LETTER No. 45: Design 101 MOOC Abadir The Warhol Museum
LETTER No. 45: Design 101 MOOC Abadir The Warhol Museum
LETTER No. 45: Design 101 MOOC Abadir The Warhol Museum
Wee sday
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LETTER no. 45
ign 01
Homework no. 45
Today, you will make a time-capsule. It is a process in seven steps.
Step one: think about the box. It can be a ready made, it can
be something you do on purpose. Remember that the box has
to last for twenty five years.
Why do we do this?
To introduce to you the concept of tension applied to design.
Get a mood, a state of mind. Then imagine a second mood.
Eventually quite different from the first one.
Imagine the project as a thin line between the state of mind
n. 1 and the state of mind n. 2.
Something to remember:
One day more, one day less.
Further inspiration...
If you like Andy, we found some online courses you could follow
in order to get to know more about him...
First, the Warhol course on Coursera: an
introduction to the life and work of Andy
Warhol... through exploration of five
thematic framings of his life and career:
celebrity, sex, money, death, and time.
Also, the Warhol Museum offers some nice
lessons, exercises and resources for you.
And now
Since it is our third day being secluded in our room,
here is an inspirational link for you to check, with some
special music to go along with it (Mozart, he was another
very cool chap...).
On Instagram:
#design1o1: to connect us all under a same hashtag.
Regarding the hashtag, make sure to use #design1o1 with an o
and not a 0...
Uploading your homework to the iversity platform is very
important in terms of archiving. It is the only way we can
collect all the things we do in one same place. Once the course
ends, it might turn out to be reorganized into a wonderful
book and/or exhibition
Todays postcard
Andy Warhol Skull
Time Capsule
Andy Warhol