Statics Concept Questions For Enhancing Learning: Session 2268
Statics Concept Questions For Enhancing Learning: Session 2268
Statics Concept Questions For Enhancing Learning: Session 2268
Students in science, math, or engineering classes often focus on plugging numbers into equations
rather than understanding basic concepts. The book Peer Instruction by Eric Mazur (1997) helps
physics teachers move students from juggling equations to actually thinking and learning the
concepts of physics by use of concept questions. However, Mazurs methodology has not seen
widespread use in teaching statics. This paper reports the initial development of concept
questions to support active learning methods in statics classes. The development of statics
concept questions at different levels of Bloom's taxonomy, their use in statics classes at two
different institutions, and initial results are described.
I. Introduction
Educational research suggests many benefits of incorporating active engagement methods like
cooperative learning, peer instruction, and critical thinking exercises in our classes (Hake, 1998;
Johnson et. al., 1998; Mazur, 1997). However, adopting these techniques is a challenge for
many engineering educators. Traditional problem-solving classes like physics and engineering
mechanics pose their own unique challenges to using these active engagement strategies. Often
students learn how to use formulas in carefully defined problems but avoid learning the broader
framework or conceptual basis of the subject. Charles Misner, in a foreword to Mazurs book
Peer Instruction (1997), writes The idea that physics is all equations is such an established myth
among students that many of them refuse to think if they can find equations to memorize. This
sort of student "learning" can also happen in many engineering classes.
However, Mazurs (1997) powerful data provide strong reasons to adopt his methodology of
using concept questions and student interaction to provoke students into more comprehensive
understanding and learning. The questions tend to probe deeper understanding of a concept
rather than simply plugging numbers into equations. Mazur used diagnostic tests to assess
student learning in introductory physics for both experimental (using concept questions and
student interaction) and control groups by recording pre- and post-instruction performance. He
found significant gains in student learning (as measured by use of established diagnostic tests for
physics) as a result of his experimental conditions. In addition to using diagnostic tests, Mazur
compared student performance on identical final examinations (given six years apart) for a
conventionally taught physics class versus an experimental class. He also found a marked
improvement in the mean, as well as a higher cut-off in the lower-end tail (p. 16). This
improvement of the poor to average students learning is an important effect. Concept questions
can be used for active cooperative learning activities during class and as exam questions. Mazur
suggests that exams contain a combination of traditional computational problems and conceptual
questions. This combination makes students study fundamental principles in addition to more
traditional homework problems focused on use of equations.
classes using a five item scale (A - very useful, B - useful, C - neutral, D - not useful, E - not
useful at all). The student responses for items related to concept questions are shown in Table
TABLE 1. Mid-semester Feedback from Statics Classes
Survey Item
Percentage responses from a section of 42 students at NDSU
Giving daily conceptual quizzes for enhancing critical thinking
31 38 26 5
Working on conceptual quizzes in group for enhancing team work and learning
29 41 14 17 -70
Percentage responses from a section of 96 students at NDSU
Giving daily conceptual quizzes for enhancing critical thinking
26 40 26 4
Working on conceptual quizzes in group for enhancing team work and learning
34 33 21 8
Percentage responses from a section of 21 students at ASU East
45 35 15 -5
Giving conceptual quizzes for enhancing critical thinking
38 33 14 10 5
Working in groups on conceptual quizzes
ASU East student written comments regarding the use of concept questions include keep a mix
of questions on mini-exams (1/4 conceptual, problem solving), group participation helps to
look at picture from other views, and more group work in conceptual areas. However, in
general, ASU East students did not like the use of concept questions on exams, with only 43% of
students rating that item as very useful or useful.
IV. Conclusions
While as instructors we believe that the use of concept questions in engineering problem courses
like statics is important, students are harder to convince. In general, only about two thirds of the
NDSU students think the questions contribute favorably to their learning. But, the ASU East
data may point to part of the reason. ASU East Students did not do well on the exam concept
questions, often losing a significant number of points on them. This may have led to the
dramatically lower rating for the use of concept questions on the exam as compared to their inclass use. (The NDSU students did not have opportunity to separate out the two different types
of concept question occurrences.) Thus, in-class use is less threatening to students and more
related to learning. Students probably do not perceive tests as a learning opportunity and are
primarily interested in generating a good grade.
Writing good concept questions is not a trivial task. Both instructors found it time consuming to
write these questions. Obviously, the concept questions will evolve with time and improvement
in the questions will result in a better student learning experience. The use of Blooms
Taxonomy is an additional twist that should result in better use of the questions in the classroom
environment. For instance, questions based on the lower levels of the taxonomy should be used
in the classroom when first introducing the material. Then as students mature in their
understanding of the content (say by the exam), questions residing in the higher levels of the
taxonomy can be used.
This work is partially supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant No. DUE9950358. The project "Statics: The next generation" was funded by the Division of the
Undergraduate Education (DUE) under the Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement
(CCLI) Program.
Bloom, B.S.(1956). Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, David McKay, New York,NY.
Beer, F.P., & Johnston, E.R. (1996). Vector Mechanics for Engineers, 6th Edition. McGraw Hill.
Hake, R. (1998). "Interactive-engagement versus traditional methods: A six thousand-student survey of mechanics
test data for introductory physics courses," Am. J Phys., 66 (1), 64-74.
Hibbeler, R.C. (1998). Engineering Mechanics: Statics, 8th Edition. Prentice-Hall.
Johnson, D., Johnson, R., & Smith, K. (1998). Cooperative Learning returns to college: What evidence is there that
it works? Change, July/August, 27 - 35.
Mazur, Eric (1997). Peer Instruction. Prentice Hall, NJ.
MCQ (1995). World-wide-web site
Mehta, S. & Schlecht, N. (1998). Computerized Assessment Technique for Large Classes, Journal of Engineering
Education, Vol. 87, 2, p. 167-172.
The following are sample questions from statics that address various levels of the taxonomy. Guidelines suggested
in Designing and Managing Multiple Choice Question found at were used in
developing the questions.
Level 1: Knowledge. This level simply requires the recall of acquired knowledge. A test at this level alone can
easily become a Trivial Pursuit exercise!
Question: Define a dot product of two vectors A and B, where A = Ax i + Ay j + Az k and B = Bx i + By j + Bz k.
(Ax + Bx) i + (Ay + By) j +(Az + Bz) k
Ax Bx + Ay By + Az Bz
Ax Bx i + Ay By j + Az Bz k
(Ax + Bx) + (Ay + By) + (Az + Bz)
Explanation: In this example, the definition of a dot product of two vectors is used to select (b). This also shows
that the resultant of a dot product is a scalar quantity and not a vector.
Level 2: Comprehension. At this level knowledge of facts, theories, procedures, etc., is assumed and questions test
for understanding of knowledge.
Question: Part of a nail (4 cm long) is sticking out of the wall at A in the y-direction, and force F is applied to the
nail, as shown in the figure. It is possible to determine: (select all correct choices)
The angle between the force and the nail.
The amount of deflection (bending) of the nail.
The magnitude of the force pushing the nail in the wall.
Maximum bending moment at A.
The insertion distance of the nail in the wall.
Explanation: From the sketch and knowledge about dot products, select a, c, and d.
Level 3: Application. At this level of competence, prior knowledge and understanding of the subject is assumed
and one is expected to apply this knowledge and understanding. Calculations based on known formula are typical
for this level. For example, calculation of the three quantities mentioned in the previous comprehension level
question would be at the application level.
Question: Please refer to the previous question and find the magnitude of the bending moment at A.
12 Ncm
16 Ncm
20 Ncm
25 Ncm
32 Ncm
Explanation: The y component of the force will not produce any moment as it passes through point A. The x and z
components (3 and 4 N, respectively) will produce a bending moment of
5N * 4 cm = 20 N-cm (answer C)
Level 4: Analysis. This competence level refers to the ability to break down material into its component parts so
that its organizational structure may be understood. These learning outcomes represent a higher intellectual level
than comprehension and application because they require an understanding of both the content and structure of the
Question: Analyze and compare the trusses in Figure 4. They have the same span and the same vertical loading but
different heights. Select the true statement about the forces in the truss members.
Forces in all the members of the truss A are higher compared to the forces in the corresponding members of
the truss B.
Forces in all the members of the truss B are higher compared to the forces in the corresponding members of
the truss A.
Forces in the corresponding members of the trusses A and B are the same.
None of the above.
Explanation: Analysis of the top joint indicates that the forces in PQ and RQ are equal and are 500 N. Thus,
member PQ will develop a force equal to 5/3 (or 1.67) times 500 N (half of the vertical load on the truss), while the
member PQ will develop a force equal to 13/5 (or 2.6) times 500 N. Correspondingly, loads in the other members
of Truss B are also higher. Hence, B is the correct response.
Level 5: Synthesis. This competency level refers to the ability to put parts together to form a new whole. Learning
outcomes in this area stress creative behaviors, with major emphasis on the formulation of new patterns of the
knowledge structure. Questions at this level are initially more suitable for homework, group activity, or descriptive
type of exam. However, they can be posed in a multiple choice format similar to the Fundamentals of Engineering
licensure exam.
Question: Design an arrangement of three pulleys to lift heavy loads with the least effort.
Explanation: Analysis of free body diagrams of the pulleys indicate that arrangement S or T will be better.
Level 6: Evaluation. This level of competency refers to the ability to judge the value of material for a given
purpose. The judgments are to be based on definite criteria. Learning outcomes in this area are highest in the
cognitive hierarchy because they contain elements of all other categories, plus conscious value judgments based on
clearly defined criteria. The types of questions at this level are more suitable for group projects. However,
instructors can devise multiple choice questions where data and choices are given with students asked to recommend
a solution.
Question: Determine the forces in the members and select sizes of the wooden members so the truss is safe and
costs the least.
Explanation: This question requires analysis and research. The research will involve the common sizes of wood
available, their strengths in compression and tension, and cost. Based on this analysis, students should recommend
suitable member sizes and the trusss total cost.
Sudhir Mehta is a professor of Mechanical Engineering at North Dakota State University. He was named the 1997
North Dakota Professor of the Year by the Carnegie Foundation and has received the HP award for excellence in
laboratory instruction in 1999. Dr. Mehta and his colleagues have received the best paper awards from the ASEE in
1999 and 1995. His areas of interest are enhancing student learning, measurements, controls, robotics, mechanics,
design optimization, and machine vision. He has co-authored two CD-ROMs containing hypermedia based
instrumentation and communication resource modules. He has also developed innovative techniques for active
learning, collaborative learning, and quick assessment. He and his colleagues have received several grants from the
NSF, 3M, and HP to enhance engineering education. Dr. Mehta received the Carnot Award for the best teacher of
the year, four times, from the students of Pi Tau Sigma Society. His e-mail address is [email protected].
Scott Danielson has been an associate professor and chair of the Manufacturing and Aeronautical Engineering
Technology Department at Arizona State University East (a new campus 23 miles east of the main ASU campus)
since August, 1999. Previously he had been at North Dakota State University where he was a faculty member in the
Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering department and past chair of the Engineering Technology Department.
Other responsibilities at NDSU included teaching courses in the Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics
Department. Dr. Danielson received the NDSU College of Engineering and Architectures Teacher of the Year
Award for the 1995-1996 year. His research interests include effective teaching and engineering applications of
geographic information systems. Before coming to academia, he was a design engineer, maintenance supervisor,
and plant engineer. He is a registered professional engineer. His e-mail address is [email protected].