Lit Review (Esci)
Lit Review (Esci)
Lit Review (Esci)
quantity to measurably degrade the water quality, thus affecting other living organisms that
inhabit the specified body of water. Point sources include discharge of pollutants from specific
locations, for example factories. Non point sources occur when rainfall causes run off which
carries away pollutants into a large body of water (Navindra Ramsaroop. 2011. Environmental
Science for The Caribbean)
Additionally, the factors that affect water quality that will be focused on in this project
are as followed; pH, Phosphate concentration, Temperature, Salinity, Turbidity, Dissolved
Oxygen and Nitrates.
The quality of the surface water resources of Trinidad in many places is deteriorating due
to high levels of suspended solids, organic matter, high bacteria counts and the presence of
chemical pollutants. The main causes are uncontrolled point source discharges, in particular
industrial (including mining) and domestic. The high erosion rates in upstream area and the
indiscriminate removal of vegetative cover contribute to the high turbidity and suspended solids
loads in certain watersheds. The increasing pressure on the water resources due to population and
socio-economic activities will result in an even higher rate of pollution, if no corrective measures
are instituted. (Phillip H.W. 1998 River water quality in Trinidad and Tobago)
Domestic wastewater discharges continues to be a serious and chronic problem. Discharged
wastewater finds its way into the marine environment where it can have negative public health
effects, largely through its bacterial content. Solid wastes are managed by sanitary land filling
with minimal recycling. There is a serious potential problem at the Beetham dump (Trinidad),
situated close to the sea where seepage may be transported to the coast via the adjoining
wetlands. Agricultural and industrial pollution are constant features of the economic
development of the country. (Alexia C.R. 2009 Water Pollution in the northern range of
There have been a number of reported fish kills in rivers of Trinidad and Tobago attributed
to the indiscriminate use of pesticides, fertilizers and domestic chemicals. In Trinidad the
rivers Maraval, St. Anns, Santa Cruz/San Juan, Caroni and Arima. (Bryon E.R. 2010. What
are some factors that affect the water quality of Rivers in Trinidad and Tobago?)
Trinidad and Tobago has historically enjoyed good potable water quality. Increasing
pollution from sewage and industrial effluents combined with soil erosion and unmitigated
development are threatening the quality of potable water while increasing treatment cost. At
the same time, pollution can have significant implications for public health and natural
ecosystems. (Michelle S.I. 2007. Importance of maintaining water quality)