Clark Et Al V Porter Et Al D PDF
Clark Et Al V Porter Et Al D PDF
Clark Et Al V Porter Et Al D PDF
1: 14-cv-02128-WBH
Civil Action No.- - - -
In a "Motion for Excess Pages" dated September 15, 2014, defendants (Daniel
Porter, Governor Nathan Deal, Judge Thomas Davis Jr., Attorney General Sam
Olens, Secretary ofState Brian Kemp, Commissioner Brian Owens, Warden
Stanley Williams, D 'Anna Liber, Brian Bellamy, Georgia Department of
Corrections, and the State ofGeorgia--collectively, "Defendants"; by and through
their attorney, Ms. Deborah Nolan Gore), have expressly declared their intent to
COME NOW Plaintiffs and move this Court to DENY Defendants' "Motion for
Excess Pages", as well as Defendants' intended pre-answer "Motion to Dismiss",
for the following reasons:
1) Defendants' intended pre-answer "Motion to Dismiss", according to they
themselves, is based upon their claim to various forms of immunity
(sovereign, absolute judicial, prosecutorial, and qualified); and upon their
intended claimsl"defenses" of lack ofjurisdiction and failure to state a
claim-all of which "defenses"/claims are invalid and do not apply. In the
accompanying Brief/Memorandum, Plaintiffs will address the invalidity and
absurdity of Defendants' intended claims and "defenses" and demonstrate
their inapplicability to the present action.
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For the UNREPRESENTED Plaintiffs,
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1: l4-cv-02128-WBH
Civil Action No.' - - - -
I, Mrs. Tamah Jada Clark for the UNREPRESENTED Plaintiffs, hereby affirm
that a true and correct copy of the above-mentioned Plaintiffs' Motion has been
served on Attorney Deborah Nolan Gore for defendants Daniel Porter, Governor
Nathan Deal, Judge Thomas Davis Jr., Attorney General Sam Olens, Secretary of
State Brian Kemp, Commissioner Brian Owens, Warden Stanley Williams,
D'Anna Liber, Brian Bellamy, Georgia Department of Corrections, and the State
of Georgia; at her last known address of:
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In addition, the same true and correct copy of Plaintiffs' Motion has been
provided to Attorney Douglas Stuart Morelli (for defendants Charles M. Walters,
Butch Conway, Tracy Goodbar, Christa Kendrick, Gwinnett County, and Gwinnett
County Police Department); as well Attorney Raleigh W. Rollins (for defendants
Mitchell County and Camilla Police Department) at their last known addresses
Attorney Douglas Stuart Morelli
75 Langley Drive
Lawrencevilla GA 30046
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1: 14-cv-02128-WBH
Civil Action No.~_ _ __
Having duly considered the matter before the Court and for good cause shown, it is
hereby ordered that the "Motion for Excess Pages" by defendants Daniel Porter,
Governor Nathan Deal, Judge Thomas Davis Jr., Attorney General Sam Olens,
Secretary of State Brian Kemp, Commissioner Brian Owens, Warden Stanley
Williams, D'Anna Liber, Brian Bellamy, Georgia Department of Corrections, and
the State of Georgia-collectively, "Defendants"; by and through their attorney,
Ms. Deborah Nolan Gore, be and is DENIED. It is further ordered that
Defendants' intended "Motion to Dismiss" based upon claims of sovereign
immunity, absolute judicial immunity, prosecutorial immunity, qualified immunity,
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SEP 24 2014
1: 14-cv-02128-WBH
Civil Action No.- - - -
In the Original Complaint [Amended] July 15, 2014 that commenced the present
action, there was attached a 38-page document entitled <Exhibit A', which was
made part ofsaid pleading for all purposes, pursuant Federal Rules ofCivil
Procedure 10(c). In said Exhibit, Plaintiffs took special care to diligently and
meticulously lay the explanatory foundations for the validity ofall claims against
Defendants; and in doing so, also spelled out the legal proofdemonstrating why
Defendants cannot exert any form ofimmunity in the present action. Nevertheless,
defendants Daniel Porter, Governor Nathan Deal, Judge Thomas Davis Jr.,
Attorney General Sam Olens, Secretary ofState Brian Kemp, Commissioner Brian
Owens, Warden Stanley Williams, D 'Anna Liber, Brian Bellamy, Georgia
Department ofCorrections, and the State ofGeorgia-collectively, "Defendants"(
by and through their attorney, Ms. Deborah Nolan Gore) have stated their intent to
utilize [invalid] claims ofimmunity and other meritless defenses to include lack of
jurisdiction and failure to state a claim, in order to UNLA WFULLY have the
present action dismissed.
COME NOW Plaintiffs to reiterate that which has already been expounded in
'Exhibit A' of the Original Pleading [Amended] July 15, 2014; that We, the
Plaintiffs, may prevent a grave and blatant miscarriage ofjustice against us at the
hands of the Court and the above-named Defendants.
FIRSTLY, let it be openly declared and silently and incontestably agreed upon
that the Declaration of Independence-1776, the Articles of Confederation-1777,
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and the United States Constitution-1787 form part of the Organic Law of the
United States; and that the United States Constitution-l 787, as well as the treaties
and laws made in pursuance thereof are the Supreme Law of the Land.
In the Declaration ofIndependence----1776, it is established that the former
British Colonies become free and independent states, meaning that they are also
free and independent sovereignties. (See Declaration ofIndependence----1776).
Said free and independent sovereignties then decide to associate into a
Confederacy styled "The United States of America"l, with each maintaining its
sovereignty and independence2
Thus, the United States of America, from their very inception, have always
been a conglomerate of independent states united, for certain purposes, into one.
However, it was contended that the U.S. Congress lacked sufficient authority to
carry out the purposes for which it was established (under the Articles of
Confederation) resulting in embarrassment before the world, and thus there was
proposed a new charter that provided for a more strengthened centralized
governing body that was empowered to act upon not only the states, but also upon
liThe style of this confederacy shall be, liThe United States of America./I Article I. Articles of Confederation (1777).
"Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independence, and every power, jurisdiction, and right, which is
not by this confederation, expressly delegated to the United States, in Congress assembled." Article II. Articles of
Confederation (1777).
Pg. 3 of 14
the citizens of the several states. The newly created United States Constitution of
1787, ("U.S. Constitution"), created a centralized government that was, for the first
time, both federal AND national in nature, meaning it could act upon both the
states in their political capacities, as well as upon the state citizens3-though ~
LIMITED in its scope of action4 .
Theretofore, derivatives of the English Common Law was the Supreme Law of
the Land in the several states; but, with the acceptance of the U.S. Constitution,
said Charter (along with treaties and laws made in pursuance thereof) was to
become the Supreme Law of the Land. Needless to say, this made the state citizens
very nervous. Thus, to guarantee unto the state citizens the protection of their
unalienable rights from encroachment by tyrannical and overly-centralized and
3 liThe difference between a federal and national government, as it relates to the OPERATION OF THE
GOVERNMENT, is supposed to consist in this, that in the former the powers operate on the political bodies
composing the Confederacy, in their political capacities; in the latter, on the individual citizens composing the
nation, in their individual capacities." Federalist Paper No. 39. The Conformity of the Plan to Republican Principles.
by James Madison (1788).
4 "The government thus established and defined is to some extent a government of the States in their political
capacity. It is also, for certain purposes, a government of the people. Its powers are limited in number, but not in
degree. Within the scope of its powers, as enumerated and defined [in the Constitution], it is supreme and above
the States; but beyond, it has no existence [and no authority]." United States v. Cruikshank. 92 United States. 542.
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oppressive government as had been experienced under the King of Great Britainfor which their forefathers and foremothers courageously fought and died-, there
was instituted within the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights. Now, the U.S.
Constitution did not do away with the state constitutions or sovereignty5, to the
contrary, it granted the Union Government! U.S. Federal Government the ability to
carry out the specific functions for which it had been established, as delineated in
Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution, subject to the limitations placed upon
it in Article I, Section 9 of the U.S. Constitution.
Bear in mind that the U.S. Constitution was set-up by the existing freemen, also
known as the former subjects of the King of Great Britain before the Colonies
gained independence from the same, and was NOT set-up by non-existent "citizens
of the United States"-a status that would not come into existence until nearly a
century later, with the passage of the 14th article of amendment to the U.S.
Constitution. Accordingly, the U.S. Constitution does not grant rights to freemen,
it guarantees them from encroachment by the U.S. Federal government, its
agencies, agents, citizens, employees, and all other "U.S. persons".
liThe people of the United States reSident within any State are subject to two governments: one State, and the
other National; but there need be no conflict between the two. The powers which one possesses, the other does
not. They are established for different purposes, and have separate jurisdictions. Together they make one whole,
and furnish the people of the United States with a complete government, ample for the protection of all their
rights at home and abroad." United States v. Cruikshank. 92 United States, 542. (1875).
Pg. 50f14
The earlier United States Supreme Court has held time and time again that the
term "Citizen of the United States" as used in the earlier parts of the U.S.
Constitution prior to the passage of the 14th article of amendment DOES NOT have
the same meaning as "citizen of the United States" does, as used in the U.S.
Constitution after the passage of said Amendment.
As stated verbatim in 'Exhibit A' of the Original Pleading [Amended] July 15,
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The phrase "We, the people" as used in the preamble of the U.S. Constitution
refers to FREEMEN-who were the former subjects of the King of Great Britain
before gaining their independence during the American Revolution-not "citizens
not the power to make a naturalized alien a citizen of any state. But the states generally provided that such
persons might, on sufficient residence therein, become citizens thereof, and then the courts held, ab convenienti,
rather than otherwise, that they became ipso facto citizens of the United States. But the amendment declares the
law positively on the subject, and reverses this order of procedure, by making citizenship of a state consequent on
citizenship of the United States; for, having declared what persons are citizens of the United States, it does not
stop there, and leave it in the power of a state to exclude any such person who may reside therein from its
citizenship, but adds, 'and such persons shall also be citizens of the state wherein they reside.'" Sharon v. Hill,
(1885) 26 Fed. 343.
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of the United States". Remember, the legal status "citizen of the United States"
was created in 1868 by and through the 14th amendment, which was 81 years
AFTER the U.S. Constitution was established, and said persons are NOT the
posterity (legally-speaking/in the eyes of the law) of the freemen who erected the
Constitution or the several states united thereby-nor were they in contemplation
when said Great Charter came into being.
upon that ALL members of the Court (including presiding Judge Willis B. Hunt,
Jr.) and ALL Defendants (as well as their attorney, Ms. Deborah Nolan Gore) have
sworn a [sacred] oath to UPHOLD and DEFEND the United States Constitution of
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1787. Therefore, EVERYTHING that takes place in the present action must be in
accordance with the dictates of said Great Charter-all else is simply unlawful and
the perpetrator will have knowingly and intentionally committed grave act( s) of
treason, sedition, and fraud of the most heinous nature in a despicable attempt to
subvert the bestowal of long overdue Justice in behalf of Plaintiffs.
There can be no claim of immunity or other similar defense when a given party
has acted without lawful authority. For instance, it is an impossibility for the
President of the People's Republic of China, Mr. Xi Jinping, to go to the Russian
Federation (commonly referred to as "Russia") of his own volition and set up
tribunals that issue judgments that in tum result in incarcerations. Because Mr. Xi
Pg. 10 of 14
Jinping does not exercise lawful sovereignty over the Russian socio-political
territory (or its de jure people), he could not-upon being presented with legal
complaints against him for his [entirely hypothetical] actions in Russia-make any
claim of sovereign immunity, absolute judicial immunity, prosecutorial immunity,
or qualified immunity. And any attempt to do so would be an outright laughable
absurdity on his part. Furthermore, before he could raise ANY defense of
immunity of any kind, he would first need to prove the legitimacy of his actions by
establishing that he had lawful authority to act in the first place.
Similarly, Defendants cannot exert any claims of immunity where they have
acted outside of their lawfully granted authority. In this instance, because the
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There is no need to entertain Defendants' "Motion for Excess Pages" or their pre
answer "Motion to Dismiss" based on claims of immunity, lack ofjurisdiction, or
Pg.13 of 14
failure to state a claim, as all of these meritless "defenses" are a frivolous waste of
everyone's time and resources. All the while, Plaintiffs are and have been, for
FIVE (5) years, suffering irreparable damage as a result of the offenses committed
against them by Defendants. Granting the aforementioned motions would only
serve to prolong the carriage of Justice that is long overdue in Plaintiffs' behalf.
For the UNREPRESENTED Plaintiffs,
~A {l()(U
I : I 4-cv-021 28-WBH
Civil Action No.' - - - -
I, Mrs. Tamah Jada Clark for the UNREPRESENTED Plaintiffs, hereby affirm
that a true and correct copy of the above-mentioned Plaintiffs'
In addition, the same true and correct copy of Plaintiffs' BriefIMemorandum has
been provided to Attorney Douglas Stuart Morelli (for defendants Charles M.
Walters, Butch Conway, Tracy Goodbar, Christa Kendrick, Gwinnett County, and
Gwinnett County Police Department); as well Attorney Raleigh W. Rollins (for
defendants Mitchell County and Camilla Police Department) at their last known
addresses (respectively):
Attorney Douglas Stuart Morelli
75 Langley Drive
Lawrencevilla GA 30046
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Clark et al v. Porter et al, Docket No. 1:14-cv-02128 (N.D. Ga. Jul 03, 2014), Court Docket
General Information
Docket Number
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