Transformational Leadership

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Transformational Leadership

MLQ for Leadership

Assessment & Development
Free White Paper
MLQ for Research Use
What is Transformational Leadership?
Who coined the term Transformational Leadership?
How is Transformational Leadership measured?
Why is the MLQ the best tool for measuring Transformational Leadership?
What does the MLQ consist of?
How is Transformational Leadership assessment used in the professional development of
Is Transformational Leadership measured only in the U.S.?
Where can I find a more general overview of the MLQ?
What is Transformational Leadership?
Transformational leaders are those who transform their followers into becoming leaders
themselves. From Wikipedia, "Transformational leadership is a leadership approach that is
defined as leadership that creates valuable and positive change in the followers. A
transformational leader focuses on "transforming" others to help each other, to look out for each
other, to be encouraging and harmonious, and to look out for the organization as a whole. In this
leadership, the leader enhances the motivation, morale and performance of his follower group."
From Bass and Riggio (2006, page 3), "Transformational leaders are those who stimulate and
inspire followers to both achieve extraordinary outcomes and, in the process, develop their own
leadership capacity. Transformational leaders help followers grow and develop into leaders by
responding to individual followers' needs by empowering them and by aligning the objectives
and goals of the individual followers, the leader, the group, and the larger organization. Evidence
has accumulated to demonstrate that transformational leadership can move followers to exceed
expected performance, as well as lead to high levels of follower satisfaction and commitment to
the group and organization."
There are four components of Transformational Leadership (Bass, Bernard M. 1998
Transformational Leadership. New York: Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc, Inc.):
Idealized Influence (also known as Charismatic Leadership) - Transformational leaders act in
ways that make them role models. They are respected, admired and trusted. Followers identify
with them and describe them in terms that imply extraordinary capabilities, persistence and
determination. These leaders are willing to take risk. They can consistently be relied upon to do
the right thing, displaying high moral and ethical standards.

Inspirational Motivation - These leaders embody the term "team spirit". They show enthusiasm
and optimism, providing both meaning and challenge to the work at hand. They create an
atmosphere of commitment to goals and a shared vision.
Intellectual Stimulation - a Transformational Leader encourages creativity and fosters an
atmosphere in which followers feel compelled to think about old problems in a new way. Public
criticism is avoided.
Individualized Consideration - Transformational leaders act as mentors and coaches. Individual
desires and needs are respected. Differences are accepted and two-way communication is
common. These leaders are considered to be good listeners, and along with this comes
personalized interaction. Followers of these leaders move continually toward development of
higher levels of potential.
Who coined the term Transformational Leadership?
The term Transformational Leadership was introduced in 1978 by James MacGregor Burns in his
analysis of political leaders. His conclusions centered around the differences between
management and leadership. He communicated the two basic concepts of "transformational" and
"transactional" leadership.
In 1985, Bernard M. Bass added to Burns' theory on Transformational Leadership, and in the
early 1990's Bass and Bruce Avolio, through empirical study, mapped the most common
leadership approaches of managers and military commanders. They placed Transformational and
Transactional Leadership on a continuum and defined more stages at the passage between the
two leadership approaches. This model is called "The full range of leadership."
How is Transformational Leadership measured?
While researching these concepts, the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) (Bass &
Avolio) was used. The MLQ measures the concepts of transformational and transactional
leadership. The MLQ has undergone various revisions over the years and had achieved a set of
items that are clear, behaviorally based, and so central to the concepts that there are only four
items per concept (scale) and yet the MLQ consistently shows excellent validity and prediction
of organizational performance.
Why is the MLQ the best tool for measuring Transformational Leadership?

Bernard Bass, besides being known as a father of Transformational Leadership, is also

the author of the famous Bass & Stogdill's Handbook of Leadership. In developing the
MLQ he used his deep knowledge about leadership and what predicts organizational

The MLQ has become the benchmark measure of Transformational Leadership.

The MLQ measures, and the MLQ report makes personal to individuals how they relate
on the key factors that set truly exceptional leaders apart from marginal ones.

Valid across cultures and all types of organizations (see Bass 1997)

Easy to administer, requires 15 minutes for a rater to complete the 45 questions

Extensively researched and validated, documented in numerous journal articles and

independent studies.

Among leadership assessment methods, the MLQ provides the best relationship of
"survey data" to "organizational outcome"

What does the MLQ consist of?

The classic form (MLQ 5X Short) of the MLQ includes both self and rater forms. The self form
measures self perception of leadership behaviors. The rater form is used to measure leadership as
perceived by people at a higher level, same level, or lower level in the organization than the
leader. Each form is 45 questions. The ideal number of raters for a leader is 8-10, with at least 3
in the subordinate category. The MLQ also includes 9 outcome items rating the leader's
effectiveness and the satisfaction the rater has for the leader. The rater form is at the heart of the
MLQ and may be used without the leader form if desired. The leader form serves to provide a
contrast between how the leader perceives herself and how others perceive her. Validity is
documented for the rater form, however there is no relationship between a leader's self-rating and
organizational performance.
How is Transformational Leadership assessment used in the professional development of
The MLQ, in its measurement of Transformational and Transactional Leadership, reflects on
leadership behavior. It provides a contrast between how the leader sees himself versus how
others see him. The perceptions of others form critical feedback to the leader and provide
specific information to that leader to provide a basis for growth and change. Frequently, the
MLQ is administered before and after leadership training programs to focus the training and to
measure the effect of these programs.
Is Transformational Leadership measured only in the U.S.?
The MLQ has been translated into dozens of languages and is used all over the world for the
measurement of Transformational Leadership. Transformational leaders may be found in any

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