Bootstrapping in Compiler Design
Bootstrapping in Compiler Design
Bootstrapping in Compiler Design
[Term Paper/Journal]
[email] : shabnam719[at]gmail[dot]com
School of Computer Science and Engineering
Under the Guidance of
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Chapter - 1
Bootstrapping is the process of writing a compiler (or assembler) in the target
programming language which it is intended to compile. Applying this technique
leads to a self-hosting compiler.
Introduction To Compiler:
A compiler is set of programs that transforms or converts, source code written in a
programming language to system language. System language is basically the object
code which is basically in binary form. Main objective of this is to create an
executable program.
A compiler is likely to perform many or all of the following operations: lexical
analysis, preprocessing, parsing, semantic analysis (Syntax-directed translation),
code generation, and code optimization.
Compilers enabled the development of programs that are machine-independent.
The first higher-level language, in the 1950s, machine-dependent assembly
language was widely used. While assembly language produces more reusable and
relocatable programs than machine code on the same architecture, it has to be
modified or rewritten if the program is to be executed on different computer
hardware architecture.
A compiler consists of three main parts: the front-end, the middle-end, and
the back-end.
Front End:
Programs are checked here in term of Syntax and Semantics of respective
programming language. Type checking is also performed by collecting type
information. The front-end then generates an intermediate representation of
the source code for processing by the middle-end.
Middle End:
Here optimization takes place. Few transformations for optimization are
removal of useless or unreachable code, discovery and relocation of
computation code etc.
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Back End:
It gives the output as assembly code from optimized code from middle-end.
Memory allocation and register allocation are also performed here for
process register (required for some program variables).
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Chapter 2
Structure of Compiler:
In a compiler,
linear analysis
is performed by the LEXICAL ANALYZER or LEXER,
hierarchical analysis
is performed by the SYNTAX ANALYZER or PARSER.
During the analysis, the compiler manages a SYMBOL TABLE by
recording the identifiers of the source program
collecting information (called ATTRIBUTES) about them: storage
allocation, type, scope, and (for functions) signature.
When the identifier x is found by the lexical analyzer
generates the token id
enters the lexeme x in the symbol-table (if it is not already there)
associates to the generated token a pointer to the symbol-table entry
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Chapter 3
Compiler Construction and Bootstrapping:
All but the smallest of compilers have more than two phases. However, these
phases are usually regarded as being part of the front end or the back end. The
point at which these two ends meet is open to debate. The development of
compilers for new programming languages first developed in an existing language
but then rewritten in the new language and compiled by itself, is another example
of the bootstrapping notion.
Definition: The notion of implementing a language, by means of using (part of) that
languages own implementation.
Notation: T-diagram
The Bootstrapping notation is also called Bratman diagrams and, because of their
shape, T-diagrams or Tombstone Diagram which is used to represent complex
Understanding T-Diagrams :
The first T describes a compiler from L to N written in S.
The second T describes a compiler from S to M written in M (or running on M). This
will be your compiler compiler.
Applying the second T to the first T compiles the first T so that it runs on machine
M. The result is thus a compiler from L to N running on machine M.
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Chapter 4
Assemblers were the first language tools to bootstrap themselves.
The first high level language to provide such a bootstrap was NELIAC in 1958. The
first widely used languages to do so were Burroughs B5000 Algol in 1961 and
Lisp in 1962.
Hart and Levin wrote a Lisp compiler in Lisp at MIT in 1962, testing it inside an
existing Lisp interpreter. Once they had improved the compiler to the point where it
could compile its own source code, it was self-hosting.
This technique is only possible when an interpreter already exists for the very same
language that is to be compiled. It borrows directly from the notion of running a
program on itself as input, which is also used in various proofs in theoretical
computer science, such as the proof that the halting problem is undecidable.
Bootstrapping Concept:
The process, by which a simple language is used to translate a more complicated
program, which in turn may handle an even more complicated program and so on, is
known as bootstrapping.
In other words, you want to write a compiler for a language A, targeting language
B (the machine language) and written in language B.
The most obvious approach is to write the compiler in language B. But if B is
machine language, it is a horrible job to write any non-trivial compiler in this
Instead, it is customary to use a process called bootstrapping, referring to the
seemingly impossible task of pulling oneself up by the bootstraps.
Use of Bootstrapping:
As mentioned, bootstrapping means that a compiler can compile itself. What are
the pros and cons of bootstrap-ping?
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The implemented language becomes well tested, since the developers are
using it on a large application (the compiler).
The developers are motivated to make a high quality implementation, since
they are using it themselves.
The developers are motivated to create a good development environment,
since they are using it themselves.
There is also a negative factor: since the tool must be able to build itself,
there is more work to do significant changes to it the implementation must
be good enough to be useable.
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Chapter - 5
Compiling Compilers:
The basic idea in bootstrapping is to use compilers to compile themselves or other
compilers. We do, however, need a solid foundation in form of a machine to run
the compilers on.
Developing a self-compiling compiler has four distinct points to recommend
1: It constitutes a non-trivial test of the viability of the language being compiled.
2: Once it has been done, further development can be done without recourse to
translator systems.
3: Any improvements that can be made to its back end manifest themselves both as
improvements to the object code it produces for general programs and as
improvements to the compiler itself.
4: it provides a fairly exhaustive self-consistency check, for if the compiler is used
to compile its own source code, it should, of course, be able to reproduce its own
object code
Full Bootstrap:
The bootstrapping process relies on an existing compiler for the desired language,
albeit running on a different machine. It is, hence, often called half bootstrapping.
When no existing compiler is available,
e.g.: When a new language has been designed, we need to use a more complicated
process called full bootstrapping.
- A common method is to write a QAD (quick and dirty) compiler using an
existing language. This compiler needs not generate code for the desired
target machine (as long as the generated code can be made to run on some
existing platform), nor does it have to generate good code. The important
thing is thatit allows programs in the new language to be executed.
Additionally, the real compiler is written in the new language and will be
bootstrapped using the QAD compiler
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Half Bootstrap:
We discussed full bootstrapping which is required when we have no access to a
compiler for our language at all. If we have access to a compiler for our language
on a different machine HM but want to develop one for TM, we'll use Half
Incremental Bootstrap:
It is also possible to build the new language and its compiler incrementally. The
first step is to write a compiler for a small subset of the language, using that same
subset to write it. This first compiler must be bootstrapped in one of the ways
described earlier, but thereafter the following process is done repeatedly:
1) Extend the language subset slightly.
2) Extend the compiler so it compiles the extended subset, but without using
the new features.
3) Use the previous compiler to compile the new. In each step, the features
introduced in
the previous step can be used in the compiler. Even when the full language is
the process can be continued to improve the quality of the compiler.
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