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In deaths from suffocation, there is failure of oxygen to reach the blood.

There are six general forms of suffocation:
1. Entrapment/environmental suffocation
2. Smothering
3. Choking
4. Mechanical asphyxia
5. Mechanical asphyxia combined with smothering
6. Suffocating gases
Entrapment / Environmental Suffocation
In suffocation by entrapment or environmental hazard, asphyxia is caused by inadequate
oxygen in the environment. These deaths are almost exclusively accidental in nature. In
entrapment, individuals find themselves trapped in an air-tight or relatively air-tight
enclosure. Initially, there is sufficient oxygen to breathe. However, as respiration continues,
they exhaust the oxygen and asphyxiate. The best example of this is a child trapped in a
discarded refrigerator. Fortunately, this specific form of death by entrapment is becoming
rare, as modern refrigerators do not have a latch system of locking and can be pushed open
from the interior. Suicide and homicide by entrapment are rare, but do occur.
In environmental suffocation, an individual inadvertently enters an area where there
is gross deficiency of oxygen. This deficiency is not due to displacement of the oxygen by
suffocating gases, which will be discussed in another section, but rather that the oxygen has
been depleted by some mechanism. Thus, the authors reported two deaths caused by lack of
oxygen in an underground chamber.5 The normal percentage by volume of oxygen in the
atmosphere is 20.946%. In this particular case, the percentage by volume was 9.6%. This
lethal atmosphere was caused by fungus-like organisms and low forms of plant life present on
the vault walls and in the sediment on the floor. The metabolic processes of the fungi and
plant life resulted in depletion of oxygen by these organisms, with production of carbon
dioxide. Thus, carbon dioxide, which is normally 0.033% in air, in this case, was 7.0%. The
increased quantity of carbon dioxide, however, was insufficient in itself to have caused death
by displacement of oxygen. It was the absolute lack of oxygen that caused death. At oxygen
concentrations of 10 to 15%, there is impairment in judgment and coordination. Loss of
consciousness occurs at 8 to 10%; death at 8% and less. At oxygen concentrations of 4 to 6%,
there is loss of consciousness in 40 sec and death within a few min.
In deaths due to entrapment or environmental suffocation, the cause of death
cannot be determined by autopsy alone, because there are no specific findings. All that one
finds is nonspecific acute visceral congestion. It is only by an analysis of the circumstances
leading up to and surrounding death, and the exclusion of other causes, that one can make a
determination as to the cause of death.
Asphyxia by smothering is caused by the mechanical obstruction or occlusion of the
external airways, i.e., the nose and mouth. Deaths such as these are usually either homicide or
suicide, very rarely accident (Figure 8.1). The most common form of suicidal smothering is
the placing of a plastic bag over an individuals head (Figure 8.1 A). If it is heavy plastic, it
may be secured at the neck. More commonly, suicides employ the thin, filmy plastic bag used
by dry cleaners. Here, there is often no necessity to secure the bag at the neck, because it
clings to the face, occluding the airways. These filmy plastic bags also account for the rare
accidental deaths by smothering when these bags are used to cover a mattress or pillow in a
crib of a young child. The child becomes enmeshed in the bag and smothers. In all the deaths
that the authors have seen in which plastic bags have been placed over the head, there have

been no specific autopsy findings. Petechiae of the face, sclerae, and conjunctivae were
virtually always absent. Petechiae of the epicardium or pleural surfaces of the lung were
sometimes present, but these are so nonspecific that the authors do not give any weight to
them. If an individual commits suicide by use of a plastic bag and the bag is removed prior to
notification of the authorities, a medical examiner cannot determine the cause of death by the
There are occasional allegations of infants smothering in their cribs because of heavy
blankets or bedding placed over them. The authors feel that these cases are examples of
sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and that it is just coincidental that they are found
covered by bed clothes. One can pile a number of blankets on an infant without causing any
respiratory difficulty.

Figure 8.l (A) Suicide of elderly female who secured plastic bag over head with tie around
neck. (B) Accidental smothering in mentally retarded, 43-year-old male who wrapped face in
duct tape. Deceased had performed this act before.
Occasionally, an alcoholic is found face down on a pillow, dead. Circumferential
oral and nasal pallor is noted and death is attributed to smothering. This pallor, however, can
be caused post mortem by passive pressure of the dependent head on the pillow. Thus, the
diagnosis cannot be made on this evidence. The authors have grave reservations about this
diagnosis. An individual would have to be in an alcoholic coma to smother this way.
Alcoholic coma, however, puts them in grave danger of death anyway and this is more likely
the cause of death, rather than the alleged suffocation.
Accidental smotherings can occur with defective cribs. Here, an infant is trapped
either between a too-small mattress and the frame of the crib, or between a defective crib and
mattress, with the face wedged against the mattress (Figure 8.2). The child is unable to move
and smothers.
Gags obstructing the nose and mouth can cause death by smothering. Such deaths,
though unintentional, are still homicides if the victims die during the commission of a crime.
Typically, a gag is placed around the face obstructing the mouth and nose (Figure 8.3).
Victims are usually elderly individuals who are either unable to struggle sufficiently to move
the gag or who are unusually susceptible to the anoxia by virtue of natural disease.
Mucus and fluids may accumulate in the nasal cavities and airways, contributing to asphyxia.
In the elderly, there may be congestion of the face with scattered fine petechiae of the sclerae,
conjunctivae, and skin of the face. This has not been the case in young individuals in whom
petechiae are usually absent. It is the discovery of the gag obstructing the airways that makes
the diagnosis, not alleged signs of asphyxia.

Figure 8.2 A 9-month-old child who slipped between frame and mattress of defective crib.
Face wedged against mattress.

Figure 8.3 A 75-year-old woman, victim of robbery. Asphxyiated from towel secured over
mouth and nose.
In homicide by smothering, the implements used are usually pillows, bedding, and the
hands. Infants may be placed in plastic bags. The victims tend to be very young, very old,
debilitated, or incapacitated by restraints, disease or drugs. It is extremely difficult to smother
adults in full control of their faculties.
When a pillow is used, it is placed over the face and pushed down. This causes
obstruction of the nose and mouth, asphyxia, and death. There are usually no marks on the
face. The face is not congested and there are no petechiae of the sclerae or conjunctivae
(Figure 8.4). Abrasion injuries of the face will occur only if the victim puts up a vigorous
resistance. In a review of 15 smothering deaths involving children below the age of 2 years,
of the 13 who could be evaluated for the presence of petechiae, only one had findings. This
child had a single petechia of the conjunctiva and a single area of scleral hemorrhage.
Because of the circumstances of this case, there was the possibility that the child might also

have been choked. Pushing the face into the bedding will accomplish the same end as using a
Smothering can also be accomplished using the hands. The nose is pinched off with
one hand, while the other hand is used to push the jaw closed. In small children, one hand can
accomplish both these tasks. In infants and adults unable to put up any effective resistance, an
autopsy will fail to disclose any injury due to this process. In adults, even those who can
muster only a minimal struggle, there may be abrasions on the nose or chin from the
fingernails, and contusions of the lips from pressure of the palm (Figure 8.5).
The sequence of physiological events in smothering is:
Bradycardia (decrease in heart rate)
Decrease in respiration to agonal gasps with eventual cessation of Respiration
Slowing and finally flattening of the electroencephalogram (EEG)
The heart will continue to beat even after flattening of the EEG. In infants,
bradycardia has been observed to start 30 sec after the initiation of smothering,
and flattening of the EEG at 90 sec.6
If, after cessation of respiration, the pillow or hand is removed from the face,
respiration will not usually restart spontaneously. The individual must be resuscitated. Violent
struggles with increased utilization of oxygen can speed up this sequence of events, just as
natural disease could make the individual more susceptible to the effects of hypoxia.

Figure 8.4 A 2-month-old infant smothered by parent. No petechiae of sclerae, conjunctivae,

or face.
In choking, asphyxia is caused by obstruction within the air passages. The manner of
death can be natural, homicide, or accident. Natural deaths are seen in individuals with acute
fulminating epiglottitis, where there is obstruction of the airway by the inflamed epiglottis
and adjacent soft tissue. Such individuals represent medical emergencies and can die literally
in front of a physician. The individual develops a sore throat, hoarseness, respiratory
difficulty, inability to speak and then suddenly collapses as the airway is completely

obstructed. Inhalation of steam can cause a similar picture, with a markedly edematous,
beefy-red mucosa in the larynx with obstruction (Figure 8.6).

Figure 8.5 Elderly female smothered with hand. Fingernail marks on nose.

Figure 8.6 Massive laryngeal edema caused by inhalation of steam.

Homicidal deaths by choking are relatively uncommon. In infants, one occasionally
sees a newborn murdered by stuffing toilet paper into its mouth. Figure 8.7 A illustrates the
case of an infant killed by her father by ramming a pacifier into her mouth. In adults,
individuals sometimes die during a robbery or burglary when a cloth or sock is rammed into
the mouth to silence the individual. This is often done in conjunction with gagging (Figure
8.7B). This method of gagging individuals is shown quite frequently on television without
any harmful consequences, but, unfortunately, in real life, the cloth can work its way
backward, completely obstructing the posterior pharynx and causing the individual to

Figure 8.7 (A) Pacifier rammed into mouth by father (continued).

Most choking deaths are accidental in manner. In 1997, there were approximately
3300 deaths ascribed to unintentional inhalation of food or other objects, resulting in
obstruction of the respiratory passages7. In children, choking usually involves aspiration of a
small object into the larynx with occlusion of the airway, e.g., a small rubber ball or a balloon
(Figure 8.8). Deaths have occurred in classrooms, where children have choked on the top of
ballpoint pens they were biting on.
In adults, choking virtually always involves food (Figure 8.9). Here, it is commonly
associated with acute alcohol intoxication, bad-fitting dentures, neurological injury, or
senility. The piece of food will wedge in the larnygopharynx and larynx, completely
obstructing the airway. Such deaths have acquired the name of cafe coronary. The
individual is eating, suddenly stops talking, stands up, and collapses. Cardiopulmonary
resuscitation is begun in the belief that the individual has suffered a heart attack. In fact, he
has choked on food and his airway is completely occluded. Thus, cardiopulmonary
resuscitation is ineffective. If the individuals giving mouth-to-mouth resuscitation are
observant, they will see that the chest is not rising when they blow into the airway, which
indicates obstruction.

Figure 8.7 (continued) (B) Choked on gag that was secured by a bandana.

Figure 8.8 A 2-year-old choked to death on a wine cork.

Figure 8.9 A 39-year-old male choked on a ham sandwich.

Coughing during a collapse suspected of being caused by choking rules out this
diagnosis as one must have an open airway to cough. Coughing involves the inspiration of 2
to 2.5 liters of air, followed by closing off of the epiglottis and the vocal cords, contraction of
the abdominal muscles to force up the diaphragm, while, at the same time, the expiratory
muscles contract. The epiglottis and vocal cords open up and the air is then expelled out of
the lungs, under pressure, usually carrying with it any foreign material present in the bronchi
and trachea.8 The expelled air can reach velocities of 75 to 100 miles per hour.
Occasionally, choking deaths occur when an individual falls into finely ground
material, such as cornmeal or sawdust. There is involuntary inhalation and the airway is
completely occluded by this material.
The finding of small amounts of food material in the airway at autopsy does not
indicate that the individual choked to death. Approximately 2025% of all individuals
aspirate food agonally, independent of the cause of death.9 One can attribute a death to
aspiration only if the airway from the larynx down is completely occluded by food. Death
caused by massive aspiration of food is rarely seen in a medical examiners office. It is most
common in comatose patients who have impaired functioning of the central nervous system.
The diagnosis of choking death is made at autopsy when the airway is found
occluded. If the individual had an occluded airway and the object or food was removed
during resuscitation, the only way to make the diagnosis would be by history. There are no
specific autopsy findings indicative of choking except for occlusion of the airway.
Some medical personnel will ascribe a death to choking even though the airway was
never completely occluded. They suggest that laryngospasm is the cause of death. There is,
however, no objective evidence that this can occur. If laryngospasm did occur, one would
expect relaxation of the larynx as the victim became agonal. This, in turn, would lead to
opening up of the airway and recovery. Others hypothesize that a fatal vagal reaction or
reflex cardiac death, mediated through the parasympathetic nervous system, occurred

through hypersensitivity of the larynx to aspirated food. Again,there is just no objective proof
that this entity exists.
Mechanical Asphyxia
In mechanical asphyxia,pressure on the outside of the body prevents respiration. Mechanical
asphyxia is almost always accidental in manner. It can be subdivided into three types:
1. Traumatic asphyxia (a term often used interchangeably with mechanical asphyxia)
2. Positional asphyxia
3. Riot-crush or human pile deaths
Traumatic Asphyxia
Traumatic asphyxia occurs when a heavy weight presses down on an individuals
chest or upper abdomen, making respiration impossible. One common form of traumatic
asphyxia is individuals under a car, repairing it, when the jack slips and the vehicle falls on
top of them (Figure 8.10). At autopsy, there is congestion of the head, neck, and upper trunk
with numerous petechiae in these areas, the sclerae, the conjunctivae and the periorbital skin.
Retinal hemorrhages may also be present. Internally, there is often no evidence of trauma in
spite of the heavy weight on the chest. Individuals who survive an episode of traumatic
asphyxia usually make an uneventful recovery, though occasionally there is some permanent
visual impairment due to retinal hemorrhage. One individual who survived described a severe
crushing pain and suffusion of his face followed by immediate unconsciousness.10 Rarely,
traumatic asphyxia is homicidal. Thus, in one instance, an individual was knocked to the
ground and a refrigerator and stereo were piled on top of him. An occasionally encountered
form of accidental traumatic asphyxia involves individuals buried in cave-ins with their heads
above the ground.
The most unusual case of traumatic asphyxia seen by the authors was that of a 5month-old infant killed by a python. The snake wrapped itself around the baby, tightening its
coils whenever the child exhaled. At autopsy, the only marks on the child were teeth marks on
the face where the snake had tried to swallow the child whole (his head was too big for the
snakes mouth) (Figure 8.11). There were no petechiae, hemorrhage, or bruising.
Positional asphyxia
Positional asphyxia is virtually always an accident and is associated with alcohol or drug
intoxication. In this entity, individuals become trapped in restricted spaces, where, because of
the position of their bodies, they cannot move out of that area or position. This results in
restriction of their ability to breathe, followed by death (Figure 8.12). There is usually
marked congestion, cyanosis, and petechiae. Positional asphyxia might occur if individuals
fall down a well and are wedged between the walls. Every time they exhale, they slip farther
and farther down the well, preventing inhalation.
Riot-crush, as the name implies, occurs in riots, when the chest is compressed by stampeding
people piling on top of each other. Respiratory movements are, thus, prohibited by this
human pile.
Traumatic Asphyxia Combined with Smothering
Traumatic asphyxia combined with smothering is a combination of both these entities. It can
be accidental or homicidal. An accidental form is overlay, where an infant is placed in bed
for the night with either an adult or a larger child. Subsequently, the infant is found dead.
During the night, the other individual rolled onto the infant, killing it by a combination of

smothering and traumatic asphyxia. If the circumstances surrounding the childs death are not
known, such a case is often ascribed to SIDS. In fact, an autopsy cannot differentiate between
the two. Other deaths in this category are individuals buried in cave-ins, grain, or sand, etc.
The physical findings at autopsy are generally nil. Rarely, a few fine petechiae of the facial
skin, but not of the sclerae or conjunctivae, will be found.

Figure 8.10 Traumatic asphyxia. (A) Deceased pinned under overturned vehicle. (B) Marked
congestion of face with petechiae.

Burking is a combination of suffocation and traumatic asphyxia developed (or at least
perfected) by the resurrectionists Burke and Hare in the early 19th century.11 These men
made their living by digging up bodies from graveyards and supplying them to medical
schools for dissection. They decided, however, to eliminate the chore of digging up bodies
and go straight to the source. Victims, usually intoxicated, were brought to the ground,
whereupon Burke knelt or sat on their chests, expelling the air and interfering with
inspiratory efforts. He then put one hand over the victims nose and mouth and used the other

hand to press the lower jaw towards the upper. Visible injuries were virtually nonexistent.
The two now had a fresh body for the schools.

8.11 A 5-month-old infant killed by python. No petechiae, hemorrhage, or bruising of body.

Puncture marks on face have a semicircular configuration and are caused by the needle-like
teeth of the python.

Figure 8.12 Positional asphyxia in acutely intoxicated individual.

Suffocating Gases
Deaths from suffocating gases are caused, not by the toxic nature of the gases, but rather by
displacement of oxygen from the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide and methane are the two most
commonly encountered suffocating gases. Both are essentially nontoxic and odorless. Both
are found in sewers and mines. Methane is the principal constituent (9496%) of natural gas
that is used for cooking. It is odorless; the smell we detect from natural gas is an added
ingredient to make leaks detectable. Reduction of atmospheric oxygen to less than 25% of
normal (56% by volume of oxygen) by displacement of oxygen by inert gases, such as
carbon dioxide and methane, produces unconsciousness in seconds and death in a matter of

minutes. Determination of the cause of death in such cases is by knowledge of the

circumstances surrounding the death. There are no specific findings at autopsy. Toxicological
analysis of the blood is of no help in the case of carbon dioxide, because it is a normal
constituent of blood. Methane can be detected in the blood. Since the gas is not toxic,
however, all that its identification would indicate is that the individual was exposed to an
atmosphere containing methane, not that death was due to it.
Daftar Pustaka:
Vincent J. DiMaio et al., Forensic Phatology Second Edition, 2000, CRC Press, New York,
Hal. 230-245

Asphyxia means death due to lack of oxygen to the
brain. The following are the different ways a person can
1. Compression of the neck (hanging and
2. Blockage of the airway (suffocation, gagging)
3. Compression of the chest, neck, or face (postural
or positional asphyxia)
4. Chemical and lack of available oxygen in the

Compression of the neck

In hanging (usually suicide), the neck can be compressed
by rope, wire, or articles of clothing. Pressure on
the neck will usually occlude the vasculature, but not
necessarily the airway (larynx or trachea). Very little
pressure is needed to occlude the blood vessels. It is a
misconception that the airway must be occluded to
asphyxiate. Ruptured blood vessels in the tissues after
prolonged hanging, especially in the lower extremities,
are called Tardieu spots.
The neck can also be compressed manually by strangulation
or throttling. An assailant must compress either
the airway or the blood vessels to render a victim
unconscious. The time it takes to render an individual
unconscious is quite variable (seconds to over a
minute). Once a victim becomes unconscious, pressure
must be continued in order to cause death.
Signs of trauma to the neck are generally evident in
manual strangulation and hanging. There may be contusions
or abrasions but rarely lacerations. An object used
to compress the neck often leaves an abraded, imprinted
mark. If the ligature is thin like a rope, the depressed
mark on the neck is usually apparent and the pattern can be matched to the particular ligature. If the ligature
is wide, like a towel or shirt, there will be no specific
pattern of the ligature. There may be superficial fingernail
cuts from either the victim or assailant; however,
they are usually from the victim.
Pinpoint hemorrhages, or petechiae, are commonly present
in the eyes after manual compression of the neck.
Petechiae may be on either the bulb of the eye, or on the
lids, or both. Petechiae may also be found on the face,
especially the forehead, and around the eyes. They are
caused by the buildup of vascular pressure which causes
capillaries to rupture. They are not often found in suicidal
hanging. Petechiae are not specific for asphyxiation
and may occur in sudden natural death.

Autoerotic deaths
A unique subgroup of asphyxial deaths are autoerotic
deaths which occur during purposeful attempts to
reduce blood flow to the brain by neck compression
during masturbation. Any object which compresses the
neck can be used. Most of the time a towel or some soft
object is placed between the ligature and the neck to
prevent visible scrapes or bruises. The diagnosis is readily
made at the scene because the decedent is usually
naked with pornographic material nearby. Often there is
evidence of repeated behavior at the scene, such as worn
grooves in the rafters where ropes or pulleys have been

placed. The manner of death is accidental.

Blockage of the airway (suffocation,

aspiration, gagging)
If the airway is blocked, then oxygen cannot get into the
lungs, and asphyxiation results. A pillow or hand, for
instance, can be placed over the mouth, prevent a person
from breathing, and cause suffocation. An unchewed
peanut or small parts of toys can become lodged in an
infants or childs airway. Individuals without teeth or with a history of stroke or other debilitating disease may
have trouble chewing and aspirate food into the airway.
Those under the influence of alcohol are also more likely
to aspirate. There are usually no signs of trauma in these

Compression of the chest, neck, or

(postural or positional asphyxia)
Postural asphyxiation occurs when a person cannot
breathe because of an inability to move ones chest, or
the airway is compressed against the neck or face. This
type of circumstance is commonly seen during motor
vehicle accidents when the vehicle overturns on a victim
or a driver may become trapped between the steering
wheel and seat. There may be surprisingly few injuries
except for other signs of blunt trauma and petechiae of
the eyes and face.

Chemical and lack of available oxygen

in the atmosphere
If the atmospheres oxygen is replaced by another chemical
or gas, or if a persons red blood cells are unable to
deliver oxygen to bodily tissues, a person will asphyxiate.
Depletion of atmospheric oxygen usually occurs in a relatively
closed environment. Examples include gas which
can accumulate and displace oxygen in improperly vented
mine shafts, sewers, or chemical storage tanks. It is
common to encounter multiple deaths in such cases
because rescuers can also be overcome by fumes and
lack of oxygen.
Examples of chemical asphyxia by interfering with oxygen
delivery to the tissues include carbon monoxide and
cyanide. When a car is left running in a closed garage,
carbon monoxide from burning gasoline competes with
oxygen on the red blood cells. Carbon monoxide can
incapacitate a person very quickly. The most common
cause of death in fires is carbon monoxide poisoning.
Cyanide causes livor mortis to be red as in carbon
monoxide poisoning. The cyanide gas may smell like
bitter almonds. Both deaths can occur quickly, especially

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