Társalgási Gyakorlatok, Angol

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What school do you aftend?

you go to?

/ Whgt

school do

go to the local primary school. lt is named after Jnos


Arany, the well-known Hungarian poet.


l attend Jzsef Aftila Secondary School in Pcs and l'm

in grade 9.
attend [a'tend] - lr va la hova
local ['leokel] * helyi
primary school ['pratmari sku:l] - ltalnos iskola
well-known [,wel'neun] - jl ismert
poet ['peott] - kolt
secondary school ['sekandri sku:1] - kozpiskola
grade [gretd] - osztly


At present lam an


l'm in my last year of primary school, in grade 8.

What clgss gre you in? / What yeor gre you in?
8th grade student at Kossuth Lajos
Primary School. l go to a special Maths class.

class [klo:s] - osztly

at present [at 'prezant] - jelenleg
special ['speJel] - specilis
Maths [mae0s] - matematika



Descfibe the bulding of your sehool.

Our school is situated on a housing estate on the

outskirts of Miskolc. lt's fairly modern. It was built
about ten years 8o, and it has all the necessary
facilities. We have well-furnished and airy classrooms,
two well-equipped science labs, one for chemistry and
one for biology, two computer labs, a big gyffi, a library
and a spacious canteen. There is a big playground area
with sports fields around the building where we can
play football and basketbal!.
Our school is in a historical building in the centre of our
town. lt is more than one hundred years old. lt is a fourstorey building with a lot of stairs. The classroCIms are
big, but unfortunately, the corridors are too narrow.
The classrooms are on the first and second floors, the
computer labs, the chemistry and biology laboratories
are on the third floor. our canteen and the staff room
are on the ground floor.

We have a big, well-equipped gym with showers and

changing rooms on the ground floor, but we don't
have any outdoor sports fields or playgrounds. There
is a park not far frorn our school. We sometimes go
running in the park in the PE lessons.

The porter's office is next to the main entrance of the

blackboard ['blmkbe:d] - tbla

interactive whiteboard [,rntCrektrv'wattbl:d] * aktvtbla
decorate ['dekarert] - dszt

school. lf sornebody wants to enter the school they

have to press the buzzer on the door, The porter can

map [rnrcp] * trkp

drawing [tlre:r4J - rajz
painting ['pernttry] - festmny
notice board ["nautrsbo:d] * fali jsg

see the visitors on a mgnitor and can open the door by


l SChOOlilll,ll'l



remote control.
describe [dr'skralb] - ler
bulding ['brldrq] - prilet
be situated [-srtjuertrd] - van, helyezkedik el
housing estate ['hatlzt4 t,stett] - laktelep
the outskirts I i'autske:tsJ - ktjlvros, ktjltertjlet


ary ['nesoseri] - sztjksges

facilty [fe'sllrtiJ - Itestmny,felszerels

well-furnished [,wel'fa:n{tJ - jI bebrjtorozott
airy ['eori] - leveg s




tray [tretJ - tlca

cutlery ['kntlori] - ev eszkoz
counter ['katlnte*] - pult
dinner lady ['drnaleldi] - konyhai dolgoz

playgrou nd ['plerg rar-lnd]

- jtszt

plate Iplett] - tnyr

tray-return track [,tret rl'ts:n trrek] - tlcagy jt


spacious ['sperfo ] - tgas

canteen [krcrtti;nJ - tterem, ebdl

two alternating timetables: Week A and Week B. On

Monday we have English, Maths, Hungarian Grammar,

a double period of Art and a lesson with our form


historical [htstorlkal] - tortnelmi

centre ['sente*]

stair [steat]

timetable ['tatmterbl] - rarend

alternating ['olteneltr4] - v lta koz
fortnight [tfc:tnart] - kt ht
Hungarian Grammar [lrng'gearien 'grrcme*] - magyar



ngyszi ntes

unfortunately [nrtfc:tJanatli] - sajnos

corridor ['korrdJ:*] - folyos

on the
las built


stry and


rnd area
,d/e can

of our



3mS are

crs, the
ra to ries
ff room

ers and

e don't

narrow ['nrereu] - keskeny

staff room ['sta:fru:nr] - tanriszoba
ground floor ['graundflc:*J - foldszint
changing room ['tJernd3lry ru:rn] - oltoz
outdoor ['aottc:*] - szabadtri
PE lesson [,pili: 'lesanJ - testnevels ra
porter's office ['pc:toz ,ofisJ - portsftilke
main entrance [,nretn 'entrens] - f bejrat
enter ['enta*] - belp
press Ipres] - megnyom
buzzer ['bnze*] - cseng
monitor ['nronrte*] - kperny
remote control [rt,rneot keritretll] - tvirnyt

eS go

Yes, we have. lt is a spacious and wel|-|it room. We have

eighteen desks in three rows facing the blackboard.

Next to the blackboard there is an interactive
whiteboard" The walls are decorated with pictures,
maps and our drawings and paintings. We also have a
big notice board on the wall with photos of the class.
wel|-|it [,wel'ltt] - vilgos
desk [ctesk] - pad
row [roo] - sor
facing ['felsrg] - szemben

How many lessons do you have a week?

We have thirty 45-minute lessons a week. We have

area [teeria] - terlet

sports field ['spc:tsfi:ld] - sportplya
around [draond] - kortil
be located [leo'kertrc1] - van, elhelyezkedik

fou r-storey [,fclstc:ri]

a sch ol cdnt en?

on the tray-return rack.

classroom [-klo:sru:rn] - oszt lyterem

science ['satens] - termszettudomny
laboratory [la'boratri] - labor, szaktanterem
chemistry ['kenrrstri] - kmia
biology [batoledsi] - biolgia
gym [d3rnr] - tornaterem

library [tlirtbreri] - konyvt

Haive you got

Yes, we have. lt is on the ground floor of the school.

l have my Iunch there. ltake a tray and cutlery at the
counter and l get the food fronr the dinner ladies.
When l have finished my lunch l put my tray and plates

fairly [tfeali] - elg


nye lvta n

double period [,dnbl'preriod] - dupla ra

Art [o:t] - rajz (m(vszet)
form tutor [fc:m tju:te*] - osztlyf nok


Do you like your tmetable?

l am happy with our timetab|e the way it is, although
it would be nice to start school later, at about nine
o'clock. l don't like getting up early"

lt's OK, but Wednesday is a very difficult day: we

have Physics, Maths, History, English, Geography and
Hungarian Grammar. l am always extremely tired by
the end of the day.
the way it is [we{ - ahogy van
although [c:l' oo] - br
Physics ['fiaks] - fizika

History ['hIstari] - tortnelem

Geography [d3i'ografi] - foldrajz
extremely fik'stri:mli] - szornyen
tired ['talod] - tradt
by the end of the day - a nap vgre

How long are the breaks?

we have ten-minute breaks between the lessons a nd

one longer break after the third lesson. lt is twenty


minutes long. We usually have our elevenses in this

::ffi:::iilffi[ii- ;# l

break [bretk] - sztinet
elevenses [ltlev enzlz]- tz


l have a backpack. l keep textbooks, workbooks and

notebooks, a pencil case, a calculator, two rulers and
my homework planner in it. l have a separate PE kit

What time do you usutly st:ai{ and fiiis,h



quarter to two. On Friday we have only five lessons, so

we finish earlier, at quarter to one.

backpack ['brekprek]

our school offers a wide choice of after-school

activities. There are sports clubs: basketbalI, football
and badminton, lCT (lnformation Technolosy) classes,
art workshops and different study circles. l sing in the
school choir and l go to basketball training-sessions
twice a week.

szles vlasztk

homework planner ['heomws:k 'plrena*J - leckeftizet

separate [tsepratJ - ktilon

PE kit [,piii: klt] - tornafelszerels


badminton ['brednrtntenJ - tollasla bda

information technology [,tnfe'nrerJn tek'noled3i]


ruler ['ru:le*] - vonalz


be involved in [rrfvolvd] - rszt vesz

activity [rek'ttvtti] - tevkenysg

textbook [ttekstbokJ - tankonyv

workbook ['ws:kbuk] - munkaftizet
notebook ['neotbukJ - jegyzetftizet
pencil ca e ['penselkers] - tolltart
calculator [tkrelkjolerte*] - szmolgp

Are you involved in any atr-ic:hi actiiii;?

offer ['ofe*] - ajnl

a wide choice [ward tJcls]


gallery ['greleril - salria

Our lessons start at eight and we usually finish at

- i nformcis tech nolgia

class [klo:s] - ra

workshop ['ws:kJop] - kzm ves foglalkozs

Where do you keep your thngs at school?

Luckily, l have a locker and l can keep all my things

unfortunately, we don't have lockers at school, so l

have to carry a lot of books around with me all day.
On some days the books are really heavy. Wednesday
is the heaviest-school-bag-day. My bag weighs over 8

study circle ['stndiss:klJ - tanulkor, szakkor

choir ['kwate*] - krus
training ['tretnt1] - edzs


luckly ['lnklli] - szerencsre

locker [tloka*] - szekrny (zrhat)

carry ['kreri] - cipel
heavy ['heviJ - nehz
weigh [werJ - valamilyen stilyti
over ['aova*J - tobb mint

Yes, we have. lt's called 'Speak out'. l arn one of the

student editors of the magazine. We write articles

about school events, students, teachers and the

history of the school. Our magazine also includes short
stories and poems written by the students and photos
of our school life.

A T-shirt with our school logo printed on it, shorts,

trainers and white socks. lf it's cold outside,

logo ['leogoo] - emblma

print [prmt] - nyomat
shorts [Jc:ts] - rovidnadrg
trainers ['trem ez) - edz cip
tracksuit ['trreksju:t] - melegt
bottom ['botem] - als
top [top] - fels

Yes, we have. On our website you can find information

about the school, about the teachers and students,


website ['websalt] - honlap

cu rriculum [ka'rIkjolemJ - ta nterv
latest [tlertrst] - leg jabb



printed on them.

magazine [,mrcge'zi:n] - folyirat

speak out [spi:k] - nyltan elmondja a vlemnyt
editor ['edita*] - szerkeszt
article ['c:tikel] - cikk
event [r'vent] - esemny
include [rrr'klu:d] - tartalmaz
short story [,Jc:t'stc:ri] - novella
poem ['peotmJ - vers

the curriculum of the school, the latest

announcements, a monthly calendar and a

tracksuit bottoms and tops with our school logo





My favourite subject is Iiterature

have always toved

reading.Ithink that reading a good book is like going

on an adventure. lalso |ove Maths. lt comes easy to
me and l'm good at it. l like working with numbers.

Geography is my favourite subject it's really well

taught at my school. we learn about the world, which

I find very interesting. l also love History, especially
when we learn about Ancient civilisations.

c) My

favourite subject is Chemistry. The lessons are

really interestiffg, dnd we do a lot of experiments.

subject ['snbd3ekq - tantrgy
literature ['lltrrtJa*] - iroda lom
adventure [ed'ventJe*] - kaland
especially [tspeJali] - klonosen
ancient ['etnJent] - kori

oks and


p PE kit

civilsation [,stvelafzerJn] - trsadalom

experiment [rk'sperlmentJ - ksrlet



l don't like History. lt is boring and we have to memorise

a lot of names and dates.

l hate Maths. lt is too difficult for me and it bores me

no end.
boring [tbc:rlg] - unalmas
memorise ['memartuz] - bemagol, megjegyez
date [delt] - dtum
bore so no end [bc:*] - nagyon untat

)ol, so

ls there a subject you dan't lke? Why?

all day.

you good at?

i over 8

l do quite well at school. l usually get good grades

- fives
or fours. l am really good at Maths. l Iike it because it's
logical and structured. l am good at History, but could
be better at it.

grade [greld] - osztlyzat

logical ['lod3rkel] - logikus
structured ['strnktfed] - rendszerezett


e Wear



nsy to

ly well

ls your class specialised in a subject?

Yes, it is. Our class is specialised in English. This means
that we have more English lessons a week than other
classes - six.

specalise ['spefalalz] -

sza kosodi k

she teach? Why do you lke him or her?

My favourite teacher is my Maths teacher. She is kind,
helpful, patient and has a good sense of humour. She
is strict but fair. she can control our class because her
lessons are never boring. She knows her subject well
and doesn't mind explaining things again and again if
we are stuck. Ialways look forward to her classes! She
is impartial and never favours anybody.
kind [karnd]


patient ['perJenq - tLirelmes

sense of humour [sens ev 'hju:me*] - humorrzk
strict [strrkt] - szigor
far [feen] - igazsgos
control Ikerrttreul] - fegyelmez
doesn't mind [marncl] - szvesen megteszi
explain [lk'spleln] - elmagyarz
be stuck [stnk]

- elakad
look forward to ['fc:wed] - el re ortjl, vr
impartial [tm po:Jl] - elfogulatlan
favour so ['fetva*] - kivtelezik vkivel


l have. About a month ago l overslept because

l had forgotten to set the alarm clock the previous

l arrived at school, our

History lesson had already started. l was reprimanded

breakfast in a hurry. when

l am bad at Geography. l like learning about different

countries but l have problems with finding places on a

by my teacher.


! have a reaIIy good relationship with my parents. lf l

get a bad grade on a test they don't punish me. They
are very understanding" They try to help me. They say
they know l will do better next time.


night. l woke up thirty minutes late. l dressed and had


l going

straight [strett] - egyenesen

find Hungarian grammar difficult. l can learn the rules

easily but l'm really bad at spelling.

rule [ru:l] - szably

spelling ['spelrlJ - helyesrs


ll They

ground me. That means no going out, no

l have to come straight horne

computer, no phone.
after school.

punish ['pnn{] - megbrintet

relationship [rtle{enJrp] - ka pcso !at
understanding [,nnddstrendr4] - megrt
ground [graond] - szobafogsgra tl,eltilt

be late for [lert] - elksik

oversleep [,eovdsli:p] - elalszik

set [setJ - bellt

alarm clock [dltl:mklok] - breszt ra
previous ['pri:vies] - el z
in a hurry ['hnri] - sietve
reprimand ['reprtmo:nd] - megszid

school ths year? what do you have to do f you are

absent from school?

Twice. ln the winter l had flu and l was absent for

about ten days.And then in March lcaught a cold and
stayed at home for three days. lf somebody misses
school they have to bring a note from their parents
not more than a week after they return to school. If
they are absent for more than three days they atso
have to bring a doctor's note.


5. cHool
be absent ['ebsontJ

flu [flir:] - influenza



catch cold [k;etJ kauld] - megfzik

stay [stet] - marad
miss school [mts] - hinyzik az iskoIbl
note [naut] - feljegyzs, igazols
return [rfta:rr] - visszatr


Have you ever played truant


There are many school events during a year. We have

excursions (school trip ), field trips,

hooky from

No, l have never skipped a class.

Yes, once. lt was in the fifth grade. lt was a sunny day

in May.Ididn't feel like going to school so ldecided to

excurson [rk'sks:fsn]

drama [Uro:ma]

ki r ndu



performance [pe'fc:mens] - el ads

exhibition [,eks,tbtJen] - ki ll t
celebration [,selr'bredon] - ti nne psg
opening ceremony ['otlpenlq,serlmeni] - vnyit
breakng up ceremony ['brerkr1] - vzr
school leavers' ball ['li:vez bc:l] - szalagavat
school leaving ceremony - ballags
celebrate ['seltbrelt] - tjnnepel
national holiday [,nrcJanel 'holtder] - nemzeti tjnnep
revolution [,reve'lr"r:jnJ - forrada tom
memorial day [ma*mc:riel] - emtknap

in tears. My form tutor had phoned her about my

absence and she got very worried. l felt ashamed and

decided not to pIay truant again.



field trip ['fi:ldtrlp] - tanulmnyl kirnduls

when lgot home in the afternoon lfound my mother

play truant l hooky ['tru:ent, 'hcrki] - lgni az iskolbI

skip [sktp] - ellg, kihagy
feel like -ing - kedve van
instead [rrtste d] - ink bb, helyette
persuade [pa'swetd] - meggy z
tear [tre*] - konny
absence ['rebsens] - h!nyzs
get worred ['wnrtd] - asgdni kezd
feel ashamed [d'Jermd] - szgyelli magt

a sports

concerts and drama performances by the students and

exhibitions of our paintings and drawings. We also have
different school celebrations: the opening ceremony,
Christmas parties, the breaking up ceremony, the
school leavers' ball, the school leaving ceremony and
we also celebrate national holidays - March 15'h , the
1848 Revolution Memorial Day and October 23'd, the
1956 Uprising Memorial Day.

go to thg swirnming-pool instead. l persuaded my best

friend to come with me. We had a very nice time but


What school events dg you have n a typical

school year?

uprising [},p,rar z;.ril - felkels

What are some of the rules you have to fottow

at your school?
we have

How long does it take to do your homework?

Ithink we get too much homework. lt takes me about
three hours to do my homework every afternoon.

lt depends on what lessons we have the next day.

Sometimes it takes me thirty minutes, sometimes
more than two hours.

a code of conduct at school. There are a lot of

rules we have to follow. we have to arrive on time and
be prepared for the lesson by the time the bell rings.
We mustn't eat or chew gum in the lessons. We have to
take care of our school equiprnent and our classroom.

lf somebody damages school property they have to

pay the full cost of replacement or repair. We have to

keep the place clean and put rubbish in the bin.

take [telk] - tart valamennyi ideig

depend [dtpend] - ftige

we have to be polite and use courteous language and

we mustn't swear or behave rudely. we mustn't talk

Not very often. At the end of a lesson, when the teacher
sets the homework, l take out my diary and write the
task in it and l make a note of the deadline too.
set [set] - kijeIol, felad
diary ['dareri] - hatrid napl
task [to:sk] - feladat
make a note of [neot] - feljegyzi
deadline ['clecllarn] - hatrid


time for studying is earty in the morning.

u ually get up at 5 a.m. and start studying.


we rnustn't bring prohibited items such as weapons,

alcohol or cigarettes to school. lf our teachers find
them they confiscate them.
ln the lessons we have to pay

attention, raise our hands

want to say something and we are not allowed to
disturb the others; we mustn't talk to our neighbours.
we mustn't use our mobile phones. we mustn't cheat
during tests or copy from our neighbours. we are not
allowed to use crib sheets,
if we

l am a night person. loften study at night- between 7

and 1]. works best for me.

b) My best

back to our teachers. we have to treat the others with

respect. we mustn't make fun of our schoolmates or
bully them, either physically or verbally. we mustn't

we should do our homework at home and we shouldn't

copy it off the others.

We have to be appropriately dressed. We mustn't

wear make-up or too much jewellery.



5. cttool
a typical
IVe have



jents and
also have
o,,lV, the
nony and
].5'h , the


follow a rule ['folao] * betart egy szablyt

code of conduct [kaud ov kontdnkt] * hzirend
be prepared for [prr'peodj * felkszrilt
bell - csen5
chew gum [tJu:] * rgzik
take care of [kea*] - vigyz, gyel valamire
equipment [fkwtpnrorrt] - felszerels
damage ['drenrrd3] * megrongl
property l-propoti] - tulajdon
fuIl [fu1] * teljes
cost [kost] - koltsg
replacement [rrtpletsnront] - c ere, ptls
repair [rfpe o*] * javts
rubbish [trnbrJ] - szemt
bin - szemetes
polite [po'latt] - udvarias
courteous ['ke:tios] - udvarias
swear [swea*] * kromkodik
behave [bflrerv] - viselkedni
rudely ['ru:dli] - durvn, udvariatlanul
talk back - visszabeszl






a lot


me and
tel l rings.

e have



have to
: have to

Jage and

stn't taIk
] e rs with
m ates or
, m u stn't


kindergarten ['krnda,go:tenJ * voda


What s your best memory a prmdry school?

ln grade 7 lwas selected for the school footbal! team.
lt was the best feeling in the world" l was the happiest
boy in the world. l ran home and started to practi e.

My best memory of primary school is when we went

on a hiking trip to the Mtra mountains. lt was a real
challenge to cIimb Mount Kkes, Hungary's highest
peak" lt's I0I4 metres high.
memory ['memari] - emlk
select [stle kt] - kivlaszt
feeling ['fi:lr1] - rzs
practise ['prrcktl ] - gyakorol, edz
hikng trp [tharkr4] - syalogtrira
mountan ['mauntln] - hegy
challenge ['t{ llnd3] - kihvs
clmb [klarm] - megmszik
peak [pi:k] - cstics

What's your worst memory?

ln gra de 2 an older boy bullied me. He called me names
and said nasty things about my appearance. He took
my things from me and threatened to beat me up if l
told my teacher or parents.

call sb names - cs fol

nasty ['nc:sti] * csriffyd, undok
appearance [a'plorans] - rnegjelens
threaten [0retn] - megfenyeget
beat sb up [bi:t] - megver


How long have you been learning Engtsh?

lhave been learning

grade 3.

English for five years, since

five holidays a year. There are autumn, winter,

skiing, spring and summer holidays.
',Ve have

after school, sometimes to study, sometimes just to

ln Hungary it is important to learn foreign languages

because our language is spoken only in our country.
we can use foreign languages when we go abroad on
holiday: we can easily find the information we need
on the lnternet, we can make friends via the lnternet
and we can read books and watch films in the original
language. we can get better jobs if we can speak
foreign Ianguages"

get on wth - kijon valakivel

c la ssmate
['klo:smert] - oszt lyt rs

important [tm pc:tent] - fontos

foreign language [,foran'lreggwldr] - idegennyelv
go abroad [e'brc:d] - ktilfoldre rT,tegy


towed to

n't cheat
3 are not

oliday ['holrder] - szu net, szti nid


have a lot of friends in class.

we hang out together

j uring breaks and sit together at lunch. we often meet


spend some time together.


crche [kreJ] * bolcs de

nur ery sehool ['ne;soriskrulJ - voda
look after * gondoz
at the age of ... [etd5 ov] * .,. ve korban

b n ik

respect [rl'spekt] - tisztelet

make fun of [fnn] - kinevet
school mate ['sku:lnrelt] - lskolatrs
bully ['bt_rli] - zsarnokoskodik, megflemlt
neither ['nat e*] - sem
physically ['flzrkliJ - fizikailag
verbally ['va:bali] - szval
fight [fart] - verekedik
prohibted [pro'h lbrtrd] - ti ltott
item ['attenr] - trgy
v/eapon ['wepen] - fegyver
alcohol ["rlkahDl] - alkohol
confiscate ['konfiskert] - elkoboz
pay attention [a*tenJen] - figyel
raise [relz] - felemel
be allowed to [o'laod] - megengedett
disturb [dtsta:b] - zavar
neighbour ['netbe*] - szornszd
cheat [tJi:t] - csal, puskzik
test - dolgozat
copy [tkopi] - msol
crib sheet ['krlbJi:t] - puska
appropriately [a*praopriotli] - megfelel mdon
dressed [drest] - oltozott
make-up ['nrerk^p] - smink
jewetlery [',Car,r:elri] - kszer


kinderga rten.


rs fi nd



l didn't go to a cnche. My mother stayed at home

to look after m , At the age of three l




via ['vare] - keresztrjl
in the original language [e'rrd3lnel 'lrrJgwld3]


Yes, lhave. Once a tourist asked me for directions in

the street. l explained to him how to get to the National
Museum. And last summer, when we were in Croatia

Why s it important to learn English?

English is spoken all overthe world. We can actualIy hear

we met people from Belgium. We made friends very

and read it aImost everywhere. lt is the international

language of business, commerce, diplomacy, science
and technology.

qu ickly.

outside [,aot'saldJ - kvril

directions [clatrekJenz] - tbaigazts
national ['n.tJenel] - nemzeti

international [,tnte'nreJenelJ - nemzetkozi

busness ['blzn ]- rizlet

commerce ['korns:s] - kereskede lem
diplomacy [dtpleomasi] - diplomcia

Croatia [krao'ela]

What do you da to mprove your Engtish?

a) At school we have four English lessons a week. ldon't

think it is enough, so lattend an English course at


English-speaking channels on TV and

lms in English without su btitles. lt is also very usefu l to

read graded readers or books in the original language.

l regularly visit Eng!ish language websites to look up

information that interests me - news, the latest on


music, films or famous people. l often use free online

resou!"ces for language learners, such as dictionaries,
grammar references and vocabulary games.

l have one-to-one lessons with a private tutor, who is

a native speaker of English. He comes from London.

improve [trn pru:vJ - javt, fejleszt

course [kc:s] - tanfolyam
private ['pratvtt] - magn
channel ['tJrenel] - csatorna

subtitle ['snb,taltl] - felirat

useful [J u:sfal] - hasznos

graded reader ['grerdrd] " konnytett olvasmny
regularly ['regjoleli] - rendszerese n
resource [rlzc:s] - anyag-, otletgy jtemny
dictionary ['dlkJaneri] - sztr
reference ['refrens] * segdanyag
vocabu lary [vaikrebjoleri] - szkincs



What are your plans or the future? Whai d

you want to da after leavng prmary / secondary

After primary school l'd like to apply for admission

to a secondary grammar school in our town. l hope



private language school. we have four classes a week

in the afternoon.

l often watch

Have you ever used English outside the


will get in. There is an entrance exam and my primary

school re ults are also taken into account.

After leaving secondary school l'd like to go on to

higher education. l'm planning to app|y for admission
to Budapest University of Technology and Economics.
After graduating from university I wotJld like to become
an engineer.
plan [plren] - terv
future [tfiu:tJe*] - jov
|eave school [li:v] - befejezi az iskolt
apply for admission [a*plar; ad'mIfen] - felvtelezik
get in - bejut, felveszik
entrance exam [,entrans tg'zrem] - felvteli vizsga
result [rfznlq - eredmny
take nto account [e'kat_rnt] - beleszmt
higher education [,hate,ecl3cr'kerjn] - fels oktats
university [,ju:nI'v3:setiJ - egyetem
economics [,i :kdnomrks] - kozgazdas gta n
graduate ['grred3rrert] - elvgez, diplomt szerez
engneer [,end3lnra*] - mrnok



kivett - projector [prdd3ekte*]

krta - chalk [tJc:k]

mikroszkp - microscope ['nratkreskat_lp]

novny - plant [plc:nt]
nyomtat - printer ['prrntenJ
oltz / trolszekrny - locker ['loke*]

desk [desk]

polc - shelf, shelves lell Jelvz]

szmtg p - computer [kentpju:te*]
szk - chair [tJee*]
szekrny - storage cabinet ['stc:rrd3 ,krebrnotJ
szivacs - sponge [spnnds]
szkenner (kpbeolvas) - scanner ['skrcne*]
tbla - blackboard, chalkboard ['blnkbc:d, 'tJc:kbc:d]
tblar filctoll - marker pen ['nrc:ka*]
tblatorl - eraser [ttretze*]
tmla nlkuli szk * stool [strr:l]
tanri aszta| - teacher's desk ['ti:tJez]
trkp- map [mmp]
tiveges trol - display case [dr,splelkers]

choolbag ['sku:lbreg]
cellux * sellotape, Scotch tape ['selatelp, skotJ]
ceruza - pencil ['penset]
filctoll - felt-tip p fi, fibre-tip pen [,falbatrPpen]
ftizet - exercise book ['eksesarz]
gmkapocs - paper clip [,perpa*kltp]
golystoll - biro, ballpoint ['barro) 'be:lpcrnt]

hatrid napl - diary


backpack ['bre kprck]

hegyez * pencil sharpener ['pensel,Ja:pene*]
javtfolyadk - tippex ['trpeks]
jegyzetftjzet - notebook ['nautbok]
jegyzettomb - note pad ['neutpied]
kiemeI - highlighter ['hallalta*]
krz - compasses ['knmpesrz]
leckefzet - homework planner ['haomws:k
lexikon - encyclopedia [rn,satkldpi:dia]
lyukasztgp - hole punch ['lroo1pnrrtJ]
mu n kaftizet - workbook ['ws:kb<rk]
oll - scissors ['stzaz]
radr - rubber / eraser ['rnbo*, Itrelze*]


s|ue [glu:]

szmolgp - calculator ['krclkjolerta*]

sznes ceruza - colouring pencil ['knlerr1]
sztr - dictionary ['drkJenari]

szogmr -protractor Iproitriekte*]


szovegjavt - correction roller [ke'rekJen ,raole*]

tankonyv - coursebook / textbook ['kc:sbok, 'tekstbuk]
toll - pen
tol|tart : pencil case ['pensalkels]
tornafelszerels - PE kit [,piii: krt]
tolt toll- fountain pen ['facrntrn]
tiz gp - stapler ['sterple*]
vlltska - satchel ['sintJel]
voRalz - ruler ['ru:le*]
zsnkrta - crayon ['kre ron]
lskola / osztly - chool / class [skr"r:l, klo:s]
llami iskola - state school / public school (USA) [stert, 'pnblrk]
alstagozat * junior section [U3u:nia*, ekn]
ltalnos iskola - primary school, elementary school


tmegy vizsgn - pas an examination [po:s, Ig,z&minelfn]

beiratkozik - enrol [rrtretll]


boarding school ['bc:dir3]

cate lsdtifi ket]
bolcs de, gyermekmeg rz - crche [kreJ]
csoport - group [gru:p]
diploma - degree [dlgriN
egyetem - u niversity [,ju:ni'va:seti]
egyetemen vgez - graduate from ['grred3uert]
egyetemi (mester) fokozat - master ['nra:ste*]
egyetemi alapfokozat - bachelor ['brctJela*]
egyetemi diplomt kap - graduate [tgrrcd3uett]
bentlaksos iskola
bizo nytv ny

ce rtifi

elads (egyetemi) - lecture ['lektje*]

elvgzi az iskolt - leave school [li:v]
rettsgi- final exams ['fatnel]
rettsgi (brit) - GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary
Education) [U3enarel sdtrfrkgt av'sekendri,eclju'ketan]
rettsgivizsga - final exam [,firtnal tg'zrern]
flv,id szak - term [ts:nr]
fels oktats - highe r l f urther education ['hale*, [g: o*

fels tagozat - senior section

felvesz - admit [ed'nrit]


felveszik az egyetemre - be accepted for university [ek'septtd]

felvteli vizsga - entrance exam [,entrans tg'zem]
felvtelizik - take an entrance exam [,entrans tg'zrenr]
felvtelt nyer - be adrnitted [edtrnrtrd]
f iskola - college ['knhd3]
gimnzium - secondary grammar school ['grrenre*]
gyakorlati vizsga - practical exam ['prrektlkal lg'znrn]
rsbeli vizsga - written exam [trrten]
iskolba jr - go to school
jr vhova - attend [a'tendJ
jl vizsgzik - do well in an exam [tg'zrcrn]
kszl vizsgra - prepare for an exam [rg'zrernJ
kibukik az iskolbl - flunk out of school ['fln jk]
kimarad dik - dropout ['dropaot]
kizr az iskolbl - expel from school [k'spel]
kollgium (egyetemi) - dormitory, residence hall [tc:nutari,

kotelez - compulsory [kem pnlseri]

kozpiskola - secondary school ['sekendri]

lg, kihagy egy rt - skip a class [sktp]
magniskola (brit) - public school ['pnbltk]
megbukik - fail [ferl]
megbukik matematikbl - flunk Maths ['flnr3k nrreOs]
megbukik vizsgn - fail an examination [|erl, Ig,z&mtnetjn]
megbuktat - flunk sb ['flngk]
megismtel vizsgt l ptvlzsgzik - resit an exam [,ri:'stt,

- be refused [rtfjtr:zd]
oklevl - diploma [dtplaoma]
osztly - class, grade [klo]s, 9rerd]
voda (2-5 ves kor) - nursery schoo|, kindergarten ['ns:sari,
nem veszik fel

'k t nde,g a:ten]

osztond - grant / scholarship [gro:nt, 'skoleJrp]

szakkozpiskola - secondary technical school ['teknrkel]
szakmunksk pz - vocational school [veo'kerjnl]
szbeli vizsga - oral exam ['c:ral]
sztj nid , szti net - holidays ['holrderz]
tagozatra, faktra jr - specialize in a subject ['speJolaI{
tand - tuition fee [tu:'iJen,fli:]
tanv - school year [jie*]
vgzettsg- qua lifi cation ["kwnhfr'kerJn]
vgzettsget szerez - qualify ['kwolrfirr]
vizsgzik - ta ke l sit a n exa mination lrg,z&ml'nerJn]

5. ScHooL


- Lesson / class / period

- Biology [baiolod3i]

!,rpla ra


'zika -

['leson, klo:s, 'prorioat

- double period [,dnbl'proried]

Music [tnrju:zlkJ
Physics ['fizrksJ




G eogra phy [cl3tog refi]

Religious Education [rllrd3os ,ecljtl'kerJgn]
! egennyelv - foreign language
rformatka - l nformation Tech nology
[,lnfe'nreIJn tek'nolsd3i]
"3dalom - Literature
qmia - Chemistry
(crrePetls - tutoring, remedial classes
['tju:tartq, rlrni:diel]
*atematika * Maths
-eptnc - Folk-dance
- yelvtan
- Grammar ['grierne*]
rend - timetable ['tarnrterblJ

'o ld rajz
" llta n




- Art

.: a kkor







; rf o lya

cou rse [kc:s]


::,rn kvrili foglalkozs - after-schoot activity


:: rtrgy * subject ['snbcl3ekt]

:i,ittszettudomny - Science

:: stnevels


Physical Education ['fiztkl,edjt-r'keren]

:: "tnelem * History

- ha nd / give sth in
:cnytvny - school repo rt / report card
:: gczat - testpaper ['testperpo*]
:: gozatot r - do / have / take a test
: f eszti a hzi feladatot - do so's homework
. en rz - report book [rtpc:t]
sz, dolgozat - essay ['eser]
-' (.,]ltciknt
vlaszt - opt out gf/opt for a subject
s rbd3ekt]
3,,el - pay attention [e*tenJen]
: 3a lrnazs - composition
.: ,,,stolIal r - write in ballpoint [.bc:lpclnt]
i; feladat - homework ['lreomws:k]
ad - set homework ['hatlmws:k]
- 3,1yzik be absent
- :: ieg, nyalizik
- suck up to the teacher [snkJ
i 3 zclatlan hinyzs
- unexcused absence







- take notes [natlts]

:ntkezik - raise so's hand [rerz]
: -ragaviselet - well-behaved
: ,3ssz jegyeket kap - get good/bad grades/marks



: :anul-



do well at school

mark [mo:k]
'ut ,er|etezik - do an experiment
, ] - ily n megy
- come easily [.i :zl|i]
az iskolbI - play truant / hooky
3gol - cram / swot [kr:em, swot]
] l 3s - bright / smart
[brart, smo:t]
igazols - doctor's note [rraot]







' rnlk'skju:zd 'aebserrs ]

n, ]olt hinyzs - excused absence

:;. | - feel / get nervous ['ns:ves]


igazgatn - headmistress [,hed'mlstres]

iskolsfi - schoolboy ['sku:lbcr]

- study circle ['stndiss:kl]

Az rn - |n the lesson
,:smtel * revise [rlvarz]

Tanrok, dikok - Teachers, students ['ti:tJe*, 'stju:dent]

gondnok - caretaker ljanitor ['keatetke*, t3anrta*]
igazgat - headmaster / principal / head teacher


::;net - break [brerkJ


osszpontost - concentrate ['konsontrert]

osztlynapI - c!ass register ['red3rste*]
osztlyzat - grade l mark [gretd, mo:k]
puska - cheat sheet / crib [tJi:t
Ji;t, krrb]
rosszu l viselkedik - misbehave [,nrtsbt'herv]
sokszor ismtelve tanul - learn by rote ['reutJ
s gni - prompt [prompt]
szorgalmas - hardworking [tho:clws:krg]
tant - teach [ti:tj]
tanul - lea rn / study [la:n)stndi]
teljesti a kovetelmnyeket - fulfil the requirements


iskolslny - schoolgi rl ['sku:lga:l]

iskolsok - schoolch ild ren [tsku:ltjlldren]
iskolatrs - schoolmate ['sk u:lmert]
osztlyf nok - form tuto r / orm teacher ['fc:m,tju:te*]
oszt lyt rs - classmate ['klo:smelt]
vn - nursery school teacher ['ns:seri, 'ktnde,go:ton]
tanr - teacher ['ti:te*]
tanul (ltalnos iskola) - pupil ['pju:pal]
tanul, egyetemi hallgat - student [tstju:dent]

Nyelvtanuls - [anguage learning

fordts - translation [trren le{nJ
hangs ly - stress [stres]
hallott szoveg rtse- |istening ['hsnlg]
helyesrs - spelling ['spelrg]
idegen nyelv - foreign language [,fnrarflrer3gwrd5J
rs - writing ['raltrr3]
jelents - meaning ['mi:nlr3]
kiejts - pron u nciation [pre,nnnsib{nJ
kiejtsi jelek - phonetic symbots [fe net*,srmblzJ
kifejezs - expression ftk'spreJnJ
konnytett olvasmny - graded reader ['greldrdJ
kozpontozs - pu nctuation [pngktJderJnJ
mondat - sentence ['sentensJ
nyelvtan - grammar ['graeme*]
szfaj - part of speech [spi:tj]
sz - word [ws:dJ
szkinc - voca bu lary [va'krbjt_rleriJ

sztag - sy|lable ['sllabl]

sztr - dictonary [trkJeneriJ
szovegrts- reading ['ri:dllJ


Parts of speech

- preposition [,prepa'zrJn]
nv - noun [naon]
nvi igenv - infinitive [rdfinetrv]
hat rozsz - adverb ['redvs:bJ
eloIj rsz


ige - verb [vs:b]

kot sz - conjunction [ken'd3npkJnJ
me llknv- adjective ['ted3rktrvJ
nvel - artcle [b:trkl]


pronoun [tpratlnaun]




What tme do you usually get up? Do you get up

o CIon as you wake ap?
g) On weekdays l usually get up at twenty past six, and
on Saturdays lhave training in the morning, so lhave


to get up at 5.30, but on Sundays lalways have a lie-in

and ldon'tget out of bed until 10 or ].1 in the morning.
|'m afraid of oversleeping, so I get up immediately
after my alarm clock goes off.



get up at six o'clock every morning when l go to school,

becau e l commute and l have to catch the 6.50 train.

Luckily, we live very close to the railway station, so l

can get there in 5 minutes. Unfortunately l don't get
up as soon as lwake up. My nnother often wakes me
up; otherwise l would be late for school almost every
day"|'m always in a hurry in the mornings; that's why
never have time for my breakfast. At the weekends my
daiIy routine is different: ldon't have to get up early,
so lalways stay in bed longer and Iget up around 10.




First of all l go to the toilet and then l have a shower.

After that

l comb my hair

and get dressed.


breakfast with my mum and my brother and brush my

teeth. Finally l take my schoolbag and things and leave
for school.

l can't start my day without having a mug of cocoa,

so after my mum wakes me up she always brings me
one in bed. After drinking it l go to the toilet, wash my
face, brush rny hair and clean my teeth. llisten to the
weather forecast on the radio and then l get dressed.
Finally I pack my school things into my rucksack and
leave for school.
toilet [ttcrlet] - wc

comb one' hair [kaomJ - fstilkodik

get dressed [get 'drest] - feloltozik
have breakfast ['brekfest] - reggelizik
brush one's teeth tbr^J] - fogat mos
leave for school * elindul az iskolba
mug [mng] - bogre
wash one's face [woJ - megmosakszik
brush one's hair tbr^J] - fsrilkodik
clean one' teeth [kli:n] - fogat mos
weather forecast [we e 'fc:kg:st] - id jrs-jelents
pack lprek] - osszepakol
rucksack [trnksek] - htizsk


wake up {woke, woken} [werk] [wor_rk] [tweoken]

- felbredni
weekday ['wi:kde,] - htkoznap
training ['tretntry] - edzs
have a lie-in [,lairn] - tovbb rnarad az gyban
oversleep [,auve*sli:p] - ks n bred, elalszik (tovbb}
irnmediately [r'mi:dietli] - rogton, azonnal
alarm clock [a'lo:mklok] - breszt ra, vekker
go off [geu'of,] - megszlal a vekker
commute [ko'mju:t] - ingzik, bejr
catch a train [kaetJ] - elrni a vonatgt
otherwise [)r.ewarz] - mskulonben, mskpp
be in a hurry ['hnri] - rohanni, sietni

What are the first things you usually do in the




What tme do you leave or school?

l leave for school at 7.4CI, l'm very lucky, because our
house is next to my school.


s) As llive in a



little village and

lgo to



szkesfehrvr, l commute and l have to catch the

6.50 train every morning, so l leave home at 6.40.
l leave for school at 7, because l meet my friends at
the tram stop at quarter past 7 and we go to school



|eave home [li:v heum] - elindul otthonrl

tram stop [trrem stop] - villamos megll



relax [rllreks] - pihen

have a snooze [snu:z] - szundt, szunykl
hang out [lrrcq'irut] - id t tolt, ,,elid z", egytt lg


and surf the lnternet or play my favourite computer

games. At 9.30 l have a shower and l go to bed at 10

After school l usually have lunch in the school canteen

and then loften have a chat with myfriends in the hall,
so l leave for home at quarter past two.


n the

As l have lunch at home, l leave for home immediately

after my lessons, because l'm always very hungry by
that time of the day. l get home around 2 o'clock.


rush my
ld leave
' cocoa,
ings me
tash my
n to the
ack and

: l have lunch

lcouldn't study everything before dinner, lstay at

swtch on [swltJ'on] - bekapcsol

surf the lnternet [ss:f t ttntenet]
prepare [prtpee*] - felksztjl
local ['leclkl] - helyi


rangal/nzel dik az

communty centre [ke*mju:neti sente*] - kozossgi hz

for a while [warl] - egy kis ideig

really like it,

because we can choose our food from the menu a

week in advance, so lcan always eat something I like.

lhave lunch at home. As thave two little brothers,

At the weekend l always get up late, around ten o'ctock.

delicious food in the world, so l atways try to get home

as soon as possible after the lessons.

that we have lunch. l usually tidy my room and help my

on saturday l help my mum with the shopping; after

mum with some housework on saturday afternoon.

Then l meet my friends and go to the locat fast food

in advance [rn ecl'vo:ns] - el re, et zetesen

as soon as possble [az su:n ez 'pDsebl] amint lehetsges

At 6.30 l have dinner. lf l have a lot of homework and


my mum is always at home and she cooks the most

Use our

at the school canteen.


home and prepare for the next day. otherwise l go to

the local community centre where l meet my friends.
We usually watch a DVD together or have a chat. At 9
lgo home, watch television, have a bath and at 10.15
lgo to bed. ln my bed lread for a while and lgo to

school canteen [krerr'ti:n] - iskolai ebdl , tterem

have a chat ttet]- besztget, trsatog
hall [hc:l] - el csarnok, auta
immediately [r'mi:cliatli] - rogton, azonnal
by that time of the day - akkorra

l have dinner with my famity at 7 o'clock; after that

usually switch on my computer, check my emaits


After my lessons l have tunch at the school canteen with

my classmates and then we have a short chat. Twice a
week, on Mondays and wednesdays, I go to basketball
training from 3 to 4.30 and on Tuesdays t have an extra
English lesson from 2.30 to 4. on Thursdays l visit my

granny after my lessons. when l get home, l have

snack and then l do my homework. lt takes me about
two or three hours to get ready for the next day.
Lessons finish at 1.40 every day; after the lessons l go
home and have lunch with my mum and my sister, After
lunch l relax for a while, l have a snooze and Icheck rny
emails on my computer. From quarter past two to ha|f
past four l do my homework. Around five o'clock
l meet
my friends at the playground and we ptay football or
just hang out together. l go home at 6.40.
classmate ['kla:smert] - oszt tyt rs
basketball tranng[tbo:skrtbc:l tremtl]] kosrlabdaedzs
an extra English lesson - ktjlonra angolbl
have a snack [snrck] * bekap pr falatot, nassot
get ready [get 'redi] - felkszril

or we go to the cinema together. on

sundays lrelax a lot, read a book and surf the lnternet.

ln the afternoon l do my homework, tater we visit my
grandparents and have dinner with them.
get up late [lert]

- ks n kel

tidy ['taldi] - takart



s, what do you do?

unfortunately, my parents work a lot, so we can do

things together only at weekends. Sometimes we go
to the cinema or theatre together, or we play cards or
board game . when the weather is nice, we often go
hikang, play badminton in the garden or go cycling.

Not very often. Generally, we do the housework

together on saturdays and sometimes we visit some
of our relatives, but that,s att. My parents are usuaIly

very tired in the evenings and at weekends l have

programmes with my friends, so we don't reatly have

the opportunity to do many things together.

unfortunately [nrtfc:tJenatli] -

saj nos

play cards [pler 'ko:dz] - krtyzik

board game ['bc:d gerrn] - trsasjtk



badminton ['brdnrtnten] - tollasla bda


relative ['reletrv] - rokon

opportunity [,opdtju:nati] - lehet sg


8o hiking ['harklr3] - turzni megy

go cycling ['salklr1] - kerkprozni megy

generally ['cl3enreli] - ltalba n
do the housework [,hatjswg:k] elv gzi a hzimunkt

the other three days l have basketball training, so l have

go to
only one hour of free time in the evening before l
bed. l usually listen to music or surf




and what do you usually do then?


fime. on saturday mornings l usually do my homework

and prepare for school on Monday and after lunch l
parents' / sister's / brother's?
help my murn with some housework, but then l can
First of all, my parents leave home earlier than me, so
do a lot of different things l like. l often have a chat
lget up later than them. My father works a lot and
with my friends, we go to the shopping mall and have
he arrives home after 7 pm every evening, l don't
i,gt a cup of tea or a drink and we like window-shopping
have to do any housework on weekdays, because my
i# well. on sundays lhave
murn does it for us, so lhave more free time than my
or watch a DVD; wfter lunch l often play board
parents. ln the evenings my parents usually
or cards with my brother
television or read the newspaper or a magazine, while {$.|i
weather is nice we
l spend my evenings at my computer, My brother is
hiking in the hills. l really
two years younger than me; his daily routine is almost .urt+
. .goes
Unfortunately, don't have much free time at
the same as mine. The onty difference is that he
weekends, because l play football in the local team and
to football training every afternoon from 2to 3.30 and
play matches on Saturdays. Sometimes we
lhave training only three times a week, because
$,'.1; we usually
way from our village to our opponents',
travel a
to classes on the other two afternoons to prepare
On Sundays usually have to study a lot and do my
the entrance exam to secondary school.
homework, so l have only two or three hours, free
entrance exam [entrons tg'zrem] - felvteli vizsga
time. l often meet my best friend then and we have a








of them. l think l should choose one or two and


take ffi


all thlngs considered [kan'sldod] - mindent egybevetve ffi
be ln a hurry [.hirri] - siet
absent-minded l,ebsanfmarndrd] - szrakozott, sztszrt ffi
kil;; ;..i;gi[i,p r.,g.t,rJ]-foiyton elfelejt
realze ['ri:alar z]- rj n, szrevesz
concenirate ['konsntrert] - koncentrl
take sth serius[ ['sroriesli]- komolyan vesz valamit ffi
you usually do then?

them more

What do you do together?

we meet every day


school. During breaks we usually

have a chat or go to the school canteen together, After

school we usually sit down in the nearby park for a

short time and hang out together. we sometimes go
to the cinema or go window-shoppin8 to8ether; once
or twice a month we go hiking or cy_cling and we also
celebrate everybody's birthday at a Pizza restaurant.
break [brelk] - rak zi sz net
nearby [,rua'bat]- k zeli
celebrate ['selrbrert] - megiinnepel

wee* and what do

My uncle bought
.u"ri ffi a My hobby is taking photographs,primary
on weekdays l don,t have much free time,
school, so
an hour or two. l usually
"'. it .t ,.,.v .orput"i o, r ffi me a digital
"", spend
_ :_ .__ _'^ ,^^.^ ffi :il""rT::":::'liln:"il"#fi :[JiJ;,'o'.'.:'l1
b) on Mondays and ThursdaYs l don't go tra'"'1r: ::] 1T ffi lo'rp"titionr. Two month aeo wn a prize at the local
more free time, l usually watch a film, go to the park
newsPaPer's Photo o,r,ihit,
with my friends or play football in the .t
"r"i"li" ffi



r l have



of free

lunch l


l'm mad about model trains, so my hobby is building

scenic model railroads and trains. thave designed
hundreds of layouts so far and lalways go to model
train exhibitions to coltect some new ideas and




l like dancing very much, so lcan say that this is my

hobby. ljoined a dance club two years ago and lgo
dancing three times a week. we have learnt several


enjoy dancing.

d have
m usic

exhbition [,ekstbrJn] -

en the
We go


take care of [kea*] - vigyz valamire

arrange [a'rerrrd3] - rendszerez
folder ['foulcla*] - mappa


be mad about [mred e'baut] - meg rrit valamirt

model train ['mocll trern] - vas tmodell

There are some very rich people who collect expensive

scenic model railroad ['si:nrk modl retlreclcl] vas ti

desgn [dfzarnJ - tervez
layout ['lelat_rt] - e!rendezs, alaprajz
acces ory [oktseseri] - tartozk, kellk
join a dance club
[ct5crnJ - betp egy tncklubba
classical ['klrcslkl] - klasszikus



1es We


do my
5' free

salsa ['srclse]

have a

waltz [wc:ls]

iona Ily

things like paintings or antiques"

painting [tperntrr:] - festmny

antque [.e n'trk] - antikvits, rgisg


stamp [strcmp] - blyeg

record ['rekc:d] - hang|emez
beer mat ['bre mrct] - soraItt
Matchbox car ['mietJboks ka:*] - Matchbox kisaut
banknote ['brelkneot] - bankjegy
doll [dol] - jtkbaba

take up?

lf l had a lot of money, t woutd start collecting coins.

Once l went to an exhibition with my grandfather and
l saw very interesting and vatuable pieces there,

: l have always

lsu a


been interested in windsurfing, so



would start doing it if I had the opportunity.

as well.

take up a hobby ['hobi] - belekezd egy j hobbiba

collect [ka*lekt] - ey jt
coin [kcrn] - rme
valuable ['vreljuabl] - rtkes
windsurfi ng [twlndss:fiq] - szorfozs
cro sttching ['kros strtJrq] - keresztszemes hmzs

les go
; once
e also

pillow ['plleu] - prna


l local

yes, l do. l have some favourite

ones, like scrabble,
ActivitY, Trivial Pursuit, The Settters of Catan, Risk and


My grandma does cross stitching and she makes

wonderful things, like bags, piltows and pictures, so l

may learn it from her and it could become my hobby



Matchbox cars, old banknotes or dolls.


may take up this hobby.

A lot of

collect stamps, coins, records, magazines/ beer mats

or napkins. l've also heard of some people cottecting

or We



collecfion [ka'lekJn] - gy jtemny

take photographs [telk 'feutagra:fs] - fnykpez

digital camera [,drd3rtl'kremere] - digitlis fnykpez gp
competiton [, kompe'trJn] - verseny
prze fpratz]- d

ping as

figure [tfrga*] - figura

beer can ['bla kirn] - sorosdoboz
dust [dnst] - leporol
specality [,speJi'releti] - specialits
napkin ['naepkrn] - szalvta

different dances so far, ctassical and modern types as

a chat

l your

l got a napkin cotlection from my aunt for my 13th

birthday and l've been collecting them since then. l
have very old and very special items and some from
far away countries like Mexico or Japan as welt. ltry
to take care of them and l arrange them in different

well. My favourite ones are salsa and waltz. l realty

n l can


Scrabble ['skrrcblJ - Scrabble


Actvty [rek'ttvetiJ - Activity

Trivial Pursuit [ttrrviol po, ju:t] * Trivlal Pursuit
The ettlers of Catan ['setle*] - Catan telepesei
Risk [rlsk]


play board games with my family about once

month, but sometimes l piay with rny friends toq, and

when we go to a camp with my c|ass, we always play
in the evenings.
camp [krcmpJ - tbor

when l was a little kid l used to collect star wars

figure , but l don't collect anything nowadays.

l collect beer cans. My mother is not very
happy about
it, beCaUSe it takes ages to dust them and ldon,t
do it
every week. so far l have collected 456 different

from every part of the wortd, because l atways

everybody who trave|s abroad to bring me a can

the local beer speciatity.

pldy curds?


l do. There are some very exciting and some

very funny card games, but in my opinion whether
you enjoy it or not always depends on who you play
with. l play occasionally, when t am together with my
classmates or friends.



exciting [rk'sattrq] - izgalmas
in my opinion [a'prnjen] - szerintem

crossword puzzle ['krosws:d pnzl] - keresztrejtvny

Sudoku [stltoktrN
Swedish-style [tswi:drJ] - Skandinv tpus
every second week - minden msodik hten
sunbathe ['snnber ] - napozik

Do you like crosswords and other puzzles? How

often do you da crosswgrd puzzles?
Yes, l do. l have two favourite types, l often do Sudoku,

where you have to write in numbers. The other type l

really like is Swedish-style crosswords. l do crossword

puzzles every week or every second week, but in

summer l often do them while l'm sunbathing.






.EIX:PRIE |io,.Nl


.can|t star,t my day with,out







.!.n:,c' ,,,t:ht's.,O,ne, of,:.thl.m.o:St..:eifi!Oy.b'le

parts, of


ToPlc-BAsED MIN I DlcTlo!\lARY

Napirend - Daily routine [,derli rulti:n]
igk - verbs [vs:bz]
aludni megy, lefekszik - go to bed lgao te bed]
barangol/nzel dik az lnterneten - surf the lnternet [ss:f
bellt - set [set]
bekap pr falatot, nassol - have a snack [snrck]
bekapcsol - switch on/off [swrtJ'on/'o|l
beragad a dugba - get caught in a traffic jam
[get ,kl:t ln e 'trrrik,d3rem]
bevsrol - dg the shopping [Jopr{]
borotvlkozik - shave [Jerv]
ebdel - have lunch [lnntJ]
elalszik - go to slee ? l tall asleep [e'sli:p]
elrni a vonatot - catch a train [kretJ]
elindul az iskolba - leave for schooI [1i:v fo 'sku:l]


elindul otthonrl - leave home [li:v hoom]

elksik - be late for [lert]
elvgzi a hzimunkt - do the housework ['hatlsws:k]
fekszik az gyban - lie in bed [1a{
felbredni - wake up (woke, woken} [werk)r,p, wok, 'wouken]
felkelni- get up [,getXp]
felksztil - get ready [get 'redi]
felksztil - prepare [prfpeo*]
feloltozik - get dressed lget 'drest]
feloltozik - put on one's clothes [pot'on]
fstjlkodik - combl brush one's hair [keom] tbr^J]
fogat mos - clean / brush one's teeth [kli:n] tbr^J]
frdik - haveltake a bath [bo:0]
hajat mos - wash one's hair [*oJ]
hazamegy - go home lgatl haom]
hzi feladatot kszt- do hornework ['haomws:k]
id t tolt, ,,elid z", egytt Ig - hang out [hreq'aut]
ks ig gyban rnarad - have a lie-in [,lalrn]



ll:son bred, elalszik (tovbb) oversleep
rle5 n fekszik le have a late night
qes n kel get up late

';-tYt stltat - walk the dog / take the dog for a walk [wc:k]
eksi a buszt - miss the bus

:vetk zik - get undressed



*egeteti a kisllatokat
feed the pets [fi:dJ

- wash one's face

jar valahov get to

_:hon marad - stay in [stel]

:: szepakol



pack [p.ek]

re|ax [rtlreks]

] : : :









} t..:,ffiii



rl lovgii



breakfast [.brekfest]
-:3geli tornzik
- take morning exercise ['mc:nt! ekses alz]
": ^a nni,
sietni - be in a hurry [.hnri]
: - in kel
- put on makeup ['nrerknp]
,; jrakozni megy - go out
j : -] n d t, szu nyk
l - have a snooze
:: (3 rt - tidy ['tardiJ
:: -] u l - stu dy
l ] *,bb marad az gyban
- have a lie-in [,laflnJ
i:5o rzik - have dinner
,q ]-re menni
- go to the toilet ['tcrlet]
: - 1anyozik
- have/take a shower [Jaoe*]

;abadid - Free time / Leisura

; ;:1ia li foci
- table footbalt [,terbl'fotbc:lJ
:,: ettozni jr - go ballet dancing

:;,tokkal tallkozik - meet friends

[mi:t frendz]
:;,kcsol - do DlY work

ekezd egy j hobbiba - take up a hobby
:,. ep egy tncklubba
- join a dance ctub [d3crn]
:t:rlget, trsalog - have a chat
]: Trajtkot jtszik
- play draughts [drc:fts]


:;,ts - darts [do:ts]

::rin - domino[esJ [Uomlneo]

::ies - training [trernrlJ

- do pottery [.potari]
,i ,y,kpez - take photographs [terk tfecrtagra:fs]
- paint [pernt]
- cook [kok]
* *ez
- do embroidery [rm brcrderi]
" : ,gszik
- fish [fiJ]

hobbi - hobby [thobi]

tolts, szrakozs - pastme [.pc:starm]
krtyzik - play cards [pler .ko:dz]
kerkprozni megy - go cycling
keresztrejtvny - crossword puzzle
['krosws:d pnzl]
keresztszemes hmzs - cross stitching
['kros sirtJrr]]
kertszkedik - do gardening [-go:dnrg]
kzm veskedik - do craftwork
kirakatot nzeget, kortilnz - window-shopping
[.windeu Joprr]]
kot (pl. pulvert) - knit [nrt]
napozik - sunbathe ['snnber ]
nyelveket tanul - learn languages
rajzol - draw (drew, drawn} [clrc:, dru:, drc:n]
sakkozik - play chess [pler
szrakozni megy, kimozdul - go out
tncolni rnegy - go dancing lgeu Ua:nstg]
trsasjtk - board game ['bc:d germ]
tollasla bda - badminton [tbrednrrntan]
ttirzni megy - go hiking ['harkrr3J
varr - sew (sewed, sewn)
[seu, seod, sacln]
vas ti terepasztal - scenic modet railroad
['si:nrk nrodl
vas tmodell - model train [.nrodl trern]


Gyjteni- Collect [ke'lekt]

gy(jte mny - col lection

antikvits, rgisg - antiquity



banknote ['brerykneut]

- stamp


rme - coin [kcrn]

festmny - painting ['perntl1]
figura - figure ['frge*]
hanglemez - record [trekc:d]
jtk baba - doll
Matchbox kisaut - Matchbox car
['m.rtfboks ko:*]
naptr - calendar [tkielrnde*]
soraItt - beer mat ['bra mretJ
soros doboz - beer can ['bte keen]
szalvta - napkin ['nrepkln]
telefonkrtya - phone card ["feunka:d]
tiveggoly - marble ['mc:bl]







Hlow often do you go to the cnema?

Not very often. Cinema tickets are getting more and

more expensive, so l prefer renting DVDs.
the cinema. l go to the cinema almost
every week. There is a big multiplex not far from our
i am a big fan of

cinema ['stnenra]


ticket ['trkrt] - jegy

expensive [rktspenslv] - drga

prefer [prlfs:*] - jobban szeret
rent - kolcsonoz
fan [faen] - rajong
multiplex ['mnltrpleks] - tobb teremb l ll mozi

the first film rlou saw at the cnemg?

lt was a Disney cartoon One Hundred and One


Dalmatians. l loved it. The puppies were very cute, but

l got frightened by Cruella De Vil.

cartoon [koltrr:n] - rajzfilm

Dalmatian [drcltmerfon] - dalmata

cute [kju:tJ t aranyo
get frightened ['frartond] * rnegrmul
Gruella De Vil [kru: 'ale cle vll] - Szornyella De Frsz


What s the best fIm yau have ever seenP What

s your favourte flm?

lt's The Curse of the Black Pearl from the Pirates of

the Caribbean trilogy, lt' absolutely hilariCIu " Jack

Sparrow is really very funny; he makes everyone laugh.

Johnny DeBp plays him.

b) My favourite

film is undoubtedly Shrek 2. lt's an

amazing film. l have een it several time . lwatch it
over and over again and it never gets boring. My




favourite character is Donkey, who is a fictional talking

donkey. He loves chatting and singing and has a sweet
tooth. Eddie Murphy lent his voice to him.

shrek 2 starts where shrek 1 ends. shrek and Fiona

return from their honeymoon. Fiona's parents, the
King and Queen of Far Far Away, invite them over
for dinner. Fiona's parents are not happy that Fiona's
husband is an ogre and she has turned into an ogre
too. King Harold decides to get rid of Shrek and hires

Puss-in-Boots to kill him. Meanwhile, Fiona's Fairy

Godmother wants to get Shrek away from Fiona
because she wants Fiona to marry her son, Prince
Charming. During their adventures Shrek and Donkey
break into Fairy Godmother's potion factory and steal
the "Happy Ever After" potion that turns Shrek into
a handsome man, Fiona back into a human princess
and Donkey into a stallion. However, Fairy Godmother
sends her son, Prince Charming, to switch places with
Shrek and make Fiona think that he is shrek in human
form. Fortunately, her plan fails. At midnight Shrek
and Fiona go back to their ogre selves.and King Harold

gives his blessing to the marriage because he wants

Fiona to be happy.
cur e[ks:s] -tok

pearl Ipe;l] - gyongy

pirate ['palretJ * kalz

Caribbean [,krcrdbi:en] - Ka rib-tenger

trlogy ['trrlod3i] - trilgia (3 rszb l ll)
absolutely [,rebsa'lu:tlil - teljes mrtkben
hilarigus [hl'learias] * vidm, nevetsges
make so laugh [la:f] * megnevettet
u ndou bted Iy [nn'dautldli] - ktsgkvti
amazing [a'metzu]J * leny goz
several times ['severa[ - tbbszor
over and over again ['aova] * jra s jra
boring [tbc:rlg] * unalmas

7. ClNEMA nruo
character ['krerrkta*] - szerepl
donkey ['donki] - szamr
chat [tJ"et] - cseveg
have a sweet tooth [swi:t tu:0] - szereti az dessget
lend one's voice ['vcrs] - hangjt adja
return [rtta:n] - visszatr
honeymoon ['hnninru:n] - nsztit
ogre ['a.,lgo*] - (emberev } ris
get rd of [rrd 3v] - megszabadul
hire ['haro*J - felbrel
meanwhile ['rni:nwirri] - id kozben
f airy godmother
['feeri] - tu ndrkeresztanya
Prince Charming ['to:nrr1] - "Sz ke Herceg''
adventure [ed'ventJa*J - kaland
potion factory ['paoJen,frekteri] - bjitalgyr
handsome ['hrensenr] - jkp
human ['hju:nron] - emberi
princess [prrrfses] - hercegn
stallion ['strcljan] - cs dor
however [,lrau'evo*l - azonban
switch places ['plersiz] - helyet cserl

yes, l have. l have seen Titanic five times and l could
watch it over and over again. lt is a very romantic love
story. DiCaprio and Kate Winslet are brilliant in it.
Titanic [tattrcnrk]

romantic [ret-r'mrentrk] - romantikus

brlliant ['brIlient] - ragyog



ll ta



nts, the
!m over
an ogre
nd h ires
l's Fairy
n Fiona
, Prince
Do n key
nd steal

rek into


blessing ['blesrr3] - lds

prin cess

ces with

tt Shrek


e wants

what did you see? woutd you recommend it? why?

Last weekend l saw star Trek. lt is a science-fiction
movie. lt came out in 2009 and was directed by J.J.

l would recommend it to anybody who loves sciencefiction and action.


can't wait to buy the soundtrack by Michael Giacchino.

think it's great!

last time [lo:st] * utoljra

recommend [,rekdmenctJ - ajnl
s c i

en ce-fi

ction [,satans'fl kJen] -

movie ['mu:viJ - filrn

d irect [clal'rekt] - rendez


d o

m nyos-fa nta szti ku s

rnain [rnelnJ


l like all kinds of movies, but l love horror films and ghost
stories. l love the adrenaline rush ofbeing scared.

lt all depends on my mood, Sometimes l like action


b) l

rnainly ['metnli] - f leg

film - filmre ve z, felvesz
can't wait [ko:nt wert] - alig vr
soundtrack ['saundtrtek] * a film zenje, zenei anyaga



ftlm you have ever seen?

The scariest film l have ever seen was Si|ence of the
Lambs. lt was really frightening. l had nightmares or
months after seeing it.

think the funniest film is Shrek.


lt is


Jane Eyre is the best romantic film l've ever seen. lt

is based on Charlotte Bront's novel. lt's the story
of an orphan girl who becomes the governess of a
young French girl and falls in love with the little girl's

scary ['skeari] - flelmetes

Silence of the lambs [\arlens

subtitle [tsnb,taltl] - alcm

take place [terk plers] - jtszdik valahol

century [tsentJari] - vszzad
maiden voyage ['melden ,vcllcl3J * els rjt
starship ['sto:frp] - (jrhaj
enterprse ['entaprarz] - v lla lkozs
crew [krrr:] - legny g
action-packed ['iekfsn,prckt] - mozgalmas, akcid
excitng [rk-sarttq] - izgalmas


action fi]m [\ekJen] - akcifilm

sci-fi [,saifar] - sci-fi (tu dom nyos-f a ntaszti kus)
cant stand [strend] - ki nem llhat
comedy ['komedi] - vgjtk
make so relax [rllreks] - pihentet, ellazt
kind [karnd] - fajta
ghost [gaost] - szellem
adrenaline rush [o'drenelrn rd] - adrenalinfr ccs
adrenalin szint)
be scared ['skead] - fl
depend [dipend] - frigg
mood [mu:d] - hangulat


Abrams. lts subtitle is "The Future Begins" as it takes

place in the 23rd century and it is about the maiden
voyage of the new starship, the uss Enterprise, and its
crew. The fiIm is action-packed and exciting. The main
characters are pIayed by chris pine, zachary Quinto
and Leonard Nimoy. lt was fiImed in the USA, mainly
in california.

action and sci-fi films, but l can't stand westerns.

comedies because they make me laugh and

movies, sometimes l prefer comedies.

a Sweet

rd Fiona

l love

l also love

fortunately ['fc:tJanetli] - szerencsre

plan [pl.rn] - terv

fail [ferl]



e ,lrmz] - A brnyok

nlghtmare ['nattmea*] - rmlom

be based on [berst]- alapul
novel ['noval] - regny
orphan [b:fen]- rva
governess [llvenes] - nevel n
fall ln love wlth [fc:l]- beleszeret
guardian [!o:dtan] - gym

Yes, Titanic. lt has a very sad ending as the ship sinks

and the main hero, Jack, dies.



make so cry [krar] * megrkat
sink [stryk] - elsrjllyed
hero['htereo] -h s



orginal Ianguage?

prefer the dubbed versioff, but as l am learning English

l often watch the dubbed version first and when the
film is available on DVD, l buy or rent it and l watch it
in the original language with subtitles.

Who is your favourite dctor or actress?

My favourite actress is Jennifer Aniston. The sitcom

series "Friends" made her famous all over the world.

She plays the role of Rachel.

version ['vs:Jen] - vltozat

available [oiverlabl] - kaphat

llove Brad Pitt. He is a fantastic actor and he is very

good-looking. l love his films.
sitcom [tsltkam] - vicces helyzeteken alapul komdia

series ['steri:z] - sorozat

famous ['felmes] - hres
role [recrl] - szerep

but there are other sites where you have to pay if you

want to download a fiIm. Pirated films are illegally

downloaded films.

My favourite movie character is Mr Poirot, Agatha

online ['onlaln] - az interneten

for free [fe fri:] - angyen
site [satt] - oldal

Christie's Belgian detective. He and his "grey cel!s" can

solve even the most difficult cases.

download [,daorilatld] - letolt

Poirot [tpwa:recl]

How do you decide which ilm to see?

lf there is a new film on at the cinema lwatch the

trailer for it, l read the reviews on the lnternet and if
it looks interesting Igo to see it. You can find cinema
programmes on the lnternet or you can get a fnee
cinema and programme guide at cinemas, in shopping
centres and in cafs.

legally ['li:gali] - torvnyesen

pirated ['palretld] - kalz, illeglisan letoltott


Do you usually watch films at home ar qt the


l often rent DVDs because l prefer watching films in

the original language. l often switch on the subtitles
because they help me understand what the actors are
saying. |'d rather watch a film with subtitles than one
dubbed into Hungarian.
original [a*rtd3rnal] - eredeti

language ['lreqgwrd3] - nyelv

switch on [swtt] - bekapcsol

subtitle ['snb,taltl] - felirat

dubbed [dnbd] - szinkronizlt


How often do you watch TV? What do you

usually watch on TV? What kinds of TV programmes

do you usually watch?


l watch TV almost every day. l usually watch TV for

about two hours a day on weekdays and about five
hours a day at the weekend.


lt depends on how much time l have. lwatch the news

every day. l love cartoons, soap operas and series like
NC|S or CSl. l regularly watch sports programmes, and
l love quiz shows.
soap opera ["setlp,opre*] - szappanopera
regularly ['regjolali] - rendszeresen
quiz show ['kwrzJeu] - vetlked

decide [dtsard] - eldont

trailer ['trelle*] - filmel zetes
review [rfvju:] - ismertets, kritika

programme ['praugrem] - prograrn

guide [gard] - m sorfrjzet
caf [tkarfer] - kvz, kisebb tterem

Do you watch films online?

you can watch a lot of films online for free. There are

sites where you can download free movies legally,

Who is your favowrte movie character?

Agatha Ch ristie [,rcge0e'krrsti]

Belgian ['beld3en] - belga
grey cells [selz] - szrkellomny (agysejtek)
solve [setllvJ - megold
even ['i:ven] - mg ... is
case [kers] - ugy

Do you like wotching fiIms that are dubbed

into Hungarian or do you like watching the tlm in its

What s your favourte TV show? Why do you

like it? When is it on?
My favourite TV show is the Simpsons. lhave the ].'t
and 2"d seasons on DVD. lt is an animated cartoon
series. lt is very funny and llove the characters. My
favourites are ltchy the Mouse and Scratchy the Cat.
They always fight and try to kill each other. The winner
is almost always ltchy. lt's on every Saturday.


be on - adjk, m soron van

season [si:zn] - vad

animated cartoon [,rentmertrd ka:'tu:n] - rajzfilrn

itchy ['ItJi] - nyughatatlan (viszket s)

scratchy ['skrreti] - karmols

fight [fart] - verekszik, harcol
each other [,i:tJh a*] - egymst



yesterday I watched the news and the quiz

show after
the weather forecast. Then l saw the latest episode
of Gilmore Girls. lt is a series about a single mother,
called Lorelai, and her daughter Rory. They live in an
American town called Stars Hollow.

in its


en the
atch it

weather forecast ['wea,fc:ko:st] - id jrs el rejelzs

episode ['eptsacld] - rsz
sngle mother [,srqgel'mn 3*] - gyermekt egyedril nevel

lre are
ega Ily,

if you
Iega Ily



We have cable TV at home and we have more than 60
ch a


,,} we

have a satellite dish on the roof on our house and

we can receive about 40 channels.

cable [ketbl] - kbel

channel ['tJrenel] - csatorna
satellite dish ['srtelalt,drJ] - m holdvev antenna
roof [ru:|J - tet
receive [rtsi:v] - fog


'V for
rt five

:s like



he 1't
s. My
: Cat.


I often watch Cartoon Network, Eurosport and MTV,

but my favourite channel is Discovery channel. There
are a lot of interesting programmes on it, and we can

learn a lot about science, technology, history and

nature. My favourite programmes are ''How do they

do it?" and Mythbusters. From the series ''How do

they do it?" we can learn for example how stripes get

into toothpaste or why plasma Tv screens are flat. ln

Mythbusters a group of experts try to uncover the truth
behind different myths and use modern-day science
to show us what's real and what's fiction. ln one of
the episodes they wanted to find out if elephants were
scared of mice. ln the programme, when the etephant
saw the mouse, it turned away quickly.
network [tnetws:kJ - hlzat
discovery [dtsknveri] - fe lfedezs
science ['satans] - tudomny

technology [tek'nolad3i] - tech nolgia

history ['htsteriJ - tcirtnelem

nature ['neltJa*J - termszet

myth [m]- mtosz, legenda
buster ['bnste*] - lerombol
stripe [stralp] - csk
toothpaste ['tu:Operst] - fogkrm
plasma ['plreznre] - plazma
screen [skri:n] - kperny
flat [flretJ - lapos
expert ['eksps:t] - szakrt
uncover [nrlknve*J - feltr

truth [tru:0] - igazsg

modern-day [tmodenderJ
real [rral] - igazi, vals

mai, rnodern

fiction ['fikJan] - kitalls

turn away ['ts:ne,wel] - elfordul

First of all, watching television after a hard day in

school or at work is very relaxing, lt helps you forget

your problems. lt is also entertaining and educational,

We can obtain a lot of information and knowledge

from the programmes. Finally, television keeps us upto-date on what is happening around the world.

el ny
el sz<ir is

advantage [ed'vo:ntrd3] -

first of all [,fa:st ovb:l] hard [ho:d]- nehz

also [b:lseo]


too much television may harm


entertaining [entdteInrj] - szrakoztat

educational [,edjo'kedanel] - oktat, ismeretterjeszt
obtain [eb'teIn] - szerez
information [,rnfdmerJen] - informci
knowledge ['nolrd3] - tuds
finally ['farneli] - vgtil
up-to-date [,apteUert] - napraksz
happen ['hapen] - tortnik


eyesight. You might become lazy, a real couch potato.

You may get addicted to watching TV and you might

waste a lot of time. They also say that children may be
influenced by violence shown on television and they
might become violent, too. ltt true that there is too
much violence on TV as there are many action films
and crime series on the programme.
disadvantage [,drsed'vo:ntrd3] - htrny
harm [hc:m] - krost
eyesight ['aIsart] - lts
might [mart] - esetleg, lehet, -hat, -het
become [br'knm] - vlik
lazy ['lelzi] - lusta
couch potato [kautf pe'terteo] - llandan tvtnz ,
lusta ember
may [met] - lehet, hogy..., -hat, -het
8et addicted [autktrd] - rabjv vlik
waste [werst] - elveszteget
be influenced [\nflrienst] - befolysolja
violence ['varelens] - er szak
violent ['varelent] - durva, er szakos
true [trul - igaz
crime [krarm] - krimi

ln my opinion, there are too many commercials. lt is

very annoying that films are interrupted several times
by ads and the same commercials are played over and
over again. l know that ads help the channels make
money to stay alive and they might also be useful for
customers because they inform people about new
products, but l think they should be shown between
and not during programmes.
commercial [ka'ma:fel] - reklm
in my opinion [dplnjan] - vlemnyem szerint

annoying [dncu4] - idegest



nterrupt [,Intdrnpt] - f lbesza kt
ad [redJ - hirdets
stay a|ive [stel e*larvJ - letben rnarad

l am

absolutely sure that l could live without the teily for

a week, of even more, as there are many other things to

do. l love reading, listening to music, spending time with

customer ['knstanra*] - vsrl

inform [trt'fc:rn] - tjkoztat
product ['prnd^kq - termk

my friends and playing basketball. And if I am interested

in the news, l can read it on the lnternet.

during ['d.juerlu] - alatt

be sure [Jc:*]

biztos benne

wthout [wt aotJ - nlkril

be interested n ['tnterestrd] - rdekli

ToPlc_BA ED MlNl DlcTIol\|ARY

Flrnek s tv misorok - Films and TV shows
akcifilm - action film ['rekfn]
beszlget s m sor - talk show l chat show ['tc:k / .tJnt
dokurnentumfi lm - documenta ry [dokjdmenteri]
drrna, nem vgjtk- drama [Uro:rne]
folytat5 - sequel (to} ['si:kwal]
folytatsos teleregny * soap opera ['seop,opre]
gyenekfilm - children' film
hbor s film - war film [wr:*]
hrek - news [nju:z]
id jrs-ei rejelzs


- weather forecast ['we


jtkfilm - feature film [tfi:tJe*J

kalandfilm - adventure film [ed'ventJa*]
krimi * crime (story} [krarm]
mese - fairy tale ['feari terl]
nmafilm - silent fi!m ['sarlant]
rajzfilm - cartoon / animated film [koltu:n,'rcnlmertrd]
riport - report [rtpc:t]
romantikus film - romantic film [rau'mrentrk]
sorozat (folytatsos tortnet} - seriat ['srariel]
sportkozvetts - sports coverage ['knvarrdr]
termszetfilrn - nature film ['nett[o*]
tortnelmi film - historical drama [ht,storrkol tdro:me]
tragdia - tragedy ['trred3edi]


y for
gs to


tudomnyos fantasztikus - science fi ction [,salenstfikJnJ

- commercial [ke*nrs:Jl]
valsgshow - reality show [ri'reletiJ
vetlked - quiz show ['kwrz]
vgjtk - cornedy ['konred{
zenei m sor - music programme ['nrju:ztk,prat_lgraem]
zens darab /n lm - musical ['mju:zrkl]
TV r"eklm

lknevek - Adjectives
- action-packed ['rckfnpekq
borzongat - thrilling [t0rrlrj]
csak feln tteknek val film - X-rated [eks'reltrc1]
rdekes - interesting ['tntrastlr3J
fekete-fehr film - black-and-white film
flelmetes - frightening /scary ['frartantg / 'skeeriJ
f e liratos
- su btitled ['snb,tartld]
gondolatbreszt - thought-provoking [,0c:tpre'vacrk14]
hangosfilm - sound film [sacrnd]
M el





a loiii








tbo rzo ngat

s p

ne -c h


ng ['spaln,tJrlr1]

lsmeretterjeszt - educational [,edjcr'kerfnl]


- exciting



disappointing [,dlse*pcrntl1]
magval ragad - gripping ['grlplg]
megdobbent - shocking [Jokr4]
meghat - moving /touching ['mu:vt1 / 'tntfr1]
mulats gos l rendkvtjl mulatsgos - hilarious [htlearias]
nmafilm - silent film ['sarlant]
sikeres - uccessful [sek'sesfl]
szlesvszn - wide-screen [,wald 'skri:n]
sznes film - film in colour ['knle*]
szinkronizlt - dubbed [dnbd]
szvmelenget - heart-warming ['ho:t,wc:miqJ


sad [s.rd]

szrakoztat, ffiulatsgos - amusing ['mju:zlq]

szrakoztat - entertaining [,enta*tern11]
szornyi - awful ['c:fl]
"rnalmas - boring ['bc:rrq]
,,,d, er szakkal teli
- vlo|ent ['valelent]






magica l ['mred3rkal]
ny ['fnn i]

- slow-moving ['sleu,mu:vt4J

Szerep! k, alkotk - Cast, the credits

nemond - presenter [prlzente*]


szerepet jtszik - star [sta:]

hzigazda * host [haost]


rolvas - newsreader / newscaster

['nj u:z, ko :sto*/'nj u:zri :da*]

hs / h sn - he ra / heroine ['hlareu / 'hereutn]
h s, szerepl - (main) character ['kaerekte*]

kaszkad r - stunt man /stunt woman ['stnnt mon,

' tAnt,wumen]
kommenttor, aki kozvett egy esemnyr l- commentator
kzponti szerepben - in the central role ['sentral]
mellkszerepl - minor character [,malna*'krerakte*]
mellkszerepl - supporting actor [se'po:try]
m sorvezet - host [hecrst]
cperat r - cameraman ['kremramien]
producer (irnyt, pnzt terernt el ) - producer
rendez - director [datrekte*/ dfrekte*]
riporter - reporter [rl'pc:tet]
ruhatervez - costume designer ['kostju:m dt,zame*J
srninkes - make-up artst ['metknp,o:trst]
stblista - credits ['kredrts]

stafiszta - extra ['ekstra*]

sze re


v logats

- casting


szerepl grda, szerepet kioszt- cast, cast [ko:st]

sznsz / sznszn- actor / actress ['rekts* / 'rektras]

szovegkonyvr - screenwriter ['skri:nratta*]

- co-star ['keosto:]
vilgost - gaffer [!aefe*]
vkinek a szerept jtsz za - play the role of [reul]
XY-nal a f szerepben - featuring XY ['fi:tJerrq]
sztr, mssal egytitt szerepel

Moziban - ln the cinema

a leg .jabb film - the latest release [,lettost rtli:s]

alacsony ltogatottsg - low attendance [leo dtendens]

amit felttlentil meg kel! nzni - a must-see film [mnst]
bemutat (filmet) - sho{release a film [rtli:s]
bemutatjk - come out /open ['aupen]
bemutat - premire ['premiea]
filmel zetes - trailer ['trella*]
hts sor - back row [reo]
jtssza a mozi - be on l show [Jeu]
jegy - ticket ['trklt]
jegyp n ztr - box-office ['boks,ofisJ
jegyszed - usher / usherette [hja* ,nfe'ret]
kasszasiker - sel!-out / box-office hit [tselatlt, ,boks'ofls]
kasszasiker - blockbuster ['blokbnsta*]
kozonsg - audience ['c:diens]
nagy siker - big hit
nz , moziltogat - filmgo er l moviegoer ['film,geue*,

pattogatott kukorica - popcorn ['popkc:n]

plakt - poster ['peuste*J
tobb termes mozi - multiplex [tmnltlpleks]
vszon - screen [skri:n]
Egyb szavak, kifejezsek
- be called /be entitled [kc:ld, rrr'taltld]
befejezs - (happy / sad) ending ['endnlJ
betilt - ban (-ned) [brenldJ
cmdal - therne song / music [0i:m]
cselekmny - plot / storyline [plot, 'stc:rilarn]
felvesz, forgat - shoot, shot [Ju:t, Jot]
filmez - fi!m
fi|mismertet , kritika - review [rtvju:]
filmre vesz - take (by a camera)
foglalkozik vmivel - deal with, dealt [di:l, delt]
forgalmaz - distri bute [dtstrrbju:tJ
forgatkonyv - screenplay ['skri:nplel]
jtszdik - (story) takes place [plersJ
jtszdik valahol, valamikor - be set in
jelenet - scene [si:nJ
.ielol egy djra - nominate for ['nommeltJ
kritikus - critic ['krrtrk]
ktilonleges effektek (hatselemek) - special effects [,speJol tfekts]
ktils helysznen felvesz - film on location [lou'ke{nJ
megorokt - capture on film ['kreptJe*]
mondanivaI - message ['mesrdsJ
m faj - ge nre l type [}onra]
Oscar djat nyer - win an Oscar for ['oska*]
osszevg, osszellt {filmet) - cut / edit ['edrt]
rendez - direct [datrekt, dlrekt]
sttidiban vesz fel - film in a studio ['stju:dieuJ
szovegkonyv - script [skrlpt]
szovegkonyvr - scriptwriter ["skrlpt,ratte*]
valamin alapul - be based on (a novel by) [belst]
valaminek a tortnettmesli el - tell the story of
a cme ...


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