2011 Ghanaati Et Al Mucograft Ger
2011 Ghanaati Et Al Mucograft Ger
2011 Ghanaati Et Al Mucograft Ger
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Evaluation of the tissue reaction to a new bilayered collagen matrix in vivo and its translation
to the clinic
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2011 Biomed. Mater. 6 015010
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S Ghanaati et al
1. Introduction
The loss of soft tissue in the oral cavity caused by either
receding gingival tissue or scar tissue, in addition to being
unaesthetic, can be a tremendous source of pain and suffering.
Current gold-standard tissue transfer procedures involve
transplanting an oral autograft, but these can cause additional
discomfort and are accompanied by a risk of fatality when
tissue is harvested from other parts of the oral cavity such
as the palate due to the proximity of major blood vessels.
Synthetic strategies, including the application of biomaterial
membranes, have been developed to combat this within
oral and maxillofacial surgery over the past two decades
using concepts from the so-called guided tissue regeneration
(GTR). In GTR, the goal is to promote specifically healthy
connective tissue ingrowth, while inhibiting that of fibrotic
scar tissue. This is akin to guided bone regeneration (GBR),
where a defect in bone is treated by similar means in
order to facilitate bone ingrowth within this defect, while
minimizing ingrowth of reactive fibrotic tissue. Membranous
biomaterials have been applied to promote preferentially the
ingrowth of cells involved in the tissue regeneration process,
while preventing ingrowth from undesired tissue into the
defect [15]. For a successful outcome, barrier membranes
used in GTR must possess certain properties, including
biocompatibility, preferential tissue integration, place-holder
characteristics, and physiochemical stability [2, 6]. The
first generation of such membranes were primarily made of
poly(tetraflouroethylene) (ePTFE) [7], a polymer with high
stability in biological systems. However, this non-resorbable
membrane requires a second intervention for its retrieval,
accompanied by further risk of infection, potential damage
to the newly regenerated tissue, and an increased likelihood
of further intervention [8, 9]. Thus, the drawbacks associated
with retrieval have led to the development of bio-resorbable
barrier materials. Bio-resorbable polyesters with different
biodegradation properties have been developed for various
applications in reconstructive surgery including GTR [10
12]. However, no satisfying outcome was achieved with these
membranes, as they exhibited a fast degradation related to a
foreign body reaction, which did not permit the desired control
of tissue regeneration.
Collagen-based materials have also been explored for
applications to GTR strategies.
Collagen is the most
abundant family of proteins in the human body and
is physiologically ubiquitous.
Moreover, neutrophils,
monocytes, and fibroblasts recruited during wound healing
release matrix metalloproteases (MMP), which results in
enzymatic biodegradation of collagen [13]. Its natural
origin combined with its relative ease of biodegradation
make collagen a broad candidate for biomaterial applications.
Collagen type I is also known to have angiogenic potential
[6, 14, 15], a characteristic that makes it further desirable to
promote the ingrowth of healthy tissue. In applications as
membranes, however, the biodegradation of collagen proved
to be a major disadvantage, since it limited the time scale
over which the membrane exhibited a barrier function. In
order to decrease the rate of collagen degradation and enhance
S Ghanaati et al
Figure 1. Scanning electron microscopy of the MG scaffold, showing a low magnification cross section (A). In addition, the face (B, left)
and cross-section (C) of the low-porosity compact layer of this scaffold is shown, along with the face (D) and cross-section of the more
porous spongy layer (E). CL = compact layer and SL = spongy layer.
S Ghanaati et al
2.7. Pilot human Mucograft
S Ghanaati et al
3. Results
(C )
S Ghanaati et al
Figure 3. Post-implantation day 10 histological images showing a cross-section of the scaffold with H&E stain at 100 (A) as well as the
interface between the host tissue and the compact layer with H&E stain at 400 (B) and the corresponding interface for the spongy layer
with Movats pentachrome stain at 400 (C). Cells continue to penetrate the spongy layer and secrete their matrix, while the compact layer
continues to inhibit cell penetration of the scaffold, though cells can be seen between the sheets of collagen in this layer. F4/80 staining for
macrophages in the spongy layer (D) reveals some at the surface and beginning to enter the scaffold at 400. SL = spongy layer, CL =
compact layer and ST = subcutaneous tissue. All scale bars are 100 m.
S Ghanaati et al
Figure 4. Post-implantation day 15 histological images showing a cross-section of the scaffold with Ladewig stain at 100 (A) as well as
the interface between the host tissue and the compact layer with Azan stain at 400 (B) and the corresponding interface for the spongy layer
with Movats Pentachrome stain at 400 (C). Cells continue to penetrate the spongy layer and secrete their matrix, while the compact layer
continues to inhibit cell penetration of the scaffold, though cells can be seen between the sheets of collagen in this layer. F4/80 staining for
macrophages in the spongy layer (D) reveals even more at the surface and beginning to enter the spongy layer of the scaffold at 400. SL =
spongy layer, CL = compact layer and ST = subcutaneous tissue. All scale bars are 100 m.
The histology of this biopsy corroborated
the findings in the murine evaluations.
We observed
a distinct difference in the tissue reaction of the two
layers (figure 9(D)), with the spongy layer demonstrating
good tissue integration with the surrounding connective
tissue and substantial cell infiltration, while the compact
layer appeared to be much less infiltrated with cells,
though it still remained integrated in the host tissue at
its surface. The spongy layer was also well integrated
within the neighboring connective tissue (figure 9(E)).
As was seen in the murine model, there was no evidence of
an adverse tissue reaction, with no multinucleated giant cells
and no lymphocytes present. Also, there was minimal scaffold
vascularization, consistent with our findings of a low level of
vascularization in the murine model. The results from this
biopsy closely mirrored those from our in vivo evaluation in
terms of tissue reaction and preferential tissue ingrowth.
4. Discussion
In this in vivo evaluation, we examined the tissue reaction to
a bilayered porcine collagen I/III matrix with a compact and
spongy side. Special emphasis was placed on the integration
of this material within the implantation bed for each of its
two morphologically distinct surfaces. In the animal study,
no capsule formation was observed around the implanted
matrix and there was no acute accumulation of neutrophils
S Ghanaati et al
Figure 5. Post-implantation day 30 histological images showing a cross-section of the scaffold with Azan stain at 100 (A) as well as a
higher magnification image with H&E stain at 200 (B) and a total scan of a histological slide with H&E stain at 100 magnification
(C) showing cells that have progressed to the center of the scaffold from both sides, indicating a loss of barrier function for the compact
layer. SL = spongy layer, CL = compact layer and ST = subcutaneous tissue. All scale bars are 100 m.
S Ghanaati et al
S Ghanaati et al
Figure 8. Immunohistological staining for CD31 in order to visualize blood vessels (arrows) from scaffolds implanted for 3 days (A),
10 days (B), 30 days (C), and 60 days (D), all at 400. At most, a mild vascularization is evident in the peri-implantary tissue and within the
MG scaffold itself. All scale bars are 100 m.
(E )
Figure 9. Results from the clinical study applying the MG scaffold to treat gingival tissue recession (arrows), showing one such recession
(A) that has been treated by the implantation of the MG scaffold (B) with the compact layer facing out in the image. Following treatment,
the gingival tissue level has been restored to normal height (C). Histological results from a biopsy obtained in the course of the study
demonstrate similar findings as those in the in vivo murine model, with the compact layer serving as a barrier, while the spongy layer is
infiltrated with cells and becomes transformed into a connective tissue, demonstrated with Alzarin red stain (D) and H&E stain (E) at 400.
SL = spongy layer, CL = compact layer and CT = connective tissue. All scale bars are 100 m.
S Ghanaati et al
5. Conclusion
In this study, we have evaluated a new collagen product,
, which is designed with a compact and spongy
layer in order to serve a barrier function for applications
in guided tissue regeneration. This represents the first in
vivo evaluation of this material. The tissue reaction to this
material is quite favorable, with minimal inflammation and
no multinucleated giant cells. The material persisted in the
tissue throughout the study, and while the spongy layer was
infiltrated early on, the compact layer remained impermeable
to invading cells for the first 30 days of the study. This
demonstrates promise by indicating preferential cell ingrowth
from the spongy surface. However, in order to truly realize
the promise of a biomaterial, it must be evaluated in the
clinical setting. For this reason, we have also included results
to treat
from a pilot clinical evaluation using Mucograft
gingival tissue recession in humans. Our results from this
study demonstrate great potential to reverse tissue recession
and promote more healthy gingival tissue. Additionally,
histological evidence corroborates our findings in the murine
model, with the compact layer preventing tissue ingrowth
as the scaffold becomes infiltrated from the spongy layer.
system demonstrates promise in
Overall, the Mucograft
murine in vivo studies and realizes this therapeutic promise in a
human application of the material. In terms of the translation
of biomaterials, much can be learned from suitable in vivo
experiments, and in this case these in vivo studies correctly
predicted the clinical outcome of the material, although the
latter must be confirmed by more extensive clinical studies.
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