Communications in Law Enforcement
Communications in Law Enforcement
Communications in Law Enforcement
Officers that train and enforce their communication skills might have better
opportunities in growing within the agency and be more successful upon their carrier.
Failure to communicate properly can have many consequences and interfere with their
mission, which is to serve and assure safety. The use of complex technical terms is the
general cause of these lacks of communication (Glennon, 2010). The solution is to be
as clear as possible in a professional manner by adjusting to the audience since the
lack of communication can also bring issues towards inventory supply and the agencies
Channels of Communication
The communication process within police agencies happens through informal
channels or they will flow through formal channels. Informal methods will increase the
amount of communication that happens but will decrease the amount of consistently,
whereas a formal method will allow for more consistently but the level of communication
will decrease, as formal communications are often one sided (Criminal Justice Law,
n.d.). Informal methods of communication helps to offer clarity as there is more equal
communication on both sides and directions, orders, policies etc. can be properly
understood and followed. The informal methods can be advantageous to police due to
more information can be gained, however most informal methods of information
gathering cannot be used in legal proceedings. Much of an agencys informal
communication is word of mouth and/or gossip, which is considered grapevine
communication in most agencies and can be a negative thing for agencies and will
lessen the agencies effectiveness and success (Ray, 2012).
team as that leader they look for. Three different levels are shared between this police
agency; suggestion involvement, job involvement and High involvement. Suggestion
involvement is different officers giving tips, opportunities, and information to help with
teaching. Job involvement is day-to-day experience. This trains an officer more hands
on than the other levels. High involvement is the most advanced level and it teaches
both suggestion and job involvement. It throws the officer to wolves and can see how he
or she can handle himself or herself. We need these officers to learn because it is our
safety for the community.
Power Sources & Communication Process
Majority of police departments in the early years relied on a military, coercive
style of leadership. Leadership can now be viewed as a team atmosphere as many
police department leaders lead by example and show face within communities. Several
decisions within Police departments are key decisions and which effects everyone
involved. Key decisions should be brought to the table and discussed with an
agreement being made. Leaders should also ask for key input from other within the
department before making any decision regarding them. Communication is critical to
law enforcement as well defined, accurate and reliable communication processes factor
in the proficiency of law enforcement and other community safety officers to counter
emergency situations in a sensible, safe, and operative fashion.
The advantage of successful communication between leadership officials and
police officers is critical to saving lives and improving community safety. Even as police
departments adopt new stream line technology within communication, all
communication processes must be upheld in order to keep all parties on the same
page. The relationship between leadership officials and officers is very important to the
growth and familiarity of system. For leadership officials, some of the most important
communications and conversations dont require advance technologies, but day to day
communication within communities, courts and surrounding agencies (Estey, 2005).
In conclusion, the communication process is instrumental in the operational
effectiveness of not only the police, but all criminal justice agencies. The process of
communication built on both formal and informal channels assists law enforcement
personnel in conveying important messages upwards and downwards between the
leadership power sources found in a departments hierarchy. The communication
process not only facilitates a departments ability to send directives and receive orders,
but it helps overcome the language, culture, and personality barriers that reduce team
work and productivity in law enforcement.
Criminal Justice Law. (n.d.). Communication Frustration Retrieved from
Estey, J. (2005). President's Message: Communication Is Critical to Law Enforcement.
Retrieved from
Glennon, J. (2010). Retrieved from
Ray, L. (2012). Formal and Informal Channels of Communication in the Criminal Justice
Field. Retrieved from
Weustewald, T. (2011). Police Chief Mag. Retrieved from