Buddhism and Jainism
Buddhism and Jainism
Buddhism and Jainism
Life of Buddha:
Before the enlightenment Buddha was called Gothama or Siddhartha.
Traditionally it is maintained that Buddha was born at Kapilavastu and
his father was a ruler of a principality. Thus Buddha too had a royal
The date of his birth is generally taken as 563 B.C. He was married to
Yashodara and had a son.
Gothama had been reflecting the vanities of life and upon the tragedy
of death, disease and old age which afflict mankind. This was
represented in the story of his meeting an old man a sick man and a
corpse in succession.
Those instances were followed by meeting a hermit who had
completely renounced the world.
These instances of life led him to decide that he would free himself
from all worldly ties and strive his utmost to discover the way of lifes
unending misery.
To search for true meaning in life Gotama left his palace by night and
went to a forest. There he practiced absolute penance for six years in
search of truth.
However, not able achieve his goal of enlightenment through severe
penance, he began a fresh course of self-discipline characterized by
less severity.
Gotama in his second attempt was successful and he become fully
enlightened (Buddha) and reached, as it is expressed, the end of
He did not remain content with this personal illumination, but decided
to teach the way to the others too. He gave his first sermon at Sarnath
and converted many people into his way of life, and it is here that he
developed the Four Noble Truths.
He died in the year 483 B.C. Buddha is undoubtedly one of the great
religious teachers of the world. in the third century B.C. the famous
emperor, Ashoka become a Buddhist. It is commonly believed that
through the impetus Ashoka gave to it, Buddhism began to spread not
only in parts of India but also beyond it.
Teachings of Buddhism:
The major teachings of Buddhism can be seen under three
philosophical tenets:
1) Momentariness, 2) Universal Suffering, and 3) Soullessness.
The doctrine of momentariness is most fundamental doctrine in
Buddhism. It means that nothing in the world, not even the Jiva
can be considered as substantial. Nothing in the world has any
permanent nature of its own. Everything in the world is in a
state of flux.
From this it also follows that every pleasant moment is bound to
die out. Hence Buddha argues that pain will be inevitable if we
put our reliance on things, because they are momentary and in a
state of constant change. Soul too has no permanent state, but it
is a stream of ever-flowing mental events.
There is suffering.
There is the cause of suffering.
There is the cessation of suffering.
There is a path leading to the cessation of suffering.
1. There is suffering:
It is interesting to note that no Indian religious thought has
denied the existence of suffering, and a consequent need for
release from this suffering. Buddhism gives reason for this
suffering in terms of its doctrine of momentariness and nonsubstantiality of things.
Avidhya ignorance
Samskara Mental volitions, mental actions
Vijnana consciousness
Nama-rupa Name and form
Sadayatana the six senses
Sparsha contact of the senses
Vedana sensations as a result of this contact. It also includes feelings.
Trashna craving for pleasures of senses.
Upadhana clinging to the senses
Bhava Desire to be born
Jati Birth
Jara-marana old age and death
Right view
Right resolve
Right speech
Right conduct
Right livelihood
Right effort
Right mindfulness
Right concentration
The concept of the jivanmukta supports the view that nirvana need
not mean annihilation of the self. But the truth is that Lord Buddha
was not genuinely interested in any metaphysical enquiry. He only
wanted an end to this endless chain of rebirths by reaching nirvana
which is a state of painlessness. Any engagement with metaphysical
pre-occupation for Lord Buddha meant restlessness, doubt and
uncertainty. And this would mean a denial of peace. Hence nirvana
means extinction of any and every trace of name and form (namarupa).
Even in the case of the two major sects of Buddhism, the Mahayana
and the Hinayana, nirvana is understood as the following:
Nirvana is inexpressible, has no origin and is unchangeable.
Nirvana has to be realized by oneself alone, without making reference
to any spiritual agency.
Personal self is lost in nirvana.
Nirvana means tranquility.
It means barring out rebirths.
Jainism is a very old non-Vedic religion and some of its features
go back to the times of Indus Valley Civilization.
In all probability it arose in the late Vedic Period and was only
revived by Vardhamana better known as Mahavira or the
Great hero in the sixth century BC.
Jaina tradition itself makes it clear by not considering him as a
founder but as a Path-finder or as Tirthamkaras.
Mahavira is believed to have been the 24th Tirthamkara.
Some even mistakenly believed it to be a sect of Buddhism, but
it is really different and much older than Buddhism.
Vardhamana was born in a princely family about 540 B.C. and died
in 468 B.C.
After renouncing his household life at 30 years old, he wandered
about leading a life of abstinence and meditation. His spiritual
journey made him a jina or spiritual conqueror a word from
which the term Jainism is derived.
Hence, Jainism means the religion of the followers of Jina.
Although Jainism has spread widely, unlike that of Buddhism, it is
limited to India.
Jainism is much orthodox in its dealings and continues to hold the
old customs, institutions and doctrines.
The two major sects of Jainism are Svetambaras and Digambaras.
The distinguishing feature of Jainism is its belief in the eternal
and independent existence of spirit and matter, or more
correctly, the animate and the inanimate, respectively called
Jiva and ajiva.
By spirit here we mean to understand only the individual self,
and not the supreme soul as in the Upanishads.
Jainism argues that even material entities have their own souls.
Jainism does not believe in any universal Spirit or God.
It is conceived as an eternal substance.
Knowledge is its very essence. However Jainism holds that,
empirical knowledge, in its diverse forms, is a manifestation of
knowledge under limitations caused by the ajiva or the
inanimate nature. The eyes for example, are viewed here not as
an aid to seeing, but as a check put upon the absolute sight of
the soul.
The ultimate aim of life is conceived as casting off these
limitations completely so that the soul may regain and reveal its
true nature of omniscience (knowledge). Thus Jainism argues
that there is no perception in the ordinary sense, but only a
mystic or direct intuition of all things. This absolute and
comprehensive knowledge is termed as Kevala-jnana.
The ajiva is devoid of consciousness of life.
Ajiva literally means without a soul and therefore, they cannot
accumulate any karmas. They have no birth, death, pleasure,
or pain. Examples of Ajivas are any material things, like a book,
box, train etc.
Jain philosophy divides ajivas into five categories, they are:
Motion (Dharma)
Rest (adharma)
Space (akasha)
Time (kala)
Matter (Pudgala)
Religious Scriptures:
There are two sects of Jain religious scriptures, they are: 14
Purvas and 11 Angas. However it is believed that all 14
Purvas have been transmitted orally to the next generation
but in due course they have been lost.
Hence 11 Angas form the main Jaina religious literature.
Besides, there are 22 Upangas, 10 Pakinnakas, 6 Chedas, 4
Mula-sutras and 2 other sutras. Among the 11 Angas the
Acharanga formulates the rules of conduct of the monks,
and Sutrakrtanga describes the Jaina rites and points out
its distinctive features.
Pancha-mahavratha are:
Ahimsa (non-injury): It is the most distinctive moral view in
Jainism. Even in Buddhism it is not as strictly carried out as in
Jainism. Killing means separating the body from the subtle
body. It mean also the inflicting the pain to any organism
whatsoever. As the Jains believe that all particles of matter are
inhabited by souls, so they take great measures against
destroying life in water, air and earth. Ahimsa also means
respect for life, whether in your person or in any living beings.
However kings and rulers do no wrong if they have to fight
their battles in defending their countries and their welfare.
Satya: It means cultivation of moral excellence. It has to be
observed in thought, word and deed. One should speak out
the truth, should speak to create pleasantness.
The world:
Anekantvada and Syadavada
According to Jainism the world is eternal and real.
It is not interested in the improvement of this world order,
because Jainism mostly concerns with conquest of the self and
not of the world. Jainism, keeping to its doctrine of selfconquest and self-culture, does not advise its adherents to get
involved in worldly pleasures.
It taught respect for life, and the greatest respect for humans,
who are the highest of organisms.
Buddhism argues that everything is momentary, however in
Jainism things are both momentary and substantial and they
argue it with the doctrine of anekantvada (many-ends doctrine).
Hence, Jainism explains reality in terms of the doctrine of manyends or the doctrine of may be (Syadavada). According to Jainism
each truth can be represented in different ways, each as a possibility
and probability. Each proposition is true in the context of certain
conditions, and according to Jainism it cannot hold good otherwise.
Hence, from this point of view we can argue that, a thing:
1. Is
2. Is not
3. Is and is not
4. Is inexpressible
5. Is and is inexpressible
6. Is not and is inexpressible
7. Is, is not and is inexpressible
This doctrine argues that our knowledge of reality is relative and we
can make many statements regarding the validity of a phenomena.
For example we can say that: a jar, is a jar, and a jar is not a table.
On this basis this is and is not the rest of the arguments are