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Laws of Acacia

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Laws of Acacia

Virtue, Knowledge, & Truth


Acacia Fraternity

I hereby certify that by order of a Resolution submitted by the Jurisprudence Committee and voted on and
adopted at the 1988 Conc1ave, the Executive Director was mandated to make the necessary changes in
the Laws of Acacia to reflect Acacia's status as an International Fraternity.
Darold W. Larson
Executive Director

Preamble to the Laws of Acacia

We, students, faculty, and alumni of various universities and
colleges do hereby adopt this Constitution;
to strengthen the ties of friendship, one with another;
to prepare ourselves as educated men,
to take a more active part and to have a greater influence in the
affairs of the community in which we may reside;
and, above all, to seek the truth and, knowing it, to give light to
those with whom we may be associated as we travel along life's


l. Name, Purpose
2. Constituency

1-101 to 1-103
1-201 to 1-203

3. New Charters

1-301 to 1-303

4. Revocation of Charters

1-401 to 1-408

5. International Council

1-501 to 1-506

6. International Officers

1-601 to 1-612

7. International President


8. International First and Second Vice-Presidents

1-801 to 1-802

9. International Treasurer

1-901 to 1-902

10. International Counselor


11. Executive Director, Leadership Consultants

1-1101 to 1-1102

12. International Judge Advocate


13. Chapter Advisors

1-1301 to 1-1306

14. International Conclave

1-1401 to 1-1407

15. Committee on Jurisprudence

1-1501 to 1-1502

16. Membership

1-1601 to 1-1605

17. Active Membership

1-1701 to 1-1709

18. Alumni Membership

1-1801 to 1-1805

19. Loss of Membership

1-1901 to 1-1906

20. Chapter, Council and Officers

1-2001 to 1-2004

21. Active chapters

1-2101 to 1-2102

22. Alumni chapters

1-2201 to 1-2213

23. Rituals and Ceremonials

1-2301 to 1-2308

24. Finances

1-2401 to 1-2411

25. Regional Counselors

1-2501 to 1-2502


International Chapter -Creation and Duties

1-2601 to 1-2604



1-2701 to 1-2705





1-101. NAME. The Fraternity governed by this Constitution shall be known as Acacia.
1-102. PURPOSE. The Fraternity is organized for fraternal, scientific, literate and
educational purposes.
1-103. REFERENCE: LAWS OF ACACIA. The term "Laws of Acacia" shall include
the International Constitution, International Bylaws and International Code of Procedure unless
one or more of these is specifically exempted from coverage by the particular Article or Section.
1-201. CONSTITUENCY. The Fraternity shall consist of active chapters, alumni, the
International Chapter, colonies, alumni associations, the International Council, Chapter Advisors
and positions designated in the Constitution, Bylaws and Code of Procedure.
1-202. NAMES OF CHAPTERS. Each chapter shall be designated by the name of the
institution at which it is located for the purpose of reference within the Fraternity, unless the
International Council shall provide otherwise and shall not constitute an official reference where
the higher education institution where the chapter is located does not sanction the use of its name
as an official denotation of a chapter.
1-203. CHAPTER DEFINED. Where the term 'chapter' is used in the Laws of Acacia it
shall refer to the active chapter unless otherwise specifically defined to include or exclude other
components of the Fraternity.
1-301. PETITIONS. Petitions for chartering a new chapter shall be in such form as the
International Council may provide and shall be signed by not less than the number of persons
established by the International Council as a requirement for such chartering and such persons
each of whom must be a student in the university or college where it is proposed that such new
chapter shall be located, or a member of the faculty of such university or college.
1-302. INVESTIGATION. Each petition for chartering a new chapter shall be
investigated and reported upon by one or more International Council members or the Executive
1-303. APPROVAL. A new chapter shall be chartered upon approval of the application
by the affirmative vote of a majority of the International Council, the affirmative vote of fourfifths of all the chapters in good standing and the new chapter's payment of the fees prescribed
by [2-601] Section 1 of Article 6 of the Bylaws.
1-401. DEFAULT IN PAYMENTS. If any chapter shall remain in default in the
payment of its pledge fees, initiation fees and/or active per capita taxes for a period of six months
after they shall have become due and payable as hereinafter provided, the charter of such chapter
shall thereupon be automatically suspended and shall remain suspended until the chapter has
paid all arrearages including any accrued and falling due during the period of suspension.


Council, by the affIrmative vote of a majority of its members, may, until the next succeeding
meeting of the International Conclave, suspend the charter of any chapter, or take any other
action except revocation as herein otherwise provided, for any violation of the provisions of the
Constitution, Bylaws or the Code of Procedure. Suspension under this Article or Article 27 of
this Constitution may include but not be limited to, the following:
The cessation of pledging and initiation of members;
The supervision and/or direction of selected chapter operations by a
person or persons designated by the International Council;
The cessation of all chapter operations under the name of Acacia
Fraternity and the cessation of the use of the name of Acacia Fraternity
until such time as the issues causing suspension shall be disposed of in
accordance to the Laws of Acacia.
In the event of suspension, an active chapter's vote at Conclave is retained, unless
otherwise suspended by other provisions of the Laws' of Acacia, until the Conclave acts on the
suspension, and the suspension shall be the first order of business at the next succeeding
fails repeatedly to maintain a scholarship average above the all-men's average on its campus may
be suspended by a majority vote of the International Council.
1-404. SUSPENSION BY CONCLAVE. Upon the recommendation of the
International Council, the International Conclave, by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of those
present and entitled to vote at the session at which the vote is taken, may suspend or revoke the
charter of any chapter.
1-405. DISPOSITION OF CHAPTER RECORDS. In case of the suspension or
revocation of the charter of any chapter, the charter, ritual and records of the chapter shall
immediately be placed in the hands of the Executive Director. ('50.)
1-406. NOTICE TO ALL CHAPTERS. The Executive Director shall give immediate
notice to all chapters of the suspension, revocation, or reinstatement of the charter of a chapter.
revocation of the charter of a chapter shall not in or of itself affect the standing of any member of
that chapter as a member of the Fraternity.
member of a defunct colony shall be a member of the International Chapter unless the active or
alumnus elects to petition an active chapter for transfer of his membership to that chapter and the
active chapter accepts his petition for transfer. In the event that the defunct colony is recolonized
and chartered, the active or alumnus member may petition the recolonized and chartered chapter
for re-affiliation.


1-501. CONSTITUENCY. The International Council shall consist of the International
Officers as hereinafter provided.

1-502. EXECUTIVE AND JUDICIAL AUTHORITY. The International Council shall

be the supreme executive and judicial body of the Fraternity. It may issue guidelines setting forth
recommendations for administration of the chapters.
1-503. MEETINGS OF COUNCIL. Meetings of the International Council may be
called by direction of the International President or of any four other voting members of the
International Council. Meetings called to be held at a session of the International Conclave may
be held on verbal or written notice to such members as are present at the Conclave. All other
meetings shall be called upon seven days' notice in writing, unless waived, sent to each member
of the International Council by mail or facsimile or delivered personally.
1-504. VOTES, TIE. At all meetings of the International Council each International
Officer, except the International Judge Advocate, shall be entitled to one vote. In case of a tie the
International President (or other presiding officer incase of the International President's absence)
shall be entitled to one additional and determining vote.
1-505. DUTIES OF COUNCIL. In addition to the duties which generally pertain to a
governing board, the International Council shall have charge of the public relations of the
Fraternity and general supervision of all matters relating to scholarship. They shall have charge
of chapter inspections and all matters pertaining to chapter members, fraternity expansion and
installation of new chapters. They shall have complete authority and responsibility for the editing
and publishing of the TRIAD.
1-506. MISCELLANEOUS PROCEDURE. All matters of procedure not specifically
addressed by this Article 5 shall be governed by Roberts Rules of Order, as Revised.
1-601. QUALIFICATION OF OFFICERS. The International Officers shall be the
International President, International First Vice-President, International Second Vice-President,
International Counselor, International Treasurer and International Judge Advocate, each of
whom shall be an alumnus' member of the Fraternity and two undergraduate International
Counselors, each of whom at the time of his election or appointment, shall be an active member
of an active chapter of the Fraternity.
1-602. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. The International Officers, except the International
Judge Advocate, shall be elected by a majority vote of the International Conclave, taken by
ballot, for a term of office expiring upon the installation of their successors. The officer's
successor shall be elected at the second succeeding International Conclave. International Officers
shall be elected in two groups at alternate Conclaves, the International President, International
Counselor and the International Treasurer at one Conclave, the International First Vice-President
and International Second Vice-President, at the next Conclave. Notwithstanding the above, at
each Conclave, two undergraduate International Counselors shall be elected for a two-year term.
1-603. LIMIT OF OFFICERS' TERMS. Any International Officers shall be eligible to
serve only two (2) elected consecutive terms, with the exception that any International Council
Member who has been elected to two consecutive terms as an officer other than International
President may be elected to the office of International President for one additional four-year
term. Nothing in this article of the Constitution is meant to prevent any former elected Council
member from running for Council after an absence from the Council for not less than a period of
two years.

1-604. VACANCY IN OFFICE: UNEXPIRED TERM. Where one or more of the

International Council Offices shall become vacant for any reason. between assembled Conclaves,
such vacancy or vacancies shall be filled by a majority vote of the remaining members of the
International Council, said appointee or appointees to serve only until the next regularly
assembled Conclave, at which time a successor or successors on th International Council shall be
elected to serve the remainder of the unexpired term. Any resignation of a member of the
International Council shall be submitted to the International Conclave, if assembled; otherwise,
any resignation shall be submitted to the International Council.
1-605. REMOVAL BY COUNCIL. The International Council, by the affirmative vote
of a majority of its members, may remove any International Officer from office for dereliction
and may declare his office vacant.
Officers elected at a session of the International Conclave shall be installed in office at a joint
meeting of the incoming and retiring International Councils as a function of the final banquet of
the Conclave where such election occurred. Every retiring International Officer shall turn over to
his successor all official files, records, and property belonging to his office and furnish his
successor with complete information concerning the duties of such office within ten days after
the date of his vacation of the office.
1-607. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. The International President, International
Treasurer, Executive Director and any other International Officer, Director or staff member,
directed or required by the Laws of Acacia, the International President or the action of a
Conclave by resolution to make such a report shall submit to the International Conclave a report
covering the work of his office during the term of his incumbency.
1-608. AUDITS; SUBMISSION TO CONCLAVE. The books of the International
Treasurer and the Executive Director shall be audited annually by a qualified accountant or
certified public accountant appointed by the International President on or before the 1st of July
of each year. Such annual audits shall include an itemized statement of assets, liabilities and
inventory of equipment and such annual audit shall be submitted to the International Council and
by the International Council to the International Conclave.
1-609. BONDS OF OFFICERS. The Executive Director, International Treasurer and
Leadership Consultants shall each give a surety company's bond in such amounts as the
International Council may require, such bonds to be approved and held by the Executive
Director. The premiums on such bonds shall be paid by the Fraternity.
1-610. COMPENSATION OF OFFICERS. The International Officers shall each
receive such compensation, if any, as the International Conclave may determine.
1-611. ARCHIVES: APPOINTMENT OF KEEPER. All records, documents and other
property shall be deposited in the Archives which shall be located at the International
Headquarters and the Executive Director shall have custody and be charged with the preservation
and safekeeping of the same.
1-612. INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS. The International Council shall
establish an International Headquarters in such locality as the Council may deem best and
provision for the payment of costs incurred in operation of the Headquarters shall be made by the
Conclave biennially.

1-701. DUTIES OF PRESIDENT. The International President shall be the chief

executive officer of the Fraternity. He-shall preside at all meetings of the International Council
and at all sessions of the International Conclave and shall appoint all Conclave committees and
any other committees pertaining to the work of the international organization. He shall have
authority at any time to examine the files and records of the Fraternity or any of its officers, to
review all reports made by or to other International Officers, and to require a report from any
chapter, Chapter Advisor or International Officer. He shall have such other powers and duties as
usually pertain to the office of a president.
First Vice-President shall have the powers and duties of the International President during the
temporary absence or disability of the International President. He shall have such other powers
and duties as usually pertain to the office of Vice-President and as delegated and assigned by the
International President.
International Second Vice-President shall have the powers and duties of the International
President during the temporary absence or disability of the International President and the
International First Vice-President. He shall have such other powers and duties as usually pertain
to the office of Vice-President and as delegated and assigned by the International President.
1-901. DUTIES OF TREASURER. The International Treasurer shall have custody of
all funds of the International Fraternity otherwise specifically provided for; he shall keep a strict
account of all funds, receipts and disbursements and shall have such other powers and duties as
usually pertain to the office of Treasurer and as delegated and assigned by the International
1-902. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR COOPERATION. In the performance of the duties
of the International Treasurer, the Treasurer shall have the authority to delegate such functions,
under his strict supervision and control, as are assigned to the Treasurer, to the Executive
Director for the purposes of prompt handling of Fraternity financial requirements and controls as
enumerated in the Laws of Acacia.
1-1001. DUTY OF COUNSELOR. The International Counselor shall assume the duties
of the President during the temporary absence or disability of the President and Vice-Presidents.
The International Counselor shall have such other powers and duties as delegated and assigned
by the International President.
1-1101. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR. The International Council shall appoint an
Executive Director who shall be an alumnus member of the Fraternity. He shalI serve at the

pleasure of the International Council and his compensation shall be fixed by the International
Council within the budget adopted by each Conclave. The Executive Director shall have such
assistants as the Council approves and whose compensation shall be fixed in the same manner as
the compensation of the Executive Director. He shall receive all monies paid to the International
Fraternity and deposit the same to the account of the Acacia Fraternity in depositories approved
by the International Council and account to the International Treasurer for the same. He shall
maintain a complete set of books, membership records and financial records. He shall keep a
strict account of all receipts, receivables, payments, payables and other financial matters of the
International Fraternity.
The Executive Director shall send to the Secretary of each chapter within ten days after
the first day of each month, a statement showing the items and amounts due, from such chapter
and the amount received by him applicable thereto. He shall notify the Chapter Advisor and
Chapter Financial Advisor of any amounts due from the Chapter which are in arrears by a period
of time which exceeds sixty (60) days. He shall send to each new active member, upon receipt of
his initiates' pledge, membership record and initiation fee, the official membership card and an
engrossed certificate of membership in the form prescribed by the International Council. He shall
send a similar certificate of membership to each new honorary member upon receipt of his
membership record. He shall, subject to the authority and approval of the International Council,
draw checks upon a revolving fund established in the name of the Fraternity for the purpose of
paying small and incidental bills. It shall be his duty to account to the International Council
monthly for all items expended out of such revolving fund.
1-1102. LEADERSHIP CONSULTANTS. The International Council may provide for
one or more Leadership Consultants whose duties shall be prescribed by the International
Council, who shall be under the direct supervision of the Executive Director and whose
compensation shall be determined and fixed by the International Council within the budget
adopted at each Conclave.


1-1201. DUTY OF THE JUDGE ADVOCATE. The International Judge Advocate shall
be an attorney duly admitted to practice before the highest court of the state in which he resides
or in which he maintains his office or before a court of the United States. The International Judge
Advocate shall be appointed immediately following the installation of new officers at the joint
meeting of the incoming and retiring International Council. The President shall select and
appoint the International Judge Advocate with the advice and consent of the duly installed
Council. The International Judge Advocate shall serve until the next installation of officers at the
joint meeting. He shall be the Chairman of the Jurisprudence Committee, the legal advisor of the
International Conclave and the International Council and of the Chapters as to the interpretation
and application of the Laws of Acacia. He shall be chairman of all International Committees on
Jurisprudence and Constitutional Revision.


1-1301. DUTIES AND AUTHORITY. The Chapter Advisor shall represent the chapter
alumni in chapter matters. The Chapter Advisor shall represent the chapter, active and alumni
members at the International Conclave. The Chapter Advisor shall prudently and reasonably
advise the chapter on the interpretation of the Laws of Acacia, Conclave actions and International
Fraternity policies and procedures.
1-1302. FINANCIAL ADVISORS. Each chapter shall select a Financial Advisor who
shall have general supervision of the chapter finances and whose duty it shall be to submit to the
Executive Director all budgets of the chapter for his perusal and suggestions. The Chapter
Financial Advisor shall be selected, removed and replaced in the same manner as is hereinafter
provided for Chapter Advisors.
1-1303. ELECTION AND QUALIFICATION. Not later than the last day of September
in a school year where there exists a vacancy in the position of Chapter Advisor, the chapter shall
elect an alumnus of the Fraternity to that position. The election shall be one at which there is a
joint meeting of the active and alumni members and shall be called for the purpose of electing an
individual to the position. An individual, to be elected, shall receive a majority of the total
number of alumni and active votes cast. The election results shall be subject to final approval of
the chapter house corporation or its equivalent body if no house corporation exists at the chapter.
The chapter shall notify the Executive Director of the International Fraternity of the name,
address and telephone number of the properly elected and approved Chapter Advisor.
1-1304. TERM OF OFFICE; ELECTION OF SUCCESSOR. The person elected and
approved by the appropriate local governing board as Chapter Advisor shall serve in such
position for such a term as provided by the chapter and until his successor is nominated, elected
and approved. When a vacancy exists in the position of Chapter Advisor, it shall be filled in
accordance with the provisions of 1-1303.
1-1305. REMOVAL BY COUNCIL. The International Council shall, under the
appropriate circumstances, by a majority vote, have the authority to recommend removal of a
Chapter Advisor for just cause, to the house building corporation or its equivalent body.
corporation or its equivalent body, shall have the authority, by a majority vote, to appoint an
interim Chapter Advisor to fill any vacancy caused by death, resignation or removal. The interim
Chapter Advisor shall hold office until the provisions of 1-1302 have been fulfilled by the
1-1401. DELEGATES. The International Conclave shall consist of the International
Officers and two delegates from each chapter and recognized colonies of the Fraternity, one of
whom shall be the Chapter Advisor and the other the Venerable Dean; provided that, in case the
Chapter Advisor is unable to attend, he shall appoint as a substitute an alumnus of the chapter he
represents; and further provided, that, in the event of the inability of the Venerable Dean to
attend, the active chapter shall elect an alternate. No chapter that has an arrearage of $500 or
more in its accounts receivable balance and is not on a repayment plan approved by the,
International Council as of the opening business session of the Conclave shall be permitted to
have voting delegates to the Conclave except upon approval by a two-thirds vote of those present
and voting at any session of the International Conclave.


1-1402. POWERS; REFERENDUM. The International Conclave shall be the supreme

legislative body of the Fraternity, subject only to the referendum vote of the chapters on matters
as to which such referendum vote is herein required.
1-1403. VOTE. On all matters considered at the International Conclave, including the
election of International Officers, each International Officer except International Judge
Advocate, and each delegate, (except colony delegates who shall have no vote), shall be entitled
to one vote, except that on questions to be determined by a majority vote, the International
President (or other presiding officer) shall vote only for the purpose of determining a tie. Any
person who holds more than one position which would entitle that person to vote more than once
shall be prohibited from voting more than once. That person shall, prior to the final certification
by the Conclave Credentials Committee for that Conclave, advise, in writing the Chairman of
said committee in which capacity he shall serve as a voting delegate to that Conclave and, as
provided for in the Laws of Acacia, the procedure to select and qualify a delegate for the
remaining voting delegate position shall be followed in all such instances.
1-1404. PRIVILEGE OF FLOOR. Members of official Conclave committees, whether
or not official delegates, shall be entitled to the privilege of the floor and shall be entitled to
move the adoption of resolutions and reports of such committees. Others may be granted the
privilege of the floor in the discretion of the presiding officer.
1-1405. MEETINGS; TIME AND PLACE. The International Conclave shall meet biennially at such time and place as the International Council may determine. The International
Council shall have the power, upon the affirmative vote of four members, to convene the
International Conclave for special reasons at any time. The special Conclave shall be limited in
the consideration of business to that for which the session was called.
The special Conclave may be held at such time, place and in such a manner as to best
effectuate the needs of the Fraternity. It shall be permissible for such a special Conclave to be
conducted through written communication with the delegates rather than the assembly of the
delegates at one location when two-thirds of the delegates, as selected pursuant to Article 14 of
the Constitution, give written consent notification to the Executive Director, to conduct the
business of the special Conclave in such a manner.
Upon completion of the business of a special Conclave, the actions taken at such
Conclave shall be communicated, in writing, to all of the chapters where appropriate action, if
required, shall be taken by the chapters as provided for in the Laws of Acacia.
Any action taken at a special Conclave shall have the same force and effect as action
taken at a regularly scheduled Conclave.
1-1406. ROLL CALL VOTE. Except in the election of International Officers, any one
delegate, upon recognition by the presiding officer may request a yea and nay vote upon any
motion, whereupon the presiding officer shall direct that the roll be called and the vote be
1-1407. MISCELLANEOUS PROCEDURE. Roberts' Rules of Order, as Revised, shall
govern all matters of procedure not specifically addressed in this Article 14.
1-1501. MEMBERSHIP; APPOINTMENT. The Committee on Jurisprudence shall be a
permanent committee consisting of the International Judge Advocate, who shall be the Chairman
of said committee, and at least two members of the Acacia Fraternity. The two members of said


committee shall be appointed by the International President at each International Conclave for a
term expiring at the close of the next succeeding Conclave. In the case of the absence of a
member of the committee from the International Conclave, the International President shall
appoint a member pro-tem to fill the vacancy.
1-1502. SUBMISSION OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS. Proposed amendments to
the International Constitution, Bylaws, and Code of Procedure shall be submitted to the
Chairman of the Committee on Jurisprudence not less than six months prior to the Conclave at
which such legislation is to be proposed and the Committee on Jurisprudence shall report thereon
at the Conclave. No legislation which has not been so submitted may be proposed at the
Conclave without the consent of the Conclave given by a majority vote.
1-1601. CLASSES OF CHAPTER MEMBERSHIP. Each chapter shall be composed of
two groups, the active and the alumni, each member of whom shall have been duly elected,
pledged and initiated into Acacia.
1-1602. ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP. The active membership of each chapter shall be
composed entirely of male students of the university or college at which such chapter is located.
Membership or recommendation for membership shall not be withheld because of the race,
creed, or national origin of the prospective member.
1-1603. ALUMNI MEMBERSHIP. The alumni membership of each, chapter shall be
composed of all members other than active members.
1-1604. DUAL MEMBERSHIP NOT PERMITTED. Members of other general social
college fraternities shall not be elected to membership in Acacia.
1-1605. INITIATES; CONSENT OF PRIOR CHAPTER. No chapter shall initiate any
person whom it knows to have been pledged by any other chapter without first obtaining the
consent of such other chapter. A chapter shall act and report upon any request for such consent
within twenty days after receipt thereof.
1-1701. INITIATION; PROPOSAL; BALLOT. Pledgeship and active membership in
Acacia shall be by invitation of an active chapter extended pursuant to a vote taken as hereinafter
provided. Proposals for pledgeship shall be made by a member of the active chapter at a stated or
special meeting. The vote upon such proposals shall be by secret ballot taken at a stated or
special meeting and a unanimous vote of those present and voting shall be necessary for election.
Alternatively, a Rushing and Pledging Committee may be selected consisting of the
Venerable Dean, Rushing Chairman and three members of the chapter elected by a secret written
ballot of two-thirds of those present and voting at any regular meeting of the active chapter. Such
committee shall have full power and authority to rush and pledge prospective members without
further vote of the active chapter, under such rules and regulations as said committee. From time
to time may adopt and the active chapter approve. The committee shall serve for a period not
longer than the end of the ensuing school year. As it pertains to colonies, invitation to pledgeship
and active membership in Acacia may be extended by a member of the International Staff as
authorized by the International Council.


If at any time up to and including the time of initiation of a pledge, an objection thereto is
made at a regular or special meeting of the active chapter and is sustained by a vote (taken by
secret ballot) of one-third of those present and voting, he shall be depledged immediately. As it
pertains to colonies, a member of the International Staff shall, upon authorization by the
International Council, have the same authority to depledge prior to and including the time of
However, upon certified written application to the International Council by any active
chapter, duly passed by two-thirds of those present and voting of such active chapter, a special
dispensation shall be issued to such chapter allowing it to vote upon, reject or elect its pledges or
members by the number of votes or the percentage of votes, either affirmative or negative,
adopted by such active chapter.
candidate for pledgeship must complete the pledge ceremony within thirty days of his receipt of
an invitation to pledgeship. Unless so pledged his, status, upon the expiration of, such thirty-day
period, shall be that of a person who has never been proposed for pledgeship.
1-1703. INITIATION WITHIN TWO YEARS. A pledge must be initiated within two
years of the date of his pledge ceremony. Unless so initiated, his status, upon the expiration of
such two-year period, shall be that of a person who has never been pledged.
who has received an invitation to pledge while a bona fide student or faculty member at a
university or college at which a chapter is located, may be thereafter pledged by and initiated
into such chapter within the time prescribed in Sections 1a and 1b of this Article [1-1702,
11703] notwithstanding the fact that he may have severed his connection with such university or
college subsequent to receipt of the invitation.
RESUMPTION. A member of any chapter, upon becoming a student or a member of the faculty
of another university or college at which a chapter is located, may become an "associate"
member of the second chapter upon his election as a member by such second chapter. He shall
not become an associate member of the second chapter, however, unless all his accounts in the
first chapter have been balanced and its consent has been given.
1-1706. INTERIM ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP. An active member of any chapter
who, during the time his own chapter has suspended meetings for the summer, is in attendance at
a university or college where another chapter is being conducted may, upon the invitation of the
second chapter, become an associate member thereof, the consent of his chapter not being
necessary; provided, however, that when his own chapter resumes meetings it will be necessary
to comply with the requirements of 1-1705 and for him to gain his own chapter's consent if he
elects to remain an associate member of the second chapter.
active or alumnus of any chapter which, by reason of revocation or suspension of its charter or
otherwise, has become defunct, may become an associate member of any other chapter upon the
invitation of such other chapter. An associate member shall have the same rights, privileges,
duties, and responsibilities in the chapter with which he has affiliated as if he had become a
member thereof by initiation. His status as an active or alumnus member thereof shall be
determined by regarding his membership as a continuation without interruption of his
membership in the first chapter as such membership existed at the time the first chapter became
defunct, and as if his period of active membership in the first chapter and his association with the


university or college at which such chapter was located had been membership in the second
chapter and association with the university or college at which such second chapter is located.
1-1708. RE-AFFILIATION. An associate member of a chapter may re-affiliate with his
previously defunct chapter upon its re-establishment. Such re-affiliation shall be effected in the
same manner and shall be subject to the same rules as provided in 1-1707. It shall be the duty of
the chapter to notify the Executive Director of the date of affiliation and the status of each
associate member thereof.
1-1709. ACTIVE MUST LIVE IN CHAPTER HOUSE. Every active member unless
excused by his chapter for good and sufficient reasons, shall live at his chapter house as long as
he remains a student in the university or college at which his chapter is chartered.
shall have been an active member for four years shall thereupon become an alumnus member;
provided, however, that, subject to the provisions of Section 2 of this Article [1-1802]. the
chapter, pursuant to the written application of the member and by a majority vote taken by secret
ballot, may extend his period of active membership. If such application be voted upon prior to
the expiration of such four-year period, such member, although still active, shall not vote
thereon. No such extension shall be granted for a period exceeding one year, nor shall any
member be granted more than two such extensions.
1-1802. ACTIVE TO ALUMNUS STATUS. Any student who shall have been an active
member and who shall have severed his connection with the university or college at which his
chapter is chartered, shall thereupon become an alumnus member. Subject to the provisions of
Section 1-1801, he shall, upon re-entering such college or university, again become an active
member. Provided that any married active member who shall have paid an initiation fee as
provided herein may petition the chapter for alumnus membership for the reason that active
participation in the chapter causes him financial hardship. The chapter by a two-thirds vote taken
by secret ballot may extend to the married active alumnus membership for a period not to exceed
one year. Extensions may be granted only on petition which shall be acted on in the manner
prescribed above. No such extension shall be granted for a period exceeding one year.
faculty of a university or college who shall have become a member of Acacia may become, at his
option, an alumnus member upon his initiation.
Any male person may be elected an honorary member of anyone chapter, subject however, to the
approval of the International Council. The Executive Director shall notify the chapter of the
action taken by the International Council. Honorary members shall be entitled to all rights and
privileges of alumni members.
1-1805. RIGHT OF ALUMNI TO VOTE; LIMITATION. Except as herein elsewhere
provided, alumni members shall not have voting rights.
1-1901. TERMINATION OF MEMBERSHIP. Membership in Acacia may be
terminated only by the resignation, death or expulsion of the member.


1-1902. STATUS OF RESIGNATION. A member who submits a resignation shall do so

to the chapter who shall immediately inform the Executive Director of the International
Fraternity. The Executive Director shall take all necessary steps and effectuate all necessary
procedures to conform the international records to the members resignation and shall also notify
all chapters of the resignation of the member from the Fraternity. A member who has resigned
shall not be permitted to participate in any function at any level of the Fraternity.
If a member submits a resignation directly to the International Fraternity, the Executive
Director shall inform the member's chapter of its receipt and direct the chapter to take those steps
consistent with the provisions of 1-1902.
PROCEDURE. Each chapter shall have power to prefer charges against its own members and to
suspend, to expel, or otherwise to discipline its members, subject, however, to the right of the
member to appeal to the International Council. The procedure in trials and appeals shall be as
prescribed by the Code of Procedure.
1-1904. POWER OF COUNCIL TO SUSPEND OR EXPEL. The International Council
shall have power by unanimous vote to suspend or expel from Acacia any member thereof for
any violation of the provisions of-the Laws of Acacia. The Executive Director shall give written
notice of such action to each chapter.
of Acacia who shall become a member of any other general international social college fraternity
shall be forthwith expelled from Acacia. Such expulsion may be by the chapter of which he is a
member or by action of the International Council. No appeal from such expulsion shall be
allowed except with respect to the question of fact of his having joined such other fraternity.
Formal notice of the expulsion stating the reasons therefore shall be sent by the International
President to every chapter of Acacia and to the National President (or equivalent officer) of
every general social college fraternity.
EXPULSION. Any member who, at the end of any sixty-day period, shall be delinquent in the
payment of any indebtedness to his chapter, incurred as an active member thereof, shall be
automatically suspended by the chapter until such indebtedness shall have been paid, unless the
chapter by a two-thirds vote of those present and voting at a stated meeting shall extend the time
for payment. Such extension shall not be granted except upon receipt by the chapter of the
member's demand note for the amount of the debt. If such indebtedness be not paid in full before
the expiration of ninety days from the end of the sixty-day period after which it was incurred the
Chapter Secretary shall report that fact to the Executive Director and the delinquent member
shall be forthwith expelled by the International Council.
This section shall apply in the case of indebtedness of any member not paid in full by the
end of the fiscal year 1927-28 whether such indebtedness shall have been incurred before or after
the adoption of this section.
1-2001. ELECTION OF CHAPTER OFFICERS. The affairs and activities of every
active chapter shall be administered by a Chapter Council consisting of the Venerable Dean,
Senior Dean, Junior Dean, Treasurer and Secretary. They shall be chosen annually by secret
ballot and shall be installed not later than the first stated meeting in April. The Rush Chairman,


who may be elected or appointed, shall also be a member of the Chapter Council. The chapter
may provide for additional members to serve on the Chapter Council.
1-2002. DUTIES OF OFFICERS. The Executive Director shall cause to be published,
periodically, guidelines for the recommended operation of chapter functions. Such guidelines
shall be advisory and reflect the current status of proper fraternity operations. These guidelines
shall be the basis for the chapter to develop its system of officer responsibility but shall in no
way limit the manner in which each chapter assigns responsibilities and shall serve as
management guides for the chapter.
1-2003. BOND OF TREASURER; AUDIT. The Treasurer of every chapter shall, if the
chapter or its house corporation require, be bonded. The cost of such bond shall be apportioned
in a manner determined by the chapter and the house corporation. Before the Treasurer may turn
over his books to his successor and be discharged of liability they shall be audited at the expense
of the chapter under the direction of the chapter Financial Advisor who shall render to the
chapter an audit report in triplicate. One copy of such report shall be sent to the Executive
Director, one copy shall be sent to the Chapter Advisor, and one copy shall be attached to the
books of the Treasurer and retained by the chapter.
1-2004. VENERABLE DEAN; TERM OF OFFICE. Except in case of an emergency
and subject to the approval of the Chapter Advisor, the same person shall not hold the office of
Venerable Dean for more than one year.
shall have exclusive jurisdiction over local affairs, except as provided for by the Laws of Acacia.
Each active chapter shall adopt a constitution and by-laws which shall be consistent with the
provisions of this Constitution and Bylaws. It shall file with the Executive Director, for
information purposes only, a copy of its Constitution and Bylaws and of all amendments thereto,
certified by the Venerable Dean and Secretary.
1-2102. QUORUM. A majority of the members of an active chapter shall constitute a
quorum for the transaction of business.
1-2201. NAME. An alumni chapter shall be known by the name of the town, city, or
locality wherein it is situated; such name shall be subject to the approval of the International
1-2202. MEMBERSHIP AND CONSTITUENCY. Eligibility to membership in an
alumni chapter shall be confined to alumni of the Fraternity.
1-2203. CHARTERING ALUMNI CHAPTER. An alumni chapter may be chartered
and established by the International Council in any town, city or locality, upon the written
application of at least fifteen resident alumni.
1-2204. ALUMNI CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS. Each alumni chapter shall adopt
such constitution and by-laws as the members thereof shall see fit, provided however, that said
constitution and by-laws shall not negate or contravene any Article, Bylaw or section of the Laws
of Acacia. It shall file with the International Judge Advocate and the Executive Director


respectively, a copy thereof and all amendments thereto, certified by the President and Secretary
of the alumni chapter.
1-2205. OFFICERS. The officers of an alumni chapter shall be a President, VicePresident, Treasurer, Secretary and such other officers as shall be deemed necessary to
effectively promote the best interests of the alumni chapter.
1-2206. ELECTION OF ALUMNI CHAPTER OFFICERS. The officers of the alumni
chapter shall be elected by a majority of those dues paying alumni members present and voting at
a regularly established annual meeting of the chapter.
1-2207. DUTIES OF THE ALUMNI CHAPTER OFFICERS. The officers of an alumni
chapter, shall, in addition to such other duties as may be prescribed and required by their
constitution, perform the following duties:
Clause 1.
The President shall be the presiding officer of the alumni chapter, the
official representative thereof, and shall have all the powers and duties usually pertaining to such
Clause 2.
The Vice-President shall discharge the powers and duties of the President
in the latter's absence.
Clause 3.
The Treasurer shall be the custodian of the funds of the alumni chapter.
Clause 4.
The Secretary shall attend to the correspondence of the alumni chapter and
shall report to the Executive Director of Acacia Fraternity upon such matters as may be required
of him; he shall keep a book of minutes wherein he shall record an accurate digest of all alumni
chapter proceedings, and he shall be the custodian of the records and archives of the alumni
Clause 5.
The duties of all other officers, if any, shall be prescribed by the
Constitution of the alumni chapter.
Clause 1.
An alumni chapter shall have jurisdiction over the conduct of its members,
except that its right to suspend or expel an alumni member shall be limited to suspension or
expulsion from membership in its alumni chapter.
Clause 2.
An alumni chapter may adopt and modify or repeal articles and provisions
of its constitution and by-laws which are not inconsistent, however, with the Laws of Acacia.
Clause 3.
The official acts of the alumni chapter shall be dated and signed by its
President and Secretary.
1-2209. MEETINGS.
Clause 1.
An alumni chapter shall hold at least one regularly established and stated
meeting a year, at which an election of officers of the alumni chapter shall be held, together with
such other business as the alumni chapter shall deem proper.
Clause 2.
A special meeting of the alumni chapter shall be held at the call of the
President or upon a written request to the President, signed by at least five members, and notice
thereof stating the date, time and place shall be communicated or mailed to each dues paying
member of the alumni chapter, at his last known address, at least three days before the time
appointed for such meeting.
Clause 3.
The dues paying members present at a regularly stated or special meeting
shall constitute a quorum.
1-2210. COMMITTEES. An alumni chapter shall have at least one standing committee,
which shall be the Governing Committee and shall consist of the President, the Treasurer and the
Secretary, and at least two other members appointed by the President, one of whom may be


named as Chairman. It shall be the duty of this governing committee to exercise general
supervision over the conduct of alumni chapter affairs, and over the individual conduct of the
members of the alumni chapter and to promote the welfare of the chapter.
1-2211. ALUMNI CHAPTER DUES. The Constitution and Bylaws of each alumni
chapter may fix an amount of local alumni dues to be paid by its members to the Treasurer
alumni chapter which maintains its membership in such numbers as shall meet the requirements
for chartering, as herein provided, shall be entitled to send, at alumni chapter expense, a nonvoting delegate, the alumni chapter President, to the International Conclave. In the event of the
inability of the alumni chapter President to attend, the chapter shall elect an alternate.
1-2213. DISSOLUTION. In case of the dissolution of an alumni chapter, the President
or other presiding officer shall transmit all records and other property of such alumni chapter to
the Executive Director of Acacia Fraternity.
Fraternity shall publish and own all official Rituals. The Rituals shall be numbered and
distributed by the Executive Director who shall keep a complete record. Five copies shall be
distributed to each chapter and one copy to each Chapter Advisor and to each International
Officer. The Venerable Dean of each chapter, immediately after his election and installation,
shall receipt to the Executive Director for the five copies assigned to his chapter and each chapter
Advisor and each International Officer shall receipt to the Executive Director annually
1-2302. CEREMONIES, SECRET. The entire pledging and initiation ceremonies shall
be secret and shall include only the forms and activities prescribed by the official Ritual as
approved and adopted by the International Conclave.
1-2303. PLEDGING CEREMONY; PIN. The pledging of a prospective member shall
consist of the pledging ceremony as prescribed by the Ritual. The pledge pin used in the
pledging ceremony shall be the official pledge pin specified in 2-305.
1-2304. BADGE AND PAYMENT OF INITIATION FEE. Any time after his initiation
a member may purchase the official badge of the Fraternity specified in 2-301 and shall be
permitted to wear the same as provided in 2-302. At the time of his initiation, the initiation fee
shall be paid to the Fraternity and must be transmitted by the initiating chapter to the
International Headquarters as herein provided.
1-2305. MEMBERSHIP RECORDS; FILING. After the pledging of a candidate and
before his initiation he shall be required to fill out and sign a membership record in triplicate and
no candidate may be initiated until he shall have presented such completed membership records
to the chapter secretary as a part of his credentials for initiation. Immediately after the initiation
the chapter secretary shall forward the original and one duplicate to the Executive director and
shall file the remaining duplicate in the archives of the chapter.
1-2306. INSTALLATION; MEMBERSHIP RECORDS. Upon the installation of a new
chapter, triplicate membership records shall be filled out and signed by the proposed members
and delivered to the newly elected secretary who shall forward the originals and one set of
duplicates to the Executive Director and shall file the remaining set of duplicates in the archives
of the chapter.


1-2307. INITIATE'S PLEDGE; MEMBERSHIP CARD. The International Council shall

formulate an initiate's pledge, copies of which the Executive Director shall have printed and
supplied to each chapter secretary. After the initiation of a candidate he shall be required to
subscribe to this pledge and his signature shall be attested by the Venerable Dean and the
Secretary. The initiate shall forward it immediately to the Executive Director. Upon receipt of
the pledge and all other required forms and fees, the Executive Director shall at once issue a
traveling membership card which shall contain the Fraternity crest, the members' name, date of
initiation, and membership number, and the signature and official seal of the Executive Director.
ceremony and before his initiation, each candidate shall pass a satisfactory examination in the
Date and place of founding of Acacia.
Chapter roll.
Names and Addresses on International Officers.
History, laws and traditions of the Acacia Fraternity
This examination shall be held in an open Fraternity meeting. A majority vote shall be required
to decide his proficiency.
1-2401. SOURCES OF REVENUE; FEES; TAXES; DUES. The revenue of the
Fraternity shall be derived from the following sources:

The pledge and initiation fees as are herein provided; .

An initiation fee into chartered chapters;
Initiation fee of charter members into new chapters;
Charter fees;
Alumni dues;
Such other sources as the International Conclave may from time to time
FEE. Every candidate for membership shall, at the time of pledging, pay to the Fraternity a
pledge fee which shall be transmitted by the chapter to the International Headquarters within
three (3) days after pledging.
Every candidate for membership shall, prior to his initiation, pay to the International
Fraternity an initiation fee which shall be transmitted by the chapter to the International
Headquarters within three (3) days after initiation.
shall be liable to the Fraternity for the payment of all indebtedness of its actives and pledges to
the Fraternity and such amount shall be transmitted no later than the fifteenth day of the month
following its accrual.
PAYMENT. Prior to its installation each new chapter shall pay to the Executive Director the
initiation fee of all charter members and the charter fee as prescribed by the Bylaws.



The funds of the Fraternity shall be invested in such manner as the International Council may
determine. Funds known as the Endowment Fund, designed as permanent funds, shall be
separately held by the International Treasurer and the investment income there from shall be set
aside respectively, as a part of the general fund, and shall be used for one or more of the
following purposes: scholarships, student loans, loans on chapter housing, leadership and
citizenship schools and services and other educational or charitable activities at such times and in
such amounts as the International Council shall deem prudent.
1-2406. PERMANENT FUNDS; TRUSTS. Not with standing the provisions of Section
4 [1-2405] of this Article, the International Council may transfer to Acacia Fraternity Foundation
or other trustees in trust for the uses and purposes of Acacia all or any part of any permanent
funds of Acacia. Any such deposits in trust shall be subject to a trust agreement containing such
covenants, terms and conditions as may be approved by the International Council.
1-2407. ENDOWMENT FUND. The Endowment Fund, heretofore established shall be
continued and shall be invested, maintained, managed and operated under such rules and
regulations consistent with the provisions of 1-2405. as may be adopted by the International
1-2408. CHAPTER MEMBERSHIP REPORTS, FORMS. The Chapter Advisor, for
informational purposes, shall forward to the Executive Director, at such times and in such form
as may be designated by the Executive Director, reports of membership. All such reports and
statements shall be made on forms furnished by the Executive Director for that purpose and shall
be certified by the Chapter Advisor, the Venerable Dean and the Secretary.
1-2409. CHAPTER FINANCIAL REPORTS, FORMS. The Chapter Financial Advisor,
for information purposes, shall forward to the Executive Director, at such times and in such form
as may be designated by the Executive Director, financial reports and statements. All such
reports and statements shall be made on forms furnished by or acceptable to the Executive
Director for that purpose and shall be certified by the Chapter Financial Advisor, the Venerable
Dean and Treasurer.
Failure of any chapter to comply with sections 2408 and 2409 above, for a period of three (3)
months shall be cause for disciplinary action.
1-2411. CHAPTER FINANCIAL OPERATIONS. Should the International Council find
that any chapter be not operating in a financially efficient manner in its transactions with the
Fraternity for a period of three (3) months, such a chapter shall be subject to disciplinary action,
notwithstanding the provisions of section 1-401 of the Constitution.
1-2501. REGIONAL COUNSELORS: SELECTION. The International Council shall
establish regions not based entirely on geographical areas, and shall be responsible for the
appointment of Regional Counselors for such regions for two-year terms starting with each
Conclave. A Regional Counselor may be nominated and elected by the active chapters in a
region upon petition of a majority of such chapters to the International Council by January
preceding each Conclave. Such election shall be conducted by the International Council. In the
event no candidate receives the majority vote for the position of Regional Counselor, the
International Council shall have the authority to select a Regional Counselor to serve such term.


Each active chapter shall have one vote for the Regional Counselor in their respective area. A
Regional Counselor shall be a member in good standing of Acacia.
1-2502. DUTIES OF REGIONAL COUNSELORS. Regional Counselors shall hold at
least one regional meeting per year of the active chapters and colonies in their region. The
Counselors shall maintain active contact with each chapter, colony and Advisor in their region.
The duties of the Regional Counselor shall include, but not be limited to, an annual evaluation of
each chapter, colony and Advisor in his region and recommendations to the International
Council. Specific duties include:
Visit each assigned chapter at least once per school year (two visits if possible).
Counsel each chapter on implementation of Fraternity programs--the Chapter
Standards Program, the international Human Service project, alcohol awareness,
international awards, etc.
Promote chapter participation in regional conferences and the International
Conclaves and attend these with your chapters.
Provide an additional link with other chapters and colonies and serve as an
international representative at initiations, anniversaries and similar occasions
when requested by the chapter or International Council.
Submit an annual evaluation of each chapter, colony and Advisor in his region
and make recommendations to the International Council.
1-2601. CREATION, MEMBERS AND DUTIES. There is created an international
chapter of Acacia Fraternity. The international chapter shall be composed of those persons
initiated as honorary members under the provisions of this section.
1-2602. PURPOSE. The International Chapter is created for the purpose of identifying,
selecting and initiating into Acacia Fraternity, in accordance with the process now required of
individual chapters in the selecting of honorary members, those persons who meet the
requirements for such membership. The International Council shall select a potential honorary
member and shall extend the invitation for acceptance or rejection.
1-2603. INITIATION RITE, TIME, PLACE. The International Council shall, after the
selection of those persons so qualified for membership, establish the date and place for such
initiation and may, where convenient, call upon the various chapters of Acacia to assist in the
1-2604. CHAPTER NOMINEES. Acacia chapters, alumni associations and other
constituent bodies recognized by the International Council or members of Acacia may forward
for consideration by the International Council the names of nominees. Nominees shall be
individuals whose impact reaches beyond the scope of a particular chapter and whose reputation,
accomplishment and recognition are such that the entire fraternity would recognize the individual
a worthy candidate for initiation.
1-2701. CREATION, PURPOSE. The International Council may set criteria for the
establishment and recognition of colonies and may authorize the creation of such colonies for the


purpose of re-establishing defunct chapters and colonies and the expansion of the Fraternity onto
the campuses of other colleges and universities.
colony shall have the same jurisdiction, rights and privileges as provided herein for active
chapters, including the pledging and initiation of members into the Fraternity, with the exception
that colony delegates to the International Conclave may not vote and shall be-subject to such
other limitations as may be specified by the International Council. Each colony shall adopt a
constitution and by-laws. It shall file with the Executive Director, for information purposes only,
a copy of its constitution and bylaws and of all amendments thereto, certified by the Venerable
Dean and Secretary.
1-2703. QUORUM. A majority of the members of a colony shall constitute a quorum
for the transaction of business.
1-2704. DISSOLUTION OF COLONY. The International Council may suspend or
revoke recognition of a colony for failure to meet the provisions established herein for
chartering, for the reasons established in Article 4 for the suspension or revocation of charters, or
for other good and sufficient reason.
1-2705. DISPOSITION OF COLONY RECORDS. In case of dissolution of a colony,
the ritual and records of the colony shall immediately be placed in the hands of the Executive
provisions of Section 2 of Article 15 [1-1502] hereof, this Constitution may be amended by a
two-thirds vote of those present and voting at any session of the International Conclave, ratified
by a two-thirds referendum vote of all the chapters in good standing whose votes shall be
received by the Executive Director within sixty days after he shall have mailed the ballots
therefore to the chapters. If a chapter eligible to vote under the provisions of this article fails to
return its ballot by the date specified in the notice accompanying the proposal, the chapter shall
be recorded by the Executive Director as casting a yea vote on the proposal submitted to the
chapter for ratification. When any amendment is so ratified the International President shall
make due proclamation thereof, whereupon the amendment shall become effective.




Chartering and Installing Chapters.

International Conclave.
Membership Badges, Insignia, and Indicia.
Chapter Records.
Pledge Training.
Alcohol Education and Alcohol Abuse.

2-101 and 2-102

2-201 to 2-203
2-301 to 2-308
2-401 to 2-408
2-501 and 2-502
2-601 to 613
2-801 and 2-802

2-101. APPLICATIONS, INVESTIGATION: All applications for charter in Acacia shall
be investigated by the Executive Director or such other person or persons as the Executive
Director may designate. All expense incurred in connection with such investigation shall be
borne by the applicants.
Applications shall contain the following information:
Name in full of each applicant followed by the date and place of his birth;
Class and department in university or college of each applicant;
College honors, if any, of each applicant;
The college or university clubs and organizations, if any, of which each applicant
is a member; if a member of the faculty, his position, and the institution of which
he is a graduate.
The arrangements which have been made for the maintenance of a chapter house;
Whether the application is submitted by individual applicants or by an
organization; if by an organization, the particulars of the same; and,
Such other information respecting the standing of the university or college at
which it is proposed that the new chapter shall be located, the number and names
of other fraternities at such university or college and such additional data as the
International Council may require.
2-102. COPIES OF APPLICATIONS. The applicants shall furnish the Executive
Director with a sufficient number of copies of such application to permit distribution of one copy
to each chapter and to each international officer.
2-201. ORDER OF BUSINESS. The following shall be the order of business governing
the International Conclave:
Approval of credentials as recommended by the International Council;
Approval of minutes of preceding International Conclave;
Appointment of special committees;
Report of International Officers and Executive Director;
Report of Jurisprudence Committee;
Report of committees;


Unfinished business;
New business;
Election of officers;
(10) Appointment of permanent committees; and,
(11) Good of the Fraternity.
2-202. BUDGET COMMITTEE. The special Conclave committees shall include a
budget committee. The budget recommendations of the International Council shall be referred to
this committee.
2-203. ROBERTS' RULES OF ORDER. Roberts' Rules of Order shall govern the
deliberation of the International Conclave on all points not covered by this Constitution, Bylaws
and Code of Procedure.
2-301. ACACIA PIN, SPECIFICATIONS. The official emblem or badge of this
Fraternity shall be a pin in the shape of a right angled triangle of the first quadrant, the sides of
which shall be proportional to three, four and five, the shortest side being the base.
The bounds of this triangle shall be studded with twelve crown set pearls, three on the
base, four on the altitude and five on the hypotenuse and the corners shall be set with crown set
garnets. Within this triangle shall be three smaller triangles outlined in gold upon a black
enameled field. The International Council may determine such other specifications as necessary
in contracting with the official jeweler.
2-302. HOW WORN. The Acacia pin shall be worn on the waistcoat (vest) or shirt, over
the heart.
2-303. WHO MAY WEAR. The Fraternity Pin shall be worn only by members of the
Fraternity, their wives, mothers, sisters, daughters and fiancees.
2-304. OFFICIAL JEWELER. The official jeweler for Acacia may be appointed by the
International Council.
2-305. PLEDGE BUTTON, SPECIFICATIONS. The Acacia pledge insigne shall be a
circular button on which shall be a gold, solid right angle triangle of the first quadrant, the sides
of which shall be proportional to 3, 4 and 5, the shortest side being the base; such triangle to be
set in a field of black enamel. The size and design shall be approved by the Executive Director.
2-306. COAT OF ARMS, SPECIFICATIONS. The official coat of arms of the Acacia
Fraternity shall be composed of a crest, shield, ribbon and motto.
The crest shall be a candelabra supporting three burning tapers within a wreath of acacia.
The shield shall consist of a field of gold bearing fess and two bentlets in black,
surmounted by three triangles in gold of the shape and proportion prescribed for the official
The ribbon shall be blue. The motto, ''Human Service" shall be inscribed in Greek.
2-307. WHISTLE. The whistle of the Acacia Fraternity shall be the first four notes of
the adjutant's call; and the answer shall be the first, third and fourth notes of the same. The
whistle shall be illustrated and placed in the pledge manual.
2-308. MEMBERSHIP CARD. Orders for traveling cards for a member or an associate
member shall be placed through the Secretary of his home chapter. Traveling cards shall be
furnished by the Executive Director at no charge. No traveling card shall be issued to any


member whose membership record, initiation oath and proof of payment of all fees are on file in
the office of the Executive Director.
2-401. TRIAD, PUBLICATION. The International Conc1ave shall authorize the
publication of an official educational journal of Acacia at such time or times of the year as it may
direct. The name of the educational journal shall be ''The TRIAD of Acacia". A sufficient
number of copies shall be printed and supplied each chapter to furnish one copy to each active
member for whom per capita dues have been paid. The appropriation for the publication of the
educational journal shall be made through recommendation of the budget committee and costs of
editing, publishing and distributing shall be paid from the general fund of the Fraternity.
2-402. TRIAD EDITOR. The Executive Director, with the advice and consent of the
international council shall appoint a TRIAD editor who shall serve at the pleasure of the
executive director and whose compensation, if any, shall be fixed within the budget approved by
the international conclave.
shall maintain a current version of the Laws of Acacia. Within 60 days following each
International Conclave a compilation of all amendments adopted since the last publication shall
be distributed with each copy of the Laws of Acacia distributed thereafter until such time as there
is a complete republication.
2-501. CHAPTER RECORDS AND ACCOUNTS. Each chapter shall keep and
maintain such records and accounts in a form which shall be acceptable to the Executive Director
who may refuse to accept any reports of any chapter failing to comply with the provisions of this
2-502. COPY OF LAWS TO EACH ACTIVE. Each chapter shall provide each of its
active members with a copy of the Laws of Acacia and of all amendments thereto.
chapter shall pay the Fraternity such initiation and other fees for each charter member as are
herein required of initiates of existing active chapters.
2-602. NEW CHAPTERS; CHARTER FEES. The International Conclave shall set the
chartering fee. Each new chapter shall pay the chartering fee before the installation of the
2-603. ACTIVES; INITIATION FEES. Each active chapter and colony, within three
days after the initiation of each member, shall forward to the International Fraternity an initiation
fee set by the International Conclave which had been collected prior to initiation.
2-604. ACTIVES; PER CAPITA DUES; TIME-OF PAYMENT. Each active chapter
shall pay to the International Fraternity on or before the 30th of each September, per capita dues
for each person who shall be an active member thereof at any time within that academic year.
The amount of such per capita dues shall be determined by each International Conclave for the


period ending with the next ensuing International Conclave, based upon chapter reports of
membership and estimated expense for such period.
2-605. TIMELY PAYMENT. Except as otherwise provided, all dues and fees must be
paid within 15 days. The Executive Director, with the approval of two International Officers,
shall have the authority to impose such sanctions as deemed appropriate by the Executive
Director and the two International Officers, to enforce the requirement of timely payment.
a college fraternity for affiliation or merger with Acacia shall be treated as a petition for the
charter of a new chapter, in accordance with Article 3 of the Constitution [1-301 to 1-303];
provided, however, that such applicant and its constituent members may be granted such
modifications of the financial obligations imposed by this section as the International Council
shall determine.
2-607. PLEDGE FEES. Each active chapter and colony shall forward to the
International Headquarters a pledge fee, in the amount set by the International Conclave, for each
man that is pledged.
Council shall have the authority from time to time to transfer to the Endowment Fund such
portion of any surplus in the General Fund as it may deem appropriate.
shall be made from the Fraternity funds except upon the joint signatures of the International
President and the International Treasurer or their agents thereunto duly authorized in writing and
approved by the International Council, except as provided in Section 1-1101 of the Constitution.
All securities and other investments shall be maintained in a secure manner by the Fraternity in
conformity with generally accepted business and legal practices and the International President
and International Treasurer shall have access thereto.
accredited undergraduate delegate, Chapter Advisor delegate and Regional Counselor attending
an International Conclave shall, after adjournment thereof, be paid from the General Fund of
Acacia such sum of money for a travel expense allowance as shall have been determined and
approved, to the extent such funds are available.
Prior to April 1st of the calendar year in which an International Conclave is to be held,
the Executive Director shall, in writing, advise each chapter of the amount that will be paid to
each of its accredited delegates that shall attend said Conclave.
2-611. PAYMENT OF CONCLAVE EXPENSES. Expense of International Conclaves
shall be paid from the General Fund of the Fraternity.
2-612. FINANCIAL CONTROL. Any active chapter, under suspension by reason of the
provisions of Section 1-401 of the Constitution shall be required to operate under such financial
control or advisory system as the International Council may prescribe.
2-613. FINANCIAL ADVISORS. Each chapter shall select biennially, subject to the
approval of the Executive Director, a Financial Advisor who shall have general supervision of
the chapter finances and whose duty it shall be to submit to the Executive Director all budgets of
the chapter for his perusal and suggestions.



provisions of Section 2 of Article 15 of the Constitution [1-1502], these Bylaws may be amended
by a two-thirds vote of those present and voting at any session of the International Conclave.
Such amendments, unless specified, shall take effect at the close of a Conclave at which they are
2-801. HAZING, DEFINITION. Hazing shall be defined as any action taken or situation
created whether on or off fraternity premises that (1) presents the possibility of mental or
physical harm, embarrassment or ridicule; (2) places the member or pledge in any form of
confinement or physical restraint; (3) requires any acts of personal servitude; or (4) that increases
the possibility of accidental injury.
2-802. PROCEDURE FOR IMPLEMENTATION. The practice of hazing by any
chapter, on or off premises, is hereby prohibited. The International Council shall have the
authority to implement, through the adoption of policy statements, the provisions of this section
and the enforcement of this section.
2-901. The Fraternity may develop a Policy Statement on Alcohol Education and Alcohol
Abuse. Such statement may define programs and actions to be implemented by chapters in
regard to alcohol use and educational programs.




Forfeiture of Charters.
Reinstatement of Charters.
Trials by Chapters.
Trial by Conclave.
Evidence at Trials.
Reinstatement of Members.
Anti-Hazing Policy.

3-101 to 3-103.
3-201 to 3-205.
3-401 to 3-408.
3-501 and 3-502.
3-601 to 3-609.
3-701 to 3-708.
3-801 to 3-806.

REMOVAL REASON. The charter of a chapter may be suspended or revoked or any officer of
a chapter may be removed for the following reasons:
Disobedience to the Constitution, Bylaws, Ritual or other official law or
regulation of Acacia.
Contumacy to the authority of the International Conclave, the International
Council, an International Officer, the Executive Director, a Consultant or a
Chapter Advisor;
Disobedience to the law of the land or other conduct tending to cause scandal or
to bring discredit or dishonor upon the chapter or the Fraternity;
Failure for any reason to function properly as a chapter.
3-102. MEMBER, DISCIPLINE, REASONS. A member of Acacia may be disciplined
for any of the following reasons:
Willful violation or disregard of the Constitution or Bylaws of Acacia or of his
chapter, of the Ritual, of his ritualistic obligation, or of any official law or
regulation of Acacia, either international or local;
Disobedience of lawful Acacia authority or contemptuous action or language
toward any lawful representative thereof;
Disobedience to the law of the land or any act, conduct or neglect of duty tending
to cause scandal or to bring discredit or dishonor upon the individual or upon
Acacia or to impair the purity of Acacia or its usefulness;
3-103. MEMBER, DISCIPLINE, PENALTIES. The penalties which may be inflicted
upon an individual member are:


3-201. CHARTER, REPORT OF SUSPENSION. In case of either the automatic

suspension of a charter for non-payment of indebtedness to the Fraternity or of suspension for
other reasons by vote of the International Council, the International President shall make a full
report of such suspension and of the reasons therefor to the next International Conclave. If the
charter shall not have been reinstated prior to the Conclave, the International President's report
shall set forth the recommendation of the International Council as to whether the charter shall be
revoked, continued in suspension or, in cases other than suspension for non-payment of
indebtedness to the International Fraternity, reinstated. The Conclave shall act upon such
recommendation in the manner herinafter provided.
NOTICE. Except in a case where the charter of a chapter is already under suspension, no
recommendation for the revocation of such charter shall be made to the International Conclave
unless notice of such recommendation shall have been sent by the International President to the
chapter by registered mail at least twenty days prior to the conclave.
The International Conclave may, by the majority vote of those present and voting at any session,
reinstate or continue in suspension a charter previously suspended by the International Council,
except that a charter suspended for non-payment of indebtedness to the Fraternity may not be
reinstated until its indebtedness shall have been paid in full as required by the Constitution. Such
vote may be taken upon the basis of the International Council's recommendation and the
International President's report without any formal presentation of evidence unless the chapter
appears and offers to submit evidence in its own defense, in which case a formal trial shall be
had. A charter may be revoked by the International Conclave only upon the recommendation of
the International Council and by a two-thirds vote after formal trial.
3-204. CONCLAVE TRIALS, PROCEDURE. The chairman of the Jurisprudence
Committee shall preside at trials before the Conclave unless he appears as a witness, in which
case the International Council shall appoint a disinterested member of the Conclave to preside.
The presiding officer shall decide all questions of admissibility of evidence. The International
Council shall appoint counsel for the prosecution. The chapter shall be represented by counsel,
who must be an Acacian and who, unless selected by the chapter, shall be appointed by the
International Council.
3-205. CONCLAVE TRIALS, VOTE, PROCEDURE. At the conclusion of the trial the
Executive Director shall distribute ballots bearing the words REVOCATION, SUSPENSION,
ACQUITTAL or, in the case of a chapter whose charter has been suspended, CONTINUED
SUSPENSION, ACQUITTAL and REINSTATEMENT. Each voting delegate of the
International Conclave shall indicate his vote by making an ''X'' immediately in front of one of
such words. The Executive Director and a member of the Jurisprudence Committee other than
the presiding officer shall count the ballots and the result shall be announced by the presiding
officer. A two-thirds vote shall be necessary for the revocation of a charter. A majority vote shall
be necessary for the suspension of a charter or for the reinstatement of a charter already under
suspension. If there be less than a two-thirds vote for revocation the votes for revocation shall be
counted as votes for suspension for the purpose of determining a majority vote on suspension;
provided that, if a majority but less than two-thirds of the votes be cast for revocation on the first
ballot, a second ballot shall be taken before votes for revocation may be counted as votes for


3-301. REINSTATEMENT, PROCEDURE, FEE. Application for reinstatement of a
charter which has been revoked may be made to the International Council after the expiration of
one year from the date of revocation. If the International Council by the affirmative vote of a
majority of its members approves such application, it shall be referred to the next succeeding
International Conclave. A two-thirds vote of the members present and voting at a session of the
International Conclave, ratified by a four-fifths vote of al1 chapters in good standing, shall be
necessary for reinstatement. The referendum vote shall be taken in the same manner as in the
case of applications for new charters. Applications for reinstatement shall be accompanied by a
reinstatement fee of $100. If reinstatement be denied this fee shall be returned.
3-401. CHARGES, VOTE. Misconduct charges may be brought by the chapter or any
Acacian pursuant to a two-thirds vote of members present and voting at any chapter meeting.
Where the charges are preferred by a member, the written complaint shall be presented at a
stated meeting and the chapter shall pass upon the sufficiency thereof as provided herein.
3-402. COMPLAINT, SPECIFICATIONS. The complaint shall be in writing and must
contain an orderly statement of the facts constituting the alleged offense, including accurate
specifications of the time, place and circumstances of its alleged commission.
3-403. COMPLAINT, SERVICE, NOTICE. If the complaint is accepted by the chapter,
the Secretary shall immediately serve the accused with a copy thereof together with a notice of
its acceptance by the chapter and of the time within which the accused must appear and respond
to the complaint. Service shall be made personally when possible. If personal service cannot be
made by the Secretary the complaint and notice shall be sent by regular mail and by prepaid,
registered or certified mail addressed to the accused at his last known residence or place of
business. A return receipt shall be deemed sufficient evidence of service.
3-404. ANSWER, TIME FOR FILING. The accused shall file his answer with the
Secretary within ten days after service where service is made personally or within thirty days
after the mailing of the complaint where service is made by mail. The answer shall be in writing
and shall specifically admit or deny each material allegation. It may admit the allegations and
deny that they constitute an offense.
3-405. TIME FOR TRIAL, NOTICE. After the answer has been filed or if the accused
fails to appear and answer and the time for filing an answer has expired, the time for the trial
shall be fixed by the Venerable Dean or other presiding officer. The Secretary shall give the
accused notice of the time for such trial either personally or by mail. Such notice shall be given
at least thirty days prior to the trial date unless the accused lives within a radius of twenty-five
miles of the chapter where the trial is to be held, in which case notice may be given not less than
ten days prior to the trial date. In any event the trial shall be scheduled within 60 days following
the expiration of the period allowed for submission of any answer and may be continued with the
agreement of the accused and a majority of members present and voting at any chapter meeting.
3-406. TRIAL BODY. The accused shall be tried before his chapter. The accused's
chapter may delegate the authority to hold the trial to another Acacia chapter. Such delegation
must be with the consent of the other chapter and shall be in writing. The chapter holding the
trial shall pass upon the guilt or innocence of the accused in the manner hereinafter provided. A


delegated chapter shall forward the complete transcript or recording of minutes, testimony and
all documents pertaining to the trial to the accused's own chapter which, if the accused has been
found guilty, shall pass sentence upon him.
3-407. PROCEDURE, RIGHTS OF ACCUSED. The rules of evidence and trial
procedure shall be as provided in Article 6.
circumstances where the situation requires prompt action by the chapter, the chapter has the
authority, with the advice and consent of the Chapter Advisor, to temporarily suspend a member
because of the gravity of the situation. This procedure requires a two-thirds vote of the chapter
members present and voting at a chapter meeting and the approval of the Chapter Advisor. The
use of this procedure is restricted to situations where there is an immediate danger or harm to the
individual or to the chapter unless such summary action is taken.
If this step is authorized, the process under Article 4, must be instituted and completed in
a timely manner.
suspended or expelled by the International Council shall have the right to appeal from such
action to the next International Conclave. Notice of the appeal shall be filed with the Executive
Director at least thirty days before the International Conclave. If, however, the member received
notice of the International Council's action within thirty days of the International Conclave, he
may; (1) file notice as soon as practicable of an appeal to that International Conclave; or (2)
appeal to the next succeeding International Conclave.
3-502. TRIAL ON APPEAL, PROCEDURE. The International Conclave shall review
the decision based upon the record of proceedings and any appellate arguments or briefs
presented by the accused and/or the International Council. The trial shall be subject in all
respects to the same rules and procedure as provided in Article 6. The Executive Director shall
present a written statement of the charges and specifications on the basis of which the accused
was disciplined. The statement need not be served on the accused but shall be furnished with a
copy by the Executive Director on demand. Written answer need not be filed. No vote shall be
taken as to acceptance of the charges. No written notice of trial need be served. The chairman of
the Jurisprudence Committee or such other person as he may appoint, shall preside at the trial.
The vote shall be on whether the action of the International Council shall be sustained. The
ballots shall bear the words "sustained" and "not sustained". A two-thirds vote of those present
and voting shall be necessary to overrule the action of the International Council and reinstate the
member. Only one ballot shall be taken.
3-601. RULES OF EVIDENCE. The rules of evidence, including those relating to the
admissibility of testimony are such as are generally established and recognized in courts of law.
Excessive technicalities should be avoided and evidence material to the case should not be
excluded unless it is clearly incompetent and prejudicial. The presiding officer for the trial shall
decide all questions of admissibility of evidence.


3-602. OATHES OF WITNESSES. Witnesses who are Acacians shall testify upon their
obligation as such. Other witnesses may testify under oath or upon affirmation.
3-603. RECORD OF TESTIMONY. Whenever possible the testimony should be taken
and reduced to writing by a stenographer. The accused shall have the right at his own expense, to
provide a stenographer to take and transcribe the minutes of the trial and the testimony. Such
stenographer shall be an Acacian unless the presiding officer for the trial, in his discretion,
permits the use of a stenographer who is not an Acacian. If the testimony is not recorded by a
stenographer, it shall be recorded by audio or video recording. If audio or video recording is
utilized, the Secretary shall also keep minutes of the trial and shall record the substance of the
testimony as nearly as possible in the language of the witnesses.
3-604. ACCUSED, RIGHT TO COUNSEL. The accused and the chapter shall have the
right to be represented by counsel, who must be an Acacian.
3-605. JUDGMENT OF COURT OF LAW. When the alleged offense is one for which
the accused has been tried and convicted in a court of law, a properly certified copy of the
judgment of such court together with proof of the identity of the accused shall be sufficient
evidence to justify conviction in an Acacia trial unless it is established that the judgment has
been reversed, set aside or is pending appeal. The chapter shall not be bound by such evidence of
prior conviction, but may make its own independent findings and conclusions.
3-606. TRIAL BALLOT. The Secretary shall distribute ballots at the conclusion of the
trial. The words "guilty" and "not guilty" shall be written on the ballots. Each active member of
the trial chapter shall indicate his vote by choosing one of the options. The presiding officer and
the legal counsel, if any, shall count the ballots and the result shall be announced by the
presiding officer. The accused shall be pronounced innocent unless found guilty by a two-thirds
vote of all votes cast, including any blank votes. Only one ballot shall be taken. Balloting for trial
by the International Conclave shall be as provided by Section 3-502.
3-607. TIME, PENALTIES, PROCEDURE. If the accused is found guilty, a vote shall
then be taken in the same manner for punishment, which shall be EXPULSION, SUSPENSION,
REPRIMAND, or SUSPENDED SENTENCE. A two-thirds vote shall be necessary for
expulsion. A majority vote shall be necessary for suspension. If there is less than a two-thirds
vote for expulsion, the expulsion votes shall be counted as suspension votes for the purpose of
determining a majority on suspension. A majority vote shall be necessary for reprimand or
suspended sentence. If the ballot fails to produce a majority vote for suspension, reprimand or
suspended sentence, additional, ballots may be taken until a majority vote is obtained. A
sentence of expulsion may be obtained only on the first ballot. The accused shall not be present
while the vote is taken. In the event no majority vote is cast within five ballots, the vote shall be
deemed to be a suspended sentence, and no further ballots shall be taken.
3-608. SENTENCE, APPEAL. If the accused is present at the trial and waives the right
to appeal, sentence shall immediately be pronounced by the presiding officer. If the right to
appeal is not waived and the time for taking an appeal lapses without an appeal being taken, or if
an appeal is taken and the chapter's action is sustained by the International Council, the accused
shall be summoned by ten days notice, served either personally or by mail, to appear before a
chapter meeting to receive sentence. The presiding officer shall formally pronounce sentence at
the meeting for which the accused shall have been summoned. The Secretary shall send notice of
the sentence to an accused not attending the chapter meeting at which the sentence is
pronounced. Such failure to respond to a summons duly served, in the absence of a valid excuse


therefore shall constitute a violation under Paragraph 2 of Section 2 of Article 1 of the Code of
Procedure (3-102(2)).
3-609. NOTICE OF SUSPENSION OR EXPULSION. The Secretary shall notify the
Executive Director and every chapter of Acacia of the suspension or expulsion of a member.
3-701. FROM ORDER OF COUNCIL, PROCEDURE. An appeal from an order of the
International Council suspending or expelling a member shall be as provided by Article 5 of the
Code of Procedure.
3-702. FROM CHAPTER JUDGMENT, PROCEDURE. Appeals from a chapter
judgment shall be taken within twenty days after rendition of such judgment by filling written
notice of the appeal with the Secretary of the chapter and the Executive Director. Such appeal
shall automatically stay execution of the judgment pending final determination of the appeal.
3-703. PERFECTION OF APPEAL, TRANSCRIPT. The appealing party shall perfect
the appeal within thirty days of the filing of notice thereof by filing with the Executive Director
at the appealing party's expense, a complete transcript or recording of the minutes and testimony
and all documents involved in the trial. In the event that the chapter provided the transcript or
recording at trial, the chapter shall allow the appealing party to copy said transcript or recording
and any other documents introduced at trial upon demand by the appealing party. The appeal
shall be considered upon such record. No new evidence may be taken by the International
Council. .
3-704. APPEAL, STATEMENT OF ERRORS. At the time of perfecting appeal the
appealing party shall file a Statement of Appeal with the Executive Director, which shall consist
of an orderly, concise statement of the alleged errors with respect to which the appeal is taken.
The appealing party shall also serve a copy of his Statement of Appeal upon the Secretary of the
chapter at the same time. The Statement of Appeal may contain any briefs and arguments to be
presented to the International Council. Within twenty days thereafter the other party shall mail to
the Executive Director and the appealing party any answering brief.
3-705. NOTICE OF HEARING ON APPEAL. The Executive Director shall give the
chapter and the accused at least twenty days notice by mail of the time and place the meeting at
which the International Council shall consider the appeal. Each party shall have the right, at his
or its own expense, to appear and be represented by counsel, before the International Council at
such meeting for the purpose of oral argument of the appeal.
3-706. APPEAL, DECISION BY COUNCIL. The International Council, after
considering the appeal, must sustain or reverse the judgement of the chapter or may send the case
back to the chapter for a new trial, in which case it shall point out to the chapter the errors
committed in the first trial because of which the new trial is ordered. The judgment of the chapter
may be reversed and the accused exonerated or the case sent back for a new trial only upon the
affirmative vote of a majority of all the members of the International Council.
3-707. REDUCTION OF SENTENCE BY COUNCIL. If the International Council
sustains the chapter's determination of the guilt of the accused, it may nevertheless vote to reduce
the sentence but may not increase the sentence.
3-708. JUDGMENT ON APPEAL, FINAL, NOTICE. The Executive Director shall
notify the chapter and the accused of the judgment of the International Council. Such judgment
shall be final and no appeal shall lie therefrom.



3-801. AUTOMATIC, AFTER SUSPENSION. When a member is suspended for a
definite length of time or until the happening of a given contingency he shall be automatically
reinstated when such time shall have elapsedor such contingency shall have happened.
3-802. AFTER SUSPENSION, BY VOTE. A member who has been suspended may be
reinstated at any time by the majority vote of the body by which he was suspended.
3-803. VOTE OF COUNCIL, RATIFICATION. A member who has been expelled by
the International Council may be reinstated by the majority vote of the International Council,
ratified by the majority vote of the member's chapter if such chapter be in existence; provided
that, if an appeal was taken to the International Conclave, such reinstatement must be further
ratified by the majority vote of an International Conclave.
3-804. AFTER EXPULSION. A member who has been expelled by his chapter may be
reinstated by the majority vote of such chapter; provided that, if an appeal was taken to the
International Council such reinstatement must be further ratified by a majority vote of the
International Council.
3-805. WHERE CHAPTER DEFUNCT. A member who has been suspended or
expelled by his chapter and whose chapter has since ceased to exist may be reinstated by a
majority vote of the International Council.
3-806. APPLICATION; FEE. Reinstatement of suspended and expelled members may
be by application of the member or by motion of the body which passed the sentence of
suspension or expulsion. Applications for reinstatement shall set forth the manner, if any, in
which the member has expiated or made reparation for the offense for which he was disciplined
and shall be accompanied by a reinstatement fee of $10.00 and the per capita tax and local
chapter dues for the period during which he was under sentence of suspension or expulsion. If
the application be denied, such payment shall be returned.
3-901. METHOD OF AMENDMENT. This Code of Procedure may be amended at any
International Conclave in the same manner as is provided by the Bylaws for amending the
I. Hazing allegations
A. Procedure
A hazing allegation shall be received by the Executive Director.
The Executive Director shall immediately notify the International
President of any allegations.
The International President shall either direct the Executive
Director to proceed with an investigation by the International Staff,






appoint an independent commission as provided for in 10-101

1A4, or take no action on the allegation.
In certain cases, the International Council or the International
President may appoint a special commission to consist of more
than three but not more than five disinterested Acacia members.
If the International President directs the Executive Director to
investigate the allegation, the Executive Director shall so notify in
writing the chapter charged. If an investigatory commission is
appointed, the Executive Director shall so notify in writing the
chapter charged.
A written report of any investigation shall be distributed to the
Executive Director, International Council, the chapter, the Chapter
Advisor and Regional Counselor.
If the report substantiated the initial allegation or brings to light
other violations, the chapter shall be required to submit a written
response to the report. The chapter must respond in writing to the
Executive Director within ten (10) days from the date the
investigation report is mailed to them. In appropriate cases, a
chapter may be requested to show cause as to why their charter
should not be suspended. Failure to comply or respond will be
considered as a plea of no contest.
After evaluating the report and response, the Executive Director
shall recommend one of the following to the International Council.
a) take no action;
b) impose probationary status and require corrective
c) suspend charter;
d) recommend revocation of charter to the International


The International Council shall vote on the Executive Director's



The International Council shall have the power to direct the

Executive Director to enforce any sanctions.

Adjudicated Decisions by the School Regarding Hazing Incidents

A. Procedure
The Executive Director shall receive a university decision. The
Executive Director shall request transcripts or other records of the
proceedings regarding the incident.

The Executive Director shall review the proceedings and

recommend action to the International Council


The following may be recommended:


a) consider the matter adequately resolved by taking joint

action with the university;
b) impose probationary status and require corrective
c) suspension of chapter charter;
d) recommend revocation of chapter charter.

The recommendation shall be based upon past history of the

chapter's conduct and operations, university-imposed sanctions,
and actions taken by the chapter and/or alumni designed to correct
deficiencies in programming.


The International Council shall vote on the Executive Director's



The International Council shall have the authority to direct the

Executive Director to take the necessary action for the execution of
any sanctions.

The International Council shall have the authority to implement through policy
statements the provisions of this section and to enforce the same.


Active Chapter (See also Active Chapter Membership)
Chapter Council -membership, 1-2001
Installation (See Charter, Installation)
Reinstatement (See Charter, Reinstatement)
Revocation (See Charter, Revocation)
Suspension (See Charter, Suspension)
Constitution and By-Laws
Adopted by Chapter, 1-2101
Copies to Executive Director, 1-2101
Generally, 2-601-2-613
Per Capita taxes and Initiation fees liability to International Fraternity
1-2403, 2-601
Inspection of Chapters -International Council, 1-505
Installation (See Charter of Active Chapter, Installation)
Jurisdiction, 1-2101
Legal Advisor, 1-1201
Manuals of Active Chapter, 1-2002
Members (See Active Chapter Membership)
Name, 1-202
Officers (See titles of respective officers)
Duties, 1-2002
Election and Installation, 1-2001
Terms of Office, 1-2001; 12004
Power to
Discipline, suspend or expel member, 1-1903
Extend time for payment of chapter account, 1-1906
Reinstate member after suspension or expulsion,
3-802; 3-804; 3-806
Quorum at Meetings, 1-2102
On forms provided by International Council, 2-501
Suspension or Revocation of Charter-Disposition of records. 1-405
Reports by, to International Council, 1-701
Trial of member for misconduct; Procedure,
3-401 to 3-408; 3-501 to 3-502; 3601 to 3-609
Active Chapter Membership (See also Active Chapter)
Constituency, 1-1602
Reasons-penalties, 3-102, 3-103
Trial by chapter for misconduct, 3-401 to 3-408


Per Capita dues, 2-604

Dual membership not permitted, 1-1604
To live in Chapter House, 1-1709
Eligibility requirements generally, 1-1602
(See Initiation, below)
Expulsion (See Suspension and Expulsion below)
Credentials for 1-2305
of elected members after leaving school; .1-1704
of one eligible to membership in another chapter -consent of other chapter,
Examination of candidate for proficiency, 1-2308
FeeCharter member; 2-601
Regular member, 2-603
Membership Card, 2-308
Membership Certificate, 1-1101
Objection at Initiation, 1-1701
Per Capita dues payable at time of, 2603
Pledge of Initiate, 1-2307
Ritual, 1-2301 and 1-2302
Time of- within two years of initiation, 1-1703
Insignia and Indicia
Badge Specifications- How worn -Who may wear, 2-301 to 2303
Card of Membership, 1-2307
Certificate of Membership, 1-1101
Coat of Arms, 2-306
Traveling Card, 2-308
Whistle, 2-307
Invitation to Membership
Proposal of Membership, 1-1701
Rushing and Pledging Committee, 1-1701
Fee, 1-2402
Of Elected Members after leaving school, 1-1704
Ritual and Ceremony, 1-2303
Time - within thirty days of election, 1-1702
Records of membership
Duty of candidate to prepare before initiation, 12305
Chapter Secretary to send to Executive Director, 1-2305
Standing of membership of suspended chapter, 1-407
Suspension or expulsion of member
Appeal to International Conclave, 3-501 to 3-502
By Active Chapter


Appeal to International Council, 3-702 to 3-708

General power, 1-1903, 3-401
Procedure, 3-401 to 3-408
By International Council, 1-1904; 1-1905; 1-1906
Procedure on appeal, 3-501 and 3-502
Grounds for
Generally, 3-102
Dual membership, 1-1604; 1-1905
Nonpayment of chapter indebtedness, 1-1906
Term of membership
Generally -extension of 1-1801
Termination - Resumption, 1-1802
Advisor (See Chapter Advisor)
Affiliate Membership (See also Associate Membership)
Active or Alumnus from defunct chapter, 1-1707
Duties and rights, 1-1707
Re-affiliation with original chapter -procedure, 1-1708
Alumni Chapter (See also Alumnus Membership)
Generally, 1-2201 to 1-2213
To discipline members - limitation, 1-2208 (Clause 1)
To change Constitution, 1-2208 (Clause 2)
Chartering, 1-2203 Committees
Governing Committee- constituency and duties, 1-2210
Constituency, 1-2202
Constitution and Bylaws
Adopted by Alumni Chapter, 1-2204; 1-2208 (Clause 2)
Copies to International Judge Advocate and Executive Director, 1-2204
Dissolution, 1-2213
Alumni Chapter dues, 1-2211
Minimum number, 1-2209 (Clause 1)
Quorum, 1-2209 (Clause 3)
Special meetings - notice of, 12209 (Clause 2)
Name, 1-2201
Generally, 1-2205
Duties, 1-2207
Election, 1-2206
Alumnus Membership (See also Alumni Chapter)
Generally, 1-1801 to 1-1805
Constituency of Alumnus Membership, 1-1603
Pre-requisites to Alumnus Membership
Active membership severed with college, 1-1802


Active membership for four years, 1-1801

Faculty initiate; 1-1805
Voting rights -generally, 1-1805
Amendment of International Laws
Bylaws, 2-701
Code of Procedure, 3-901
Constitution, 1-2801
Proposal of amendments of Jurisprudence Committee, 1-1502
submission of by Jurisprudence Committee, 1-1502
Card of Membership, 1-2307
Pledge and initiation - secrecy, 1-2302
Certificate of Membership, 1-1101
Chapter Advisor
As representative of alumni, 1-1301
To approve second term of Venerable Dean, 1-2004
Delegate to International Conclave, 1-1301; 1-1401
Duties to
Attend International Conclaves, 1-1401
Send reports toExecutive Director, 1-2408
International President, 1-701
Receipt for Rituals, 1-2301
Generallyat joint meeting of active and alumni. chapters upon authority of
International Council, 1-1303
notice to International Council, 1-1303
In event of vacancy -appointment by House Building Corporation, 1-1306
Qualifications, 1-1303
Term of office, 1-1304
Recommendation for removal by International Council-grounds for, 1-1305
Chapter Council
Membership, 1-2001
Chapter House
Duty of active member to live in, 1-1709
Chapter Manual
Active Chapter regulation, 1-2002
Publication by Executive Director, 1-2002
Chapter Officers (See specific titles)
Charter Fee, 2-602
Charter of Active Chapter
Application for Charter


Petition for to International Council, 1-301

Application and contents, 1301; 2-101; 2-102
Investigation of application-expense, 1-302; 2-101
Approval of petition by International Council and Chapters, 1-303
Fee for Charter
Amount, 2-602
When payable, 1-2404; 2-602
Fee for Charter Member, 1-2404
Installation of New Chapter
Membership records, 1-2306
Suspension of Charter
Automatic suspension for default in payments, 1-401
Report of to next Conclave, 3-201
By International ConclaveSpecific grounds for, 3-101
Procedure, 1-404; 3-203 to 3-205
Vote on suspension, 3-203
By International CouncilGeneral grounds for -vote of Council, 1-402 and 1-403
Specific grounds for, 3-101
Report and recommendation of to next Conclave, 3-201
Notice of suspension to other chapters, 1-406
Standing of member of chapter whose charter was suspended, 1-407
Revocation of Charter
Generally, 1-401 to 1-406
By International ConclaveGrounds for, 3-101
Recommendations of as to revocation-notice to chapter, 3-201, 3-202
Vote of Conclave after recommendation of International Council, 3-203
Notice of revocation to other chapters, 1-406
Standing of member of chapter whose charter was revoked, 1-407
Reinstatement of Charter
Generally, 3-301
By International ConclaveAfter trial by Conclave, 3-203 to 3-205
Ratification of reinstatement by chapters, 3-301
By International CouncilTime for application- procedure, 3-301
Vote of Council, 3-301
Vote at next Conclave; 3-301
Ratification by chapters, 3-301
Recommendation of to next Conclave, 3-201
Fee for reinstatement, 3-301
Notice of reinstatement to other chapters, 1-406
Coat of Arms of Fraternity - specifications, 2-306
Code of Procedure Generally, 3-101 to 3-1001


Amendments to be submitted by Jurisprudence Committee- exception, 1-1502

Committee on Jurisprudence (See Jurisprudence Committee)
Compensation of International Officers, 1-610
Conclave (See International Conclave)
Constituency of
Active Chapter, 1-1602
Chapter Council, 1-2001
International Council, 1-501
International Fraternity, 1-201
Constitution (See International Constitution; Active Chapter, Constitution; Alumni Chapter,
Council (See International Council; Active Chapter, Council)
Default in Payments to International Fraternity
As ground for revocation of charter, 1-401
Delegates International Conclave, 1-1401; expenses, 2-610
Vote of at Conclave, 1-1403
Discipline of Active Chapter Members (See Active Chapter Membership, Discipline) Directory
Issuance of by International Council, 1-502
Donors to Endowment Fund (See Endowment Fund, Donors)
Dual Membership (See Active Chapter Membership, Suspension and Expulsion)
Active Chapter officers, 1-2002
International officers (See specific titles)
Chapter Officers, 1-2001
International Officers, l-602,
Endowment Fund
Investment by International Council,1-2405
Educational Foundation as committee to administer, 1-502
Transfers toOf surplus in General Fund, 2-602
Educational Foundation, 1-2406
Evidence at Trials (Before Chapter or Conclave), 3-601
Examination of Candidates for Initiation Proficiency, 1-2308
Executive Director, 1-1101
Expulsion of Active Chapter Member (See Active Chapter Membership, Suspension and
Faculty Membership
Status as alumnus member, 1-1803
Chapter Charter
New Charter, 2-601; 1-2404
Reinstatement of Charter, 3-301
AmountRegular member, 2-601


Charter members, 2-601, 1-2406

Liability of chapter for -when payable, 1-2403
Amount and payment, 1-2402
Reinstatement of suspended or expelled member, 3-806
Field Secretaries, 1-1103
Finances (See specific titles)
Generally, 1-2401 to 1-2411; 2-601 to 2-613
Financial Advisors, 1-1302; 2-613
Forfeiture of Charters (See Charter of Active Chapter, Suspension Revocation and
Generally, 3-201 to 3-205
Fraternity Foundation, 1-2406
Funds of International Fraternity
Endowment Fund, 1-2407 (See Endowment Fund, above)
Fraternity Foundation Foundation, 1-2406
Generally, 1-2401 to 1-2411
International Treasurer in charge of, 1-901
Honorary Membership
Election by chapter -approval by International Council, 1-1804
Initiation (See Active" Chapter Membership, Initiation)
Initiation Fee (See Fees, Initiation)
Inspection of Chapters (See Active Chapters, Inspection of)
Chapter Officers -time of, 1-2001
International Officers, 1-606
New Chapters (See Charter of Active Chapter, Installation)
Inventory of Fraternity Property
International Officers, duty to deliver to successor, 1-606
Of petitions for new charters, 1-302
Jewelry (See Official Jewelry)
Junior Dean
Duties, 1-2002
Election and Installation, 1-2001
Member of Chapter Council, 1-2001
Term of Office, 1-2001
Jurisprudence Committee
Chairman, 1-1201
As presiding officer of trials at Conclave, 3-204
Membership, 1-1501
Report on proposed amendments at Conclave, 1-1502
Submission of proposed amendments, 1-1502
Term of, 1-1501
Keeper of Archives
Appointment duties -qualifications, 1-611


Leadership Consultants, 1-1102

Legal Advisor of
Active Chapters- International Conclave -International Council, 11201
Manual. Chapter (See Chapter Manual)
Active Chapters -quorum, 1-2102
International Conclave- time and place, 1-1405
International Council-call, 1-503
Merger of Another Fraternity With Acacia
Procedure, 2-606
Cards of Identification, 1-2307; 2-308
Classes of
(See Active Chapter Membership)
(See Affiliate Membership)
(See Associate Membership)
(See Alumni Chapters; Alumnus Membership)
(See Faculty Membership)
Of Individual Active Chapters, 1-202
Of International Fraternity, 1-101
New Active Chapters
Chartering (See Charter of Active Chapter)
Installation (See Charter of Active Chapter)
New Charters of Active Chapters (See Charter of Active Chapter)
International Conclave
Appeal to, from orders of International Council, 3-501; 3-701
Procedure on trial, 3-501; 3-502; 3601 to 3-604
Budget Committee, appointment, 2-202
Committees -rights and privileges of members on floor, 1-1404
Delegates to
Alumni Chapter Delegate, 1-2212
Chapter Advisor and Venerable Dean-Elect, 1-1401; 1-1301
International Officers, 1-1401
Credentials -approval of, 2-201
Vote at Conclave, 1-1403
Election of International Officers at, 1-602, 1-603
Conclave itself, 2-611
Delegates, 2-610
Legal Advisor of, 1-1201
Meetings of
Conclave generally- time and place, 1-1405
International Council at, 1-503
MinutesKept by Executive Director, 1-1101


Ready at next Conclave, 2-201

International Council
Meetings of, at Conclave, 1-503
Report of, at Conclave, 2-201
Vacancy on Council between Conclaves-election to fill, 1-603
International Officers
Compensation fixed by Conclave, 1-610
Election of, at 1-602, 1-603
Reports of, generally, 1-607
Vote at Conclave, 1-1403
International President as presiding officer, 1-701
Order of Business, 2-201
Per Capita dues
Determined by Conclave, 2-604
Power as supreme legislative body, 1-1402
Power to Amend Bylaws, 2-701
Code of Procedure, 3-901
Constitution, 1-2801
Determine rate of Per Capita dues, 2-604
Fix compensation of International Officer, 1-610
Ratify Reinstatement of Charter, 3-301
Reinstatement of member, 3-803
Presiding Officer at, 1-701
Ritual Forms
Adoption and approval of, by Conclave, 1-2302
Roll Call Vote -right to demand, 1-1406
Rules of Order, 2-203
Trial of
Active Chapter with suspended Charter -procedure 3204, 3-205; 3-602 to 3-604
Active Member suspended or expelled procedure, 3501 and 3-502; 3-601 to 3604
Vote at, to
International Bylaws, 2-701
International Code of Procedure, 3-901
International Constitution, 1-2801
Elect International Officer, 1-602
Propose amendments to International Laws, on-floor, 1-1502
Suspend, revoke or reinstate chapter charter, 3-203; 3-205; 3-301
Vote of delegates; generally, 1-1403
International Constitution, 1-101 to 1-2801
Chapter to provide copies to each member, 2-502
Amendment of
Procedure generally, 1-2801


Submission of proposed amendments to Jurisprudence Committee- exception, 11502

Preamble, page 2
Revision of, in charge of, Chairman of Jurisprudence Committee, 1-1201
International Council
Appeal to
By suspended or expelled active member, 1-1903; 3-702 to 3-708
From judgment of chapter- procedure, 3-701 to 3-708
Of application for new charter, 1-303
Authority, Executive and Judicial, 1-502
Constituency of, 1-501
Duties of, 1-505
Legal Advisor of, 1-1201
Meetings- call, 1-503
Minutes, 1-1101
Notice to of election of new Chapter Advisor, 1-1303
Power to
Administer funds of fraternity, 1-2405 to 1-2407
AppointCounsel for trial at Conclave, 3-204
ApproveApplication for reinstatement of revoked charter, 3-301
Candidate for honorary membership, 1-1804
Determine financial requirements offraternity merging with Acacia, 2-606
Determine time and place of Conclave, 1-1405
Expel active member, 1-1904 to 1-1906
Hear appeal from trial by chapter, 3-702;
procedure on appeal, 3-702 to 3-708
Receive resignations of International Officers, 1-604
Recommend removal of Chapter Advisor, 1-1305
Recommend suspension, revocation, reinstatement of chapter charter, 3-201 and
Reinstate active member, 3-802 to 3-805
Select Official Jeweler, 2,304
Chapter Charter, 1-402
Expel Active Member, 1-1904
General Fund to Endowment Fund, 2-608
Permanent Funds to Trustees, 1-2406
Presiding Officer of, 1-701
Report to Conclave, 2-201
Terms of office of members of, 1-602 and 1-603
Vote at meeting of (See also Vote of International Officers)
Generally and in event of tie, 1-504


To approveApplication for reinstatement of charter, 3-301

Petition for new charter, 1-303
To reinstate member expelledBy defunct chapter, 3-805
By International Council, 3-803, 3-804
To removeInternational Officer, 1-605
To suspend a Charter, until next Conclave, 1-402
To suspend or expel active member, 1-1904 to 1-1906
International Counselor
Compensation -determined by International Conclave, 1-610
Duty, 1-1001
Generally -by International Conclave, 1-602 and 1-603
In event of vacancy between Conclaves, 1-604
Installation, 1-606
Member of International Council, 1-501
Qualifications, 1-601
Removal by International Council, 1-605
Report of To International President, 1-701
Term of Office
Generally, 1-602 and 1-603
In event of vacancy, 1-604
Vote at
International Conclave, 1-1403
International Council meetings, 1-504
International First Vice-President
Compensation -determined by International Conclave, 1-610
Duties, 1-801
Generally- by International Conclave, 1-602 and 1-603
In event of vacancy between Conclaves, 1-604
Installation, 1-606
Member of International Council, 1-501
Qualifications, 1-601
Removal by International Council, 1-605
Report of
To International President, 1-701
Term of Office
Generally, 1-602 and 1-603
In event of vacancy, 1-604
Vote at
International Conclave, 1-1403
International Council meetings, 1-504


International Fraternity Funds

Disbursements generally, 2-609
Securities to be held in name of Acacia, 2-609
International Headquarters, 1-612
International Officers (See specific titles, also)
Bond of certain officers, 1-609
Compensation, 1-610
Delegates at Conclave, 1-1401
Duties generally (See specific titles)
As members of International Council, 1-501
Of retiring officers, 1-606
To receipt for Rituals, 1-2301
Generally, 1-602
Vacancies -appointment, 1-604
Expenses at Conclave, 2-610
Installation, 1-606
Members of International Council, 1-501
Qualifications, 1-601
Removal by International Council, 1-605
Reports of
To Conclave, 1-607; 2-201
To International President, 1-701
Resignation of, 1-604
Terms of, 1-602 and 1-603; in event of vacancy, 1-604
Vote at
International Conclave, 1-1403
International Council meetings, 1-504
International President
Compensation- determined by International Conclave, 1-610
Duties, generally, 1-701
AppointBudget Committee, 1-701
Conclave and other committees, 1-701
Jurisprudence Committee, 1-1501
Call meetings of International Council, 1-503; 1-605
Preside at Conclave, 1-701
Proclaim ratification of Constitutional Amendments, 1-2801
Report charter suspensions to Conclave, 3-201
Generally -by International Conclave, 1-602
In event of vacancy between Conclaves, 1-604
Installation, 1-606
Member of International Council, 1-501


Power to
Extend privilege of fioor at Conclave, 1-1404
Qualifications, 1-601
Remove by International Council, 1-605
Report of- to International Conclave, 1-607; 1-201
Require reports of Chapters, International Officers and Advisors, 1701
Term of Office
Generally, 1-602 and 1-603
In event of vacancy, 1-604
Vote at
International Conclave- generally --in event of tie, 1-1403
International Council meetings- generally --in event of tie, 1-504
International Second Vice-President
Compensation, 1-610
Duties, 1-802
Generally -by International Conclave, 1-602 and 1-603
In event of vacancy between Conclaves, 1-604
Installation, 1-606
Member of International Council, 1-501
Qualifications, 1-601
Removal by International Council, 1-605
Report of
To International President, 1-701
Term of Office
Generally, 1-602 and 1-603
In event of vacancy, 1-604
Vote at
International Conclave, 1-1403
International Council meetings, 1-504
International Treasurer
Audit of books of, 1-608
Bond of, 1-609
Compensation, 1-610
General, 1-901
Custodian of
Current funds- disbursement, 1-901; 2609
Permanent funds- disbursement, 1-205
Generally, 1-602 and 1-603
In event of vacancy between Conclaves, 1-604
Installation, 1-606
Member of International Council, 1-501
Qualifications, 1-601


Removal by International Council, 1-605

Report of
To International Conclave, 1-608; 2-201
To International President, 1-701
Term of Office
Generally, 1-602 and 1-603
In event of vacancy, 1-604
Vote at
International Conclave, 1-1403
International Council meetings, 1-504
To International Council members, of meetings of Council, 1-503
To Chapter, in event of suspension, revocation or reinstatement of charter, 1-406
To Chapter, in event of suspension or expulsion of members, 1-1904; 3-609
Chapter Officers (See specific titles)
International Officers (See specific titles)
Official Jeweler of Fraternity, 2-304
Official Publications (See Publications of Fraternity, below)
Per Capita Dues
Active Chapter Members
Amount of, 2-604
Liability for, 1-2403
Time of payment, 2-604
Liability of
Active chapter for, 1-2403
Source of Fraternity revenue, 1-2401
Time of payment- by active chapter to Executive Director, 1-2403
Permanent Funds: Trusts (See specific titles, 1-2405 to 1-2407)
Petitions for New Charter (See Charter of Active Chapter)
Generally, 1-301 to 1-303
Pins of Fraternity
Active Member
Specifications -How worn -Who may wear, 2-301 to 2-303
Specifications, 2-305
To be used at pledging ceremony, 1-2303
Pledge Pin (See Pins of Fraternity)
Ritual form necessary, 1-2302
Necessary for Candidate to be pledged within thirty days of election, 1-1702
Preamble of International Constitution, page 2
Privilege of Floor at International Conclave, 1-1404
Publications of Fraternity
Chapter manuals, 1-502; 1-2002


Directory, 1-502
TRIAD, 2-401 (See also TRIAD)
Purpose of International Fraternity, 1-102
Qualifications of
Applicants for charter, 2-101
Candidates for membership, generally, 1-1602
International Officers, 1-601
Active chapter meetings, 1-2102
Re-affiliation of Active Member, 1-1708
Records and Accounts of Chapters, form of, 2-501
Records and Documents
Preservation of -in International Archives, 1-611
Inactive chapter archives, 1-2305
Referendum Vote of Chapters
Amendment of Constitution, 1-2801
International Conclave subject to, when, 1-1402
Regional Counselors
Duties, 1-2502
Jurisdiction, 1-2501
Selection, 1-2501
Term of office, 1-2501
Reinstatement of
Chapter Charter (See Charter of Active Chapter, Reinstatement of)
Members, generally, 3-801 to 3-806
Application for reinstatement- contents, fee, 3-806
Following expulsion
By Active Chapter, 3-804
By International Council or Conclave, 3-803
Following Suspension
Automatic reinstatement, 3-801
By vote of suspending body, 3-802
International Officer by International Council, 1-605
Reports by
Chapter Advisor, on membership, 1-2408
Chapter Financial Advisor, on finance, 1-2409
International Officers to International Conclave, 1-607; 2-201
Resignation of
Active or alumnus member, 1-1901 and 1-1902
International Officer, 1-604
International Conclave, 1-1404
Revenue of International Fraternity
Sources of, 1-2401
Revocation of Chapter Charter (See Charter of Active Chapter, Revocation of)


Rituals and Ceremonials

Generally, 1-2301 to 1-2308
Distribution of to Chapters and International Officers, 1-2301
Owned by International Fraternity, 1-2301
Roberts' Rules of Order
Government of International Conclave, 2-203
Roll Call Vote
International Conclave, 1-1406
Failure to maintain, 1-403
Secretary of Active Chapter
Generally, 1-2002
Membership records to Executive Director, 1-2305, 1-2306
Trial of member by Chapter, 3-403 to 3-405
Election and Installation, 1-2001
Member of Chapter Council, 1-2001
Term of Office, 1-2001
Senior Dean
Duties, 1-2002
Election and Installation, 1-2001
Member of Chapter Council, 1-2001
Term of Office, 1-2001
Suspension of Charter (See Charter of Active Chapter, Suspension of)
Suspension of Member (See Active Chapter Membership, Suspension of)
Tax, Per Capita (See Per Capita Dues)
Terms of Office
Active Chapters Officers
Generally, 1-2001
Venerable Dean limitations on second term, 1-2004
Chapter Advisor, 1-1304
International Officers
Generally, 1-602 and 1-603
In event of vacancy being filled, 1-604
Travel Card, 2-308
Treasurer of Active Chapter
Audit of books, 1-2003
Bond to International Treasurer, 1-2003
Duties, 1-2002
Election and Installation, 1-2001
Liability pre-requisite to discharge of, 1-2003
Member of Chapter Council, 1-2001
Term of Office, 1-2001
Appropriations for, 2-401


Authorized by International Conclave, 2-401

Copies to Active Chapter Members, 2-401
Name of, 2-401
Trials by
Active Chapters (See Active Chapter, Trial of Membership)
International Conclave (See International Conclave, Trial of)
International Council (See International Council, Appeal to)
Vacancy in Office of
Chapter Advisor, 1-1304
International Council, 1-604
Venerable Dean
Delegates to International Conclave, 1-1401
Generally, 1-2002
To Receipt for Rituals, 1-2301
Election and Installation, 1-2001
Member of Chapter Council, 1-2001
Term of Office -exception, 1-2001; 1-2004
Vice-Presidents (See International First Vice-President; International Second Vice-President)
Vote of
Active Chapter, on
Amendment of International Constitution, 1-2801
ApprovalOf Petition for New Chapter, 1-303
Of Petition to Reinstate a Charter, 3-301
Active Chapter Members, on
Candidate for Membership, 1-1701
Election of Chapter Advisor, 1-1303
Guilt of member accused of misconduct, 3-606 and 3-607
Objection to initiation of candidate, 1-1701
Proficiency of candidate for initiation, 1-2308
Extension ofTerm of active membership, 1-1801
Term of payment of member's indebtedness to Chapter, 1-1906
Suspension, expulsion or reprimand of member, 3-607
Alumni Members
On election of Chapter Advisor, 1-1303
Right to voteGenerally, 1-1805
Delegates at International Conclave
Generally --in event of tie, 1-1403
Right to demand roll call vote, 1-1406
International Conclave, to
AmendInternational Bylaws, 2-701
International Code of Procedure, 3-901


International Constitution, 1-2801

Elect International Officers, 1-602
Propose amendments to International Laws, on floor, 1-1502
Reinstate suspended or expelled active member, 3-802; 3-803
Suspend, revoke, or reinstate Chapter Charter, 1-404; 3-203; 3-205; 3-301
International Council, to
Application for reinstatement of a Charter, 3-301
Petition for new Charter, 1-303
Reinstate member expelled
By defunct Chapter, 3-805
By International Council, 3-803 and 3-804
Remove International Officer, 1-605
Suspend a charter, until next Conclave, 1-402
Suspend or expel active member, 1-1904 to 1-1906
International Officers, at
Council Meetings
Generally, 1-504
In event of tie, 1-504
International Conclave
Generally, 1-1403
In event of tie, 1-1403
Whistle of Fraternity, 2-307

This Constitution was ratified by the Illinois

State ISU Pledges on 4/4/12


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