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Patterson2009 PDF
Patterson2009 PDF
Acta Tropica
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Infectious and Tropical Diseases, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Keppel Street, London WC1E 7HT, UK
School of Life Sciences, University of Sussex, Brighton, East Sussex BN1 9QG, UK
Laboratrio de Triatomneos e Epidemiologia da Doenca de Chagas, Centro de Pesquisa Ren Rachou-FIOCRUZ, Av. Augusto de Lima, Barro Preto,
1715, 30190-002 Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Instituto de Investigaciones Biomdicas, Universidad de Carabobo (CNRFV-BIOMED) Apartado 4873, Venezuela
a r t i c l e
i n f o
Article history:
Received 14 April 2008
Received in revised form 7 August 2008
Accepted 1 September 2008
Available online 20 September 2008
Chagas disease
Geographical distribution
Medical importance
a b s t r a c t
The genus Panstrongylus is currently composed of 13 species, several of which are involved in the transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi to humans in South and Central America. Some species exhibit minor
morphological differences possibly associated with adaptation to different silvatic ecotopes or domestic environments. We present a distillation of past and recent literature pertaining to the biology of
this group. In particular, we summarise the current status of the genus according to systematic and
recent phylogenetic studies. In light of recent evidence suggesting polyphyly/paraphyly of the genus
we have investigated the possible mechanisms of morphological convergence/divergence. By assessing
postembryonic ontogeny we reveal that the distinctive head shape of Panstrongylus can be derived from
a Triatoma-like head late in development. A comprehensive phylogenetic study is therefore required to
elucidate their relationship with Triatoma spp., and other genera of the tribe Triatomini. We also present a
comparative summary of biology, ecology and epidemiological signicance for each species in the genus.
This reveals that knowledge of many species is fragmentary or lacking. This is mainly due to the fact that,
except for few species with synanthropic traits (P. megistus and P. lignarius [formerly P. herreri]), important vectors of Chagas disease in Brazil and Peru, the majority are sylvatic species, associated with a wide
variety of habitats and wild animals (many of them reservoirs of Trypanosoma cruzi). However, trends
to invade human dwellings and to establish domestic colonies have been observed in several species in
the genus (P. geniculatus, P. rufotuberculatus, P. lutzi, P. chinai), while others are opportunistic species (e.g.
P. lignarius in the Amazon basin ying from wild ecotopes to houses on occasion without colonizing).
Nevertheless, they can play some role in the transmission of sylvatic T. cruzi to humans. Research on the
genus Panstrongylus requires some focus on investigating the natural ecology of these species. This knowledge would add to our understanding of their evolutionary potential and may assist in predicting new
epidemiological scenarios, for which new control strategies need to be devised.
2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Following the comprehensive revision of the subfamily Triatominae (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) by Lent and Wygodzinsky (1979),
three publications in the last decade (Carcavallo et al., 1997a;
Dujardin et al., 2002; Galvo et al., 2003) have provided useful
updates and compendia on the scientic investigation of this group
Table 1
List of valid species and synonymies in the genus Panstrongylus Berg 1879.
Fig. 1. Photographs of Panstrongylus species. Specimen details; date and location of collection and institution where held (as applicable and where known), for each specimen
shown, ordered from left to right, top to bottom: P. chinai (Northern Peru, 1959, FIOCRUZ); P. howardi (Ecuador, 2000); P. rufotuberculatus (Panama, 1954, LSHTM); P. geniculatus
(Panama, 1954, LSHTM); P. mitarakaensis (French Guiana, 2007); P. lignarius (Guyana, 1938, NHM); P. humeralis (FIOCRUZ); P. megistus (lab colony Fundaco Oswaldo Cruz,
Minas Gerais, Brazil, 2008); P. lutzi (Bahia, FIOCRUZ); P. diasi (Minas Gerais, Brazil, Holotype, FIOCRUZ); P. tupynambai; P. guentheri (Argentina, 1948, NHM); P. lenti (Goias,
Brazil, allotype, 1988, FIOCRUZ). (Institutions FIOCRUZ = Laboratrio Nacional e Internacional de Referncia em Taxonomia de Triatomneos, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil; LSHTM = London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK; NHM = Natural History Museum London, UK. Attributions: * J.S. Patterson C. Galvo J.M.
Brenger and B. Blanchet (2007) Y. Basmadjin. # S.E. Barbosa.
Fig. 2. Cladogram of hypothesised relationships within the genus Panstrongylus. Redrawn from Lent and Wygodzinsky (1979). Constructed using 21 morphological characters,
each with two states. Northern and Southern geographical distributions correspond reasonably well with the two main clades, with the exception of P. megistus**.
Fig. 3. Comparative proportions of head shape between (a) Triatoma (T. vitticeps) and (b) Panstrongylus (P. megistus). Images are scaled to the same length revealing that
proportions i and iii are similar across a and b, whereas proportion ii differs between a and b in relation to the relative eye size (e).
Fig. 4. Comparative geometric morphometric investigation of head shape ontogeny. The plot shows shape differences among nymphs and adults of four species T. lecticularia
T. infestans, R. prolixus and P. megistus. Procrustes superimposition was used to extract isometry-free shape variables from two dimensional landmark congurations (image
bottom left shows the set of landmarks recorded from each specimen). Subsequently, principal component (PC) analysis was used to extract the main components of shape
differences among all specimens. This gave the two axis used in the plot (PC1 and PC2). Each data point represents a single specimen from samples of instars 15 plus male
and female (10 specimens per stage, i.e. 70 specimens per species). Lines are draw to t the ontogenic trajectories from 1st instars to adults (adult specimens of each species
are enclosed by ellipses). Transformation grids correspond to the shape changes associated with the extremes of the principal component axes, as indicated by dashed lines.
Table 2
Distribution, bionomics and ecology of the Panstrongylus species.
Natural infection by
Trypanosoma cruzi
Feeding sourcesc
No data
Marsupials, opossums,
anteaters, armadillos, bats,
cats, birds, chicken
Incipient domestication
observed in Colombia (Wolff
and Castillo, 2000) and
Venezuela (Feliciangeli et al.,
2004; Carrasco et al., 2005)
(Herrer, 1955)
Bolivia, Brazil
Panstrongylus geniculatus
(Latreille, 1811)
No data
No data
Len (1962)
Panstrongylus humeralis
(Usinger, 1939)
No data
No data
Panstrongylus megistus
(Burmeister, 1835)
No data
Panstrongylus rufotuberculatus
(Champion, 1899)
Unless citations are given, data are from Lent and Wygodzinsky (1979), Carcavallo et al. (1997b), Dujardin et al. (2002) and Galvo et al. (2003).
Unless specied, time is referred to the cycle egg-adult.
Unless citations are given, data are from Carcavallo et al. (1998b).
Feeding sourcesc
Natural infection by
Trypanosoma cruzi
Life cycleb (d = days)
Table 2 (Continued )
rst 6 months of the year (dry season and onset of rainy season)
although it is easily found throughout the year (Zeledn et al., 2001;
Wolff and Castillo, 2002). Based on records of diffuse distribution
in Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, Brazil, Colombia and Ecuador, P.
lignarius was previously considered to be mainly a sylvatic species.
It has been found in palms, birds nests and Didelphis nests, rodent
burrows, toucan nests and hollow trees (Carcavallo et al., 1998a).
The unique record of P. lignarius in Venezuela was a female found in
a palm (Otero et al., 1975). Gaunt and Miles (2000) observed that in
the Amazon basin in Brazil, adults move freely over the trees protected by their coloration that matches beautifully the bark, while
nymphs lacking this exquisite camouage, rest in tree holes. In the
Amazon basin in Ecuador P. lignarius was found in a dwelling (AbadFranch et al., 2001) and it had occasionally been reported indoors, or
in chicken coops, sometimes attracted by light, in Brazil and Colombia (Deane and Damasceno, 1949; Miles et al., 1981; DAlessandro et
al., 1984; Guhl et al., 2007). However, P. lignarius domestic populations in Peru (formerly P. herreri) show strong synanthropic habits
known in Peru since 1948, where its phototropism has also been
repeatedly observed (Herrer, 1960; Caldern et al., 1985).
Panstrongylus megistus is a triatomine with a wide geographical
distribution, ecological valence and great potential of colonisation
of the articial ecotopes. According to Forattini (1980), in tropical
Atlantic region, this species is associated with habitats characterised by high levels of humidity. However, except those of the
Amazon, P. megistus occurs in all types of Brazilian forests which
include dry and moist humid forest in the cerrado and caatinga.
The occurrence of P. megistus in the dryer regions of the cerrado
(the Brazilian savanna) has been reported by Barretto (1979) and
Sherlock (1979). It was found in palm crowns, other trees, rodent
and marsupials shelters, terrestrial burrows and hollow trees with
bats. Miles et al. (1982) reported occurrences in arboreal tree holes
with Didelphis in Rio de Janeiro Brazil. However, the species is
usually associated with humid forests, from which adults invade
houses (Forattini et al., 1977), especially during the rainy season
(Dias and Dias, 1968). P. megistus may have begun to invade the
domestic environment during the post-colonial period; following
the destruction of its natural habitat and consequent agricultural
developments, this species presumably invaded and adapted to
exploit domestic environments (Litvoc et al., 1990).
Barbosa et al. (2006) observed great diversity in populations of
P. megistus, this was considered in the context of paleovegetation
reconstruction. The local paleovegetation record shows a clear process of expansion and retraction of humid forest during the last
18,000 years, and can account for the observed fragmented population structure. The autochthonous status of P. megistus in the
cerrado is reinforced by control program data that shows the reinvasion of houses after control with insecticide, with bugs thought
to be originating from silvatic foci.
In other countries (Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina) P.
megistus is almost entirely sylvatic (Salvatella, 1986a; Carpinteiro
and Viana, 2008), and on the occasions when it is found in domestic
habitats it is usually associated with synanthropics hosts, especially
opossums (Steindel et al., 1994).
The ecology of P. chinai is known mainly from Peru (Vargas,
2005; Vasquez, 2005), where adults have been occasionally
reported in houses, with similar observations in Ecuador (AbadFranch et al., 2001; Grijalva et al., 2005) (Table 2), but not from
Venezuela where it was reported only from the locality El Carrizal
(Mrida State) as P. turpiali (Valderrama et al., 1996) (cf. Lent, 1997).
Although frequently collected in articial environments in
Brazil, the wild habitats of P. diasi remain unknown as well as
aspects of its biology, ecology and genetics; P. humeralis was
reported in Colombia by Guhl (1999) and it constituted 0.5% of
triatomines caught in the eastern region of this country (Angulo,
Many thanks to Lileia Diotaiuti and Michael A. Miles for their
erudite comments on the manuscript and to the referees for their
constructive criticism. We are also extremely grateful to Cleber
Galvo, Dayse da Silva-Rocha et al. of the Laboratrio Nacional e
Internacional de Referncia em Taxonomia de Triatomneos, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro for rearing the insects used in the
morphometric investigation. Many thanks to Roberto Salvatella for
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