16 Jan 10 Newsletter

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January 16, 2010

Volume 3, Issue 1
Alabama Hill
Association Newsletter
Doug Bestle Annual Neighborhood Quarterly Meeting
734-2272 nd
Tuesday – February 2 2010 - Bloedel-Donovan Pavilion - 7PM
Vice Chair:
Monem Salam neighbors we are often frustrated by an
419-4148 apparent lack of justice – the rights of
Secretary: criminals seem to be greater than those of the
Larry Nicholas victim. What has been found to make a
647-2315 difference, though, is the response to crime by
Treasurer: the folks living in the neighborhood. We can
Jim McLeod play an important and essential role in
734-5127 Our Annual Meeting is once again upon us. keeping our neighborhood what it is already –
Past Chairman: As is our custom we will be holding the one of the safest neighborhoods in Bellingham
Richard Maneval election of our new Association leaders for (see Police statistics below )
671-9559 2010, and attendance will be important so WHAT CAN YOU DO?
MNAC Rep: we can get the best quorum possible. BE AWARE – Keep your eyes and ears open
Jimmy Kelsey to unusual or suspicious activities occurring in
Some of the items on our agenda include, your block. Write down license numbers,
AHA Area A (NW) Rep • Crime & Justice in our Neighborhood dates and times, details of what you saw.
Brian Walker • Election of 2010 AHA Officers REPORT – If you see something that’s not
671-8258 • Roosevelt Elementary School garden right or a crime being committed – call 9-1-1
AHA Area B (NE) Rep • Latest MNAC Report right away. Time can make all the difference.
Michael Eisenberg Though not all calls generate arrests, they do
• Highland Heights Park Update
734-3615 provide law enforcement with essential
AHA Area C (SW) Rep CRIME & JUSTICE statistical data for monitoring crime activities.
Dean Haskins Time has changed Bellingham and the This can lead to increased surveillance and
733-2800 levels of crime have increased as our police presence. It’s surprising how many
AHA Area D (SE) Rep population increases. As conscientious folks don’t bother to report a crime.
Nancy Allen CONTINUED – see ANNUAL MEETING on Page 2

Special Interest
Main Office
• February Annual Police Department
Neighboorhood 505 Grand Avenue
meeting Bellingham, WA
• Highland Heights
Park Update 98225
Phone: (360) 778-
Individual Highlights: 8800
Fax: (360) 778-8701
Our new webpage
City Info [email protected]
AHA Membership Form Hours:
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Next AHA Qtly Mon - Fri
Meeting is Tues http://www.cob.org/c
February 2nd ontact/police.aspx
7 PM Bloedel- to access Tipline
Donovan Pavillion
February Recipe Alabama Hill Association Page 2
Chili Relleno Casserole ANNUAL MEETING Continued from Page 1
(with thanks to Cindy Cole) DON’T TAKE THE LAW INTO YOUR HANDS – It’s very
Perfect for breakfast, lunch, dinner or as an appetizer, important not to confront a criminal in the course of their crime.
this casserole is easy to throw together at the last Notify the police immediately and let them take the action.
minute. This doubles easily to feed a crowd. It can be
Provide your witness account of what happened, to help the
police make their case.
served hot or at room temperature – a perfect,
BLOCK WATCH – Become involved in your block watch group
YUMMY potluck dish!
– get to know who the Block Watch host is, and get in
• ¾ cup milk communication with them. They receive data from police on
potential activities in the area that can be passed on to others. If
• 1 cup Bisquick or Trader Joe’s Baking Mix you don’t have a Block Watch host – step up and volunteer or
• 4 eggs convince a neighbor to take on the role. Block Watch works!
• ½ teaspoon salt Read Block Watcher on the city site. For more info go to:
• 2 cans (4 oz.) diced chilies (Ortega) http://www.cob.org/services/safety/police/blockwatch.aspx
• ¾ pound grated cheese (Cheddar, Jack or TIPLINE – You can provide tips, anonymously if you wish, to the
police on drug or other crime activities occurring in your block.
Go to the website listed on page 1
1. Mix milk, eggs and Bisquick with a rotary
beater. We are planning to have our AHA assigned Police Officer on
hand at our next meeting to provide further information on how
2. Add salt, chilies, and cheese mixing well. we can all make our neighborhood as safe as possible.
3. Grease an 8 inch square pan (9” x 13” if Also, we are also going to have an update on the Roosevelt
doubling the recipe). Fill with mixture and Elementary school garden project!
smooth the top. Ted & Nancy Seifert & Pam Behee are working the project and
4. Bake at 350° until firm about 35-40 minutes. hope the three neighborhoods that feed Roosevelt (Alabama
Hill, Roosevelt & southwest Mt. Baker) might be interested in
ENJOY! some kind of limited partnership where the garden is concerned.
MNAC News For more info call Doug Bestle or Jeff Braimes (733-3014)

Last Meeting held 1/20/10

– Jimmy Kelsey, our Rep

Whenever you want recent information on City of Bellingham

news or activities, the News website is a good place to look,
at this URL: http://www.piersystem.com/go/site/1264/
Click on the links at right side of the page for various notices
including Planning and Police Activity. 1325 Meador Avenue, Suite 106
News from the most recent MNAC meetings included that Bellingham, WA 98229-5807
the City of Bellingham and the Opportunity Council have www.garys-plumbing.com
been awarded $500,000 for energy efficiency credit License # GARYSPH940KP
enhancement through the Washington State Energy Program
and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. These Check it out!!! We’ve now got a new AHA
funds will be combined with existing commitments of website! GoTo….
$750,000 to seed a loan program for energy efficiency http://alabamahillassociation.com/
projects as part of the local Community Energy Challenge.
The Community Energy Challenge is an initiative designed
to create jobs, increase energy efficiency, and reduce utility
bills in homes and small business throughout Whatcom
County. Essential to its success has been partnerships
formed among governments, non-profit organizations and
utility providers.Linda Stewart announced no additional requests
for reimbursement of NA expenses would be accepted after October
1st, due to city budget cuts as revenues continue their fall.
City Of Bellingham’s proposed budget for 2010 has re-
duced the maximum COB reimbursement to each Neighbor-
hood Association to $500 from the $1,000.
Page 3 of 4

City+ Beat
Seeking Neighborhood Input for a forum to examine
"Perceptions and Views of the Relationship between
Activists, Law Enforcement, and the Community at
Sixteen neighborhood representatives are needed to
participate, along with members of local government and
the activist community, in a facilitated discussion which
will include:
• Perceptions of activism and how they "color" the
interactions between activists, law enforcement,
and the community.
• Do these groups have more in common than they
might think?
• Recognizing the natural (perhaps necessary)
tension between roles and responsibilities, is it
possible to increase mutual respect and
This forum will be held Wednesday, February 17,
5:30pm-8:00pm (refreshments served) in Belling-ham.
If you are interested in participating as a neighbor-
hood representative, please contact Bellingham
Police Deputy Chief David Doll @ 778-8604.
Reservation for the event is required and a formal
invitation, listing the forum location, will be provided upon
your reservation.
Bellingham City Council will hold a public hearing on
February 22, 2010 @ 7:00 PM in City Council
Chambers, City Hall, 210 Lottie St. for Consideration of
the list of proposed 2010 Amendments to the
Bellingham Comprehensive Plan for 6 neighborhoods.
Contact: Greg Aucutt at 778-8344 or [email protected].

Highland Heights Park update: by Brian Walker

Good News on the Highland Height Park renovation project.
I heard from the City's Landscape Architect that the project
has been advertised for contractor bids this week (1/5/10). A
contractor will be awarded the job at the end of January, and I
would anticipate construction to begin this spring. I will keep
you all up to date on any further developments and a possible
construction start date. Contact Brian Walker- NW Area Rep
PO Box 29902 US Postage Paid
Bellingham, 98228 Bellingham, WA
Permit No. 122

NEXT Meeting
Tues, Feb 2nd
7:00 PM
Bring a neighbor &
join us!

It’s our ANNUAL Meeting !

The Alabama Hill Association is a neighborhood association open to all residents within the boundaries of “Alabama Hill”.
If you are receiving this newsletter, you are a member. An annual ten-dollar donation per family is suggested, but not
required. The monies collected are used to pay for mailings and the entrée at the annual picnic held in August. Those of you
who have attended know it is a good deal!
Meetings are held quarterly starting at 7:00 PM. (1 Tuesday - Feb, May, Aug, Nov) Come join us and meet your neighbors.


NAME:__________________________________________________E-MAIL: ________________________________

MAILING ADDRESS:______________________________________________________ ZIPCODE_______________

Home PHONE: _______________________________ Cell PHONE: _______________________________________

VOLUNTEER? ___________ ISSUES OF INTEREST: __________________________________________________

Make checks payable to:
PO Box 29902, Bellingham, 98228

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