Revised Bloom's Taxonomy Tools

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Hierarchical Interpretation of Revised Bloom's Taxonomy

Put elements together to form a coherent
whole or functional whole (something new) or
reorganize elements into a new pattern or

Make judgment based on criteria or standards

Carry out or use a procedure in a given situation

Break material or concept into its constituent
parts and determine how the parts relate to
one another and to the overall structure or

Construct meaning from instructional messages, including oral, written, and graphic
Retrieve relevant knowledge and information from long term memory
>Specific details and

>Theories, models, and
>Principles and
>Classifications and

>Criteria for
determining when to
use an appropriate
techniques and
>Subject-specific skills
and algorithms

>Knowledge about
cognitive tasks,
including appropriate
contextual and
condition knowledge
>Strategic Knowledge

Hierarchical Interpretation of Revised Bloom's Taxonomy

What changes would you make to solve...? How would
you improve...? What would happen if...? Can you
elaborate on the reason...? Can you propose an
alternative...? Can you invent...? How would you
invent...? How would you create a
different...? How can you change/modify the
plan/plot...? What could be done to
minimize/maximize...? What way would you design...?
What could be combined to improve/change...? How
would you test...? Can you formulate a theory for...?
Can you predict the outcome if...? How would you
estimate the results for...? What facts can you
compile...? Can you construct a model that would
change...? Can you think and original way for...?

Do you agree with the actions/outcome...? What is
your opinion...? How would you prove/disprove...? Can
you assess the value or importance of...? Would it be
better if...? Why did they choose...? What would you
recommend...? How would you rate the...? What you
cite to defend...? How would you evaluate...? How
could you determine...? What choice would you have
made...? What would you select...? How would you
prioritize...? What judgment would you make
about...? Based on what you know, how would you
explain...? What information would you use to
support the view...? How would you justify...? What
data was used to make the conclusion...? Why was it
better that...? How would you prioritize the facts...?
How would you compare the ideas/people...?

How would you use...? What examples can you find
What are the parts or features of...? How
to...? How would you solve...using what you have
is...related to...? Why do you think...? What is the
learned...? How would you show...? How
theme...? What motive is there...? Can you list the
would you show your understanding of...? What
parts...? What inference can you make...? What
approach would you use to...? How would you apply
conclusions can you draw...? How would you
what you have learned to develop...? What other way
classify...? How would you categorize...? Can you
would you plan to...? What would result if...? What
identify the different parts...? What evidence can
elements would you choose to change...? What facts you find...? What is the relationship between...? Can
would you select to show...? What questions would
you make a distinction between...? What is the
you ask in an interview with...?
function of...? What ideas justly...?
How would you classify the type of...? How would you compare/contrast...? Will you state or interpret in
your own words...? How would you rephrase the meaning...? What facts or ideas show...? What is the main
idea...? Which statement supports...? Can you explain what is happening/what is meant...? What can you say
about...? Which is the best answer...? How would you summarize...?
What is...? Where is...? How did...happen? Why did...? When did...? How would you show...? Who/What were
the main...? Which one...? How is...? When did...happen? How would you explain...? How would you
describe...? Can you recall...? Can you select...? Can you list...? Who was...?
The basic elements
students must know to
be acquainted with a
discipline or solve
problems in it
>Specific details and

The interrelationship
How to do something, Knowledge of thinking in
among the basic
methods of inquiry, and
general as well as
elements within a larger criteria for using skills,
awareness and
structure that enable
algorithms, techniques, knowledge of ones own
them to function
and methods
thinking in particular
>Criteria for determining >Strength and Weakness
>Theories, models, and
when to use an
> Proper and Effective
appropriate procedure
Cognitive Tools that
>Principles and
Meet the Context and
techniques and methods
>Classifications and
>Subject-specific skills
>Rehearsal, Elaboration,
and algorithms
Strategies, Heuristics,
Algorithms. Etc.

Hierarchical Interpretation of Revised Bloom's Taxonomy

Can you design a to ? Can you see a possible solution to
What fallacies, consistencies, inconsistencies appear?
? If you had access to all resources, how would you deal
Which is more important, moral, better, logical, valid,
with ? Why dont you devise your own way to ? What appropriate? Find the errors. Is there a better solution to
would happen if? How many ways can you ? Can you
? Judge the value of What do you think about ? Can
create new and unusual uses for ? Can you develop a
you defend your position about ? Do you think is a good
proposal which would ? How would you test ? Propose an
or bad thing? How would you have handled ? What
alternative. How else would you ? State a rule.
changes to would you recommend? Do you believe ?
How would you feel if ? How effective are ? What are
the consequences of ? What influence will have on our
lives? What are the pros and cons of ? Why is of
value? What are the alternatives? Who will gain and who
will lose?
Predict what would happen if Choose the best
What is the function of ? Whats fact? Opinion? What
statements that apply. Judge the effects of What
assumptions ? What statement is relevant? What motive
would result ? Tell what would happen if Tell how,
is there? What conclusions? What does the author
when, where, why. Tell how much change there would be if believe? What does the author assume? State the point
Identify the results of Write in your own words
of view of What ideas apply? What ideas justify the
How would you explain ? Write a brief outline What do conclusion? Whats the relationship between? The least
you think could have happened next? Who do you think? essential statements are Whats the main idea/Theme?
What was the main idea ? Clarify why Illustrate the What literary form is used? What persuasive technique is
Does everyone act in the way that
used? Determine the point of view, bias, values, or intent
does? Draw a story map. Explain why a character acted
underlying presented material. Which events could not
in the way that he did. Do you know of another instance
have happened? If happened, what might the ending
where ? Can you group by characteristics such as ?
have been? How is similar to ? What do you see as
Which factors would you change if ? What questions
other possible outcomes? Why did changes occur? Can
would you ask of? From the information given, can you
you explain what must have happened when ? What were
develop a set of instructions about ?
some of the motives behind ? What was the turning
point? What are some of the problems of ? Can you
distinguish between ?
What does this mean? Which are the facts? State in your own words. Is this the same as ? Give an example. Select
the best definition. Condense this paragraph. What would happen if ? Explain why ... What expectations are there?
Read the graph (table). What are they saying? This represents What seems to be ? Is it valid that ? What seems
likely? Show in a graph, table. Which statements support ? What restrictions would you add? Outline What could
have happened next? Can you clarify...? Can you illustrate ...? Does everyone think in the way that does?
Who? Where? Which one? What? How? Why? How much? How many? When? What does it mean? What happened
after? What is the best one? Can you name all the ? Who spoke to ? Which is true or false?
The basic elements
students must know to be
acquainted with a discipline
or solve problems in it
>Specific details and

The interrelationship
among the basic elements
within a larger structure
that enable them to
function together
>Theories, models, and
>Principles and
>Classifications and

How to do something,
Knowledge of thinking in
methods of inquiry, and
general as well as
criteria for using skills,
awareness and knowledge
algorithms, techniques, and
of ones own thinking in
>Criteria for determining
>Strength and Weakness
when to use an appropriate
> Proper and Effective
Cognitive Tools that Meet
the Context and Condition
techniques and methods
>Rehearsal, Elaboration,
>Subject-specific skills and Organizational Strategies,
Heuristics, Algorithms. Etc.

Hierarchical Interpretation of Revised Bloom's Taxonomy

>PRODUCING: Inventing a product
> CRITIQUING: Detecting the appropriateness of a
>PLANNING: Devising a procedure for accomplishing procedure to a given problem; Determining whether
a task
a product has external consistency; Detecting
>GENERATING: Coming up with an alternative
inconsistencies between a product/operation and
hypothesis based on a criteria
external criteria;
>CHECKING: Detecting the effectiveness of a
procedure as implemented; Determining whether a
process/product has internal consistency;
Detecting inconsistencies/fallacies within a process
or product
>IMPLEMENTING: Applying knowledge to a nonroutine task
>EXECUTING: Applying knowledge to a routine task

> ATTRIBUTING: Determining the point of view,
bias, values, or intent underlying the presented
>ORGANIZING: Determining how elements fit or
function within a structure
>DIFFERENTIATING: Distinguishing relevant from
irrelevant parts or important from unimportant
parts of presented material

>EXPLAINING: Constructing a cause-and-effect model of a system
>COMPARING: Detecting correspondences between two ideas, objects, and the like
>INFERRING: Drawing a logical conclusion from presented information
>SUMMARIZING: Abstracting a general theme or major point
>CLASSIFYING: Determining that something belongs to a category such as concept or principle
>EXEMPLIFYING: Finding specific example or illustration of a concept or a principle
>INTERPRETING: Changing from one form of representation to another
>RECALLING: Retrieving relevant knowledge from long term memory
>RECOGNIZING: Locating knowledge in long term memory that is consistent with presented material
The basic elements
students must know to
be acquainted with a
discipline or solve
problems in it
>Specific details and

The interrelationship
How to do something, Knowledge of thinking in
among the basic
methods of inquiry, and
general as well as
elements within a larger criteria for using skills,
awareness and
structure that enable
algorithms, techniques, knowledge of ones own
them to function
and methods
thinking in particular
>Criteria for determining >Strength and Weakness
>Theories, models, and
when to use an
> Proper and Effective
appropriate procedure
Cognitive Tools that
>Principles and
Meet the Context and
techniques and methods
>Classifications and
>Subject-specific skills
>Rehearsal, Elaboration,
and algorithms
Strategies, Heuristics,
Algorithms. Etc.

Hierarchical Interpretation of Revised Bloom's Taxonomy

>PRODUCING: Make, Construct
>PLANNING: Design, Set-Up
>GENERATING: Suggest, Hypothesize, Imagine

> CRITIQUING: Comment, Appraise, Judge, Assess
>CHECKING: Coordinate, Detect, Verify, Confirm,
Monitor, Test

>EXECUTING: Carry out, Perform, Complete

> ATTRIBUTING: Assign, Deconstruct
>ORGANIZING: Arrange, Find, Structure, Find
Coherence, Integrate, Outline, Parse
>DIFFERENTIATING: Select, Focus, Choose,
Discriminate, Distinguish

>EXPLAINING: Give reasons, Justify, Create Model
>COMPARING: Compare, Contrast, Evaluate, Map
>INFERRING: Predict, Deduce, Extrapolate, Conclude, Interpolate
>SUMMARIZING: Summarize, Review, Abstract, Generalize
>CLASSIFYING: Arrange, Classify, Categorize, Sort, Subsume
>EXEMPLIFYING: Give examples, Illustrate, Demonstrate, Show, Instantiate
>INTERPRETING: Estimate, Convert, Translate, Clarify, Paraphrase, Represent
>RECALLING: State, Define, Describe
>RECOGNIZING: Identify, Match
The basic elements
students must know to
be acquainted with a
discipline or solve
problems in it
>Specific details and

The interrelationship
How to do something, Knowledge of thinking in
among the basic
methods of inquiry, and
general as well as
elements within a larger criteria for using skills,
awareness and
structure that enable
algorithms, techniques, knowledge of ones own
them to function
and methods
thinking in particular
>Criteria for determining >Strength and Weakness
>Theories, models, and
when to use an
> Proper and Effective
appropriate procedure
Cognitive Tools that
>Principles and
Meet the Context and
techniques and methods
>Classifications and
>Subject-specific skills
>Rehearsal, Elaboration,
and algorithms
Strategies, Heuristics,
Algorithms. Etc.

Hierarchical Interpretation of Revised Bloom's Taxonomy

Abstract, Animate, Arrange, Assemble, Budget,
Categorize, Code, Combine, Compile, Compose,
Construct, Cope, Correspond, Create, Cultivate,
Debug, Depict, Design, Develop, Devise, Dictate,
Enhance, Explain, Facilitate, Format, Formulate,
Generalize, Generate, Handle, Import, Improve,
Incorporate, Integrate, Interface, Join, Lecture,
Model, Modify, Network, Organize, Outline,
Overhaul, Plan, Portray, Prepare, Prescribe, Produce,
Program, Rearrange, Reconstruct, Relate,
Reorganize, Revise, Rewrite, Specify, Summarize,

Appraise, Assess, Compare, Conclude, Contrast,
Counsel, Criticize, Critique, Defend, Determine,
Discriminate, Estimate, Evaluate, Explain, Grade,
Hire, Interpret, Judge, Justify, Measure, Predict,
Prescribe, Rank, Rate, Recommend, Release, Select,
Summarize, Support, Test, Validate, Verify

Acquire, Adapt, Allocate, Alphabetize, Apply,
Analyze, Audit, Blueprint, Breadboard, Break down,
Ascertain, Assign, Attain, Avoid, Back up, Calculate, Characterize, Classify, Compare, Confirm, Contrast,
Capture, Change, Classify, Complete, Compute,
Correlate, Detect, Diagnose, Diagram, Differentiate,
Construct, Customize, Demonstrate, Depreciate,
Discriminate, Dissect, Distinguish, Document,
Derive, Determine, Diminish, Discover, Draw,
Ensure, Examine, Explain, Explore, Figure out, File,
Employ, Examine, Exercise, Explore, Expose,
Group, Identify, Illustrate, Infer, Interrupt,
Express, Factor, Figure, Graph, Handle, Illustrate,
Inventory, Investigate, Layout, Manage, Maximize,
Interconvert, Investigate, Manipulate, Modify,
Minimize, Optimize, Order, Outline, Point out,
Operate, Personalize, Plot, Practice, Predict,
Prioritize, Proofread, Query, Relate, Select,
Prepare, Price, Process, Produce, Project, Provide,
Separate, Size up, Subdivide, Train, Transform
Relate, Round off, Sequence, Show, Simulate,
Sketch, Solve, Subscribe, Tabulate, Transcribe,
Translate, Use
Add, Approximate, Articulate, Associate, Characterize, Clarify, Classify, Compare, Compute, Contrast,
Convert, Defend, Describe, Detail, Differentiate, Discuss, Distinguish, Elaborate, Estimate, Example,
Explain, Express, Extend, Extrapolate, Factor, Generalize, Give, Infer, Interact, Interpolate, Interpret,
Observe, Paraphrase, Picture Graphically, Predict, Review, Rewrite, Subtract, Summarize, Translate,
Cite, Define, Describe, Draw, Enumerate, Identify, Index, Indicate, Label, List, Match, Meet, Name,
Outline, Point, Quote, Read, Recall, Recite, Recognize, Record, Repeat, Reproduce, Review, Select, State,
Study, Tabulate, Trace, Write
The basic elements
students must know to
be acquainted with a
discipline or solve
problems in it
>Specific details and

The interrelationship
How to do something, Knowledge of thinking in
among the basic
methods of inquiry, and
general as well as
elements within a larger criteria for using skills,
awareness and
structure that enable
algorithms, techniques, knowledge of ones own
them to function
and methods
thinking in particular
>Criteria for determining >Strength and Weakness
>Theories, models, and
when to use an
> Proper and Effective
appropriate procedure
Cognitive Tools that
>Principles and
Meet the Context and
techniques and methods
>Classifications and
>Subject-specific skills
>Rehearsal, Elaboration,
and algorithms
Strategies, Heuristics,
Algorithms. Etc.

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