The Unexplained
The Unexplained
The Unexplained
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ti *fl-*-,a-ffi ew mysteries have gained receivemedia attention, many more
such a high pubtic profite examples werereported.Soon,muchof
so rapidly as the occurrenceof crop Britain was representedby sightings,
circles.Prior to 1980, these baffling with reports also coming in from
but beautiful geometricalanomalies overseas. Explanations offeredfor their
that mysteriously appear, usually at occurrence ranged from rutting
night, in fields of corn or other crops hedgehogsor badgers,landing marks
were known onty to a few farmers. left behind by visiting UFOs, and
Today they are one of the most bickering flocks of birds, to fungal
famous and visually recognizable infections. over-fertilization and
enigmasof all time. Their study even covert military involvement featuring
has its own name- cereology. secretweaponrytrials.
Thevariety of crop circlesis almost Not only has the number of
endless,but the simplestform consists sightings increased,so too has the
of a single circle within which all the complexityof the circlesreported.In
corn stemsare flattenedto the ground their bestseller, Circular Evidence,
but not broken, merely bent over at engineers-turned-cereologistsPat
their base.0ften the circlehasan outer Delgadoand Colin Andrewssuggest
ring whose stems are alSo bent, but that the circlesare cryptic pictograms
almost invariably in the opposite created by some higher cosmic
directionto thosewithin the remainder intelligence,and were recognizedby
of the circle. Sometimesthe circle is the Hopi Indians of Arizona as
surroundedby an equidistantseriesof hieroglyphics disclosingthat the world
much smallercircles(satettites),which wasin graveperil.
may or may not be linked to the A rather more prosaicexplanation,
principal circte by channels. 0ther but increasingly conceded nowadays by
circles may contain narrow rings of investigators,is that the more intricate
unbent stems.sandwiched betweenthe the circlesbecome,the lesstikety it is
main body of the circle and an that they are untouchedby human
outermostring of bent stems. hands, not to mention feet, lawn
At first, crop circlesseemedto be rollers,and ropesanchoredto a central
timitedto England's southerncounties, stake. How else can we explain, for
but once the phenomenon beganto instance,the startlingoccurrence near
Royston, Cambridgeshire, in August to my mind the most plausible,
1,99'J.of a crop circle exhibiting the solutionto theseis the plasmavortex
perfect configuration of a highty theory, proposed by Dr Terence
complex computer-generated model Meaden, formerlyassociate professor of
from chaos mathematics known as the physics at DalhousieUniversity in
Mandelbrot set? There is no question Canada,more recently editor of the
that the hoax factor plays a very Journal of Meteorology and a
prominent part in the occurrence of symposium votume entitled Circles
crop circles, as confirmed by various Fromthe Slg1.
media expos6s and statements from Accordingto Dr Meaden,if a hitt
self-confessedfraudsters. obstructsa gust of wind, a vortex is
Nevertheless,many of the simpler formed,which meetsstationaryair on
circles are undoubt€dly authentic. the hitt's lee side to createa spiralling
After all, some have occurred in column that sucks in more air and
remote, inaccessible areas, or in atmosphericelectricity. When this
localities rarely visited by anyone, and makescontactwith the crop fietd, it
why waste time producing fake spirals,flattening the corn into the
exampleshere?. The most popular, and familiarconfigurationof a crop circle.
The cotumn's electrical charge also plasma(ionized air) in the laboratory
producesthe high-pitchednoise that formedby electromagnetic interference
has been reported by peoptejust in the air. When these balls made
before encounteringa newly formed contact with plates covered in
circle. Meaden's theory succinctly aluminiumpowder,they createdcircles
elucidates not only the physical and rings corresponding in appearance
construction of crop circles but also to cropcircles.
those rare yet fascinatingoccasions Continuing research has also
when eyewitnesses have been unearthed some very intriguing but
fortunate enough to witness the hitherto-unrecognized pre-1980
creationof a circle. accountsof crop circles.0f particular
Onesacheventoccurredin August interest is an illustrated pamphlet
1,99L, when Gary and Vivienne from August 7678, in which it is
Tomtinsonwere taking an evening suggestedthat a "mowing devil" was
walk in Hambledon,Surrey, at the responsible for an extraordinary
edge of a cornfield. Suddenly,the configurationin a Hertfordshireoat
corn on their right-handside began fietd that greatly resemblesa crop
to move.A mist hoveredabovethem circle. Its present-daysignificanceis
and they could hear a strangehigh- indicated by the fact that an 1810
pitchedsound.Thena very powerful reproduction of this pamphlet was
whirling wind began pushing them sold to a farmer at a Wiltshire auction
from aboveand all sides,until they in March1,994for L280.
could hardly stand upright - except Accordingto Dr Meaden.however,
for Gary'shair, respondingto the cropcirclesmaydatebackconsiderably
localized buitd-up of static further than this. In his book lhe
electricity.Abruptty, the vortex split Goddessof the Stones, he botdly
in two, then racedaway,shimmering speculatedthat the famouscup and
mistity, and leaving behind two ring decorationsfavouredby Neotithic
shocked eyewitnessesstanding in artists, ancient mazes, and other
the middte of a classiccrop circle, vulva-symbolizinggeometric designs
whosecorn stemswere flattenedall associated with primeval fertitity
aroundthem. goddesses may all have been inspired
Further support for Meaden's by earlyman'ssightingsof cropcircles
theory has come from a team of and their energeticcreation.
Japanesephysiciststed by Professor It has often beensaidthat nothing
Yoshihiko 0htsuki, who announced is new in the realmsof fashion.The
in June 1991. that they had samemay alsobe true, it wouldseem,
successfullygenerated tiny balls of in the world of cereology.
Green ofWoolpit
H il I'ft he remarkablehistory of able to inform the viilagers that she
\**--.dlPthe qreen children of and the boy had comefrom a country
Wootpit was first documentedby two called St Martin's Land, where there
medievalEnglish chroniclers- Ratph, was no sun, only a permanenthazy
Abbot of Coggeshall, and William of twitight. Theyhad beenfollowingtheir
Newburgh.Oneday during the reign of flocks when they had entered an
King Stephen (m 1,1,35-54),two underground passageway and stumbled
children were found weeping and out, on the other side,into the bright
wandering, lost and forlorn, in the sunlightof Woolpit.
great pits used to trap wolves at the Many explanations have been
vitlage of Woolpit, in Suffotk. They offered for this curiousstory. Because
caused great amazementamong the of the children'sgreenskin (the colour
villagers,but this wasdue not to their of Faerie)and preferencefor green
behaviour and their unintelligible beans(food of the dead,accordingto
dialect but to their appearance- for Celtic lore), some researchershave
their clothes, their eyes and, most discountedtheir history as merely a
strikingly, their skin were all green! charmingfolktale. Othershave linked
They were taken to the houseof local it with England'straditional GreenMan
landownerSir Richardde Calne,which orJack-i n-the-Green-ateafy
became their homel but despite all supernatural entity personifying
attemptsto feedthem, for quite a time fertitity and the rebirth of spring. It
after their discoverythese strange has even been suggestedthat the
childrenrefusedto eat anything other children had originated from a
than greenbeans.Sadty,the youngerof mysterioussubterraneanworld present
the two, a boy, died less than a year beneath the surfaceof the earth and
later, but the other child, a girl, grew lacking sunlight, or from someparallel
strongand spentthe rest of her life in dimensionthrough which they had
the area. accidentallysteppedinto our own.
0ver the years,the greentinge to In recenttimes,a muchmoreliteral,
her skin graduallyvanished,and when soberinterpretationhas alsobeenput
she reached maturity she married a forward for consideration.During the
man from King'sLynn in Norfolk. She 1980s,investigatorPaui Harris visited
alsolearnt Engtish,and waseventually Woolpit and tearnt that local people
generallybelievethat the story derives who were tater found, still alive but
from a legendconcerninga medieval disorientedand ill. Worthnoting here
Norfolk earl who was guardianto two is that arsenicpoisoningcan cause
young children. The earl tried chlorosis,in which the skin turns
unsuccessfully to poisonthe children green.So too can anaemia,a result of
with arsenicand then abandoned them malnutrition, from which the
in Wayland Wood, in the area of abandonedyoungsterswere likely to
ThetfordForeston the Norfolk-Suffotk have been suffering. A diet-related
border. Here they would surely have origin for their greenskin would also
died, thus enablinghim to take control explain why the girl's complexion
of the estate that they were due to revertedto a normal colour once she
inherit when they reachedadulthood. beganto thrive on properfood.
Accordingto the Wootpitpeople,these Harrisbelievesthat the story'sother
probablybecamethe green children key portions have straightforward
Spain, dating from August 1887 and
set in the Catalonian villageof Banjos.
Indeed, apart from the differencein
the locality and time, the only notable
discrepancy betweenthe two storiesis
that in the Spanishversion the girl
dies too, after about five years.Even
their tiking for beans is mentioned,
and to add coincidence to coincidence.
the noblemanwho caresfor them after
their discoveryis named as Seflor
Ricardo da Calno - not exactly
dissimilarfrom Sir Richardde Calnel
recycledin several books; in The
drawing by girl in
of'GreenChildren' MonsterTrapand }ther TrueMysteries,
PeterHaining repeateda claim made
explanations too. For instance, a few by John Macklinthat the documents
miles north-west of Woolpit is a village and statementsof the peoplewho saw
called Fornham St Martin, which could and looked after the two green
explain the identity of "St Martin's childrenstill exist. In 1986,however,
Land".Further north is Thetford Forest. Frank Prestonrevealedthat he had
whose dark interior would certainly written to the British CouncilInstitute
seem twilit and sunless to two young in Barcelonaregardingthis story,but
chitdren abandonedin its depths. The atthough the institute conducted
forest also contains many Neolithic extensive searcheson his behalf.
flint mines and associated passages. which included contacting Spanish
Perhapsthe youngsters wandered into librarians, museumsand town hall
one of them, which led to Woolpit. archives, as well as searching
Furthqnore, in the twelfth century newspapersfrom August 1887 for
most pedple did not travel very far, so relevantaccounts, no traceof the story
the dialect of children from a distant coutdbe found.Thisis not surprising,
village may indeed .have sounded becausethe vittageof Banjosdoesnot
strange to Woolpit'sinhabitants. exist.It is imaginaryjust tike its green
There is one final but intriguing children,whosestory is clearlya hoax
twist to the tale of the Woolpit green devisedby someoneinspired by the
children. An almost identical story is Wootpit version to create a more
on record from nineteenth-centurv modemcounterpart.
ne of the most bizarre The LizardManof SouthCarolina,with hind
creatures reported in legsover 2 metreshigh, glowingred eyesand
greenskin. Similarto modern'monste/ in
recent times is undoubtedly a PuertoRico:the Chupacabras.
nightmarish entity from South
Carolina, which has been aptty
nicknamedLizard Man. Accordingto
eyewitnesses, it walkson its hind legs,
standsjust over2 metres(7 feet) tatt,
and has gtowingretl eyes and green
scaly skin. It has only three toes on
each foot and three fingers on each
hand, but every toe and every finger
has a L0-cm-(a-inch)long black claw
at its tip.
Lizard Man first madeits presence
felt at around2 a.m.on 29 June1988.
This was when 17-year-old
ChristopherDaviswas changinga flat'
tyre on his car nearScapeOreSwamP,
which is just outside the backwater
village of Bishopville in South
Carolina's Lee County.
Chris was placing the jack into his
carboot whenhe spiedsomethingvery
largerunning on its hind legstowards
him, acrossa fietd closeby. As it drew
near,Chrisjumped inside his car and
tried to slam the door shut, but the
horrifying reptile-manseizedit from
the otherside,grippingthe mirrorasit
attemptedto wrenchthe door oPenl
And when Chris tried to escaPebY
acceleratinghard, his scaly attacker
Chris Davis'sfrightening experience,
manyotherpartsof NorthAmericahad
also hostedencounterswith reptilian
man-monsters, astonishinglysimilarin
appearanceto the amphibious"gitt-
man" starring in Hollywood'sclassic
Creaturefrom the BlackLagoonmovie.
0n 19 August 1972, for example,
RobinFlewellynand GordonPike were
altegedlychasedawayfrom the beach
around Thetis Lake in British
Columbia,Canada,by a 1.5-metre-(5-
foot) tall bipedat monster with six
sharp points on its head, which had
unexpectedly surfacedin the lake.
Fourdayslater,at around3.30p.m.
on 23 August, RusseltVan Nice and
Michael Gold could only watch in
amazement whenwhat waspresumably
the same creaturesuddenlystepped
'LizardMen'haveoften beenreportedto be
out of the lake, looked around and
seeminglyhostileto observers.
then walked back into the water,
disappearing from sight. Accordingto
jumpedon to the car'sroof! Luckily,it their description,it was humanoidin
soonfell off as the vehiclespedaway. shape,but with scalysilverskin, huge
When Chris arrived home he was ears, the face of a monster and a
tremblingwith fear, the roof of his car pointedprojectionon its head.
borea seriesof long scratches and the In 7977, a State Conservation
wing mirror wasseverelytwisted. naturalist called Atfred Hulstruck
Themassivemediapublicity generated claimedthat a scale-covered man-beast
by this incident led to manyother Lizard regularlyemergedat duskfrom the red
Manreportsemergingduringthe summer algae-choked watersof SouthernTier
of 1988,but the samecouldnot be said in NewYork State.Fiveyearsearlier,in
for Lizard Man itself, who eventually March1972,two policemensawa frog-
disappeared without ever having been faced humanoid creature,about the
satisfactorilyexplained. sizeof a dog, plungeinto Littte Miami
Interestingly,this bizarreepisodeis RivernearLovetand, Ohio.In this same
far from being unique. Long before area, back in 1.955,a respectable
businessman claimedthat he had seen turn, our planetmayindeedhavebeen
a quartet of L-metre- (3-foot) tatt, home to life forms of this type. In
frog-facedcreaturessquatting under a 1982, the scientificjournal Syllogeus
bridgetike'fairytale trolls. published a very unusual but highty
Another longstandingtradition of original paper by two well-respected
scalyhumanoidsfeaturesthe fish-men Canadian palaeontologists,
of Inzignanin,near Chicora- an area Dr Dale A. Russelland Dr R. S6guin
sandwiched betweenNorth and South from the National Museum of Natural
Carolina.Thesebeingsweresaid to be Sciencesin 0ttawa. Its subject wasthe
coveredwith scalesand had webbed fascinating possibitity that, if the
hands.Mostdistinctive of all, however, dinosaurs had never died out, they
weretheir tails, which wereasthick as would have eventualty given rise to a
a man'sarm, about 45 cm (18 inches) dinosaurian counterpart of human
long and relatively inflexibte, tike beings.
those of crocodilesor alligators. In their paper,Russelland S6guin
Accordingto locatlore, they lived only specutated aboutthe likely appearance
on raw fish and thereforesoon died of sucha creatureand suggested that
out when the area's fish suPPlies it wouldhavestood upright on its hind
becameexhausted. tegs,with three fingerson eachhand.
Equatty strange was the 2-metre- They even constructeda model of this
(6-foot)tall, fluorescent-eyedmonster 'dinosaur man' - and what is so
that clawedCharlesWetzel'scar on the amazing about it is that in overall
evening of 8 November1958 as he appearanceit is remarkablysimilar to
drove by the Santa Ana River near the descriptionsof Lizard Man and
Riverside,California. Although often other reptilian man-beastsreported
placedin the bigfoot (i.e. ape-man) from modern-day North America!
category of mystery beasts, it was
much more akin to the rePtilian
monsters,as notedby the writer Loren
Coleman,becauseit was coveredin
leaf-Uke scalesand had a protrusible
Needless to say. no real-life
creaturesof the "BlackLagoon"variety
have ever been provenby scienceto
exist on earth, either during the
presentor the past.Yet, if the course
of evolution had taken a different
ne of the most bird, but they finally admitted that
extraordinary monsters on many of its featureswere far stranger
recordfrom the USAbecamea major than any observedin a bird, and the
newsstory in January1909,when creaturesoonbecameknownas the
6 E.W. Minster. a
tried to convince 8',
postmasterfrom Bristot
in Pennsylvania,gave
a particularly detaited
themselvesat first that it must F; ': first-handdescriptionof
have been some form of this mysterious monster.
hideous giant '} He had caughtsight of it on
;. the morning of 17 January
1909, after hearing an eerie
sound coming from the
direction of the Delaware
River. Accordingto Minster.
the Jersey devil was flying
*',,t.ifi diagonattyacrossthe river
and tookedtike a large crane
at first, but was glowing
brightty tike an immense
firefly. It had a long slender
neck that it hetd
I. outstretched in flight, two
pairs of legs (the front pair
was shorter than the hind
pair) and two long thin
wings. Strangest of att,
however, was its head. which
resembleda ram's becauseit
borea pair of curtedhorns.And asit
flew, it uttered a bloodcurdling cry,
which Minsterdescribedas a combined in Philadetphia's Arch Street
squawk and whistle, beginning very Museum claimed that it had on
high and piercingbut endingvery low disptay a genuine Jersey devil.
and hoarse. which had recently been captured
At the sametime that sightings alive! Sadly, proved to
of this incredible creature were be nothing more remarkablethan a
being reported, strange marks kangaroothat had been decorated
resembling hoofprints were being with bright greenstripesand which
discoveredin the area too, and not had a pair of fake bronze-coloured
just on the ground.Somewere even wings strappedto its shoulders!It
spotted on the roofs of houses! was, of course. a hoax - whereas
Then, not long after these reports almost a hundred years later, the
had cometo an end, it seemedas if real Jerseydevil has still not been
the mysteryof the Jerseydevil had capturedor conclusivelyidentified.
finallv been solved. An exhibition The mysterycontinues...
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