SHS Daily Bulletin 5-1-15
SHS Daily Bulletin 5-1-15
SHS Daily Bulletin 5-1-15
Daily Bulletin
Every Student
High Expectations
806 by 2016
7:05 - 8:00
8:05 9:05
9:10 10:15
10:25 - 11:23
11:28 - 12:26
12:26 1:11
5. 1:16 2:14
6. 2:19 3:15 End of School
7. 3:22 4:20
Lunch Today
BBQ Chicken Sandwich
The Accept/Decline deadline for Fresno State is TODAY. You have until 5PM TODAY until to
Accept Fresno State admissions, register for Dog Days and pay for Dog Days. If you are
wanting to go to Fresno State, please take care of everything today. If you miss this
deadline, you will be dropped from Fresno State. If you have any questions, you can email
Bryan Wildes.
Its time to place your Senior Wills in the Senior Issue of The Clarion! Senior Wills are a
great way to tell your friends how much they mean to you in your own creative way. Wills
start at only $3 if submitted online, and are due by May 6. Stop by Room 1505 for
more info. Dont miss out on this final opportunity to reflect on the good times before you
move on from Selma High!
You Are Loved Week!! Rising Generation is making a special effort this week to spread love
throughout our campus. Look out for events at lunch, and dont forget to stop by the prayer
Prom pics will be available today at the athletic window at break, lunch and after school.
You are now able to register for your fall 2015 classes. An email has been sent to your
COLLEGE email account telling you what day and time that you can register. Please check
your COLLEGE email. A College representative will be here Today in room 1303 if you
need assistance with your registration.
21 Year old Stephanie Figueroa, a Selma High graduate of 2012, passed away recently in a
tragic accident. In every English class there will be a donation box to help raise money for
the funeral and support the family. Lets show that Selma Bears Care!!
Any student in grades 9-11 is encouraged to apply for the Bigs program for the 2015-2016
school year. The Bigs program is for high school students who want to work and encourage
elementary students to succeed in school and in life. Applications are in the front office. The
deadline to apply is TODAY. Make a difference in the life of a young child by being part of
the Bigs program!!
Attention current freshmen / sophomores and juniors if you are interested in making a
difference in someones life and becoming involved and committed to Selma High then you
should consider joining Link Crew - a fun way to make new friends and help out our
incoming freshmen enjoy their first year at SHS! Applications for the 2015-2016 school-year
are now available with a deadline to turn in of Monday May 4th. Pick up an application in
the student office. If you would like more information on Link Crew, flyers will be available
in the student office or talk to Mr. Stumpfhauser, Mrs. Quintanilla or Ms. DeCanio. Current
Link Leaders, if you are a junior and would like to be a part of Link Crew next year, you too
should apply again.
Attention Seniors!!! If you did not take your senior picture at Maxwell Studios at the
beginning of the year and you want a picture in the senior slide show. Please submit a
senior picture taken by a photography studio to room 2302 or email the picture to
[email protected] by May 6th. Please label it as SENIOR PICTURE with your
appropriately spelled full name. If you would like to submit group pics, sports pics, travel
pics, prom pics, or any other pics you think may add to the senior slide show we will view it
and make a decision to add it if deemed appropriate for the show. Remember,
Wednesday, May 6th is the final day. No exceptions. Do not delay.
Senior Lip Dub!!! Are you in? Want to dance, laugh and have fun? Head out to the football
field Wednesday May 6 @12:45 pm. Wear your SHS sports jersey, CNA scrubs, cheer
uniform, Ag attire, class shirt, club shirt or any dress code appropriate clothing that best
represents you and your friends.
Its time to start getting your team together for Olympic Week. Teams of 6 students in the
same grade and same gender can sign up with their own unique team name to compete
during the Olympic Week festivities. Teams compete not only to gain class spirit points but
also for the title of Olympic Week Champions. Students must be eligible for the extended
lunch period in order to be a participant. Teams are encouraged to make their own team
shirts to wear during these events. Signup sheets are available now in the student office
and are due no later than Friday, May 8th. Take a look at the promo video posted on
YouTube for more info.
Congratulations to Mr. Fredricks for being chosen as teacher of the week. Hes a great
hardworking and dedicated teacher. Also, the coolest and best die hard Giants Fan ever!!
Dont forget to for your favorite teacher in the student office.
All students need to clear lunch debts before the end of the year. Seniors will not be able
to walk if debts are not cleared; all other students will not be able to register next year until
all debts are paid.