you there
Mother: What do you suggest?
Father: Ive got an ideaits a bit crazy but I think it just might work
In the Den of the Zombies:
(zombies are all lined up on the floor.then in comes the Zombie leader)
Zombie leader: Spirits of the dead. Heed my call! You have been summoned to awake.
We must soon feed again! What say you?
All Zombies: Urghhh!
Zombie Leader: Then rise
Raising Up the dead
Rise up Rise up
Children of the clan
Rise up Rise up
Feeding times at hand
Rise up Rise up
We must take command
We freeze the hearts of the living
Bring terror to their minds
make their souls jump with fear
and consume whats left behind
our harvest is their brains
something that they don't need
there just wasting their gray matter
on consumerism greed
Our community and service
to world that walks above
is to the stop the global warming
and give cold zombie love!
Rise up rise up rise up rise up
Rise up
Rise up rise up rise up!
Johnny: What she is trying to say is that we can stop the recent attacks by the zombies
Mr Cade: How
Jonnhy: We need to talk to them and understand what they want.
Mr Cade: What could they possible want they are Zombies!
head1: Zombies?
head2: Zombies?
head 3: Zombies?
head 4: Zombies?
Ms Adoula: Das it right...dey r zombies!
Mr Cade: Look I am certain everything is under control!
(Lots of arguing and then the silence is broken by Adoula)
Ms Adoula: Lets go Johnny He doesnt care to listen
Mr Cade : Woah.. some people are so hard to please
Doorman: Sir you can not do everything. You shouldn't care so much.
Music starts
It's tough at the top
You're always in demand
To solve peoples
but they don't understand
I roll up my selves
And begin to take command!
Its my town and I do care!
It's hard at the top
Looking down to below
The people look confused
not knowing where to go
My town is under siege
and it's so hard to please
and I do care
I do care.
( he starts to cry......the doorman covers his shoulders....then he produces a necktie with a
bright shine)
Doorman: here you go sir
Mr Cade: Oh ...it's beautiful
Major Minor: Keep on the look out private. We must assume it will be a surprise attack
Private2: Major Minor, my scan indicates there's something coming straight ahead.
Major Minor: Has anybody got a visual?
P3: Sir! I see something! Just over there!
(the Zombies start to move from behind their vantage points)
P4: Incoming!
MM: Wait until they are in plain sight!
(there are now two sides gathering on either side of an invisible line)
P1: Major these Zombies smell terrible
P2: No...thats me...its my sandwich I was saving it for later.
MM: Attack!
(stage combat)
MM: Retreat!
The Aftermath
(the family are in front of the television when Ms Adoula, Johnny and Father come home
through the front door)
Mum: Oh thank goodness your safe..i have been so worried about you. We have just
seen the news and we didn't know if you where ok...and we thought maybe they
got..you and (starts to cry) i didn't know what to do....
Father: It's all right dear everything is all right
(father comforts mother in her uncontrollable sobbing then she suddenly stops and
makes a strange sound as if she has passed it all)
Mum: urk...
johnny: Mum i want you to meet somebody..this is Ms Adoula
Mum: It is very nice to meet you..How do you do?
(in runs a man with a bottle of gel to give to mother hand wash for her hands)
HH: Harry Hygiene keeping things clean for 15 years (teeth go Bling!)
Adoula: tis nice and all to see ya but enough with da talk we need a plan of action to
change da way dat thing be turning out.
Father: What do you suggest?
Adoula: I shall make a magic potion that will allows us to contact the evil dat is started.
Johnny must have a chit chat wit da zombie since he is da one who spill da
potion on da ground!
TV: We interrupt this program to bring you a message from Mr Cade.
Mr C: my fellow citizens it has been brought to my attention that the night patrol
engaged with the current threat that plagues our city and they bravely ran away
Everybody: Ran Away?
(the family hold tight to each other)
MR C: Yes
Everybody: so what should we do?
MR C: I would suggest locking your doors and securing the windows. Bye!
Father: Thats typical of Barry Cade.
Doorman: Ms Adoula you and Johnny have been summoned to a meeting with
Major Minor.
Father: Right.. let go!
(the family stop hugging)
Father: Lets go!
Everybody: ohh..
(They leave)
Mother: Oh i do hope they will be ok. (then the zombies attack the family)
Props material for chair and army stuff..players wigs magazine.,,,,
Vlad under material .
In the Bunker
(Major Minor is playing a video game )
MM: Right why am I up in the air now I was digging a hole a minute ago
What do you mean I am teleportedwhy am I a pig now?
Private:Major Minor the civilians have arrived
(Major minor looks up in fright)
MM: Very good private send them in.
MM: and private...
P: Yes Sir
MM: What is your name private?
Private sir
MM: Private..You didn't see anything unusual..did you?
No Sir..I didn't see you playing mine craft
MM: Very good private..Make sure you keep it private private private or i will assign
you to do behavioral reflection for ever.
Very good sir!
(the private leaves to get the guest..Major Minor quickly arranges himself picks up a
magazine to read and..he then uses the intercom to)
MM; Ms Joy
Joy: Yes Major
MM: Could you please send Dr Hop-it-higher to see me immediately!
joy: Yes Major
( ..they then come into the bunker..the private salutes and leaves)
MM: I have some terrible news. Justin Bieber has broken up with Selena Gomez..
Everybody: Major?
MM: Sorry I mean my top top scientist Dr Hop-it-higher has some important
Adoula: (speaking to the audience) we need to make a magic spell to release the nose
hair..everybody repeat after me!
Adoula Adoula shake it about!
Grab a patch of nostril hair
and the pull it all about!
Ok on the count of 1,2,3
Adoula Adoula shake it about!
Grab a patch of nostril hair
and the pull it all about!
15 masks!!!
(The nose hair is released and the student starts to cry put there are big cheers and
claps from everybody etc....)
Adoula: Now clear the deck while i make me magic potion..Johnny me boy you come
with me.
Johnny: Where are we going?
Adoula: To the dead center of town ...Pink city
The Spell is Broken
(Adoula and Johnny are center stage high on a platform surrounded by smoke and
murky stuff...below the smoke are zombies...Adoula is performing her ritual to summon
the Zombies)
Adoula: Zongle bah das vanden isht.....backum backum fugle fish....hombie zombie rise
en splish.....yung ye yow packa pow ying shooop!
(lighting, strobes and ominous music.)
Johnny: Whats happening?
Adoula: Wait little man..dis dings take time and all..Now when the zombie king comes
you must take this (motion the staff) and say dese words. Zombies Kill,
Zombies reap i command you back to sleep ...can you remember?
Johnny: No problem!
(hands slightly lift out of the smoke from the floor as the zombies begin to rise)
Adoula: Rise! Creatures of the dead you have been summoned by the voice of Adoula!
(they start to stand motionless..zombie like)
Adoula: right das it right now i want to speak to the big boss man!
(Zombie king enters)
Zombie K: And just what do you want to speak about?!
Adoula: here johnny me boy!
Johnny: Zombies Kill, Zombies reap i command you back to sleep!
Back in the Bunker
(Father, Mhersh and MM are waiting for Adoula and Johnny to return)
Father: What could be taking them so long?
MM: If they are not back by 14:00 hours i will have no other option but run away
PP: Sir, the civilians have arrived
MM: Thank you private private..send them in
(they enter)
Father: So how did it go?
Johnny: No good
Adoula: I not understand but da zombies didn't take the spell
MM: Wel then that leaves me no choice
Dhop: Major i havz some good news
ME: Well that would be a welcomed change!
MM: Yes doctor procced
Dhop: My scientist and i have veen vorking vith a little experiment and ve believe ve
maybe able to contain ze threat.
MM: Continue
Dhop: If i may..i vould like to show you a demonstration?
MM: Proceed.
(A series of zombie stuff occurs on the screen from mine craft the computer game)
this is the link:
MM: This is all very good doctor but that is a computer game.
Dhop: Very tuwe but I have an idea!
(he whispers into Major minors ear.it sound good)
MM: That is brilliant!
Dhop: Vell..ve vill have to trap them some how. I vos thinking that we could vuse za
less than conventional methods of Ms Adoula to communicate with za hombies.
Adoula: Wid da new potion I can stun dem
Dhop: Den ve could grabs zem all and contain zem
MM: we ambush them. Classic military maneuver. But what will be the bait?
Dhop: Ve vill need a volunteer to trick za hombies into believing that free food has just
vondered into their path
MM: Right then who would like to volunteer?
( Evrybody looks around)
Johnny: About Mr Rob the drama teacher
Adoula: But he has no brains
(long pause..with a dog bark in the distance)
Johnny: I will do it!
Father: No way
Johnny: No really..I want to do it You did say volunteer right...Besides I have already
meet them before. I am a risk-taker and I am not afraid!
(they all except father and Adoula wipe their brows with relief)
Dhop: I vas thinking ve could use ze boy
MM: Son your a very brave Boy
Adoula: I shall go with da boy.
Mayor Cade: Well thankfully that's all sorted then
MM: I shall gather the troops.
Mayor Cade : One question still remains
ALL: What?
M Cade Once you have captured the Zombies then what?
MM: Dont worry Dr hop-it-higher has a plan!
Drhop: ve could host a comic con and use them as vaiters?
MM: no the other plan!
Dr hop: Ar..yes!
.MM: Let gets cracking!
Doorman: Sir..I have some bad news
( news report about the zombies attacking etc...)
(back in the grave yard.....Adoula, Johnny and father are walking into the grave
yard...spooky music is playing...the air is thick with fear)
Johnny: Ms adoula did you bring the potion?
Adoula: I hear dem sturing..quick lets hide...good luck johnny me boy!
(father and adoula hide...more spooky music...zombies start to slowly rise out of the
wood work and surround johnny)
Zombie Queen: Well well....did anyone order some home delivery?
Zombies: Arrgrhgrhghghr (shaking their heads)
ZQ: Then this one is mine.....but wait....i sense something familiar......yes...the smell of
your flesh is one I have known before..........
call the mother and his sisters!!!!
(mother and sis come onto to the stage)
ZQ: So boy...do you have anything to say to your mother and sisters?
Johnny: Hi mum...hows it going?
Mother: aurghghghg
Johnny: Hi girls..you still smell the same!
Sis: argrhgrhghghr
ZQ: Well now that the reunion is over....feast upon your kin!
Adoula: Zing whack-el zook zok..waka waka boom!
(the zombies freeze)
MM: Quick men.