The Definite Article
The Definite Article
The Definite Article
before a noun which has become definite as a result of being mentioned a second time:
She has a house. The house is beautiful.
before a noun which, by reason of locality, can represent only one particular thing:
She is in the garden (= the garden of this house)
He has to go to the doctor (= his own doctor)
before superlatives and first/ second etc and only, used as adjectives or pronouns:
Most people think that Monday is the worst day in the week.
before names of seas, rivers, chains of mountains, groups of islands and plural names of
The Atlantic Ocean / the Alps / the Rocky Mountains / the USA / the Netherlands /
the Adriatic Sea
Common Mistakes
No article (the) before indefinite plural nouns (e.g. people, women, books, tips, trees)
The people think you live in Paris
People think you live in Paris
No article (the) before uncountable (abstract and concrete) nouns (e.g. music, life, happiness,
freedom, idea, coffee, advice, information)
The life is always surprising
Life is always surprising
No article (the) before indefinite plural nouns (e.g. people...)
General: People are strange People in the world are strange ...
(generally speaking).
Specific: The people in this area are kind of strange (a group within the total people).
However, we could also say: People in this area (as a general statement).
We use the seasons of the year (spring, summer, autumn, winter) with or without the definite article.
in summer or in the summer
The American English word for autumn >fall< is always used with the definite article.
Sometimes we use the article and sometimes we do not. It often depends on the context. Watch the
following example:
The student goes to school.
The mother goes to the school.
In the first sentence we do not use the definite article, in the second we do. The student goes to
school for its primary purpose, so we do not use the article.
The mother might talk to a teacher, for example. She visits the school for a different reason. That's
why we use the definite article in the second sentence.
groups of islands
the Bahamas, the British Isles
name with of-phrase; oceans; seas; rivers
the Statue of Liberty, the Tower (of London),
the Atlantic (Ocean);
the Mediterranean (Sea);
the Nile, the Rhine, the Suez Canal
months, days of the week (definite)
single islands
Bermuda, Sicily
parks; lakes; streets
Central Park, Hyde Park;
Lake Michigan, Loch Ness;
42nd Street, Oxford Street
months, days of the week (indefinite)
I always remember the Monday when I started to The weekend ends on Monday morning.
August is the most popular month for holidays.
The August of last year was hot.