Global Market Outlook October 2011
Global Market Outlook October 2011
Global Market Outlook October 2011
October 2011
October 2011
Buy the
Buy and
Occupy Wall
debt Pension
If this is the view and reason for the super-enthusiastic bulls, then we see
your point. The slightest potential for a solution to Europe will certainly
provide markets with joy for a few minutes. Then, once this joy wears off
you can prepare for Americas venture into LSAP (which we discuss on page
8), which is certain to launch stocks into outer space.
Should neither of these developments occur, then well need to see
dramatic improvements in the global economy and funding markets for
banks before the next bull market resumes.
The question we do ask however, is how long, economically, and politically
can the bailouts continue? From a pure mathematical perspective, the
exact point in time when there really is too much debt has already passed
for some and is on the horizon for others. Meanwhile, from a pure social
perspective the exact point in time when people finally shout we cant
take this anymore has certainly arrived in Athens and Rome. And unless
the perceived inequalities improve, suspect social unrest will likely grow
further maybe even onto Wall Street.
October 2011
Exactly how the Occupy Wall Street movement can move the
established status quo is no secret really. Should the protesting
groups grow in size and breadth, some leader, somewhere will take
notice and react. And who knows, maybe the small reaction will
actually be the one that forces the bad debt to be cleansed from the
Until then continue with the signs.
October 2011
Where do we start??
Below the surface of the iceberg - Europe
Our readers know by now that IceCap has been writing and talking
non-stop about Europe for over a year. We forgive you for tuning out
now and then.
Second, youll often hear that Greeces economy and GDP is only 2%
of the total Euro-zone total economy, therefore dont worry about
this little hiccup called Greece. This is a schoolboy error of the worst
kind. Let us explain.
Sadly, the problem doesnt end there. The problem becomes even
bigger due to who actually lent Greece this money European banks.
Once you consider how banks are structured, the problem then
becomes bigger still. Banks everywhere around the World borrow
money themselves. In fact, they typically borrow between 10-20x of
what they actually have as equity. Compared to the 4-5x leverage for
the most indebted countries in the World, banks appetite for risk
puts Greece to shame.
To further aggravate the issue, some of the money that European
banks actually own themselves is invested in Greek bonds. When
Greece eventually fails to payback what they owe, these European
banks will suffer losses on their investments and due to their liberal
use of leverage, many of these banks can conceivably be wiped out.
October 2011
We promise to promise
Below the surface of the iceberg - Europe
Mark your calendars for yet another all important European date
with destiny. Ever since the beginning of the end for the Euro-zone
and its currency, one European leader after another has floated an
idea to resolve the debt crisis. As with most ideas, very few are great
ones and make no mistake, the Europeans will have to create a
pretty remarkable idea to solve the already dangerous debt crisis.
Politicians and investment forecasters know the cardinal rule of
predictions never draw a line in the sand. Once the line is drawn,
there is no going back. Well, French President Sarkozy and German
Chancellor Merkel have drawn a line in the sand, and a very big line
at that. For once and for all, on October 23rd or 26th, 2011 at 3:27 PM
this dynamic duo is going to announce THE plan to save the Euro.
THE plan is going to focus on the creation of a super-duper-debtcharged bailout fund to bailout the entire Old World. Fund proceeds
will be used for the following:
1. Provide never ending loans to Greece
2. Secure future loans for bankrupt Ireland and Portugal
3. Special loan backing for Italy & Spain
4. One very big credit card for Belgium
5. Invest unlimited capital with no restrictions, interest or dividend
payments for every European bank
6. Create insurance (for banks only) against any other investment
that loses money
Yes, weve heard all of this before and yes IceCap has gained a few
friends (and saved clients money) at the expense of the Europeans.
Yet apparently, this coming weekend all will be saved without the
slightest loss possible for any European bank.
To fully understand exactly how messrs Sarkozy and Merkel will
achieve this miracle, we ask you to consider the features of the new
and improved EFSF (European Financial Stability Facility):
1. The EFSF is an actual company incorporated in Luxembourg
whose objective is to preserve the Euro-zone
2. All Euro-zone countries including Ireland, Portugal and Greece
promise to provide money EUR 440 billion to the EFSF
3. Should a country be unable to provide money, the remaining
countries will have to promise to provide more
4. Since this promised pool of money will not be enough to bailout
everyone and it is impossible to have the Euro-zone countries
promise more money to the fund, the EFSF will borrow money
using the promised money it doesnt have as collateral
5. Borrowed money will equal between EUR 2 to 2.5 trillion,
bringing the grand total of the EFSF to about EUR 3 Trillion
6. One final point, who will be crazy enough to lend the Europeans
this EUR 2 to 2.5 Trillion? The answer: the Europeans themselves
of course.
7. Ultimately, the EFSF will in effect become another tail wagging
the dog
In the end we doubt the World will see any real form of debt
October 2011
October 2011
October 2011
Ghost Cities
Below the surface of the iceberg China
In response to the economic devastation caused by the 2008-09
market collapse, the US and Europe has been wasting billions of
dollars in non-productive investment schemes (cash for clunkers,
housing rebates, subsidized lattes). China however took a completely
different approach. Instead of trying to encourage Chinese banks to
lend, Beijing simply demanded their banks lend. And lend they did.
Total Chinese bank loan growth has increased over 60% since 2008.
One thing is for sure, while the rest of the World has stagnated, there
has been no lack of capital or liquidity in China.
But at what price? By now, many are familiar with the Chinese ghost
cities entire brand spanking new cities with not one resident to be
found. There are also many more empty buildings and shopping
malls, as well as carless bridges.
In economic parlay, we refer to these as capital investments. Capital
investments are good as they normally create a long-term return to
the economy. However, in exchange for stimulating its economy and
avoiding social upheaval, the Chinese has used capital investment as
a tool to subsidize an immediate slow down in the global economy.
Unfortunately, this over investment was meant to mask over a lack of
domestic demand and to provide a bridge until the Western World
recovered. Yet, with the Western recovery no where in sight the
Chinese are now faced with too many empty cities and a huge pile of
bad loans starting to accumulate within their banking system.
October 2011
A cautious bunch
Our strategy
Weve had some great conversations recently with clients,
prospective clients and media outlets. During these exchanges, our
strategy and perspective hasnt changed. Since IceCap was first
launched as a firm we have maintained that the best strategy for
today is one focused on capital preservation. There will be amazing
opportunities to make ridiculous amounts of money, however that
time isnt today.
If youd like to chat further about our view and our unique investment
solutions, please feel to contact:
John Corney at [email protected] or
Keith Dicker at [email protected].
Thank you for sharing your time with us.