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Gwyn-Williams, Jr., G. (2012,

December 13). Reality Show
Viewers Are More Neurotic,
Have Lower Self-Esteem, Study

It is factual that the viewers of noncompetitive reality shows are more

extroverted, neurotic and have lower
self-esteem. The article makes clear
points in that reality show viewing do
both have disadvantages and
advantages. The clear point made that
the survey indicated in the article that
72% of women and 60% of men watch
reality television is actual facts. Selfesteem affects are not biased to only
women, though assumed. Its obvious
though that if watching reality
television you would expect your lives
to be that way. Girls who regularly
watch reality television accept and
expect a higher level of drama,
aggression and bullying in their own
lives. While most it looks like most
people watch reality television strictly
because of boredom, it could have a
lasting negative outcome.
Dr. Peek compares the some of the
standards portrayed on reality
television through the shows we
consider reality. From physical
beauty and sex appeal, reality
television gives the idea that a
womans value comes from her
appearance and popularity comes from
that. With shows like the Real
Housewives, it promotes aggression
and reveals drama towards each other
in friend groups. Thats all they do is
argue on these type of non-competitive
shows and seeing that the show is still
airing, it makes aggression and
bullying seem okay. On another point,
Married to Medicine, a show about
female professional doctors focuses
more on clashes among the cast then
their actual success in their job. These

This article helped me see the

numbers of actual people who
are affected by reality television,
men & female. The article made
a connection with self-esteem
and behavior with people who
view non-competition reality

Peek, M.D., M.P.H., H. (2014,

August 11). The Impact Of
Reality Television On Our
Teens: What Can Parents Do?

Dr. Peek makes point to address

some of the ideal images
portrayed on reality television.
This article helped me see the
different point of standards that
the media has put into our heads.
With Keeping up with the
Kardashians in the spotlight,
woman are idealizing beauty
and the pedestal society expects
us to be put on and stay on.

women are extremely smart but that

focus is thrown out of the window
when the arguments start.

Vitelli Ph.D, R. (2013, October

28). Is There a "Snooki Effect"?
Retrieved from

Radford, B. (2011, December

2). Reality TV: A Positive
Influence for Girls? Retrieved

Though we admit it or not most people

indulge in watching the train wreck
of their favorite reality show on
television. Is reality TV having an
effect on us viewers whether
knowingly or not? Study finds that the
viewers of reality television are more
likely to blog, have a social network,
and generally share personal
information online. Watching reality
shows seem to give you more of n
open mind to some aspects in life, like
plastic surgery. Show like The
Bachelor increase the likelihood that
you will online date. Some viewers
will find it hard to depict reality TV
from reality because what they see on
television is what they expect. The
more reality television viewed, the
more unrealistic your views will
Based on a survey from the Girl scout
Research Institute (an internationally
recognized center for research and
public policy information on the
development and well-being of girls),
some girls felt inspired from reality
shows and even made them think they
could achieve anything. Because of
TVs images, it is assumed that a girls
value is based on image but a survey
said that the majority of girls did not
believe that. Though not expected,
reality television surprisingly has some
positive effects on its viewers. A
Survey found that regular viewers have
more confidence and are generally
happy with their bodies.

With all the new reality shows

out to interest any type of viewer
it is a question if reality
television has an effect on its
viewers. Is there a Snooki

Though my thought may be

biased on how reality TV
actually affects us as viewers,
the article points out that through
survey images depicted on TV
may not be taken as serious as
we expect them to. The article
questions whether girls
specifically can benefit from
reality TV.

Mckay, H. (2012, October 25).

'Cake Boss' vs. 'Real
Housewives': Not all reality TV
shows are bad for kids.
Retrieved from

Viswanathan, N. (2013, May

24). Reality Shows are
Bad...and Good. Retrieved from

Generally parents would probably not

let their children indulge in reality
television. Shows like Jersey Shore
and Keeping up with the Kardashians
are the first shows that pop into mind
when thinking of reality television.
Though assumed, not all reality TV
shows are ruining today youth.
Several shows can actually have a
positive impact, expects say. New
shows like Myth busters, The Biggest
Loser, and How Its Made, show
audiences that anything is possible.
When shows are focused on doing real
things through focus and
determination, it can become
extremely inspirational for its viewers
as well as motivational.
Teens indulge in reality television
mostly for entertainment. These shows
entertain with break-ups, make-ups,
gossip and elimination. Thats what
keeps its viewers but to what expect do
these shows take to keep the show on
the air? Study shows, conducted by the
Girl Scout Research Institute that per
week 12.4 hours of television is
viewed. While assumed the effect is all
negative of reality television, viewing
is associated with high self esteem and
respect. Most girls who watch reality
television called themselves smart,
funny, mature, and a good influence.
On the contrary 725 of viewers focus
more on their physical appearance
apposed to the 42% who do not watch
reality TV. Watching reality TV
increases the will to do anything to
become famous which is risky in itself.

Not all shows have the Snooki

Effect. When first thinking of
reality shows you think of Jersey
Shore and Teen Mom which
arent not all approve of but new
shows have more of a clear
positive message for their

When is enough reality TV

enough? Of course watching
shows like KWTK, I would want
what Kylie and Kendall have
been silver spooned since birth
but not at the cost of my own
body. The shows on television
vary as the effects go but there is
always an effect and based on
how seriously you take reality
TV is how much it will affect
you I believe.

L., G. (2011, June 3). Jean

Kilbourne on Advertising's
Image of Women. Retrieved



The clip added in the article helps

present a message of the impossible
standards women should uphold.
Kilbourne makes a point when
describing the reducing of womens
bodies to dehumanization. With the
media filled with ridiculously
proportioned women, ad industries
imply that our body should be
sexified. It make the audience
question women have to aspire to such
unrealistic standards in the first place.
Wallstreet is the pipeline for
innovation. So if they are still
portraying women whos home is in
the kitchen while the man of the house
is the sole breadwinner than what does
that say? Only when we have more
women making decisions in the media
can we expect the media to be more
reflective of the population as a
whole. As women, to instill change in
society we have identify with the
underrepresentation of women in
leading roles in society and our
stereotypical roles we play in society.
Women must fight for equality and less
subjectivity we get automatically.
Angry black woman, Baby momma,
Gold-digger. These are
representations that are thought of
when thinking of black women in the
media. Shows like the Bad Girls Club
portray black women in a negative
light and gives the audience a false
reality. When younger black women
are exposed, they are most likely to be
affected negatively because of the
extreme amount of media

Jean Kilbourne on Advertisings

Image of Women goes hand in
hand if not the same message
with my inquiry question, Does
Keeping up with the
Kardashians affect self-image?
Connecting with the given
audience of women, Kilbourne
interests the audience with
looking at the values we were
grown up on compared to what
we value now, our body.
This article points out the
archaic views of women in the
kitchen while men are away at
work are still the way some
people think. Where
advertisements feature women
dressed seductively with a man,
who is obviously in charge.
The portrayal of women must be
changed and starts with what we
value as entertainment. What we
find entertaining is also
degrading towards women and
not the images that children, our
future need to be brought up on.
Emotionally this article
connected with me because I am
both a woman and black.
Reading that Black women
havent really defined ourselves
is the type of hate that holds
Black women from succeeding.
As much stereotypes that there
are for women there are more for
also being black. Stereotypes
that are nowhere near close to
my reality. Indulging in shows
like Bad Girls Club, though
entertaining, brings a negative
light towards black women and
over shadows the

accomplishments we have made

for ourselves as a population.


In the popular TV show,

Scandal, Olivia Pope, a black
actress is the lead role. Its
confusing to the point where
there are already not a lot of
lead roles played by black
women but Olivia Pope
must lust over the President
and shows low if any signs
of self-worth and selfesteem. The
misinterpretation that
haunts some of us [Black
Women] is that were over
sexed and angry.

Not every aspect of

Olivia Pope on Scandal
is negative. Olivia is
intelligent, a boss and
has a well-paying job.
To say the least why
once a woman is put in
charge you must
subjectify her by being
under control of a man.
A man who makes
Olivia lose her selfworth as fast as she
gained it.

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