1964-Jan To Dec

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spesssenaeassorsocseseesennensnsnanennenenennseneae nen eteoe het et noh ogun 2q hynaqsorgp, Tae _ Bs casou Aavaar AWAY qeoessosessoneennsenenneonesnntsdnaecseereoteeneninioooengeonPOnoODPODEEbOheeeeeoese eee pPaTne toe: penooerepeoscoseenesennensenncsosescoseseesocearesnnnennen teen aoeae gs cevortvesoannasocanaussosseesnionsceessonssecosimnosnocasninnsseeesnnnasseesnessconiaeesnnoset Baesce Prarie Tit ASTROLOGY & ATHRISHTA e@rounnen. 1 63) (Astmoxouy Mane Rasy) By Jyothisha Praveena K. 8. KRISHNAMURTI ——— Vou. 2 JANUARY 1964 No. 1, . CONTENTS Guess whose horoscope his? Luck through Lottery—Chart 5 Erection of Horoscopes 6 Mars and Matriage 10 No more doubts: ‘Karako Bhavo Nesaya re Dase-Sandhi 23 Pka-Dasa 4 Leo or Simba a Lord of Lagoa “A Yogakaraka and a Maraka” 34 Wavering Moon Keishnamurthi Paddhathi Table... 38 Position of Planets 8 ~ Find out your Birth Sign—Chact 45 Monthly Prediction—English 46 Monthly Prediction—Tamil 35 | reine ——t {BOOKS ALREADY PUBLISHED AVAILABLE Avply © shisha Ps A raveens Sri K. 6 esha Pome nd the Presiden of oe Motera Astral Research ONLY A FEW COPIES i he Editor a8 Publish ie ior and Passer Asriay and Teall —JYODNIDAM vI Exiunive ate, et talon {forthe use ofthe Panchanga, the general features, ebrtciriey dats, ner of rt ff eae trod, ther ek, icy foreach rsknre Sechaba cece j t i i Re. radon ete 2 Soest mcr ino aa an ae sbilren, Dhosha Samya ham sity gin agmza, suet | Seaman SEs See | astrologer. Pct ser our ¢ Each Rs.2-50 f 1 Enalsh-—My forte in the next fue Yar November 191 0 Is December, ‘Bo you watt correct reading? Then plese fetrogh ih bok Ave hnding ‘Rey wooderal Tout tbe apps: ion trom the readers. "Very Sete Feveme this his magsoan te W's Stine afr abe reo rss Eis endeavoured to cover a suc ground a porsbicof an individu dayoday Py viduals day today GUESS WHOSE HOROSCOPE THIS IS! ‘Astrology is to give mental relief. | So we do not propose to tax the readers, Tong. This Horoscope is the correct ont ‘of our premier; the Premier of Indias the Puncemaker. We ate preening 8 horoscope with a fervent prayer to God to bless hina with Prosperity and Peace and that the New Year 1964 be an all-round _ success for him. Various authors have taken the time of birth of the important tnd the world- Tecognised leader as it appealed to. them. ‘One has offered predictions assuming the time of birth as 11-03 P.M, on 14-11-1889. ‘Another author bas taken it as L1-¢4 P.M. In Tact, from records one can_ under. stand that bio, birth was around 11-30 PM. To rectify bis time of birth, we Worked out all the available methods including the pre-natal epoch one. We Zfay its LU hours 27 minutes 30. seconds Local Mean Time. There was no standard tiaxe in India up to 31-12-1905 ; only from 11151906 Indian Standard time is. intro- Guced. His BIRTH WAS AT 25° 26° N, fand si° 52'E. ‘Twins are born in the same sign as lagna with the same position of planets ete. But Their results aro. absolutely different. Hence people, taking any other time as the time of birth and offering. a prediction ‘with that ebart, will fail. If, at all, one fcomes out correct, it must’ be said as a Tucky hits 0, for the students and the scholars of astrology, we work out his Correct chart, a also the details of working : rt, Mts. Ses. 8 % Sieret tne a previous 2000 oo teed 2 nservalbatwon previous noon Gnd bic ase conection fr Inert 3819 ‘onde per bout non» 1 8 Hes, Mis. Ses ppp alt hethree sau ednateoretion for E-Longide © 0D 34 Deduct 2 hour as the time is shove 2 u 0 © Tumetoengee meat gy ay Cusps of the Twelre Houses: 5 SAYANA SYSTEM From Raphael's “Table of Houses”. 1. Leo ASC. 20" 35° 2. Virgo 1 18 2 3. Libra wr 16° 22) 4. Scorpio NADIR 18° 22 5. Sagittarius = V 20° 22° 6. Capricom. VI aie 22° 7. Aquarius DES. 20° 35° 8 Pisces. var 16° 22" 9. Aries 1K 16° 22) 10. Taurus Mc. 18° 22 11, Gemini XE 20° 22° 12, Cancer xi aie 2° {Ayanamsa 22° 13°) NIRAYANA POSITION 1, Cancer ASC. 28° 22" 2 Leos Ht we 9 3. Virgo wt we 9 4. Libra, = NADIR 26° 9° 5. Scorpio -V 28° 9° 6 Sagittarius VS 2° 9 7. Capricorn DES. ee 22° 8 Aquarius VIII wo 9. Pisces 1K 24 9 30, Aries MC. 26% 9° 11, Taurus > XT 28 9 12, Gemini XI 29 9 Position of Planets: Using Raphael's Ephemeris: SAYANA SYSTEM Soa Scorpio. ~22° 35" Moon Leo 10 25" Mars Libea ee Mercury Scorpio ers Supiter Capricom 7° 30" Venus Libra 29° a Satura Virgo rs Rabu Cancer sz Ketho Capricorn Uranus Libra Bis Neptune Gemini 2 Fortuna Taurus ae [Ayanamsa 22° 13] NIRAYANA SYSTEM Tages | 8° fre haw] Le peepee eae a | Baa!” | sun.o.rr | Vor 333 | mars toes | ses, |e | } Tsun —— a Mareury Da Balun he sera oe ease From 12-11-1962 runs Mercury's sub- period in the major dasa of Rabu. (NB) Generally charts of a personality, framed, preserved and worshipped Will yield such beneficial results as they enjoyed. to become so. popular, powerful and prosperous can have this Those who des Correct chart. Results of this horoscope will be published after proving how the past vents coincide only to this correct chart and after obtaining proper permission, the Future results will follow BHAVAS Sun fT Moon 2 x Mars n Mercury. uw Jupiter v Venus im Satura I Rabu x ‘ Kethu v Uranus m Neptune x Fortuna 1K LUCK THROUGH LOTTERY (Finance and Fortune) Rests ar tobe rea a5 foilons¢ Sun in scorpio ruled by. Mars_in t Saehdrs Stare Visaka, in the 4th Bava or ath house. 2. Moon in Cancer governed by Moon, in ercuy's constella ton Ashes, in 12h Bhava. 4. Mars in Virgo ovned by Mercury Mi Moon's constellation, Hastha, Ft the Second Bhava. Other's pains and our gains Readers may remember that we published in the April issue that the preiction blfered by us to-a very high official to have Sudden gains through lottery ox sweep oF 4 Uranus, in Libra in Venns Sgt races on &-5:1955 came very true. The Tei Sr er come: E08 PUPS Os TOY et cer tion, in 11K Bhava Fotiowing. ‘"Krishnamurthi Paddhathi 5. Uranus in Mercury in Libra lord Sewhich is Vents and in the Sonstllation of Raku, Swathi in Sra Bhava or house. 6. Jupiter in his ow sign Sapitarius inthe constellation of Venus, Poornashaca, in the Sth house. ‘which ill be explained in the subsequent ‘The chart is furnished for the students, to study: ‘Arudhra, in the 1ith Bhava in | To ce inoptereenSageatie |) pate in th Bhava. er Neptune ia Venus sign Taurus, J Rohini star governed by Moon and in the 10th Bhava or house | Fortuna in the ‘sign Aries ruled tun | ee : by Mars, in the constellation, Soe | ie Ee | Bharani, governed by Venus and Ee in the Sib Bhava, (Here the houses are given, according to Western System counting a house from cusp to next one.) - ‘Moon dasa commenced on 2741-1955. ERECTION OF THE HOROSCOPES baal eh area 20900 Sess ra have eet noe eet ee ut the exact fae ena, een, the cusps Whavas) position Skee Ns ya, OU ing at Tere eieNd example born at 3.30 A.M, Boy Oh He REE. which. w 53 minutes } EST. on 15-563 atAllshabad, 25 depress SUE | 28 minutes North Latitude, aed # minutes or O degree 7 minutes, : degrees Addthis to 17 degre 54 minutes, nes | Saiautes est Longituae? 54” 40° 7"= 18° O1 willbe the exact post plots "epenke, the other examples and tion of Ascendant by Saymnnyenes explain the method to. accor “nd For other cusps, asthe diernce x only Gusps: The birth is at 12-05 P.M. 18.1. I degree or 60 minutes, add 60x 33/240 Fr ——r—C— «== | RPaad 738 Eat Cong and REE: 8 minut oe ‘ime, arose Noth kai “inode ane SP pe or he dr 2 the time of beth alieady caleuied od arrived at is 2 hours 54 minutes 40 seconds. Therefore, the Sayana position for the Now refer to the Raphael's Tables of USPS will be as follows «Houses. find the esa roan oe YOUR CAR FULLY PROTECTED te F me fF : Aas cising at the time of birth, ic, the 10th cusp 10.00 plus 8 . fierdint tur ovr tho page inhi berth cup 1809s ae tate 5 dre 2 Bloc whehie igen 1S 00 Bit 8 very sea thie ote bth place 2D a i uvori nih auepaerig Aout 58 ! Positions of cusps are published fer ite, 20d cusp lus sidereal times 2 hours 54 minutes Tseconds 3rd ‘cusp 14 00 plus 8 and Shows 3b rate ena Ube: a0 ek nasi (eb note Add to degeesio the above cusps to 8 minutes 40 seconds, which is inbetween find out the position of these two. - The difference between the two other houses Addin iderial times given in the book is 2 hours USP of the 10th hou 38 minutes 7 seconds minus 2 hours Meridian, the cusp of 34 ,minutes 7 seconds, i.e. 0 hour be obtained, Similirl Gf Atinutes and 0 seconds or 4x 60 =340 - _ to the IIth enspr the posing ae Sees [| Seconds,” The annenene pact GO=240 «$0 He Lh cus, the po the 12th ascertain Teconia® Atpirth 2 hours $4 minutes 40, the 6th; 180 degrees added to the ascendant seconds and the sidereal time given, _Si¥es the 7th cusp. Sth cusp is obtained by 33) adding 180 degrees to the 2nd cusp and 9th iy 2 hours $4 minutes 7 seconds is 33 from the rd cusp, ‘Thos the eine Seconds. So, the fraction of 33 is to be All the twelve cusps are obtained, Worked out and added to the position given, f the cusps for the 18 180 degrees to the 82, otherwise called f the Ath ‘house will ly, adding 180 degrees WHEN INSURED WITH | Deg. Mis, for 2hours 58 minutes 7 seconds pocuiat ies ave me Pp. A grte Sipe ie, our. 2nd house gam ZVANG isUpance coMmRy LTD! sine rottin” ome Sed howe laf ae 2 us 2 4th howe 168 Venchikam eesranao orca: wanes } ue i= (iad) ll Woh oup 16°00 Riba oh a Sthrhouse 18 Dhanus 2 : gee fo Mom oF 6th house 19° 8 Makaram . Metin 7 Sot Day oo, ieiGur 48 Kemi if an iaGoe 48 Tam 15 Sth howe 148 Meenam Deg. Mis. Sth house 148 Mesham, 10th house «16. -8—~Rishabam (Meridian) Mth house = «88 Mithunam 12thhouse «198 Katakam Now let the fourth example be taken, Follow the method to fix up. the postion of cusps, The birth is at_9-00 eM. at Boston 71° = 2" West, 42°— 22” North Latitude, “The sidereal time at the time of birth, aiready calculated and arrived at, is 12 hours 48 minutes 11 seconds.” Ta Raphael's Tables of Houses, please turn ‘over the. page in. which the latitude at ‘which biztE took place (or which is. very est, ie, 42°42" North) tofind out the point which was rising atthe time of birth. On the right hand side page, the positions fof cusps. ate published for the sidereal times 12 hours 47 minutes 50 seconds, and {2 hours $1 minutes and 30 seconds.” The time at birth happened to be 12 hours 48 minutes 11 seconds, which is in between {ese to. ‘The diference between the two sidereal times given in the book is 12 hours 51 minutes 32 seconds. minus. 12 hours 4] minutes 50 seconds, ie, 3 minutes and 2 seconds or (3x 60) plus) 42. seconds or 222 seconds. The difrence -bevween the sidoreal time at bisth 12 hours 48 ‘minutes ii seconds and the printed one 12 hours 447 minutes 50 seconds. #821 seconds. "So, the fraction of 21/222 added to the pos! tion given for 12. hours 47 minutes 50 seconds gives the postion of the cusps. Aiie Sim Alte et sia hat Dione na a omewp 300 Thulam 14.001 dee snow 1000 Vrischikan, 10 00 WN imheutp 10D Damas 200 tee ‘Ascendant 19.44 Dhacws 203147 me, aedeusp 2600 Makaram 27.00 1 dep Sedeusp 800 Meena 9001. dep. Now you have to find’ out the exact position of the point which was rising at birth =0 degree 47 minutes-or 47 minutes x 21/222 minutes or O degree 4 minutes. Add this to 19°44, i, 19°44 £0? -4'= 5 19°48" will be the exact position of ascendant by Sayana system, For other cusps, as the difference is only 1 degree or 60 minutes, add 60x 21/222 minutes or 6 minutes to the position of cusps “given for the sidereal time, ic. 12 hours 47 minutes SOseconds. ‘Therefore, the sayana_ position for the cusps will be as follows: Deg. Mts. loth cusp 13 040 6=13 6 Mtheusp 10 00+... = 10. 0 Whewsp 1 0+06=1 6 Ascendant 19 4440 4 and cusp 26 00.0 6 3rdcusp = « 8 FOG B 6 ‘Add 180 degrees to the above cusps to find out the position of ‘the cusps for the ‘other houses. Adding 180 to the cusp of the 10th house, the cusp of the 4th will be obtained. Similarly, adding 180 degrees to the Ith eusp, th¢ position of the Sth ‘cusp can be had; from the 12th find out the 6th; 180 degrees added to the Ascen- dent gives the position of the 7th; Sth cusp is obtained by adding 180 degrees to the 2nd cusp, and 9th from the 3rd cusp. Thus, the positions of all the 12 eusps are obtained. Deg, Mts. Ascendant 19 48. Dhamus 2ndbouse 26 6 Makaram 3rd house 8 6 Meenam 4th house 13 6 © Mesham Sth house 10 © Rishabam 6th house 1 6 — Mithunarm Thhowse 79 = 48 Mithusam Bth house 26 6 Katakam Sthhouse 8 6 Kanni 10th house 13 6 Tulam Hithhovse 10 0 Vrischi- kam 12th house * 1 6 — Dbanus Let us take the last example and find ‘out the position of cusps for the birth at TAM."at San Francisco 122°—25' West Longitude, 37°~ 48° North Latitude. ‘the sidereal time at the time of birth which we have calculated and found out, js 22 hours 20 minutes 52 seconds. Noi rts tothe bes of Howes by faphael to find out the enact postion th fa rising in the East tthe ume of bith, Yorn over tothe page, ia which the late fade 37°30 Ny orbich wat earer to the Iattade of the place of ith, S748.” On therripht hand side you wil fod the pose Hons "of cusps published for the side- Fea times 22 ours 19 minutes 48 seconds fad 27 hours 23 mines 38 seconds. The Sidereat time at birth, happens to be 22 ours 20 minuies 2 seconde which isin Between these two, ‘The. diference bet- teen the wo siereal tines printed ia the eo is22 bouts 23 minutes 35 seconds tious 22 hous 19 minutos 48 seconds, Le. Siminutes ad #1 seconds or 360-447 seconds Zi? seconds,” Tho dierence Eetvnen tbe sgsreal me a ict and the primed one, is 22 bows 29 minutes 32 Heonds 25 hours 19. minutesd8 seconds, Beene tour minute seconds or'Lxeo'r 4s seconis= 64 seconds. So the fraction of 68/237 to be found out fnd-tdded to the position given for 32 ours 19 minutes 48 toconds ofl late] & 25 [sigs 34 B Bes | eestor |282) Lae Les] 6 inn cap 3 0 —Meenum 4 OD 1 aw Inneap 600 Masbem 7-00 1 dep nhc? 17 00 Ristatem 18.001 Sp Ascndant 25 OF Midwones 25 59-54 Step 16 @0 Kalkan 17 00 tee Sebocp_ 200 _Sinhan_§ 00 Ni Now you find out the exact position of the Ascendant which was rising at birth 64 #0 degree 54 minutes or 54 minutes x >> 13 minutes or O degree, 15 minutes, ‘Add this 15 minutes to 25°05. 25°= 207 will be exact position of Ascendant by Sayana system. For the other cusps, as the difference is 1 degree only or 60'minutes, add 60x 64/227 minutes or 17 minutes to the posi- tion of cusps given for the sidereal time 22 hours 19 miautes 48 seconds. ‘Therefore the Sayana position of the ‘cusps will be as follows: ‘Deg. Mis Wheusp 3 +0 17= 3 17 Itheusp 6 00-40 17= 6 17 12th cusp 1700-40 17=17 -47 Ascendant 25 0540 15=25 20 2adcusp 16 0-0 17=16 17 ardewp 8 OF. = 8 Add 180 degrees to find out the opposite ‘cusps (Bhavas) which will be as follows Deg. Mts Ascendant 25. 20 Mithunam Qndhouse 16 = 17° Katakam 3rd house = 8 = 00 ‘Simham 4thbouse = 317 Kann Sthhouse 6 = «17 Tolam Gihhowe 17 7 Vesti ‘Thhoue 25 20—-Dhamus Sthhoue 16 17. Makaram 9thhouwse 8 © 00 Kumbam 1th house 317 Meenam ith house = 6 = 17 Mesham 12th howe 17 = 17—Rishabam Now you will be clearly knowing how to find out the: cusps (Bhavas or houses) for an action at a moment on any day in any part of the world, How to fied out the position of planets will be taught in the following issues. | 18. IF there i no such dosha in both’ g6-ahéad spi Maro rob wal, 3 roseape 8 8 happy and harmon Sucess in allempts and ican Sis wedded ite suaseed for en sik ereprombed by ar Tow 5 aaa anl rom landed property and bugs, Mrs MARS AND MARRIAGE 19. Atte houses 2,7 and it aden ft landed propery and bung, ~ 7 “one’s marriage as well as the state of x TNOTMHA PRAVBENA K. S, KRISHNAMURT, farted life If these houses are ose When Mars becomes evil byowining bad {ESS Irom he pee sven by he Ear on 105653 Bharati Vida aan, Nei Detti by benef and if Mare occupies an evil ~ , ben Mars tecomes evil by ovning such S asm r athe Oe wal ewe OF any ad Ente one opal asa Dothan Es Bases pase SPProachg” 6, Is there no diference in the eect f effect? ‘and atfocious, The person wil be extra- Mars Dosha, Eka Dase, Dasa Sandhi ele, of Stat! if it occupies the various houses 20. If the houses 2,7 and 11 are owned — Vagant, impulsive and rash, Haste brings Se Bavas)? uric sad rail by, meer apd ew Vag oe bana me) lean Be ieee: Have noticed that 7. Does ‘Mars Dosha mean only 166. there is no Mars Dosha, how can the Sed" pocition, “tie or she ‘wl Eat, 2° Peoplein the North of India do not Pay __loss of partner and widow-hood? Can it <> Partners lead a peaceful and prosperous peace, be ever qual ind difficulties a7 BL GREED ates fe ce ea ~2ot hare ond coat? dant Bar ee eee ae ee : lass a5 the astrologers and pores ot ak SMU, ' alee or of Mas," acne ' trices and bridegroom in cartalesngice, Ted be? . 5 alfeaeaa agorteteal gotta une eae, anon, dam ad ! inthe South do." Whence parcasseis 8. What are the modigcaon in be auioritig snd giving ckamples, chat one MPH, death by fre, wound fomakes won ofa bideces Huse” rout Mgt fe OMe nthe oom, hey Hat contee wieiariaee omy headin gegen etait | E Mats ‘osha in the respective horo. SENS? eed not uneccsarily entrain any fear Lr Mars (Kuja)is sso called Mangal, Svvay Especially to fadies, it aust be & : ; sepeke Dla is haaly uat much wren tp eeeYa ate indeed, ‘Very 9. How far can the planets conjoined aceaale infancy they may have injuries caused bY Bae SPE ey i ars Dain wih, BNA 8 lanes concn agama des ton aay eae a se ee { ‘ther of the horoscopes. Alliction of Mars “when it ocoupies (Vrischika). Ithas to bea eve Satisfactory, growth a ed one ey a, “Why shuld heyatac Sarouraiehosen? "| Wikelon of be mcntan, Bot'Rie,Segemest, or fy wl ety contrat Mors aionimParance to the position of 10. Even when Mars Scoupies a Ein gaiih Saloon one ‘of resistance in the system. Later in life, body tking of Notas Beets f0y-fovouable howe eaaaoe he tend 4 Gaise when te happens" te Larder slau these, Lat Ine, : Dork oF aay ot ose oRha OF Sun's aspects of the planets eee Tagna, the other Bouse it owas’ wil’ be § menstrual troubles as Moon and Mars Oe {Ae Set) an ty Sor Wave ERUMM ate Moon Mas meee Sh Mars alone wil do30 11, Will Mars be evil, even when it Xa). "Hence, the difficulties, indicated by — When parents ‘attempt to fx the marriagg Hanets cannot do? “VPI "hich other owns Rajayoga houses? (9 and 10) Mare, as lord of 8 or 6, the evil houses, of their sons aud daughters, the so-calle. ee _ te aal2; Will there be no. unfavourable Will be setf-invited. Marr Pra interpreted by the esttologers who unnecessarily exaggerate the evil : be 7 ie ae wt 10 people whose binth was in S208 Re fomnninecaios es canes al Leo inte) aghtsan_fonnes thee de ee, Marshas to ole {Dbsnuy and Pes (Mena, Mare ig bY them, After marige Marsa o oer Rabvogadhiati and a bene. "i prox plaecandarmiony inmate is Broter, fo penoas bernie Mesa ents BS ther fe unhappy” Ske tle soul nat Gemint and Virgo Mae a enue) Sic from Hysteria or fle When the wife house, even though it owns evil houses? results of Mars, “Most of the followin " Points are not taken for consideration 13. Are wo fo count houses gocupied ec Mee by Mars, from ‘Lagna alone or frou the is the nature of Mars siga occupied by Moon and Venus also? oc Wb ha the lord? “Le ae ere iodine en Does it become a benefic or a maletic by tare of oleh ee _ 7 Gemini and Virgo, Maran evitand epee fuerfom Hysteraor As Whon the wife i ‘owning such houses eee : allo Vigo bors. Tefsaotampious 0h family way Nor ate ume of : ; alicied Mars ofervotavour- tethane born inthe ans owned by Noms, aan ia the ane | Nora he time of ' * ahh, Wich Rowse ie Cran onesie? able results throughout life Os ate i.e, Taurus Vrishabha) and Libra (Thula); delivery, surgec ‘Mars caa cause profuse bleeding, hacmor- one’ “experienced only during \a certain Ak comparatvely moe ieaupisous to - Maree cate profuse Weeding, Naor, Period When an one eae tira awa tan totiba "For pon toroin fhe ste Li, "tg matin good 4 Ate the-evl results of Mars uni. ° Rand? fei owned by Sur, ta, Capricorn felosh with brother, Wo purchase fierce ocupe witer 16 Ire eet of Maris indiexan (Makara) and, Aquarue (Kumbh), ic wi and. occupying favourable bovses. TO Pleasures nd sate ant, MOHELY oid aces gud fares and have, Pleoures and material wear. por anpatiral Gra Mary ato be ATURE OF MARS: When he owns favourable. Thus it will be seen that veri un ocpis tse LOU, rhe il be er at = Signs, he gives courage, bolduess and a horoscope of the bride especially, Gemint erty certs, (Rhea) "or ints the"bomeeet Mase i indie Gemini ov anyother signin the Zodiac?” apt ithe, hotoseane, wha isthe fal ae icc oct ie reataof "17 Ie Mas Dota found cae Bra ore cl BEB # Movabio ora chur and he Mats Doha fou ih how fixed or common sign? wil the marred lite be? + Where is Lagna ?-It is in Gemini.“(t m: Generally, God will wait, watch and will, finally punish, but the Kings will do harm suddenly and’ surprisingly without ‘any delay: -Mars will actlike kings. Probably that is why people are frightened about Mars osha. Let me first of all reproduce the various rules and finally offer my opinion, ‘When is Mars called evil or when ‘does it cause “Dosha” ““DHAMPATHYOR JANMAKALAE. VYAYA DHANA HIPUKAE SAPTRAMAE LAGNA RANTHRAE LAGNACHA, (CHANDRACHA SUKRATH ABIBAVATH”. “DHANAE VYAYAE CHA PATHALAE JAMITHRAE CHA ASHTAMAE KUJAE”” “LAGNA, INDU, SUKRATH, DUSSTHANAE” ate the authorities to decide. whea Mare becomes am evil. Here the sages have not taken into consideration, the nature and the lordship of the ign occupied by Mane it other connections, ete. They g0 sep by step. First tey mention the houses, which hea occupied by Mare, cause Mars Doster One bas" count from the Lagna (Ascendant, from the sign “occupied tp Moon (act the house or the Dhan) tro thesign oeeupiedby Vena (atthe house) 3¢calelation is from sign: to sign and ‘not house to house, 7 a For example, Lagna is in Gemini 28°, Moon 18° Leo;’ Venus 28° Scorpio: and ‘Mars 2° Sagittarius. Calculate sign to sign alone. Forget. the division of houses, y be the Ist degree or the last degree. What. ver it is, count the sign Gemini as 1.) Then ¢ ‘Moon is'in the 3rd siga and Venus is in 6 Mars is in 7 counted from Lagna, Hence, there is Mars Dosba counted from Lagua. Moon is in Leo 18°. Mars isin Sagitta- rius 2%. “Forget the longitude of the planets in the signs. Moon is in Leo} so Leois 1: Virgo is 2: Libra is 3: Scorpio is 4: Sagittarius ig 5. Therefore Mars docs ‘ot cause Mars Dosha when counted from Moon siga. ‘Vertus is in Scorpio 28°. Mars is in 2° Sagittarius. Though it is only 4° away yet count the sign Scorpio as I “and Sagitta- ius as 2; “ake that Mars is in 2nd’ sign Sounted from Venus, and consider that it will cause Mars Dosha, Suppose, in the above example, Mars is in 29° Aries : thew itis in 1] to Lagna, 9 to Moon and 6 to Venus, when there is no osha at all when counted from Lagna, of Moon or Venus. Then they call such a Position of Mars in a horoscope’ as “Suddhe Jatakam", i.e., "there is no Mars Dosa at all”. 2 Mars occupying 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 12 houses (Gigns) counted from Lagna,’ Moon and Venus is said 10 cause “ Mars Dosha”. ‘One may ask why should Mars be con: dered to be evil only’ when it occupies 1,2, 4,7,8 or 12th position from Lagna or Moon of Venus? Is ita benefie when it ‘occupies any'of the other signs’? : Now, we are considering about the results of Mars during the period of fixation of marriage, the time of celebration and the state of married life, We do not judge whether itis favourable or not for other considerations in life such as finance, for~ tune, profession, ete. We are. concerned with’ the health’ of the couple, harmony ‘among them and happinese-to them. ~ (a), Lagna or ascendant denotes health, longevity and personal characteristics, AS Lagna will be the 7th (Maraka) house to the 7th which indicates partner, lagna. also indicates (the maraka) or the end of life of the partner. {(b) ‘The second house donotes the family happiness or otherwise in domestic life, in. frease of decrease inthe sumer of mem: eee Seat of chin, Putier econd fous is we Sb (othe hand ie shows he dopa ond tbe deals tote peter (The fourth house denotes domestic calitonmeaty, Thesagshavececared hat =|; Sr cighe ome Bestar spots te: Bhave Hiesce Mars in ds elo the. aendant, —- tai The seventh houte shows the’ legal =D rhs heath, longevity ofboth an ao dechutetestcoat he palners, beter ——™r™r—— themelves 9 ou Hees the postion of Marin 7,10 not conducive tothe above _ 6) The eighth house shows te diel sebbe be oateaad the tnmee sud fortune of he pert at well thea fonpeity. ghth house sealed Mangas Sta, Cr ‘Siated fn is howe hs tstor ei "Te eth bose indinta the rea pldure which the parturs deney ie Scaption ts lst ee But the third house denotes brother, fifth shusic, speculation and offspring, 6th debts and disease, 9th father, 10th profession ‘and 11th profit ete. Farther, sages have declared that the hoses 5,6, 10 aad 11 are Upachya Sthe- nas and thet melees by nate occupying any of the Upachaye Sthanes wil produce devrabe result. Again tet us consider the following Suppose Lagaa indicates your residence. ‘Then houses ? and 12 are the neighbouring hhouyes and how ean one have peace if hese fre oecupied by. wieked persons. If the bad fellow were to bein. Justihe opposite house, ie the Ti, then alo theres danger forthe naive. As already mentioned, tbe Sthand the Sh houses counted fom’ the Lagoa should not be oscupied by cv Plasels, it good health, bappy domestic Environments and a long spell of pleasant swede life are to be enjoyed. in certain horoscopes, there may be dosha when counted [rom Veous, Moon and Lagaa (Ex. 1). Mass is in 12 to Venus, Marsis in 2 to Moon and ‘Mass is in 4 to Lagna 2. It may be in one of the evil houses counted from Moon and Lagaa and not from Venus. (Example 2) = 3, Mars may be in any of the evil houses counted from Moon and Venus and not from Lagna. (Example 3.) | (m[=] | | veo sone and not from Moon. (Example 4,) Lana Venus i 4 5. ‘not from Moon or Venus. (Example 5.) Mare oon | tagea | veaus | P+ 4." HAE Bat ell Wha Sinied fim raf and Vests Burt may ooeipy om 4. Mars may be’ in any of the evil evil sign counted from houies counted” from Venus nd Lagna | ie" Souned from Moon. (Example Mais may be evil from Lagna and 8 Mars may be free from Mars Dosha 6. Mars may be said to cause dosha by ‘occupying an evil sign counted from Veaus gd not fom Lagnt of Moos. (Example When couzted from’ Venus, Moon and Lagoa. (Examples 8 & 9.) Tes said that the evil results of Mass, when counted from Venus, is mich'more pronounced’ than when itis in houses I, 2, 4,7,80r 12 counted from Moon, Evil “bescenesensenscsnsstenterenn With best compliments from: |, ADDISONS PAINTS & CHEMICALS PRIVATE LTD. : HADRAS-IIL i _ i * ‘ ‘ Manufacturers of 2 FROM * * RAGHAVA ENGINEERS & CONTRACTORS Be ecu MADRAS-4, oa ROAREAeTON SAOSIN HO ROOT NE EOE SPARTAN QUALITY PAINTS FOR ALL PURPOSES bocce cso ROO EN OT WITH BEST-COMPLIMENTS _Erunneeneonnenaoartenene nae rimennnnnetenntenntn & VEERA | Moon and Mars in one sign assures that the evit effect of Mars will be nullified. Thor repating Mar Doss here ae various ules expounded im Bevalcrala, Horasastha, Jatcka ‘Chandaltay Nara: dhecyam, et, aad by Athrinaba Rabi Gargn and oters To sum up :—Mats may be in 1, 2, 4, 7, 8 or 12 houses from Lagna or Moon’ of Venus. Fit is in Mesha or. Vrischilta— its own signs, there is no dosha, ‘Mars in Venus signs cannot do harm if it is the ath or 7th house, ‘Mars in Mercury signs will have its vil results warded off if it is in the 2nd hhouse. Mars has no dosha in the houses owned bby Sun, Moon and Saturn, Evil results of Mars cannot operate if the sign, occupied by Mars is ruled by Jupiter aid happens to be the Sth. Now let us consider how to match horo- scopes and fix up the marriage. 1. Tf in the bride's chart, thereis dosha; select such 2 bridegroom’ who also. bas ‘more or les similar Mars Dosh. E> 2-16; in-the bride's chart, there is Mars osha, duc to its relative position counted from Lagna or Moon or Venus and there is Parihara or modification due to some disposition or conjunction with the modi- fying planct or aspect by a bonefic, match itwith that of the bridegroom in’ whose cchart also there is the dosha of Mars and also the modification. 3. I there is no dosha at all in the bride’s chart and itis termed as Saddhs Jathakam, mateh it with one which has no osha at all You know that Mars denotes Erythro- cytes, Red bone-marrow, blood, ete.” Sup- pose a person has lost blood ‘due to any Accident or delivery, etc., then the medical attendant gives transfusion of blood. Mind you, he cannot give the blood of any person kept in. the Blood Bank. He has to carry out an examination of the blood of the patient and. from his test he is to ascertain whether the blood of the patient belongs 10 ‘A* Group or ‘B? Group or ‘O* Group. ‘There are 3 main ‘groups. To wh his blood belongs is to be ascertained. Then, the same blood group alone is to be given to the patient. If he gives any other blood, say, blood belonging to another group, blood will precipitate, clot and he will die. Similarly, there are‘three groups in Mars Dosha : 1. There is dosha inthe chart without any modification. 2. There is dosha in the chart with modification and mitigation. 3. There is no dosha at sll. is, therefore, necessary that Astroto- gers should carefully weigh and consider the various points of Mars Dosha in the sven charts and advise on the correct match, N.B.: (a) The other method ‘of esti- ‘mating the evil results ‘caused. by the mlefc planets by nature occupying 1, 2, 4,7,8, of 12. counted from Lagna, Moon and Venus will be published in the follow- ing issues, (&) Further detailed results of Mars in the 12 signs, in the 12 houses counted from Ascendant, Moon and Venus will also appear in the succeeding issues, NO MORE DOUBTS 1. Question: ** Karako Bhava Nasaya”™ is the general threatening of a few. They say that each planet is the chief governor for certain results. So also, each house signifies certain results; ie., if the Bhava of the house signifying” a particular result is aceupied by the particular planet which governs the same result, then it will cause distress; eg., 7th house denotes wife or husband. Venus is the Lord. which is the Karaka for wife. If Venus is in 7, itis said to be evil. What is your finding? Answer: Don't be carried away by aay. single statement, Tt will be similar to the Story of blind men describing an elephant by feeling any one part of it. ‘We give below the chart of @ gentleman who has married a beautiful and healthy Iady and is leading a happy, harmonious ‘and prosperous life with her, even todays ‘The chart is as follows: Born on 3}—1—1888. ode Baa, | RAY Supite Also the chart of bis son is furnished in which you may note the position of Sun in 9-and both are hale and healthy. The age of the son is 41; that of the th father is 76 a ‘of his mother is over 0. é ‘There are many horoscopes of persons in which the Karaka planet occupies the | | | TAR sun in th sigh and | |__| amen us | Ly T | won | NHH| gue, | naow | ‘as lees | Bhava of house which also indicates the samme resull and such an evil result was not even dreamt. Explanation: Sun is the chief governor for father; Moon for mother, Mars for brother, Mercury foreducation, Jupiter for finance’and children, Venus for wife, Saturn for longevity, ete. ‘9th house represents father; 4th house mother (Hindu. system: Westerners diff. erent; follow only Hindu. Ttwill be proved why. Hindu alone is correct.) 3rd_ house Deother, 4th education ; Sth children; 71h wife, Sth longevity, and 50 on. Farther, PARASARA say ‘Serp0 Gur Kuje« Smo Gara Bhowna Sitka: Saas: Garuschandra Sutho leva ‘andhaschs Bhavakaraka In JATAKA PARDATHAM, Vaidyantsbs Dah ‘Dhywmanie Amara Mantri ‘Dooce Soma SOwmO Girurnatharayarow ‘Dhargave Bhan Pthra Dhinahars Theor Meeva Banugya Mandha. Sica Gweuras so000 ‘Karaka Syooewagnay =, ‘The Karakas of the Bhavas beginning with the Lagna are Sun for the frst house, Jupiter for the 2nd, Mars for the 3rd, Moon and Mercury for the 4th, Jupiter for the 5th, Saturn and Mars for the 6th, Venus for the 7th, Saturn for the Sth, the Sun and Jupiter for the 9th, Tupiter, Sun, Mercury ‘and Saturn for. the 10th, Jupiter for the ith and Saturn for the f2th, MANTRESWARA in Phala Deepika says, "Dharmae Span eee Gee ndu Bhavae. eS Souryae Bhawmaha Panchamae Dh Manto Kamae SukraschaAsttawes Bhanu Puthraha. a Kuryath thasya Klaesamsith yahuranyae.”" The sum in the Sth, the Moon i het, Mars inthe id fplerin te ih inthe Nvand Satfn ig ae bie aes ise to the concerned ewes obi Sut Vidjannde Dike es "migrants as “ristadbate fs Jatahenhe Saib sabetesSosnbhtha Sy ‘ Dikhihrin oaks Parham ue should not apy this rue str anal decide that Karta planes: sesupig the same Keraka Rouse, ae hus One has toread other chapters and ot the results given by various authors ad also the same sage or authors for ‘those planets occupying the Karaka, ‘houses 4, he should read the results for ‘Sum ia Lagoa 9 29d 1, Jupiter in, Mars in Moon and Mercury in 4, ‘Jupiter in 5, Veous in" and'o.on. |” ME I 5, Phaladhcepika—Sun in the first house ‘ ‘oon in the 4th house makes one y ad tira in git He wil have trea 2904 to own conveyance.) ~ Ile Reon, ting Mereuy in the ouse wil be lamned, vit in spec Beppy, tie el pose ans and wéaith. oper in the Sthnowse shows that the person wil be ftelligent and be a nniste." Hil have good caren and also distress through chilren. Venus in ibe steath house gives a good witcand he fay also Fave intaguespeth bod. omen, Hel tose his wife and be. wealthy, If satun isin the Sth house be wl be without wealth aod wil ster from pte In Jake Parjtham the author says that Saturn a 8 wi averaby Go good tothe native Itis sad that, if Sun should occupy the eho, be woe his Tahoe "(When very one will lose bis father early or Tate.) oe Sun in the tenth house gives permanent position in the Government, ete. ‘Let us consider the following points: 1, Suppose @ child is bora and the mother, immediately after delivery, passes away. “Does the moon invariably "occupy the 4th house to the Lagna of the new babe? oz in a majority of cases, Moon is ‘not in the duh house. 2, Is it nova fact that all men, havin anaticed Venus sn the “7th house, ate Ieky to have the most besutfu betes with Blessing manners a their partets? Dues Venus occupy only the fin howe ithe horoscopes ofall those who seria ‘ele mated life? Is stot tre that "majority Of the people having Venus™Suksa, inthe oiter Ti houses totheirLngn,: pry for armory and appnes at hems? 3. Are there not posthumus children and aio many who have. los thes Tather in theirinfancy and youth, having Sun in other houses except the’ nioth which fe Said to cause evil? 4. Ate there not horoscopes havin Matsia the Sed house with many. yeunges brothers and sisters? 5. Are there not people born with Satien in 8, living for's long number of Yeats. Ons of the patrons of this magazine Js bom in" Mesha ‘Lasna with a group of planets in 8, including Satuim in Scorpio, 4nd is still alive (age is now 64). ‘When we take the horoscopes ofall those who had Alpa Ayus, ie., short life, we do not see Saturn in the Sth house in them. If fone refers to Uttara Kalamritham, tran- slated by Sri V, Subramaniya Sasts, from pages 29 to 45, one will find 24 charis of Shortdived persons. Only in one, Satu isin 8 and in the other 23 horoscopes, Saturn is found to occupy all the other Bhavas. “Thus it wil be seenthat, 2. People, having Mars in 3 alone, do not fle hough ote, Ale thr are ‘any, having none younger to them, Wd Mare‘in- other ‘hooles and. most of the ie baving. Macs in other “postions. Euyare the Youngest ebildren in thee famiiy All children, bora with Moon i the 4h house, bave not lost weir mothers in their youth Also, the mothers who passed away immediately, after delivery, have not given birth to children, having Moon only inthe 4th house from their Ascendant. ‘Thus, one cannot ind much truth in this rule, : *Karako Bhava Nasaye” It may’be argued thst people, having Mars in the 3rd house, may nol see eye to ‘eye with brother or sister. ‘Then the question arises whether they willbe inimital to each other from their birth, of whether they will have misunder~ standing or partition, ete. when they attain Iajority, or whether they will ever be. bitier enemies, So also, if there is to be distress through wie, for some of those ‘who have Venus ia the 7th house, then is it From-the time of marriage or whea they ” become very old Proper interpretation is as follows 1. All evil planets in the 3rd house will spoil the shird Bhava. Bit Mars. will be the strongest evil in the 3rd house; as regards the health of the brother and re- Tationship with himself itis inthe constel- lation. of an evil planet. This will be |S experienced dusing the period of Mars and a in the periods of planets in the constella- ton of Mars. 2. All malefics in the 4th house cause distress to mother and through mother. ‘This will be much pronounced, if Moon is in, especially in the constellation of an evil planet... Moon in 4in the constellation of a benefic cannot cause evil, 3, Jupiter in 5 does not totally deny children or cause trouble through them, Malefics. in 5. also give worries and similar dificulties, But Jupiter. in the ‘constellation of an evil planet will surely ddo much harm, whereas inthe constellation fof a benefic, it will give only most. agree able results, Y Therefore, the Kasaka planets,. occupy- ing the Karaka houses, are." generally stronger than other evil ones in the respec- tive houses only when they are in the constellation of planets who become evil by lordship. But if one collects statistics to ascertain the time whea one has such evil results, fone will surely find. that these. planets, only when they are ia the constellation of evil. planets, cause distress during their periods or sub-periods, or sub-sub-periods in other evil planet’s Dasa and Bhukti, e., dificultes 10 brother or through brother ‘will be during A" dasa, “B? Bhukti and Mass anthra or-"A’ dasa, Mars Bhukti, “Anthea or duris® Mars dasa, ‘A? Bhukii, “B? Anthra. Separation from wife or bereavement may be during, “A? Dasa “B” Bhukti, Venus anthara or “B* Dasa, "A" Bhukti,” Venus anthara or *A* Dasa, Venus Bhuki, ‘B’ anthara, and so on, Therefore, they will prove 10 be evil only during theit periods or sub periods, if they ate in the constellation of evil planets, "Evil result will be experienced in the periods of planets occupying the star— nakshathra, of the Karaka planets ‘in evil net's constellation, Further, ig does not mean that the trouble is ever lasting sfrom birth to death. It is also not necessary that, when ever theres trouble, these planets, dasa esugerspore ALL OVER INDIA THE PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK LTD. (ESTABLISHED — 5) 428 BRANCHES “ THROUGHOUT., THE COUNTRY ‘or Bhukti, or anthara should operate, other evil planets ia those Bhavas or in.any ander connected with the Karaka planets, “Will also cause distress in their periods and sub periods. Planets in. the constellation of ‘the Karaka planets, occupying the Karaka signs, will surely cause trouble,” For example, in those horoscopes, with Mars fn the 3rd house, in evil planet's constella~ tion, if there afe planets in any of the 3 constellations of Mars, Mrigasritisha, Chitta, of Dhanishta, they also will do hhatm during the joint period of this planet and Mars. If Jupiter isin 5 in. the constellation of an evil planet, and if there is another planet, in any one of the-3 stars of Jupiter, Ponarvasu, Visakam or Poorattadbiy this planet will do harm to children in its period and sub period. If Venus is in Tia the constellation of ‘an evil planet, and if any other planet ‘occupies any one of the 3 stars, Bharani, Poorvapalguai or Poorvashada, this planet Will be undesirable for the happy married life in its period ~Therefore— 1. Even though Karakas may occupy respective Karaka signs, note whether the ford. of the constellation js a benefic or malefic. If it is a benefic, expect only good results, If the lord of ‘the constelia fion i a malefic, then alone, the results ‘will be undesirable. ‘What results the Karaka planets in Karaka signs. indicate, wilh. be offered by those planets which occupy, the constella- tion of the Karaka planets.” ‘This is the finding of the Modern Asir0~ nomical and Astrological Research Insti- tute, Madeas and Delhi. NO MORE DOUBTS. (Next question) Question; What is meant by “Dasa Sandhi"? Isit harmful? Anisier : “By *dasa’, ‘one-tneans Udu- dasa or Vimsothari ' dasa—Udu Dasa Sandhi is the period when one major dasa ‘ends and the other dasa starts. Sanghi” means union. So dasa santhi is the time ‘when oae dasa ends and thé other follows. If sich a dasa sandhi_ of @ person coin- cides with. the dasa sandhi of the partner, husband or wife, a few astrologers threaten the querists by saying that the dasa sandhi portends evil, without considering any of the following points. 1. Bethe dasa, which is to follow, ruled by a Benefic or a malefic? 2." Will one enjoy in the coming dase or is he orsheto face dificulties ? 3. If both'the.couple are to be for~ tunate after the evil dasa ends, and. the favourable one co ‘ences, what is wrong in match ing them for marriage ? 4. Can anybody marry a bride’ or a bridegroom other than what he for she is destined? Is not the Saying, ‘Marriage. is made in Heaven? true? If a couple are to sulfer, say, tll December 1963, and they have to enjoy lucky time from the happy New Year 1964, will the chart of fone show fortune from 1964, Whereas the other denotes con- Unation of misfortuae? Should not the bad dasa. come to an end to both, and the good dasa start for them simultaneously. ‘A couple, after marriage, were not fortunate to have achild for some years. Later, just after dasa Zandhi, tbey had-a son born, as the new dasa which started, pro- ised birth of childeen. If there Js not such a change, in. both the Charts, how can they have the child {Some soled asrlogss say, ifthe joroseope of the boy does not promise progeny, match him with a bride who will Rave many childsen or vice versa.” Do they think for a minute; if the boy is denied of a child, how can the bride have? Orif the bride should novhave even-one. child,« hhow can the male have? Is it not mean- Ingless or does it not mean something else. Such astrologers do not think deeply They go only by. general statemen e auntce’s proverts. Can’ astoloms ane any event?” Can ‘one dodge tae va at WILD. That Sebi sto happens lake place. (Why these sctelogers tenses the Innocent. people, is not know ie aot estrooay to ive mental solael ail strength to the depressed and to those a distress?) saTtte ae innumerable instances and we ave the horoscopes. of “those. people correctly cast. A Tew horoscopes of ur frends will "be published and explained ater. ofing ED J9¢8 ofthe dasa which i to follow happens to occupy the eonstelln tion of the lord of ue previous. dasa that is funaing, there will not be any major changes i the events, For example, a person serving in the 2 military department from his Mars Dese, will continue to hold service in the same + department during Raku Dasa, as Rabu, Was in Chitra stat ruled by Mats. Neither Would he have suffered during Moon subs period in Mars Dasa nor in the sub-period of Rabu in Rabu Dasa, One who entered in the Bank as a juniot ofcer during Jupiter Dasa, bad'a seaecy fine uray Rabu Bury Juper Dass and then had promotion and prosperiy tt Satura Dasa, Satta BhukThroughors - Saturn Dasa, he had’ good support sed improvement in status, “He had “childree bom in Jepiter Dasa. Saturn continued (2 give as Saturn was in Punarvasu tar tle by hapten ‘Thus, it will be seen that the end of any Dasa need not be universally harmful, and the besining of another Dasa also ‘peed ‘ot cause distress to all. Then astrology is made very simple to predict easily that the beginning and the end ofa Daca are bad and undesirable. 2. Ifthe lord of the Dasa, that is to follow, owns a beneficial house, occupies @ favourable house as well as the conttcl, lation of a benefic and. ig not. afficted, ~~+then the Dasa sandhi svill be. similar to slay-dawn. when darkness will disappear, and there will be bright light. The person will have a new cycle of prosperous life from the very beginning of the Dasa, 3, If in the” horoscopes of-é coupler both ate running s brillant dase nd undesirable result isto follow, ctisaly both wil suer Bots anst face differ, tis. "Can aay prevent em from getting maid? Not’ at al. Even if on tay, that he had aloled such a combination, and ‘made selection in which there ‘eno dasa senahi ia their ie tne, 't aly ignorance. 4. Majority of the people do nat actually suffer in the end of & dasa or ja the beginning of another.” But the sufferings in the middle.of the dasa is the Worst and they have changes in career in ‘any one of the Bhukties in the middle of the dasa. . a. Verify from the people who have retired from service and receive comparatively a small sum as pension. Have they retired during dasa sandhi? b. Take the horoscopes of those who lost their wives ox husbands, Did it happen during dasa sandhi? © Consider those who were unfor- {unate to lose their children, Had they dasa santhi they? At least was it at the dasa sandhi of either of the parents ? 4 A man gets amputated, leaves service and suffers a lot ; when we scrutinise their cases, neither he not his wife had dasa sandhi Therefore, are we not convinced th good and bad happen when a dasa is Tunning and the windfall or the pitfall to ‘most of the persons was neither in. the end of a dase, nor in the beginning of the other? ace Theisore one need not worry about dasa sandhj at all, 7 Question: Whitt ig MADRAS-33 Determination of longevity is a~hard problem. This involves complicated multiple workings to fx the period, date and time of occurrence. No doubt, a shrewd. observation coupled with careful study is indispensable; yet, the problem is such that it poses varied questions of 2 conflicting nature in application of the stablished ‘principles. -More so is the ‘ifficulty when the Lord of Lagna becomes ~ QMarata, “Having. noted the. diferent Spinions of several students on the subject, Thm now pising before the Feaders the Principles tht deserve consideration in Eetcmining the exaet time of death ‘Lords of 8, 3,1; 2,7, 125 and 6 10, 1 are normaly the death fficting planets in Sedat and preference. Planets posited in those houses are more powerful to inflict death then their fords. (Occupants are Songer than owners) Belore proceeding to determine the period, hey dasa of the __inarata ofa nav, iit imperative 0 Tow to. which clasiiication of longevity the native belongs ‘Longevity is divided into 4 pues ~ smal, medium, tong and dosrgha, depending ot ihe spas of ie ranging from 1 10 32, 33 ied gs fo 82 and #3 to 120. Having Aeerned the class to which the native fclougs the dass of death should then be Sadek Yat ance, propose to deal Sith tue medium type of longevity, which Whey portant.” Followiag are some of the Paportant factors that go to show Iediuer elas of longevity — A. When 1 At lost one ntralbenefc_ is Posited n'a tine and a natural Sate is posted either in 3 or 6 or li hovses; Spiers in 2 and g natural bene- fois either in a trine or square, Suns in 11 and a natural benefic ina trig, 4. Either Jupiter or Venus posited 5. Naural boneics as lords of 8 Bnd IT arein 9 or I, 6. Moon as lord of 8 isin & and Sitber_ Saturn with, Mercury, or Sun with Saturn or ‘Satsrn ‘with Mats or Saturn with Venus or Jupiter with, Satorn_or Saturn with, Rahu or Saturn with Ketbu Sein soba atin squares fd by it 10th aspect, aapects Moon in 8, ee pect 1. Bither fupiter_with Mooi or Venss with Moon ot Mercury wih Moon or Sun with Jupiter oc Sun wih Veous are posted ia Squares” (konat) and & natural mate in Sor €or Il, 8. Mereuty in 30r8 and Saturn and Moon in ot 10, 9. Jupiter or Veius ot Full Moon in'Kendra and Sata in 3 0F 6 10, Jupiter or Venvs or Mercury i Lagna and Moon in wine, 1. Jopter of Venus or Mercury ia Wand Saturn in 30¢ 6 12. Jupiter or Venus ia Kendra and Sun or Sun with Mercury in 3, 13, Lord of 11 in 10, Lord of 8 in The Lord. of 8 and a ‘acura benefe in U, 4. Sun jn 11 and a natural benef 15. Jopter or Mercury or Venus ot Full Moon or Moon free from tralefic conjonetion in squares or frines and #satual malefe in 3, Gor tl, 16, Saturn in and Jupiter in Kendra, {7 Natural benecs in Kendras aad Sun int, 1, Jupiter and Venus in trae, ier or Venus of Full Moon ie tas and one of the the Jupiter or Venus oF Ted of lagna as neutfal (0 Si ds of 1and 8 when one 8-18 onde ff focl and the othes im 8 gmovaie or both in common Lord of the lagna and the the Moon sign are ia & find Jupiter posited in one someof the important the Maraka Dasa — 1. Malefics in 6 or 8 houses aspected ele enemies, more so when ~ ‘happen to be their OwD B. Following are! factors to determine Sih, Jupiter's a8 sa of Mats a8 2 ei ‘4tb, Rahu's as (th, Savurn’s as Dasa of 4 debilitated planet te, seu, vib a ae asset tese tom Lagna and 5, Dasa of the Adhi satru of the Tord of 8 house, "of the Rasi at €. Guiding factors to determine the petiod of death ~ When Suite in tarong Sy Sa turn at birth and is houses are not thea woe by bm and happen tO BePmaraka places in tors, ‘When Saturn trans Secupied by the Decne of the 8 bbb ine transits the navamsa of the Sth lord, When Venvs during transit is at ‘a distance of 150 degrees to 3 son Gr Lana and is axperted by Saturn, When Jupiter tcansits 6 or & wine URS rast in ines (© them, When Sua posited ina movable When Schr happens to transit “ Tash Myadasamase asi orginally tre ou by Bio tn, Gvhen, Moon. transits the sign Sehupied by Sun at bie, Synen Moon transits the sign con- Wining the feast numberof beaetc taining vasmeakavarge table, Note the navamsa rasi occupied Nene ford of &. Wien Sun oy ee ansit through a sigh pases by the Tord of 8 oF HS tees, iaad the Tongigodes of tors of 6, sea Planet. with the same fouptuse inthe sgn ingicated by loner gon isthe death iicting Convert the longitudes of Sun Sod Rabu ng us a pigs Divide the product by mgd and agnin by 12 Note 2 gundet When Sun tan- shes th sign oi tine, Wien Moon taasits 24 5,8, 9 Se pouses from "ite ‘naial Sosiion in asi oF navamsa When Moon in transit pases rough, oadana tara 10 bis natal sti, Duriag the time indicated by the Den Sccupiee, by the maraka Ties “wanting eae serps; gpecilly 20 isthe sign ol sia of the maraka dasa when Wether maraka transits the orcka sims, death of he uve issue to take place, WAVERING MOON 7 MOON IN THE THIRD HOUSE Third house indicates~ short journeys whereas the 9th hduse denotes long jour. neys. “Younger brothers and sisters are shown by third house Whereas the 11th house indicates elder brothers and sisters, Fourth house, sbows his own permanent place of residence and those who live with him when the third house. denotes neighbours: One's inclination, memory, theinherent propensities of the mind and intellect are indicated by the 3rd house whereas 4th house shows regular study sn the school andthe 9th house, the College course, higher studies and research work Mental strength, “Pourusbam "or courage and heroism are also attributed to the 3rd hhouse, Postal, telegraph, correspondence. \ Communication, telephone, teleprint, tele: gram, letiers, ttavel by land, bus, tram, railway, ete., crossing tivers’ ‘and lakes! short air travel, publicity, ageney, etc. are indicated by the third house- 3rd house is the 12th 16 the 4th; it shows separation from mother or loss to mother. 3rd house being the 11th to the Sth, it indicates pleasure, profit, partnec,: perma: neat tie of friendship. and prosperity to | children, 3:d house being the Sth house (o the 7th, ifthe chart belongs to a girl, hen the husband willgo onalong journey, have higher studies and come in contact with strangers ete, Ifthe chart belongs ‘to a male, the wife may go ona long journey. 4 1, 3td house is the 7th to the Sth and it Vindiates maraka "to father, i, father's 3rd house is the Sth to the 1th house andit shows birth of child to elder brother. ‘Third house also indicates friends, children, sickness to’ the higher offcer-appointiag authority, children’s. friends; secret enemy ete, ‘mother's ” Moon in the third house makes one curious, active, inquisitive and always alert for new information. One will be versatile and will have a fund of know: ledge. One will try to have new food for thought and fresh material for action. AS there cannot_be sufficient continuity oF steadiness, ont will be wavering and inde- sisive,_ Peace of mind is not promised, if One will have many changes of residence ‘and profession; salesmany agent, represen: fative, messenger, postal ruuner,.. postal depariment, shipping, and publicity may be the departments in which -one can serve. Railway travelling ticket examiners, travel hostess, aurses in the transport department will have Moon in the third house. ‘Moon in 3 is favourable for the study of domestic séience and for taking part in social welfare, He will be a good ‘writer If Moon forms good aspect with Mercury, hho will_Tearn” Mathematics. But if it is squared by Mercury, he will tearn history. Moon in 3 aflicted by Saturn makes one funky. “Moon well aspected by Mars gives courage. Moon in 3 gives opportunities to make frequent short journeys. One can palact strangers, enter Intoa contact and take any agency or become a representative of another. It shows that one will try to become popular by publicity, Moon in 3 will give pearl necklace or ear omaments ‘or bangles to the hands. Mars aspecting Moon ‘in 3 gives ruby ‘necklace. " Venus blesses with diamond necklace. Moon ia 3 caspested by Venus gives: wristwatch Moon in 3 well aspected by Sun, gives transfer and promotion during’ their mutual, Dasas and Bhukties. He may be a medical representative, Moon in 3 well aseced by Mast sve clnes, "ambition, gEneOsit), over eta, aby tory fant ane wing Tnaports, games, ele. Inspector of boilers, ‘padustry, ete are born wih tis aspect. Moon ja 3 well aspected 'by Mercury gies ick grap. fet, dplomsny, fo will be best fitted to be a propagandist.» Be Miuleawan, He will be foccesful i Sieve He may have fortune through Srossword or yarn oF cotton et. Moon in 3 well aspected by Jupiter sives reputation, resognition of service and afnation of “ambiton. "He may be Politi’ and ‘be ever popula, ules Eilcted by anyother plane Ven form ing good eapect gree reed aes Saaputence i mesic, fine ari painting, fie iat Moon. n'y wil Eve & Seculias tone, While speaking, it will be Marying and funny to Bear. (oon in 3-with good aspect from Saturn nates ge crea and eautions. One wl Belndvatrious and dutiful. Petro, Kero Seve and mines may pay in satisfactory on in 3, generaty, willot allow hi pe rmeady oF 10 take any decision quickly. Fie wll be ever wavering. foonia 3 afcted by any pane causes npundertanding wih tho asghboae sree ting lant wil be the planet that Us Moon! ef Mes aes Moon, a Jibou’ vie i born on a Testa} ‘or in Mrigasirish’a, Chithrai or Dhanishta Slat Orit Mba’ or Vsehiea Lagha of Ris wal quart ‘Other alehbous wl i Moon ig 3 aficed by Mars, shows pation of patmony among brothers Balipute apd desfmeng. Moon 93, acted by Sun pay show he asus tin aa father en tir periods jolly opera Soan'a Sr amited by ton of 4 porends «Mave ts imetber daring hee oi prog Moon nS afticied by Jupiter, threatens Meet mosey ny pick pocketing, or while Rae short urns) or while turning forged. The te ma berg mura foshyamm, ath pada, ne Jupiter's sar aye ig Noowin afte by Satu, makes on ingesave and wavering. He mil be & pest : on in 3, well aspected by Venus an sonfor mates one: popslat and. wealthy and be “wil reveive the blessings of Gosness Cakshas ‘Moon in 3, with god aspect from Mer- caty will soable bis to Teenie the Stings trom Goddess Saraswatht (oon in 3, with good aspect from Mars, snd that Gocdess Durga wl protet the child oon, i9 3, with good, agpect_ from Satuydenoes that Lord Kesh wil be prayed oy him Aries—Mesha, #3 Z DMs pMs Mars Ketu Kets 0.00.00 0.46,40 om Venus 0.46.40 3.00.00 oo 3.00.00, 3.40.00 Moon 3.40.00” 4.46.40 oon Mars * 4.46.40 $.33.20 & Rahu $3320 7.33.20 5 aie 7.33.20 9.20.00 ee 9.20.00 11.26.40 by Met. 11.26.40 13.20.00 ‘> YenusVenus 13.20.00 15.33.20 oy Son 1533.20 16.13.20 nf a Moon 16.13.20 17.20.00 oy Mars 17.20.00 18, 6.40 ~{) Rabu 18.640 20. 6.40 Sup." 20. 640. 21.53.20- fm Sat 21.53.20 24.00.00 nn Mer, 24.00.00 25.53.20 yo» Ket 25.53.20 26.40.00 2) Sun Sun 26.40.00 27.20.00 9 Moon ° 27.20.00 28.26.40 7 non Mars = = 2826.40 29.13.20 fy Rabu 29.13.20 30.00.00 ‘Taurus—Rishaba. Venus Sun Rabu - 0.00.00 1.13.20 ow Sup. 1.1320 3.00.00 Be Sat 3.00.00 = 5. 6.40 : ‘Mer. 5. 6.40 7.00.00 on Kew * °7200,00 7.46.40 hm Venus 7.46.40 10.00.00 3; Moon Méon 10.00.0011. 6.40 Bow Ma 11, 640, 11153.20 wee fe Rahw 11.53.20. 1353.30 2 sign fore Sun ws Mars Mars Rahu oe Sup, >on Sat DMs 13.53.20 15.40.00 17.46.40 19.40.00 20.26.40. 22.40.00 23.20.00 24. 6.40 26. 6.40 27.53.20 Gemini—Mithuna Mer. Mars Mer, 5 Ketu Venus Sia & Moon fs Rahu Rehu mo Sat. 0.00.00 1.53.20 2.40.00 4.53.20 33.20 6.40.00 3.40.00 10.26.40 12.33.20 16.26.40 15.13.20 17.26.40 18. 6.40 19.13.20 20.00.00 21.46.40 23.53.20 25.46.20 26.33.20 28.46.40 TABLE FOR READY REFERENCE TO FOLLOW KRISHNAMURTHI PADDHATHI ID stands for degrees, M for minutes and § for seconds} DMS 15.40.00 17.46.40 19.40.00 20,26.40 2:40.00, 23:20.00 24. 640 26. 6.40 21.53.20 30.00.00 | kL. socennooennanecevosennasseennsscenasesenssny gees SALEM TRADING COMPANY NAMAKKAL (Salem Dt.) eresnenntennnnoniedeneseseesonennnnnasnnsenenneiiits PROTECTION Ask for parla 100: Indian Mutual General Insurance Society | fovoeneersoreenneoneecessoateter Deolers in, - OIL ENGINES, SPARE-PARTS, ELECTRIC MOTORS, AGRICULTURAL PUMPSETS, ELECTRICALWIRING MATERIALS AND FITTINGS, G.I. PIPES AND FITTINGS, RICE HULLING MACHINERY AND SPARE PARTS, “FLOWER MILLS, CANE CRUSHERS, DISINTEGRATORS, DECORTICATORS, ETC, Atiur Road, Trichy Road, ‘TURAIYUR (Trichy Dt) IN SPITE OF the rules of the road, om the spot traffic regulations, all “kinds of mechanical devices aid the vigilant eyes of the ~ custodians of law & order ACCIDENTS may at times happen while you TRAVEL BY AIR, RAIL, ROAD or SEA Z ‘Hough: insurance ‘minimises personal loss and PREMIUMS e are very low and_attractive S a 35, MOUNT ROAD, MADRAS;2, 39 ooesonsanenontey aSeeeeeereoneeoennseereh Dennen oes Saepoooeee sneseemsoesonrosorroeneneonesorsoneeee . Cancer—Kataka zag ¥ ze & a 3 Sepa ce DMS DMS & pms pms & 3 @ DMS DMS ea 3 DMS DMS — Sun sun Sun 26.40.00 ao Yen 21,4640 23.53.20 _ up. Ven. Moon. 16.13.20 17.20.00 Moon Jup. Moon 0400.00 0.3320, y, Moon 27.20.00 28.26.40 : 335320 254620; Mars. 17.20.00 18. 6.40 Sy» Mars 50.3320 1.2000) Mars, 28.2640 29.1320 , 354620 263320 ©, Rabu. 18. 64020. 6.40 >» Rabu 1.20.00 32000 Rau 29.13.20 30.00.00 q 263320 28.2640 ©, Supe 20, 640 21.53.20 2 sat. Sat 320.00 5.2640 oo sun 2885.80 29.26.40 Sat 21.53.20 - 24.00.00 bow Mer $26.40 7.20.00 \ Virgo~Kanni "Moon 29.26.40 30.00.00 —) Mer. 24,0000 25.53.20 yp Ketu 7.20.00 8640 Mer. Sun Rehu 0.00.00 1.13.20 —— ie ea foci PoE Dea yom om Mens 8.640 102000, Jap. Ls20% 300.00" ‘Scorpio—Vrisehikar <7 sun Sun 26.40.00" 27.20.00, mm» Sun 10.20.00 11.00.00, ,, Sak 3.00.00 5. 6.40 F Mars dup. Moon ° 0.00.00 0.33.20» Moon 27.20.00 28.26.40 » —» Moon 11,0000 12,640) Mer. ~ 5.6.40 7.00.00 Mars 0.3320, 1.2000,» Mare 28.2640 29.13.20 = yy Mars 12, 640° 1253.20, Ketu 7.00.00 7.46.40 oe owe ee ce) ee pee Raa), aso) talon Venn 4G M0; O00 et gett oat toate 570000 240 cee cece ee ree >» Sup 148320 16.40.00 5, Moon Moon 10.00.0011. 6.40 By Mer. -'5.26.40 7.20.00 Capricom—Makaram ty Mer, Mer. 16.40.00 18.33.20, Mars I. 6.40 11.53.20 = Kets "72000 8. 640, Sat, Sum Rabu, 0.00.00 1.13.20 on Ketu 18.33.20 19.20.00}, Rabu 11.53.20 13.83.20 7" Vems 8,640 10.20.00 -, ym» Supe 1.43.20 3.00.00 mm Venus 19.20.00 21.3320, Sup. 13.53.20 15.40.00 SM OT goa 40.20.00 11.00.00 ym» Sat. 3.00.00 5, 6.40 ee Ra deiaae 0", RB 138820 Asano fj Si rood) eds Mes 8. 64070000 ty} Moon 22.1320 23.2000)” Mer. © 17.46.45 19.40.00 " P Mars 12. 640 125320, “Ketu 7.00.00 7.46.40 tom Mars 23.20.00 24.640) Ket 19.40.00 20.26.40 " "Rabu 12.53.20 143320, Verus 7.46.40 10.00.00 bo Raku” 24640 26 640 Venus 20.26.40 22°40.00 oT Sup. 14.5320 16.40.00, Moon Moon 10.00.00" 11. 6.40 9 dep 26.640 27.5320 =|), Sun + 22.40.00 23.20.00 xe Mer, 16.40.00 18.3320, of Mars 11, 6.40 11.53.20 yt Sat isso 2o0000) » Mars Mars 23.20.00 24. 6.40 yoy Ketu 18.33.20 © 19.20.00 yoy Rabu 1153.20 13.53.20 Ty Raku 28. 6.40 26. 640 "Venus 19.2000 213320 yom dup, 13.53.20 15.40.00 — Leo—Simba 2 wp. 26 640, 275320 | 7 Sin 21.3320 221320. Sak” 15.40.00, 17.46.40 Sun Ketu Kets 0000.00 0.46.40 nm Sat_——77.53.20°_30,00.00 + ™ Moon 22.1320 232000 ©, Met. 17.46.40 19.40.00 > Venus 0.46.40 3.00-00 — Mars” 232000 24.640 =», Kem 19.4000 20.26.40 222 sun 3.00.00, 3.40.00 Libra—Thulam "OP Rake 24 640 26, 640 © yy Venus 20.2640 72.40.00 - ; fh Moon 340.00 4.46.40 Venus MarsMer, 0,00.00 1.53.20 mm Sop 26, 640 275320 5, Sun 72.40.00 23.20.00 > on Mars" 44640 5.3320, Ketu 1.53.20 2.40.00 ” ” sae 27.53.20 30.00.00, Mars Mars 23.20.00 24. 6.40 rai ia0) asc Vem) aan 00) 053.00 ss» Raku 24. 6.40 26, 6.40 2 fdup. 73320 92000) Sun % 4.5320 5.33.20 ; Sagittarius —Dhanus po» Hep. 26. 6.40 27.53.20 Sah i ee BB cer < Sup. Ketu Kew 0.0000 0.46.49 _»__» Sat 27.5320 30.00.00 oom Met 112640 132000. |, Rahu Rabu 6.40.00 8.40.00 mm Vevins 0.46.40 ~ 3.00.00 3) Venus Venus 13.20.00 15.3320” |), Sip.» 8.40.00 10.26.40 Ny Wb sum 3.00.00 3.40.00 ‘Aqvarius—Kumnbum 3 Sum 153320 161320) Sat. 10.26.40 12.33.20 wm Moon 240.00 446.40 Sat. MarsMet. 000.00 1.53.20 Moon” 161320 172000 yyy, Met, 12.38.20 14.2640 ~ OM Mars 4464053320 Kota 1.53.00 2.40.00 7 Mars 1720.00 18. 6.40 3) Kew - 162640 1511320 " "Raby $33.20 7.3320° yy Venus 2.40.00 - 4.5%:20 Ramt 18,640 20.640) Venus 15.13.20 17.26.40 27 yp 73320 9.2000, Sun 4.53.20 5.35.20 J Sap. 20.640 21.5320 © Sun 1722640 18. 640 Te se 92000 112640 |,» Moon 5.3320 6:40.00, BPD Set 21:53:20. 24.0000, 3) J. Moon 18. 6140, 19.13.20 y ™ Meer, ,112640 , 132000, Rahu Rabu 6.40.00 8.40.00 Mer’ "24.00.00 °'25.53.20" |.) Mars 19:13.20" "20.00.00 " ems’ Venus “13.30.60 "1533.20 7 J) + yy Fup. © $840.00 10.26.40 2 OP Kew 288320" 2640.00 «up, Jap. 2000000 21-4640 EU san” 153320 rei320 Sat 40 1233.20 40 ZEg EER 233 ows ows $23 ous pus a LUrr—————S=—i—s—CSCsSCs ——hCLUrrrr——s——s—S—SS » oy Venus 15.13.20 17.26.40 » on Ketu 7.20.00 8 6.40 8 Sun 172640 In oad” Men gre) 8 880 » — » Moon 18. 640 19.13.20 oy Sun 10.20.00 11.00.00 a DULrsrC—S—s—Ssers—S—SSSOSSmsSsSsSsTmesh 3p. up 200000 3raede Mas 1640. taska0 _ = Rah 125820 taszap mom Mes 285320 2546207 Tap desaay e822 my Rett 254629 363020 Mave, Jeg? 164000 mo Venus 263320 2easao MY ons IySegy 183329 » 3 Sin, 284640 252640” eney (3820 2.000 » Moon’ — 29.26.40 30.00.00 oy Sun 21.33.20. 22.13.29 2 Moon S290 Pes—Meenam _ Jup. Jup. Moon 0.00.00 0.33.20 vo Raby 24. 6.40 mo Mare 03820 {000 & lip 26 640 eeeata ae 1.20.00 3.20.00 J 27.53.20 Tenors § 204 With Compliments from: VIJAY INDUSTRIES STRUCTURAL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS SAKI VIHAR LAKE ROAD, ans POSITION OF PLANETS eraatlonal Date Line [At 12 Midaleht Greenwich or $30 AM, 18:7, of 12 Noon—Ioternatlonal Ds (Far Gayena od 2916 So sire SUUyUDESUEEERREESESEESEUEUE IEEE! excceenesnsseseues: Sun 1. | Dhanus’ Jup. | Pooradam II 11 | Danas. Jup. | Uthiradam 14 | Makaram | Sat! | Utthiradam }-.24 > Sat. | Sravanam Mars. 4 S Sat, | Utthiradam 11° 1? 5 Sat. |. Sravanam ‘Mercury (®) 2. | Dhanus Jup. | Pooradam 111 E 0 7 | Sup: | Moolam IV ‘Direct 1s 7 up. | Moolam 1V ; 21 a Sup. | Pooradam 1 ) Jupiter 22 | Mecoam | Jup. | Revathi Tt } Venus 3 | Makaram | Sat. ~] Sravanam IV i 6 i Sat] Dhanishta T a 11. | Kumba Sat, | Dbanishta 111 L 16 | Komba Sat. || Sathabish 2 . Sat. | Poorattadhi 1 of Saturn 26 _ | ‘Sat | Dhanishta ITT Rabu 28. | Mithunam | Mere. | Thituvathirai IIL « Ketha 28 | Dhamus Sop. | Pooradam T Uranus (R) 3 | Simba =| Sun | Pooram 1 ‘Neptune Tholem Ver. | Visakam 11 (Throughout) Wotnerday | Deters | Mat AM. Soy ER | Sage Sx |S) Boat ot | i ie Way | At Bi Paige? | eked Bee ‘Saturday Dwadan sa1 PM, a BEE ae | Es Hohe [I kt| Ren | SERS iE Ee Ege HSE [1g Gat) Bios | aghast cat) Gi | tom ear { Aged ‘Toorday {| Pournaei, © Lord of the De Tort of January Sign the | Constellation Date Sign _ Constellation Seal Venws Son Sin Moo Sim Moon Venus Kethe : xethu ret Moon : Mare ‘THIS CHART IS TO FIND OUT YOUR BIRTH SIGN << a ar | Gn orm] Facehenam io) Ate oa Position of Moon | _ Position of Me Potion sf atom | Ponti f 30m cin 8, 4 Meu 20 bl poate a Qe,|Aawini, Buscost and /ERUMEN Sec cickha | Mwai, Pasar” Peerrtiaths Rovathi,| Rerthigat tsb Qr. | ee hal Bushyom 1,24ad 3Qr5 Position of Sum Position of Sun | Position of Sun Position of Sun Birth date betwooo [Bich date betyoon 14th] with dnt Dumeen 14th | Bicth date bebwecs ie at aha Tatb | Apritand 15% Moy—[" Nay and 14th 5 oth dune peit~eny by goa See Mars. A Iupiter Mars Raho ‘Veous Yeaus Tupiter kon 30° ie "Position of Moon Psion of Moon Arita Bod bal Be 12 SIGNS ee “agar; Poot | Puvbyen, Alok 1, 2 and 3 Qrs, i in Position of Sum Postion of Si ‘THE ZODIAC uth date i Yih July and Bicth date between ‘August Bay ye 13th Fobruary "and 1 Marobeany year aes mere 12 SOLAR MANSIONS eee Position of Hoon AND Position of Moon ‘Vithiradam 2, 8, 4 Ors 7 Makham, Pooeam, ‘Sravanam, Avitiom 27-LUNAR MANSIONS ethan Bot Qe oo oR Position of Sam Position of Sut Birth Aste botween 14:b “Jaouary and 120 ebrosry—sny yest rae ls Tialam 1a" | "Sor wtim 2107-240"] | bra Tham 1807-210" ith dato between] Tith Angeat to LO%h| September-—any year 27 STARS IN THE 12 SIGNS gota (5 Position of Hoon Tagan Dhaes| A A nn | Panton of Soom crea, cotton My, vir Bo, So Mota, Pooredam| viaka 4 Qe, Amv-|Bwyaik, Vitakaw, 1,] 401 Gr Hastbam, aes St at at sen, eth Peston of Sem mason | ~ Birth da tatwonn | Paton of Position of 8 fo amen aaa gta th) Die ae iS, ase" |B Aa TUG | HR eran i so. ‘Decombor—any year. | November—any year Position of Su Birth dso betwoon 17th Bepeember and 16th October—sny year 45 MONTHLY FORECAST FOR JANUARY, 1964 ay 2yoTHisHa visHaRATH K, GANAPATHY 13, BRAHMIN STREET, SAIDAPET, MADRAS. (The monthly prediction published here will apply to those whose Ascendant falls in the sigos_given. If one has no horos- cope and does not know his Ascendant (Lagoa) but knows only his natal star (ue, the position of the Moon alone) he can rofer to the sign in which Moon was at the time of birth. If neither of these is knowa, but only the date of his birth is known, thenhe or shecan refer to the sign in which Sun was according to the date of birth (Wirayana System) and refer to the sign in which Sun w. Generally the results read to one's ascen- dant yl be aourate; that which is given for the Moon sign shows how he will react, to the resus, whether he will be happy or rot; that which is given for the Sun’ sign according to the date of birth will be true regarding his profession, health, vitality, etc> Ione knows both his star and the ate of birth, he may find that his star and the date of bith may fallon different signs. He has toread the results for boththe signs, ‘The combined result will be very correct. Ithe finds loss in the first_of the month according to Moon sign and gain of money ‘nthe 3ed week according to the date of ‘birth, he will have both the results, Date of birth given here refers to Nira- yana System. fone follows Sayana, for ithe same date of birth, the Sun sign "may ‘be found in the next. RESULTS FOR JANUARY, 1964 Aries (Mesha Rasi): This refers to people born in Aswin' (naksbathra), or Bharani (nakshatra), or the first quarter of Karthikai star when’ Moon will be found in Aries.......Also this refers to people dorm. between’ Iéth:April-end 13th May any year when Sun will be in Aries (Mesha). Mars, Lord of the rasi, gets exalted on 4th and will be transiting inthe constella- tion of Sun till 17th and thereafter in Sravanam star ruled by Moon. Therefore fone can expect success in his enterprises ‘and good health. He will not face any difficulty. There is neither delay nor denial Venus, transiting in Stavanam star will offer enough financial aid. After 17th, there will be necessity to repay loans and also meet pleasant expenses. The last week will be more pleasant and profitable, Mer- ‘cury in retrograde motion threatens undue delay in one’s efforts if he takes upa con- tract or agency. Response to letters will not be prompt. Litigation will continue till 2ist. “When Mercury takes direct course and is in Poorvashada star ruled by Venus, lord of 2,bankers will give over- draft facilities; the locked up money will also be realised, ‘A few may have to spend on the repairs of theit conveyance oF house. Sun ‘transiting in the ninth and tenth houses is strong. indication that those, who take risk in races or speculate, will have larger income than in’ the previous 3 months. Jupiter indicates that some people may go ‘on long journey, or sit for competitive examination and come out successful. No secret inimical activity, swindling, decey tion or loss is threatened: whereas itis likely to have larger yield from the perma- nent possession. For a few days after 222d, there may be unavoidable expenses duc 10 Litigation or short journey on official duty. Saturn passes on 10 Aquarius on 27th and it will be there for nearly two and a. hall years when it promises satisfactory increase in one’s income, improvement in one’s status, satisfactory progress and profit in, business. “Artists and musicians will have new eycle of life commencing from the Happy New Year. Brothers may have to eee ee -ioboeemnncnonnennenacntteentes a pmeneeet qo: Ss. R.V.S. WILL LOOK APGER ‘YOUR PROBLEMS OF: | rmanseorr = MFORTS_=—_LIVERY i Crean rorts WARGHOUSING & | FonwansiNe —COLREETION —_Lowo DasTaNcr TAUIAGE Head Office: MADRAS-2. | snancnts & A0ENCIES: SNANTAPUR ERNAKULAM —— MBTTOPALAYAM QMoaoee | GUNMR | NELLORE CSowmrone ——“HYDERABAD_——_OOTACAMUND cooxour RGHNAGIRE SALEM | Snamurort — KARUR STCUNDERADAD orooe Kimoo: —meumomoy eB vans * Service to Your Satisfaction is Our Motto: ‘As in the past years, we shall continue to give you prompt and satisfactory service, You forget your transport problems when you hand over to S, R, V.S.There is a friendly staff to attend on you, PLEASE CONTACT: SRI RAMA VILAS SERVICE (PRIVATE) LTD., “| DINROSE ESTATE” MADRAS.2, 83426, 83837, £3838, 1/17, MOUNT ROAD “ROADHAUL” ‘Telephone: | | 3 ge Telegram RSC AER SAE _——— 41 27th and thereafter they will children have to meet pleasant ‘expenses and attend social functions. Also, they may waste ther time inany public act vity, They will experience much financial trouble inthe first fortnight whereas. they can expect satisfactory assistance from their friends. Partners in business will have rapid progress and they will come out successful in fresh enterprises; also. they will enter-into new agreements, The fist three weeks are considered to be propitious for them to make frequent short journeys and improve their business, RESULTS FOR JANUARY, 1964 Taurus (Rishaba, Rasi): Refers to people born in the Ascendant Taurus; to those born in the Nakshatras Karthikai 2nd, 34d or the 4th padas, Rohini or Mri ‘asirisha Nakshathra Ist or 2nd pada, and also to those whose birth date is between 14th May and 14th June, both days inclusive ia any year. Good stresath is gained by Venus (transiting in the 9th and. the 10th houses) only from the liuh end it portcays_ grand suctess in one's efforts, ood health, much of activity and faveurasie. judgment litigation, Mercury inretogtage motion- in the Sth house shows much of unneces: sary and unavoidable expenses, and one fs depressed til the end ofthe fst nook as {here will be delay i Teceiving. assistance from the bankers. Also. Mercury threatens with the necessity to repay. the arrears ia the beginning of the second week and hence Ail 1th, one wll be dejected. Tels adv Sable not to indulge in speculation or take Fisk in any walk of life sill Ith. There: afer, he will have much assistance and Will beable to full his desire. The Second fortuight is favourableto cater inte ow ntact a fave eh ventures. ft ne expects orders of license or any rep fom the officals or those connected "wath business, it will be received only after 13th, Short journeys in the fest fortnight wl be expensive but’ later will bring fru Sun Offers comforts and coaveniensefrom Lath A few may acquire neneny oiror around =~ ath Money that had been entangled will be realised'm the fast week. Jupiter. will 48 improve their states spd_increase their ror whee Sin of chance to 0 Tone voyage, have new freadshipg Tou ant othe contac wits strangers and foreigners. Ifany expects fesulls for any departmental examination, wil surely come out sccesstul and 1964 will prove to bea happy new year Loss And ‘iticotes will sucely en and Mars vill become beneficial, Mothers health Wl not cause any aasety though she may tot Malatain ‘normal Bealth Childeee tay "incor toss and be estes till st Ute thei ffors wil be sucessful and they" will have salstastory rele! fom dificates. ‘Wite willenjoy peace at home and she may receive new ornaments in the end of the second week of the month. Father alone may be transfered and be separate from thefamily. Ore may have io eater into Iigation in gay of his transactions. He wil be worried, RESULTS FOR JANUARY, 1964 Gemini (Mithuna Rasi): Refers to people born in Gemini as Ascendant, or with Moon in Gemini by being bora in Mrigasirisha second half, ie, the 3rd and the 4th padas; or Arudhta star ot Punarpushyam Ist, 3nd and 3rd padas or vith Sun in Gemini when the date of birth falls between 15th June and 16th July any vest Rasinatha Mercury is retrograde lth inthe 7b home and Venus a Saturn are jn the Sth, Mars passes from the Tih to the exalted sign, the Sth Caprie, coro, ‘Therefore Gemini’ bogs will fel itstated and worsied in the fst fortnigt of the’ mom ted once fora the ei fesulis (0 them will begin to cisappeat diferent, health, undue. delay nthe altempts that he moakes, much of iat ances and. obstacles in his enterprises, ‘maximum: labour and. minimum wages unsatisfactory bank position and iso pressure from friends’ and bankers, bills Flom medical people and otner creditors wil amoy eat -antne. The money that a ioeked up cannot ie ose Al these eSice Sel hehe Ra Tore hight, Thoreaftcr Mars transiting io the Sth ‘and other favourable: tavsts give + gach relief and success in efforts and also jn the prolonged litigation. Better attend races from Pongal day, i.e. after 13th January when you will return with decent profit. Sun will transit in the favou- Fable. constellation and it will improve your business if you are an agent ‘ra representative and the tours that_you may undertake will prove to be fruitful Even though new ones may not be added ow, the old ones will be completed and fuldiled in time. Only inthe last week of the month your bills will bepaid. There Will be no loss after the 15th of the month, fot any secret inimical activity. Neither eception nor fraud will be experienced by you. There will be a new cycle of bright Gareer. Tn your business, in the last week, you can have the favour of the people in ower for its expansion. Mother's health will be indifferent and brothers will gain uousually larger profits in their profession, or they may be promo- fed to higher posts. Children will receive much assistance and will be making frequent short journeys. Wife will have beneficial results from 22nd whereas father may bave to meet unavoidable expenses throughout the month, RESULTS FOR JANUARY, 1964 Cancér (Kataka Rasi): Refers to per- sons born in Punarpushyam 4th Pada Pushyam and Ayilyam stars, when Moon will be in Cancer and also to those born between 17th Tuly and 16th August any year, when Sun will be in Cancer. Satisfactory assistance and improvement in the financial position, success in efforts and good health contribute to peace of mind. Retrograde Mercury. will give short journeys till 1Sth and also delay in the execution of any work taken on con- tact, After 15th there will be no obstacle for impediment and. much progress may be expected. You will receive larger yield from the investments. Venus promises much comfort and beneficial results in all activities especially in the thied week. Tn ‘up, expenses may increase and there will be'a little pressure for money. Mars indicates that the native will have satisfactory profit betting races and speculations ip the second and ‘the third week. Recognition of service and good support from officals will give ‘enthusiasm for those in service, Jupiter is ‘ow very favourable and litigation, if any, ‘will end favourably. If you are a student ‘avvaiting result, you can be sure of success either in the competitive examination or in the departmental one. Artists will earn good name, become more popular and also hhave chances to enter into new agree- ments. Politicians will have no opposition fand they can go ahead with their pro- grammes. Brothers will be repaying loan 4nd regaining peace of mind. Mother will make short journeys, and maintain good health. Sons will expand their business and have bankers? assistance in improving the overdraft facility. Wife alone will ‘not Keep normal health. It is likely she ‘ay lose some of her possessions, between Sth and 16th. Father may expect both ‘transfer and promotion around 18th. RESULTS FOR JANUARY, 1964 Leo (Simka Rasi): Refers to persons born in Leo as ascendant, of Mekam or Poorem of ‘Uihivam. 1st pada, and Siso fo those born. between 1th August nd 16th September, any Sear. Sin, the Lord of the Rasi passes in. both’ the Sih and. ih houses, Mercury is sto: grade tl 15th. Therefore, one cam ecoup Feaithand expect succes in his forts a sell a5 satsfdctory Sncial position only Micr ISth. Til then. pleasant expenses, pressure for money and wonesestay. delay Jn attempts mil depress In. the second wee Wen alo sows tht sone wll be locked up, more and more ia the fst fortnight and one has to overwork. In the ater half of the month Leo-borns wil ndertake fresh enteeprises and also enter jimo now contracts, Support from off and people in power wil be received aftr Tih Mars i favourable for arranging goon a long journey or to come out ecessfat inthe. depacimental examina tion, Upto 22nd, Jupiter indicates aide Fhe end of themoath, moneyillbslorbed profit in, betting. pr races or-speculation ecm. ‘Musicians and artists will have frequent chances but the income will be much lower than their expectations. Those who are 0 engaged in Cinema will be able 10 have progres only very slowly. There willbe no Fnoour trouble after 27> there willbe no Toss throwgh deception or fraud." Mother Wil Be seing larger robs, be goge tnshort journeys and feliog happy 40 the Sat 3 weeks, Children wil work hard nd have satisfactory advancement and Also monetary facilites. "They will repay foon and relace their commitments. Wite Mao aay go on a journey in. th ist fort ight and incur wnevordatle and vnneces- Sty expenses Father will be receiting aurea of pay oF bonus and also reeuce Hisdsbts i the migale of the month. ‘The Inst two, weeks are very. favourable for fim, to ianprove his bustess by. publicity or by mmakiog journey and contacting even strangers RESULTS FOR JANUARY, 1964 Virgo (Kanya Rasi): Refers to people born tn the abcendant Virgo. of fn e Second, third or fourth pada of Uthiram, Fistiam and the fest andsceond pada of Ghithiat when Moon will bs ia Virgo or Between I7th September and 16th October any year when Su wil be 12 Virgo. ‘Mercury is retrograde in the fourth house till 15th, ‘Therefore one has to work hard, feel exhausted, and also depressed as there cannot besatisfactory turn-over in business. ‘There will be much of obstacles and delay in achieving one’s aim ia the fist fortnight. But in the second half of the month, health will be normal; success in efforts and receipt of even the locked-up money will Contribute for peace of mind. Venus ina ‘way is favourable to have some financial ‘aid before 6th of the month whereas it also shows pressure for money till 16th Students may try to have further studies and arrange to go overseas. Contractors and agents may have speedy turnover in their work even though the bills will re- hain unpaid, Some persons may either Ihave change of residence or go on frequent journeys and stay outside. Between 17th ‘and 22nd thece will be larger income, plea- sants-correspondence= and: satisfactory » assistance from bankers. In the last week, fone has to, spend on his conveyance, car for house f6r repairs. Profit through lottery, betting, races eté., will not be satisfactory. Litigation wil prolong and inthe last week. attempts may be made to enter into a compromise. No more labour trouble is threatened, Nor will there be any seeret inimical activity of loss by theft, etc. A few will receive assistance from people in power and they will have success in their attempts. Yield from permanent postion Wl be eelved in the at wed of artists and scientists, the progress in ‘this month is slow. Soalso film producers will have some trouble or other and they will be dissatisfied. Reduction in the un- ‘common and unnecessary expenses, receipt of money that had been entangled and rapid progress in. their attempts without any ‘Obstacle are indicated to the brothers. They ‘may have good support and backing from theie officials. Success in interview and in taking up a new appointment tbis month is indicated, Children may look for promotion, and pleasure, after 6th. Wife ‘will maintain good health and if in service will get promotion, and from 6th will be ‘very happy. Loss in speculation, waste of money and uanecessary expenses ‘by litiga- tion ete., contribute for much pressure for money to father especially before 22nd. The last week is not so bad for him. RESULTS FOR JANUARY 1964 Libra (Thula Rasi): Relates to persons bora in Chitrai 3d and 4th padas, Swathi and Visakam ist, 2nd, 3rd padas when ‘Moon will be ia Libra or fo those born in ‘between 17th October and 15th November any year when Sun will be in Libra. ‘AsMars, lord of 2 and 7, isin exaltation, tho native will have satifactory increase in income and peace of mind. ‘There will not be pressure from creditors. Happy celebrations will take place in the later half of the month. Venus, Lord of 1 and 8, transiting in 4th and Sth houses assures success jn all attempts, satisfactory health ‘and realisation of entangled money in this month, Pending bills will be received. He will have more pleasure and profit sx: torough-aransportjevehicles;> heuse; sete. Some will move to new. residence. or ‘oquire new Vehicles. Races, speculation, ley will pay satisfactorily. Artists, 50 Tiana and hose inh ine ie wl uve public support and the bank position ‘ill bell gradually. Jupiter, Lord of 3. and Pe Revathi star portrays thet there -/ Naltnot be any waste of money through Tidgation even though it may contiaue. < Newapencies ‘or contracts willbe taken. FPricade will be bepfol. ducing the short © ape Quick response for communications WAR quicken success. AS Jupiter is i0 cbfaton ia Amia ftom he 2nd, Shy in all matiers: maybe. expen Noreury_ in retrograde il 15th shows Toavowdable cepenses due to. arrangements for long journeys, higher education, ete. Sancoosary fear tay prevail due t Secret Jnimical eetvities; the yield fom invest meats wile reeived oly in theater bal He will smprove. his puszess, by hig Pesontl attention, Recognition of Femie and support from ofcals are proticed, Social succes will be enjoyed. F_ Permit, licence, etc., can be had without any delay, Brothers of the Libra-borns will have sucess in.tbeir attempts and improvement Jn financial poston Iathe 2nd fortcight {olay in everything, worry and expenses due to secret snimical activities are thres- ened, Mother may not Keep up normal frealth but she will be happy. a she may et encouraging letters now and then, Ghindeen. wil have satisfactory gains in Spectlation in the later part of January, bed. Partaes in life may feel exbausted ue to short journeysor worty through Ii gation. In tbe second half, improvement in Servies and quick response. to her letters ‘wll keep ber jubilant. Partner in business will have opportunity to meet high ofcals dnd big business people to improve the show. RESULTS FOR JANUARY, 1964 Scorpio (Vrishehika Rasi): Relates to persons born in Seoxpio as Ascendant ot fo Visakam 4th pada or Anuradha or 5yeshta star when Moon will be ia Scorpio ‘or between 17th Nov. and 15th Det. any on Yoatawhen, Sopa MPR ID SCOP ee Mars, Lord of 1 and 6, transiting, in the ‘and and 3rd houses, indicates that he will come out successful im litigation, if a0 hhave satisfactory assistance from bankers ‘and full his. desire, Health willbe rhormal and he will be very active, Jupiter, Tord of 2 and 5, in the constellation of lord of 11, promises larger profits and easy gains, He will fake up any venture with full confidence and courage. Uncommon expenses will got continue. Saturn may throw some obstacles, yet it will improve business through agency, contract, ete. Minor repairs o conveyance and extension ‘of the building ace fikely. Saturn's transit fn Aquarius will be beneficial in future for those to whom it squares its original position at the time of birth. Mercury in The 2od house ia retrograde’ motion may force him to Tend money to his friends for purchase some costly ones to his partner. In the second balf of the month Fheome through business, legacy, insurance amount or gratuity will be received by a few. . Even the money locked up will be fealized, “From 11th facility to continue higher studies can be had, Till 10th the ‘work load will be heavy ; later he will, be in the good books of the officials. There twill not be any seeret inimical activities in this montb. Speculators and artists will be very popular with satisfactory gain, Yield from investments will also be satisfzctory. Tn the middle of January be will have help from Government authorities. ‘Tax ‘burden will not be felt Mother's health will be normal, with increase in financial position, “social suecess and peace of mind as the ltiga- tions take a favourable turn. She can boldly enter in speculation after the 15th. Children will have promotion, gain in agency, contracts and book pubihing, te all 17th, Later more money will be invested for expanding business; the second hal? of the “month promises pleasure through vehicles, success in litigation, and 0 inimical activities. Partners in life“and business will feel exhausted due to heavy work and unavoi- able but pleasant expenses. It isadvisable to be very. cautious in thelirst-fortaightrs Father of Scorpio bora will have advancement in his career from 17th. position will be satisfactory even from the beginning of the month, RESULTS FOR JANUARY, 1964 Sagittarius (Dhanwt Rasi): Refers to people, born in Sagittarius as. Ascendant Grin Moola, Pooradam or Uthiradam Ist pada when Moon willbe ia Sasitarus for to those horn fe betwen T6th December Sod te January any year hen Sen wll Sein Sagitarus Jupiter, ord of 1 and 4, i strong enough to give the native succes in bs. attempts, formal best, pleasure through. housed br vehicles without any sain oF waste of ‘money, From 22nd, fupiter in eeblitation In’ Amsa indicates’ unnecessary delay Jn his efforts and expenses due to. miaoe fepalis of the conveyances. Mars, Lord of Sind Toy ena rhea ta stays casy gan specslation races, Eitsfactory ele com investments and Deacetul atmgephere witbout any. inieial Sotiutes GIL 17h. Later, when ie transits jn the conselation of Lord of & Sravanarn an) it is-aévieable to be cautions ia tpeculation, cinema, music, et. Satora in ‘Rrtam star promier Increase in income, Scees in short trips,opporteity to take tp new agencies, and contracts and avest money. Unnecessary expenses will dis- appear. Letters will get encouraging response. Venus in Sravanam star til 6th Shows worry through litigation, delay in social work, and expenses, due to friends. Later success is assured with popularity He. will be more happy from 27th as 71 years Saturn comes toan end. Budha, Jord of 7 and 10 ia retrograde in janma, during the first fortnight shows dullness in business, heavy. work in office, expenses due to partner's ill-health. and physical strain. Later speedy turnover and peace- ful sorroundings ate promised. Some may go on long journeys to finalise foreign eollaboration and expansion of business. Recognition of service and recommen. dation for promotion ate indicated, ‘Assistance from officials and permit, licence tte, can be had without any delay during orbit tee we cece es Mother’ of the “astive will “keep” up normal health and be jubilant due to encouraging letters and pleasant occasions. ‘There will be no in unnecessary expenses. _ilzen_ wil come ut sucessful in tisir examinations and may_bave chan of place during the last" week, Litgations will turn favourably and ontie only in the second half of the month lger brothers and benefactors will have around suecess. Satisfactory increase in nancial postion and srtangements for marriage will keep them ‘busy an ha From 27th, gain in races and. speculation ir predicted. ‘Litigation will take a favourable turn due’ to compromise. and ‘may continue tl the end of the month. RESULTS FOR JANUARY, 1964 Capricorn (Makara Rasi) : Refersto per- sons bora in Capricorn as their Ascendant ‘or in Uthiradam 2,3 4th padas, Sravanam, Avittam Istand 2nd padas when Moon will bein Makara or to those born in between 14th January, and 12th February any year, when Sun will be in Capricorn. Saturn, Lord of the Rasi passes on to Aquarius on 270h, Therefore delay and ‘obstacles in one’s efforts will not be experi enced after 27th. Satisfactory financial assistance from bankers-and friends can be hhad and the pressure for money will auto- matically get reduced. Jupiter also by its direct tion in Revath! constellation, portrays that his short journey to improve the business will be fruitful, Profitable contracts and agreements will be signed before 22nd. The last week is not favour- able for agents and contractors as bills will remain unpaid. “Those in transport business cannot expect usual profits as they have to spend much on repairs, etc. A few may purchase new ones or change theit residence around 17th. Venus is very favourable and will compensate for any evil threatened by other planets. Unexpec- fed income and advantages will accrue, Those in Cinema Tine or Music will have ‘greater opportunities to undertake fresh contracts. There will be no labour trouble sinee Lord of 6 transits in the constellation seat Lord.of 10, ful in departmental examinations and also hhave foreign collaboration to improve the 2 ‘He will-come,outespccess-ue ss business in the third week. , Saturn's transit and Jupiter's. direct motion are advantageous for Capricorn-boras. Mother of the native cam also expect better results from the 2nd “fortnight. Children may lose money in_ speculation ‘and also have overwork in their service. Father can expect receipt of arrears of pay, pending bills and locked-up money in the 3rd week of the month. Elder ‘brother will have grand success in all his efforts, “will fix-up mactiage for his ‘children and also win in litigation if any. RESULTS FOR JANUARY, 1964 Aquarius (Kumbba Rasi): Refers to persons born in Aquarius as their Asce- dant or in_Avitiam 3rd and 4th padas, Sathayam, Poorattathi Ist, 2nd and 3rd padasy. when Moon will be ia Aquarius or born." in between 13th February and 13th Match any year when Sun will be in Aquarius. Jupiter in Revathi constellation in direct ‘motion promises improvement in financial position, and success in social activities Unnecestary expenses cannot continue, Heatth will be normal, Success in efforts without delay will be experienced after 21th as Saturn comes to Tanma, Mars in the 12th sign in Uthiradum and Sravanam constellations portrays invest- ment of more money for expanding of Dusiness, agency, book publishing, etc., and more profit. = Recognition of service also wi be there, even though work’ Toad will continue in this month also, He wil not prove to. be a prompt correspondent. Venus in. 12th house til 11th indeates ex: ‘penses due to minor repairs of vehicles And houses. Later_more pleasure with ‘minimum expenses will keep bim happy, ‘With bard work the native is sure to pass any departmental examination. Long joumeys will be helpful to improve busi- hess. As Mercury is in retrograde motion ‘Siygninvthe-1 thchouse uring: the-frsbfortaight; it is advisable to be cautious in speculation, taces, etc. From Ist, Mereury in Poora~ dam constellation assures gains without pains in speculation, realisation of bad Sebis, arrears and insurance amount, etc There will not be any labour trouble, ‘Artists will have public support and more ‘opportunity during the 2od fortnight. From the last week, he will be free from secret inimical activities, Yield from investments also will make him happy. Help from authorities, permit, and licenes ‘can be bad off and on, Brothers of the native ate Sure to have improvement in their career. Financial assistance ean be had without any delay. Some will undertake long. trips for higher education, Physical exertion and expenses due to litigation are’ ikely during the first fortnight, Children will have suecess in. their attempts, and pleasure through vehicles after 15th. Marriage will be settled for some. Partner in life will have encouraging letters and peace through liti- gation. "Father of Aquarius borns will be Successful in Bis short trips, get unexpected gains in speculation and victory over RESULTS FOR JANUARY, 1964 Pisces (Meena Rasi): Relates 10 per- sons born in Pisces as their ascendant or in Poorattathi 4th pada, Uthirattathi Revathi when moon will’ be in Pisces for to. those born in between 14th March fand 13th April aay year when Sun will be in Pisces. Jupiter’ in Janma, and Mars, Tord of 2 and inthe 10th and 11th houses. promise Immediate success in all attempts. Officials. will favourably recommend the native’s name for promotion. Unneces- sity expenses will come toan end. Bank position will have sizable increase. in boldly appear for competitive exami Titions in this aonth. ‘Venus, being ia the Nth house till the 11ib, portrays improve- ‘ment in contract, agency, and. realization of entangled money. Communications ‘will be encouraging. After 17th change oof sutoundinesedae 10, bor Wipra Investment of cash to expand business wil Occur. ‘Throughout the month, specu 33 2 srnetnroteanannaemoemennetoRretatcantg a lation and -races will pay satisfactorily. . Litigation, if any, will take a favourable ‘umn from’the Ith as Sun transits in its own constellation. There cannot be any labour trouble after sth, Even those, suffering from chronic ailments will get effective medicine, and be free from trouble. ‘Saturn in Avittam star assuces that he will have satisfactory returns from investments and be free without any inimical activities In the last week he may B0 on leave to attend pleasant fanctions. Pisces-borns need not have any fear even though 7} ‘year Saturn starts from 27th instant, Mother of the native will keep good 1 ceeposqanonetonnaudaereranaesiee neo aceanoncacasoncaanaeneenaadoacet 4 RAMAKRISHNAPURAM. VILLIVAKKAM. Manufacturers of QUALITY DE-OILED GROUNDNUT CAKE. AND MANURE MIXTURES* "ree 7 health and have gains in speculation, and litigation, if any, only in the second fort- night. Children will be successful in any competitive examination during this month. Some will be appointed in this month. The partzer in life, ifin service, will bave promotion and increase io emolu ments from the beginning of 1964, Any short trips undertaken will prove to be successful and profitable. Father of the Pisces-borns will earn enough in speculation for races during the first 3 weeks. The second fortnight promises success in litigation.” From the lth he will have peaceful atmosphere in his career and Improvement in business. diesen neneennanertctc neta seReRSCANaReeReRRReSRiCeCte MADRAS OILS & FERTILISERS PRIVATE LIMITED (Telephone No. 61881) | | : : on sve 258 —1964 5.0 se |——| aay “Guomy gu: opiong, urea, seg fms 1b urgeso goisgscrorsn- Seeneig enoruensira : 4 Oph wpo sAarper 106 o> sfitugegud, IT Opgi (pss digGaur corgi acrerprgye Qiowrpib Bois. Ly uipdincr a cageer oungawordl, daa say Agisarors Rois board sagged oRhage. cpa ampeAe aayee ~ ge bamem pio testorGur gy) Cundu sara gen sued) UG. Hen 11 Gg Bessoy otto 5 Bony are sinSyarinet Grime prone ser Onwanqupe, Ban Io at cree ‘ommmig, ‘Oius Po ejporad oan ost Cnidaomb. ep Suirgbudd ypsir sity BBS suctergrd ancmesrat yOgsob ahd Cailos Opind, om sboeroe aipina wens Aes Gio, Bk Ea D USS Gui aAide yssir yrn_gBA separ GuGuT EQS Big sn Gusmauedt qprud Bi a enti savages Oar 1-1-1964, sd 31-11964 oy seornidusd QESQ>. 5G, curpnex fou aen.dl ainrg Hd spawned. iad 8 10 & aepefuprs Gacy ins, uapwmaatie 248 Gad aiey Dwisbayiovon sorind Denese. Sorry Dodane sae a corejeipre adofise seit ofgicer “orenay corm ars Bo age Spdegiugrd Sa Seem Giogaancrer Gali, Kreg Urtennd es Gaps TDG, WypstG . Geivgeraimaric erate arpiorangpb, iompeps piesa eset err 8 Syst piepeo Ge Ree: Sian, eidyrgioene ‘clair’ Goa, Benpe Abame GuoGuutsh Gos Gh aol aie abe Biscuersn> Ps Gop The gompanre 2-38- Gunag genplan, stuivuns 5B ane. Binediieor epaie, Gung pe ete aime iui sop, Gong) arficmacr gar yuibdl cine apn noe 0 Hs sucQad comusziona (asim ns. Sgioaag, Gangs Sporpae Sis accent a BA. e@porgriags ie 2 & Spf anny fas pings a apunege Boing, jus ea Gaaisrd See care” gps wrap pend Gpatenppuner ‘sate “ag unk srungsguoriasiit bes, acid Gomi enh wiadhird por surg) BBohege. ao A oud antag Quiorprs, e9fasoeore as oman Gosane. SUIS ORRIN Ta. yar sepn Teonnies doin <205o%, ger Gngaan BEAS Spurpds is etna gers O20 og hep ga nkory-neretnd) ae 00 4-0 eming aves Deumegth o=: , ¥ Lime On gute OFF ee fom GEG 2 i wipe Oey grace Sunceg Og eS yosrocssenen Qed Pui) mpeg ounces wh Som -qucenssarigio wgoreten 1 Tampa cyeomerg ating oud nee epgersy woh hee e® OG oteerg pre cyoegom@os Teuinmone eibegeaie, meen Thug te gis eg esse a9 tow @25 9 at 908 Simao Son peneeO es pamper ‘Om Go Cunagog gosh os ane® Gewese tngmw wereno ne 1OeOG vurtognOF ae Hp sco yt $961 yi BeBe aon mt eet oepereegise 2) Sdn ey gefein "gal ee ‘Baycip gang wmwsesinn epi ah “naeDS mphnaw Rolie eg dang mioGp “ahooe mop pod owaian Op, aea Faongue woeangd Sports. pO win nfeptguon Sere syste "giag ne some as Gempwh ge drearwy VOLE ID 2 55 TOG dre eysmgdend oar Ee coma Oxgousgn nw OG oStous dng wen vie Boke walGesaghe asremensrMtG Gp ‘ghee Er OOPFED YL lommannsys BEng Gere Sedipryase recusrnnsoxse) um Bee Cioeinase Seaoensgeh iu qrotlve wgaede p@e wip grace sum Pegg goo Sing, mcey erin koi pose Biaee weamige nop ives we eens Seem p ge mpISeeD Titaceqi wogs CEu18 wamneweoarg Gee oty ooRpings) OG gous im Orme Jaan ghgrpare rors gota goumggd-a gh-nds fone ee mae OF hore eo ee Bee onigs epee Dogowtos —rentaummie “parse Ae ge anO® Seiten is si po0 -2@an Lessee DuOre ypganeh eeginOe emphe -geryegle Toveow ostigey att Seae Bape “ends homers wrap e Gegre meenexw soup uss) neonate Disp yo sus Rerhineong Omg aweruentip 7 Sere FQ woxtroag FD ¥ 1g yse orvtoIe "nOrGe Francs ete ewe eye Tumngtan ‘ing, bey paS uses o 6 ive we YOeeED ¥ IL TOUD ToD Shoe angie BE use oping 67D founes ‘nlveeren spare se@e ce age pad qed “usnn@gatin con og Fane BO oA FS ¥ GG TnGneexwew amy 9 odD.sarergs “get sueytrw gueryeegere WGgng gs e Hegowinissn VOID BE = Wuspmsge ups wy OES D Fgl 19M Ova Op uss nny Be g iematig qhemmcwonsger Brow iaus wogdnd ‘oheegysm ‘Pomp won gay Peunwsuos we einerege gledinag Greg eyseramyse Pung Bede wehnagi wAdaiar WeGng Gers ws enganigy “ps0 Sunage geting wien wsumoueg-< Bewenshe ‘glonbM centeg Gop somacumnig. 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Me BEizerags —— ‘qiE yooruacoxnsgy Gp momusegng werden meh nce wunmetas oes SmgvS “po nein Geyser SosaG wp tie) gSeyeir ne. ‘g@egemgo edd mond) cgefuse wenoege Sor Wee Medes tion or Sesion Maanoget ewes -| Joa ey | | Le 6 Ore wgin usenove G4 De@enshs hug Oagey x 9 gOreping Berexe vaoe sorsctyarg mo norioraniet ign Ouap ee MEE 2 -COeDH sunoginag BABpen cysrpiin) qbier oFp eyoere ture Ind 28H Deoge.ngn ‘nGin6 grotto oFeRe ney. ~ Ge cee Gadwh swehooe we Bey V5 oA qusdine Ope “nue “puinagis gheimsvoeging semighy gee “ake cGgh® aeungong wedioamagd—z wd) Gy yg ‘ord? “gen csypepirA Sp Menigeh name ngs oF Edun OF nrwome sy gdp we yenrhn hob (op One d gomg Ge-asy hose F myseysogie eta shnfe-e cengund’g nara Seopa nOod s gregle wehnrmune Caspase Facer EmULseeee PONE Gare wo F isG 1F5 aAbuon eres SBaerE ae GoD pad wep us hess 68 coup Gen wont PBeGowr@rys phen reperoserice quo n® weOinOa compile -2De yagi pusiaGre we Glimpse yyseretmey Opeeh BOeOgen mop we WY FT hag BuiG qfrbve Dedoum wera 0 OFM cwunrags afta Cusy emginds ngin Eng EF TIng Fs wap al grgssn wgragry ee EusB eget yo wawerowey ‘aGre7aH wenn quatane coe Fins grew ‘Mvceee epsBter EO wominseg —amenmasle gnwee good genta ‘ging miss ay 2005p yiswwre eEE TGS ye “Orage bowen gusnngnh ime WG oF Bix pmase swiss OPFOR eeacke hw “n@eyagie gen BEE are Ops yu nn@yoT Foor eos F801z¢99 9Dre worse wnorwse “G7EABOMe GrucewsE qo sys srousrngwe Gog "euS imine gees nee sO 951 NBER LD % 11 -TOeOH qdiensgeee mAG Gir cout 3 cum yg eOe7A) quod BIOs wengh asepsialigs yeitsmes9 cadmurs ogra s gngumige 68, ip, 8 1 mews (Parag palin Se emieutndgr 08 “qhoi-we) tier ony gin mang, we SED 2 cOaap aint creda Sibninbg eugomre, ito Syrtie ergenttoe hig. “On Go cong Seennninnge Gawd qidinw egeacan yop Kore BED tp wipe gow Oondo angen Dieegda ‘giver wip Gabon Seeery wengindigy noeOS Dont cee mp Srsesiger erase Fim nono soggy Sen wages cramp bernie gees urchins opie” Sgtemmpge-« yitmins Sr eesine wah teow G50 * af “ascoryp us S69 FT-IR 8A FT Se@eweseys? coyow “p¥in Z [hog sip ‘Nees use e in Fe gages gu umyenen 8 engine gp Ogéemeanags yioiurmgs Boney ame Seong gifts frcne Green ipoigeet asa Sane cag gman OF psp “nap mang seks 2 pr fh yeodd qastSune Ops Goa — ~—E—rmd —™Lhrhrtrts— 208 grclitedye wo 8ecntigon Fragen whet pin fen LDL LT “ipu gloat grace sintogrOg ‘noid anes ung meow einai meee doee Tae ape Oke mr ae Sedethe moc Opemeeed shape Pero tieore ap Sogou go wis myemyrngic ado iodere mo MoegeD tat oxtoure Gen Biagrien ae ae coe Gace) wivtntnonp beg qrue op TOegap e pxyeerae CS ing ribeariy -nhitew® soci 71 Ord Gewwed avg iio Aare RENO. ee Bees AEED oe 12G eunsegin Dg era eyoomitine gO OnPeiry isa “puretihnyoe Qaeanpeoy cuwinnign Wig green Tun Sei Iguana pre Goren goats “Ont Govind BPumermente geod ssywercuss se Op8d WT HAB adr wwpetrage con a8 wines ee Pengeste, sedgeayuerets ‘none gop yeh -ePesge enmiew tes dadgsyoen Liege Berga oBGoyeinanyene teat “inies of'teg DO wg genie Nog “pidng-m apenscen saer@e wope0) SeimmnnO exept raw EGE Fun Gayle: aga e qumanire Geabesboge cones Gonos wi yp gotGig asyornrnten foun meas “wrdanye Son BS “aoe G2 eG, woe Dyntnat rye ig fos mao) wy. Ging cide egeewig oe hug fips aiotng Gimp eee Fon tounp ‘ahers sree woe Tinley 418 earned ed "ohoping Gee wacine Op wwe we Guigee ste gay sy tpn ownage rile ie yun pie ‘eu hein semi wsese G-a ghedimgyong weOete wee ann mgs “oles eGrisyge BEO% Somgh qutnyeBe wigs hoe AB eDE hotiee-s eGle weg Feums Fe nSeligtowe tg gongss qe 108 “copnpemtigs oeitsacre oe “pele” topeemnsin sgh Mig’ tustusne OPemm my OF swore Fly a9 wiee ‘emule Sastened-v onsiGe Bo0O9 ‘png Graves touewne &% CFE wogandy "O 206 qed mywe oeseghe more Sussqmpre eBang oaesay ee Grenaiy sssiecsagive contaoin-< co Beg awe gape et wah wow FIL 3 MOOS einieginng ods spon soa rnp tg eke cpush TweBe qyord; Fdorineon kere FO-T-TE ©ED HOTT DeBovesi mpeg oggFein OT gee OLA gue gu aI 208 $tutagueped wongundin Den oheaud Saree Gas Bod aiden ty mye eI ore qmwagegie Spm Srpgeugn “30a atnginuiquet ‘ohage yA ake ete ysemesyn BE Inka “alodre god» Sunde ae “snusoamgh ng losrice pega ‘gine Foo soe Oe@esigen” 12996 ernsegrO$ aoe og §Qoito ginthe@anon Bore wee Ge DeGenttie ire Cemseremearigs Gye OGgeasum — — 4 aphn-nero tn ooo ye aorssusrege “gina caus ee Omg Gee mw “sone 29D ioumgiony. cog eoumgy ee wontons) oWeGor Aiaat gon PstgiGon~d Drdeam Sedrumedioe wedunos emete mesunntiae gape’ sing neg GOrOE waged ong Ee Sere 182. gure “oleise seyoinen SotasrBage nBeOO etoud mye ‘eiéen Wine ‘weongle wusrens doy gamamigas® Meranire yee artele all) gap 9/2 exudate asta ogden Ob tus arm shod Gewo sgrownpe, teu ghomnid) “onosttios’ titroge, ade yeGe suetme tow 620s o 3" ‘yednueune Wether ege wid eatinyeDe ge emoeoge hhnogy “oie tang house hafengy ores tree iperncmess on goB tun sangs "nO hegn e-yoogeegio: eee oiinDFE-x aliny wep grace eo Sasnoanugts gyowensgn weir nba p eoadanie-wingee niga sare G8p 8 11 HINee) ee weeOE aioe awed ghee oumee tomle mginp gonied qubmgs paid Sinn gly ait gnumgei eee ee ee on SO Re Sere adits < dO maeletee Peace re Eee eeleeease IOP Oe ee eign Tat Beye coe AG oS See Seamed Bre dus 0 tam Gey ecg on Tee Romeo set wae Se cece UE ubveep “Cus epg argh shen s a FODEZEN CAM groshie woPFahMe ‘gheDng Fareuet Forres nee Seay Secs Thum segn Og oesedy Fee SEE Se cyte eso a _auenney pomnrdes expert Be ae erm OT, ge a amare eee Cod Sate seen ae Es Gan eomos orgie ams bteue Sra Sa eh tim! e"aemie nee sein O40 virco wert Seine Wopmonenay bee swongss son Petnig the reg wien HET 8M yogrr1 Se@ere wigchucs wy fp weee TOMS SOC Ie geae MBEEE! watts Teepe s Oy e.veree Tonge GEE ow gM gu BT awgie has “ghindluee ale yom Se COE cabenagte be ions vometss ogy SoS henge” Onno Sey: prahoee 06 “rae Oand | yrossl? pgg1 Op@eprexe wus yey s-sepey teres re ong eH iog #2 OME, NOHa Z-SvuAYW “avou LNnOW "cal a 1109-08 pue SONS + voweurweyuos ON - Augean omer Sawyewoy AuuRe Jo ASE ‘13318 SSTINIVIS NI TIV oe SOF. 2 fo Sr Angmemengan Ieee ED HEA SUN, aNeNeANS 3 2 s Be of® Hip srt prumaeang woofinte © -nGunweiee wens sterege “Dro aymgion, gousnet qe ging misty Seseig ‘xu gtosing Nigin ws Bere Geidowting “gion serad—a Omeweoing lense ‘ade peiveey mop Ore Gere mi aide wage hou og Peumpk-e pgiangs oSepemye ea eopmeerd F-nnan ‘nym yoo corde iGaen qibon 25 awison anthosn egbonny “Ges “noe mongosege age reno y Age went wunmming mivisy. wnmsey gidioe Sore grinh yang oewaen seen Ong obngcwicnse ahngong mG nncah sper, Tuoercke awe susroge teed or mises seergandge “alee ae Baud mgs “nintre Dag we ‘oles “pegte “nop toing me.) De gaan mong “Mages agape oe Gmc fy wee gp S18 nowy Reale nibarg louie wae tewiinay Oped iB asgoahiuge sido” -oeanagion ah, oheg fuicwe? gah ogg whe uta © IT HEF gc yoo “yOeOguegi: anGonegle glithee og tune aoe nOeyegie ‘nuowire oes oS Gew@erbuge 2Gnis yas@ eGo “HOT TIpOTIN rowow nog, Pui cent passe yore QOegigs yt “oucowerenyes whe Gait a@ewaggre men ear TOF Feimetioe we Googe ST] emsuweg “Orde thedyee we Bono einie BOE onicemd een “wndlan ininip minatg"adrila soe nerepegind noeOG ome sae EOIN qustare “Op coud eros PeseT sognsanGh mwah neOS Mine wD ie EO” wepomine Sip | 20nd eee ES weEnmoe™ Long aicrmor wien: “armas Ieig eh Gite w pL an Nbagigumn SeGronthe tx gieerw@iw gern iix@ee “nénsce “ad whesenuone gosstoe couta “nyo Gs wudtgwrace aeors alg 4 TE Blea oBeOE omedy Impure ne eee psiths wie Goutone a Boog coterie D8 we Gaye ty mo aioe) oioervog 2x hwy ‘aheemudn shots. na weeqeusow Ww pin Perciwd oD ewe mjinp suedeune EEO Keuste ssyoepregony. wg gene 8% “GOs Fmashbeteus son gre P8100 IGG I-e womypindd nod “honest soTT ‘OT Munesey rn ie % inGsinnyeide DD weeonsle © 508 Yas ame Bo —1— 1 Se@e ymin Be yo - — 2 Ole Gms OF Go gu op “p@uorets09 see Edn -0@2OG qidow v2 usunie POS ‘singing wuteorwes gee FerwBine werswrsge “odin wd qsyvieming mbecvs ‘ingame QYSCRKEUMIG Bye ~eDGmree p@erwy vgn weu0 2100-2 De@engne wg ieee, 29 “WOxGpecsaglh wple wagon, Bide Shy swelowae nage ceengin GH ONG © ange suse “oingoy a” uuserasuaioge— SpReaepn @ndio homens CuguA Cimrup hss mye WaePie coFFoumnagig—e Proms: TOSinogs ramus Kem B DeDeip Bnow commander om plowrysegle gee usaéue Oye ‘ang Ge couse CGH) ‘nfise ety DeB-orngeh 22296 atveres oie paghe gS swaniireg ‘ene nvomuina of sowsipne oxerecs aga Stim a@ddwioezine ems , ASVA aavw AWONOULSY ANIZVOVIN ATHLNOW cy qm WS yoGe Gruinwt ning, mised Bageitign gm ahetng ein 17 — ———— soned2 Oummeting sensi Gp ngnde ceGES epgreOD ‘tude woos mp Ores Gere 8 de tap leone rag Bornes» sganeiy vOegay 209 o8D) Pn wry reappas wey y astra 2 — SEED HL RAIN 5 nF olung women egeogmoud Bice ‘nGyre yor prrsle “isa oun 9G Mrrusasaen wsgintiee-x eoggioum: “AOS mp meee fae dacheunpaeisee deen xr ob aingony Gidenounn wpery aorta swam veroge noe! Srir ee aoe eae inne Sam we iene a eagle: Lop opngunde? Se gous nomp nngee Beogns Teo Smoke teh 0 te way oe Rae hging © eon Wonme rode Osh Wuspeohong Stina” “TOemegler ehagn age Desc gold oguy vibe oda SU Fe ree pos ooragepe Sheets Gotu et inept Moepeple Tuside oat eS Spoiibege “gOrds ous bee ser Ghum ney. uae aw Bug’ outs Seueromey Se Ongope yt uscrunge we ation cop wages wae eqeh aby Geredie mg oopeeeT Poutiong egnee itedee ae Be nog vintepnang onus me ‘angunning Miodey word'e toe Aowopngindhy oeBG cero ee OTL caus Oe wstebe Diatee ogo ean oso R Boot SE aoe wegemlige Simin tig oh goo 9 11 wOregn meebagion Oeatendhe dou GhenieOre reir wsimOey “irae “nw qrhereagore pemtioe eisn DO Gieidonruce “kare 0D ® TL Botee “7ibeDU guedy dryre “eee Sreeen spouts sentge “Goay wogieonke 08 GAA BSD vse ave ction keene) 2Oehrwp ‘ahermutlo, ahistmeenn, -oivtd mpeg weve gine Farcis oD wae wine Seed pe myenyamgicans, wgeoum> BEX Tbe Smonewas wn gis Seino GigE Ts oop eee ‘oloste-e err ‘gL mune mnie 6 5 n@renylbe BS operant soon ypu se9R@ p9—T—18 WIM 91-1 SeGeoznimler Feats * iF FO04 Prosg. Gs 4e ee gui scr -oGamesnn me “gaint 095 wie wily mictin Bite vngohe orieylageoy Fives eodannoge tine Ba opsering inane “ehigtoe Swern Oy sere oe nog on men weeds, @ytaonatn tg tangiay Tp emeteoegegn WB etiged the Etap suitors megs Son BP neue aingnascus “oingiong, 260)” euupsruseorege Begexgn “n@nd's homers Cusp Berane bess syow yungle wFEeunpg es -aBunmoy Basi g Tw! LenS H Seep Cig cogging on ghee yeGle Tee sue Og “nmgidroe ype Pod) ‘aioe ety Geiaesiggh 79208 oleway oP peer geome inemee “niacin rf -stiniwe plored ree, eae Sing oOEseuned ine ems UL 901 SEPTEMBER 1901 We Sp) ee te Sicmay Taper] Woosr Bata fans TUrcoe Nan com 5 g | Smee |e nee eer) Taper] Gamer Site” i eae j te Tae | es es ee Yam [eel Tame ae Be ee elec lo kp io mlm mid wi BID gg | ce | el ee ee oreo x! ee ie esate ee eye lee lear Z : vie le gale sng rgeanameen ng seesaw aolamnero) i pS Bhs SU BUMS PSs aslo a OURS al SAR ie i tele vie dae oe * i ER EE ‘ i : IP BE Be i y 4 TE base ut iB ql Foe Ge ees it e e j c fpos i i 3 ee ee : # AUP iB Bin k & ie Eg ge = g [ag Hie mh oe 8 WW Pai IF 0 Bey EC # BB Rs % Be ea iB Reg i ae ae \s 3 ale ik Hae dl 5 Ba Beg Pe i: f oe 0 09 epee apRee™ orto NOVEMBER 1904 coral Rabe | Grover gpl ‘| | Re point D fae oe! oon { D oilge Bs San zpuepayepnogs ne 8 2 BE 2) sang Bs fl peg / STAY aT THE RITZ CHALY OF HOTELS p83 Tee Biles “tela Bier Sie ae ete a Tyre a Aa aA aT a OP SWEETS KRISHNA Sweets hygienically manu+ factured from pure CANE SUGAR gives that extra energy. CHILOREN LOVE IT! ADULTS ADORE ITI! (POUNDED: 1-4-1968) (Astnoxomy Maps Easy) By Jyothisha Praveena K.S, KRISHNAMURTI ——_————— Yor. 2. FEBRUARY 1964 No.2. CONTENTS Our Premier Supites—Guni Good-Bye to Saturn ‘Are you Running Moon Period No more doubts Bank of India—Opening of ‘account Letter to Editor Neecha Bhanga Rejeyora ~ Position of Planets Find out your Birth Sign—Chart Symbols of Signs, Planets and Easpests ‘Monthly Predictio English posal wn ASTROLOGY & ATHRISHTA BOOKS ALREADY PUBLISHED ONLY A FEW COPIES Asply_ 10 Wothisha Praveesa Sri, 6 Fourier sod the Presiden. fof the Modern Astrological Research “The Editor and Publisher of Aseology aod -}YODHIDAM__ VIGYANAMAE. forthe ose of te baachangs, te general raleiie,Siseases, nati fioace, foruse, entre itis of the wile or hus ta Tani —Macriage «58 Marsied lie, 2 volt, tomparsoa ofthe horoscopes ofthe bride Sou bridegroom. ‘Dasa porutam, Serval tlaborately apd exhaustively deat ith 0. faci without the Belp of ny” ocr Do you wat cores easing? Then so vareugh tle ook. Avoid lending. TF fiom, from the reages Sus cdeavoured i over ar mc ground 5 poosibicof an individu’ daysto-day wnsbomesiesirs. BOYS * 32-A, MAHAL Ill STREET, MADURAI-I. MADURA SAREE STORES SPECIALIST IN HANDLOOM SAREES ‘The following incidents and a few which will be published in March issue will be teientifically explained in APRIL ISSUE : Motilal Nehru, was born on éth May, 1861, the same day on which Rabindra- ath’ Tagore was born.” Motilel was @ posthumous child. Jawabar Lal, meaning F the Red Jewel-—was born on 14th Novem- E ber, 1989 in Allababad. He was the first itd to survive, Motifal married, one, fhad a child through er and lost’ both wife and child He then married a second wife. The first issue through the second wife also died. Jawahar was the next born. For leven years there Was a0 other child. ‘After 11 years Mrs. Vijayalakshmi Pendit ‘was born in 1900, To 1902 there was change Of residence from the heart of the busy town to-9, Elgin Road, Allahabad. In 1900, Motilal purchased palatisl house, E At the age of fifteen, Jawabar left for Eng~ land. He developed a taste for riding horses from youth, Motilal imported the SE fist Motor car in India. “He hed an army fof servants, Panditji was isolated from 4 school boys as he was given private tition. ‘The youngest to Jawabarlal is Mrs. Krishna Hutbee-Singb. "Jawabaslal_ has inherited certain qualities—pride in his own achieve- ment in bis family in his Kashmiri ances- tty and in bis people. At the age of irteen, Nehru had studied Bhagavath Geetha, Upanishath, ete. He was initiated into. the ‘Theosophical society by Mrs, ~ Besant, Ia May, 1905 Nehru, embarked for England for study. In 1906 he won the half mile race and also received the prizefor topping the examination list in the first term of 1906. In 1507 Nehru went to Cambridge, and remained there For three years, He came into, contact - th socialist ideas for the fist time only atCambridge, Nehru began active role ‘in public affairs in 1919. In 1910 Nebru took bis degree and went to London to read for the Bar. He frequented the clube, the restaurants, whiled away bis time - at the theatres and at social functions. He ‘passed his London days ina merry-g0- round in mundane pleasures. Nehru returned to India for the summer vacation OUR PREMIER in 1906 and in, 1908. After, Ginishing bis course in London, he visited Ireland. Hie returned to Tndia in the late summer of 1912, For eight years he carried on fis profession in a desultory. fashion. Hie remained a junior to his father. He ‘very rarely pleaded a case on his own, At the end of 1912, Nehru attended the Bankipor session of the Congress. Tn 1913 be joined U.P. Congress organisation. In 1915 he made kis Gist. public speech. In 1930 Anandiia Bhavan was donated to the nation. In 1931 Motilal died, At the age Of twenty-six Nehru got married. | Tt was ‘tn arranged marriage with Kamala Kaul, She was seventeen then. There was an intellectual gap between husband and wife asshecame from an orthodox family, but ater, as time passed, she improved much, The marriage took place ia Delbi in Febeuary 1916. Indira Gandhi was born os, 19th November, 1917. Kamala’s ‘isease appeared then, During 1934, when Nebra was in jeil he wrote a book. In May, 1935 Kamala was sent to Europe for treatment. The disease was beyond cure in the later half of 1935. In. September Nebru was Feleased. Around Christmas 1935, it was A petiod of erisis. On 28th February -he Gevided to return to India, as in the beginning of 1936 he was elected as President of Congress. But soon after such a charming Sure with a lovely coun- tenance passed away. He returned 10 India in March, 1936 and refused to mest ‘Mussolini on his way home. ‘The following gives the “period of imprisonment undergone by him: days 6121921 to 331922 87 aS 2 to 3d 23 265 22. 9.1923 to Octr. 1923 “12 142 41930 11-10-1930 180 19-10-1930 26. 1-1931 99 26-12 31 30. 33 612 2 49. 35 569 BHO 40 4 32, 41398 «a Indefinite detention 9-842—15-6-45— 1940. Total : 3,262 days: JUPITER—GURU ‘THE BENEVOLENT BRAHASPATHT Astronomy: Jupiter is far’ beyond the swarm of asteroids. Tt is nearly 500 ‘million miles from the Sun. Tt is_the ‘mighty planet and is called the giant of the solar system, Tt has’a diameter of 88,000 ‘miles, nearly ten times the diameter of the Earth. The radius of the orbit by which Jupiter moves will be arousid 143 million ‘miles. Tt takes a little less than twelve years to go once round the Sun, Eventhough te distance Jupiter i 0 rauch, yeti appears in the sky aya bright Objck. “ie i Orghter than ai the otket planets except MarsSevwai and ‘Venus- Suisa. eis planet of dignity. Yt shines brilliaauy, when it Is in “opposition to ‘oth the luminaries on those new moon days: on such mights, it casts a shadow opteris visible clearly tothe naked ee, even when Moon ison the sky. -+ = fupiter is not round, It is flattened at the poles. I alsg rotates on its axis, just Tike the Earth. The upper parts of Jupiter are. not completely solidified. . So. the period of rotation, for all parts of Jupiter, Js not uniform, It rotates very fast and it completes one rotation in 10 minutes less than'10 hours Jupiter has eleven Moons, whereas Earth has only one and Mars has two. Mythology: Jupiter is considered to be the: teacher. God Dhakshinamurthi is represented by, Jupiter to remove the ignorance and’ darkness, and to offer wisdom by throwing light. Old Greeks ‘consider Jupiter asthe father of the Gods— ‘ZEUS. “Egyptians call it AMMON. It is called “THOR” by the Norse. ‘Merodach js the name given by the Baby. Tonians and Chaldeans. Jupiter is the God of Righteousness and -of Sastice symbol of Wisdom, 4 is the - regard Jupiter_as - Dhakshina- suurthi, whereas Vaishnavites regard it 25 Narayana. Itis also said that Jupiter is Deva Guru, whereas Venus is Asura Guru. They say that both are enemies. We have to differ from them, {1 Whenever Jupiter and Venus con- Jol nthe heavens, only prospeiy is the Fesult enjoyed by us. They do not clash in the heavens. 2. Jupiter is for the uplift of the soul, one leads. spiritual life without attaching much to-domestic life. Ttis for Para-Loka-Sathana, Veuis is for all pleasures, includ car we use, the scent we put on, the furniture we siton, the bedding we Rave, the wife we marry, the romance, the love, tc., 30 that one’s mind is more to enjoy the fruits of life in this world. So, where is time for him to think of God or pray for any advancement in spiritual Ife? He cares for "Tha-Lokha-Sulkham "- As their mentality, conduct ete., are just ‘opposite to cach other, they are called enemies, simply to impress on us, how they will lead their lives 3. If Venus is an extemy to Jupiter, bow can Venus have exaltation in enemy's emp, Meena, governed by” Guru or Tupiter. ‘Therefore what they say about the planets’ as enemies should be taken as mentioned above, [Further explanation about friendship and enmity among planets will be discuss- din the April issue] _ Bui this is, in a way, correct,” That is, ‘Beople born in either of the Veaus signs will have Jupiter as lord of 6 of lord of 8, and both the ownerships aré_undesirable. Similarly, people born in either of the Jupiter's’ signs, Dhanus or Meena, will have Venus owning the houses. 6 or 8 thereby Venus has to cause evil for them Just like Mars to Mercury-borns, and Mercairy to Mars-boras. There also, their ‘mentality will be just opposite, Mercarians think once, twice, thrice and then act, (whereas Martians act first and think next 1f Bupiter isa beneficto you, by lordship and ootupation, and if Jupiter as cone BBiasd with other. planets or hes any Connedon with tem by occupying. thet Siem star, ele, you can make a judicious Holes and eallivate steady babi, coneen- trate, meditate and pray oF read Sthothras on them ptesun Suryannrayanas ‘Surya’ Noiagtba ‘MBit Moon Rajraeswar = Les Jeptec Mare tobramanian: Kusarte Supt MercarySatyanaeayna ‘pier Database or Wier Sourn Lord Reha (ita Paayans) “Thus, the combinations are to be taken for consideration and a proper initiation is novessary to bave peace and. prosperity. Sopiter represents Indra. It governs power also, Ht rules. Rig Veda and Hiemantha Ruth (December and Jenuary). Tt ip said to possess and offer “Sathya gona’, Out fortunes ate. governed. by Jupiter who js called Chiet Governor for money and banks By Hindus, birth of children, is also viewed as one's fortune. Jupiter governs procreation and progeny. That is why Jupiter is called the great fortune as it Fules Finance and Family Astrology: ‘Topiter and the 9 house in one's Horoscope ingieate the extent to Salah "oge would have. done mentorions Use ig his previous bith, and alo how sree flees osoun, fortune and ory one cua ave a ie ife. Howovet Bock sts planets ay be il-pested ane fhresca giteutes to peony it uniter - stongiand well posted im’-chart, he writ cobs the proven ely least a The eat omest to tide over the dies mi ties and get rid of the evil." The threaten jng evil planets will cause such troubles ; Dut Jupiter, as she 11th hour friend wil appearat the last moment, and save one ‘en, be. will say * Daniel is come," an Is life will be saved. “ surro robbers and and “The disposition will be, generous candi. Jupiter oflers”bigh | restoning SEIN and proper judgment. The higher sRibaies oF tbe mind snd the uplit ofthe Sout'are govesned by Jupiter. Hence it Tits siocaoel ines lew, lon \Tosophy, banking, company administra: cece and economies. a iieateshow far one will be religious sti weapect the elders, preeptors, Mytho= Togy. Puranas, Upanishads, 6 Topiter roles the sign Sagittarius and also Pisces. Jt gets exalted in Cancer. ‘The aymbol of Sapitarus isthe Archer. Sec dove who ate governed by Jupiter wil Belguck to nit the mark, They love out- Beglgames and exerises; otherwise they sul el omens. Sagitaris has inBuence over traveling, sas wie ‘the 9th sign of Zodiac, and the 9th Rouse indicates tong journey. Further, it posommon sgn representing Dende, i etm and novement (roa! one plac fSagotier and beck again. = 4 Tupiter owns Pisces (Meena, the nate wil be quct and unassuming, sis Bie emsetoung. ant dopoved (6, Jong eye, and igen a foreign place: TR seureet anew have sacee faith. Tt will increase the’ emotional side of* the native, “There may be some fondness for mysteries. One would like to be a detec tive or a waiter of fiction. minded, 7 broad Jupiter governs Pisces, the 12h sign of the Zodiae, which opposts the 6th sign of e Zodia, called the Hospital oF the Zodiac. Since the 12th sign Meena isa Sater sign, it shows that, by" ain medicine by mouth, one can have core, In olden days, physitians used to namie ter the medicine in the planetary Bours governed by Jupiter. Hindus generally put EDM before they stat siting anything vo that they can invoke Jupiter's influence by. marking is symba” hyo in olen “Gayo also uted pte’. syaibel Before writing a presription Bat rowadays it has changed to" So, Jopiterian sll prefer toate medi cine ‘rly and have te cue aha Seek the straeoa'e aid. "Thgy wil avoid Surgery a8 mich as possible ——-. Jupitery-as abeaclic’by lordship also, ives geiaity and gonerosiy: joy jubliag tion and joviality sre attributed this planet One. can expect respect and Feputaiion during ts petiod. Co-operation ‘ne copgenal etmogphere wil be main, ained by its progress and prosperity a life, philesophic and philantbropig aatury food cont and moa, peace and Prosperity, bealth and” west are ace offered by Jupiter. yeah Af Jupiter is afficted: and owas evi) hhouses, the native will not be a moderate bbut an extremist. He witl be very bere, extravagant and even lavish. Over-opti * mism, false “hopes, carelessness, debts dispute, failure in speculation, desperate attempts, gambling and. pressure ‘from creditors and banks, worry through chile ren, flse prestige, large donations beyond his'normal capacity for.charitable institu: “ion, peta tion, van pen fee by relying’ on others and vianding eursey 12 thm, cheapepopulaniy dee ey infamy, extravagance, gluttony and ui- fad wseaoitaton ace all alribted to Jupiter, when iis aspected adversely cher planets and it hupiter” owns. une favourable houses and occupies evil signs Physical features: Jopiteris sid to be Shakespeare bas etpaned a fudge as a webu faty, bupeseliod ; So also Jupteriass in youth wil five food growth, have: mus de to ourdeor gimes, and become. s¢ Sout that tiey must be respected at Tease Tea an fs already Siting in a seat intended Tor two people, andit the Jupiterian later enters, ke bee ‘py races, and gives roomie the Soe omer, the Juptetan itiay appear as though the Iapierian & respected though be has is owl fears It rules over Liver, Tumours, circula- ‘ion of blood in the arteries and fat in the for their growth To other persons, caused by Jupiter: » Jaundice, dropsy, fatulghee, hernia, skin tcodbles, catarrh and. car: dyspepsia, abscess, cerebral ‘congestion, Horse, elephant and ox. Temples, Lay Cours, cotlegcs Bie palail ula, Dre slate assembly, has where Purohit doliver lectures “Sn "Punta plies where religious discourse heavy ‘expenditure, Wil be u magnates and by the Construction of schools collegcs, universities, chantable instte, tions, hospitals, asybims, sanatoriay iso. Jation hospitals, ferry, a Bank Buildings, teabvetion of churches, mosques, temples, ‘to wil be dot ange sl Free tride—withotit con- 88. production—easy trol—targe yield—me larger receipts and. depo- sits,in Reserve Bank—Advantages through foreign nations, their, aid—Benefit "by Foreign Exchange, etc. As result, activity in the stock exchange will be above normal.” Values of shares will. steadily fise. Bulls will have greater advantage, New companies will come to operation. Dividends. will be satisfactory ané Bonus shares will be issued. Government will ‘gtin much through Income-tax arid other indirect taxation also, Products: All -fat-conteining food suis, butter, ghee, ete., sweet favoured eatables, big’ tees, rubber, metals, tin, 0d, ets. Good Aspecis to Jupiter: Sun forming good aspect with Jupiter, gives the native Abroad outlook. Abundance of vitality, Constitutional resistance, rapid recovery From ‘even severe diseases are. offered. ‘The native will appear always with per- ppotual smile. He will earn the friendship of all by. his cheer, kindness and sympathy. ” He will never betray anybody. He will: think clearly, do his work ably, ‘and will judge properly. He will earn only by fair means and it will never be ‘tainted money’. He will Rot benefit by the loss of others. If Mercory were to give the native a promotion, in the higher ofelal will be Eansferrd and thst vaceney wil be filled Xp by him. If Saturn has to promote him, His senion; mostly. wil pas avay. and he mnillbe promoted. “I Jupiter offers him promotion in its peviog, there may” be Expansion, an he may gets higher por, orrihe highest offical maybe hited by eating apost and in the chain of promo- tions, he will beve bis promotion. alo. ‘Thus one has to jude. He may be religious, and may be one of the so many pillars of religious society. Legal, finance, political, bank- and edu- cational departments and institutions, may tbe" his “occupation, President, Mayor, Counsellor, M.P.,_ M.L.A., Honorary posts, are’ offered’ cither by’ Sun or by ‘Moon, forming good aspect with Jupiter Moon, forming favourable aipect with Jupiter, gives him a noble, magnanimous and optimistic disposition. “He will_be Popular, Honest end fair. His constitu tion will get strengthened, as he grows, and his reasoning: faculty alo will improve. is {deals will be lofty and his imagina- tion'Tertle and fruitful. General success in his life will be mainly due to“the ood aspect between Moon and Jupiter. ‘There can be a0 trouble through itiga- tion, He’ will not be extravagant; that is, he will not spend beyond his means and resources. He will not take desper- ate chanoes ia speculation or gambling. Mars and Jupiter in. good aspect, offer tbe native sincerity’ nobility and Ronesty. His will be straightforward. "He vill bo nether too lavish, nor too conservative Hs e ust o,f, a ular in. society, as he will have mvc Tegenuity and comstruetive ability; which- ever job he undertakes, he does whole- feariedly. Outdoor. paces wil attract hia He will bea good sportsman, and Hence wil be offered'e decent postin ary odcer, the general manager Of Which ib Sportsman. Love of travel, deste for Saptainey and much respet, abundance oF fetlth, vitality, powsr and. endurance are attributable to this beneficial aspect. To iecome the General Manager, Managing Director, Agent of Bank, Difector of an Industry, President of any Society, Judee, Religiovs Head, et one mist have ths epee, When the native runs the con- Joined period of these two planes, he wil hold such position. Mercury and Jupiter, in_ favourable aspect, afe an. asset in the natives life Fist always look wpon the bright side Of things Even in times of adversity, he Sri eep up his spirits. He will be always Gheerful end opsimisic. His mind willbe Seer brow’. Hie wil” be versatile. He Sil rormn good. judsment by intelligent dcliboraions He wll reason out correctly Hie-may be slow to farm an opinion, ee {0 Mercury. But his decision or conch Sion will 6¢ found incontrovertible Law, literature, contact with Foreigners, foreign collaboration, export or import, editing, publishing, publicity, thats, banking, account, audit Engineering may be his vatious. occupa tions, and in moresthan, one of them, he will thrive, Plurality of interests is indi= Sated by Mercury. 3 ‘Venus, forming beneficial aspect ‘with aesiet t cuel oeg Jus rome and se ed sed CE, by afi of wea a: ly ae of ie: wl ar od wf an fe yt ieccropeny, Heil muni mae a fre coun ed rnc, HE tes yl ae, Brie ene aie Ber oth Sel easel feputal oe way fo hg hn, Advts eee te ue pins do ot soUs NS: But, those who have Jupiter and Venus forming evil aspéct will not get their pensions in time even with the best efforts Of the Department for prompt payment. ‘The. native will earn substantiall mathe. Civil fait play, will earn the love of the young and the old and will be esteemed high-in society.” He will come by a sich fortune ithe is the owner ofa mice, a dealt In stent oa ding contactor under oe Onerative scheme. "He wil lead a fous life with his wite and chiles find will enjoy good healih and wealth. Later in fife, bemay practise, Youssann andeven become a Sanjasi. ~ Uranus forming good aspect » with Jupiter will make the native honest, trust- worthy, sincere and Jiberal-minded. He Will be hospitable and’ sociable. He will ~ fain through influential friends, holding Fick positions. He wll be an able execu: tive director and may associate imesh with soret organisations, He will neither fet on joule nor ov by speculation or aw suit There may not be many changes in bis lie. fy at ll theres ach will be only Because ‘of some Tee who have become very deb, in Short period, will have thi beneficial aspect ‘Neptune’and Jupiter in good aspect will crown ue native with succes, a8 ie character will be well developed.” He will hhave inspirational and mystical nature, He will never be rash. He will never start a bubble company without forethought and allow it toond ina crash. He will contro} his emotions. He will bé wise, will have a. spiritual turn of mind “and will observe rei fous ceremonies. He will gain through export and import wade and overseas connection, and ‘will not lose in specula- tion, Jupiter's direction is now forth-east and it is very near the Vernal Equino May God’ bless us all in the new Year 1964, as both Sua and. Jupiter ae transit ing in favourable signs and as most of the planets are in Utharayans, ~ was not relished. by the host GOOD-BYE TO SATURN Generally people feel happy whenever they are told that their sufferings will come to-an end, that a new cycle of bright life will shortly follow and that they can, afterall, enjoy peace and prosperity. Slows people born in Aries, Taurus, Gemini’ Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius and Capricorn wil rejoice on bearing thatthe {eins and tribulations experienced by them Ssindlcated by Saturn, wile transiting in Capricorn, wil be over and after its entry {GRavarius they wil have their problems Soived and Gan have sucees in theireforts tuthout any further delay «ll Coie on, come on. Take your seat, please,” says, '4 person. wea m Sltis bis room,” Why? Because he an five some venedt or otber through the fusit who is so warmly welcomes. To Bem ime guest wil bea B00d person and ela benefactor But one draws a 1058 heath andsays, "Thank God, atleastnow, area an segyet when on undesirable person leaves him, As 108g as the wows. Befiguest i there, he fecls dicate 10 tel the ferson, “Please, be brief ang lave me teak fo. my works” The Buest may fertiat of ala useless person. "Secondly, Remay hove himself to write an examina fon tbe ext day, He would got have pared already, He bas to finish some Frege portions.” He may not be allowed to ady."Or one may have urgent work {0 Peatiended tom the guest will prevent Kim from. discharging bis dates. TRE Felstionship wil be such, that he shosld ot bo eve aed hat bis preseaee then magine, How heppy he willbe if such a bad fellow Tie the etering insurance agent were feave him 90 lao, Saturn's movement {Eom Capricorn wil be felt by few, who Had enough sufferings, of untold miseries ‘Generally, a grand’send off iF ‘given “to fan Officer who was very strict, short tem- ppered, aggressive, idle, mesn, ever harmful 3 and never helpful. They will epteain bin Shu se that ie train steams of But’ subordinates Se ena one habtned to be good and pelpiul and be Papen ve teas also they wll extend & pag welcome to an) incoming, Offer nea Yoported to beclever, just, bumane, elu, ad adjusting Siilarly, a good-bye to Saturn willbe -girm'by 6 ‘Ceonni, Libra Sagitarivs BM Cupticorn people, on. 26-1-1964 at aes eae ST. when Salven moves from EBS Rom to“Aquaris. Aries, Taurus SOP Virgo people wil also Join (Reception to Saturn by a few Rasi pond elcome to Jupiter will be explained lace) Why people hate Saturn? The velocity ofthe cath is mote or less the Mame Bue the world. moves faster fe Bice, Everyone. would tke 10 Telome ch, and enjoy le even from Sect’ No “one. will wait even for’ & Jone toh hive suoomss Tn is attempts Novea days we cannot be slow ; we do not New eshce, We sount on immediate Meigs Bur Sours shows son movement Fronet plans it causes much dehy: fe Bore Pivthiag imsuapence; occasionally HeBban and disappoints. So, 00 HceenSsegressed and dejected. This is Peficnca by Saturn when t transits in 28 ‘Ri potion. Iti called "SanalChaa - ie Rewmoving. Ht does not allow one ‘Sovercome it by hard work and peeve wee So" people are. generally afraid of Saturn Roll of evil Saturn: A. boy's father demanded 30,000 rupees as dowry at his Son's marriage without knowing the effect SP Saturn, when his son was, running “oeGuiiirits period-and at the some: time when Hewas transiting, ia evil houses (sade sat). Jaay parents tried to fx up marriage with [z_.eonduct, oneself ari this boy. Butall attempts proved futile. ‘Thus 2 years passed. Rupest 30,000 had been seduced to Rs. 25,000, "Another year also passed the demand came down {0 Rs, 20,000; next year the father of the boy thought that untess his demand is around Rs. 10,000, none would approach iim. When a brige's father was negot ing and. making attempts to bring down this demand of Rs. 10,000, it appedred as though this alliance also would fall through. The’ boy. got. nervous; and best inpatat ag Sper He ld is mother inside, “Lam not marrying for money. Tam’ very particular about the bride. Tam pleased with the get; what is this cowry. dowry -.dowey Lhaic it” So saying he went sway. Tie boy desired to bave this atleast sttledy as he had his Own ears thet this negotiation aso Would break. olf and he might have to emsin unmartied for some more years. ‘This is what Satern can do. A falling off in spirits, reduction in enthasiasm, consequent downward trend in the scale of one's expectation, are indica ted by Saturn while passing in evil houses, Further, one will view others with much suspicion. However much one tries to . still others. will mistake him and get irritated. ‘They wil indulge in long and laborious explena Lions which others do. not. wan to hear, Friends will shun his "or her society. Labourers and old people will cause trouble. Servants will absent them- Selves ‘without notice wien ther services ate absolutely essential. Near and dear relatives may be. transferred.” Friendly sbours will shift tbeit residence and the new occupants will ever be. causing annoyance. The higher official who 3 od to him wi be tanstived ond he successor will not be friendly. to him The substitute ‘whose ruling planet Wil be Saturn, may even do him hati. Yield from fields will decrease. Due to cought, crops wil fail. Wells and tanks Will go dry, as Saturn iedsits in the airy sign (Aquatins). : _ Bankers will nt allow overdraft facil- ties but ‘will give false hopes. Pressure 10 jn theie from creditors will be frequent and irrita- ting. Lawyers will be issuing notices. A few sufferers may try to commit suicide, as it would not be possible for them to manage, and. lead peaceful lives With prestige. But Saturn will not allow them to Jo this also, ie, to put an end to all the difficulties by ending their lives. Chronic diseases will frequently flare up ‘and weaken the system. Satu does not contribute for good health; nor enthu- siasm to attend to one's work, especially (on very important days. In service, one's name wl not be nie éed'in the it for promotion, Eves he samen found ni it the eons above tim in senior wll be promotesend wien ——r—r—se a Lr—— be comemplatd sou In_businoss, even the usually good customers will prefer other competitive shpos and somehow discontinue to pur- cchase in his shop, thereby reducing the turnover. The bills of the contractors for the work done will not be easily paid Objections by the inspecting engineers may delay payments. There may be some penalty als. Mican will ot have ach eppresa tion sd support and their income il fal suddenly. "Actors and actresses "cannot have new contracts. ‘However much they may ty, they may oot draw appreciation From the public. ‘Neither the procucer not the public would. recognise fis ment ‘On the other hand, payment of advance Seomecax will be a great burden Astrologers, however learned they may term a exon ether name or money a olhers having Saturn in. good Position; when Saturn it ia bad house, {he intuition wil be wrong and the protic: tion will fal. At that time, suet mean people born In Stunna signs, Capricors or ‘qvarius, wil do propaganda aetnst him. Similarly, doctors wil el the sudden fal income and people ‘bom i ain or Capon Set Paty rine ters whose longevity 20 promised wil come'to such doctors for testment ‘and may even pass away. Lawyers will appeet for losing cases. Thus Saturn Bill not give encouragement and allow one {to improve in business; but there will be Bjmprovement in his faith in God and faith jn astrology, as his free will fail to. bring B expected resis Students may have to sit for the same examination again and again, and they may exhaust all chances. “Thus, in every walk of ifs, Saturn wll jay its part, however much one may Eautious.” Saturn’ (Ketho also) can pull down one’s legs, ane’ Zeaever much one svould have been saying that one can over- come fate by his will, after having “Experienced "Saturn's results, he will become @ fatalist, consult astrologer, visit temples, and use talisman, ings, gem, ee Saturn not wholly evil to all—Even if a planet is a benofic by nature, it cannot Continue so be good if it owns an evil . house ; so also a planet malefic by nature ‘will offer beneficial results if it rules over Favourable houses. This also will be much modified by (a) the house and the constellation which it occupies, and (b) the ‘elative position between the house it owns fand the ‘house it occupies." Let us now Seerthe effect of Saturn to people born in Siffecent rass. ‘To people born in Aries, Saturn is ford of loaed 11 and it is considered to be a __ Benet by lordship to enter into seevice of {Shave promotion, popularity, a8 lord of TO; and to offer pease, pleasure, profit snd ‘petmencat te” of friendship. a8 ford of Also, it wil cause serious ilcheaith fo the mative, as be owas the Bhadhakas- ~ {hana the 11th to the movable sign Aries: Mesh (Vige Jataka-Chandrika) ‘To Taurus borns, Saturn is the owner of the Sth and Joth uses. is therongsst benefic, promising success in higher studies, overseas journey, Foreign collabo- fation etc, as lord of 9,'as well as name, fame, reputation, improvement in status, and fnerease in income as lord of 10. To Gemini borns, Saturn, who is a maleficby nature, becomes a strong.evil as hhe owns the Sth house and it will throw ‘much obstacles on the way. Tt would be an. uphill task: to have success; Tike Robert Bruce, ione has to make many Attempts and ultimately come out success- ful, as Saturn owns the 9th house also. Dissatisfaction, delay, depression and Gejection are indicated and even after coming out successful, one cannot feel happy about the achievement, Suppose aperson never misses to attend the race course and on every occasion, he purchases a treble event tickel, At last, Bfter many attempts, he wins. Will he be fas happy as one, who, for the first time, fgoes to the races, reluctantly purchases a treble event ticket and wins? "To Gemini- borns Satura. will give success at the time when one gets absolutely fed up and dejected. To Cancer-borns, Saturn is tord of 7 and. 8, Tt is definitely evil. Much of Opposition and undue delay will irritate the native, Inheritance and legacy cannot bbe had easily, Wife or husband will be Tazy; they will mist the bus and repent for their lethargic tendency. Demise of important. members in the family or the servant in business will reduce the ineome. Only to Cancor-borns, Saturn is the worst planet To Leo-borns, Saturn rules houses 6 and 7. isevi to these peopl, also. They Tay have to Keep on Borrowing, may face Tmany diffeulties, ave open enemies who maybe court-birds, aad suffer from chro nie dizease. ‘To Virgo-boros, Saturn has to. offer amixed vesults, ait governs the beneficial louse, Sand the maleic one, the 6th ‘To Libra, it is benefic, as it owns both the ‘Kendhva and Kone houses, and 5 fespectively._ It will etease one’s estate; Ene vcomeyance and. other permanent Eisceccions, He may gain through mother br through mine products. To Scorpio-natives, Satuen is the lord fof the 3rd and 4th houses. It indicates Succes after repeated attempts, Tt favours Shon inavels, ’Very varied fortunes. are Shown, “They have to be careful when u travelling and also in regard to busineis correspondence. ‘To Sagittarius born, Saturn rules the second and third houses. It will not be dificult 10 have self-acquisition and to ‘own movable property. Yet they. will ‘experience some “sudden changes of boil good and jll-fortune, Saturn is-not 2 ‘beaefic to them. To those born in Capricorn, Satur. will sive benehsilreslts as he’ owns. both fhe‘asendant and also the second hovse, By patience and. perseverance they. wi avd sucets an gal People born in Aquarius wilh have ined vl offered by Satara as I wns Gott te asctndaot and the 12th house Any los they mur or any dificult) they Qiperence tll be ele inposed They EERE tbe cartul and tink twice before they do anything. Much more caution is needed Cor those wwno ae born in Paces, as" Sature, owas Both the ith and 12th bovses, One can goin though one transaction, but he may EiNeto lowe through another” The fend sire to bouneable snd wil bay NOTES TO STUDENTS How to judge the transit results of Saturn ‘Two people may be born in Cancer, ‘One may have Raho, say in the second house, the other may'have it im the 12th house. For the former, Saturn while tran- siting in. Sathabeesha star, will give the results indicated by the 2nd house, whereas for the latter, she results will be evil. The former will gain, whereas the latier may ‘Jose money, oF position or even life. AS Teh house indicates secret inimical acti- vty, if Rabu were to be ja the 12th house jn the horoscope of a person, whenever Saturn transits in Rabu's star, scandal, ill-repute, loss of offce, sudden tragic end are to be predicted, especially, when Rabu ‘dasa rons and Satuen iransits in 8 or 12 to one's Lagna of Rasi,. If Lagna and Rasi *“Wtappen to be the sate; ahd Saturn trans sits in Rahw's star, and if it happens t0 be the Sth or the 12th house, the person has to exercise care, People bora under the n planetary dispositions ‘mentioned above, Even they happen io benonives of astrology and sceptics, will eventually become votaries of astrology. Tin this year; Saturn eaters Sathabeesha star on 23-68 and it moves on only 3° Ta Sathabeesha the first wo degrees, are evil, Then 2° to" 3° 47" it isnot. bad, ‘Again itis evil between 3° 47 to, S° 54’ Hence, Saturn. wil prove to be. definite! evil between 23e March and 18th Septem- ber and agaia after 15th December, 1964. “More serutiny is necessary, as we have to consider some more points. 1. If Saturn happens to be a benefic by lordship ‘and also by occupation, in the birth chart, ow during transit, Saturn should not ‘occupy evil sign and form evil aspect to the radical position of Saturn, i.c., it should not form evil aspect with’ its ‘original position at the time of bisth. IF ‘ planet promises favourable results to one acrordipg to one’s birth chart, it should hot form malefic aspect to its original position. But ifthe planet was evil by its Fordship, occupation, etc., its unfavourable aspect (6 its original position at birth, will bring desirable results, as it is incapable of doing harm. But if it forms harmoni- fous aspect, thea it gains strength to ‘ofler Gisagrecable esults. This finding is very important to offer correct results. Let us illustrate this: Suppose two people are born with Aries as ascendant ; ‘ne having Saturn in Taurus, and the other fn Sagittarius. When -Satuen transits in Aquarius, Saturn will be incapable of offering beneficial results to one who has Saturn ia Taurus, as it squares (90 degrees) its otiginal position, But it will give most agreeable results to the other who had Saturn in Sagittarius, as the transiting Satugn will form the harmonious sextile (60 deg) aspect. To Aries, Saturn is a benefic. Iehas’ to do good. But if it transits and forms evil aspect, ‘one cannot enjoy the beneficial results indicated by Saturn, If the transiting Satuen forms Favourable aspects, one can enjoy brilliant resulls indicated by Saturn, by. nature, -by ordship and by occupation. Suppose you consider Cancer-borns (Karkata people), then Saturn is evil. “If forms favourable aspect with it original positon athe “ue! of th, oly aie Jostable ‘elects will be experienced. It Seturn forms cisharmonious. aspect with {is orlgiial position, one can enjoy Un posted advantages notes important point is, ato to noted, Suppose Saturn. is a malefc © Tevdship. ” {@) If atthe time of birth, a person had the lord. of his Lagna, in, Dhanishta 17 pada, say within 3” 20’ i Aquarius, he ‘wil fall when Saturn transits the posi- tion of the lord of Lagna—excepting to those born in Thula, Makaram or Kumbha, His attempts will fail. If the lord of Tagna was in. Sathabeesha. star, when Saturn reaches that degree, his health will bevalfested, and ho will meet, with dise appointment. "He may have to face many problems, (®) If a the tie of one's birth, the lord of 2, indieating finance, was in. Aquarius fnd Saturn, evil by Lordship, transits the Position of the lord of 2, (say Leo Ascen Sant, Tord of 2 Mercury. was ia Satba- becsha sar in Aquarius~—Saturn is evil nd sepen Saturn tansits Sathabeesha and joins Mercury) he wl have! much pressure for money; tere may be litigation; enmit in 'ciose relatives, and loss of some Tiiends which will all depress him. Mova- bie property will be pledged (©) If, at the time of birth of a native, the Tord of 3 was in Aquarius and the ‘maleic Setora transits its position, be will fave very dull business in editing, publis- ing, publicity, etc. he will not be able to Tuli'his contracts; some agencies will be taken away from him; his or her brother orsister may cause Wouble; he may lose money through pick-pocketing; short Journeys wil not be fruitful; salesman enaot push his commodity in the market; neighbours will pick up’ sily quatrls 5 Svonymous petitions will be wetten bY colleagues, vals, ete, Ifthe lord of 318 also the Tord of 6, he may suffer from Eososophilia or asthma (airy sigo) [It cannot be pleuresy 0: Bronchits or T-B.] (@) I the lord of 4 was in Aquarius at tho time of birt, when Sotura conjoins it by transit, itis an undesirable period for B ther she may fall ill; the donveyance Bay lid, and fall Gown he may meet tan aceldent, et, the house has {0 be Yepaiteds fold, jt may have to be polled down and levelled i he deals ia mine ores, fe may notgst lory for transhipment in ines nor, ean the wagons be had, when- ver needed to move them, then and there; Gr the quality of the ore obtsined ducing this period. may not be of good quality fnd may get rejected, a8 it may not con” Form to tie original apscement, and may hot be ‘up toy the expected” standard, Returus fom permanent posesions wil Estar below tie average. Due to. heavy Wiad! cyclone and storm, tall trees, ike Eoconut, palmyrah, ete, may be uprooted ied Tom the fed. Will be far below Bverage, For students, however intelligent ihay toy be, they cannot get through the Exemnigeions.- they mey fall jilon the day of examination or miss the bus, 20 fate, and due to fear, omit maay questions. ‘They wll be confused. (©) If lord of $ was in Aquativs at the tine of birth, when Satuen fansite in the fegree in which the lord of 3 was, he or She wil have trouble through ebildcen si she is pregnant, she may have false. pains, fit pains and ineasioesfor days and even feceka; speculation wil bes fource of loss; Petting, "racing, ete, should. not «be Bitempled. “Actors and actreses_ cannot fave new chanees; they will be neglected then. Competitors will gai, ‘Thus one tas to study cach horoscope and judge the results Tor each individual, Wwhea alone. the transit results can be conrecty predicted. But when a general prediction is to be offered, one has to find out the period of transit of Saiurn in each star and read out as follows: Saturn passes on to Aquarius on 26-1 -=1964 and itwill proceed in direct nin Dbanishta star, ed and 4th das till 2331964. Then it proceeds * {o Sathabeesha star, where it moves only upto 11" 47" by 15--6—1964, Only 5° 7", it goes by direct motion. On 15~6—64'it becomes retrogade. Tt retrogrades | and egpnes from 11° 47" 19 6° 40" in Agualivs, when itenters the 4th pada of Dhanjshta

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