Internet Society Draft WTPF Opinion
Internet Society Draft WTPF Opinion
Internet Society Draft WTPF Opinion
The fifth World Telecommunication Policy Forum (Geneva, 2013),
The Third World Telecommunications Policy Forum (Geneva, 2001) and the Secretary-Generals Report
on IP-Telephony. Draft Opinion A on the general implications of IP Telephony for the ITU Membership
with respect to:
the telecommunications policies and regulations of ITU Member States;
the implications of IP Telephony for developing countries, particularly with respect to policies
and regulatory frameworks, as well as technical and economic aspects;
the impact of IP Telephony on the operations of Sector Members, notably in terms of the
financial challenges and commercial opportunities it presents.
The role of high-speed broadband connectivity in attaining the UN Millennium Development Goals;
The importance of Broadband capacity to facilitate the delivery of a broader range of services and
applications, promote investment and provide Internet access at affordable prices to both existing and
new users;
That the deployment of IP-based networks and applications has the potential to benefit users, industries,
and the economy at large, because it fosters technical and market innovation, diversity, productivity, and
growth in the economy;
That these new enhanced communication capabilities contribute to the development of other service
sectors, and to the production and distribution of goods and services in the global economy as a whole;
That with convergence, policy-makers and regulators will continue to promote widespread affordable
access to telecommunications/ICTs through fair, transparent, stable, predictable and non-discriminatory
enabling legal and regulatory and environments that promote competition, foster continued technological
and service innovation and encourage investment incentives; and
The valuable contribution of all stakeholder groups to the evolution, functioning and development of
high-speed broadband services.
that an enabling environment, at national and international levels, supportive of foreign direct
investment, transfer of technology, and international cooperation, particularly in the areas of finance,
debt and trade, is essential for economic development, in general and the development of the Information
Society, in particular, including for the development and diffusion of the Internet and its optimal use. In
particular, the roles of the private sector and civil society as the drivers of innovation and private
investment in the development of the Internet are critical. Value is added at the edges of the network in
both developed and developing countries when the international and domestic policy environment
encourages investment and innovation, as stated in paragraph 54 of the Tunis Agenda;
that, progress has been made in access to information and communications technologies, including the
steady increase in Internet access to the worlds population, and the availability of multilingual content
and Internet addresses, and that the international community affirmed its commitment to turning the
digital divide into digital opportunity, and to ensuring harmonious and equitable development for all, in
paragraph 49 of the Tunis Agenda.
the establishment of the Broadband Commission for Digital Development at the invitation of the
Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union and the Director-General of the United
Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, and taking note of the report of the
Commission prepared in cooperation with the International Telecommunication Union and the United
Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization entitled A 2010 Leadership Imperative: The
Future Built on Broadband, which calls for broadband-friendly practice and policies towards the
attainment of the internationally agreed development goals, including the UN Millennium Development
Member States and all relevant stakeholders to focus on enabling environment for the greater growth and
use of high-speed broadband connectivity;
Member States and all relevant stakeholders to further efforts to develop policies that encourage the
competitive deployment of the infrastructure necessary to enable high-speed broadband connectivity and
use and to engage with all their stakeholders in this regard;
Member States to review their current regulatory frameworks with a view to:
1. encouraging investment, spurring innovation and advancing development,
2. adopting a competition-oriented approach with respect to IP-based networks in order to achieve
clearly defined public policy goals, taking into account, among other things, the concept of
technology neutrality; and
The Secretary-General to ensure the effective implementation of the outcomes of the Geneva and Tunis
phases of the World Summit on the Information Society through the promotion of national, regional and
international multi-stakeholder partnerships to enhance cooperation in the development of high-speed
broadband connectivity.