Case Study Final
Case Study Final
Case Study Final
1, In the context of source effects, discuss why companies scrambled
to sign endorsement deals with Michael Phelps immediately after the
Olympics. How did these source effects change after the picture was
Michael Phelps is a star power. He is a new sports superstar! A hero for
young kids to admire. An athlete who reflected the results of hard work
and determination.
He also got a lot of lucrative endorsements deals from known sponsors
like Speedo, Visa, Omega, Power Bar, AT&T, and Subway, Rosetta
By The ABC Model of attitudes, an attitude has three components:
affect, behavior, and cognition. Affects describe how or the way a
consumer feels about an attitude object. Behavior refers to a
consumers actions with regard to an attitude object. Ang Cognition is
the beliefs a consumer has about an attitude object. "From a
marketing perspective, athletes are brands. And if you are going to
attempt to create and monetize a brand image, when you are publicly
seen doing something directly contrary to that a brand image -- in
simple black-and-white terms -- that has a direct impact in on your
ability to monetize that brand image". So when the athlete had a
disappointed and non responsible for the bad behavior, he will be
dropped sponsorship deals like the image of Michael using marijuana
appears, Kellogg and Subway dropped their sponsorship deals soon
afterward. In 2009, a photo of Phelps smoking pot out of a bong
surfaced in a British newspaper. Source now became negative,
especially for impressionable children. Kellogg's and Subway dropped
endorsement deals. All others stood by.
2, Using a multiattribute model for Kelloggs cereal, de- scribe how
consumers might develop a positive or negative attitude toward the
Corn Flakes brand. How would Michael Phelps picture in the British
paper influence the multi attribute model?
When Bong picture published, it hurts the brand due to users
disappointment. According to the multi attribute model before A
picture of Michael Phelps smoking pot appears in the British tabloid,
Kelloggs Corn Flakes in good value was 10 while low in sugar and
popular with Whole Family account for 8 and 6.5 (respectively). Overall
attitude score was 24.5. However, as a result, Kellogg decided to drop
Phelps very fast but it still hurt Popular with Whole Family of the Corn
Flakes brand. It made the beliefs decreased to 4.5 and attitude score
22.5 (fall 2) while good value and low in sugar had no change.
Therefor, Kelloggs Corn Flakes decided to drop their sponsorship just
one week after the incidence. But the image of the brand had been
already violated.
away that they might otherwise be able to sell or auction? Can they stil
make a profit while they help to eliminate waste?
Profit businesses like eBay should get into freecycling business since
this organization has many members willing to purchase new products
especially when they have disposed off their old items. On top of that,
eBay might get a lot of customers from since there are
enormous opportunities on business transactions of business through
the online business links. Companies should motivate more customers
to give things away since they will create a business environ that
would support auctioning and selling of new items since they will be
done with the old junk items. Furthermore, the companies would create
market for their new products, as well as, opportunities of advertising
and marketing their new products to their ready market. The
companies might make profits while they help to eliminate waste,
although not so high profits since their market is not on the Freecycle
business rather it is on the customers who buy their new commodities.
Furthermore, these companies will be able tap wider range of
customers how are willing to purchase new products since they will
have already given out their old commodities.
CASE STUDY CHAP 10: Parrot heads unite
1, How can we consider Jimmy Buffett fans as members of a reference
group? A brand community? A consumer tribe?
Reference Group: an actual or imaginary individual or group conceived of having
significant relevance upon an individuals evaluations, aspirations, or behavior.
(informational, utilitarian, value-expressive).
Brand community: Group of consumers who share a set of social relationships based on
usage or interest in a product.
Consumer tribe: group of people who share a lifestyle and who identify with each other
because of a shared allegiance to an activity or product.
We think that Buffets Fans are both a brand community and a consumer tribe as they
adopt the island escapism lifestyle, a common interest in it and form new friendships
amongst themselves.
Brand communities have events like brandfests which is similar to that of Buffets
concert tours, casinos, hotels and charity events.
Buffett Fans are considered members of a reference group because they share the same
values as far as the Buffett franchise goes. Jimmy Buffett fans are a consumer tribe
because they share the same moral beliefs including philanthropy and enjoying life. The
fans relate to Buffett and use his franchise as a way to escape. Also, the fans involved in
the Parrothead club do volunteer work, which is Jimmy Buffetts philosophy so that
makes them a consumer tribe. Buffett fans all share the same social ideals including
living a carefree lifestyle and also getting to know one another during shows and
gatherings at venues which qualifies them as a brand community. Buffett fans are also a
part of a brand community because a lot of the fans plan their vacations around the
Buffett events which are a way for them all to enjoy and involve themselves with a cause
that they all find significant.
2. Consider your responses to question 1. What kind of opportunities does the existence
of the Buffett community present to marketers? Develop a list of specific marketing and
promotional tactics.
The Buffett community allows for marketers to specifically target fans by offering things
such as cruises and restaurants that the fans will be able to indulge in and use as a
gateway into Buffetts lifestyle. Marketers can gain revenue by renting out venues to hold
concerts and by allowing fans a place to gather and share the same beliefs. Fans also use
the concerts as a way to tailgate, so some venues charge admission for the fans to get into
the tailgating areas. Having events and concerts centered around Buffett causes a spike in
tourism for marketers since the fans come from various locations and are willing to take
the time and money necessary to participate in events. Specifically, marketers use
Buffett-themed restaurants in Caribbean destinations to entice fans into participating. To
the fans, Buffett represents a care-free lifestyle so fans are willing to travel to laid-back
destinations to feel as if they too are living the lifestyle that Buffett would live. Marketers
also charter buses to get to Buffett concerts because fans will pay for it.
3. Compare and contrast Harley enthusiasts with Jimmy Buffett fans.
Both the Harley enthusiasts and Buffett fans are similar because they are faithful to their
brand and they are joined together by the ideals of each company. The difference between
Harley enthusiasts and Buffett fans is that Harley enthusiasts more centered on the class
aspect of the product while Buffett fans are joined together by similar lifestyles and
dedications to Buffett. Buffett fans are more loyal in the sense that they center their
vacations around Buffett themed events and concerts while Harley enthusiasts are loyal in
the sense that they are a part of an exclusive club of Harley owners.