Ancient Sexual Transmutation. The Great Work

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~ The Shattering of the Vessels; the Secret of Spiritual Revelation | sacred circle

11/04/13 21:38

~ The Shattering of the Vessels; the Secret of Spiritual Revelation

Theres an important secret hidden within the esoteric wisdom of Kabbalah, Alchemy and Hermetica. Its a secret that
has been hidden from the general masses for a long time,
coded in obscure terms within the texts that have been misunderstood for centuries. It is a universal secret that spans
through the ancient arcana which is the one
key component that must be adhered to in order to climb the
ladder toward the Heavens; to reveal those worlds that
have been concealed from us for so long. Once we understand that secret we can unveil the Akash, the Upper Worlds and our Atman who will take us by
the hand and lead us to a more expanded conscious reality, a more expanded connection with All.
In Kabbalah the great sages of the past have described the Structure of Creation in great detail.
This structure consists of various levels of spiritual bodies called Partzufim which can be seen existing on their own levels within each other but intimately connected similar to how Russian
Nested Dolls are made, one smaller version within the other. So we find each subsequent partzuf
containing a more restricted or altered aspect of the pure whole as they change or alter their attributes; this is called descending.
This Structure of Creation within Kabbalah describes how the spiritual worlds operate, how they
influence each other and the principals by which the soul can learn to maneuver within them.
Within each partzufim we find the 10 Sfirot which are the unique veils that color or conceal the
pure Light (called the Ohr Elyon) in unique and individualistic ways. These veils or Sfirot are
what give each partzufim their unique properties or attributes the differences in these Sfirot
within each unique partzufim create slight separations between them, they give them all different
degrees of relationship to the All, also know as the Ein Sof (lit No End or Limitless/Infinite)

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~ The Shattering of the Vessels; the Secret of Spiritual Revelation | sacred circle

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There are essentially five main worlds described in Kabbalah; Infinity (or Adam Kadmon), Atzilut, Beriyah, Yetzirah, Assiyah.
These worlds cascade within each other although they sometimes show next to one another or stacked on each other in diagrams for the sake of analysis. In the upper world of Infinity, or
Adam Kadmon, we can see how this reality in which we now exist
was created by a co-mingling of two forces called AB and SAG,
also called Ida and Pingala, Solar and Lunar, Right and Left, Positive and Negative, etc. In Kabbalah these two forces are considered the Mother and the Father who exist as polarities of each other under the Crown of the All, called Keter or Galgalta, in the middle pillar. They can be related to the Father (Adam) and the Mother (Eve) within the higher spiritual reality referred to as the Garden of Eden.
When the Mother (SAG) drew Light (union of energy) from the Father (AB) this union caused what
is called a shattering of the vessels between them. This shattering happened because of the lower
vessels in the SAG (the lower desires of the Mother) wanted to feel the intimate pleasure associated with this union. This shattering is what we could consider the Eating of the Apple in the Garden of Eden by Chavah (Eve). We also see this breaking or shattering as the spiritual orgasm
which led to the Fall of these partzufim into a new lower spiritual degree called ABYA (the world
of Atzilut or the World of Correction below this world)
When this shattering happened (the Fall) the vessels which broke spilled out and gave birth to a
new reality below, a more dense reality we call our 3D world. In this new reality we are removed
from the Upper Spiritual Worlds because of our differences in properties here, the Upper World
has become concealed from us because of our variance of attributes that we lost during this shattering; meaning our desires are opposite of the Upper World in such a degree that were now totally
concealed from it (from the All). We can see through the wisdom of Kabbalah that the only way to
rectify this concealment is by re-adopting those once held attributes which have since been lost due
of the Sin of the Garden which is truly just the misuse of our life giving energy within each human being.
We can see why the Sfirot of Yesod which means the Foundation (stone) in Kabbalah, or the Yod
(Sex) and Sod (Secret), is the meaning of the process by which we can move back up into the Upper
Worlds, revealing the spiritual degrees once again. We have to learn how to correct this lower animal desire of using sexual energy for temporal self reception back into the property of bestowal as
we once did. This is the correction of the Sin and this is the only way back past
the Cherubim which guards the Tree of Life with a Flaming Sword in the Garden of Eden.

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~ The Shattering of the Vessels; the Secret of Spiritual Revelation | sacred circle

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This is the process by which Alchemy is based, the secret of transmuting our sexual force (our sexual energy) to illuminate ourselves within, return that lost spark in the Heavens above for the
sake of igniting the inner eye of revelation - that which was lost during the Fall and it must be corrected or transformed back once again. This is also known as the creation of the Philosophers
Stone or turning lead into gold it goes by many names.
So what does this process consist of and how can we apply this practical application? For the first
time I will reveal the very basics of the Path here with regards to the hidden application of the Alchemical process called the Great Work.
~ The Basic Process of Transmuting the Sacred Energy
During our Alchemical lab work we should be in a standard meditation seeking to quiet the mind, heart and body and follow the gentle flow of energy. This flow, called the Sacred Circle, works from
the perineum (called the Root Chakra) to the bottom of the spine, up
the spine to the back of the head, around the head to between the
brow, down through the mouth (tongue touching roof of mouth
gently), through the front of the throat, past the heart, belly button
and back down into what is called the stove in Alchemy to be
cooked by slow fire. This is not a new system of transmutation, this
is in fact the oldest and its descriptions are contained through the
ancient esoteric texts. It is the process by which the reuniting of the
Solar and Lunar forces join and create a third force, sometimes
called Shen in the Tao or Neshamah in Kabbalah (both being the spiritual soul) which then rises
to illuminate in the Throne above, sometimes referred to as the Moshiach, the Messiah or King.
During this energy movement, it doesnt matter if you use 100 breaths to draw the energy along the
Sacred Circle or just two breaths depending on your own personal experience which grows more
intimate each time, it only matters that you create this union of forces within yourself that you
complete this circle within the correct state.
You can use your eyes or head to advance the energy at first by looking down, then circle the eyes
gently from 6 oclock to 3 oclock (as it rises) to 12 oclock when it comes to the top of the head then
9 as it starts its decent and so on back to 6 oclock. This process is putting into motion the drawing
of the Alchemical Agent from below. Once it reached the top of the head, the solar and lunar energies are combined and these two energies are then brought down into what is called the
lower cauldron to bake on a slow fire during the various stages of inner Alchemy.
It takes time and continuous efforts to sense this process, be patient. At first the energy will be like

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~ The Shattering of the Vessels; the Secret of Spiritual Revelation | sacred circle

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a subtle flow of leaves in the wind, very hard to detect but as you practice the sensation will get
stronger and stronger and soon the breath will vanish from your senses and only the gently, soft
flow will occur during this process it will be automatic.
During sexual transmutation the process is exactly the same only
with a strengthening of the desire, the charging of the lower energy (lower water) is drastically stronger obviously. During this
sexual charging we are bringing ourselves to the height of orgasm (without the spasm and while being very careful not to
shatter the vessels in a controlled manner) so that when we join
the two forces together for baking or cooking they are much
more powerful and it has much more impact on our energy.
Once you have reached the state closed to orgasm (called Will
Power) you will begin the transmutation process by following
the Sacred Circle energy path mentioned above which has a
much more effective healing and transformation process then within simple seated meditation.
It is important that we remember to clear our minds and heart and only focus on the very gently
soft breath during the Sacred Circle breathing (the transformation process) whether its during a
seating meditation or through sexual transmutation. We must let the Light influence us, not our
thoughts, our desires or our bodies.
Also keep in mind what the alchemists have told us, Bake, Bake, Bake and never grow tired!
meaning do this process as long as your will power enables you to; just be careful not to break the
hermetically sealed container within (having the orgasm) to cause another Fall by shattering the
vessels during orgasm and forcing yourself to start over. If this process can be sustained for a few
weeks, you will find the inner doorway whereby you can reveal that which has been concealed
from you and start your spiritual Path. Prior to this we are simply in darkness and are roaming
around in a cave without light, hopelessly. We must rectify that which caused the breaking during
our fall, the Sacred Force must be withheld so that we can use that life giving energy to help us
Arc that Divine Spark within which can light the lamp of the body. This is the Holy Grail of all
Mystery Schools, this is the process by which we reveal the Spiritual Worlds and there is no other
way, the sexual desire must be corrected within each of us. Keep in mind that this sexual transmutation process will lead us to a point in which the heights of our connection is so great, that the
temporal orgasm we used to use will seem laughable to us.

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~ The Shattering of the Vessels; the Secret of Spiritual Revelation | sacred circle

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This process is only a slight overview and does not constitute a thorough
understanding of the details involved in the entire Alchemical process.
This description is only the first step to begin the journey and start to reveal a more expanded consciousness, better health, vitality, focus and
more. More details and specifics will be revealed here as time permits.
NOTE: Celibacy is not transmutation, this process is against celibacy entirely. Retaining the Sacred Force without transmuting it has a negative
effect on the soul. We are not looking for repression of desires, we are
looking for a transmutation of intention of desires, a higher way of using
them which helps us evolve into spiritual beings once again. We must
use the process of Alchemy to transmute the Sacred Force from below
otherwise we will only find harmful effects and eventually just experience emissions whether consciously or subconsciously the Path is about
deeper connection and self discovery not celibacy which is repression and not evolution. Learn to
charge your Sacred Force and bestow it (tithe it) to the Heavens above, to the mind and the heart,
the organs, the blood, the nerves for the purposes of illuminating the Inner Eye we once had.
Lastly, this process does not require a partner, it can be done alone. Most importantly, this process
does not mean LESS PLEASURE, it just seems that way during the adjustment period while we
change the intention. In actuality we find the doorway to infinite pleasure but first we must adjust
our perceptions a bit.
After a several weeks (depending on each persons efforts in quality and quantity) you will start to
have some anomalies that will indicate the prima materia (the material) is ready for the next stage
this next process will awaken the Kundalini forces and open the inner eye which I will describe in
detail in another article. Now off to your inner laboratories and enlighten yourselves once again.
~ Baruch Hashem

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