Outline of The History of Children
Outline of The History of Children
Outline of The History of Children
Time Period
Middle Ages
476 CE 1400
1400 1700
The Victorians:
Golden Age
1830 1900
- Rise of New Realism (after World War - a franker and more open approach to
subjects in children's books
- A variety of world cultures presented in - the field of children's literature has grown
worldwide; heroes came in all colors
children's books
- Emergence of awards for children's
books (the earliest one was Newbery
Medal in 1922, U.S.)
*Note: CE stands for Common Era. It is a relatively new term that is experiencing increased usage and is eventually
expected to replace AD (Anno Domini in Latin or the year of the Lord in English). BCE stands for Before the Common
Era. It is eventually expected to replace BC, which means Before Christ.