April 19, 2015 Worship Folder

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The Lords Day Worship Service

April 19, 2015

If you, O Lord, should mark iniquities,

O Lord, who could stand? But with You
there is forgiveness, that you may be

Song Of Confession
Psalm 130 (From Depths of Woe)

God Calls Us
To Worship
The Call To Worship
~ based on Isaiah 12 ~
Leader: Sing praise, for the Lord has
done great things. Let this be known in
all the earth.
Unison: Surely God is my salvation; I
will trust, and will not be afraid; for the
Lord God is my strength and my song,
and He has become my salvation.
Leader: With joy you will draw water
from the wells of salvation.
Unison: Give thanks to the Lord, call
upon His name; make known His deeds
among the peoples, proclaim that His
Name is exalted.
Leader: Sing praises to the Lord, for He
has done great things. Let this be known
in all the earth.

Prayer Of Adoration
Songs Of Praise & Worship
O Lord, our Lord
How majestic is
Your name in all the earth
O Lord, our Lord
How majestic is
Your name inall the earth
The heavens declare
Your greatness
The oceans cry out to You
The mountains
They bow down before You
So I'll join with the earth
And I'll give my praise to You
I will worship You, I will worship You
I will worship You, I will worship You

We will worship You

We will worship You
Our Great God
Eternal God, unchanging
Mysterious and unknown
Your boundless love unfailing
In grace and mercy shown
Bright seraphim in ceaseless flight
Around your glorious throne
They raise their voices day and night
In praise to You alone
Hallelujah! Glory be to our great God
Hallelujah! Glory be to our great God
Lord, we are weak and frail
Helpless in the storm
Surround us with Your angels
Hold us in Your arms
Our cold and ruthless enemy
His pleasure is our harm
Rise up, O Lord, and he will flee
Before our sovereign God
(repeat chorus)
Let every creature in the sea
And every flying bird
Let every mountain, every field
And valley of the earth
Let all the moons and all the stars
In all the universe
Sing praises to the living God
Who rules them by His word
(repeat chorus)

God Graciously
Renews Us In
Call To Repentance &
~ Psalm 130:4-5 ~

From depths of woe I raise to Thee

The voice of lamentation
Lord, turn a gracious ear to me
And hear my supplication
If Thou iniquities dost mark
Our secret sins and misdeeds dark
O who shall stand before Thee
(Who shall stand before Thee)
O who shall stand before Thee
(Who shall stand before Thee)
To wash away the crimson stain
Grace, grace alone availeth
Our works, alas! Are all in vain
In much the best life faileth
No man can glory in Thy sight
All must alike confess Thy might
And live alone by mercy
(Live alone by mercy)
And live alone by mercy
(Live alone by mercy)

The Words Of The Gospel

~ based on Romans 5:8; 8:1;
& Acts 10:43 ~
Leader: God demonstrates His own love
for us in this: while we were still sinners,
Christ died for us. There is, therefore,
now no condemnation for those who are
in Christ Jesus because, as all the
prophets testify about Christ, everyone
who believes in Him receives the
forgiveness of sins through His name.
To all who humbly seek the mercy of
God, I say to you, that in Christ Jesus
your sins are forgiven!

Song Of Response
Therefore my trust is in the Lord
And not in mine own merit
On Him my soul shall rest, His word
Upholds my fainting spirit
His promised mercy is my fort
My comfort and my sweet support
I wait for it with patience
(Wait for it with patience)
I wait for it with patience
(Wait for it with patience)

What though I wait the live-long night

And til the dawn appeareth
My heart still trusteth in His might
It doubteth not nor feareth
Do thus, O ye of Israels seed
Ye of the Spirit born indeed
And wait til God appeareth
(Wait til God appeareth)
And wait til God appeareth
(Wait til God appeareth)
Though great our sins and sore our woes
His grace much more aboundeth
His helping love no limit knows
Our upmost need it soundeth
Our Shepherd good and true is He
Who will at last His Israel free
From all their sin and sorrow
(All their sin and sorrow)
From all their sin and sorrow
(All their sin and sorrow)

God Receives
Our Offerings
The Prayers Of The People
For The Church & City
Leader: Let us pray.
Unison: Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be your name. Your Kingdom come,
Your will be done, on earth as it is in
Give us this day our daily bread, and
forgive us our debts as we also have
forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into
temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power, and the
glory are yours, now and forever. Amen.

Presentation Of Our Tithes

& Offerings
Song Of Preparation

Elect from every nation

Yet one oer all the earth
Her charter of salvation
One Lord one faith, one birth
One holy Name she blesses
Partakes one holy food
And to one hope she presses
With every grace endued
The Church shall never perish
Her dear Lord to defend
To guide, sustain and cherish
Is with her to the end
Though there be those that hate her
And false sons in her pale
Against a foe or traitor
She ever shall prevail
Mid toil and tribulation
And tumult of her war
She waits the consummation
Of peace forevermore
Til, with the vision glorious
Her longing eyes are blessed
And the great church victorious
Shall be the church at rest
Yet she on earth hath union
With God the Three in One
And mystic sweet communion
With those whose rest is won
O happy ones and holy
Lord, give us grace that we
Like them, the meek and lowly
On high may dwell with Thee

God Gives Us
His Words
Of Eternal Life
Todays Scripture Lesson:
Dealing With Temptation
Matthew 6:5-13

My hope is built on nothing less

Than Jesus blood and righteousness
I dare not trust the sweetest frame
But wholly trust in Jesus name
Christ alone, Cornerstone
Weak made strong in the Saviours love
Through the storm, He is Lord
Lord of all
When darkness seems to hide His face
I rest on His unchanging grace
In every high and stormy gale
My anchor holds within the veil
My anchor holds within the veil
(repeat chorus)
When He shall come with trumpet sound
Oh, may I then in Him be found
Dressed in His righteousness alone
Faultless to stand before the throne
(repeat chorus)
What heart could hold the weight
Of Your love
And know the heights
Of Your great worth
What eyes could look on
Your glorious face
Shining like the sun
You are holy, holy, holy
God most high and God most worthy
You are holy, holy, holy
Jesus, You are, Jesus, You are
Your name alone has pow'r to raise us
Your light will shine when all else fades
Our eyes will look on Your glorious face
Shining like the sun
Who is like You, God

Pastor John Ferguson

(repeat chorus)

God Feeds Us His

Covenant Meal

Who shall we say You are
You're the living God
Who shall we say You are
You're the Great I Am
The highest name of all
You're all You say You are

The Churchs One Foundation

The Churchs one foundation
Is Jesus Christ her Lord
She is His new creation
By water and the Word
From heaven He came and sought her
To be His holy bride
With His own blood He bought her
And for her life He died


Songs For Communion

(repeat chorus)

And You will come again in glory

To judge the living and the dead
All eyes will look on Your glorious face
Shining like the sun
Who is like You, God
I Stand Amazed (How Marvellous)
I stand amazed in the presence
Of Jesus the Nazarene
And wonder how He could love me
A sinner, condemned, unclean
How marvellous! How wonderful
And my song shall ever be
How marvellous! How wonderful
Is my Saviour's love for me
He took my sins and my sorrows
He made them His very own
And He bore the burden to Calvary
And suffered and died alone
When with the ransomed in glory
His face I at last shall see
Twill be my joy through the ages
To sing of His love for me

Our Confession Of Faith

~ based on 1 Corinthians 15:1-6;
Matthew 16:16; Revelation 22:13;
& John 20:28 ~
Leader: Let us together profess our faith
by saying
Unison: This is the Good News which
we have received, in which we stand,
and by which we are saved, if we hold
that Christ Jesus died for our sins
according the the Scriptures, that he was
buried, that he was raised on the third
day, and that he appeared to Peter, then
to the Twelve, and then he appeared to
over five hundred witnesses at one time.
We believe that Jesus is the Christ,
the Son of the living God. He is the first
and the last, the beginning and the end;
He is our Lord and our God. Amen.

God Sends Us
Into The World
With His Blessing

The Benediction


~ 2 Corinthians 13:13 ~
Leader: The grace of the Lord Jesus
Christ and the love of God and the
fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you
Unison: Amen!

Young Adults: TODAY!

All Young Adults are invited to the home of David & Christine Fletcher (136 West
Creek Close in Chestermere, home ph: 403.277.5700) following the service for
lunch & a time of fellowship. Kevin Schwittai & McKenzie Hahn will be sharing
their testimonies.

New City Church

Calgary, Alberta
April 19, 2015

New City Centre For Urban Discipleship & Mission: Next Sunday 6pm

Thanks For
Joining Us For
Worship Today
Were delighted to have had you with
us today. If you are looking for a place
to explore Christianity and its lifechanging relevance, we hope that you
will find New City Church to be a safe
place to ask questions and to grow in
your understanding of the person and
mission of the Lord Jesus Christ. If you
have any questions about New City
Church, Christianity, or the uniqueness
of Jesus of Nazareth, please dont
hesitate to ask us.
Pastor John Ferguson / 403.991.5555
[email protected]
Pastor Mike Ivancic / 403.282.3454
[email protected]
Pastoral Assistant David Fletcher
[email protected]
Elder Don Kitchener / 403.547.4461
[email protected]
Elder Darrell Wolfe / 403.247.8332
[email protected]

All songs used by permission. CCLI

license #273300. Parts of the worship
service are adapted from or reprinted by
permission from The Worship
Sourcebook, c. 2004, CRC Publications.
Please recycle.

Our Leadership / Ministry Training Course continues next Sunday evening at 6pm.
This course is open to anyone wanting to think through ministry & discipleship in
the context of our great city. More info is available on the table in the foyer &
available on our website www.newcitychurch.ca.

Online Phone Directory

Our phone directory is due for a major update. We would love to have the contact
info of all members & regular attenders available online (with permission of
course!). Suzanne will be available for four Sundays (starting today), before & after
the service, to take photos & record contact info. Even if your information is already
listed, please consider having a new photo taken - especially families with children!
Many of the photos are almost five years old.

Youth Retreat: May 22nd-24th

Attention Junior & Senior High Youth: Join us for our annual retreat with youth
from other PCA churches in Alberta as we gather this time at Camp Harmattan near
Olds, Alberta just north of Calgary. Our speaker this year is Dee Hammond who is
the Pastor to Youth & Young Adults at Chestnut Mountain Presbyterian Church in
Georgia. He will be speaking on This Is Your Life. Registration forms forms
available in the lobby.

Wedding Ceremony

Regular attenders of New City Church are invited to attend the wedding ceremony
of Owen Lewis & Kara Macaulay on May 23, 2015 at 1pm at the Strathmore
Alliance Church (325 1 Avenue Strathmore,AB).

Community Outreach Opportunity:

The Confederation Park 55+ Activity Centre is hosting its annual SASI (Stay
Active, Stay Involved) Jaunt in Confed Park on Saturday, June 6th starting at 10am.
It is a run/walk fundraiser that goes to support the activities at this centre & their
outreach to isolated seniors in the area. This is a family festival event with activities
for kids, live music & a food truck. For more info & to register please visit

Last Weeks Givings: $10,535.90

To all who are spiritually weary and seek rest,

to all who mourn and long for comfort,
to all who struggle and desire victory,
to all who sin and need a Saviour,
to all who are strangers and want fellowship,
to all who are broken and long for healing,
to all who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
and to whosoever would come,
New City Church opens wide her doors
and offers welcome in the Name of Jesus Christ.

image credit: thinkstock #78320887

A church in the city with a heart for the city!


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