Holy Spirit Intro Answer Key
Holy Spirit Intro Answer Key
Holy Spirit Intro Answer Key
By John Bevere
With Addison Bevere
The words we speak about others are very important to God. We need to spend time with
the Holy Spirit and in the Word regularly and allow Him to do a work in our hearts.
When others hurt or disappoint us, we must quickly surrender our pain to God in prayer,
releasing them into His care and asking Him to bless them. To avoid quenching the
Spirit, we must learn not to spurn and criticize prophecy and the Spirits activity. If
something is spoken that was not of God, we will know it in our spirit and we can throw it
out. The rest we are to receive with a humble, grateful heart.
7) A: Answers may vary. Blaspheming the Holy Spirit is calling the His work evil, or of the
devil. For someone to do such a thing their heart must be extremely hardened and
nonresponsive to the touch or voice of the Holy Spirit. It may be that theyre so hardened
and closed to the Spirit of God that they stubbornly refuse to humble themselves before
Him and acknowledge they are a sinner in need of a Savior. Jesus was intimately
connected with the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of His Father. He knows the tender, gentle ways
of the Spirit and is very protective of Him. The more we love and value a person, the
more protective we are and the more infuriated we become when someone belittles or
abuses them.
stay in fellowship with the Spirit, we can understand spiritual things and respond
appropriately. We have been given the mind of Christ, but it is only truly alert and active
as we dwell in relationship with the Spirit.
6) A: Answers may vary. More than likely, Paul had a deeper revelation of Jesus. He never
knew Jesus in His physical form like Peter. He totally relied on his spiritual relationship
with the Master. Therefore, all his knowledge of Jesus and from Jesus was given to him
through communion with the Holy Spiritthe Spirit of Christ who leads us and guides us
into all truth (see John 16:12-13). For Peter, it appears that the years of physically
walking with Jesus may have limited his understanding. This is noted in Peters words in
2 Peter 3:15-16, that some of Pauls comments were hard to understand.
7) A: If we neglect to pursue communion with the Holy Spirit, we will deny ourselves the
opportunity to really know the Son, Jesus. We must abandon any unbiblical traditions
and mindsets related to the Holy Spirit or knowing God and embark upon a personal
journey of discovery of who God isFather, Son, and Holy Spiritas revealed in the
eternal Word of Scripture. The remainder of this question requires personal response.
Tongues described in 1 Corinthians 14:14-15 are tongues for personal prayer. These are
heavenly languages given to believers for private purposes. When we speak in these
tongues, we speak to God and build our spirits up in faith (see Jude 20).
Tongues described in Romans 8:26-28 are tongues for intercession. These are heavenly
languages given to believers to intercede (pray) for themselves and others when they
dont know what or how to pray.
Why is it important to understand the differences between these types of tongues?
Answers will vary on last part. It is important to understand the differences so that we
can know which expression of the Spirit is operating and how to flow with Him and not
against Him.
7) A: Answers may vary. First Corinthians 14:23 instructs us not to pray in our personal
prayer language in the public setting of our church when unbelievers or uninformed
believers are present. Unbelievers do not understand the things of God, and uninformed
believers have not been taught about the language of the Spirit. A person belonging to
either group would be uncomfortable in an atmosphere where others pray together in
tongues. They could easily become offended, closed in heart, and think that those
speaking in tongues are out of their minds.
On the other hand, there are times when a church calls for a believers prayer meeting
(say, on a Saturday morning or Monday evening). In these meetings all are informed
believers. It is perfectly fine for all to pray in tongues together as a group ministering to
the Lord or interceding. This is collective prayer power in the Spirit. Prayer times like
these can create an atmosphere for the Holy Spirit to move in incredible waysboth
during the prayer time and afterwards.
8) A: Answers may vary. Yes, a person can be filled with the Holy Spirit and not speak in
tongues. Just as a person can walk out into a river and choose not to yield themselves to
the rivers flow and float downstream, a believer can walk into the river of the Holy
Spirit (be filled with the Spirit) and choose not to yield to the flow of words the Spirit
desires to speak through him. This happens many times as a result of fearthe fear of
losing control of oneself or looking foolish to others. It also happens because of error
that has been taught and believed, as well from a lack of understanding. When something
is foreign to our understanding (especially about God), we tend to judge and criticize it.
By doing so, we place a barrier between us and the thing we dont understand.
Repentance and humility (the fear of the Lord) break down barriers of fear and
misunderstanding and open the door to the fullness of God.
Spirits presence, which is what we are warned about in the very next verse. It means that
we are aware of His presence and sensitive to His voice. In other words, we dont
suppress His involvement in our lives.
7) A: The first part of this question requires a personal response. Believers who have not
been filled with the Holy Spirit are not to be shamed or belittled, for we are all one in
Christ. The gift of speaking in tongues is available to every believer; those who do not yet
speak in tongues have not been excluded from this promise. We should humbly pray that
all believers will be filled with the Spirit, and we should honor and love those who have
not yet received this Gift. As more believers are filled with the Spirit, Christs body will
experience greater power and there will be greater opportunity for the Spirit to manifest
Gods kingdom on earth.
1) A: Answers will vary. Review the spiritual gifts mentioned in Romans 12:6-8 and 1
Corinthians 12:8-10. How can these be practiced in your homes? Your businesses? Your
communities? The Spirits activity is not restricted to a church building or a service. He
wants to minister to people in the contexts of everyday life.
2) A: Personal response required.
3) A: Answers will vary. In Mark 10:6-9, Jesus says that married couples have been joined
by God and are one flesh. Peter emphasizes the importance God places on the union of
marriage when he instructs husbands to honor their wives so that God will hear their
prayers (see 1 Peter 3:7). God desires unity and oneness in marriage and thus speaks to
both the husband and the wife things that are necessary for the strength and success of
their life together. By honoring each other, praying about decisions together, and seeking
the Lord as married couples, we can receive the direction God is giving.
4) A: Answers will vary. Proverbs 11:14 and 15:22 encourage us to seek the counsel of
many advisors. The same Holy Spirit who lives in us lives in the trusted believers around
us. Mature advisors can help to affirm what God is speaking to our hearts. We can also
pray in the Spirit. He knows what to pray even when we dont, and in our heavenly
language we can articulate truths and insights that will bubble up and be revealed in our
5) A: Personal response required.