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Keratocystic Odontogenic Tumor Invading The Right Maxillary Sinus: A Case Report

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Journal of Oral Science, Vol. 50, No. 3, 345-349, 2008

Case Report

Keratocystic odontogenic tumor invading the right maxillary

sinus: a case report
Binali akur1), zkan Miloglu1), mit Yolcu2), Mustafa Gregen1) and Nesrin Grsan3)

of Oral Diagnosis and Radiology, Faculty of Dentistry, Atatrk University, Erzurum, Turkey
of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry, Atatrk University, Erzurum, Turkey
3)Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Atatrk University, Erzurum, Turkey


(Received 25 October 2007 and accepted 31 May 2008)

Abstract: Keratocystic odontogenic tumor (KCOT)

is a benign intraosseous neoplasm of the jaw.
Involvement of the maxillary sinus is an unusual
presentation. We present the case of a 23-year-old man
with extensive KCOT and impacted third molar in the
right maxillary sinus. The clinical, radiological, and
histological features of this tumor and its surgical
management are discussed. (J. Oral Sci. 50, 345-349,
Keywords: third molar tooth; maxillary sinus;
odontogenic keratocyst; keratocystic
odontogenic tumor.

The odontogenic keratocyst (OKC), first described by
Phillipsen in 1956, differs from other cysts; it shows more
aggressive clinical behavior including a high recurrence
rate and demonstrates a high mitotic count and high
epithelial turnover rate. Because of these neoplastic features,
the term odontogenic keratocyst was changed to
keratocystic odontogenic tumor in the WHO classification
of head and neck tumors in 2005 (1).
The keratocystic odontogenic tumor (KCOT) is a benign
uni- or multicystic, intraosseous tumor of odontogenic
origin (2) that has a slight male predilection and commonly
occurs in the second and third decades of life (3).
Correspondence to Dr. Binali akur, Department of Oral
Diagnosis and Oral Radiology, Faculty of Dentistry, Atatrk
University, Erzurum, Turkey
Tel: +90-442-231-1765
Fax: +90-442-236-0945
E-mail: [email protected]

Jaw cysts and tumors commonly occur due to the

presence of odontogenic epithelial remnants (4). Another
source of these lesions is basal cells of the overlying oral
epithelium in the jaw (5). Remnants of odontogenic
epithelium persist in oral tissues after odontogenesis is
complete, and a variety of tumors and cysts might possibly
arise from these remnants (6). Generally, KCOTs are
solitary lesions unless they are associated with nevoid
basal cell carcinoma syndrome (7). The most common site
for KCOT is the mandibular molar region (3,8-10). While
the most common location is the posterior portion of the
mandible or the mandibular ramus, unusual locations have
also been reported, such as the anterior portion of the
maxilla, the maxillary sinus, and the maxillary third molar
area (9,11). Radiographically, KCOTs present as welldefined radiolucent lesions with smooth and usually
corticated margins. They may be either multilocular or
unilocular on radiography. An unerupted tooth is involved
in the lesion in 25% to 40% of cases (12).
Histological features are characterized by the presence
of a thin bandlike parakeratinized or orthokeratinized
stratified squamous epithelium, with a prominent basal layer
composed of either columnar or cuboidal cells, and a
connective tissue wall that is usually free of inflammation
(13). KCOT has a slight male predilection and commonly
occurs in the second and third decades of life (7).
Therapeutic approaches vary in different studies from
marsupialization and enucleation, which may be combined
with adjuvant therapy such as cryotherapy or Carnoys
solution, to marginal or radical resection (14). The
recurrence rate varies from approximately 20% to 62%
(8,11,14,15). Successful treatment depends on precise
diagnosis, adequate surgical procedure, and thorough
follow-up (11,16).


Case Report
A 23-year-old man was referred to the Department of
Oral Diagnosis and Radiology of the School of Dentistry
of Ataturk University after developing pain and swelling
of the right maxillary region, accompanied by a discharge
into the mouth. The medical history was unremarkable.
Plain radiographs of the face and skull including the
paranasal sinuses were performed. Waters view showed
a dense area indicating the presence of a tooth in the right
maxillary sinus (Fig. 1). Subsequently, panoramic
radiography revealed a lytic lesion in the right maxillary
sinus associated with an impacted third molar (Fig. 2). In
order to visualize the lytic lesion in more detail, computed

tomography (CT) was performed. CT revealed that the

lesion involved the upper third molar, and that it had
destroyed and displaced the roof and the lateral wall of the
right maxillary sinus (Fig. 3). Imaging studies demonstrated
an oval, well-defined mass including the third molar in the
right maxillary sinus region (Figs. 1-3). The lesion was
examined at biopsy. Histopathologically, the lesion had a
uniform squamous epithelial lining, five to eight cells
thick, with fairly flat base. The epithelium demonstrated
a well-developed basal layer of palisaded cuboidal and
columnar cells with polarized, hyperchromatic nuclei.
The squamous cells progressively flattened toward the

Fig. 3 CT scan of the paranasal sinuses revealed that the

lesion involved the upper third molar crown in the
right maxillary sinus.
Fig. 1 Waters view revealed an impacted third molar crown
in the right maxillary sinus.

Fig. 2 Panoramic radiography demonstrated an impacted

third molar in the right maxillary sinus.

Fig. 4 Biopsy specimen shows a parakeratotic KCOT (H-E

staining, 115).


lumen. The luminal surface was corrugated and lined at

least in part by parakeratotic cells. The lumen had an
irregular, folded contour and contained keratin (Fig. 4).
Under general anesthesia, the lesion was completely
excised with a Caldwell-Luc approach (Fig. 5), and the
walls of the bone cavity were curetted. Inspection of the
cavity showed that the distal maxillary wall and roof had
gradually been destroyed and displaced. No recurrence has
been determined after six months post-operative follow

KCOT has a slight predilection for men and commonly
occurs in the second and third decades of life (7,10).
However, other studies have reported that peak frequency
occurs in the fifth and sixth decades (17,18). In our case,
the patient was in his second decade of life. Approximately
three quarters of all KCOTs occur in the body of the
mandible, most commonly in the molar region and vertical
ramus (19). In the present case, we report maxillary sinus
involvement as a rare site of occurrence. The literature
suggests that less than 1% of all cases of KCOT occur in
the maxilla and exhibit sinus involvement (11,20).
Clinically KCOT generally presents with swelling, pain,
discharge, aggressive growth, invasion of adjacent
structures, and recurrence (7-10,14,21,22). A localized
asymptomatic swelling is the most common symptom;
spontaneous drainage of the tumor into the oral cavity and
mobility of the teeth are also common. Nasal obstruction,
paresthesia, and root erosion are more rare symptoms.
Some reports emphasize that KCOTs can undergo
malignant transformation at a frequency of 5% to 62.5%

Fig. 5 Excised specimen of the odontogenic keratocyst

including upper third molar.

(8,11,23-25). It is important to note that KCOTs can be

confused with inflammatory lesions since patients with this
type of cystic neoplasm usually have inflammatory
symptoms such as pain, swelling, and discharge (26). In
the presented case, the patient also had intermittent pain
and swelling of the right cheek, which can also be seen in
inflammatory lesions such as sinusitis.
Radiographically KCOT usually presents as a unilocular
or a multilocular radiolucency with scalloped and welldefined margins (7,21). As KCOT is rare in the maxillary
sinus, its radiographic appearance in this situation may be
misinterpreted. Computed tomography can provide
information on the extent of these lesions, contributing to
diagnosis and preoperative preparation. KCOT is difficult
to diagnose clinically due to a relative lack of specific
clinical and radiographic characteristics (27). Since KCOT
can be associated with the crown of an involved tooth (7),
the lesion must be distinguished from a dentigerous cyst
(on radiography). Other cystic and neoplastic diseases, such
as traumatic bone cyst, lateral periodontal cyst, central giant
cell granuloma, fissural cyst, minimally calcifying
odontogenic cyst, radicular cyst, arteriovenous malformation, benign bone tumor, ameloblastoma, adenomatoid odontogenic tumor, ameloblastic fibroma, and plasmacytoma can present with the same radiologic features
(28,29,30). Therefore, even if both radiology and clinical
features indicate KCOT, a definitive diagnosis cannot be
made without histology, and ideally a biopsy specimen
examination and accurate clinical, radiographic, and
intraoperative observation are essential to determine the
most effective treatment in order to avoid recurrence
Histologically KCOTs have been classified by some
authors into parakeratotic and orthokeratotic subtypes
(19,32). These types refer to the histologic characteristics
of the lining and the type of keratin produced. Compared
with the parakeratotic subtype, the orthokeratotic subtype
produces keratin more closely resembling the normal
keratin produced by the skin, with a keratohyaline granular
layer immediately adjacent to the layers of keratin, which
do not contain nuclei. The parakeratotic subtype has more
disordered production of keratin; no keratohyaline granules
are present, and cells slough into the keratin layer. The
keratin contains nuclei and is referred to as parakeratin.
The parakeratotic type is the most frequent (80%) and has
a more aggressive clinical presentation than the orthokeratotic variant (33-35). Some pathologists think that
the orthokeratotic subtype should be classified as a separate
entity and termed orthokeratotic odontogenic cyst, because
of its distinct histologic features and substantially less
aggressive behavior. The lesion reported in this case is a


parakeratotic KCOT.
Treatment of KCOT is controversial (10). If these lesions
are left untreated, they can become quite large and locally
destructive. According to Blanas et al., treatment options
for KCOT are simple curettage, enucleation (intact shelling
with or without the use of Carnoys solution or cryotherapy
to kill the epithelial remnants or satellite cysts), radical
enucleation, marsupialization, and resection (marginal or
segmental) (14). Recurrence can occur with all treatment
methods except marginal resection (7). In the present
study, we used Carnoys solution in addition to enucleation
and aggressive curettage because of the high recurrence
rate. The main difference between KCOTs and other jaw
cysts is their potentially aggressive behavior. Recurrence
is documented even after 10 years of follow up and
treatment. However, it is difficult to diagnose recurrence
of maxillary sinus cysts after surgical removal of the initial
In conclusion, KCOTs are relatively rare in the maxillary
sinus. It is suggested that if clinical signs and symptoms
are absent, the radiological appearance on both conventional
and panoramic radiography may be misinterpreted.
Therefore CT is important in assessing the full extent of
the recurrent lesion preoperatively, and a definitive diagnosis
must be made histologically. Post-operative follow up is
essential for at least five years following surgery.

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