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g]k fn gful/s p8\8og k|f lws/0f

k|f lalws ;]jf, d]s flgsn O{l Ghlgol/ ;d" x,

d]s flgsn OlGhlgo/, ;ftf}+ txsf] v'n f tyf cfGtl/s
k|l tof]l utfTds k/LIffsf] kf7\o qmd

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;]jf ;DjGwL

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k|z f;g tyf Joj:yfkg


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g]kfn OlGhlgol/+u kl/ifb P]g, @)%%
jftfj/0f ;+/If0f P]g, @)%# / lgodfjnL

;]jf ;DjGwL

1. Workshop Technology and Metrology

Basic tools and Basic hand operations.
Machine tools: Lathe, Milling, Drilling, Grinding and Shaping machines
Metal Joining: Soldering, Brazing, Electric arc welding Gas welding and cutting
Types of fits
Linear measurement: Block Gauge, Length Bars, Comparators
Errors in measurement
2. Thermodynamics & Heat engine
Basics Concepts: Thermodynamic system, Thermodynamic property, Pure
Substance, Zeroth Law
First Law of Thermodynamics: Control mass and control volume formulation
Second Law of Thermodynamics: Heat engine, refrigerator and heat pump, Kelvin
Planck and Clausius statement, Entropy
Refrigeration: Reversed Carnot cycle, Vapor compression cycle, Vapor absorption
cycle, Refrigerants and their properties.
Air conditioning: Psychometric properties and psychometric chart, heating, cooling,
humidification, dehumidification process, Air conditioning systems.
Thermodynamic cycles: Carnot cycle, Otto cycle, Diesel cycle, Dual combustion
Internal Combustion engines: Classifications, components, two stroke and four stroke
operations, performance of Internal Combustion engines, Ignition system, Cooling
system, Lubrication system.
Modes of heat transfer: Conduction , Convection, Radiation
3. Hydraulic and Electric Machines
Pumps: Centrifugal pump and reciprocating
pump (working principle and
DC Motors: Shunt field, series field and compound field motors, Torque-speed
DC Generators: Shunt, Series and Compound field machines, Voltage/speed/load
characteristics, Effects of variable load, variable torque
Synchronous and induction machines: Basic structure of Synchronous machines,
Generator on isolated load, generator on large system, synchronous motor
4. Material Science and Metallurgy
Types of Materials, Material Selection
Imperfections in atomic Arrangement: Slip and Twinning, Dislocation, Point and
Surface defects
Mechanical properties and testing: Tension, Impact, Fatigue, Hardness Test

Cold working and Hot working

Types of steel
Phase Transformation and Heat Treatment: Iron-Carbon Equilibrium Diagram,
Hardening, Tempering, Annealing, Normalizing

5. Machine Component Design and Drawing

Types of Projection
Production drawing and Shop drawing
Terminologies of Mechanisms, Mobility and Degree of freedom
Design Process
Factors Affecting Choice of Materials for Design: Strength, Toughness, Durability,
Loading: Tensile, Compressive, Shearing, Bending, Bearing and Torsion
Common Types of Failure: Theories of Failure, Stress Concentration Effects, Ductile
and Brittle Materials, Factor of Safety
6. Automotive system
Diesel/Petrol engine and its components, Braking system, Transmission system,
Suspension system, Cooling system, Lubrication system, Steering system, Exhaust
system & electrical system
7. Engineering Management
Plant Location and Plant layout
Network Methods: PERT and CPM
Inventory Control: Inventory costs and Inventory models
Quality Management: Importance of quality, Statistical process control
8. Engineering Economics
Types of Engineering economic decisions
Time Value of Money: Simple Interest, Compound Interest, Continuous Compound
Project Evaluation Techniques: Payback period method, NPV method, Future value
analysis and IRR method
Benefit and Cost Analysis: Cost benefit ratio, breakeven analysis
Corporate tax system in Nepal
Depreciation and its types
9. Maintenance Management
Spare parts management
Preventive maintenance and its necessity
Break down maintenance
10. Professional Practice
Ethics and Professionalism: Perspective on morals, Code of ethics and guidelines of
professional engineering practice
Legal aspect of professional Engineering in Nepal: Nepal Engineering Council act
Contract Law
Tendering and contract documents
Annex - 14
11. Miscellaneous
Basic knowledge of heavy equipments: Loader, Bulldozer, Grader, Excavator, Roller,
Crane & Forklift
Safety rules and regulations for operation and maintenance of mechanical
equipments and facilities


k|Zg lgdf{0f ubf{ ;fdfGotof j:t'ut ax'pQ/ tkm{ clwsf+z k|Zgx? ;]jf ;DjGwL v08af6 / s]xL
k|Zgx? k|zf;g tyf Joj:yfkg v08af6 ;f]Wg ;lsg]5 .


5f]6f] 5f]6f] pQ/ tkm{ b'j} v08af6 rf/ rf/ j6f k|Zgx? ;f]lwg] 5 .


;d:ofd"ns ts{o'Qm pQ/ tkm{ b'O{j6f k|Zg ;]jf ;DjGwL v08af6 / Ps k|Zg k|zf;g tyf
Joj:yfkg v08af6 ;f]lwg]5 .


k/LIff Ps} lbg b'O{ l;l6+u u/L ;+rfng ul/g]5 . klxnf] l;l6+udf j:t'ut ax'pQ/ / bf];|f]
l;l6+udf 5f]6f] 5f]6f] pQ/ tyf ;d:ofd"ns ts{o'Qm pQ/sf] k/LIff ;+rfng ul/g]5 .


b'j} l;l6+usf] k/LIffsf] s"n c+s -!%) c+s_ sf] Go"gtd $) -rfnL;_ k|ltzt c+s -^) c+s_ nfO{
plQ0ff{ dflgg]5 . plQ0ff{ k|fKt gug]{ pDd]bjf/nfO{ cGtjf{tf{df ;lDdlnt ul/g] 5}g .

Model Questions

Objective Question

1. In summer air conditioning, the process used is known as

a) heating & humidification
c) cooling & dehumidification


b) dehumidification
d) humidification

Short Answer Question

1. There is little likelihood of the airborne, dust or foreign particle entering into the engine,
even then, why is it necessary to have a filter in the lubricating system of IC engine?


Long Answer Question

1. Explain the following heat treatment process: a) Hardening

c) Annealing
d) Normalizing

b) Tempering

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