopf, DS - 53.528, 53.548
Schweinhart, AM - 26.540
Schyns, P - 52.22
Schyns, PG - 56.439, 61.25
Scifo, P - 41.14
Scilipoti, E - 16.543
Scimeca, J - 53.305, 54.21
Sciutti, A - 26.324, 43.409
Scoeld, I - 53.429
Scolari, M - 21.23
Scott, L - 25.26
Scott, LS - 56.318
Seckel, E - 23.423, 26.329, 36.317
Sederberg, P - 34.22, 43.401
Sederberg, PB - 56.515
Seegmiller, J - 23.432
Seibert, D - 56.531
Seiffert, AE - 23.427, 23.433, 23.438,
Seitz, A - 36.516, 53.451
Sekuler, AB - 21.21, 23.445, 26.527,
36.433, 43.438, 56.511, 61.21,
63.452, 63.453
Sekuler, R - 16.509, 23.445
Sekunova, A - 23.538, 33.415, 56.533
Selden, D - 63.310
Self, E - 33.553, 53.429, 56.544
Selig, G - 43.433
Semmelmann, K - 56.310
Seo, KB - 23.447, 26.443
Serences, J - 21.23, 26.450, 36.519
Seror, G - 26.438
Serra, A - 23.304
Serrano-Pedraza, I - 26.523
Serre, T - 16.438, 43.422, 53.406,
56.516, 56.546
Seydell, A - 26.407
Sha, L - 53.524
Shachar, M - 33.447
Shahani, U - 63.455
Shalev, L - 56.501
Shamshiri, E - 63.328
Shankey, J - 54.16
Shapiro, A - 16.532
Shapley, R - 26.546
Shapley, RM - 26.547
Sharan, L - 21.17, 23.511
Shariat Torbaghan, S - 56.415
Sharman, R - 26.406
Sharp, M - 63.434
Sharpee, TO - 26.539
Sheedy, J - 36.544
Sheinberg, D - 56.401

Sheinberg, DL - 56.530
Sheldon, C - 56.533
Sheliga, B - 36.529
Shelton, A - 53.415
Shen, J - 56.316
Sherman, A - 36.426
Sherman, AM - 56.406
Sherrington, R - 33.523
Shevell, S - 16.533, 31.25, 63.415
Shi, Y - 23.422, 56.426
Shibata, K - 23.553, 26.505
Shibata, T - 43.418
Shiffrar, M - 23.514, 63.312, 63.424,
Shim, WM - 63.309
Shimojo, E - 56.311, 56.312
Shimojo, S - 53.530, 56.311, 56.312,
56.313, 56.510
Shimomura, T - 63.410
Shin, K - 53.554
Shinohara, K - 26.532
Shioiri, S - 26.312, 33.530, 36.447
Shirai, N - 33.320
Shohara, R - 26.413, 26.419
Shomstein, S - 26.433, 26.448,
33.508, 63.435
Shooner, C - 36.548
Short, L - 56.329
Shrimpton, S - 33.426
Siagian, C - 36.404
Siddiqui, A - 33.448
Siddiqui, AP - 26.430
Siegel, M - 26.507
Sihite, DN - 36.457
Silbert, N - 52.26
Silver, M - 23.407, 23.412, 26.427,
26.545, 36.325, 36.518
Silver, MA - 53.544
Silverstein, S - 26.405
Silverstein, SM - 26.418
Simmers, A - 31.17, 33.326, 33.329
Simon, MG - 56.515
Simoncini, C - 36.545
Simons, D - 16.518, 56.527
Sims, CR - 34.26
Singer, J - 16.437, 31.26, 56.516
Singh, K - 36.535
Singh, M - 26.402, 26.403, 34.14,
43.306, 43.307, 43.308, 43.311,
Singh, P - 36.409
Sinha, P - 23.520, 23.521, 26.323,
36.431, 41.13, 43.407
Sinnott-Armstrong, W - 36.414
Sio, JL - 36.326
Sipe, G - 26.326
Slesar, C - 16.519, 23.457
Sloper, J - 33.326
Smeets, JB - 23.552
Smilek, D - 61.27
Smirl, J - 16.545
Smith, AT - 33.523, 36.521, 55.24
Smith, E - 63.430
Smith, F - 33.404, 56.303
Smith, FW - 32.17
Smith, L - 16.404
Smith, P - 53.538
Smith, TJ - 16.407
Smuskowitz, L - 33.434
Vision Sciences Society


Author Index
Snapp-Childs, W - 33.429, 33.442,
Snow, J - 56.425
Snyder, JJ - 26.425
Sofer, I - 56.546
Sok, KW - 23.511
Sokoliuk, R - 36.416
Sokumbi, D - 53.412
Solomon, J - 34.16
Solomon, JA - 53.413
Song, C - 24.11, 53.528
Song, J - 53.457
Song, S - 33.332
Srensen, TA - 43.327
Sosa, Y - 53.313, 53.421
Soto, F - 53.523
Soussignan, R - 56.317
Sparapani, S - 36.553
Sparck, E - 43.318
Speck, O - 36.436, 36.523
Spelke, E - 16.452
Spencer, JM - 56.511
Spering, M - 36.539
Sperling, G - 36.549, 63.440
Spitschan, M - 43.420
Sponheim, S - 26.408
Srihasam, K - 36.515, 36.527
Srinivasan, R - 21.25
St. Clair, R - 23.439
Stanton, H - 43.437
Steel, W - 23.504
Steeves, J - 16.440, 33.324
Steeves, JK - 36.434
Stefanucci, J - 56.429
Stefanucci, JK - 53.508
Stein, T - 36.320
Steinbach, MJ - 43.410
Stemmler, T - 43.422
Stepanov, V - 16.524
Stephen, I - 52.23
Stephens, L - 33.454
Sterling, C - 55.15
Sterzer, P - 16.414, 36.320, 36.546,
Stewart, L - 52.21
Stiels, M - 36.408
Stienen, B - 33.410
Stigliani, A - 56.436
Stiles, J - 24.16
Stjepanovic, D - 33.405
Stocker, AA - 31.12
Stoeth, D - 54.28
Stojanoski, B - 36.444
Stolte, M - 54.26
Stone, L - 23.306
Stoyanova, RS - 56.314
Strang, NC - 63.455
Stransky, D - 63.442
Strauss, ED - 36.313
Strauss, M - 26.418
Strayer, D - 23.432
Strickland, B - 33.449
Stroman, P - 56.425
Stromswold, K - 24.17, 56.445
Strong, E - 56.301
Strother, L - 43.303, 43.304
Stroud, M - 53.447
Stroyan, K - 33.517, 33.537
Stuit, S - 36.318


Vision Sciences Society

VSS 2011 Program

Stupina, A - 43.318, 53.409
Su, C - 35.11
Su, J - 33.419
Su, X - 43.308
Su, YR - 26.412
Suchow, J - 16.429, 63.315
Sugarman, M - 53.420
Sugovic, M - 56.434
Sullivan, B - 36.411
Sulman, N - 54.24, 56.444
Sun, H - 56.525
Sunny, MM - 33.506
Susilo, T - 33.411
Suttle, LK - 53.522
Suzuki, H - 36.303
Suzuki, S - 21.22, 23.402, 32.12,
33.546, 36.426, 56.402, 63.430
Suzuki, Y - 26.332
Swallow, K - 53.314
Sweeny, T - 55.26
Swisher, J - 42.21
Sy, J - 53.317
Sy, JL - 21.27, 36.442
Symons, L - 16.538
Szinte, M - 33.306

Tadin, D - 26.327, 26.506, 26.517,
Tahir, H - 16.539
Tai, Y - 36.544
Tailor, V - 33.326
Tajima, S - 36.303, 55.23
Takahashi, E - 42.22
Takahashi, T - 16.511
Takeda, T - 16.511
Takemura, H - 55.23
Takenaka, I - 56.551
Tam, D - 53.410
Tamietto, M - 33.406
Tan, C - 16.438
Tan, H - 23.504
Tan, Z - 26.520
Tanaka, J - 23.532, 25.26, 61.27
Tanaka, JT - 23.450
Tanaka, JW - 52.24
TANAKA, Y - 43.413
Tao, G - 53.504
Tao, L - 36.526
Tapia, E - 26.417
Tappen, MF - 31.23
Tarampi, M - 56.433
Tarampi, MR - 53.508, 56.431
Tarita-Nistor, L - 43.410
Tarr, M - 56.531
Tarr, MJ - 36.520, 43.452, 56.530
Tas, C - 33.303
Taubert, J - 52.27
Taya, S - 16.406
Taylor, C - 36.308, 36.310
te Pas, S - 23.420
ten Oever, S - 43.453
Tenenbaum, J - 33.534
Teng, S - 36.425
Terao, M - 31.13
Teves, J - 53.509
Thai, K - 53.450
Thaler, L - 36.418

Theeuwes, J - 23.301, 23.443, 24.26,

32.22, 63.423
Thengone, D - 26.541
Theobald, S - 53.325
Thesen, T - 16.427
Thiebaut de Schotten, M - 16.514
Thomas, A - 33.524
Thomas, C - 16.423, 41.16
Thomas, J - 23.514
Thomas, L - 16.418, 23.438
Thomas, LE - 23.433
Thomas, R - 36.432
Thompson, J - 23.531
Thompson, P - 26.530
Thompson, TW - 23.440
Thompson, W - 56.429, 56.433
Thompson, WB - 53.508
Thornton, IM - 23.441, 33.426
Thorpe, S - 23.310
Thorpe, SJ - 23.311, 34.27
Thurman, S - 23.509
Tibber, M - 53.535, 54.18
Tillman, KA - 31.27
Tillman, M - 33.417
Tjan, BS - 16.413, 16.426, 22.12,
26.525, 53.546, 53.550, 53.554
Tkaczyk, A - 43.323
Toba, MN - 16.514
Todd, J - 33.454, 51.16
Todd, JT - 23.414, 31.24
Todorov, A - 23.535, 52.21
Todorovic, D - 23.419
Tokuda, S - 36.531
Tokunaga, R - 16.531, 26.312
Tllner, T - 53.445
Tong, F - 42.16, 42.21
Tong, J - 16.539, 33.310
Tootell, R - 35.23
Torfs, K - 56.526
Torralba, A - 16.442
Toscani, M - 26.303
Toseeb, MU - 23.526
Tower-Richardi, S - 33.305
Townsend, J - 52.26
Toyoshima, H - 53.407
Tran, C - 56.544
Travis, S - 21.26
Tremblay, J - 63.325
Tremblay, L - 23.548, 36.424
Triesch, J - 23.313
Troje, N - 23.513
Troje, NF - 23.507
Trommershaeuser, J - 53.529
Troncoso, XG - 23.304
Trongnetrpunya, A - 16.427
Tsai, Y - 42.23
Tsal, Y - 41.25, 53.306
Tsang, T - 36.312
Tschechne, S - 33.528
Tse, P - 26.424, 36.414, 63.305
Tse, PU - 16.504, 26.308, 36.550,
53.442, 62.12
Tseng, C - 33.314, 33.322
Tseng, P - 63.454
Tseng, Y - 26.451, 53.329
Tsirlin, I - 63.441
Tsoi, L - 36.530, 36.532
Tsotsos, LE - 63.453
Tsou, B - 26.333

Tsubomi, H - 63.418
Tsui, GH - 33.314, 33.322
Tsuruhara, A - 33.320
Turk-Browne, NB - 16.501, 35.26,
36.505, 36.511, 53.522, 56.515
Turner, K - 53.423
Turret, J - 56.553
Twarog, NR - 31.23
Twedt, E - 36.412, 36.421
Tyler, C - 51.11
Tyler, CW - 63.445
Tyler, SC - 43.326, 56.309

Uchikawa, K - 26.311, 26.319,
26.532, 53.517
Unuma, H - 43.301
Urgen, BA - 26.428, 55.25
Uruno, Y - 53.506
Utz, S - 62.22

Vaina, L - 63.303
VAINA, L - 63.304
Valadao, D - 53.323
Valero-Cabr, A - 36.445
Valsecchi, M - 26.303, 33.547, 56.438
van Beers, RJ - 23.552
Van Belle, G - 23.534
van Boxtel, J - 23.517
van der Burg, E - 32.22
van der Kooij, K - 23.420
van der Linde, I - 16.443
van der Smagt, M - 36.318
Van der Stigchel, S - 16.410, 36.322,
van der Stigchel, S - 23.303
Van Der Zwaag, W - 32.16
van Doorn, A - 56.420
Van Horn, NM - 31.24, 42.25
van Koningsbruggen, MG - 23.303
van Lamsweerde, AE - 16.449
van Mierlo, CM - 63.437
van Wezel, R - 26.513
van Zon, J - 43.430
Vancleef, K - 53.408
Vanduffel, W - 23.502
Vangkilde, S - 53.328
Vannasing, P - 63.325
Vanni, M - 52.14
Vanrell, M - 26.306
VanRullen, R - 16.430, 26.519,
36.416, 36.437, 41.27, 56.412
Varakin, DA - 56.437
Vatterott, D - 33.507
Vayssire, N - 56.513
Vaziri Pashkam, M - 51.24
Vecera, S - 33.507, 54.27
Vecera, SP - 53.320
Veenemans, A - 53.424
Velichkovsky, B - 63.310
Venkatramanan, S - 16.510
Verghese, P - 41.21, 53.309
Vernet, M - 36.415
Verosky, SC - 35.26
Verstraten, F - 36.318
Verstraten, FA - 31.14

VSS 2011 Program

Verstynen, TD - 43.452
Vessel, E - 33.312
Vetter, P - 32.17
Vicente-Grabovetsky, A - 32.26,
Vickery, T - 43.317
Victor, J - 26.541
Vida, M - 56.324
Vienne, C - 43.419
Vignal, C - 56.451
Vilis, T - 43.303, 43.304
Vingilis-Jaremko, L - 56.323
Viret, A - 56.451
Visser, TA - 16.525
Viswanathan, J - 16.412, 26.444,
63.432, 63.434
Vitu, F - 23.302, 23.310
Vizioli, L - 16.419, 56.303, 56.308
Vlaskamp, B - 36.538
Vlassova, A - 63.408
Vo, M - 62.27
Vo, V - 23.547
Vogel, E - 16.451, 23.454
Vogel, EK - 23.452, 63.418
Vogels, R - 23.502
Volcic, R - 51.17
Von Der Heide, RJ - 56.325
von der Heydt, R - 16.506, 53.402
von Grnau, M - 36.553
von Loga, IS - 16.432
von Muhlenen, A - 33.506, 54.23
Vul, E - 43.321
Vuong, QC - 16.513
Vurro, M - 21.16

Wade, A - 41.21
Wagemans, J - 26.542, 43.311,
53.408, 56.420, 56.526
Walker, J - 36.403
Wallace, C - 33.452
Wallace, G - 41.16
Wallace, J - 53.550
Wallace, JM - 53.546
Wallis, G - 25.12, 52.25
Wallis, T - 35.13
Wallis, TS - 53.552
Wallman, J - 51.23
Wallraven, C - 56.306
Walsh, V - 36.522
Walston, S - 32.25
Walther, DB - 62.14
Wandell, B - 26.544, 33.557
Wandell, BA - 54.11
Wang, A - 36.326
Wang, C - 16.516
Wang, HX - 26.550
Wang, L - 23.516, 26.415, 33.540,
53.436, 54.25
Wang, M - 63.328
Wang, R - 22.24, 22.26
Wang, W - 26.401, 26.411
Wang, X - 16.427
Wang, Y - 36.321
Wann, J - 33.321, 36.410, 53.513,
Ward, EJ - 36.328
Warren, P - 36.402

Author Index
Warren, PA - 23.554, 33.525, 33.526
Warren, W - 36.405, 36.407, 53.507
Warren, WH - 53.503, 53.516
Waskom, ML - 23.440
Wasserman, E - 53.523
Watamaniuk, SN - 36.555
Watanabe, T - 16.543, 16.544,
23.553, 26.505, 32.27, 36.514,
36.516, 36.524, 42.22, 42.23
Watson, A - 56.544
Watson, J - 23.432
Watt, SJ - 43.416
Wattam-Bell, J - 24.12, 26.511,
Waugh, SJ - 26.535, 53.543, 53.547
Webb, B - 41.11
Webb, BS - 33.519
Weber, C - 23.313
Weber, R - 53.505
Weber, S - 53.433
Webster, K - 56.503
Webster, M - 16.540, 23.406, 33.417,
33.418, 43.435
Weigelt, S - 56.310
Weightman, DA - 36.420
Weiler, J - 23.307, 23.308
Weimer, S - 33.425
Weinshall, D - 56.546
Weinstein, A - 63.314
Weiss, S - 33.508
Welchman, AE - 43.417, 51.13,
53.453, 63.436, 63.437, 63.438,
Wells, E - 33.513
Welsh, T - 23.307
Wendel, L - 53.431
Weng, Q - 26.533
Weng, X - 16.433, 53.436
Wenger, M - 16.510
Wenger, MJ - 56.325
Wenner, J - 33.319
Wesner, MF - 36.517
West, G - 33.437, 36.413, 53.304
Weston, R - 16.538
Wexler, M - 36.552
Weymouth, A - 63.450
Wheatley, T - 36.414
Whitaker, D - 23.455
White, A - 26.453
White, B - 16.516, 23.301
Whitehead, R - 52.23
Whitney, D - 23.540, 26.424, 33.302,
36.425, 36.550, 36.554, 54.16,
55.26, 63.316, 63.317
Whitty, N - 23.539
Wichmann, F - 26.542
Wiebel, C - 56.438
Wieczorek, K - 36.449, 36.451
Wilcox, L - 63.441
Wilcox, LM - 63.442
Wilder, J - 26.402
Wilke, C - 55.14
Wilkie, DR - 36.420
Wilkie, R - 23.551, 33.443, 53.501,
53.513, 53.520
Willenbockel, V - 23.450
Williams, C - 23.324, 23.531
Williams, M - 63.407
Williams, V - 36.448

Wilmer, J - 36.530, 36.532, 56.301

Wilmut, K - 56.505
Wilson, AD - 63.457
Wilson, CE - 23.537
Wilson, D - 53.319, 53.437
Wilson, DE - 53.321
Wilson, HR - 33.421
Wilson, KE - 63.458
Winawer, J - 26.544, 33.557, 54.11
Windridge, D - 16.406
Windsor, M - 53.308
Winkler, A - 26.451
Winkler, P - 16.540
Winter, H - 53.405
Wirxel, B - 55.14
Wismeijer, D - 23.317
Witherspoon, R - 53.437
Witt, J - 23.546, 53.531, 56.434
Witthoft, N - 23.541
Wolfe, B - 33.302
Wolfe, J - 53.431, 53.435, 53.440,
56.407, 56.441, 62.21, 62.27
Wolfe, JM - 51.25, 56.406, 56.408,
56.409, 63.428
Wolfe, U - 26.321
Wolff, M - 21.15
Won, B - 33.407
Wong, AC - 56.547
Wong, E - 26.529
Wong, J - 26.431
Wong, YK - 22.17
Wood, MJ - 36.301
Woodman, G - 36.327, 36.439, 62.25,
Woods, D - 43.305
Wright, C - 63.328
Wright, H - 26.429
Wright, O - 26.511
Wright, T - 33.501, 33.509, 33.516
Wu, C - 16.411, 63.314, 63.329
Wu, D - 53.530
Wu, E - 63.417
Wu, Y - 56.514
Wulff, J - 36.431, 43.407
Wurnitsch, N - 63.317
Wyatte, D - 16.439
Wyble, B - 33.554, 54.28

Xiao, D - 52.23
Xiao, J - 16.442
Xing, D - 26.546, 26.547
Xu, B - 23.532
Xu, G - 16.433
Xu, H - 43.427
Xu, KZ - 24.24
Xu, T - 16.404, 16.405
Xu, X - 41.17, 53.526
Xu, Y - 16.425, 16.452, 16.512,
33.422, 36.520, 53.318, 53.541,
Xuan, Y - 33.453

Yaguchi, H - 36.305
Yamaguchi, M - 56.321
Yamaguchi, MK - 33.320, 56.319,

Yamaguchi, T - 26.319
Yamamoto, H - 36.316
Yamamoto, K - 53.517
Yamanashi Leib, A - 23.540
Yamanoi, T - 53.407
Yamashita, W - 56.326
Yamauchi, Y - 26.319
Yampolsky, D - 32.25
Yang, F - 26.502
Yang, H - 53.423, 61.23
Yang, S - 36.533
Yang, X - 23.512, 33.538
Yang, Y - 26.401, 26.411
Yang, Z - 16.433, 16.436, 26.538
Yantis, S - 53.310, 63.419
Yao, R - 56.527
Yarrow, K - 61.17
Yashar, A - 43.322, 53.444
Yazdanbakhsh, A - 16.527, 26.551,
Yazdi, D - 56.415
Yeh, C - 26.546, 26.547
Yeh, S - 22.16, 33.505
Yen, S - 43.412
Yeshurun, Y - 62.23
Yi, M - 56.427
Yin, J - 26.401, 26.411
Yokosawa, K - 26.330, 26.445,
Yonas, A - 23.536, 33.315, 56.327
Yoo, H - 43.425
Yoo, S - 56.528
Yoonessi, A - 33.536
Yoshida, K - 26.319
Yoshioka, A - 36.316
Yoshizawa, T - 53.506
Young, A - 43.446
Young, AH - 23.327
Yovel, G - 23.521, 35.21, 35.22,
Yu, A - 16.409
Yu, C - 16.404, 16.405, 22.24, 22.26,
36.501, 41.12, 56.548
Yu, D - 33.408
Yu, H - 52.22
Yuen, WS - 56.547

Zadra, J - 36.421
Zadra, JR - 36.412
Zahabi, S - 53.555
Zaidi, Q - 23.417, 26.313, 26.317,
33.535, 42.15
Zannoli, M - 36.423
Zaric, G - 26.505
Zehetleitner, M - 56.405
Zeiner, KM - 43.420
Zelinsky, G - 23.322, 56.403, 56.404,
Zenon, A - 32.21
Zenon, P - 23.428
Zerouali, Y - 43.455
Zhang, G - 41.12
Zhang, H - 55.12
Zhang, J - 22.26, 25.25, 55.22, 56.548
Zhang, NR - 53.402
Zhang, P - 26.322, 33.521
Zhang, R - 26.517

Vision Sciences Society


Author Index
Zhang, S - 23.323, 36.456, 51.26
zhang, w - 23.533
Zhang, W - 63.405, 63.420
Zhang, X - 16.517, 23.403, 26.401,
26.411, 53.441, 53.521
Zhang, Z - 33.310
Zhao, H - 53.507
Zhao, J - 36.505
Zhao, M - 36.407, 53.442
Zhao, Y - 36.453
Zhaoping, L - 16.517, 23.403, 26.549,
43.420, 53.441
Zhentao, Z - 43.432
Zhou, J - 33.327
Zhou, K - 54.22, 56.537
Zhou, T - 25.25
Zhou, X - 36.427
Zhou, Y - 33.327, 36.526
Zhuo, Y - 25.25
Ziegler, R - 23.536
Ziesche, A - 33.307
Zimmermann, E - 24.25
Zink, T - 33.431
Zirnsak, M - 24.24
Zokaei, N - 63.421
Zotov, A - 63.307
Zucker, S - 53.401
Zughni, S - 32.13
Zuxiang, L - 43.432


Vision Sciences Society

VSS 2011 Program

Hotel Floorplan
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Vista Ballroom

Aura Restaurant

Aura Bar
Sunset Deck

Ballroom Level (2nd Floor)

Royal Palm

Orchid Ballroom


Royal Palm Foyer

Orchid Foyer


Vision Sciences Society









2011 Travel and Young Investigator Awards
Vision Research is delighted to help 20 delegates attend VSS in 2011


D.M. Levi, Berkeley, CA, USA



W. Baehr, Salt Lake City, UT, USA

D. Burr, Milano, Italy
M. Carrasco, New York, NY, USA
D.H. Foster, Manchester, UK
R. Krauzlis, La Jolla, CA, USA
M.S. Landy, New York, NY, USA



Biochemistry & Cell Biology  Molecular Biology & Genetics

Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology & Pharmacology  Optics, Accommodation & Refractive Error
Circuitry & Pathways  Psychophysics  Perception  Attention & Cognition
Computational Vision  Eye Movements & Visuomotor Control

An International Journal for Functional Aspects of Vision






ISSN 0042-6989

Volume 51

Issue 6

25 March 2011



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Object Perception Attention & Memory


Submission Deadline - July 15, 2011

Keynote speaker:
Dr. Brian Scholl, Yale University
For more information, visit http://www.opam.net
Brian Levinthal
Northwestern University
[email protected]

Tim Vickery
Yale University
[email protected]

Carly Leonard
University of California Davis
[email protected]

Melissa V
Harvard Medical School
[email protected]

SR Research

SR Research
Complete Eye Tracking Solutions


EyeLink 1000

Why Use Several Different Eye Trackers

When You Can Have Several in One?
EyeLink 1000 is an easy to use eye tracking system that can be setup in several different configurations,
including 2000 Hz head supported, 500 Hz Remote (Head Free), and now 1000 Hz for MEG / MRI use.
Key Specifications
Head Supported

Remote (Head Free)

Sampling Rate

2000 Hz Monocular
1000 Hz Binocular

500 Hz Monocular

Average Accuracy

down to 0.15
(0.25 - 0.5 typical)

down to 0.25
(0.5 typical)


0.01 RMS
micro-saccade resolution of 0.05

0.05 RMS
saccade resolution of 0.25

Participant Setup

Very simple and easy: Typically 2-5 minutes.

The EyeLink 1000 consists of a core base system that can be used with five different mounting options,
providing the ultimate in system extensionality.


Long Range

Mounting Options
Our most popular mount: easy to transport, no electronics near the participants head.
Supports high speed head supported and remote (head free) recording modes.
Binocular or monocular tracking.
Provides an increased eye tracking range compared to the other mounts.
Also useful when participant is using a touch screen.
Monocular eye tracking.
A modified Desktop mount affixed to a 17 LCD monitor and flexible LCD arm.
For MEG and MRI use. Supports distances between 60 and 150 cm.
Useful in non-human primate research environments where hardware is mounted to primate chair.

The custom designed high speed EyeLink 1000 camera can be upgraded in three different ways,
further extending the systems high end specifications and usage options.
Camera Upgrades
Remote (Head Free) Allows the EyeLink 1000 system with Desktop or LCD Arm mounts to be used
as a 500 Hz Remote eye tracker; no head stabilization required.
2000 Hz
Provides a 2000 Hz monocular sampling rate and a 1000 Hz binocular sampling rate
when used with mounting options that support binocular tracking.
Provides the best real-time sample access delays.
Fiber Optic
Upgrades the standard EyeLink 1000 camera to the miniature
Fiber Optic camera head. Ideal for MEG, MRI, and EEG applications.

SR Research also provides the most flexible, graphically based, Experiment Building software;
completely integrated with the EyeLink 1000 eye tracking platform.

EyeLink and the EyeLink logo are registered trademarks of SR Research Ltd., Mississauga Canada 2011 SR Research Ltd. All rights reserved

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