Billy Graham Deception

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Billy Graham Deception

2/8/14 2:34 PM





10 captures
17 Apr 03 - 24 Oct 09





The Billy Graham Deception

Is Billy Graham a 33 Degree Freemason?

The Illuminati have since time past conspired to establish a New World Order. To achieve this
goal, 3 main areas are to be infiltrated and throughly subverted.
1. One World Government
2. One World Religion
3. One World Economy

It is by placing key 33rd degree Freemasons at the apex of political, religious and economic instutions that
their satanic goals can succeed. Billy Graham has been selected and used by the Illuminati to work to bring
about a One World Global Church based at the Vatican.
This exposure of Billy Graham's Masonic links will include
An ex-Freemason's testimony of Billy Graham attending his 33rd Degree Masonic initiation
Billy Graham's endorsement of a Masonic youth group.
Billy Graham being praised by many 33rd Degree Masons and receiving awards from them
Robert Morey's knowledge of Billy Grahams Masonic File
Freemasons that are employed by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
Billy Graham gets nearly 1 million dollars from a New Age Occultist
Billy Graham on Famous Freemason list done by Masonic Grand Lodges
Billy Graham endorsing and helping other 33rd Degree Freemasons such as Oral Roberts, Robert
Schuller and Norman Vincent Peale.
Billy Graham receives award from a powerful Masonic Lodge
Billy Graham receives award from a Masonic University
33rd Degree Freemasons Mark Hatfield and Jesse Jackson help Billy Graham

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Billy Graham Deception

2/8/14 2:34 PM

Billy Graham attended a Freemasons only meeting (eyewitness evidence)

BGEA hires Freemasons to help with a crusade
Billy Graham And Norman Vincent Peale Believe That Jesus Christ Lied
Numerous other Masonic/Satanic/New World Order connections..........
Most of the above evidence will be posted soon with evidence and documentation.

The Cutting Edge Website has been deceived by the Billy Graham
Evangelistic Association. They now say the Graham is not a Freemason when
I have placed heaps of evidence that show he really is. Please come in here for
the latest information.

UPDATE : Cutting Edge Replies


Please pray for Billy Graham. God died on the cross for all mankind for 'all have sinned'. Pray that the Lord
Jesus Christ will turn him away from the Masonic Lodge and into the everlasting life that only Jesus can give.
Also pray for the Masonic/Satanic leaders of today that God's grace will reach out to them. Remember that
'where sin abounded, grace did much more abound' Romans 5:20 ...May God have mercy on him. this page shows many of Graham's antichrist activities. This

report on the site is true as I have most of this information myself. In time I will scan it all on this page.

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