Regenerative Braking System by DEEPAK CHANDRA
Regenerative Braking System by DEEPAK CHANDRA
Regenerative Braking System by DEEPAK CHANDRA
Submitted to
Under The Guidance of
Mrs. Beena Mishra
Asst. Professor
Automobile Engineering Department,
RJIT, Tekanpur
Session: 2014-2015
We are pleased to recommend that work submitted by DEEPAK CHANDRA,
accepted toward the partial fulfillment of the degree of Bachelor of Technology in
Automobile Engineering.
Asst. Professor
Automobile Engineering
Automobile Engineering
This is to certify that the thesis entitled DESIGN OF REGENERATIVE
BRAKING SYSTEM is being submitted in the partial fulfillment of the
requirement for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Automobile
Engineering, is a record of own work carried out by DEEPAK CHANDRA, under
the supervision and guidance of Mrs. Beena Mishra, Asst. Professor, Automobile
Engineering, Rustamji Institute of Technology, BSF Tekanpur, Gwalior.
It is an authentic work carried out by him under my supervision and guidance. To the
best of my knowledge, the matter embodied in this Dissertation has not been
submitted to any other university/institute for award of any Degree or Diploma.
I avail this opportunity to extent my hearty indebtedness to my guide Mrs. Beena
I hereby certify that the thesis entitled DESIGN OF REGENERATIVE BRAKING
SYSTEM is being submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the
award of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Automobile Engineering, is a
record of my own work carried out under the supervision and guidance of Mrs.
Beena Mishra, Asst. Professor, Automobile Engineering, Rustamji Institute of
Technology, BSF Tekanpur, Gwalior.
The matter presented in this thesis has not been submitted elsewhere for the award of
any degree/diploma.
Regenerative Braking System (RBS) is an efficient system to reduce vehicle
emission and fuel consumption. RBS is a system which converts mechanical energy
to electrical energy during braking action. It will become an important system for
future vehicle such as hybrid and electric car.
When riding a vehicle, a great amount of kinetic energy is lost when braking, making
start up fairly strenuous. The goal of our project was to develop a product that stores
the energy which is normally lost during braking, and reuses it to help propel the
rider when starting. This was accomplished with a Generator fitted with rubber wheel
whose parameters were optimized based on engineering, consumer preference, and
manufacturing models. The resulting product is one which is practical and potentially
very profitable in the market place.
In this project we use the heat energy by lightening the LED which is lost by
applying brakes. After applying brake on the wheel the kinetic energy of wheel is
transferred to the rubber wheel attached to the generator which is then transformed in
the electrical energy. This electrical energy is used to lightening the LED. We can
also use this energy for other purpose by storing in the battery
Project Introduction
Problem Statement
Literature Review
Electrical Generator
Future work
A regenerative brake is an apparatus, a device or system which
allows a vehicle to recapture part of the kinetic energy that would
otherwise be lost to heat when braking and make use of that power
either by storing it for future use or feeding it back into a power
system for other vehicles to use.
dynamo. This generated electricity is fed into a chemical storage battery and used
later to power the car at city speeds.
Regenerative braking takes energy normally wasted during braking and turns it into
usable energy. It is not, however, a perpetual motion machine. Energy is still lost
through friction with the road surface and other drains on the system. The energy
collected during braking does not restore all the energy lost during driving. It does
improve energy efficiency and assist the main alternator
At present, these kinds of brakes are primarily found in hybrid vehicles like the
Toyota Prius, and in fully electric cars, like the Tesla Roadster. In vehicles like these,
keeping the battery charged is of considerable importance. However, the technology
was first used in trolley cars and has subsequently found its way into such unlikely
places as electric bicycles and even Formula One race cars.
In a traditional braking system, brake pads produce friction with the brake rotors to
slow or stop the vehicle. Additional friction is produced between the slowed wheels
and the surface of the road. This friction is what turns the car's kinetic energy into
heat. With regenerative brakes, on the other hand, the system that drives the vehicle
does the majority of the braking. When the driver steps on the brake pedal of an
electric or hybrid vehicle, these types of brakes put the vehicle's electric motor into
reverse mode, causing it to run backwards, thus slowing the car's wheels. While
running backwards, the motor also acts as an electric generator, producing electricity
that's then fed into the vehicle's batteries. These types of brakes work better at certain
speeds than at others. In fact, they're most effective in stop-and-go driving situations.
However, hybrids and fully electric cars also have friction brakes, as a kind of backup system in situations where regenerative braking simply won't supply enough
stopping power.
Problem Statement
At the 21th century, the automotive industry has post a great
challenge in order to reduce the vehicle fuel consumption and
emission, these is due to the shortage of fuel resources and worsen
air pollution problem. According to figures released by the US
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), conventional ICE vehicles
currently contribute 40-50% of ozone, 80-90% of carbon monoxide,
and 50-60% of air toxins found in urban areas. A study shows that,
batteries, but both battery are very expensive and still can cause
environmental damage due to the toxic content.
Introduction of Regenerative Braking System (RBS)
from wheel
A brake is a device for slowing or stopping the motion of a machine or
vehicle, and to keep it from starting to move again. The kinetic energy lost
by the moving part is usually translated to heat by friction. Alternatively,
in regenerative braking, much of the energy is recovered and stored in a
flywheel, capacitor or turned into alternating current by an alternator,
then rectified and stored in a battery for later use.
Brakes of some description are fitted to most wheeled vehicles, including
automobiles of all kinds, trucks, trains, motorcycles, and bicycles.
Baggage carts and shopping carts may have them for use on a moving
ramp. Some aeroplanes are fitted with wheel brakes on the undercarriage.
Some aircraft also feature air brakes designed to slow them down in flight.
Notable examples include gliders and some WWII-era fighter aircraft.
These allow the aircraft to maintain a safe speed in a steep descent. The
Saab B 17 dive bomber used the deployed undercarriage as an air brake.
Deceleration and avoiding acceleration when going downhill can also be
achieved by using a low gear.
Friction brakes on cars store the heat in the rotating part (drum brake or
disc brake) during the brake application and release it to the air gradually.
Fig-3.2: Regenerative Braking System
a) Layout 1
b) Layout 2
In still other features of the invention, the regenerative braking device is an electric traction
system. A back pressure valve is connected to a cathode of the fuel cell stack. The back
pressure valve protects the fuel cell stack from the high airflow and pressure. A controller
controls a brake torque of the regenerative braking device as a function of vehicle speed and
modulates the bypass valve to vary the artificial load.
Further areas of applicability of the present invention will become apparent from the detailed
description provided hereinafter. It should be understood that the detailed description and
specific examples, while indicating the preferred embodiment of the invention, are intended
for purposes of illustration only and are not intended to limit the scope of the invention.
The regenerative braking device generates power when the vehicle coasts (causing slight
deceleration), is travelling downhill, and/or when the driver applies the brakes (to decelerate
the vehicle). A power distribution device such as a high-voltage bus distributes the power that
is generated by the regenerative braking device. The power distribution device distributes
power directly to one or more loads and/or recharges the storage battery depending upon the
When the driver depresses the accelerator, an internal combustion engine generates power
from air and fuel that is supplied to the engine. When the vehicle is coasting or braking to
reduce speed, the regenerative braking device generates power that can be used to charge the
storage battery and/or to power the loads. Oftentimes, the storage battery provides power to
the accessories at lower speeds and when the vehicle is stopped to improve fuel efficiency of
the vehicle.
A regenerative braking system for a batteriless fuel cell vehicle. The regenerative braking
system includes a regenerative braking device that is coupled to at least one wheel of the fuel
cell vehicle. The regenerative braking device is preferably an electric traction system. The
regenerative braking system includes a fuel cell stack that includes an anode flowline with an
inlet and an outlet. The fuel cell also includes a cathode flowline with an inlet and outlet.
The regenerative braking system further includes an air compressor, a back pressure valve
and a bypass valve. The bypass valve is connected to an outlet of the air compressor, a
cathode of the fuel cell stack and to the environment. A power output of the regenerative
braking device is connected to a power distribution device that is connected to loads. The
loads preferably include fans, pumps, an air conditioning compressor, heaters, 12 volt battery,
and other devices. The brake torque (and energy) provided by the regenerative braking device
is preferably set as a function of vehicle speed.
The air compressor pressurizes supply air and outputs the pressurized air to the bypass valve.
A controller is connected to the back pressure valve, the bypass value, the compressor, and a
vehicle data bus. The controller modulates the bypass valve to selectively divert the air to the
inlet of the cathode flow line, to exhaust the air and/or to direct the air to another device.
During normal driving when the vehicle's speed is greater than zero and the vehicle is not
accelerating or when the vehicle is at constant velocity, the regenerative braking device
produces power and the loads dissipate the energy. During braking and coasting, air and fuel
to the fuel cell stack are preferably shut off and no fuel consumption occurs. As a result, the
output of the fuel cell stack is 0 kW during braking and coasting.
Electrical Generator
An electrical generator is a device that converts mechanical energy to
electrical energy, generally using electromagnetic induction. The source of
mechanical energy may be a reciprocating or turbine steam engine, water
falling through a turbine or waterwheel, an internal combustion engine, a
wind turbine, a hand crank, or any other source of mechanical energy.
designed appropriately, this heat can be used to warm the vehicle interior.
If dissipated externally, large radiator-like cowls are employed to house
the resistor banks. The main disadvantage of regenerative brakes when
compared with dynamic brakes is the need to closely match the
generated current with the supply characteristics. With DC supplies, this
requires that the voltage be closely controlled. Only with the development
of power electronics has this been possible with AC supplies, where the
supply frequency must also be matched (this mainly applies to
locomotives where an AC supply is rectified for DC motors).A small
number of mountain railways have used 3-phase power supplies and 3phase induction motors. This results in a near constant speed for all trains
as the motors rotate with the supply frequency both when motoring and
technologies for many years, and in which fears about carbon emissions are coming to a
peak, this added efficiency is becoming increasingly important.
Future work would consist of a redesign of this model to see exactly how much data
we may be missing with the assumption that we made with low price, weight and capacity.
Despite all the assumptions, we still have realized that this product can be very marketable
and that the demand is extremely large which means this is a viable design that will yield a
high return on an investment.
The beginning of the 21st century could very well mark the final period in which internal
combustion engines are commonly used in cars. Already automakers are moving toward
alternative energy carriers, such as electric batteries, hydrogen fuel and even compressed air.
Regenerative braking is a small, yet very important, step toward our eventual independence
from fossil fuels. These kinds of brakes allow batteries to be used for longer periods of time
without the need to be plugged into an external charger. These types of brakes also extend the
driving range of fully electric vehicles. In fact, this technology has already helped bring us
cars like the Tesla Roadster, which runs entirely on battery power. Sure, these cars may use
fossil fuels at the recharging stage -- that is, if the source of the electricity comes from a fossil
fuel such as coal -- but when they're out there on the road, they can operate with no use of
fossil fuels at all, and that's a big step forward.
Regenerative braking allows for a vehicle to recover its kinetic energy when braking. Up to
now, there have been no systems that fully rely on regenerative, braking, however this paper
presents a method to use regenerative braking for all kinds of deceleration. The energy
gathered during the deceleration can then be used again during acceleration. The proposed
system allows a smooth braking experience while also dealing with full stop and emergency
brake situations. The smooth braking experience is achieved by controlling the connection
between the generator and its load. Full braking is achieved by using multiple generators,
each connected to the shaft with a different gear ratio. This setup ensures that there is always
one generator working efficiently and therefore extracting kinetic energy from the system.
The overall goal was to design the Regenerative Braking System while keeping the
engineering, producer and customer models in check.
[1] (Jan. 13, 2009)